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1. T

2. F

3. T

4. T

5. F

6. F

7. F Task 2: Sentence Completion 1. visit patients in their homes 2. take care of their own illness 3. type 1 diabetes

4. her public health certificate

5. the day-to-day autonomy

?Study Practice

I. Reading Comprehension

1. B

2. D

3. C

4. A

5. B II. Words to Practice

1. ambulation

2. discharge

3. abuse

4. caregivers

5. Counseling

6. supervision

7. tuberculosis

8. disabled

9. communicable 10. regimen III. Translation

A. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

1. 以往社区护士享受着在标准白天上班时间值班,大多从周一工作到周五。然而,随着社区提供24小时服务趋向的出现,许多社区护士与其他医疗机构护士一样,需要倒班和在周末工作。

2. 一级预防是指预防疾病、外伤和残疾发生的措施。此级别的预防针对的是对疾病易感,但还没有出现可识别的病理变化的个体和群体。一级预防包含的措施很广,如健康促进、环境保护和特殊保护等。B. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Community nurses should collaborate with colleagues and other health care professionals for the provision of client-centered care.

2. Home care is defined as the provision of health services by formal and informal caregivers in the home.

3. Professional autonomy is one of the essential features of nursing as a profession. Nurses have autonomy and independence in decision making and practice.

4. The nursing shortage is well-documented, and it has become so severe that

experts use the term nursing shortage and nursing crisis interchangeably.

5. Primary health care should be accessible, affordable, and acceptable to all individuals who require them, especially to those vulnerable groups. IV. Audio Tasks

Task 1: Short-answer Questions 1. The first line of defense.

2. The infection with Human immunodeficiency Virus.

3. The body s immune system becomes compromised.

4. After T cell counts reach a dangerous low level.

5. By blood tests. Task 2: Spot Dictation

1. infectious

2. destroying

3. Syndrome

4. attaches

5. production

6. compromised

7. susceptible

8. Indicating


Warm-up Tasks


1. lots of time and even some support

2. the first six months of life

3. before the baby is born

4. 10 or 12 times

5. aids in milk transfer

Study Practice

I. Reading Comprehension

1. B

2. B

3. C

4. A

5. D II. Words to Practice

1. manifest 6. inferiority

2. cognitive 7. apathetic

3. Cohesion 8. Mutilation

4. somatic 9. catheter

5. rationalization 10. detachment III.Translation

A. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

1. 护士应提供启发式的合理解释来应对儿童不切实际的恐惧,并进行干预,从使恐惧造成的损伤降到最小(比如可在操作中鼓励父母陪伴,或尽可能让儿童自己作决定)。

2. 治疗性游戏应该在无威胁的环境中进行,时间也应该有所保证。指导游戏的工作人员应该接受儿童游戏中的行为,避免表示赞成或不赞成。B. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Superficial phlebitis is a common complication of continuous intravenous injection.

2. Without communication, the nurse is unable to determine whether implementation of nursing intervention is successful.