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傲慢与偏见 Pride and Prejudice 中英文剧本

Lydia! Kitty!


My dear Mr Bennet, have you heard?


Netherfield Park is let at last. Do you not want to know who has taken it?



As you wish to tell me, my dear, I doubt I have any choice in the matter.



Kitty, what have I told you about listening at the door? 吉蒂,我以前告诉过你们不要偷听

There's a Mr Bingley arrived from the North.


- Five thousand a year! - Really?

- 一年有五千磅的收入! - 真的?

- He's single! - Who's single?

- 他是单身汉! - 谁是单身汉?

A Mr Bingley, apparently. Kitty!


How can that possibly affect them?


Mr Bennet, how can you be so tiresome?


You know he must marry one of them.

告诉你吧,他一定会娶我们女儿中的一个当太太That is his design in settling here?


You must go and visit him at once.


Good heavens. People.


For we may not visit if you do not, as you well know, Mr Bennet.

要是你不去,叫我们怎么去?你是知道的,班纳特- Are you listening? You never listen. - You must, Papa! At once!

- 你在听我说话吗?你从来都不听- 你一定要去,爸爸!马上!

There's no need. I already have.


- You have? - When?

- 你去过了? - 什么时候?

Oh, Mr Bennet, how can you tease me so?

Have you no compassion for my poor nerves?


You mistake me, my dear. I have the highest respect for them.

你错怪我了,我的好太太我非常尊重你的神经They've been my constant companions these twenty years.




- Is he amiable? - Who?

- 他亲切吗? - 谁?

- Is he handsome? - He's sure to be.

- 他帅吗? - 他一定帅

一年有五千磅的人就算他有什么毛病也没关系啦Who's got warts?


I will consent to his marrying whichever girl he chooses. 我倒想看看他会娶什么样的女孩

- So will he come to the ball tomorrow? - I believe so. - 那么他明天也会去舞会吗? - 我想是的

- Mr Bennet! - [Kitty] I have to have your muslin!

- 班纳特老爷! - 我要穿你的棉布衣了!

- I'll lend you my green slippers! - They were mine.

- 我会借给你我的绿拖鞋! - 它们以前是我的

- I'll do your mending for a week. - I'll retrim your new bonnet.

- 我会为你做一星期的针线活- 我会为你的新帽子重新装饰

Two weeks I'll do it for.


[# jig]

It's not the same! It's not the same.


I can't breathe.


[girl] I think one of my toes just came off.


If every man does not end the evening in love with you, 如果在今晚结束前没有男士爱上你的话

then I'm no judge of beauty.


- Or men. - No, they are far too easy to judge.

- 或者男士们 - 不,它们太亲率以至于没有判断力

They're not all bad.


Humourless poppycocks, in my limited experience.

在我有限的经历中他们都是没有一点幽默感的胡扯One day, someone will catch your eye,


and then you'll have to watch your tongue.


How good of you to come.


Which of the painted peacocks is our Mr Bingley?


He's on the right. On the left is his sister.


- The person with the quizzical brow? - That is his good friend, Mr Darcy.

- 长着奇怪眉毛的那个?- 那个是他的好朋友,达西先生

- He looks miserable, poor soul. - He may be, but poor he is not.

- 他看上去挺痛苦的,可怜的人- 他可能痛苦,但并不可怜

Tell me.


1 0,000 a year, and he owns half of Derbyshire.


The miserable half.


[# jig]

Mr Bennet, you must introduce him to the girls immediately.

Smile at Mr Bingley. Smile.




Mr Bingley, my eldest daughter you know.


Mrs Bennet, Miss Jane Bennet, Elizabeth and Miss Mary Bennet.



It is a pleasure. I have two others, but they're already dancing.

很荣幸见到你们我还有两个女儿,但是她们在跳舞I'm delighted to make your acquaintance.


And may I introduce Mr Darcy of Pemberley in Derbyshire.



How do you like it here in Hertfordshire?


Very much.


The library at Netherfield, I've heard, is one of the finest.


It fills me with guilt. I'm not a good reader. I prefer being out of doors.



Oh, I mean, I can read, of course.


And I'm not suggesting you can't read out of doors.


[Jane] I wish I read more, but there seem to be so many other things to do.



[Bingley] That's exactly what I meant.


Mama, Mama! You will never, ever believe what we're about to tell you.

妈妈,妈妈!你肯定不会相信我们要告诉你的事情- Tell me! - She's going to take the veil.

- 告诉我! - 她一定会掩饰

- The regiment are coming! - Officers?

- 军团来了! - 军官们?

They're going to be stationed the whole winter, right


- Officers? - As far as the eye can see.

- 军官们? - 就在我们附近

[Mrs Bennet] Oh, look. Jane's dancing with Mr Bingley. 噢,瞧,吉英在和彬莱格先生在跳舞

Mr Bennet.


- Do you dance, Mr Darcy? - Not if I can help it.

- 你跳舞吗,达西先生?- 不,但是如果你想跳得话我可以带你跳

I didn't know you were coming to see me. What's the matter?


We are a long way from Grosvenor Square, are we not, Mr Darcy?


I've never seen so many pretty girls.


You were dancing with the only handsome girl.



She is the most beautiful creature I have ever beheld. - But her sister Elizabeth is agreeable. - Perfectly tolerable.

- 但是她的妹妹伊丽莎白也很讨人喜欢阿 - 她还可以Not handsome enough to tempt me. Return to your partner and enjoy her smiles.


你还是回到你的舞伴身边去欣赏她的笑脸吧[Darcy] You're wasting your time with me.


Count your blessings, Lizzie. If he liked you, you'd have to talk to him.





I wouldn't dance with him for all of Derbyshire,


Iet alone the miserable half.


[# jig]



- I enjoyed that so much, Miss Lucas. - How well you dance, Mr Bingley.

- 我很喜欢这里,卢卡斯小姐- 你跳的真好,彬莱格先生

[woman] I've never enjoyed a dance so much.


My daughter Jane is a splendid dancer, is she not?


She is indeed.


Your friend Miss Lucas is a most amusing young woman.

你的朋友卢卡斯小姐是一个非常风趣的年轻女士Oh, yes, I adore her.


- It is a pity she's not more handsome. - Mama!

- 可惜的是她不够漂亮 - 妈妈!

Oh, but Lizzie would never admit that she's plain.


Of course, it's my Jane who's considered the beauty of the county.

当然啦,我的吉英才是这个郡最漂亮的可人儿Mama, please!


When she was 1 5, a gentleman was so much in love with her,

当她还只有15岁的时候一位绅士就深深地爱上她了I was sure he would make her an offer.


However, he did write her some very pretty verses.


And that put paid to it.


I wonder who discovered the power of poetry in driving


- I thought poetry was the food of love. - Of a fine, stout love.

- 我想诗是爱情之花的露水 - 多美啊,如磐石的爱情But if it is only a vague inclination, one poor sonnet will kill it.



So, what do you recommend to encourage affection?


Dancing. Even if one's partner is barely tolerable.


[hushed] Mr Bingley is just what a young man ought to be.


- Sensible, good-humoured... - Handsome, conveniently

- 有见识,有趣味.. - 英俊,非常富有...

Marriage should not be driven by thoughts of money.


Only deep love will persuade me to marry.


- Which is why I'll end up an old maid. - Do you really believe he liked me?

- 这就是为什么我终将会成为一位老姑娘- 你真的认为他喜欢我吗?

He danced with you most of the night, and stared at you the rest.



I give you leave to like him. You've liked many stupider. 我不反对你喜欢他不过你以前也喜欢过很多蠢货啊You're a great deal too apt to like people in general.

All the world is good in your eyes.


Not his friend. I still can't believe what he said about you.




Mr Darcy?

I'd more easily forgive his vanity had he not wounded mine.


But no matter. I doubt we shall ever speak again.


[Mrs Bennet] He danced with Miss Lucas.


[Mr Bennet] We were all there, dear. 我们都在那看到了,我的好太太


这段精彩对白发生在雨中,伊丽莎白听说姐姐---简的婚事被破坏了,冒雨外出以发泄情绪,达西随后追出,在石亭中,达西抛开世俗向伊丽莎白表露心迹,但是伊丽莎白认为达西破坏了姐姐的婚礼,怀着怒火拒绝了达西,虽然她也同样爱着达西。 Mr Darcy: Miss Elizabeth. I have struggled in vain and can bear it no longer. These past months have been a torment. I came to Rosings only to see you. I have fought against judgement, my family's expectation,the inferiority of your birth, my rank. I will put them aside and ask you to end my agony. Miss Elizabeth: I don't understand. Mr Darcy: I love you.Most ardently. Please do me the honour of accepting my hand. Miss Elizabeth: Sir, I appreciate the struggle you have been through, and I am very sorry to have caused you pain. It was unconsciously done. Mr Darcy: Is this your reply? Miss Elizabeth: Yes, sir. Mr Darcy: Are you laughing at me? Miss Elizabeth: No. Mr Darcy: Are you rejecting me? Miss Elizabeth: I'm sure the feelings which hindered your regard will help you overcome it. Mr Darcy: Might I ask why with so little civility I am thus repulsed? Miss Elizabeth: I might enquire why you told me you liked me against your better judgement? If I was uncivil, then that is some excuse. But you know I have other reasons. Mr Darcy: What reasons? Miss Elizabeth: Do you think anything might tempt me to accept the man who has ruined the happiness of a most beloved sister? Do you deny that you separated a young couple who loved each other, exposing your friend to censure for caprice and my sister to derision for disappointed hopes, involving them both in acute misery? Mr Darcy: I do not deny it. Miss Elizabeth: How could you do it? Mr Darcy: I believed your sister indifferent to him. I realised his attachment was deeper than hers.


The distance is nothing ,when one has a motive. Mrs.Bennet’s eyes sparkled with pleasure. We must trespass a litter longer on your kindness. Mrs.Bennet was profuse in her acknowledgements. I often tell my other girls they are nothing to her. That is my idea of good breading;and those persons who fancy themselves very important and never open their mouths , quiet mistake the matter. A lady’s imagination is very rapid;it jumps from admiration to love,from love to matrimony . Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves,vanity to what we would have others think of us. He is ate up with pride. Upon my word ! Affectation of candour is common enough –one meets it everywhere.But to be candid without ostentation or design—to take the good of everybody’s character and make it still better , and say nothing of the bad—belongs to you alone Mr. Bennet was so odd a mixture of quick parts, sarcastic humor, reserve, and caprice, that the experience of three and twenty years had been insufficient to make his wife understand his character. Everything nourishes what is strong already. She had high animal spirits,and a sort of self-consequence. The day passed much as the day before had done.


傲慢与偏见电影观后感英文本文为傲慢与偏见电影观后感英文范文,让我们通过以下的文章来了解。 Pride and Prejudice ", a novel a pleasure to behold, a beautiful and moving story. The article describes a number of daughters Bo Nate story. Ji-an eldest daughter, gentle kind-hearted, beautiful Keren, Bentley and rich kids at first sight, but at the crucial moment has brought a twist. Second daughter, Elizabeth, Qingli intelligent, ambitious, assertive, consistent with the property of the nobility million youth met Darcy. Can be as arrogant Darcy eccentric, Elizabeth for his prejudice are serious, they love but refuse to recognize the obvious, but also continue to hurt each other with words, but fortunately dispelled the last mistake, married lovers. Reading this novel, I have benefited greatly. In our people, there are many very modest, but there are some arrogant people. These arrogant people who sometimes annoying, they have eyes in the head long, others are dismissive. Indeed, the arrogance is a shortcoming in the environment to develop a character.


Pride and Prejudice I. Introduction Part One: About the Book. Name: Pride and Prejudice Author: Jane Austen Main characters: Mr. and Mrs. Bennet Elizabeth Bennet Mr. Darcy Mr. Bingley Jane Bennet Mary Bennet Catherine Bennet Lydia Bennet Mr. Wickham Mr. Collins Narrations: First and third person narration Time: Pride and Prejudice was first written in 1796 as First Impressions. It was rewritten (and retitled) in 1812 and published in 1813. Part Two: About the Author. Jane Austen (1775-1817) was born at Steventon rectory in Hampshire, England. Austen was the youngest daughter of the large family, with six brothers and one sister. Her father is a clergyman. When Austen was eight years old, she was sent to Oxford to be educated. Because of some accident, she returned home to continue her education. From 1785 to 1786, Austen and her sister attended the Reading Ladies Boarding School, where they studied French, spelling, needlework, music, and dancing. Forced to return home for economic reasons, Austen continued to develop her literary mind under the guidance of her father.


Book report —Pride and Prejudice Free from pride and prejudice for true love This paper is a famous love novels in the world, writed by Jane Austen from English , He was borned in Hampshire Steven town,her father was a priest. she had never got formal school education,so her knowledge was basically form her father teached.she beagun writing at the age of eleven , never married . Passed away when she was forty one year old. This book is primarily concerned with Elizabeth and Darcy's love story,But the story is the other three stories, are generally by describing the experience of four pairs of lovers to elaborate the attitude of the author . The heroine Elizabeth was born of a small landlord family, as the rich kid, Darcy regardlessed of their gap existed between them, went afer her, but Elizabeth rejected him , because of his misunderstanding and prejudice.but the main is she hates his arrogance because of this kind of arrogance actually reflected the status differences, as long as there was this kind of arrogance, between he and Elizabeth was impossible to have common thoughts and feelings, also impossible to have the ideal marriage .Elizabeth had observed after Darcy's communicating and a series of actions, especially to see him that conceited attitude changed in the past, eliminated the misunderstanding and prejudice to him, thus concluded She would have a happy marriage with him. People can't be distinguished with preconception,education People are equal on personality knowledge on breeding,Rich people can’t be arrogant for their own rich ,or the status of the high.meanwhile,also don’t have inferiority feeling for poor economy. The prejudice is caused by a vanity, a person can't just look pretty ugly or not to distinguish good and bad, Elizabeth produced on DARCY ,because of darcy's wealth arrogance and wick him scare mongering hates darcy, in the circumstance that did not fully understand, there WAS a prejudice to him .As an old saying goes, all that glitters is not gold, whether learning or any other things in life, only ACTS appearance, cannot see its essence

傲慢与偏见 电影观后感

为你如花美眷,似水流年 《傲慢与偏见》身着亚麻色布裙,手捧一本书,快速穿过草原,对着远方的夕阳浅浅一笑,Elizabeth的优雅从她回眸时露出的洁白锁骨流露无疑。 背景音乐是流动的钢琴曲,如丝带连缀起小屋里静坐熟读圣经的Mary,因争夺好看帽子而拌嘴的Lydia和Kitty,而玻璃上总是会浮现她们的大姐Jane平静倾城的面容。 电影“傲慢与偏见”的开场便以唯美的手法嵌入这五个鲜活的生命,阳光湖泊树,中世纪欧洲田园风光如一帧不真切的画像舒缓展开。静谧蔓延到那个信奉“凡是有财产的单身汉,必定需要娶位太太”的妈妈惊呼着尼日斐花园来了一位公子哥而戛然。 记得初中那会儿,班上青春疼痛小说泛滥,我们在作业本遮掩的空隙如饥似渴地阅读那些撩人心弦的剧情,前排一个女生旁若无人地读着这本名著,时不时还捂嘴笑。 我向来对外国文学的长名头晕眼花,对那些排斥插图密密麻麻全是字的泛黄书籍敬而远之。 那时我不懂读名著的乐趣,因为害怕无法承受严肃的思想而下意识抗拒,家里买的高尔基和雨果都被束之高阁。 直至今日,泡在图书馆同夏绿蒂和奥斯汀幸福共处一个个午后,我才真正开始震慑于经典的力量。

那些印刷的字码飘浮空中,钻入波澜肆意的脑海,看见Jane手执鹅毛笔给妹妹写信时睫毛低垂的投影,或是Darcy在花园凝视同众人嬉笑的心爱之人时那道沉默眼神。 花费漫长两周的时日,断断续续地读。最后阖上书页时,揉揉疲惫的眼球,满意地微笑。 奥斯汀太聪明,这个和知识缠绕一生的女子仿佛是女主角Elizabeth 的化身,她鬼马而幽默,在书籍字间狡黠穿梭,因而笔下的男主角Darcy示爱时诚实地说“我爱你的脑子灵活”。 俗话说,“男怕入错行,女怕嫁错郎”,婚姻是女子后半辈子的主题。奥斯汀深谙此理,其著作几乎都是和婚姻有关,而她对于爱情横溢的描述却源于自己终身未嫁的干涸,此事古难全。 或许也不失为一种幸运,正是因了现实中遇人不淑,书写中傲慢与偏见的灵魂才能相遇。 Elizabeth和Darcy的相吸很特别,两个自恃清高的人由厌恶结缘,愈发有成见而愈发想了解,愈了解愈爱慕,但被那份特别的相憎钝化了情感,所以Darcy说“等我发觉我自己开始爱上你的时候,我已经走了一半路了”。 影片里Darcy表现最多的是无声。茫茫舞池的娇艳翠容都不及Elizabeth折射于眼中的大笑,借陪同朋友之由翻山越岭只为看她一眼却没有问候,帮她的糊涂妹妹处理了所有烂摊子却把功劳移给他人,鼓起勇气闯入她的房间竟又忽而无语凝噎。


《傲慢与偏见》 1 The Bennets'new neighbour 1 班纳特家的新邻居 It is a truth well known to all the world that an unmarried man in possession of a large fortune must be in need of a wife.And when such a man moves into a neighbourhood,even if nothing is known about his feelings or opinions,this truth is so clear to the surrounding families,that they think of him immediately as the future husband of one or other of their daughters. 家产万贯而又尚未婚配的男人一定需要一个贤内助,这是一条世界上尽人皆知的真理。当这样一位男人搬到了附近时,这条真理在邻居们心中就显得更加清楚,他们哪怕对他的感情或意见一无所知,也会马上把他当作他们哪个女儿未来的丈夫。 ‘My dear Mr Bennet,’said Mrs Bennet to her husband one day,‘have you heard that someone is going to rent Netherfield Park at last?’ “亲爱的班纳特先生,”一天,班纳特夫人对她丈夫说,“你听说了吗?尼日斐庄园到底还是租出去了。” ‘No,Mrs Bennet,I haven't,’said her husband. “我还没听说,班纳特太太,”她丈夫说。 ‘Don't you want to know who is renting it?’cried Mrs Bennet impatiently. “难道你不想知道是谁要租吗?”班纳特太太不耐烦地嚷了起来。 ‘You want to tell me,and I don't mind listening.’ “你要想告诉我,我也不妨听听。” Mrs Bennet needed no further encouragement.‘Well,my dear,I hear that he's a very rich young man from the north of England.It seems he came to see Netherfield on Monday and was so delighted with it that he arranged to rent it at once.Of course,it is the finest house in the area,with the largest gar- dens.His servants will be here by the end of the week,and he will be arriving soon afterwards!’ 班纳特夫人不需要更多的鼓励就开腔了。“啊,亲爱的,我听说他是个阔少爷,英格兰北部人。好像是星期一来看了看尼日斐,十分喜欢,马上安排把它租了下来。当然,连宅子的花园都那么大,那确实是这一片最好的庄园。他的仆人周末到,他本人随后就到!” ‘What is his name?’asked Mr Bennet. “他叫什么名字?”班纳特先生问道。 ‘Bingley.’ “彬格莱。” ‘Is he married or single?’ “结婚了还是单身?” ‘Oh,single,my dear,of course!A single man of large for- tune—he has an income of four or five thousand pounds a year.How wonderdul for our girls!’ “啊,亲爱的,当然是单身!家产万贯的单身汉——他每年收入四五千镑呢。对咱家姑娘们来说真是再好不过了!” ‘Why?How can it affect them?’Mr Bennet asked. “为什么?这跟姑娘们有什么关系?”班纳特先生问道。 ‘My dear Mr Bennet,’she replied,‘how can you be so an- noying!You must realize I'm thinking of his marrying one of our daughters.’ “我亲爱的班纳特先生,”她回答道,“你怎么那么讨厌!你应该想到,我是在考虑他跟我们哪个姑娘结婚。”

傲慢与偏见 书评

不是一部伟大的作品,却深深震撼我心。 ——题记 又一次翻开已经稍稍发黄的书,熟悉而亲切的文字,让我立刻想起伊丽莎白美丽的眼睛,达西似乎冷竣却隐藏着温柔的面容……这并不厚的一本初中就已读过的书,我却不惜千里之远从家里带到学校,让它时刻伴我身边。也许它并不是我所读过的最好的小说,却是让我最难忘的一本。 真的,这不是一部伟大的作品。薄薄300来页,不到30万字,没有波澜壮阔,也谈不上深奥,和例如长达4000余页、超过300万字的意识流小说《追忆似水年华》等等一比就相形见绌。就像作者奥斯汀本人一样无法和那些大文豪相提并论。或许有的人认为这本书太平常而根本就不屑于去评价它。然而这却是一部极具生命力的小说,历经200余年,仍然吸引着无数读者。在今天著名的腾讯BBS论坛外国文学版面上,只要出现与《傲慢与偏见》或者奥斯汀有关话题的帖子,点击率和回复率一定会直线上升,尽管这些话题已不知被讨论过多少次了。 和奥斯汀的其他几部小说一样,《傲慢与偏见》的取材事实上是相当狭窄的。正如夏洛蒂?勃朗特曾说:“我可不愿意在她们的那些高雅而狭窄的房子里跟她(奥斯汀)的那些绅士淑女们呆在一起。”在我看来,奥斯汀的小说有点像小女子文学,缺少一种大气的感觉。但我却喜欢这种“小女子文学”。你可以说她目光狭窄,也可以说她缺乏深度,你却无法抵挡她的魅力。事实上,取材范围的狭窄,并没有限制作者的视野,正如《傲慢与偏见》中达西和伊丽莎白的一段对话。达西说:“在乡下,你四周的环境非常闭塞,很少变化。”而伊丽莎白却回答到:“可是人本身变化那么多,你永远可以在他们身上看出新的东西。”这也许正代表了作者自己的看法吧。奥斯汀自己说“乡间村庄里的三、四户人家”是她“得心应手的好材料”,还把自己的艺术比作在“二寸象牙”上“细细地描画”。在我看来这正是作者的长处,也是其小说独到的地方。精工细致,一丝不苟,娓娓道来,细水长流,这就是我所喜欢的“小女子文学”的特点。无怪乎有人建议奥斯汀换一种写作方式的时候,奥斯汀拒绝道:“我必须保持自己的风格,按自己的方式写下去……”忽然联想到台湾作家三毛的文章,其最受欢迎的几本散文集如《撒哈拉的故事》《稻草人手记》等,无非也是写一些生活琐事,取材也不见得有多广泛多深刻,却如此受亲睐,大概也源于此吧。反映生活的作品即是美的作品,《傲慢与偏见》带给我们的是一种英国乡村浓郁的生活气息,让人倍感亲切自然。对大多数人来说,只有平平淡淡从从容容才是真。好的文学作品总是反应永恒的人性,普通人的心态,在读者中产生共鸣。评论家们始终把奥斯汀排在勃朗特之前,其地位仅次于莎士比亚,就在于她的平淡、安宁。更何况有道是于平凡之中见伟大,于细微之处见深情,取材虽小,反映的问题却不一定小。这一点下面将谈及。 爱情是小说永恒的主题,《傲慢与偏见》以爱情和婚姻为主要内容,自然是吸引读者的。但描写爱情的小说不计其数(言情小说似乎就很多产),要像《傲慢与偏见》这样在世界文学中占有一席之地,也并不是一件容易的事。《傲慢与偏见》之所以称得上世界文学名著而不流俗于一般爱情小说,自有它的魅力所在。那么到底是什么使它脱颖而出呢?一部好的小说,内容、情节是非常重要的。《傲慢与偏见》的内容并不复杂,情节却引人入胜。读过本书的读者应该对小说开篇的一句话记忆犹新:“凡是有财产的单身汉,必定需要娶位太太,这已经成了一条举世公认的真理。(It is a true universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.) ” 在英文中in want of 是指客观需

英文版傲慢与偏见 人物剖析

When Prid e Encounters Prejudice, Everything is Different Ⅰ: Jane Austen (16 December 1775 –18 July 1817), one of the most famous novelists in Britain, was born in Hampshire. She lived in the villages throughout her life. Although there were 2 suitors, she never married. She finished her first novel when she was only 21 years old. This work’s name was First Impressions (After amending, it had a new name: Pride and Prejudice). Ⅱ: Pride and Prejudice is a humorous story of love and marriage. Mr. Bennet was an English gentleman living in Hertfordshire with his wife. He had five daughters: the beautiful Jane, the clever Elizabeth, the bookish Mary, the immature Kitty and the wild Lydia. Because of the law, after the death of Mr. Bennet, their house would be inherited by a distant cousin whom they have never met. This family's future happiness and security dependent on the 5 daughters’ marriages. One day, a rich gentleman Mr. Bingley came and rented a large house in this country. His sisters and his best friend Mr. Darcy came together. Love was soon in the air for one of the 5 sisters, while another had a prejudice against Mr. Darcy. Then they experienced many things, but at last, Mr. Bingley married the oldest sister Jane, and Elizabeth overcame the prejudice and married to Mr. Darcy. It’s a happy ending. Ⅲ: Although Mr. Song said the book report should be objective,but I had to say this book touched my heart d eeply. The women written by Jane Austen still live in our world. Some like Charlotte Lucas, they choose a marriage without love just for money and a stable life. Some like Lydia, they are so frivolous and foolish that they flatter themselves that they can do anything well. Some like Mary, they are not good-looking but think themselves are the best ones. They look down every man while they are eager for a man’s love in their hearts. Some like Jane, they are kind and beautiful, but they are also reserved and feminine。They don’t have courage to fight for the love of their own but wait here in vain. And there are also some girls like innocent Ms Darcy or like vainglorious and superficially clever Bingley sisters. Of course, some girls like Elizabeth, they are clever, gentle, open-minded, and they know their own hearts. They never give in even facing a difficult situation. They are good ladies who are worth loving and cherishing. Jane Austen’s wisdom always appeals to me, which makes me smile through the whole reading.


In this term,I read a book which named .The author is Jane Austen,.When I first knew this art work, because I watched the movie acted by Kara Knightly and so many famous stars .But this term I read the original work .And I realize the difference between them . After I briefly knew the author -Jane Austen .About her life ,her experience .I found she was an sensitive,strong in mental ,maverick and independent woman.I do really admire her.In 1775 December she birthed to this world.She has eight brothers and sisters.Her father,who had served in that area for forty years,and he also was a encyclopedic clergyman .And the same her mother ,came from an welfare family,she also had certain cultural accomplishment. Therefore, even though Jane ha dn’t go to the official school,because of the great family condition and the environment of reading books .All of those give her the chances to learn by herself and then build up the interests about writing.When she was only thirteen or fourteen years old,she stared to writing something she liked.This showed her talent about her language expression.In the1800,her father retired,and they moved to somewhere,but Jane didn’t like there.At there,Jane refused the marriage from a teenager who will inherited a larg e fortune,just because she didn’t like him.The gods throw out the questions ,we human need to find ,to choose the answers by ourselves.The answer from this problem is probably not "no" to us now. Although our hearts still have some expectation for love, we believe that love is sacred. But gradually, like wealth, background, politics, more and more things go beyond love, above all else, to our life,to our heart. In 1796 ,at 20 she met Lefroy.She fall in love with this clever young Irish lawyer. However, the pastor's family - Jane’s father wanted the son-in-law would have the financial strength in the future but at that time lefroy was a poor boy. Lefroy’s family who had six children, was also determined to marry with a wealthy family, so he was asked to retur n to Ireland. They never saw each other again. In Jane’s letter to her sister Cassandra, said: "Finally, the day has come, and I will say goodbye to Tom Lefroy. And when you get this letter, it's all over. I can't help but cry at the thought. Her unforgettable first love was forced to break up,she chose never marry for the whole life,and put the all emotions and feelings devoted to the literary creation. What make me impressively is her attitude to the people ,world,and to herself.The world and people hurt her ,break up she and her lover,make her never marry,but she still keep her mind to the world,put all her love to the literary creation,write the sweet,profound work for the people. To tell them ,among the millions of people in the world, it likes a miracle to meet someone you love who loves you as much as you do. And do not cherish this person is how ignorant and pitiful.A person may be arrogant but not vain.In most cases, pride is nothing more than what we think of ourselves ,but vanity refers to how we v alue other people’s evaluation of us. In fact, there are few people I really like. The more I look at the world, the less satisfied I am, and the more I believe that every day, I believe that all kinds of peo ple are capricious, and that the good things what appeared on the surface are untru stworthy. But then I can't tell you exactly when, where, what kind of style , what kind of talk I heard, which all of those made me fall in love with you gradually.It was


傲慢与偏见读后感英文 【编者按】《傲慢与偏见》是简奥斯汀的代表作。小说讲述了乡绅之女伊丽莎白班内特的爱情故事。这部作品以日常生活为素材,以反当时社会上流行的感伤小说的内容和矫揉造作的写作方法,生动地反映了18世纪末到19世纪初处于保守和闭塞状态下的英国乡镇生活和世态人情。并多次被改编成电影和电视剧。 篇一:傲慢与偏见读后感英文 Many people simply regard Pride and Prejudice as a love story, but in my opinion, this book is an illustration of the society at that time. She perfectly reflected the relation between money and marriage at her time and gave the people in her works vivid characters. The characters have their own personalities. Mrs. Bennet is a woman who makes great efforts to marry off her daughters. Mr. Bingley is a friendly young man, but his friend, Mr. Darcy, is a very proud man who seems to always feel superior. Even the five daughters in Bennet family are very different. Jane is si-mp-le, innocent and never speaks evil of others. Elizabeth is a clever girl who always has her

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