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基础建设infrastructure淡季slack seasons 淡茶weak tea 浓茶strong tea 淡水fresh water第一产业the primary industry 第二产业the secondary industry第三产业the tertiary(第三) industry /the service industry裤子pants/slacks/jeans 牛仔裤jeans 短裤shorts 休闲裤slacks面条pasta 黄头发blond/blonde厕所=men's room;women's room;restroom;powder room(补妆间、女式厕所);John(上厕所):I visited John twice last night.(我昨晚上了两次厕所) Where can I wash my hand?洗手间在哪?马马虎虎:average;fair;all right;not too bad;OK, That’s too bad./It’s a shame.太可惜了It’s a pity.(说出来有点俗)再见:Bye!See you later!Mute静音Please mute your phone!请把手机调成静音!Do not try fatigue driving!请勿疲劳驾驶!Don’t drink and drive!请勿酒后驾车!好吃delicious

tasty/good/nice/appetizing永远记住你 always remember you真遗憾that's too bad/it's a shame

小心台阶mind the steps 我感到很痛I feel great pain教训是惨痛的The lesson is painful.

亚洲四小龙the Four Little Tigers of Asia百里挑一one in a thousand干杯!(要一饮而尽) Cheers! Bottoms up.十分感谢!It’s a thousand thanks. 万分感谢!Thank you a million times.

China reaction 连锁反应;water power station 水电站;spring washer 弹簧垫圈;adopt measures 采取措施;depend on its length 取决于其长度;from the point of view of 从….观点出发;under a heavy load 在重荷之下;

As shown in figure 如图所示;convert wastes into useful materials 废物利用;without loss of time 不失时机;utilize every possibility 想法设法talk along parallel lines “英雄所见略同”G oldbrick 懒汉,赝品大忙人≠busybody爱管闲事的人busy bee/a very busy person自食其言≠to eat one’s own words. 收回自己的话,意识

到自己错了to go/take back

on one’s words work with

meticulous care(精雕细刻)

accept sth. uncritically(生吞活

剥)be full of fears and

misgivings(前怕狼后怕虎) 画饼

充饥(feed on illusions)

归根到底(in the final analysis)冷

言冷语(sarcastic comments)

弱不禁风(be in delicate health)







weight(重量)轻重;Time mutes

all feelings. 时间的流逝会使各

种感情变得淡漠。eat:feed 兽





unpopular;吃不消be unable to

stand;吃醋be jealous;吃苦

bear hardships;吃亏suffer

losses,be at a disadvantage;吃

一堑,长一智 a full into a pit, a

gain in your wit


努力工作work hard 学知

识gain/acquire knowledge 半年

six months 半月fifteen days

六七个half a dozen(dozen 一沓

12个);十来个over a dozen;几

十个several dozens of(不常用),

scores of 好几十个20 percent

discount 八折


儿童票价减半half-price fare for

childre 一次专访an exclusive


require immediate attention

身体状况良好in good shape走

错了路be on the wrong track


一目了然see with half an eye

一模一样as alike as two peas

三言两语in a few words; in one

or two words 三心二意to be

in two minds

三思而后行look before you leap

三三两两by ones and twos

四面八方all directions; all

around; all quarters; far and near

七嘴八舌all talking at once

半斤八两six of one and

half-a-dozen of the other

十之八九ten to one

十全十美be perfect in every

way: be out of this world; to be



芭蕉叶leaf of a palm 蒲扇/胜

同舟共济to be in the same boat


亡羊补牢lock the stable door

after the horse has been stolen 中


怒发冲冠make one’s hair stand

on end 中文:怒/英文:毛骨悚


露脸to show one’s face, to show


老手an old hand

花钱如流水to spend money like


浑水摸鱼to fish in troubled


双杠 parallel bar 座钟standing

clock 挂钟wall clock

看病to see a doctor 自学to

teach oneself 太平门e mergency

exit 教练车student


adult female grant panda gives

birth to two cubs at a time

a) 纪念马克思逝世一百周年报

告Speech in common memorial

of the centenary of the Death of

Karl Marx

b) 政府工作报告report on the

work of the government

c) (欧洲)大陆the Continent

(中国)大陆the Mainland


胜利完成-to finish

热烈拥护-to back

积极支持-to give strong support

努力做到-to manage to do/try

to do

彻底粉碎-to foil

广泛开展-to promote

严肃处理-to punish severely正

确理解-not to misunderstand



难忘的记忆-lasting memory发

挥重要作用-to play a major

role具有重大意义-be of


waste that may otherwise be