当前位置:文档之家› 东北财经大学2006年考博英语试题及答案详解





I. Vocabulary and Structure (20%)

Choose the best answer to each of the following questions. Now mark you answers on the ANSWER SHEET by blackening the letter corresponding to your choice.

1. The boredom and deep contempt for his work must result from the worker’s relationship to his work which is completely of humanity.

A. destitute

B. devoid

C. desolate

D. derelict

1.B devoid of没有或毫无某事物。根据completely一词可判断此处指的是“毫无人性”,

而不是“缺少人性”。destitute穷困的,缺少某事物。desolate使荒凉,使无人烟。derelict 荒废的,被弃置的。

2. A(n) glance from his lawyer friend, Tim Green, confirmed him in his conviction that he was bound to win the case in spite of the jury’s verdict in favor of the prosecutor.

A. assuring

B. insured

C. reassuring

D. ensured

2.A 句意:律师朋友投来的给人信心的一瞥…。assuring确信的,给人信心的。insured加


3. The indifference of the majority of the citizenry, to the scandal is of a cynicism characteristic of an age in which individualism predominates.

A. depreciative

B. initiative

C. distinctive D indicative

3.D 句意:大部分市民对这一丑闻的冷漠暗示了在个人主义盛行时代的一种玩世不恭的特

点。indicative of sth.表示或暗示某事物。depreciative贬值的,藐视的。initiative起初的,自发的。distinctive与众不同的,有特色的。

4. What the New Yorker would find missing is what outsiders find oppressive and distasteful about New York—the congested democratic presence of so many New Yorkers, in their own worlds.

A. encased

B. encroached

C. encountered

D. encumbered

4.A 句意:…纽约人将自己置于个人世界中。encase in将…置于…中。encroach on/upon超

出正当或适当的程度。encounter遭遇,相遇。encumber sb. /sth. with阻碍或妨碍某人自由活动。

5. What they wanted was an America more sensible to art and culture, less for material gain, and less susceptible to the boring monotony of life.

A. abashed

B. akin

C. ajar

D. avid

5.D avid (for)渴望的,贪婪的。abashed不安的,窘迫的。akin同族的,类似的。ajar(门


6. In pre-capitalist societies craftsmen of the same trade who were of their newfound privileges organized themselves into guilds to protect themselves against a world that was hostile to them.

A. zealous

B. scandalous

C. jealous

D. credulous

6.C 句意:前资本主义社会,同一领域的那些精心守护个人新得到的特权的商人们为了…。jealous (of)羡慕的;精心守护的,占有的。zealous (for)热心的,积极的。scandalous诽


7. Bitterness welled up in his heart the days when he was condemned on an alleged charge of treason.

A. at the mention of

B. mentioning

C. at the time of mentioning

D. when it was mentioned that

7.A at the mention of提到…的时候。选项D中that后需要接从句。选项B分词短语作状语


8. Courses can be designed, as most skeptics would not believe, in ways put a premium on the curiosity of the students especially at the level of elementary education.

A. which

B. that

C. in which

D. so that

8.B that引导定语从句修饰ways。定语从句中先行词是time,way等时,引导词只能用that,


9. Victorian gentility which seemed so civilized and restrained in social behavior can be seen

as something considerably hypocritical and idealistic that characterized a more secluded, static rural society.

A. in general

B. in proportion

C. in contrast

D. in perspective

9.A 句意:维多利亚时期的社交举止显得过于文雅和拘谨,这种文明一般被认为是相当伪

善和空想的,它表现出一种更幽僻的田园社会的特征。in general通常,大体上,一般而言。in proportion按…比例,与…相称。in contrast后跟with/to,意为“与...形成对比;

与…相比”。in perspective正确地(的),合乎比例地(的),in the right perspective正确地、客观地、全面地(观察事物),in the wrong perspective片面地、错误地(观察事物)。

10. In New York City sunsets can be spectacular: oranges and reds the sky over Jersey

Meadow and gaudily in a thousand windows on Manhattan’s jagged skyline.

A. tint ... reflect

B. tinting ... reflecting

C. tinted ... in reflection

D. tinting ... reflected

10.D oranges and reds与tint(染色,着色)之间是主动关系,应用现在分词;色彩被映在


11. Our case was defended by an able barrister, who the prosecutor’s submissions

almost nothing.

A. derived … from

B. evac uated … from

C. reduced … to

D. deprived … of

11.C 句意:我们的案件由一位很有能力的律师辩护,他使原告的证据几乎变得一文不值。

reduce sth. to降低,使陷入更坏的状况中。derive from得自,由来。evacuate疏散,撤离。deprive of剥夺,阻止。

12. Naturalist Merlin Turtle, through his organization, began a campaign to let people know the

facts about bats, some of the more exaggerated legends.

A. dispersing

B. dissenting

C. dispelling

D. disengaging

12.D 句意:…让人们了解蝙蝠的一些真相,而摆脱某些过分夸大的传说。disengage from


13. Mr. Kinoock said at the press conference that future aggressors would be able to act with if

the objectives of the UN were not met.

A. immaturity

B. impurity .

C. immunity

D. impunity

13.D 句意:Mr. Kinoock在新闻发布会上说如果联合国的目标不能实现,以后侵略者的行

径就会免于受罚。impunity不受惩罚,免罚。immaturity未成熟,未臻完美。impurity 杂质。immunity免疫性。

14. The popularity of the Finance Minister continued to in the late nineties of the last

century in the face of economic decline in spite of the strenuous efforts he had made to strengthen his position in the cabinet.

A. wane

B. wax

C. wail

D. wag

14.A 句意:上世纪90年代末,经济衰退时期,虽然财政部长作出极大努力企图加强他在


15. Production targets are set for each branch, and branch managers who do not usually

do not last.

A. wind up

B. measure up

C. size up

D. set up

15.B 句意:每个部门都有固定的生产目标,那些不能达到这一标准的部门经理将会被撤职。

measure up到达或符合某标准。wind up终于到达某处,安顿。size up判断,估计。set up建立。

16. The protest went ahead despite government assurances that they would press for with

the neighboring country in the issuing of visas.

A. retrospect

B. reciprocity

C. regression

D. redundancy

16.B 句意:尽管政府保证将压制与邻国的互惠签证颁发,但抗议仍然在继续。reciprocity

互惠,相互交换的原则。retrospect回顾,追溯。regression退步,退化。redundancy 裁员,多余的材料。

17. Ageing can be thought of as a gradual, albeit , slide from summer into autumn and,

with any luck, on to winter.

A. inexorable

B. indispensable

C. inconvertible

D. intolerable

17.A 句意:衰老可被看作从夏天过渡到秋天,再到冬天的一个渐进过程,虽然这一过程有


18. If you sat down and made another fair copy of the manuscript, you would find

yourself making new adjustments and emendations to it.

A. infallibly

B. exclusively

C. irresistibly

D. exquisitely

18.A 句意:如果你坐下来,对手稿再誊写一次,你无疑会发现你又作了更改和修订。infallibly万无一失地,毫无例外地。exclusively惟一地,独有地。irresistibly不可抵抗


19. What these things can do is to enhance the quality of life by helping us to “stresses”

into positive challenges, thus preventing the onset of apathy or even depression.

A. transmute

B. transfer

C. transmit

D. transfix

19.A 句意:…将压力转变为积极挑战。transmute将某事物改变为完全不同的事物。transfer


20. Needless to say, the terrorist attack on September 11 the whole nation into extreme

horror, and could very, likely affect the course of human history.

A. escalated

B. plunged

C. converted

D. drowsed

20.B 句意:不必说,9.11恐怖袭击事件使整个国家陷入了极度恐慌…。plunge into使陷入


II. Error Correction (10%)

There are 10 errors in this short passage. Correct them and write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (The sentences that are numbered in the passage are where the errors are to he found.)

Why is it that each of several persons who share a common situation and setting will develop different beliefs? (1) Why do individuals consider their beliefs true and other’s beliefs false? (2) Why do they value one thing as ugly but others value the same thing as beautiful? Or judge something or someone morally good or bad? Or accept something as real or not real? Why are we happy or unhappy? (3) Can one of us contribute for the happiness of others? How do we learn to enjoy life? (4) As we think about these kinds of questions, we engaged in philosophical activity. (5) This serves as the basis of formulating beliefs, a philosophy, related to the culture out of which the philosophical problems have grown. (6) On e’s individual philosophy then can be defined as the organizing system of convictions or beliefs adapted from this philosophical activity.

(7) The literary meaning of philosophy is “love of wisdom.” (8)If we think of wisdom as “a high degree of knowledge,” the extending meaning of philosophy becomes “love of a high degree of knowledge.” On this point, Aristotle made a statement that typifies Greek thought: “All men by nature desire to know.” Aristotle’s statement does not specify “what” men and women desire to know. (9) Wisdom like the cornerstone of philosophy encompasses religion, sciences, and art: it engages one’s thinking and deals with abstract concepts and theory. (10) One who seeks for wisdom like Aristotle is concerned with observations, values, mental pictures, spiritual beings, knowledge, and nature; and we call him a philosopher.


(1)other’s改为others’。此处others指代other people,需用复数。

(2)but改为while。本句并不是要表达转折之意,因此用while表前后两种情况的对比。(3)for改为to。contribute to固定结构,意为“促成某事”。

(4)engaged in改为are engaged in。句意:当考虑这些问题时,我们是在从事哲学活动。(5)of改为for。


(7)literary改为literal。literal meaning字面意思。

(8)extending改为extended。extended meaning延伸义。


(10)is concerned with改为concerns with。be concerned with意为“涉及到,与…有关”,此处要表达的意思是“追求智慧的人关心的是…”,因此用concern with“关心,关注”。

III. Reading Comprehension (20)

Read these passages and choose the best answer to each of the accompanying questions. Now blacken the letter corresponding to your choice in the list for Part III on the ANSWER SHEET.


The other day an acquaintance of mine, a gregarious and charming man, told me he had found himself unexpectedly alone in New York for an hour or two between appointments. He went to the Whiney and spent the “empty” time loo king at things in solitary bliss. For him, it proved to be a shock nearly as great as tailing in love to discover that he could enjoy himself so much alone.

What had he been afraid of, I asked myself? That, suddenly alone, he would discover that he bored himself, or that there was, quite simply, oneself there to meet? But having taken the plunge, he is now on the brink of adventure; he is about to be launched into his own inner space, space as immense, unexplored, and sometimes frightening as outer space to the astronaut. His every perception will come to him with a new freshness and, for a time, seem startlingly original. For anyone who can see things for himself with a naked eye becomes, for a moment or two, something of a genius. With another being present vision becomes double vision, inevitably. We are busy wondering, what does my companion see or think of this, and what do I think of it? The original impact gets lost, or diffused.

“Music I heard with you was more than music.” Exactly. And theref ore music itself can only be heard alone. “Solitude is the salt of personhood. It brings out the authentic flavor of every experience.”

“Alone one is never lonely: the spirit adventures, walking in a quiet garden, in a cool house, abiding single there.”

Loneliness is most acutely felt with other people, for with others, even with a lover sometimes, we suffer from our differences of taste, temperament, and mood. Human intercourse often demands that we soften the edge of perception, or withdraw at the very instant of personal truth for fear of hurting, or of being inappropriately presented, which is to say naked, in a social situation. Alone we can afford to be wholly whatever we are, and to feel absolutely. That is a great luxury!

For me the most interesting thing about a solitary life and mine has been that for the last twenty years, is that it becomes increasingly rewarding. When I can wake up and watch the sun rise over the ocean, as I do most days, and know that I have an entire day ahead, uninterrupted, in which to write a few pages, take a walk with my dog, lie down in the afternoon for a long time and think (why does one think better in a horizontal position?), read and listen to music, I am flooded with happiness.

1. The author’s acquaintanc e, though a man, could enjoy himself in solitary bliss.

A. vagarious

B. sociable

C. dexterous

D. invulnerable

1.B 根据后文的“he had found himself unexpectedly alone(意外地发现自己很孤独)”,可



2. It can be inferred from the 2nd paragraph that .

A. the experience of being alone offers one a chance to look into the self

B. it is human nature to be adventurous

C. double vision is better than single vision

D. solitude can make one a genius

2.A 第二段主要讲述的是这个人独处时本以为会厌恶自己,但结果却是“every perception

will come to him with a new freshness”,使他对自己有了全新的认识,选项A“独处给人们提供了自我审察的机会”符合文意。

3. Which of the following statements about loneliness is correct?

A. People who feel lonely are those who are alone.

B. Loneliness helps one to be himself.

C. Married people are never lonely.

D. People in company of others are more prone to loneliness than people alone.

3.D 文中倒数第二段提到“loneliness is most acutely felt with other people(与他人共处时会

更强烈地感知到孤独)”,随后作者对其进行解释:因为人与人之间的品位、性情以及情绪等存在差异,前文谈到alone one is never lonely,综合可得出选项D正确。

4. By saying “solitude is the salt of personhood” the author means that.

A. solitude adds flavor to life

B. people can better enjoy life in solitude

C. people can experience everything in life as they really are in solitude

D. people will be more experienced when they are solitary

4.C 文中第三段在提到“solitude is the salt of personhood(离群索居是人生兴味之所在)”

后,紧接着对其进行解释“It brings out the authentic flavor of every experience(让人感受到所有经历的真实韵味)”,选项C表述与之符合。

5. The tone of the author can best be described as .

A. critical

B. satirical

C. exasperated

D. meditative

5.D 本文作者通过一位熟人的例子,阐述了自己对solitude的深刻见解,选项D“深思的,



Nothing can be simpler than that, you think, but if you will take the trouble to analyze and trace out into its logical elements what has been done by the mind, you will be greatly surprised. In the first place you have performed the operation of induction. You find that, in two experiences, hardness and greenness in apples went together with sourness. It was so in the first case, and it

was confirmed by the second. True, it is a very small basis, but still it is enough from which to make an induction, you generalize the facts, and you expect to find sourness in apples where you get hardness and greenness. You found upon that a general law that all hard and green apples are sour, and that, so far as it goes, is a perfect induction. Well, having got your natural law in this way, when you are offered another apple which you find is hard and green, you say, “All hard and green apples are sour, this apple is hard and green, therefore, this apple is sour.” That train of reasoning is what logicians call a syllogism, and has all its various parts and terms--its major premises, its minor premises, and its conclusion. And, by the help of further reasoning, which, if drawn out, would have to be exhibited in two or three other syllogisms you arrive at your final determination. “I will not have that apple.” So that, you see, you have, in the first place, established a law by induction, and upon that you have founded a deduction, and reasoned out the special particular case.

Well now, suppose, having got your conclusion of the law, that at some time afterwards, you are discussing the qualities of apple with a friend, you will say to hi m, “It is a very curious thing, but I find that all hard and green apples are sour!” Your friend says to you, “But how do you know that?” You at once reply, “Oh, because I have tried them over and over again, and have always found them to be so.” Well, if we were talking science instead of common sense, we should call that an experimental verification. And, if still opposed, you go further, and say, “I have heard from the people in Somersetshire and Devonshire, where a large number of apples are grown, and in London, where many apples are sold and eaten, that they have observed the same thing. It is also found to be the case in Normandy, and in North America. In short, I find it to be the universal experience of mankind wherever attention has been directed t o the subject.” Whereupon, your friend, unless he is a very unreasonable man, agrees with you, and is convinced that you are quite right in the conclusion you have drawn. He believes, although perhaps he does not know he believes it, that the more extensive verifications have been made, and results of the same kind arrived at, that the more varied the conditions under which the same results are attained, the more certain is the ultimate conclusion, and he disputes the question no further. He sees that the experiment has been tried under all sorts of conditions, as to time, place, and people, with the same result, and he says to you, therefore, that the law you have laid down must be a good one, and he must believe it.

6. Apples are used by the author .

A. in order to convince the reader that fruit has no intellect

B. to illustrate the subject of the passage

C. to give color

D. to compare various types of persons

6.B 本文作者要讲述的是归纳,演绎等手段在生活中的应用,apples是用来论证这些道理


7. A syllogism is .

A. to reach a conclusion from given statements

B. to guess an outcome and try to prove it through experimentation

C. to arrive at a decision by reasoning from general laws to a particular case

D. to assert the validity of a theory on the basis of logical thinking without verification

7.C 文中第一段对syllogism进行了阐述:它包括its major premises, its minor premises, and its

conclusion“大前提(一般规律),小前提(具体个案),最终结论”,文中列举的“All hard and green apples are sour, this apple is hard and green, therefore, this apple is sour”,就是对syllogism的实例诠释,选项C“从普遍规律到具体事例,最终得出结论”正确。

8. The author has the approach of a(n) .

A. scientist

B. artist

C. novelist

D. economist

8.A 整篇文章作者叙述逻辑十分严密,首先提出理论,随后以具体事例论证,使读者心悦


9. The term “natural law” as it occurs in this passage refers to .

A. common sense

B. the order of nature

C. the result of induction

D. a scientific discovery

9.C 第一段,作者在谈论general law之前提到人们通过自身的经历make an induction,并

且希望在所有你得到的那些青涩苹果中找到酸味(论证你的归纳),随后又讲到在这个基础上,你得到了a general law,由此可判断,它指的是归纳得出的结论,选项C 正确。

10. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

A. The Use of Induction

B. Syllogistic Reasoning in Common Circumstances

C. Experimental Verification as an Adjunct to Reasoning

D. The Logic of Everyday Life

10.B 本文主要以苹果为例,谈论了syllogism(三段论法)在生活中的普遍应用,选项B



Most Americans believe that our society of consumption-happy, fun-loving, jet-traveling people creates the greatest happiness for the greatest number. Contrary to this view, I believe that our present way of life leads to increasing anxiety, helplessness and, eventually, to the disintegration of our culture. I refuse to identify fun with pleasure, excitement with joy, business with happiness, or the faceless, buck-passing “organization man” with an independent individual.

From this critical view our rates of alcoholism, suicide and divorce, as well as juvenile delinquency, gang rule, acts of violence and indifference to life, are characteristic symptoms of our “pathology of normalcy”. It may be argued that all these pathological phenomena exist because we have not yet reached our aim, that of an affluent society. It is true, we are still far from being an affluent society. But the material progress made in the last decades allows us to hope that our system might eventually produce a materially affluent society. Yet will we be happier then? The example of Sweden, one of the most prosperous, democratic and peaceful European countries, is not very encouraging: Sweden, as is often pointed out, in spite of all its material security has the highest alcoholism and suicide rates in Europe, while a much poorer country like Ireland ranks among the lowest in these respects. Could it be that our dream that material welfare per se leads to

happiness is just a pipe dream?

Certainly the humanist thinkers of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, who are our ideological ancestors, thought that the goal of life was the full unfolding of a person’s potentialities; what mattered to them was the person who is much, not the one who has much or uses much. For them economic production was a means to the unfolding of man, not an end. It seems that today the means have become ends; that not only “God is dead”, as Nietzsche said in the nineteenth century, but also man is dead; that what is alive are the organizations, the machines; and that man has become their slave rather than being their master.

Each society creates its own type of personality by its way of bringing up children in the family, by its system of education, by its effective values (that is, those values that are rewarded rather than only preached). Every society creates the type of “social character” which is needed for its proper functioning. It forms men who want to do what they have to do. What kind of men does our large-scale, bureaucratized industrialism need?

It needs men who cooperate smoothly in large groups, who want to consume more and more, and whose tastes are standardized and can be easily influenced and anticipated. It needs men who feel free and independent, yet who are willing to be commanded, to do what is expected, to fit into the social machine without friction; men who can be guided without force, led without leaders, prompted without an aim except the aim to be on the move, to function, to go ahead.

11. It can be inferred from the passage that .

A. the author is opposed to the assumption that affluence brings happiness

B. the author believes that the present way of life is congenial to American culture

C. the author believes that symptoms of pathology of normalcy such as alcoholism and juvenile delinquency will naturally be eliminated when the aim of an

affluent society has been reached

D. the author argues that 18th and 19th century humanism also applies to the present-day

American society

11.A 从文中第二段,作者指出的“虽然我们获得了一定程度上的物质繁荣,但alcoholism,

suicide,divorce等仍普遍存在”以及“Sweden物质方面十分富有,但却has the highest alcoholism and suicide rate,而Ireland虽然贫穷,在这些方面却rank the lowest”可推断,作者反对“富足会带来欢乐”这一观点,选项A正确。

12. The author uses the example of Sweden in the 2nd paragraph to show that .

A. an affluent society will be free from those pathological phenomena

B. Sweden is a better society than any other in Europe

C. a prosperous country will have higher alcoholism and suicide rates than a poor country

D. happiness has nothing to do with material welfare

12.D 第二段,作者谈到“Sweden物质方面十分富有,但却has the highest alcoholism and

suicide rate,而Ireland 虽然贫穷,在这些方面却rank the lowest”,由此可判断,物质财富和欢乐没有必然联系,但不能说明“一个富有的国家会比贫穷国家酗酒、自杀率高”,选项D正确。

13. Compared with thinkers of the 18th and 19th centuries, people today .

A. ar e more concerned about how to bring into full play people’s potentials

B. care less about the material things of life than about the spiritual things

C. regard material things the most important in life

D. have absolute control of the world

13.C 第三段,作者阐述了18,19世纪思想家的观点“the goal of life was the full folding of a

person’s potentiality”,而现代社会“man is dead, that is alive are the organizations, the machines”,由此可判断,现代社会,人们更注重物质财富的创造,甚至将之视为生命中最重要的事。

14. According to the author, which type of individuals m ight be most welcome in today’s society?

A. People who are rebellious.

B. People who are good organizers.

C. People who are conformists.

D. People who can operate machines properly.

14.C 最后一段,作者叙述了bureaucratized industrialism需要的人所具备的特点“tastes are

standardized, willing to be command, to do what is expected(品位标准化,乐意被指挥,乐意按照他人意愿做事等)”,由此可判断,现代社会需要的人是一些墨守成规的人,选项C正确。

15. The author writes this article to .

A. describe

B. inform

C. narrate

D. comment

15.D 文章开篇作者指出“Most Americans believe that…”,随后又谈到“contrary to this view,

I believe that…”,文章接下来的部分作者都在试图论证“物质财富并不能带来欢乐”

这一观点,并指出现今社会的一切弊病“man is dead”,从总体写作风格上来看,本文是评论性质的文章。


For those playing the game of science, the method by which they ascertain what they believe is crucial. They have to revaluate data and arguments and decide for themselves on their validity, Scientists communicating to others have the task of convincing the hearers of the validity of their statements in terms of the data and their explanation of the data. They are not playing the game correctly if they win support by the strength of their personality or prestige. In the short run scientists may follow somebody on the basis of prestige or charisma, but this cannot continue indefinitely. It is up to the hearers to evaluate what the scientists say rather than accept it because they say it. And the culmination of this enterprise is the determination of whether the explanations account for the data observed. The relationship between scientific explanations and data helps to ensure the integrity of scientists. If their findings are important, they can be sure that their theories and data will be examined critically and new evidence attained.

It is the system of data-based explanation that distinguishes science from dogma. Scientists have both the right and the responsibility to decide for themselves, on the basis of the evidence at hand, the best explanation of a set of phenomena. They also have the right and the responsibility to investigate thoroughly the bases of their beliefs. They cannot accept statements unsupported by data. On the other hand, dogma (religious, economic, political, social, or any other kind) depends on pronouncements by established authorities (for example, the dogma that the earth was created in 4004 B.C.). The goal of students learning a dogma is to accept the pronouncements as they are

given. If the students disagree with the dogma, they are not playing the game of dogmatism correctly. They have to search their souls until they accept it or be considered outcasts and suffer the consequences. It would not matter if they could present strong arguments in support of their personal beliefs. In dogma, arguments and facts are forced to coincide with the dogma. (Continuing the previous example, they must reject the existence of prehistoric people around 10,000 B.C.)

One way of contrasting science and dogma is to say that a scientist accepts facts as given and belief systems as tentative, whereas a dogmatist accepts the belief systems as given--facts are irrelevant.

It is possible for dogma to exist in the realm that is normally thought to be scientific. For example, if physicists accept the theory that a man who was accelerated away from and back to his twin would be younger than his twin when he returned (the twin paradox) because Einstein said so (rather than by understanding the arguments and data--if any--that confirm it), they are acting dogmatically. In fact, in Physics Today Mendel Sachs argued that there are, in fact, no data supporting the theory and that the arguments of the twin paradox are fallacies. Reader response treated him like a heretic rather than a physicist with another opinion. It is difficult not to be dogmatic abo ut one’s beliefs, whether they are justified or not The theoretical statements of many scientists have been made dogma by their followers. That is, their followers accepted these scientists’ statements as absolute truths. Such unfortunate scientists includ e Aristotle, Ptolemy, Newton, Lamarck, and Freud.

16. It is implied in the passage that .

A. there is no need to convince yourself of the validity of the statements in any science book

B. the strength of the personality or prestige of a famous scientist is negligible

C. it is not reasonable for a scientist to follow another person simply because of his prestige

D. the validity of any statement in science is questionable

16.C 本文主要讲述的是science和dogma的区别以及各自特点,从第一段叙述可知,真正

的科学家“have to revaluated data and arguments and decide for themselves on their validity”,由此可判断“科学家仅仅因为一个人的权威就盲目追随,是不合理的”


17. In the author’s opinion,.

A. dogma is a pseudoscience

B. Mendel Sachs is a dogmatist

C. Mendel Sachs is a heretic

D. dogma may exist in any scientific area

17.D 最后一段,作者谈到“it’s possible for dogma to exist in the realm that is normally thought

to be scientific(教条非常有可能存在于通常被视为科学的领域中)”,选项D符合。

18. According to this passage, .

A. even Einstein sometimes acted dogmatically

B. facts observed are not as important as belief systems in science

C. a dogmatist rejects the facts contrary to the belief systems he has accepted

D. the pronouncements by established authorities should be accepted as they are given

18.C 第三段讲述了scientist和dogmatist各自的工作态度,dogmatist“accept the belief system

as given, facts are irrelevant”,教条主义者接受那些既定论断,而不考虑实事情况,选项C “教条主义者拒绝承认那些与自己所接受的信条冲突的事实”正确。

19. Which of the following is not true?

A. Science is different from dogma in that it bases its explanation of a phenomenon on data.

B. Scientists are playing the game of science correctly if they try to revaluate data and

arguments and ascertain for themselves whether they are valid when reaching a conclusion.

C. A dogmatist accepts the belief systems as a matter of course and facts as contingent.

D. As a rule, all scientists show great respect for authorities because of their prestige and


19.D 本题可用排除法。文中第二段首句指出了science与dogma的差别在于data-based

explanation,选项A正确;第一段讲述了真正的科学家应如何从事科学工作,选项B 表述与文意符合;第三段讲解了教条主义者认为他所接受的信仰是理所当然的,而忽略那些现实,选项C也符合文意。选项D说“所有的科学家都尊重权威”不正确,根据第一段可知,真正的科学工作者会revaluate data and arguments。

20. Which of the following can serve as a proper title for this passage?

A. Science versus Dogma

B. The validity of Scientific Statements

C. The Systems of Data-based Explanation

D. Einstein and the Twin Paradox

20.A 本文主要讲述的是science和dogma的区别以及scientist和dogmatist各自如何对待前


IV. Translation (25%)

1. Translate the 5 underlined parts in the following passage and write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (10%)

It is difficult to see how one can teach if one is not learning. But there are some distinctions to be made here. To rely on last year’s notes, or—even worse—one’s last year’s memory, as if that would always be an adequate basis for passing on knowledge, is to mistake what human knowledge is. (1) And so the assimilation of books, the reading of articles, the pursuit of matters of concern will be crucial to one’s ability to introduce and develop a student’s ability to participate in a specific universe of discourse.

Research might be thought to be another matter especially if it is defined as adding to the sum total of human knowledge. (2) The expansion of higher education which has taken place, and more particularly the expansion which is likely to take place simply makes it unlikely that all those who are legitimately in the teaching and who fulfill their responsibilities utterly are themselves all capable of adding anything worth having to the sum total of human knowledge. It seems best, therefore, not to assume it, and not to presume what in principle is undeliverable. On the other hand, an institution of higher education which is not committed as a community to research will be defective. (3) The limit of what we know must be apparent, the mean and opportunities of inquiry must be understood, the value of research shared, even if it is only some members of a department, a faculty or an institution who are actually engaged in it. Scholarship is

for all, research for those who are most adept.(4)Of course, a proper celebration of the role of teaching and the art of the teacher will help to put right the very serious disparity of esteem which is affecting our judgment in this area.

But all this has implications for staff development. The distribution of resources by the institution will be a judgment on its moral perspective. So the identification and support of ways in which teaching can be improved, will be as important as the development of research in the life of an academic community. (5) Something significant is done by the support of scholarship, by financing attendance at conferences; but attention to teaching styles and learning strategies through courses, discussion, visiting lectures, schools, may all be as important.










“The expansion of higher education…”一句处理时难度较大,本句句子结构复杂,修饰成分较多,各分句间关系紧密,翻译前要先理顺句子结构,明确句中各成分的语法功能。本句主语是the expansion,谓语部分是simply makes it unlikely,其中it是形式宾语,真正的宾语由that从句引出,that从句中主干部分是those are themselves all capable of…。

2. Translate the following passage into English and write your answer on the ANSWER

SHEET. (15%)




(1)Possessing a language, perhaps better than any other feature, can distinguish man from other animals. To understand man, we have to understand the essence of language which makes us human beings. According to the myths and religions of different nations, it’s language that is the source of human life and power. To some Africans, a newly-born child is only “something”, rather than a “human being”. A child can become a human being only by

learning the language. So according to the tradition, we all become human being because of

commanding at least one language.

(2)Modern science, as any other matters, also has its corruptions, such as the scientific researcher not obeying scientific rules, science applied for violence or crimes, human beings gaining knowledge through plagiarizing, plundering and killing. But these cannot be the reasons

for anti-science activities.




V. Writing (15%)

Here is a quotation from Benjamin Franklin, “If you would be loved, love and be lovable.” This is a good piece of advice to all who are starved for love.

Write an essay (in no more than 300 words) to discuss your understanding of Franklin’s statement and illuminate your own ideas about th e true meaning of love. The suggested title is How to win love. Now write you essay on the ANSWER SHEET.


How to win love

Love is an adorable gift and is always pursued and cherished. But what is love and how to win love?

In my opinion, love is a wonderful and indescribable feeling that creates harmonious atmosphere, brings happiness and gives people a feeling of satisfaction. Love exists everywhere in our daily life: when you help an elderly woman cross the busy street, there is love; when you save a wandering dog and accommodate it, you show your love; when you make donations to the poor, love comes along. All these small things are in the range of love. Love is so simple a thing and it only means care, sympathy, and help.

Benjamin Franklin’s note gives people a good hint to win love: If you would be loved, love and be lovable. What Benjamin Franklin means, I think, is love is mutual, and should be responded. If you want others to love you, you must first not be disgusting, or you must be lovable and convince them you are worth loving; besides you must love others, because when others’ love don’t get response, they will fail frustrated, and not show their love any longer. In short, if one wants to win love, he must show his love to others and be genial and easy going, not conducting rude behaviors or hurt others.



本文要求围绕“如何获得爱”这一话题展开论述。第一段,作者开门见山,以简洁的文字切入主题“what is love and how to win love”。第二段,作者叙述了个人对爱的理解,他认为:爱是一种美妙的,难以形容的感觉,爱创造了一种和谐的氛围,带给人们欢乐和满足感。并指出“Love exists everywhere in our daily life”,随后具体列举了什么是爱。段落结尾,作者指出“爱很简单,它指的是一种在乎,一种关心和热心提供帮助”。第三段,作者通过富兰克林的话引出“how to win love”,指出:爱是相互的,要想获得爱,就必须首先去爱别人,并且要努力使自己变得值得别人去爱。整篇文章结构安排合理,段落之间过度衔





fine rugs that are cherished by their owners为主人所珍爱的精美地毯(3)harmonious和谐的,和睦的

a harmonious blend of architectural styles各种建筑风格的完美的结合




2016年全国医学博士英语统一入学考试试卷完整版 注:本答案非旭晨考博网出,完整参考答案请及时关注《2017年旭晨医学考博英语一本通第11版》后续更新,将免费提供。 Listening Comprehension (30%) Section A 1. B. At three next Wednesday. 2. B. A piercing pain. 3. A. He is going to get married. 4. D. She couldn't agree with the man more. 5. A. Jack's girlfriend is mad at him. 6. B. It's wise to be prepared. 7. B. He is a trouble-maker. 8. D. $30 9. C. Work out in the gym. 10. B. 232 11. A. Mary isn't his type. 12. A. Play tennis. 13. C. In the hospital. 14. A. She is seriously ill. 15. B. She makes a living now as a landlady. Section B Dialogue 16. A. A duodenal ulcer. 17. B. Try medical means. 18. A. Overweight. 19. C. He is a heavy smoker. 20. D. Make an appointment with Dr. Oaks. Passage One 21. D. He is the creator of a website on longevity. 22. C. Women develop cardiovascular disease much later than men. 23. B. In their 60s and 70s. 24. D. Iron. 25. C. Another possibility for women's longevity. Passage Two 26. C. He struggled under the strain of poverty. 27. B. He is an investment advisor. 28. D. Fear. 29. B. He began reading investment books and then began practicing. 30. C. Where there is a will, there is a way. Part II Vocabulary (10%) Section A Directions: In this section all the sentences are incomplete. Four words or phrases, marked A, B, C


西安交通大学考博英语试题及其解析 I.In each question,decide which of the four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Put your choice in the ANSWER SHEET,(15points) EXAMPLE: I was caught_the rain yesterday. A.in B.by C.with D.at ANSWER:(A) l.Those two families have been quarrelling__each other for many years. A.to B.between C.against D.with 2.There are many things whose misuse is dangerous,bur it is hard to think of anything that can be compared___ A.in B.with C.among D.by 3."How often have you seen cases like this?"one surgeon asked another."Oh,__times,I guess,"was the reply. A.hundred of B.hundreds C.hundreds of D.hundred 4.Give me your telephone number__I need your help. A.whether B.unless C.so that D.in case 5.You sang well last night.We hope you'll sing__. A.more better B.still better C.nicely D.best 6.Those people__a general understanding of the present situation. https://www.doczj.com/doc/66693502.html,ck of B.are lacking of https://www.doczj.com/doc/66693502.html,ck D.are in lack 7.Alone in a desert house,he was so busy with his research work


2018考博英语翻译练习题及答案【十篇】 仰望天空时,什么都比你高,你会自卑;俯视大地时,什么都比你低,你会自负;只有放宽视野,把天空和大地尽收眼底,才能在苍穹泛土之间找到你真正的位置。无须自卑,不要自负,坚持自信。以下我无忧考网为考生整理的《2018考博英语翻译练习题及答案第二部分【十篇】》供您查阅。 2018考博英语翻译练习:泡腊八蒜 考博英语翻译题型多为汉译英,各博士招生院校大多都有此题型,考博英语复习初期阶段新东方在线考博频道为考博生们整理了一些考博英语翻译练习,供大家平日复习。 泡腊八蒜是中国北方,尤其是华北地区的一个习俗。顾名思义,就是在阴历腊月初八的这天来泡制大蒜。其实材料非常简单,就是醋和大蒜瓣儿。做法也是极其简单,将剥了皮的蒜瓣儿放到一个可以密封的罐子、瓶子之类的容器里面,然后倒入醋,封上口放到一个冷的地方。慢慢地,泡在醋中的蒜就会变绿,最后会变得通体碧绿的,如同翡翠碧玉。老北京人家,一到腊月初八,过年的气氛一天赛过一天,

华北大部分地区在腊月初八这天有用醋泡蒜的习俗。 译文参考: Laba garlic bulbs in the north,particularly in North China,a custom. As the name suggests,at the eighth daytime of the twelfth lunar day the Chinese people are apt to cook garlic.In fact,the materials is very easy, that is,vinegar and garlic petal.Approach is extremely simple too,the rinded garlic cloves can be sealed into a jar,flasks and the favor inside the container,then pour vinegar,sealed port into a cold location. Slowly, the garlic drenched in vinegar ambition turn green,and finally transform entire body green as emerald jade.Old Beijing human,1 to the eighth daytime of the twelfth lunar month,one day outdo the air of Chinese New Year day in most parts of north China this day be serviceable in the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month vinegar and garlic bulbs custom. 解析: 大蒜:garlic


四川大学2012考博英语真题及答案详解 阅读 1)Sign has become a scientific hot button. Only in the past 20 years have specialists in language study realized that signed languages are unique—a speech of the hand. They offer a new way to probe how the brain generates and understands language, and throw new light on an old scientific controversy: whether language, complete with grammar, is something that we are born With, or whether it is a learned behavior. The current interest in sign language has roots in the pioneering work of one rebel teacher at Gallaudet University in Washington, D. C., the world’s only liberal arts university for deaf people. When Bill Stokoe went to Gallaudet to teach English, the school enrolled him in a course in signing. But Stokoe noticed something odd: among themselves, students signed differently from his classroom teacher. Stokoe had been taught a sort of gestural code, each movement of the hands representing a word in English. At the time, American Sign Language (ASL) was thought to be no more than a form of pidgin English (混杂英语). But Stokoe believed the “hand talk” his students used looked richer. He wondered: Might deaf people actually: have a genuine language? And could that language be unlike any other on Earth? I t was 1955, when even deaf people dismissed their signing a s “substandard”. Stokoe’s idea was academic heresy (异端邪说). It is 37 years later. Stokoe—now devoting his time to writing and editing books and journals and to producing video materials on ASL and the deaf culture—is having lunch at a cafe near the Gallaudet campus and explaining how he started a revolution. For decades educators fought his idea that signed languages are natural languages like English, French and Japanese. They assumed language must be based on speech, the modulation (调节) of sound. But sign language is based on the movement of hands, the modulation of space. “What I said,” Stokoe explains, “is that language is not mouth stuff—it’s brain stuff.” 21. The study of sign language is thought to be _____C___. A) a new way to look at the learning of language B) a challenge to tradi t ional, views on the nature of language C) an approach: to simplifying the grammatical structure of a language D) an attempt to clarify misunderstanding about the origin of language(C) 22. The, present growing interest in sign language was stimulated by ___C_____. A) a famous scholar in the study of the human brain B) a leading specialist in the study of liberal arts C) an English teacher in a university for the deaf D) some senior experts in American Sign Language(C) 23. According to Stokoe, sign language is _____B___. A) a Substandard language B) a genuine language C) an artificial language D) an international language(B)


上海交大2013年考博英语试题及答案 第一篇 There are desert plants which survive the dry season in the form of inactive seeds. There are also desert insects which survive as inactive larvae (幼虫). In addition, difficult as it is to believe, there are desert fish which can survive through years of drought (干旱) in the form of inactive eggs. These are the shrimps (小虾) that live in the Mojave Desert, an intensely dry region in the south-west of the United States where shade temperatures of over 50C are often recorded. The eggs of the Mojave shrimps are the size and have the appearance of grains of sand. When sufficient spring rain falls to form a lake, once every two to five years, these eggs hatch (孵化). Then the water is soon filled with millions of tiny shrimps about a millimetre long which feed on tiny plant and animal organisms which also grow in the temporary desert lake. Within a week, the shrimps grow from their original 1 millimetre to a length of about 1.5 centimetres. Throughout the time that the shrimps are rapidly maturing, the water in the lake equally rapidly evaporates. Therefore, for the shrimps it is a race against time. By the twelfth day, however, when they are about 3 centimetre long, hundreds of tiny eggs form on the underbodies of the females. Usually by this time, all that remains of the lake is a large, muddy patch of wet soil. On the thirteenth day and the next, during the final hours of their brief lives, the shrimps lay their eggs in the mud. Then, having ensured that their species will survive, the shrimps die as the last of the water evaporates. If sufficient rain falls the next year to form another lake, the eggs hatch, and once again the shrimps pass rapidly through their cycle of growth, adulthood, egg-laying, and death. Some years there is insufficient rain to form a lake: in this case, the eggs will remain dormant for another years, or even longer if necessary. Very, very occasionally, perhaps twice in a hundred years, sufficient rain falls to form a deep lake that lasts a month or more. In this case, the species passes through two cycles of growth, egg-laying, and death. Thus, on such occasions, the species multiplies considerably, which further ensures its survival. 1.Which of the following is the MOST distinctive feature of Mojave shrimps? A) Their lives are brief. B) They feed on plant and animal organisms.


General English Admission Test For Non-English Major Ph.D. program (Harbin Institute of Technology) Passage One Questions 1-7 are based on the following passage: According to a recent theory, Archean-age gold-quartz vein systems were formed over two billion years ago from magmatic fluids that originated from molten granitelike bodies deep beneath the surface of the Earth. This theory is contrary to the widely held view that the systems were deposited from metamorphic fluids, that is, from fluids that formed during the dehydration of wet sedimentary rocks. The recently developed theory has considerable practical importance. Most of the gold deposits discovered during the original gold rushes were exposed at the Earth’s surface and were found because the y had shed trails of alluvial gold that were easily traced by simple prospecting methods. Although these same methods still leas to an occasional discovery, most deposits not yet discovered have gone undetected because they are buried and have no surface expression. The challenge in exploration is therefore to unravel the subsurface geology of an area and pinpoint the position of buried minerals. Methods widely used today include analysis of aerial images that yield a broad geological overview, geophysical techniques that provide data on the magnetic, electrical, and mineralogical properties of the rocks being investigated, and sensitive chemical tests that are able to detect : the subtle chemical halos that often envelop mineralization. However, none of these high-technology methods are of any value if the sites to which they are applied have never mineralized, and to maximize the chances of discovery the explorer must therefore pay particular attention to selecting the ground formations most likely to be mineralized. Such ground selection relies to varying degrees on conceptual models, which take into account theoretical studies of relevant factors. These models are constructed primarily from empirical observations of known mineral deposits and from theories of ore-forming processes. The explorer uses the models to identify those geological features that are critical to the formation of the mineralization being modeled, and then tries to select areas for exploration that exhibit as many of the critical features as possible. 1. The author is primarily concerned with . A. advocating a return to an older methodology. B. explaining the importance of a recent theory. C. enumerating differences between two widely used methods D. describing events leading to a discovery 2. According to passage, the widely held view of Archean-age gold-quartz vein


2013年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题及详解 试卷一(Paper One) Part I Listening Comprehension (30%) Section A Directions: In this section you will hear fifteen short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, you will hear a question about what is said. The question will be read only once. After you hear the question, read the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET. Listen to the following example. You will hear: Woman: I feel faint. Man: No wonder. You haven’t had a bite all day. Question: What’s the matter with the woman? You will read: A. She is sick. B. She was bitten by an ant. C. She is hungry. D. She spilled her paint.


北京语言大学考博英语真题及其解析Directions:You are going to read a list of headings and a text about preparing in the academic community.Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-G for each numbered paragraph(41-45).The first and last paragraphs of the text are not numbered.There is one extra heading which you do not need to use.Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.(10points) Long before Man lived on the Earth,there were fishes,reptiles, birds,insects,and some mammals.Although some of these animals were ancestors of kinds living today,others are now extinct,that is,they have no descendants alive now. 41Very occasionally the rocks show impression of skin,so that, apart from color,we can build up a reasonably accurate picture of an animal that died millions of years ago.That kind of rock in which the remains are found tells us much about the nature of the original land,often of the plants that grew on it,and even of its climate. 42Nearly all of the fossils that we know were preserved in rocks formed by water action,and most of these are of animals that lived in or near water.Thus it follows that there must be many kinds of mammals,birds,and insects of which we know noting.Geng duo yuan xiao wan zheng kao bo ying yu zhen ti ji qi jie xi qing lian xi quan guo mian fei zi xun dian hua:si ling ling liu liu ba liu jiu qi ba,huo jia zi xun qq:qi qi er liu qi ba wu san qi. 43There were also crablike creatures,whose bodies were covered


2015年山东大学考博英语部分试题 完形填空 A recent poll indicated that half the teenagers in the United States believe that communication between them and their parents is__1__and further that one of the prime causes of this gap is __2__listening behavior. As a(an)__3__ in point,one parent believed that her daughter had a severe__4__problem. She was so __5__that she took her to an audiologist to have her ear tested. The audiologist carefully tested both ears and reported back to the parent:“There‘s nothing wrong with her hearing. She’s just __6__you out.” A leading cause of the __7__divorce rate(more than half of all marriages end in divorce)is the failure of husbands and wives to __8__effectively. They don‘t listen to each other. Neither person__9__to the actual message sent by the other. In __10__fashion,political scientists report that a growing number of people believe that their elected and __11__officials are out of__12__with the constituents they are supposedly __13__. Why?Because they don‘t believe that they listen to them. In fact,it seems that sometimes our politicians don’t even listen to themselves. The following is a true story:At a national__14__conference held in Albuquerque some years ago,then Senator Joseph Montoya was__15__a copy of a press release by a press aide shortly before he got up before the audience to__16__ a speech. When he rose to speak,__17__the horror of the press aide and the__18__of his audience,Montoya began reading the press release,not his speech. He began,“For immediate release. Senator Joseph M. Montoya,Democrat of New Mexico,last night told the National……”Montoya read the entire six-page release,__19__ with the statement that he“was repeatedly __20__by applause.” 1.[A] scarce [B] little [C] rare [D] poor 2.[A] malignant [B] deficient [C] ineffective [D] feeble 3.[A] case [B] example [C] lesson [D] suggestion 4.[A] audio [B] aural [C] hearing [D] listening 5.[A] believing [B] convinced [C] assured [D] doubtless 6.[A] turning [B] tuning [C] tucking [D] tugging 7.[A] rising [B] arising [C] raising [D] arousing 8.[A] exchange [B] interchange [C] encounter [D] interact 9.[A] relates [B] refers [C] responds [D] resorts 10.[A] like [B] alike [C] likely [D] likewise 11.[A] nominated [B] selected [C] appointed [D] supported 12.[A] connection [B] reach [C] association [D] touch 13.[A] leading [B] representing [C]delegating [D] supporting 14.[A] legislative [B] legitimate [C] legalized [D] liberal 15.[A] distributed [B] awarded [C] handed [D] submitted 16.[A] present [B] publish [C] deliver [D] pursue 17.[A] to [B] with [C] for [D] on 18.[A] joy [B] enjoyment [C] amusement [D] delight 19.[A] conclude [B] to conclude [C] concluding [D] concluded 20.[A] disrupted [B] interfered [C] interrupted [D] stopped 阅读理解 第一篇


中国传媒大学考博英语试题解析 Ⅰ.In each sentence,decide which of the four choices given will suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked.Put your choice in the ANSWER SHEET(15point) l.They lost their way in the forest,and_made matters worse was thatnight began to fall. A.that B.it C.what D.which 2._my retum,I learned that Professor Smith had been at the Museum and would not be back for several hours.Geng duo yuan xiao wan zheng kao bo ying yu zhen ti ji qi jie xi huo kao bo fu dao ti yan qing lian xi quan guo mian fei zi xun dian hua:si ling ling liu liu ba liu jiu qi ba,huo jia zi xun qq:qi qi er liu qi ba wu san qi. A.At B.On C.With D.During 3.Anyone who has spent time with children is aware of the difference in the way boys and girls respond to_situations. A.similar B.alike C.same D.likely 4.There is not much time left;so I'll tell you about it_. A.in detail B.in brief C.in short D.in all 5.In this factory,suggestion Often have to wait for months before they are fully_. A.admitted B.acknowledged C.absorbed D. considered 6.There is a real posibility that these animals could be frightened,_a sudden loud noise. A.being there B.should there be C.there was D.


https://www.doczj.com/doc/66693502.html,中国考博辅导首选学校 2014考博英语真题分析 大家都知道,考博考到最后是在考英语,考英语考到最后是在考阅读, 得阅读者得天下,由此可看出考博阅读在考博中占据的重要性。 历年考纲都明确规定了阅读理解A部分主要考查考生的八个方面,要 求考生掌握这几方面的要求,同时在试题的考查中体现出了考纲对阅读理 解A的考查,细节题体现出了考博考纲中要求掌握细节的一点,主旨题也体 现出了考纲中需要掌握文章大概框架的要求等等,前些年细节题占据了考题 的很大一部分,这些年考查细节方面题的数量稍有减少,相应的其他类型题 的数量稍有增加。 (PS:The way to contact yumingkaobo TEL:si ling ling-liu liu ba-liu jiu qi ba QQ:772678537)这几年阅读理解文章难度,整体上趋于平稳。今年的阅读题题型和11 年有相似之处,话题都是大家比较熟悉的话题,这样就不会出现10年时候出 现的文章大意都看不懂的现象,但是这样也会出现另外一个现象,大家熟悉 的话题就很容易加入自己的主观想法,就如05年第三篇讲梦的文章,大家都 知道日有所思,夜有所梦,很多考生在做第一题的时候很容易选择C答案: 梦反映出我们内心最深处的欲望与恐惧,另一方面,从06年到现在,答案的 干扰性越来越强,以前的答案设置中有两个是错误答案,很多时候剩下的一 个选项的无关干扰答案,与主题是没有关系的,这一个通常可以根据主题来 排除掉,而近几年的阅读题答案的干扰就是以文章里面出现的信息作为干扰 项,今年的考题也印证了这印证了这样一个趋势,不像10年的题,话题都 是专业的,很多学生文章都没看明白,但是从11年开始,很多考生似乎文章 都看懂了,但是答案就是做不对,有时文章不是很难,但是题目会出的稍微 拐的弯多一些。有些答案设计过程中确实是有些难度的。近几年考博阅读的 难度系数比较稳定,一般是在5道左右。06到12年阅读题都是5道左右。 本文由“育明考博”整理编辑

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