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An I nvestiga tion of the M ean i ng of

The R oad N ot Taken

HAN J i an -x i a ,L I Sh i -x i a

(Graduate Schoo l ,Shanghai J iao tong U n iversity ,Shanghai ,200240)

[Abstract ]T h is p ap er m akes an analysis on the m ean ing of T he Road N o t T aken by Robert F ro st ,the fam ou s Am erican Poet in the tw en tieth cen tu ry .T he Poem illu strates the dilemm a of

m ak ing a cho ice and decisi on .In the Poem F ro st encou rages h is readers to take the road

“less traveled by .”

[Key words ]T he Road ;Cho ice

[CLC nu m ber ]I 106.2 [Docum en t code ]A [A rticle I D ]1004-7077(2002)04-0090-

042002年8月第19卷 第4期 枣庄师范专科学校学报JOU RNAL O F Z AO ZHUAN G T EA CH ER S ′COLL EGE A ug .2002 V o l 119NO 14

HAN J ian-xia,L I Sh i-xia:A n Investigati on of the M eaning of T he R oad N ot T aken


HAN J ian-xia,L I Sh i-xia:A n Investigati on of the M eaning of T he R oad N ot T aken



(1.上海交通大学,上海 200240;2.枣庄市台儿庄区教育局,山东枣庄 277160)

[摘 要]本文对20世纪美国著名诗人Robert F ro st的诗歌《一条从未走过的路》进行了分析。该诗歌阐述了作出选择和决定的困惑,在诗歌中作者鼓励读者要走别人所未走过的路。
