当前位置:文档之家› 河北省衡水市小升初英语专题复习(语法专练):情景交际




姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________


一、单选题 (共40题;共80分)

1. (2分) When is Women's Day?

A . I am going to make a cad for my mum.

B . March 8th.

C . June 1st.

D . August 15th.

2. (2分)—Is there a bird in the sky?


A . Yes,there are.

B . Yes,there isn't.

C . Yes,there is.

3. (2分)—Goodbye,Miss White.

A . Bye,Sarah.

B . OK!

C . Great!

4. (2分)

A . It's a robot.

B . She can make cakes.

C . It will be sunny today.

5. (2分) (2018四上·麒麟期末) 圣诞节到了,你对老师和同学说什么?()

A . Merry Christmas!

B . Happy Halloween!

C . Happy New Year!

6. (2分)你想表达“它在书下面”,你应说:________

A . It's under the book.

B . It's on the book.

7. (2分) Here you are.

A . Thank you.

B . Yes,they are.

8. (2分) Is it a fat cat?

A . Yes,it is.

B . Yes,I am.

9. (2分)你想让妈妈帮你递米饭,可以这样说:_____________________

A . Pass me the rice,please!

B . Here is the rice,please.

10. (2分) (2019三下·鹿邑月考) 一Boys and girls,we have a new friend today. —__________

A . Thank you.

B . Nice to meet you.

C . Welcome.

11. (2分)你想告诉妈妈你饿了,你应该说:______

A . Mum,I'm hungry.

B . Mum,I can't see.

12. (2分)你想向别人介绍你的书本,你可以说:

A . I like books.

B . These are my books.

C . Who are you?

13. (2分) (2018四上·浙江期中) —Let's clean the classroom.


A . Thank you.

B . OK.

C . Excuse me.

14. (2分)你想介绍自己,你可以说:

A . No,I am not.

B . I am fine.

C . I am Tom.

15. (2分)你向别人介绍这是自己的新裙子时,你说:

A . This is my new skirt.

B . What color is the new skirt?

C . How about my new skirt?

16. (2分)该睡觉了,你与妈妈道晚安,你会说:

A . Good night,Mum.

B . Goodbye,Mum.

17. (2分)—________ do you often read Engish?

—I read it every morning.

A . What

B . When

C . Where

18. (2分)对客人表示欢迎时说:________

A . Welcome!

B . OK!

19. (2分)别人跟你说“很高兴见到你”,你要怎么回答?

A . Thank you.

B . Nice to see you,too.

C . Goodbye.

20. (2分)(2015·深圳模拟) 当你进入商店,服务员会对你说:

A . What do you want?

B . What can I help you?

C . How can I help you?

D . What can I do for you?

21. (2分) (2018二下·上海期末) I go to the beach. It is sunny and hot. It is

A . winter

B . summer

C . spring

22. (2分) (2019四上·兴化期中) 你想看一下对方的东西,你可以说:

A . Can I have a look?

B . Can I have one?

C . Can I have a book?

23. (2分)你想和朋友一起做个木偶,你应该说:

A . Let's make a puppet!

B . Let's go to school.

24. (2分)你的橡皮在铅笔盒里,同桌问你的橡皮是否在铅笔盒里,你应回答:________

A . No,it isn't.

B . Yes,it is.

25. (2分)你想知道这个男孩是谁,你应该这样问

A . Who is he ?

B . Who's this boy?

26. (2分)你告诉同学,是上课的时候了,你会说:

A . It's time for class.

B . It's time for the cake.

C . You're late.

27. (2分)你与Sam见面后,Sam对你说:How are you? 你应该回答:

A . How are you?

B . I'm fine,thank you.

28. (2分)—Goodbye,Sam.


A . Hello.

B . Hi,I'm Beibei.

C . Goodbye.

29. (2分)玲玲打电话时,首先应该说:________

A . Hello. This is Lingling.

B . Who are you?

30. (2分)— How's school today,Dongdong?

A . I'm happy.

B . Wonderful.

C . No,I am not.

D . I like it.

31. (2分) What are you doing'?

A . I'm watching TV.

B . I watch TV every day.

32. (2分)当像想介绍自己的身体部位时,你可以说:

A . My name is Tony.

B . This is my head.

C . Nice to meet you.

33. (2分)— What would you like?

— ____________

A . I like some beef.

B . I'd like some beef.

C . I have some beef.

34. (2分)放学时,你应该对同学说:

A . Good morning!

B . Goodbye!

C . Good afternoon!

35. (2分) (2018一下·上海期中) What do you hear?

A . I hear a pig.

B . I see a pig.

36. (2分) Go to the bathroom. _________________

A . Read a book!

B . Take a shower!

C . Have a snack!

37. (2分)(2011·广州模拟) —Would you like something to eat?

— ________ .

A . Yes,I am.

B . Yes,I like it very much.

C . Yes,please.

D . Yes,I'd like some water

38. (2分)—Good morning!


A . Good afternoon!

B . Good morning!

C . Goodbye.

39. (2分)老师问大明有没有自行车,如果大明没有,他会说:

A . No,I haven't.

B . Yes,I have.

40. (2分) (2020五上·瓯海期末) —I can't dance. Can you help me? —_______

A . No problem.

B . Thank you.

C . Wonderful.

二、根据所给情境,选择合适的选项 (共10题;共20分)

41. (2分)Quack…Quack…What is this?

A . It's a duck.

B . It's a cow.

42. (2分)—Hello! I'm John.

A . Me too.

B . Hi,John. I'm Lily.

43. (2分)下面句子中哪一句不适合和别人打招呼?

A . Good evening.

B . Nice to meet you.

C . Good night.

44. (2分)你想介绍你的朋友John,你应说:________

A . Hello,I'm John.

B . Hi,this is John.

45. (2分)你想表达“我的书在书桌后面。”时,你可以说:

A . My book is on the desk.

B . My book is under the desk.

C . My book is behind the desk.

46. (2分)妈妈对你说“Give me a spoon,please.",你可以说:

A . Here you are.

B . No,thanks.

47. (2分)—What shape is it?

A . It's a heart.

B . It's a star.

48. (2分)—If you meet a new word,what can you do?


A . Use a dictionary.

B . Read a poem.

C . Write a postcard.

49. (2分)别人向你问好时,你应该说:________

A . Yes,I am.

B . Fine,thanks.

50. (2分)当你想告诉别人,“等一会。”你要怎么说?______

A . Stand up.

B . Wait a minute.

参考答案一、单选题 (共40题;共80分)








































二、根据所给情境,选择合适的选项 (共10题;共20分) 41-1、





2020届高考一轮复习语法专项十七:连词连词分为并列连词和从属连词两大类。并列连词是连接主语与主语,谓语与谓语,句子与句子,分词与分词的词,它要求前后两部分有相同的形式和语法作用;而从属连词一般连接主句与从句,从句形式有名词性从句,定语从句和状语从句等。 (一)并列连词: 并列连词可用来连接词与词,词组与词组,分句与分句。常用的并列连词有:and(和),as well as(既…又),both … and(不但…而且),not only … but also(不但…而且),not … but(不是…而是),neither … nor(既不…也不),either … or(不是…就是),or(或者),but (但是),yet(然而),for(因为),so(所以),while(而),when(这时)等。如:Both my brother and my sister are teachers./ His room is bright but mine is gloomy(暗沉沉的)./ He can not only repair radios but also fix them./ It is a glorious(光荣的)yet difficult task./ Strike while iron is hot. (二)从属连词 从属连词是指在复合句中引导从句的连结词。常见的从属连词有: 引导时间状语从句的:after, before, when, as, while, since, until, till, as soon as 引导原因状语从句的:because, since, as 引导让步状语从句的:although, though, no matter(无论), even if (though) 引导条件状语从句的:if, unless, once, so (as) long as 引导结果状语从句的:so … that …, such … that … 引导目的状语从句的:so that …, in order that … 引导比较状语从句的:as … as …, not so (as) … as …, … than … 引导方式状语从句的:as if … 引导主语,宾语或表语从句的连词主要有:that, whether, if三个。其中that 和whether 间或还可以引起同位从句和状语从句。 (三)某些用法比较特殊的从属连词用法区别 1、当while, when, as引导时间状语从句时的区别:①while引导的状语从句中动词必须是持续性。谓语动词多为进行时,或状态动词的一般时。while 的这些用法可用when代替,等于“at the time that”, “during the time that”。例如:Please keep quiet while (when) others are studying;② when除可指一段时间外,还可用来指一点时间,等于“at the time”,也就是说


高中英语情景交际经典习题(含答案) 一、单项选择情景交际 1.--- Mary, what do you think of the soup I cooked especially for you? ---______, but it tastes too oily. A.My fault B.Forget it C.Excuse me D.No offence 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查情景交际及习惯表达。句意:---玛丽,你觉得我特别为你做的汤怎么样? ---没有冒犯您的意思,但它的味道太油腻了。A. My fault我的错;B. Forget it没关系;C. Excuse me打扰了;D. No offence没有冒犯您的意思。No offence“没有冒犯你的意思”符合语境。故选D 项。 2.---Are you going to accept the offer? ---You bet! The salary is not that good, but ,you know. A.better late than never B.actions speak louder than words C.a change of work is as good as rest D.a bird in hand is worth two in the bush 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查习语。A. better late than never亡羊补牢;B. actions speak louder than words事实胜于雄辩;C. a change of work is as good as rest换个工作比休息更好;D. a bird in hand is worth two in the bush一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。句意:——你要接受这个提议么?——你说的没错,虽然薪水不是很高,但一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林(稳握在手的已得之物)。根据“but”判断第二人想要珍惜现在这个提议,不打算冒险看似更好却没有把握的东西,故D项正确。【点睛】 对习语意思的理解是解题关键,a bird in hand is worth two in the bush一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林常用来表示珍惜现在所有,不冒险去争取看似更好却没有把握的东西。 3.—Hey, do remember w e are going to Mr. Black’s office tomorrow. —Oh, I have almost forgotten, but_____. A.not really B.never mind C.no problem D.no doubt 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查习惯用语。A. not really不见得;B. never mind没关系;C. no problem没问题;D. no doubt毫无疑问。句意:—嘿,别忘了我们明天要去布莱克先生的办公室。—哦,我差点忘了,但是没问题。故C选项正确。


江苏高考英语语法专题复习知识点汇总 一、冠词The Article 知识要点: 冠词是一种虚词,放在名词的前面,帮助说明名词的含义。冠词分不定冠词(The Indefinite Article)和定冠词(The definite Article)两种。a (an) 是不定冠词,a用在辅音之前:如a book, a man; an用在元音之前,如:an old man, an hour, an interesting book等。the是定冠词。 一、不定冠词的用法 1、指人或事物的某一种类(泛指)。这是不定冠词a (an)的基本用法。如:She is a girl. I am a teacher. Please pass me an apple. 2、指某人或某物,但不具体说明何人或何物。如:He borrowed a story-book from the library. A Li is looking for you. 一位姓李的同志正在找你。 3、表示数量,有“一”的意思,但数的概念没有one强烈。如: I have a mouth, a nose and two eyes. 4、用于某些固定词组中。如: a bit, a few, a little, a lot of, a piece of, a cup of, a glass of, a pile of, a pair of, have a good time, for a while, for a long time等。 5、用在抽象名词前,表具体的介绍——a + 抽象名词,起具体化的作用。如: This little girl is a joy to her parents. 这女孩对她父母来说是一个乐趣。 It is a pleasure to talk with you. 跟您交谈真是一件愉快的事情。 It is an honour to me to attend the meeting. 参加这个会,对我来说是一种荣誉。 二、定冠词的用法: 1、特指某(些)人或某(些)事物。这是定冠词the的基本用法。如: Beijing is the capital of China. The pen on the desk is mine. 2、指谈话双方都知道的人或事物。如: Where is the teacher? Open the window, please. 3、指上文提过的人或事物(第二次出现)。如: There was a chair by the window. On the chair sat a young woman with a baby in her arms. The baby was thin. 4、用在世界上独一无二的事物前。如: the earth, the moon, the sun. 5、用在序数词和形容词最高级前。(副词最高级前的定冠词可省略)如: He is always the first to come to school. Bob is the tallest in his class. 6、用在某些专有名词前(由普通名词构成的专用名词)。如: the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Science Museum, the Children’s Palace, the Party等。 7、用在一些习惯用语中。如: on the day, in the morning (afternoon, evening), the day after tomorrow, the day before yesterday, the next year, by the way等。 8、用在江河湖海、山脉前。如: the Yellow River, the Pacific Ocean, the Alps, the Himalayas 9、用在报刊、杂志前。如: the People’s Daily, the Evening Paper, the Times 泰晤士报。 10、表示某一家人要加定冠词。如: The Browns are at home to receive visitors today. 布朗一家今天要接待客人。 11、用在形容词前,表某一类人。如: the poor, the wounded, the living, the dead, the rich, the sick等。 12、定冠词可以表示一事物内部的某处。如: The driver always sits in the front of the bus(car). 三、零冠词(即不用冠词): 1、专用名词和不可数名词前。如: China, America, Grade One, Class Two, milk, oil, water, paper, science等。 2、名词前已有作定语用的this, that, my, your, some, any等代词。如: Go down this street. 3、复数名词表示一类人或事物时。如: We are students.


最新高中英语情景交际经典习题(含答案) 一、单项选择情景交际 1.—Do you think he will come to my birthday party? — _______ . —That’s good. Everybody’s expecting him. A.I don’t know for sure B.You can count on it C.You can believe him D.It depends 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查交际用语。句意:——你认为他会来我的生日聚会吗?——你尽管放心。——那太好了。每个人都希望他来。A. I don’t know for sure我不确定;B. You can count on it你尽管相 信好了,尽管放心;C. You can believe him你可以信任他;D. It depends依情况而定。从下文可知是肯定的回答,会参加聚会。故选B。 【点睛】 情景对话题主要考查英语的日常用语、习惯用语以及各种场合的交际性语言,并从实际出发,考查交际语言的运用能力。做题时仔细阅读上下文,找出上下文之间的联系。此题中下文的That’s good. Everybody’s expecting him.说明他会到,所以才选了You can count on it,表示会来聚会。故选B。 2.—Going to Bookuu this weekend? — ! Would you like to go with me? A.You bet. B.You know better C.You got me D.You there 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 考查情景交际。A. You bet.你说的没错; B. You know better明事理,有头脑; C. You got me你难住我了; D. You there你在那里。句意:——这个周末去Bookuu吗?——你说的没错!你愿意和我一起去吗?结合句意可知答案为A。 3.— Shall we go for a drink downstairs? —. Will two o’clock be OK? A.Sorry, I’m not available now B.Sure, no problem C.Sorry, I c an’t make it today D.Sure, it’s up to you 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 考查情景对话。句意:---我们去楼下喝一杯好吗?-对不起,现在没空。两点可以吗? Sorry, I’m not available now. 抱歉,现在没空;Sure, no problem当然,没问题;Sorry, I can’t make


中考英语语法专题详解三 介词、连词 一. 介词 1. 介词概述:介词表示它与后面的名词或代词与其他句子成分的关系。介词是虚词,不能单独做句子成分。介词在英语中用法很活,也无一定规律可循。在初中范围内还应学一个记住一个,特别是那些和动词的特殊搭配。 2. 常用介词的意义和用法。 ⑴时间或地点介词in、on、at的用法区别: 表示时间时, in表示在一段时间里(在将来时句子中则表示在一段时间之后), on表示在具体的某一天或者某天的上下午等, at表示在某个时刻或者瞬间; 表示地点时, in表示在某个范围之内, on表示在某个平面上或与一个面相接触,at则表示在某个具体的场所或地点。如: He was born on the night of May 10th. I usually get up at 7:00 in the morning. His glasses are on the desk. My brother is at the bus stop. ⑵after与in表示时间的用法区别:“after+(具体时刻/从句)”表示“在…时刻之后”常用于一般过去时态;“in+(一段时间)”表示“在(多久)之后”,常用于将来时态。如:He said that he would come back after 6:00. My father is coming back from Astralia in about a month. ⑶since与for表示时间的用法区别:“since+(具体时刻/that-从句)”表示“自从…起一直到现在”,“for +(一段时间)”表示“持续一段时间”,都常用于完成时态;如:


B: He ________________________ (not / talk about it / yet). 6. I/graduate/vocational school ______________________________________________ 7. My father/start/a new job ______________________________________________ 8. My brother/have/10 job interviews ______________________________________________ 9. My sister/change/her job ______________________________________________ 10. My mother/become/manager of a big company ______________________________________________ 四、The correct form of the verb used to fill in the blanks (30分) Complete Anna ’s e-mail to a friend. I am doing great now! I __________ (make) some new friends here, Larry, Lily and Jane. Last weekend we ______ (take) a bus to a park in the early morning and ______ (do) many interesting things. First we ______ (take) a long walk. Then we ______ (go) back to our picnic table for some fruit. After that Larry ______ (draw) some pictures, Lily _______ (listen) to music and Jane________ (lie) on the grass for a good rest and I ________ (read) a novel. Till now, I ____________ (finish)three novels. In the afternoon we __________ (take) the subway and __________ (go) to see a musical (音乐剧) on Broadway. I __________ (see) four shows since I came to New York. In the evening, we __________ (climb) to the top of the Empire State Building and __________ (see) the whole city in the beautiful evening lights. I have never seen such a view before. I wish you were here! I ’ll talk to you later. Best, Anna

2013高考英语语法专项复习: 冠词

最新精品汇编2013高考模拟试题分类汇编:冠词 1. Li Qun, who graduated from_____university in South China, is now studying for her degree in _ European country, A.a, a B.the, an C.the, a D.a ,an 2. spacecraft Shenzhou VII took off On November 1,2011 at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Northwest China. A.The;the B.The;不填C.A;the D.A;不填 3. I don't know who invented _____ iphone, but I think it is _____ useful invention. A.the; a B.the; the C.an; the D.an; a 4. If you are hunting chance to improve yourself in English,I think the English corner will be smart choice. A.a;a B.a;the C. the;a D.the;the 5. -----How about________ Christmas evening party? -----I should say it was _________ success. A. a; a B. the; / C. a; / D. the; a 6. The government said the city is facing ______ short supply of about 1 million cubic meters of ________ natural gas. A. a; / B. the; the C. a; a D. the; / 7. If you fail this time, don't lose ______ heart.Try to do it ______ second time. A.your; a B.your; the C.不填;a D.不填;the 8. —Which of the two poems do you like most? —shorter one, of course. I think it’s really most interesting one. A.The; a B.The; the C.A; the D.The; 不填 9. It is said that ______ wool produced in Australia is of ______ high quality. A. 不填; 不填 B. the; 不填 C. the; a D. the; the 10. People who drink and drive are __________ danger both to themselves and to ________others. A. the;不填 B. a;不填 C. 不填;the D. the;the 11. Yue Yue, _____ 2-year-old girl who was twice run over by vans and then ignored by 18 passers-by as she lay critically injured on a street, draws _____ concern from all over the country. A. the, / B. a, the C. a; / D. the, a 12. _______ most efficient way to understand thousands of new words is to gain _______ good knowledge of basic word formation. A.A; a B.The; / C.A;/ D.The; the 13. When you grow up in___________ large family,you are more likely to develop__________ ability to get on well with others. A.the;the B.the;a C.a:a D.a:the 14. ----I hear that there was a terrible crash in the subway in Shanghai the other day. ----Yes, ______news came as ______shock to all of us. A. the; the B. a; / C. the; a D. /; a 15. It is thought that custom of coloring eggs was brought to Europe during Middle Ages.A.the:the B.a;不填C.a;the D.the;不填 16. Nicknames are interesting. If ______ man were unusually strong, he might adopt _____name


高考英语语法专题复习 一、名词Nouns 一、名词的种类: 1、专有名词 1)China, Japan, Beijing, London, Tom, Jack(不加冠词) 2)the Great Wall, the Yellow River, the People’s Republic of China, the United States等。 (由普通名词构成的专有名词,要加定冠词。) 2、普通名词 物质名词:water,rice, oil, paper...... 1)不可数名词 抽象名词:health, trouble, work, pleasure, honor...... 注: ①不可数名词前一般不加冠词,尤不加不定冠词:若加a(an)则使之具体化了。 如:have a wonderful time. make a great progress. ②不可数名词作主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。 ③不可数名词一般无复数形式。部分物质名词在表不同类别时,可用复数形式。 如:fishes, newspapers, waters, snows ...... | | | | 各种各样的鱼各种报纸河湖、海水大片水域积雪 ④有些抽象名词也常用复数,变为可数的具体的事物。如:times时代,works著作,difficulties ⑤在表数量时,常用“of”词组来表示。如: a glass of milk, a cup of tea, two pieces of paper...... 2)可数名词: ①可数名词除用复数形式表一类之外,一般都要加冠词:A bird can fly. The frog is a kind of hibernating animal. Vegetables sold at this shop are usually fresh. ②有复数形式: a)规则变化——加“s”或“es”(略) b)不规则变化——child (children), foot (feet), tooth (teeth), man (men), woman (women), mouse (mice), goose (geese), Englishman (Englishmen),phenomenon(pheno mena); 注:c)单、复数同形:sheep, deer, Chinese, Japanese, fish(同一种鱼)......。如, a sheep, two sheep d)只用复数形式: thanks, trousers, goods, clothes, socks, shoes...... e)形复实单:physics, politics, maths, news, plastics(塑料),means. f)形单实复:people (人民,人们;表民族时复数+s),the police, cattle等 g)集合名词:family, public, group, class等。作为整体时,为单数;作为整体中的各个成员时, 为复数。如:My family is a big one. My family are music lovers. h)合成名词变复数时: a.只把复合名词中的主体名词变为复数形式。如:


高中英语情景交际模拟题(满分:100分) 1.—I’m sorry I’m late again. —. A.You are welcome B.Don’t mention it C.Never mind D.It depends 2.—Let’s go to the Blue Lagoon.The soft music makes me relaxed. —.It makes me sleepy. A.Bless me B.Me,too C.Not me D.Let me see 3.—You look so tired after working long hours.Why not just take a rest? —. A.Maybe I should B.It just depends C.You don’t know D.I can’t tell you 4.—You didn’t get hurt at all in the snowstorm? —.I was a lucky dog. A.No problem B.I don’t think so C.I’m afraid not D.Good heavens 5.—I enjoy Chinese food very much. —. A.Please taste quickly B.Have more,please C.Help yourself D.Eat slowly,while it is hot 6.—Would you mind if I played the violin here? —. A.No,yo u won’t B.No,do as you please C.Yes,I do not mind D.Yes,do as you please 7.—What do you think of the play? —.I have seen it twice. A.You can’t praise the play too highly B.It’s just so—so C.You can’t praise the play highly D.Don’t mention it 8.—Did you go Dutch after that meal,I mean,with the other five friends? —. A.Yes,they did B.Yes,they paid for the meal C.No,they didn’t D.No,because it was my treat that day 9.—The moon cake is really delicious.Can I have another piece? — A.You can. B.Behave yourself. C.Be my guest! D.Do it yourself. 10.—Pardon me,sir.And is it time for us to set off now? —.We’ll have to wait for one more hour. A.Certainly,it is B.That’s all right C.Sorry,it’s too long D.Sorry,I am afraid not 11.—I have just narrowly passed my exam.I feel so relieved now. —! A.Cheer up B.That’s all right C.What a pity D.Well done


高职英语情景交际专题 1、语言必须放在实际的并尽可能不同的情景中运用。 2、语言必须适合具体的交际行为。 3、考核的焦点在于是否达到交际的目的。 4、语言交际行为除了需要语言能力外,还需要文化等其他的能力。 高考对英语的交际性和实用性的考查,不仅体现在对交际用语文化的考查,还体现在运用交际功能考查其他基础语法点上。 (一)高考对英语交际用语考查的内容与趋势: 一、直接考查考生掌握英语交际固定的表达方式和习惯说法的情况。 1. ---Hello! May I speak to Zhao Hua? —Yes, ____. A. My name is Zhao Hua B. I'm Zhao Hua C. This is Zhao Hua speaking D. Zhao Hua is me 2. —Do you mind my taking this seat?—____. A. Yes, sit down please B. No, of course not C. Yes, take it please D. No, you can't take it 3. —Have a nice weekend!—____. A. The same to you B. You do too C. The same as you D. You have it too 二、考查考生掌握英美人的风俗习惯,特别是中西文化差异的情况。 4. —You have done the work very well.—____. A. Great B. Thanks C. Oh, no D. Not at all 5. ---Thank you very much for your help. ----______. A. No thanks. B. Don’t thank me C. You are too kind. D. You’re welcome. 三、考查考生根据所提供的情景和实际情况,应用语言知识进行合情合理应答的能力。 6. —He is not a friend of yours, is he?—____. I have never seen him before. A. No, he isn't B. No, he is C. Yes, he is D. Yes, he isn't 7. —Sorry, I forgot to post the letter for you. —Never mind, ____ it myself tonight. A. I'm going to post B. I'd better post C. I'll post D. I'd rather post 四、考查考生准确理解短语用法和句子含义的能力。(这是近年来考查交际用语的新趋势。) 8. —How do you like your English teacher?—____. A. Yes, I like him very much B. No, I don't like him C. I like him D. He is very kind 9. —____? ---She is slim pretty. A. What's the girl like B. How do you like the girl C. What does the girl like D. How do you like about the girl 10. ---How often do you eat out? ---________, but usually once a week. A. Have no idea B. It depends C. As usual D. Generally speaking 11. ---Will $200_____? ---I'm afraid not. We need at least 50 more dollars. A. count B. satisfy C. fit D. do 五、考查语法与句型等。(以下是考查的常见的语法句型) (A) 特殊疑问句----(不要答非所问.) A. I don't want to go B. Excuse me, because I can't C. I want to but I haven't got enough money D. Because I'm going to school today 13. ----What subjects are you studying? ---________. A. Yes, I'm study history. B. I'm studying now C. I'm studying philosophy. D. I'm doing my homework 14. ---Which language do you speak at home? ---________.


高考英语专项练习大全之单项选择题 (一)名词 1.To the sea captain’s surprise,he found that travel could also be quite pleasant.A.earth B.1and C.ground D.plain 2.Some famous singers live on the from their record sales. A.salary B.value C.bill D.income 3.Many countries are increasing their use of nature gas,wind and other forms of .A.energy B.source C.power D.material 4.You can take as many as you like because they are free of . A.fare B.charge C.money D.pay 5.George always wants things done quickly.He’s got no . A.idea B.means C.patience D.decision 6.Do you know the of the saying I just quoted? A.source B.resource C.course D.cause 7.—Why did you refuse to move in the house? —Because it was really in a poor and dirty . A.form B.kind C.shape D.state 8.His name was on the of my tongue,but I just couldn’t r emember it.A.end B.edge C.tip D.side 9.You shouldn’t let children play with.It’s dangerous! A.football B.watches C.matches D.chess 10.We’ll have PE this afternoon but I forgot to bring my . A.sports clothes B.sport clothes C.clothes of sports D.sport’s clothes 11.Dark clouds are a of rain while a smile is a of friendship A.gesture;sign B.mark;sign C.sign;gesture D.sign;mark 12.—Is the house very expensive,Dick? —I don’t think it’s worth the they are asking. A.price B.cost C.value D.money 13.These days I hire two in my house.


英语情景交际专项训练 一、单项选择情景交际 1.— Are you going to take part in the speech contest? —________ It’s too good an opportunity to miss. A.No problem. B.That’s for sure.C.Why me? D.How come? 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查交际用语。句意:——你准备参加演讲比赛吗?——那当然,这是个不容错过的好机会。A. No problem. 没问题;B. That’s for sure. 那当然,毫无疑问;C. Why me? 为什么是我;D. How come? 为什么,怎么回事。根据后半部分他做出的回答,可知该处应做出爽快的肯定式回答,故选B。 【点睛】 本题有两个易错点,应引起注意。一是回答中的“too…to…”结构,学生可能会据此直接判定为否定,但结合miss(错过)的含义,应为“不容错过的好机会”,类似于双重否定表肯定;二是No problem.与That’s for sure.的辨析,虽然两者都是一种爽快的肯定,但前者更多用于答应别人提出的请求,而后者则用于给予别人问题一个肯定的回答(对别人的说法表示赞同),两者应注意区别。 2.--Was he _____when he got an A+ in the English exam? --Absolutely! He even went to the cinema with his classmates to celebrate it . A.On cloud nine B.hot under the collar C.Down in the dumps D.as cool as a cucumber 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 考查习惯用语。句意:——当他在英语考试中得了A+时,他是不是非常高兴?——当然!他甚至和同学一起去看电影院庆祝。A. On cloud nine乐不可支;B. hot under the collar愤怒的;C. Down in the dumps气馁;D. as cool as a cucumber冷静沉着。故选A。 3.— Shall we stay at home or go fishing? — ______. A.That’s not th e point. B.So what? C.Oh, come on! D.It’s up to you. 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查情景交际。A. That’s not the point.那不是重点;B. So what? 那又怎么样;C. Oh, come on!加油;D. It’s up to you.完全由你决定。句意:——我们是呆在家里还是去钓鱼?——完全

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