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Everyone needs friends. We all like to 1 close to someone. It is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh and do things with. 2 , sometimes we need to be alone. We don't always want people 3 . But we would feel lonely if we never had a friend. No two people ar

e 4 . Friends sometimes don't get on well.That doesn't mean 5 they no longer like each other. Most o

f the time they will make up (言归于好), and become 6 again.

Sometimes friends move away. Then we feel very 7 . We miss them very much, but we can 8 them and write to them. It could be possible that we could even see them a gain. And we can also 9 new friends.

There's more good news for people who have friends. They live longer than people who don't have. Why? It could be that they are 10 . Being happy helps you stay well and it c ould be good just knowing

that someone cares about you.







Historical Development of Matertials and Technology The common engineering materials include metals, cementing materials, concrete building stones, clay products, insulating materials, timber. Some of them are described here from the stand-point of occurrence, manufacture, properties, methods of testing, and use. The development of materials with improved properties is a vital phase of engineering. Progress in engineering construction has been dependent on the availability of materials of suitable physical properties in large quantities; for example, the development of the modern automobile was critically dependent on availability of high quality alloy steels, and the all-metal airplane was made possible by the development of light weight high-strength alloys. ◆Phase: 相;阶段。 ◆a distinct period or stage in a process of change or forming part of something's development Example: phase two of the development is in progress. ◆第二阶段开发正在进行中。 ◆Vital: 必要的,必不可少的。 ◆it is vital that the system is regularly maintained.这个系统有必要 经常维修。


精心整理 Whatsportsandotheractivitiesdoyouparticipatein?Whatkindsoffoodsdoyoueat?Whatkindofpe opledoyouspendtimewith?Youranswerstotheseandsimilarquestionsreflectyourtotalhealth.He alth is acombinationofphysical,mental/emotional,andsocialwell-being.Thesepartsofyourhea lthworktogethertobuildgoodoverallhealth. 你参加过什么体育活动和其他活动吗?你吃什么食物?你和什么样的人在一起?你对这些问题或者类似的问题的回答反映出了你整体的健康状况。健康是身体、心里和社会安宁感的集合。这些健康的部分结合起来搭建了一个完整的健康体系。 通常,觉更好, t 身体须要远离有害的物质像烟草、酒精和其他毒品。他们用体育运动的时间去平衡他们看电视或玩电脑游戏的时间。体育运动包括做特殊的运动,远足,健身操,游泳,跳舞和做一份工作。通过远离有害物质和坚持体育运动,你可以保持身体健康。另外一种说法就是,要想身体健康就要多运动。 Doyoufeelgoodaboutwhoyouare?Doyouknowhowtohandlestressfulsituations?Doyouhaveapositiv eattitudeaboutlife?Youranswerstothesequestionswilltellyousomethingaboutyourmental/emo tionalhealth.Mental/emotionalhealthismeasuredbythewayyouthinkandexpressyourfeelings.Y oucandevelopgoodmental/emotionalhealthbylearningtothinkpositivelyandtoexpressyourfeel ingsinhealthyways.Positivethinkingisagoodstrategytousewhenyouarefeelingsadordown.Tryf ocusingyourattentiononallofthegoodthingsinyourlife,suchasyourfriends,family,andactivi tiesyouenjoy.Thenthecauseofyoursadnessmightnotseemsobad.Likewise,recognizingandbuildi


United 1 材料科学与工程 材料在我们的文化中比我们认识到的还要根深蒂固。如交通、房子、衣物,通讯、娱乐和食物的生产,实际上,我们日常生活中的每一部分都或多或少地受到材料的影响。历史上社会的发展、先进与那些能满足社会需要的材料的生产及操作能力密切相关。实际上,早期的文明就以材料的发展程度来命名,如石器时代,铜器时代。早期人们能得到的只有一些很有限的天然材料,如石头、木材、粘土等。渐渐地,他们通过技术来生产优于自然材料的新材料,这些新材料包括陶器和金属。进一步地,人们发现材料的性质可以通过加热或加入其他物质来改变。在这点上,材料的应用完全是一个选择的过程。也就是说,在一系列非常有限的材料中,根据材料的优点选择一种最适合某种应用的材料。直到最近,科学家才终于了解材料的结构要素与其特性之间的关系。这个大约是过去的 60 年中获得的认识使得材料的性质研究成为时髦。因此,成千上万的材料通过其特殊的性质得以发展来满足我们现代及复杂的社会需要。很多使我们生活舒适的技术的发展与适宜材料的获得密切相关。一种材料的先进程度通常是一种技术进步的先兆。比如,没有便宜的钢制品或其他替代品就没有汽车。在现代,复杂的电子器件取决于所谓的半导体零件. 材料科学与工程有时把材料科学与工程细分成材料科学和材料工程学科是有用的。严格地说,材料科学涉及材料到研究材料的结构和性质的关系。相反,材料工程是根据材料的结构和性质的关系来设计或操纵材料的结构以求制造出一系列可预定的性质。从功能方面来说,材料科学家的作用是发展或合成新的材料,而材料工程师是利用已有的材料创造新的产品或体系,和/或发展材料加工新技术。多数材料专业的本科毕业生被同时训练成材料科学家和材料工程师。“structure”一词是个模糊的术语值得解释。简单地说,材料的结构通常与其内在成分的排列有关。原子内的结构包括介于单个原子间的电子和原子核的相互作用。在原子水平上,结构包括原子或分子与其他相关的原子或分子的组织。在更大的结构领域上,其包括大的原子团,这些原子团通常聚集在一起,称为“微观”结构,意思是可以使用某种显微镜直接观察得到的结构。最后,结构单元可以通过肉眼看到的称为宏观结构。 “Property”一词的概念值得详细阐述。在使用中,所有材料对外部的刺激都表现出某种反应。比如,材料受到力作用会引起形变,或者抛光金属表面会反射光。材料的特征取决于其对外部刺激的反应程度。通常,材料的性质与其形状及大小无关。实际上,所有固体材料的重要性质可以概括分为六类:机械、电学、热学、磁学、光学和腐蚀性。对于每一种性质,其都有一种对特定刺激引起反应的能 力。如机械性能与施加压力引起的形变有关,包括弹性和强度。对于电性能,如电导性和介电系数,特定的刺激物是电场。固体的热学行为则可用热容和热导率来表示。磁学性质


励志英语文章及翻译 如果我们能够时常找一些带翻译的经典励志的英语文章来看看,也是挺好的,那么励志英语文章及翻译都有哪些呢?一起来看看吧。 To see the golden sun and the azure sky, the outstretched ocean, to walk upon the green earth, and to be lord of a thousand creatures, to look down giddy precipices or over distant flowery vales, to see the world spread out under one s finger in a map, to bring the stars near, to view the smallest insects in a microscope, to read history, and witness the revolutions of empires and the succession of generations, to hear of the glory of Simon and Tire, of Babylon and Susan, as of a faded pageant, and to say all these were, and are now nothing, to think that we exist in such a point of time ,and in such a corner of space, to be at once spectators and a part of the moving scene, to watch the return of the seasons, of spring and autumn, to hear--- The stock dove plain amid the forest deep, That drowsy rustles to the sighing gale. ---to traverse desert wilderness, to listen to the dungeon s gloom, or sit in crowded theatres and see life itself mocked, to feel heat and cold, pleasure and pain, right and wrong, truth and falsehood, to study the works of art and refine the sense of beauty to agony, to worship fame and to dream of immortality, to have read Shakespeare and Beloit to the same species as Sir Isaac Newton; to be and to do all this, and then in a moment to be nothing, to have it all snatched from one like a juggler s ball or a phantasmagoria [参考译文] 何为不朽--威廉赫兹里特 我们看到金色的太阳,蔚蓝的天空,广阔的海洋;我们漫步在绿油油的大地之上,做万物的主人;我们俯视令人目炫心悸的悬崖峭壁,远眺鲜花盛开的山谷;我们把地图摊开,任意指点全


1.2 总线互连 总线是连接两个或多个设备的通信通路。总线的关键特征是,它是一条共享传输介质。多个设备连接到总线上,任一个设备发出的信号可以为其他所有连接到总线上的设备所接收。如果两个设备同时传送,它们的信号将会重叠,引起混淆。因此,一次只能有一个设备成功地(利用总线)发送数据。 典型的情况是,总线由多条通信通路或线路组成,每条线(路)能够传送代表二进制1和0的信号。一段时间里,一条线能传送一串二进制数字。总线的几条线放在一起能同时并行传送二进制数字。例如, 一个8位的数据能在8条总线线上传送。 计算机系统包含有多种不同的总线,它们在计算机系统层次结构的各个层次提供部件之间的通路。连接主要计算机部件(处理机, 存储器, I/O)的总线称为系统总线。系统总线通常由50~100条分立的(导)线组成。每条线被赋予一个特定的含义或功能。虽然有许多不同的总线设计,但任何总线上的线都可以分成三个功能组:数据线、地址线和控制线。此外可能还有为连接的模块提供电源的电源线。 数据线提供系统模块间传送数据的路径,这些线组合在一起称为数据总线。典型的数据总线包含8、16或32根线,线的数量称为数据总线的宽度。因为每条线每次传送1位,所以线的数目决定了每次能同时传送多少位。数据总线的宽度是决定系统总体性能的关键因素。 地址线用于指定数据总线上数据的来源和去向。例如,如果处理机希望从存储器中读一个字的数据,它将所需要字的地址放在地址线上。显然,地址总线的宽度决定了系统最大可能的存储器容量。 控制线用来控制对数据线和地址线的访问和使用。由于数据线和地址线被所有部件共享,因此必须用一种方法来控制它们的使用。控制信号在系统模块之间传送命令和定时信息。定时信息指定了数据和地址信息的有效性,命令信号指定了要执行的操作。 大多数计算机系统使用多总线,这些总线通常设计成层次结构。图1.3显示了一个典型的高性能体系结构。一条局部总线把处理机连接到高速缓存控制器,而高速缓存控制器又连接到支持主存储器的系统总线上。高速缓存控制器集成到连接高速总线的桥中。这一总线支持连接到:高速LAN、视频和图形工作站控制器,以及包括SCSI 和FireWire的局部外设总线的接口控制器。低速设备仍然由分开的扩充总线支持,用一个接口来缓冲该扩充总线和高速总线之间的通信流量。 PCI 外部设备互连是流行的高带宽的、独立于处理机的总线,它能够作为中间层或外围设备总线。当前的标准允许在66MHz频率下使用多达64根数据线,其原始传输速率为528MB/s, 或4.224Gbps。PCI被设计成支持各种各样基于微处理机的配置,包括单处理机和多处理机的系统。因此,它提供了一组通用的功能。PCI使用同步时序以及集中式仲裁方案。 在多处理机系统中,一个或多个PCI配置可通过桥接器连接到处理机的系统总线上。系统总线只支持处理机/高速缓存单元、主存储器以及PCI桥接器。使用桥接器使得PCI独立于处理机速度,又提供快速接收和传送数据的能力。 2.1 光存储介质:高密度存储器 2.1.1 光盘 光盘技术最终可能使磁盘和磁带存储淘汰。用这种技术,磁存储器所用的读/写头被两束激光代替。一束激光通过在光盘上刻制微小的凹点,对记录表面进行写;而另一束激光用来从光敏感的记录表面读取数据。由于光束容易被偏转到光盘上所需要的位置,所以不需要存取臂。 对用户而言,光盘正成为最有吸引力的选择。它们(光盘)对环境变化不太敏感,并且它们以每兆字节比磁盘低得多的存储器价格提供更多的直接存取存储器。光盘技术仍在出现,并且还需要稳定;然而,目前有三种主要类型的光盘。它们是CD-ROM、WORM盘和磁光盘。 CD-ROM 1980年引入的,非常成功的CD,或紧密盘是设计来提高音乐的录音重放质量的光盘。为了制作一张CD,把音乐的模拟声音转换成等价的数字声音,并且存储在一张4.72英寸的光盘上。在每张光盘上可以用数字格式(用20亿数字位)记录74分钟的音乐。因为它的巨大存储容量,计算机工业的企业家们立刻认


What sports and other activities do you participate in? What kinds of foods do you eat? What kind of people do you spend time with? Your answers to these and similar questions reflect your total health. Health is a combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social well-being. These parts of your health work together to build good overall health. 你参加过什么体育活动和其他活动吗你吃什么食物你和什么样的人在一起你对这些问题或 者类似的问题的回答反映出了你整体的健康状况。健康是身体、心里和社会安宁感的集合。这些健康的部分结合起来搭建了一个完整的健康体系。 Often, good health is pictured as a triangle with equal sides. As shown in Figure 1.1, one side of the triangle is your physical health. Another side is your mental/emotional health, and the third side is your social health. Like the sides of a triangle, the three “sides” of health meet. They are connected. If you ignore any one side, your total health suffers. By the same token, if you make improvements to one side, the others benefit. For example, when you participate in physical activities, you improve your physical health. This helps you feel good about yourself, benefiting your mental health. Activities can also improve your social health when you share them with family and friends. 通常,全身健康可以描述成一个等边三角形。在Figure1.1展示出来,三角形的一条代表身体健康。另外一边代表心理健康,第三条边代表社会性健康。每一条边代表一个健康部分。他们之间有着密切的联系。如果你忽视任何一边,你就不健康了。同样的,如果你改善其中一个部分,其他的部分也会随之受益。举个例子,你去参加体育活动时,这样做能够改善你的体质。这让你自己的身体感觉更好,你的心理健康受益。活动也能够增强你的社会健康,当你和你的家人朋友一起互动的时候。 Do you stay active? Do you get plenty of rest each night? Do you eat healthy snacks? Your answers to these questions will tell you something about your physical health. Physical health is the condition of your body. Physical health is measured by what you do as well as what you don’t do. Teens who want to be healthy avoid harmful substances such as tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs. They balance the amount of time they spend watching TV or playing computer games with physical activity. Physical activity includes things such as playing sports, hiking, aerobics, swimming, dancing, and taking a walk. By avoiding harmful substances and being physically active, you can stay physically healthy. In other words, being physically healthy means taking care of your body. 你一直保持积极的状态吗你每天有足够的时间休息吗你吃的食品是有益于身体健康的吗你回答这些问题将要反映你的身体健康的情况。身体健康是通过你自己的身体状况表现出来的。身体健康不仅能通过你做的事情来衡量,也能通过你没有做的事情来衡量。青少年要想有身体健康就必须要远离有害的物质像烟草、酒精和其他毒品。他们用体育运动的时间去平衡他们看电视或玩电脑游戏的时间。体育运动包括做特殊的运动,远足,健身操,游泳,跳舞和做一份工作。通过远离有害物质和坚持体育运动,你可以保持身体健康。另外一种说法就是,要想身体健康就要多运动。 Do you feel good about who you are? Do you know how to handle stressful situations? Do you have a positive attitude about life? Your answers to


School of chemical engineering and pharmaceutical test tubes 试管test tube holder试管夹test tube brush 试管刷test tube rack试管架 beaker烧杯stirring搅拌棒thermometer温度计boiling flask长颈烧瓶Florence flask平底烧瓶 flask,round bottom,two-neck boiling flask,three-neck conical flask锥形瓶wide-mouth bottle广口瓶graduated cylinder量筒gas measuring tube气体检测管volumetric flask容量瓶transfer pipette移液管Geiser burette(stopcock)酸式滴定管funnel漏斗Mohr burette(with pinchcock)碱式滴定管 watch glass表面皿evaporating dish蒸发皿ground joint磨口连接Petri dish有盖培养皿 desiccators干燥皿 long-stem funnel长颈漏斗filter funnel过滤漏斗 Büchner funnel瓷漏斗separatory funnel分液漏斗 Hirsh funnel赫尔什漏斗filter flask 吸滤瓶Thiele melting point tube蒂勒熔点管 plastic squeez e bottle塑料洗瓶 medicine dropper药用滴管rubber pipette bulb 吸球microspatula微型压舌板pipet吸量管mortar and pestle研体及研钵filter paper滤纸Bunsen burner煤气灯burette stand滴定管架support ring支撑环 ring stand环架distilling head蒸馏头 side-arm distillation flask侧臂蒸馏烧瓶air condenser空气冷凝器centrifuge tube离心管 fractionating column精(分)馏管 Graham condenser蛇形冷凝器 crucible坩埚crucible tongs坩埚钳beaker tong烧杯钳economy extension clamp经济扩展夹extension clamp牵引夹utility clamp铁试管夹hose clamp软管夹 burette clamp pinchcock;pinch clamp弹簧夹 screw clamp 螺丝钳 ring clamp 环形夹goggles护目镜stopcock活塞wire gauze铁丝网analytical balance分析天平 分析化学 absolute error绝对误差accuracy准确度assay化验analyte(被)分析物calibration校准constituent成分coefficient of variation变异系数confidence level置信水平detection limit检出限determination测定estimation 估算 equivalent point等当点gross error总误差impurity杂质indicator指示剂interference干扰internal standard内标 level of significance显著性水平 limit of quantitation定量限masking掩蔽matrix基体precision精确度 primary standard原始标准物purity纯度qualitative analysis定性分析 quantitative analysis定量分析random error偶然误差reagent试剂 relative error相对误差robustness耐用性sample样品relative standard deviation相对标准偏差 selectivity选择性sensitivity灵敏度specificity专属性titration滴定significant figure有效数字solubility product溶度积 1


Unit 1 That was a time when life was difficult for everyone. My family could barely get by on my small income from driving a cab. One late night I responded to a call for a cab ride. To my surprise, when I arrived at the address, I found it was a frail old lady who was awaiting me. After she got into the cab, I engaged her in conversation. I learned that she was going to the hospice. Her doctor said she did not have very long. The old lady told me to drive through the downtown area. She pointed at some old buildings, telling me those were the places where she used to work or live. When the cab finally pulled up in front of the hospice, I didn’t accept her fare. In the rest of the day, I was lost in thought. Though I had to make a living. I lived not for the sole purpose of surviving. When circumstances looked gloomy, the small favor I had done could be a candle light. However faint the light was, it managed to warm up a soul and ennobled me as well. I did take pride in that small favor. Unit 2 After dinner, we all sat around the heath. Aunt Susan was still in the grief of losing Uncle Robert. In her soft voice she told us about their past years. Uncle Robert joined the army shortly after they were engaged. Given the critical situation at the time when lots of army men didn’t return alive, you can imagine how much horrified Aunt Susan was every day, and how much overjoyed she was to see Uncle Robert safe and sound from the European battlefield. Then they got married and brought up five children. For all those years, their affection for each other grew stronger in the course of overcoming difficulties and hardships in life. I was fascinated by Aunt Susan’s story, which was totally different from my ideal of love. They practiced, in their daily life, giving and sharing instead of pursuing passion and romance, or complaints. Amazingly, such love lasted through their whole life. Unit 3 As is commonly acknowledged that humans are social animals. Living together in a community, we naturally expect to have friends. As to what friendship is, we have read different definitions given by Aristotle, an ancient Greek philosopher, and Cicero, a Roman statesman. No one will deny that some people make friends simply for mutual utility. Once the ground for such friendship disappears, the friendship also breaks up. However, a lot more people long for “soul pals”----those who possess virtues and with whom we can go through trials and tribulations together. Such friendships keep us away from greed and violence and inspire us to have the courage of our convictions. Such is what we call “true friendship”. It is with such friends’ company that we find ourselves surpassing our old selves and becoming better people.

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C o m m e n c e m e n t o f t h e Commercial Operation of 600M W U n i t , "H i ro n o N o. 5Thermal Power Station of The Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc." Commercial operation of The Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc. Hirono No. 5 Thermal Power Station commenced in July 2004. This plant is a 600 MW coal-fired supercritical power plant. The main line-up of the plant, which features a steam turbine and a boiler, are supplied by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI). MHI set up this plant with a range of such key equipment along with ancillary facilities such as control systems, a flue gas treatment system, a wastewater treatment system, and stacks. This report gives a brief overview of the advanced technologies applied to the steam turbine and boiler of this plant supplied by MHI. 1. Introduction The Hirono No. 5 Thermal Power Station began com-mercial operation in July 2004. It is a 600 MW coal-fired,supercritical power plant that operates under the high-est global standards for steam conditions (24.5MPa x 600/600o C). The steam turbine has various advanced MHI tech-nologies, including the first 600 MW class two-casing turbine, high- and intermediate-pressure combined cas-ing developed by utilizing high temperature materials and cooling structures to cope with the ultra supercritical steam condition, 48 inch steel integral shroud blade (ISB), a new type of condenser, and a single shell deaerator cum storage tank. The boiler adopted in this plant has MHI's advanced technologies. They are reduced emission of NOx and unburned carbon with the A-PM burner and MRS pul-verizer. In addition, the vertical waterwall furnace that uses high temperature compatible materials and rifled tubes are adopted. Further, the plant is very much streamlined through the use of such simple systems and equipment as de-scribed below: (1) unification of air duct and flue gas duct into a single line through the adoption of a maximum capacity class fan, (2) unification of all feed water heaters into a single line, (3) unification of circulating water pumps into a single line, and (4) adoption of a plant starting system that does not rely on the boiler circulating pump. Since the plant is located in a narrow site adjacent to existing units operated using oil and gas, the overall arrangement of the plant has been improved by consult-ing with the Owner and is arranged in a more compact manner. Advanced MHI technologies have also been adopted in ancillary facilities. This includes the use of a dry se-lective catalytic NOx removal system, a high performance flue gas treatment system based on the harmonious de-sign of a double contact flow scrubber type flue gas desulfurization system with a low-low temperature dry electrostatic precipitator, an overall waste water treat-ment system, and self-supporting group stacks. In this way, MHI has drawn upon all of its competencies in es-tablishing this plant. 2. Steam turbine Figure 1Figure 1 shows an external view of the Hirono No. 5 steam turbine. Fig. 1 View of the 600 MW Hirono No.5 steam turbine HIROMASA MOMMA*1 TAKAYUKI SUTO*1RYUJI IWAMOTO*3 JUNICHI ISHIGURO*1TOSHIHIRO MIYAWAKI*2TSUYOSHI NAKAHARA*4


In the picture, an old man is sitting in the wheelchair輪椅, and a dog is serving him with milk and food. Ironically, it is the dog that takes the responsibility to attend the old man. We cannot help wonderinhg where the old man’s grown up children are. It is they not the dog who should take good care of their old father. The implied meaning of the picture is really provoking. It is quite true that in our society there are some grown-up children who treat their old parents badly. When their old parents are too old to take care of themselves, they often view them as a “burden” of their family life. They refuse either to support their aging parents financially or to look after them. No doubt, this immoral behavior of these grown-up children’s should be subj ect to social condemnation. To respect the old has long been a traditional virtue of the Chinese people. We should always bear in mind that we are much indebted to our parents in that they not only gave us life but have done much to bringing us up. It is against conscience to escape from the responsibility to take care of our parents. Rather, we should pay back for the love and care of our parents by making their later years happy and enjoyable. 在这幅画中,有一位老人坐在轮椅上, 一只狗正在给他送牛奶和食物。具有讽刺意义的是, 是狗在承担待候老人的责职。我们不禁要发问老人的成年子女在哪里?好好照顾年迈的父亲应该是他们而不是狗。 这幅画的寓意真是发人深省。确实,在我们的社会里有些成年子女不能善待老父母。当老父年迈不能照顾自己时,他们经常把父母看作家庭生活的负担,不愿在经济上赡养或生活上照料老人。毫无疑问,成年子女这种不道德的行为应受到社会的谴责。 尊敬老人一直是中华民族的传统美德。我们应该永远牢记:我们应该对父母感恩,因为父母不仅给了我们生命,而且为抚育我们长大为我们付出了太多太多。逃避照顾的责任父母是违背良心的。我们应该让他们晚年生活快乐,回报他们对我们的关爱。 礼到心不到 As is vividly depicts in the cartoon, old parents are sitting on the coach with disappointmen t and sadness, because no one comes back to celebrate with them. Although they received a lot of presents from their children, they feel very miserable and have no appetite, since what t

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