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例:⑴.He is a teacher, isn’t he?

⑵.She isn’t a nurse, is she?



求;而把将来时的否定反意疑问句加在祈使句之后,以表示提酲对方。肯定的反意疑问句,一般用升调; 否定的反意疑问句,一般用降调。

例:①.Go to the cinema, will you?

②.Go to the cinema, won’t you?

2.Let’s 表示的是第一人称祈使句,反意疑问句应句应用shall

we?或shan’t we?;

而let me和let us却表示的是第二人称祈使句,因此反意疑问句应句中应该用will you?或won’t you?


例:①.Let’s go home, shall we?

②. Let’s go home, shan’t we?

③.l et me go,will you?

④.l et us go, won’t you?


动词to be的一般现在时形式。

例: ①. What beautiful weather, isn’t it?

②.How diligent(勤奋的) the boy is, isn’t he?



例:Jack: Tom told me he saw a ghost(鬼魂) last night.

Mary: He did, did he?

Sally: You mustn’t listen to his stories.

Bob: Oh,I mustn’t, mustn’t I?


例:Coach: We might be able to beat them.

John: Yes, we might, mightn’t we?



例:①.You needn’t do that when your maid is here,need you?

②.Ceorge said no one was qualified for the job, did n’t he?


中的主语应用it.陈述句的主语为nothing时, 反意问句中的动词用肯定形式。

例.①.Everything is ready, isn’t it?

②. Nothing he did was right, was it?

7.由everybody, every one, anyone, nobody, no one作陈述句

的主语时, 反意问句中的主语应用they. nobody和no one是否定词。因此反意问句中的动词用肯定形式。

例.①.Everybody knows the news, don’t they?

②.Nothing knows the news, do they?

7.am I的否定式是aren’t I.

例: I am interested in English, are n’t I.?

8.need, dare和used to等词可以助动词,也可以作实义动词。当

他们作助动词用时, 反意问句只重复他们;当他们实义动词时, 反意问句要用do的某种形式。

例:①.You need a pair of shoes, don’t you?

②.He dared to ask the teacher many questions, didn’t he?

③. You seldem used to get up late, did we?

⑤.Y ou needn’t do it, need you?

10.如果陈述句中的动词是wish,那么, 反意问句中则用may,代词必须与wish的主语相一致。

例: I wish to go home now, may I?

11如果陈述句中有hardly(几乎不)﹑never(从来不)﹑few(几乎没有) ﹑seldom(很少) ﹑little﹑nothing等带有否定意义的词时,后部份用肯定形式疑问。

例: ①.He seldom goes to the theaths, does he?

②.The man is in their shop could harldy understand what the

Frenchman said, is he?

12.有时, 陈述部份的主语是以助动词缩写,以致助动词不明显,提问时首先要弄清这个缩写的意思。

He’s = He is He’s = He has

You’d better do the exercises by yourself, hahn’t you?



Le voleur et Balzac


Je me rappelle toujours les anecdotes de grands auteurs que mon grand-père m'a racontée dans mon enfance. En voici une:

Une nuit, un voleur est entré dans la maison de Balzac qui avait l'habitude de se coucher très tard et de ne pas fermer la porte.

Cette nuit-là, Balzac était déjà au lit et semblait dormir profondément. Le voleur acherché à ouvrir le bureau. Mais tout àcoup, il a été interrompu par un gros rire. Il a vu Balzac qui riait de tout son c?ur. Très effrayé, le voleur n'a pas; pu s'empêcher de lui demander:

— Pourquoi donc riez -vous ?

— Je ris, lui a répondu l'auteurs, parce que vous venez la nuit, sans lumière, chercher de l'argent dans un bureau où, moi, je n'ai jamais pu en trouver en plein jour.

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