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2011考研英语一大作文题目及范文:文都版 2011考研英语一大作文题目及范文:文都版

With the rapid development of tourist attractions,a growing number of people throng to the scenic spots during their vacations. As is vividly depicted in the cartoon, in the middle of a lake alive with rubbish rows a boat, riding two tourists, who are littering while enjoying the scenery.

We can deduce from the picture that the drawer is trying to capture our attention to the tragedy of the destruction of the rivers and lakes, which is part of the threat to the ecological balance of the planet. It must be admitted that occurrences of water pollution caused by the rapid development of tourism industry is understood by many people with wide and insightful views. Unfortunately, in real practice, tourism has developed in a manner which often conflicts with the environment. To some extent, the faster the tourism economy develops, the worse the environment becomes.

What is the significance of tourism development if the ecological balance is destroyed? In my view, measures should be taken without any delay to address the problem before price

is paid for the negative development of the tourism. What should be done first is to make more people aware of the importance of environment protection. Otherwise, sightseeing, as a relaxation for most city dwellers, would be an impossible-to-be-realized wish in a few years. Meanwhile, related laws must be laid down to protect the fragile environment and to penalize those who violate the law. Only in this way would we enjoy a wonderful natural ecosystem and an advantageous, fast-growing tourism economy.


2014年全国高考英语作文真题汇总与范文集锦 2014-01-北京卷(道歉信) + (连环画) 【推迟旅行,道歉说明式】 1.)你给英国朋友Chris 写一封信,内容包括: 1.你们原计划7 月份一同去云南旅游; 2.由于脚部受伤,你无法按原计划前往; 3.表达你的歉意并建议将旅行 推迟到8 月份。注意: 1.词数不少 于50. 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Chris, How is everything going? I remember we planned to visit Yunnan in July but now because my l eft foot was injured, I cannot go with you as planned. I ' m sorry about it. Can I suggest that we put it off until early august? I wish you coul d understand. I ' m looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours, Joe 2.)假设你是红星中学高三(1)班的学生李华,请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,用校刊“英语园地”写一篇 短文,记述你和同学们向学校提建议,解决自行车存放问题的过程。注意: 1. 词数不少于60. 2 如何解决自行车存放问题,新闻叙述式】 There was a problem with the parking place for bikes in our school. I noticed the entrance was small and almost blocked. So my classmates and I had a discussion and wrote a report. Then we went to meet the schoolmaster in his office and gave the report to him. He accepted our suggestions. Soon afterwards, a second entrance was opened to the parking place. Now it is easy to park our bikes there. 2014-02-新课标I (咨询信) 暑期英语学习咨询,信息说明式】 假定你是李华,计划暑假期间去英国学习英语,为期六周。下面的广告引起了你的注意,请给该校写封信,询问有关情况(箭头所指内容) 短文的开头已给出,不计入总 词数。


2016考研英语一大作文模板:正反面话题 考研英语一大作文为图画作文,要求学生能够根据图片所反映的问题进行构思行文。从图片所反映的主题类型来看,一般分为正面话题和负面话题。本文就来谈一下如何备考2016考研英语一的有关正面话题的大作文。 根据作文要求,作文中考生需要描图、阐释图片内涵、作出评论。下面我们就从这三个方面来看看该如何写文章。第一段是开头段,我们需要描图,提出文章要论述的问题。具体来说,第一句宏观描述图画。第二句写该图片反应的主题,可以用二十个单词的爆发力句型谈该现象对个人的发展和社会进步的积极作用。第三句说这种现象所反映的问题值得人们深思。第一段主要涉及到这些方面的内容,同学们可以根据图片的主题酌情添加或是删减句子。下面的模板仅供大家参考。 【正面话题】 (1)As is vividly depicted in the picture,(描述图画).(2) The most striking feature is(图画重点信息).(3)There is no doubt that its symbolic meaning subtly conveyed should be given deep consideration. 第二自然段重点论述主题,第一句可以用一个有爆发力的主题句阐释主题的重要性。第二句谈这个现象的永恒的社会意义,可以用一个排比句说明只要有这个现象就可以让我们不断征服挑战和竞争,并最后走向成功。第三句可以是具体的例子,谈根据一项调查表明,这个积极的现象对人有利。第四句可以从反面谈如果没有这个积极现象,人们生活就忧闷,有挫折感,无前进动力,前途渺茫。第五句作总结,谈只有这个现象才能让我们成为社会的成功者。 (1)As is symbolically depicted/shown in the set of drawings, the fact that(重复上面的图画信息) profoundly indicates that 主题 is momentous (重要的) and fundamental to any one who undertakes great deeds. (2)Undoubtedly, it is 主题 that keeps us continually doing something valuable and admirable in spite of difficulties, that makes us still full of energy to face the coming challenges and competition and that offers us the foundation for success. (3) According to a survey made by China Daily, 与主题相关的好的后果.(4)If 不这样的话, we will live a dull and depressing life or even feel loss of hope about the future. (5)Only by 主题 can you put your capacities into full play and can you be the winner in the society。 第三段为结束段落,总结全文内容并提出建议。首句可以说无论做大事还是小事,无论做难事还是容易事,都要这个积极现象。第二个句子谈建议让它变的更好。第三个句子谈让


大作文: (1)正面(正确、积极的):01、02、03、08、10 反面(不正确的做法、消极):04、05、06、07、09、11 (2)一幅图还是两幅图(04、06) (3)作文有无规定题目(仅02) (4)1st:描述图画,2nd:解释图画要表达的含义,3rd:严重性及采取的举措。 例如:2011环境污染;2010:一个火锅——多种文化 *2012重点预测正面 2012考研大作文万能模板---英语一 第一段3句话 ①In the picture above,...... .第一句话(句型要用do+ing\with短语+非限定性定语从句)要将整个漫画内容描述完整。要考验大家的语法功底,首句很重要哦! ②There has been a heated discussion about them in the newspaper. 第二句就是套话,大家也可以自己换其他自己喜欢的句子。 ③The picture , at the first glimpse , seem to be simple ,but only a penetrating sight can pierce through its superficial meaning. 同第二句解释的一样。 第二段6句话 记住:写作重点就在此段,因为大多数考研者都会把首尾段写得出色,但仅此这打动不了阅卷老师,比的就是谁的第二段写得漂亮,谁就获得高分的机会大。 ①The picture tells us that nothing can be compared with the (漫画主题词) / nothing is more harmful or damaging than the ( 主题词) . 当时漫画反映坏/好的方面的主题时,大家相应地进行替换。纵观2001-2011年的漫画都是如此,大家不用太怀疑。 ②In no country other than China ,it has been said ,is this phenomenon more obvious (好的主题用此句). / is the problem of (有关主题词) more serious(坏的主题用此句).

考研 (英语一)写作大作文范文及思路

一、图画作文 1.写作攻略 图画作文是较难的题型之一,近几年考研英语写作试题均为图画题型,因此考生应该特别认真地对待。这类题一般要求考生仔细看图,根据题目要求写成自己的作文。实际上,图画作文也可以当作三段式的提纲作文来写。第一段用来描述图画并揭示其寓意(寓意一般用一句话来概括就可以),第二段分析原因,最后一段发表评论或提出建议,其中第二、三段应该是写作的重点。面对此类题型,考生应首先确定主题,然后再动笔。具体写作要点: (1) 仔细研究作文指令,弄清楚作文的要求,是否有标题?是否有提纲?然后从题目中找出中心词,分析修饰词,准确地抓住题目的中心思想。 (2)认真解读图画,因为图画是作文的信息基础。考生应对图画进行全面而细致的研究,尤其要注意图画中人或物(人与物)的体貌表情特征和背景,确定人物之间,人物与背景之间的主要关系,以便正确掌握图画所传达的信息。 (3)如果图画以系列形式(既两幅以上)出现,考生除需掌握每一幅图画的信息外,还应该对图画之间的相互联系有所理解,在整体上把握图画所传达的信息。 (4)面对图画作文,考生应该展开合理而丰富的联想,用生动恰当的言辞抒发自己对图画的所思、所想、所感。 (5)注意图画作文中的文字说明。文字说明非常重要,通常十分清楚地提供一些写作要点,考生在看说明时要看清主、谓、宾,正确理解说明的意义。 (6)草拟提纲,合理组织材料。根据图画内容的不同采用不同的段落发展方式。如图画式作文写作多要求进行描写图画。对于漫画式写作,漫画描写本身并不重要,但文章的寓意却要力求准确,不要拖泥带水。 (7)系统且突出地展开段落。展开段落要根据画面内容进行,最好能围绕每一段的主题句进行。 (8)检查与修改。考生应重点检查图画内容是否准确地被表达出来,题目所给提示是否完整地反映在文章之中。如果存在与画面不相符的内容,或未能完全涵盖题目所给提示,考生应对文章做出相应修订。 2.必背模版句型 As is described in the picture... 这幅图描述了…… The purpose of the picture is to show us that... 这幅图的目的是为了给我们展示…… We can deduce form this picture that... 从这幅图中我们可以推断…… The picture indicates / conveys the meaning that 这幅图指出/传达…… More and more people have come to realize... 越来越多的人已经意识到…… Now it is commonly held that... but I doubt whether... 现在大家都普遍认为……,但我怀疑…… As is shown in the picture, we can see clearly the relationship between... and ... 从图中我们可以清楚的看到……和……的关系。 No wonder most see the problem of... as that of ... rather than that of... 难怪大多数人把……看成……的问题,而不是……的问题。


2015年各地高考作文 一、2015·全国新课标Ⅰ卷 假定你是李华,你校英文报“外国文化”栏目拟刊登美国节日风俗和中 学生生活的短文。请给美国朋友彼得写信约稿,要点如下: 1. 栏目介绍; 2. 稿件内容; 3. 稿件长度:约 400 词; 4. 交稿日期:6 月 28 日前。 注意: 1. 词数 100 左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 开头语已为你写好。 【参考范文】 Dear Peter, I’d like to a sk you to write an article for our school’s English newspaper. The “Foreign C ulture s”section in our newspaper is very popular among us carries articles written by foreign friends about the cultures of their home countries. Would you please write something about the culture in your part of the United States?And we would especially welcome articles about how Americans spend their holidays and festivals,and the life of American high school can

write anything relevant so long as it’s interesting and words would be we have your article before June 28? I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Yours, Li Hua 二、2015·全国新课标Ⅱ卷 假如你是李华,计划和同学去敬老院(nursing home)陪老人们过重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival)。请给外教露西写封邮件,邀她一同前往,内容包括: 1.出发及返回时间; 2.活动:包饺子、表演节目等。 注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.结语已为你写好。 【参考范文】 Dear Lucy, I’d like to invite you to join us for a visit to the nearby nursing home next Saturday for the Double Ninth Festival. It is the day for the elderly in our culture. We’ll go and make dumplings and cakes with the elderly people there. We’ll also spend some fun time together singing, dancing and playing games, which we hope will make them happy. We should be back around 4 o’clock in the afternoon.


2018考研英语(一)大作文真题范文及译文 2018考研英语(一)大作文是让考生描写关于一位同学选择课程的图画,并且对背后的含义进行解读。针对本题,文都考研教学研究院英语教学研究中心提供参考范文一篇如下: 【题目】 52.Directions: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the picture below. In your essay, you should 1)describe the picture briefly 2)interpret the meaning, and 3)give your comments. Write your answer neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points) 2018考研英语(一)大作文真题范文及译文: As is vividly depicted in the graph that sitting in front of a computer, a student is selecting the curriculum, taking numerous elements into consideration including the innovation, the freshness of knowledge and the level of difficulty as well as the scoring, the qualified rate and burden of assignment. The caption says: The course selecting is on the way, indicating the importance of well-rounded consideration while making a choice. We can deduce from the portrayal that well-rounded contemplating, a significant quality, serves as an indispensable capability bringing about positive influence toward different aspects of our lives. It


英语一 话题范围具体话题英文核心词 a 社会效率、经济发展、人口需求、产品质量、满意度、文化、环境efficiency, revolution, culture, economic development, population, ne eds, quality, price, tension, natural resources financial, efficient, envir onmental recycle, protect b 生活健康类、新通讯工具类、节约和浪费、交通、食品安全 internet, cell phone, vigor, simplicity, organic food energetic, exhaus ted cherish, thrift, waste, squander c品质创新、奋斗、关爱、人生选择、责任、抗挫折、公正感 honesty, fairness, self-discipline, fidelity, responsibility, belief, equality, perseverance, obligation, moral standard independent, considerate, confident, creative, selfish, isolated, conservative d 人际教育儿童,照顾老人,帮助他人、合作、人际关系、沟通cooperation, communication, harmony, humanity, assistanc e reciproc al, harmonious educate, encourage, understand 英语二 话题范围具体话题英文核心词 a 社会效率、经济发展、人口需求、产品质量、满意度等


近十年高考全国卷英语作文真题 (一)06年全国卷I 假定你是李华。应英国朋友Bob的要求,写一封短信介绍你校图书馆的基本情况。内容须包括下面两幅图中的相关信息。 注意: 1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增减细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 开头语已为你写好。 June 8 Dear Bob, Thank you for your last letter asking about our library. __________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Best wishes, Li Hua 内容要点: 1. 图书馆的位置:前有花园,后有教学楼 2. 内部环境:宽敞、有书架、报刊、书籍等 3. 图书馆功能:借阅、借阅数量和借期 4. 开放时间 5. 合适的结尾

(二)06年全国卷II 假定你是李华, 亚洲冬季运动会将在你居住的地方举办, 现在正在招募志愿者, 你希望成为其中一员。请按要求用英文给组委会写一封申请信. 内容应包括: 1.个人情况:年龄、性别、学历 2.个人条件:英语好、爱好体育、善于交往、乐于助人、熟悉本地情况 3.承诺:提供最佳服务 注意: 1.词数100左右,开头语已为你写好 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯 3.生词:申请–apply (v.), application (n.);志愿者–volunteer Dear Sir or Madam, My name is Li Hua. I would like to work as a volunteer for the Winter Asian Games. ________________________________________________________________________ (三)07年全国卷I 假定你是李华,希望通过外籍教师Peter找一个英语笔友。请写一封短信,描述一下你理想中笔友的条件,并说明为什么选这样的笔友。具体条件包括: 1.年龄; 2.性别; 3.爱好(旅游、运动、宠物等)。 注意:1.词数100 左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头语已为你写好。


2011年考研英语一大作文范文 分类:考研英语| 标签:大作文 2011-01-15 17:19阅读(3929)评论(0)编辑删除 英语一大作文 Directions: Write an essay of 160 –200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should 1) describe the drawing 2) explain its meaning 3) give your comments You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points) 旅程之“余”

范文: As is shown in this picture, two friends are taking sightseeing by boat while a man is paddling for them. As these two tourists are happily eating some snacks, they discard the waste into the river casually. Not far away from them we can see the river is teamed with all kinds of garbage, including food basket, food packaging, bottles, lunch-box and watermelon peel. What a disgusting and depressing scene! This picture gives emphasis on the need to improve the citizens’ manners in s cenic spots. Over these years, Chinese people’s living standards have greatly improved, allowing a great number of people to take their own adventures outside. But just as apparent as people’s desire to go out for touring is their ignorance of their obligation to protect natural beauty. The garbage littered everywhere, the stains of spitting and chewing gums on the floor, the names carved on some statues and some other uncivil behavior, not only damage the natural surroundings, cause inconvenience and disco mfort to other tourists, but also degrade China’s image as a nation. Therefore, to enhance the civil manners in attractions is in no sense an act of one’s own, it has far-reaching implications to our whole nation. In my opinion, to eliminate bad manners in places of interest, first laws and regulations must be set up and firmly implemented. In addition, a nation-wide campaign must be launched to enhance people’s awareness of the importance of protecting environment while taking a tour and to give them some tips on improving their behaviors, such as bringing a garbage bag along with them and spiting in the tissue paper, etc. “社会公德”范文 《2011作文预测讲义》的41页是“推荐信”和31页乱涉及扔香蕉皮行为等社会公德的范文“美丽不是表面的”


考研英语一大作文范文——父母以身作则的重要性 文章来源:文都网校 2016年考研英语已经结束,最令大家担心的是自己的作文有没有跑题。与考前预期一致,作文的话题一般是社会现象类的文章,与我们的学习和生活息息相关。今年的考题内容亦不例外,作文中的图片的寓意是引起公众重视家长的榜样作用,注意日常生活中的言传身教。下面给大家一篇范文,仅供参考。 As is vividly depicted in the drawing, in the left picture, the father tells his son to study hard while he watches TV in a leisure way in the same room, which makes his son feel unjust. On the contrary, in the right picture, the father sets a good example by studying at the table besides his son. Although the parent does not order his child to study, the latter is happy to follow suit and does his homework very carefully. Simple as the picture is, its symbolic meaning is as deep as ocean. What the author tries to convey is that it is more significant for parents to set a good example for their children to follow rather than simply require them to do things. As is reflected in the drawing, the grown up are more likely to give orders to the young and ignore the possibility that the children, more often than not, question why their parents are not supposed to do so, which makes them feel it unfair to obey the order. On the other hand, if parents can set an example for their children, the young will follow the model and be more cooperative. To


考研英语大作文精选文 档 TTMS system office room 【TTMS16H-TTMS2A-TTMS8Q8-

2013年考研英语大作文模板 中大作文的要求是内容切题、表达清楚、文字连贯、句式多变和语言 规范。下面我们来看看成功经历过的网友推荐的作文模板: Having captured our attention,the picture vividly betrays the fact that [描述图片内容]. Simple as it is,the drawing set us sinking in awfully. Accordingly,what this far-reaching picture depicts witnesses a common phenomenon in today's society:[图片 所反映的现实(寓意)]. It goes without saying that its symbolic message that [主旨句子],has gone beyond the picture itself. Why do we lay much emphasis upon thisSeveral points analyzed below might equip us with the deeper understanding of what we head for. For one thing,[第一个理由]. For another,[第二个理由]. And above all,[第三个理由(这个理由可以写可以不写)]. Consequently,no issue stands as critical to [A内容] as [B内容]. {说明:no issue stands as critical to A as B. 再没有比B对A更 为关键的了。} Judging from what has been argued above,we have come to recognize that the harms arising from [写图片反映出的问题] has been,like the pandora's box,the crippling force of [写对什么的 阻碍力].{说明:like the pandora's box 比喻一系列恶果之源} It


考研英语一大作文模板(可直接背,简单换词) 类型一:主题是某种品质 如:坚持、挑战、自信、合作、乐观、诚信、创新、选择The image presented in the paper is fairly compelling. As is starkly portrayed in the drawing.人+状态+动作while 对比的人/物/环境. I am deep into thought after reading this cartoon. Digging into it, we can identify that the image was designed to put a spotlight on the quality of 品质. Undoubtedly, it is by no means an option but a must if you are willing to obtain achievements. Put another way, you will barely go ahead if you fail to have this quality. An awesome example is Mayun, a renowned entrepreneur , whose success stems in a large part from his emphasis on 品质. Granted, a heap of high-achievers are convinced that it is this quality that enable them to stand out from common folks. On my personal level, 品质is fairly crucial and critical for those in the hope of making a difference in their future studies and careers. Simply put, I have been hoping that this quality can permeate every corner of our life.


2015年高考英语作文题目 【篇一:2010-2015全国高考英语作文题目汇总附答案 (全国卷)】 英语作文题目汇总(全国卷) 2010年书面表达 假设你是李华,你的美国笔友peter层表示希望来中国教书。你校现在需招聘外教,请给他写封信,告知招聘信息。内容主要包括: 1.教授课程:英语口语、英语写作、今日美国、今日英语等 2.授课对象:高中生(至少三年英语基础) 3.工作量: —每周12学时,任选三门课 —担任学生英语俱乐部或英语校报顾问(advisor) 注意: 1.字数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头语已为你写好,请将完整的回信书写在答题卡上。 *********************************************************************** best, li hua 2010年书面表达参考答案 dear peter,

school now is looking for a native-speaker to teach some courses to senior high students. if you come, you can choose three of the following four courses: speaking, writing, britain today and american today, and teach of english learning experiences. besides teaching, you will also work as an advisor to our students’ english club or our school’s english newspaper. please tell me know if you are interested and if you have any other questions. i’d be more than happy to help. best, li hua 2011年书面表达 假定你是李华,你所喜爱的global mirror周报创刊五周年之际征集读者意见.请你依据以下内容给主编写封信,内容主要包括: 1.说明你是该报的忠实读者 2.赞赏该报优点: 1)兼顾国内外新闻 2)介绍名人成功故事 3.提出建议: 刊登指导英语学习的文章 注意: 1.词数100左右,开头语己为你写好; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 ***********************************************************************


英语一大作文 1 社会民风专题(诚信、共赢、勤俭、节约)互信mutual trust 诚信credibility 品德morality 创新innovation 共赢all-win 欺诈fraud 代价cost 社会文明social civilization 假冒伪劣产品fake commodities 社会危害harm to society 学术造假academic cheating 诚实为上策Honestly is the best policy. 减少浪费reduce waste 促进改革promote reform 减轻负担reduce the burden of…… 调整产业结构adjust the industrial structure

物质文明、精神文明一起抓pay equal attention to the material progress and cultural progress 形成文明、健康、崇尚科学的良好社会风尚form civilized, healthy and science-upholding social practice 2 前沿科技专题(电子书、时尚购物、低俗信息、色情诱惑)网恋cyber romance 网购online shopping 团购Group shopping 秒杀Sec-kill 网店online shop/store 信誉credit 退款refund 科学技术science and technology 沉迷网络web-addiction 电脑犯罪computer crime 电子商务e-commerce 虚拟生活virtual life 信息时代information era 网上冲浪surf the Internet



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大作文: (1)正面(正确、积极的):01、02、03、08、10 反面(不正确的做法、消极):04、05、06、07、09、11 (2)一幅图还是两幅图(04、06) (3)作文有无规定题目(仅02) (4)1st:描述图画,2nd:解释图画要表达的含义,3rd:严重性及采取的举措。 例如:2011环境污染;2010:一个火锅——多种文化 *2012重点预测正面 Whatthe image is trying to express is symbolic and philosophic!Featuredinthe aboveillustration are large numbers of people who ,sitting in front ofcomputer, are placedin separate rooms .However ridiculous andhumorous it mayseem at first glimpse, this cartoondoescarryrathersignificantimplications. Evidently, the cartoonistaims to enlightenus thatwe should keep a balance between interenet communication and face-to-face .A great dealofattention is being paid today to internet . Indeed ,it has lon gbeenknow that usingthe internet in a properway should be great emphasized,if we want to construct aharmonious word.to our disappointment ,however ,withanever-developing of science andtechnology ,peoplein mounting numberstendto neglecttheseriousness ofthisproblem .hence people’s emotional distancein becominglargerandlarger. keeping a balancebetween internet communication andface-t o-face ,tomy mind , is not simply good forindividuals,but alsobeneficial tothe wholesociety .Hence awidespread educ ation campaignshould be launched soas toenhance people’s awarenessof the importance of using internet in a proper way .Onlybyconcerted efforts,canweembrace a happy , healthyand harmonious world ,aswe allwish,inthelongrun! 一种事物或现象(正面意义倾向)(第一段黄色为:is a hot pot,which is a symbol of the world.二三段的中心词换为:cultural communication) 翻译;什么样的形象是想表达的是象征性的哲学!精选在上图中大量的人,坐在电脑前,被放置在单独的房间。然而荒谬和幽默似乎在第一次看到,这幅漫画进行而显着的影响。 显然,漫画家的目的是告诉我们,我们应该保持网络通信和面对面之间的平衡。很多人注意到今天的互联网。事实上,它早已知道,适当的方式使用互联网应该是伟大的强调,要建设一个和谐的世界。使我们失望的是,然而,随着科学技术的不断发展,越来越多的人往往忽略了这个问题的严重性。因此,人的情感的距离越来越大。

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