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2018 年广东省高考英语听说考试真题A

Part A

This is one of the greatest masterpieces of Chinese landscape painting. When

westerners first discovered Chinese paintings like this one, they could not see their value. To understand painting, you need to understand calligraphy. The character

is not a picture of an object in the real world, but a symbol for an idea. As Chinese characters are symbols for ideas, so elements in a Chinese landscape, rocks, water, trees and mountains, became symbols of concepts. For the Chinese, pictures painted with a brush are symbols that carry both the surface meaning and additional hidden meanings. Chinese paintings are not just pretty pictures. They mean something.

Part B


W:Good afternoon, Dr. Brown. We are very honored to have you with us today.

M:Thanks for inviting me, Mary.

W:We know that you have been studying sleep and health for many years.

M:Yes, I started my research in 2010.

W: I know that good sleep makes me feel better, but I am not so sure about the specific health benefits of good sleep.

M: Well, recently I have published a book named Sleep and Health. According to my

research, good sleep benefits our mind, weight, heart and more. Yet, few of us realize that. Nowmore and more people, including young students, are having sleep problems.


How are students affected by sleep?

电脑回答For children between the ages of 10 and 16, if they haven’t got enough sleep, they are more likely to have problems with attention and learning. College

students who don’t get enough sleep have worse grades than those who do. So don’t sacrifice sleep even if you are trying to meet a deadline. Get a good sleep and you might get a good score.


Is there any other benefit of good sleep?

电脑回答 Well,good sleep also helps you have a healthy weight. If you are thinking about going on a diet, you might need to plan an earlier bed time. People tend to

feel more hungry and eat more when they get less sleep.Researchers find that dieter who sleep well lose more fat than those don’t.


Does that mean we should sleep more?

电脑回答 Well,it depends.Too much or too little sleep is associated with a shorter lifespan. But sleep surely affects the quality of life. If you sleep better, you

will certainly live better. It’s pretty clear.

1.When did Dr. Brown start his research on sleep and health?

He started it in 2010.

2.What is the name of Dr. Brown’s book?

Sleep and Health.

3.What is Dr. Brown ’s suggestion for students who are trying to meet a deadline?


Do not sacrifice sleep.

4.Why do people need to plan an earlier bed time if they go on a diet?

People tend to feel more hungry and eat more when they get less sleep.

5.What is associated with a shorter life?

Too much or too little sleep.



梗概: Tom担心妹妹缺粮过冬,偷偷送米给她,却发现妹妹也在做同样的事


关键词: worry(担心 ) add( 添加 ) strange(奇怪的 ) hide(藏 ) same( 同样的 )

The Rice Is Back

Tom and Mary were brother and sister. They lived in the same village. Tom had

many children to feed and Mary also had a big family to raise.They worked very hard every day on their farms.They were poor but both lived a happy life.One year,there was little rain and the rice did not grow well.They got the smallest harvest ever. At night, Tom could not sleep, worrying that Mary might not have enough food to

survive the long winter. He got up and went to his farm house while he filled the

bag with rice.Then he went to Mary’s house and secretly add the rice to her pile. Every night, when every one was asleep, Tom did the same thing. After two weeks,

Tom noticed something strange. His pile did not seem to be any smaller. He decided

to find out what had happened. One midnight, he hid himself in the farm house and

waited. After a while, a shadow appeared. Tom was surprised to find it was Mary.

She was coming in,carrying a bag of rice.She had been doing the same thing,taking her rice and adding it to Tom’s pile.

2018 年广东省高考英语听说考试真题B

Part A

Even though the polar bears can cope with the cold they just hate falling through the ice.They pick their way very carefully indeed.He spreads his legs to distribute his weight and progresses carefully. But it’s not enough. F or a hunting bear, it doesn’t get much worse than this.The disappearing ice is also troubling the family. The ice is now so thin. It only supports the weight of the lighter cubs, leaving

the mother struggling. On the way, she taught her cub the survival skills for what

could be an ice-free future. More than anything, the cub learnt that curiosity is

the key to survival.

Part B


W: Hi, Tom. What’s new?

M: Hi, Mary. I joined the school thinkers’ club.

W: Thinkers ’ club? I’ve never heard about that.

M: Yeah, it ’s new. It got started this semester.

W: So what do you guys do there? Just sit together and think quietly?

M:Huh?not really. It’s more about learning to think. We talk a lot and have lots of fun activities.


Question 1:What activities do you have?

Answer 1: Well, we have many activities such as learning to ask questions, reading

books, writing reports, debating and so on. The most impressive part

is asking questions. I still remember the first time when I was there. I

didn ’t even know what to ask.

Question 2: Is it really difficult to ask questions?/ Is it really difficult to ask?/ Is it really hard to ask questions?/ Is it really hard to ask?

Answer 2: Yes, I find it hard usually because I don’t know much about a topic.That ’s why we are encouraged to read more. Last week, for example, we were

recommended a book on technology and human life. This week, we came together with

our book reports, asking questions and exchanging ideas. Next week, we are going to

have a debate on the question: Will humans be replaced by robots? I really learned a

lot through these activities.

Question 3:How do I join the club?/ How can I join the club?

Answer 3: Well, at the beginning of each semester, the club recruits new members.

You can go there and fill in an application form. Usually you will be

interviewed on the same day. Then the club will give you reply in

three days. And you will know whether you are admitted or not.


Question 1:What club did Tom join?

Answer 1: The school thinkers’ club./ He joined the school thinkers’ club./ Tom

joined the school thinkers’ club

Question 2:When did the club start?

Answer 2: This semester./ This term./ It started this semester./ It started this

term./ The club started this semester./ The club started this term.

Question 3:What is the most impressive part of the club activities for Tom?

Answer 3: Asking questions./The most impressive part is asking questions./The most impressive part of the club activities for Tom is asking questions.

Question 4:What will the club members do next week?

Answer 4: Have a debate./They will have a debate next week./ The club members will

have a debate next week./ Have a debate on the question: Will humans be replaced

by robots?/ They will have a debate on the question: Will humans be replaced by


Question 5:When will the applicants be interviewed?

Answer 5: On the same day as they fill in an application form./ After they fill in

an application form./ On the same day when they fill in an application form.

Part C


The Cave

Tom loved to explore. He went walk long miles in the mountains, looking for new things. One day, Tomand his best friend wanted to go to the top of a mountain.

That mountain was almost unknown to other climbers. They would have to make their

own path to the top. There, they found a cave. It was very dark inside. They

took their flashlights and turned them on, so they could see where they were

going. As they walked deeper into the cave, they found themselves in a big room.

To their surprise, on the walls of the room there were drawings of deer, trees

and people. Someonehad been there long before and had made those drawings.They

looked very old and fantastic.Tom took out his camera and took pictures of the

drawings on the walls. When it was getting late, Tom and his friend had to leave

the cave and go back. They decided to come again. Two weeks later,an earthquake

destroyed the cave. So Tom and his friend never had the chance to see those

drawings a second time. The pictures taken by Tom were the only proof of the

existence of the cave.


Tom loved to explore. He often walked in the mountains to look for new things.

Tom and his friend wanted to climb a mountain that no one else knew much about, so

they were on their own way to the top of the mountain. They found a cave and turned

on their flashlights.As they walked deeper into the cave, they entered a big room.

The walls of the room were filled with drawings of deer, trees and people, done long

ago. The drawings were clearly very old, but they were amazing. Tom took many

photographs of all the drawings, and then he left with his friend, promising to come

back. But two weeks later,the cave was destroyed by an earthquake.Tom’s pictures

were the only proof that the cave ever existed.

2018 年广东省高考英语听说考试真题C

Part A

For thousands of years, human beings have been fascinated by whales.

It is uncertain when, how or why the ancestors of the whale gradually moved into a purely aquatic environment. Freed from the gravity of the land,

the whales evolved to becomethe true ocean beings of the planet. For most

of our shared history,our relationship with the whales has been a distant

one. If a memory remains behind the eyes of these gentle creatures, it

is rarely if ever shown. Rather our first furtive attempts to enter the

whale’s domain seem greeted with curiosity and a longing for

communication and understanding.

Part B


W:Hi, Dr. Brown. I know you just got back from a business trip.

M:Yes, I just came back last Friday.

W:How was the trip?

M:It was good. I did a training program for a trade company.

W:Hum, what was the program about?

M: It was about how to dress properly at work places.

W: Really? I am going to start my first job,but I am a bit worried about

what to wear for work.

M: Don’t worry. Most employers are flexible with dress code. They allow

their employees to wear casual clothes at work.


Why do they do so?

电脑回答 Some studies showed that people are more productive when they

are wearing casual clothes. Employees also like the casual wear, because they don’t need to buy manyclothes especially for work. Actually,people started to wear casual clothes on Fridays in the 1990s. Today, employees in many companies can wear casual clothes on most weekdays.


Does that mean we can wear any clothes?

电脑回答 Not exactly. For example, if you need to do a business presentation

or attend a formal meeting, you need to dress formally.

Generally speaking, some types of clothes are not considered suitable at work places. Sandals, sports wear, vests and shorts are clothes that are usually too casual for the office.


How can I know what to wear in my company?

电脑回答 Usually, many companies have rules and regulations about dress code. You may check your company handbook for detailed information. You

can ask some senior employees in your company for some tips. That

would be most helpful.

1.When did Dr. Brown come back?

He came back last Friday.

2. What company was Dr. Brown’s training program for?

It was for a trade company.

3. What are the benefits of wearing casual clothes at work?

People are more productive and they don’t hav e to buy many clothes especially for work.

4. When do people need to dress formally?

When doing a business presentation or attending a formal meeting.

5.Who can you ask for tips about dress code in your company?

Senior employees.



梗概: Mary 获赠照相机,某日偶然拍下盗贼照片,帮助警察破了案。

关键词: camera(照相机 ) taking photos(照相) thief(盗贼) evidence(证据) arrest(逮捕)


A New Camera

Mary received a present from her father at her birthday party. It was a

new camera. Her father showed her how to take clear and good photos. Mary loved the present very much. Since then, she often took the camera with

her and enjoy taking photos wherever she went. One afternoon, when she

was taking photos by the window of her room on the second floor,she noticed something strange through the camera. She saw two strangers breaking into a house in a neighborhood, whose owners were on holiday overseas. Soon,

she realized they were thieves. Mary immediately shouted and asked her

father to call the police. At the same time, she used her camera to take a lot

of photos of the thieves. When the police arrived, the thieves had already run

away. Mary showed the police the photos she had taken. Some

of them caught the thieves ’ faces very clearly. The police thanked her and made

a copy of all the photos of the thieves. These became important evidences. One month later, the thieves were arrested and Mary received

a certificate from the police to honor her assistance in the case.

Mary felt very happy and proud.

2018 年广东省高考英语听说考试真题D

Part A

The wind has had some of its most dramatic effects on human history

when it interacts with the energy of the oceans. It ’s an interaction that can have major long term consequences. But it can also bring short term

disaster. The sea acts as a main store of the sun’s heat. There’s more energy in the top 3 meters of the ocean than the whole of the atmosphere. By pumping this energy into the air, the ocean is constantly influencing the wind. A principle that is demonstrated each year: the hotter the ocean, the faster the air above rises.

Part B


W:Hi, Tom. How was your summer vacation?

M:Good, I went to Beijing in August.

W:Oh, how did you like it?

M: Well, I ’ve been there several times. This time I had a three -day tour and I noticed something different. I like it better now. W: Really? What is the difference?

M:I ’ve seen a lot of fantastic office buildings and some of them are

of eco-design.


What does that mean?

电脑回答 It means that the designs combines environmentally friendly

ideas. I visited one building with eco-designs. They helped cut energy

cost greatly. Last year, that building saved up to 20% energy cost,

compared to other ordinary buildings. Thanks to the various

wonderful design.


What design impressed you most?

电脑回答 Well, I think what impresses me most is the high-tech curtain

wall. For one thing, it is used to adjust temperature automatically in

the building. The indoor temperature will not be affected by conditions

outside. For another, it enables 90% of the office area to enjoy natural sunlight, which makes people feel like closer to nature.


Are there any other new designs in this building?

电脑回答Yes, of course. For example, there is only one elevator in the building. Many staff have to walk to their offices. At first some of them complained, but gradually they realized walking is pretty good exercise

to keep them fit. Another example is that the parking spaces are reserved mostly

for small cars, so the use of small cars is encouraged.

1.When did Tom visit Beijing?

He visited Beijing in August.

2.How long was Tom ’s trip?

Three days.

3.What is used to adjust temperature in the building?

The high-tech curtain wall.

4. How much of the office area can enjoy natural sunlight?


5. How is the use of small cars encouraged?

The parking spaces are reserved mostly for small cars.


你将听到一段独白,独白播两遍。听完独白后,用自己的话复述独白的内容。梗概: Tom丢失珍贵手表,众人久寻未果,后来一个小孙子独自设法找到。

关键词: missing( 丢失 ) search( 寻找 ) in vain( 徒劳 ) silence( 安静 ) tick( 钟表的“滴答”声 )


The Power of Silence

Tom was an old man. He lived alone in a small village. His grandchildren

visited him during their holidays. It was vacation time again and Tomwas happy receiving his grandchildren at home. The next day, he found his

favorite watch missing. The watch was a gift given by his wife when they

got married. Tom treasured the watch very much. Now he was very upset.

His grandchildren promised to find the watch for him. Tom told them that he last saw the watch when he was arranging things in the basement. The grandchildren decided to search there for the watch. But they searched

for two hours in vain.Tomfelt desperate.Then one grandson volunteered

to search the basement again and requested others not to follow him and

to remain silent.Although the others were a little surprised,they agreed. The little boy went to the basement and sat in silence.Ten minutes later, he rushed to his grandfather with the watch. Tom was surprised with joy

and asked how he found it. The little boy replied,“When it was quiet in the basement, I heard the ‘tick,tick ’ sound and found the watch. ”

2018 年广东省高考英语听说考试真题E

Part A

The consumer revolution created both a huge opportunity and a problem for manufacturers. The potential to increase trade was there. But at the beginning of the 18th century, the difficulty of getting raw materials

to their workshops, and the finished products to the market was obvious.

From 1706, the length of roads increased from 3 hundred miles to 15

thousand miles just 70 years later. And they didn’t only connect big cities,they also created a trading network between small towns, increasing the movementof goods and ideas around the country. As the roads improved in Britain, so journey time’s decreased.

Part B


W:Hi, Tom. How did you spend your summer holiday?

M:I had a trip with my parents to Germany.

W:That ’s amazing. How long did you stay there?

M:Altogether, 23 days.

W: Wow! That ’s a long holiday. But I heard that your parents had been

so busy with their work and had little time with you. Howdid they managed to be away with you for so long?

M:Well, they worked it out with their managers and colleagues. And

my parents have realized the importance of family activities. The trip is

also part of the project called Perfect Family.


What project is this?

电脑回答It is about balancing people’s work and family, but it is not

easy to keep the balance. This project offers people some professional

advice. According to a recent report, over 1,800 families in our city have joined the project.


Why did so many families join the project?

电脑回答Because nowadays the pace of life is getting faster and faster. Many people have crazy schedules. They are very busy with their work and they have little time for their families. A study last year showed that

about 86%of the families had a serious problem with their work schedules, with at least one parent regularly working on nights or weekend shifts.


What can they do to change the situation?

电脑回答 The most important thing is to develop their time management

abilities, so they can give their family more time. Time managementmeans how to divide their time properly between work and family. Sometimes it

may mean they need to give up some opportunities at work.

1.Where did Tom spend his summer vacation?

In Germany.

2.How long was Tom ’s trip?

23 days.

3.How many families joined the project?

Over 1,800 families joined the project.

4.According to the study last year, what was the serious problem

with the work schedules in 86% of the families?

At least one parent regularly working on nights or weekend

shifts 5. What does time management mean?

It means how to divide the time properly between work and family.


你将听到一段独白,独白播两遍。听完独白后,用自己的话复述独白的内容。梗概: Mary 想用捡到的钱来买玩具娃娃,受奶奶来电触动,将钱包物归原主。

关键词: doll ( 玩具娃娃 ) wallet ( 钱包 ) ID ( 身份证件 ) grandma ( 奶奶 ) get back ( 拿回 )

The Wallet

Mary stared at the doll in a store window, which was recently advertised for the Christmas season. She wanted to have it so much. She

did not have even one dollar. As she was walking home with a deep sigh, something caught her eyes. A shiny little thing have buried in the snow. She removed it from the snow and found out it was a leather wallet.Inside, there was a lot of money, somebank cards and an ID card.Seeing the money, Mary felt excited. She could buy the doll now. She walked back quickly

to the store and picked up the doll.She had long dreamedabout this moment. Just then,her mobile phone rang. It was grandma calling.Her heart filled with love as she thought of her sweet old grandma. After hanging up the

phone, Mary took a look at the wallet again.The smile of the ID card owner reminded her of grandma.She felt ashamed.Then she made a decision. She put the doll down and rang to the address on the ID card.The womancried with joy and relief as she got her wallet back.

欢迎您的光临,W d 文档下载后可修改编辑双击可删除页眉页脚谢谢!希望您提出您宝贵的意见,你的意见是我进步的动力。赠语;、如果我们做与不做都会有人笑,如果做不好与做得好还会有人笑,那么我们索性就做得更好,来给人笑吧!、现在你不玩命的学,以后命玩你。、我不知道年少轻狂,我只知道胜者为王。、不要做金钱、权利的奴隶;应学会做“金钱、权利”的主人。、什么时候离光明最近?那就是你觉得黑暗太黑的时候。、最值得欣赏的风景,是自己奋斗的足迹。、压力不是有人比你努力,而是那些比你牛×几倍的人依然比你努力。


2018年全国普通高等学校统一考试 英语试题 (本试卷共12页。时间:120分钟总分:150分) 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £ 19. 15 B. £ 9. 18 C. £ 9. 15 答案是C。 第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What does John find difficult in learning German? A. Pronunciation. B. V ocabulary. C. Grammar. 2.What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Colleagues. B. Brother and sister. C. Teacher and student. 3.Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a bank. B. At a ticket office. C. On a train. 4.What are the speakers talking about? A. A restaurant. B. A street. C. A dish. 5.What does the woman think of her interview? A. It was tough. B. It was interesting. C. It was successful. 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间


广东高考听说合考三问整理 2011 A卷 Q1:James 像你一样热爱音乐吗?Does James like music as much as you? Q2: James 小时候对什么感兴趣?What was James interested in when he was young? Q3:谁给你们的影响最大? Who had the biggest effect/ influence on you? /Who influenced you most? 2011 B卷 Q1:你能再多说点吗?Could you please speak a little more? Q2:你说的学习风格是什么意思?What do you mean by learning styles? Q3:你是如何学习外语的?How did you learn a foreign language? 2011 C卷 Q1:你如何看待在英国排队的事情?What do you think of queuing in England? Q2:你能说说英国人吗?Can you talk about English people? Q3:你还有别的困难吗?Do you have any other problems? 2011 D卷 Q1:那我该做什么呢?What should I do? Q2:我还需要注意什么吗?What else should I pay attention to? Q3:你觉得我需要吃药吗?Do you think I need to take some medicine? 2011 E卷 Q1:英国人喜欢旧车吗?Do the British people like cars? Q2:你什么意思呢?What do you mean? Q3:英国人不太在乎穿什么衣服,对吗? The British people care little about clothes, do they? 2012 A卷 Q1:你和你的室友相处得如何?How do you get along with your roommates? Q2:为什么你不直接与他们谈一谈?Why don’t you have a talk directly with them? Q3:你的老师的建议是什么? What are your teacher’s suggestions?/What is your teacher’s advice? 2012 B卷 Q1:我为什么不能与朋友们一起开车?Why can’t I drive with my friends? Q2:我真的需要这些规则吗? Do I really need these rules? / Are these rules necessary for me? Q3:这些规则有什么用处?What are these rules for? / What’s the use of these rules? 2012 C卷 Q1:这本书有什么问题?What’s the problem of the book? Q2:为什么你认为情节难以相信? Why do you think the plot is hard to believe/ unbelievable? Q3:报纸怎么评论这本书? How do the newspapers comment on/upon this book? / What are the newspapers’ comments on this book? 2012 D卷 Q1:我一次可以借几本书呢?How many books can I borrow at one time? Q2:我可以借多长时间呢?How long can I keep the books? Q3:我如果还书晚了会怎么样?What will happen if I return the books late? 2012 E卷 Q1:你想在艺术学院学习什么专业?What subject do you want to study at the arts college/ campus?


〖解密〗2018年高考英语全国III卷真题解析 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A

Welcome to Holker Hall & Gardens Visitor Information How to Get to Holker By Car: Follow brown signs on A590 from J36, M6. Approximate travel times: Windermere — 20 minutes, Kendal — 25 minutes, Lancaster — 45 minutes, Manchester — 1 hour 30 minutes. By Rail: The nearest station is Cark-in-Cartmel with trains to Carnforth, Lancaster and Preston for connections to major cities & airports. Opening Times Sunday —Friday (closed on Saturday) 11:00am —4:00pm, 30th March —2nd November. Admission Charges Hall & Gardens Gardens Adults: £12.00 £8.00 Groups: £9.00 £5.50 Special Events Producers’ Market13th April Join us to taste a variety of fresh local food and drinks. Meet the producers and get some excellent recipe ideas. Holker Garden Festival 30th May The event celebrates its 22nd anniversary with a great show of the very best of gardening, making it one of the most popular events in gardening. National Garden Day 28th August


2017年上海高考英语真题试卷_上海市2017高考英语试卷及参考答案 2017年高考已经结束,相信大家都对高试卷感兴趣,下面是小编收集的上海市2017高考英语试卷及参考答案,供大家参考! 第I卷 第一部分: 听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。 每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Who has given up smoking? A. Jack. B. Frank. C. The woman. 2. Why does the woman apologize to the man? A. She broke his telephone. B. She didn’t take him to the hospital.

C. She forgot to tell him the message. 3. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Salesgirl and customer. B. Passenger and driver. C. Wife and husband. 4. What is the woman’s opinion about the course? A. Too hard. B. Worth taking. C. Very easy. 5. What is the woman doing? A. She is apologizing. B. She is complaining. C. She is worrying. 第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出虽佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两 遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. Who wants to attend a US university? A. A daughter of the man’s friend. B. The man’s daughter. C. The man’s friend. 7. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a classroom. B. Over the phone. C. At a language


2018年广东省高考英语听说考试真题E Part A The consumer revolution created both a huge opportunity and a problem for manufacturers. The potential to increase trade was there. But at the beginning of the 18th century, the difficulty of getting raw materials to their workshops, and the finished products to the market was obvious. From 1706, the length of roads increased from 3 hundred miles to 15 thousand miles just 70 years later. And they didn’t only connect big cities, they also created a trading network between small towns, increasing the movement of goods and ideas around the country. As the roads improved in Britain, so journey time’s decreased. Part B 角色:你是Mary 任务:1 与同学Tom谈论如何平衡家庭和工作的话题; 2 根据谈话内容回答另一同学的提问三问: 1. 这是个什么项目 _______________________________________________________________________ 2. 为什么这么多家庭加入了这个项目 _______________________________________________________________________ 3. 他们怎么做才能改变这种情况 _______________________________________________________________________ 五答: 1_________________________________________________________________________________ 2_________________________________________________________________________________ 3_________________________________________________________________________________ 4_________________________________________________________________________________ 5_________________________________________________________________________________ PART C 你将听到一段独白,独白播两遍。听完独白后,用自己的话复述独白的内容。 梗概:Mary想用捡到的钱来买玩具娃娃,受奶奶来电触动,将钱包物归原主。 关键词:doll (玩具娃娃) wallet (钱包) ID (身份证件) grandma (奶奶) get back (拿回) _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Part B 视频对话 W: Hi, Tom. How did you spend your summer holiday M: I had a trip with my parents to Germany.


绝密★启用前 2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15. 答案是C。 1. What will James do tomorrow? A. Watch a TV program. B. Give a talk. C. Write a report. 2. What can we say about the woman? A. She’s generous. B. She’s curious. C. She’s helpful. 3. When does the train leave? A. At 6:30. B. At 8:30. C. At 10:30. 4. How does the woman go to work? A. By car. B. On foot. C. By bike. 5. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Classmates. B. Teacher and student. C. Doctor and patient. 英语试题第1页(共14页)


北京2018年高考英语真题卷 第一节 56. 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华,你的英国朋友Jim在给你的邮件中提到他对中国文化感兴趣,计划明年来北京上大学。他向你咨询相关信息。请给他回邮件,内容包括: (1) 表示欢迎;(2) 推荐他上哪所大学;(3) 建议他做哪些准备工作。 注意:(1). 词数不少于50;(2). 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Jim, _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Yours, Li Hua 【答案】Dear Jim, I’m so glad to hear your future education plan in Beijing in your last letter. First I would like to express my warmest welcome to you and I am sure you will have the most unforgettable experience during your college in Beijing. Learning your keen interest in Chinese culture, I suggest you apply for Peking University, one of the best universities in China. Its Chinese Literature major is perfect for you where you can be completely soaked in Chinese profound history and rich culture. As for preparation, some reading in advance in needed like The Story of the Stone while some online courses of spoken Chinese can be helpful for you to adapt into the Chinese language environment. I sincerely hope your dream will come true and it’s my plea sure to show you around in Beijing when that day comes. If you have further questions, please feel free to let me know. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】本文为提纲式作文,文章要求写推荐信,为英国朋友介绍北京的大学。首先可以介


2011-2018高考英语听说考试三问整理 2011 A 1.James 像你一样热爱音乐吗?Does James like music as much as you? 2.James 小时候对什么感兴趣?What was James interested in when he was young? 3.谁给你们的影响最大? Who had the biggest effect/ influence on you? /Who influenced you most? 2011 B 1. 你能再多说点吗?Could you please speak a little more? 2. 你说的学习风格是什么意思?What do you mean by ―learning styles? 3)你是如何学习外语的?How did you learn a foreign language? 2011 C 1.你如何看待在英国排队的事情?What do you think of queuing in England? 2.你能说说英国人吗?Can you talk about English people? 3. 你还有别的困难吗?Do you have any other problems? 2011 D 1. 那我该做什么呢?What should I do? 2. 我还需要注意什么吗?What else should I pay attention to? 3. 你觉得我需要吃药吗?Do you think I need to take some medicine? 2011 E 1.英国人喜欢旧车吗?Does the British people like cars? 2.你什么意思呢? What do you mean? 3.英国人不太在乎穿什么衣服,对吗? The British people care little about clothes, do they? 2012 A 1.你和你的室友相处得如何?How do you get along with your roommates? 2.为什么你不直接与他们谈一谈?Why don’t you have a talk directly with them? 3.你的老师的建议是什么?What are your teacher’s s uggestions? /What is your teacher’s advice? 2012 B 1. 我为什么不能与朋友们一起开车?Why can’t I drive with my friends? 2. 我真的需要这些规则吗?Do I really need these rules? / Are these rules necessary for me? 3. 这些规则有什么用处?What are these rules for? / What’s the use of these ru les? 2012 C 1. 这本书有什么问题?What’s the problem of the book? 2. 为什么你认为情节难以相信?Why do you think the plot is hard to believe/ unbelievable? 3. 报纸怎么评论这本书?How do the newspapers comment on/upon this book?/ What are the newspapers’ comments on this book? 2012 D 1.我一次可以借几本书呢? How many books can I borrow at one time? 2.我可以借多长时间呢? How long can I keep the books? 3.我如果还书晚了会怎么样?What will happen if I return the books late? 2012 E 1.你想在艺术学院学习什么专业?What subject do you want to study at the arts campus? 2.你在这一领域得过奖吗?Have you won any races in this field? 3.你是如何发展出对历史的兴趣的?How do you develop an interest in history? 2013 A


2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语 注意事项: 1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £ 19. 15. B. £ 9. 18. C. £ 9. 15. 答案是C。 1.what will James do tomorrow ? A.Watch a TV program. B.Give a talk. C.Write a report. 2.What can we say about the woman? A.She's generour. B.She's curious. C.She's helpful. 3.When does the traif leave?https://www.doczj.com/doc/607062797.html, A.At 6:30. B.At8:30. C.At 10:30. 4.How does the wonar sRwr?m A.By car. B.On foot. C.By bike 5.What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A.Classmates. B.Teacher and student. C.Doctor and patient. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的


2018 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语Ⅲ卷 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40 分) 第一节(共15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分30 分) A Welcome to Holker Hall & Garden Visitor Information How to Get to Holker By car: Follow brown signs on A590 from. J36, M6. Approximate travel times: Windermere--20 minutes, Kendal--25 minutes, Lancaster-- 45 minutes, Manchester-- l hour 30minutes By rail: the nearest station is Cark-in-Cartmel with trains to Carnforth. Lancaster and Preston for connections to major cities & airports. Opening times Sunday-Friday(closed on Saturday) 11:00 am-4;00pm, 30 March-2nd November. Admission Charges Hall & Gardens Gardens Adults: £12.00 £8.00 Gropes: £9.00 Special Events Producers Market 13th April Join us to taste a variety of fresh local food and drinks. Meet the producers and get some excellent recipe ideas. Holker Garden Festival 30th May The event celebrates its 22nd anniversary with a great show of the very best of gardening, making it one of the most popular events in the gardening. National Garden Day 28th August Holker once again opens its gardens in aid of the disadvantaged. For just a small donation you can take a tour with our garden guide. Winter Market 8th November This is an event for all the family! Wander among a variety of shops selling gifts while enjoying a live music show and nice street entertainment. 21. How long does it probably take a tourist to drive to Holker from Manchester? A. 20 minutes. B. 25 minutes. C.45 minutes. D. 90 minutes. 22. How much should a member of a tour group pay a visit to Hall & Gardens? A. £12.00. B. 9£.00. C. £8.00 D. £5.50 23. Which event will you go to if you want to see a live music show? A. Producers Market. B. Holker Garden Festival C. National Garden Day. D. Winter Market B Cities, usually have a good reason for being where they are, like a nearby port or river. People settle in these places because they are easy to get to and naturally suited to communications and trade. New York City, for example, is near a large harbour at the mouth of the Hudson River. Over 300 years its population grew gradually from 800 people to 8 million. But not all cities develop slowly over a long period of time. Boom towns grow from nothing almost overnight. In 1896, Dawson, Canada, was unmapped


2018年广东省高考英语听说考试真题B 三问部分: Question 1: What activities do you have? Answer 1: Well, we have many activities such as learning to ask questions, reading books, writing reports, debating and so on. The most impressive part is asking questions. I still remember the first time when I was there. I didn’t even know what to ask. Question 2: Is it really difficult to ask questions?/ Is it really difficult to ask?/ Is it really hard to ask questions?/ Is it really hard to ask? Answer 2: Yes, I find it hard usually because I don’t know much about a topic. That’s why we are encouraged to read more. Last week, for example, we were recommended a book on technology and human life. This week, we came together with our book reports, asking questions and exchanging ideas. Next week, we are going to have a debate on the question: Will humans be replaced by robots? I really learned a lot through these activities. Question 3: How do I join the club?/ How can I join the club? Answer 3: Well, at the beginning of each semester, the club recruits new members. You can go there and fill in an application form. Usually you will be interviewed on the same day. Then the club will give you reply in three days. And you will know whether you are admitted or not. 五答部分: Question 1: What club did Tom join? Answer 1: The school thinkers’ club./ He joined the school thinkers’ club./ Tom joined the school thinkers’ club. Question 2: When did the club start? Answer 2: This semester./ This term./ It started this semester./ It started this term./ The club started this semester./ The club started this term. Question 3: What is the most impressive part of the club activities for Tom? Answer 3: Asking questions./ The most impressive part is asking questions./ The most impressive


绝密★启用前 2018年全国普通高等学校统一考试(全国2卷)

英语试题 第二部阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Summer Activities Students should read the list with their parents/carers, and select two activities they would like to do. Forms will be available in school and online for them to indicate their choices and return to school. Before choices are finalised, parents/ carers will be asked to sign to confirm their children’s choices.

21. Which activity will you choose if you want to go camping? A. OUT. B. WBP. C. CRF. D.POT. 22. What will the students do on Tuesday with Mrs. Wilson? A. Travel to London B. see a parade and fireworks. C. Tour central Paris. D. Visit the WWI battlefields. 23. How long does Potty about Potter last? A. Two days. B. Four days C. Five days D. One week. B Many of us love July because it’s the month when nature’s berries and stone fruits are in abundance. These colorful and sweet jewels from British Columbia’s fields are little powerhouses of nutritional protection. Of the common berries, strawberries are highest in vitamin C, although, because of their seeds, raspberries contain a little more protein(蛋白质), iron and zinc (not that fruits have much protein). Blueberries are particularly high in antioxidants (抗氧化物质). The yellow and orange stone fruits such as peaches are high in the carotenoids we turn into Vitamin A and which are antioxidants. As for cherries(樱桃), they are so delicious who care? However, they are rich in Vitamin C. When combined with berries or slices of other fruits, frozen bananas make an excellent base for thick, cooling fruits shakes and low fat “ice cream”. For this purpose, select ripe bananas for freezing as they are much sweeter. Remove the skin and place them in plastic bags or containers and freeze. If you like, a squeeze of fresh lemon juice on the bananas will prevent them turning brown. Frozen bananas will last several weeks, depending on their ripeness and the temperature of the freezer.

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