38政治学与行政学原著选读教学大纲 - 四川大学公共管理学院

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编写人:周敬伟 编写时间: 2005年10 月30 日

课程名称: 政治学与行政学原著选读
Selected Readings on Politics and Public Administration
课程号: 40107930
课程类别: 选修课
学 时: 48 学 分: 3

1 Farazmand, Ali. 1999. Globalization and Public Administration. Public Administration Review 59(6): 509-522.
2 Welch, Eric, and Wilson Wong. 1998. Public Administration in a Global Context: Bridging the Gaps of Theory and Practice between Western and non-Western Nations. Public Administration Review 58(1): 40-49.
3 Werlin, Herbert H. 2003. Poor Nations, Rich Nations: A Theory of Governance. Public Administration Review 63(3): 329-43.
1.Candler, Gaylord G. 2002. Particularism versus universalism in the Brazilian public administration literature. Public Administration Review 62(3): 298-306.
2 Considine, Mark, and Jenny M. Lewis. 2003. Bureaucracy, network, or enterprise? Comparing models of governance in Australia, Britain, the Netherlands, and New Zealand. Public Administration Review 63(2): 131-40.
3 Stewart, Debra W., Norman A. Sprinthall, and Jackie D. Kem. 2002. Moral Reasoning in the Context of Reform: A Study of Russian Officials. Public Administration Review 62(3): 282-97.
1.Merget, Ashid E. 2003. Times of Turbulence. Public Administration Review 63(4): 390-402.
2 Behn, Robert. 1998. What Right Do Public Managers Have to Lead? Public Administration Review 58(3): 209-315.
3 Dobel, Patrick. 2003. The Odyssey of Senior Public Service: What Memoirs Can Teach Us. Public Administration Review 63(1): 16-30.
1.Rutledge, Philip. 2002. Some Unfinished Business in Public administration. Public Administration Review 62(4): 390-95.
2 Kernaghan, Kenneth. 2003. Integrating Values into Public Service: The Values Statement as Centerpiece. Public Administration Review 63(6): 711-25.
3 Dolan, Julie. 2002. The Budget-minimizing Bureaucrat? Empirical Evidence from the Senior Executive Service. Public Administration Review 62(1): 42-53.
1.Terry, Larry D. 1998. Administrative Leadership, Neo-managerialism, and the Public Management Movement. Public Administration Review 58(3): 194-201.
2 Radin Bery

l. 1998. The Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA): Hydra-headed monster or flexible management tool? Public Administration Review 61(4): 396-403.
3 Lenkowsky, Leslie. 2000. Reinventing Government: The Case of National Service. Public Administration Review 60(4): 298-308.
1. Lynn, Laurence E. Jr. 2001. The Myth of the Bureaucratic Paradigm: What Traditional Public Administration Really Stood for. Public Administration Review 61(2): 144-61.
2 Alford, John. 2001. Defining the Client in the Public Sector: A Social-exchange Perspective. Public Administration Review 62(3): 337-47.
3 Hague, M. Shamsul. 2001. The Diminishing Publicness of Public Service under the Current Mode of Governance. Public Administration Review 61(1): 65-83.
1 Box, Richard C., Gary S. Marshall, B. I. Reed, and Christine M. Reed. 2001. New Public Management and Substantive Democracy. Public Administration Review 61(5):608-20.
2 Heinrich, Carolyn. 2002. Outcomes-based Performance Management in the Public Sector: Implications for Government Accountability and Effectiveness. Public Administration Review 62(6): 712-26.
3 Behn, Robert D. 2003. Why Measure Performance? Different Purposes Require Different Measures. Public Administration Review 63(5): 586-96.
1.Quah, Jon S. T. 1999. Corruption in Asian Countries: Can It Be Minimized? Public Administration Review 59(1): 483-95.
2 Seqal, Lydia. 2002. Roadblocks in Reforming Corrupt Agencies: The Case of the New York City School Custodians. Public Administration Review 62(4): 445-61.
3 Kissler, Gerald R., Karmen N. Fore, William S. Jacobson, William P. Kittredge, Scott L. Stewart. 1998. State Strategic Planning: Suggestions from the Oregon Experience. Public Administration Review 58(4): 353-60.
1.Pearson, Christine M., and Judith A. Clair. 1998. Reframing Crisis Management. The Academy of Management Review 23(1): 59-78.
2 McEntire, David A., Christopher Fuller, Chad W. Johnson, and Richard Weber. 2002. A Comparison of Disaster Paradigms: The Search for a Holistic Policy Guide. Public Administration Review 62(3): 267-82.
3 Hays, Steven W., and Richard C. Kearney. 2001. Anticipated Changes in Human Resource Management: Views from the Field. Public Administration Review 61(5): 585-98.

1.Denhardt, Robert B., and Janet V. Denhardt. 2000. The New Public Service: Serving rather than Steering. Public Administration Review 60(6): 549-60.
2 Jean-Claude Garcia-Zamor. 2000. Workplace Spirituality and Organizational Performance. Public Administration Review 60(6): 549-60.
3 Kettl, Donald F. 2000. Public Administration at the Millennium: The State of the Field. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 10(1): 7-35.
1.Englehart, Judith K. 2001. The Marriage between Theory and Practice. Public Administration Review 61(3): 371-5.
2 Bolton, Michael L., and Gregory

B. Stolcis. 2003. Ties That Do not Bind: Musings on the Specious Relevance of Academic Research. Public Administration Review 63(5): 626-38.
3 Fischer, Frank. 1998. Beyond Empiricism: Policy Inquiry in Postpositivist Perspective. Policy Studies Journal, 26(1): 129-47.
1.Kirlin, John L. 2001. Big Questions for a Significant Public Administration. Public Administration Review 61(2): 140-54.
2 Newland, Chester A. 2000. The Public Administration Review and Ongoing Struggles for Connectedness. Public Administration Review 60(1): 20-39.
3 Denhardt, Robert B. 2001. The Big Questions of Public Administration Education. Public Administration Review 61(5): 526-35.
1.Felbinger, Claire L., Marc Holzer, and Jay White. 1999. The Doctorate in Public Administration: Some Unresolved Questions and Recommendations. Public Administration Review 59(5): 459-75.
2 Jensen, Jason L., and Robert Rodgers. 1999. Cumulating the Intellectual Gold of Case Study Research. Public Administration Review 61(2): 235-47.
3 Carroll, James D., and H. George Frederickson. 2000. Dwight Waldo 1913-2000. Public Administration Review 61(1): 2-9.
1. Bohte, John, and Kenneth Meier. 2000. Goal Displacement: Assessing the Motivation for Organizational Cheating. Public Administration Review 60(2): 173-83.
2 King, Cheryl S., Kathryn M. Feltey, and Bridget O. Susel. 1998. The Question of Participation: Toward Authentic Public Participation in Public Administration. Public Administration Review 58(4): 317-27.
3 Kelly, Janet M., and David Swindell. 2002. A Multiple-indicator Approach to Municipal Service Evaluation: Correlating Performance Measurement and Citizen Satisfaction Across Jurisdictions. Public Administration Review 62(5): 610-22.
1. Kim, Soonhee. 2002. Participative Management and Job Satisfaction: Lessons for Management Leadership. Public Administration Review 62(5): 231-42.
2 Klay, William E. 1991. Strategic Management, Policy Analysis, and Budgeting. Budgeting & Finance Management 3(2).
3 Floyd, Steven W., and Peter J Lane. 2000. Strategizing Throughout the Organization: Management Role Conflict in Strategic Renewal. The Academy of Management Review 25(1): 154-177.
1.Poister, Theodore H, and Gregory Streib. 1999. Performance Measurement in Municipal Government: Assessing the State of the Practice. Public Administration Review 59(4): 325-36.
2 Holzer, Marc. 1991. Building Capacity for Productivity Improvement. Public Productivity and Management Review 15 (2).
3 Bretschneider, Stuart. 2003. Information Technology, e-Government, and Institutional Change. Public Administration Review 63(6): 738-46.
The Professional English Reader for Public Administrationists (自编讲义)
《selected classic readings of public administration》竺乾威
马国泉 编复旦大学出版社


编号:行政管理-2005-38 公共管理学院本科课程教学大纲



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