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Driv er’s License of the People’s Republic of China


Name: Gender:Nationality: P. R. China


Date of Birth: Date of First Issue : Class:

Valid Start Date: Valid Period:

Driv er’s License of the People’s Republic of China ( Duplicate )


Name: 名字File No:

Record:Please apply for a new driver’s license in 90 days before .

Codes of License Class

No other organizations or individuals are allowed to detainthe

Driving Licenseexceptthe traffic authority of the Public Security Bureau.


Driving License of the People’s Republic of China No. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Name: XXX XXX Sex: Male Nationality: China Address: XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX (Seal of Issuing Agency) Date of Birth: 19XX-XX-XX Issued Date: 19XX-XX-XX Class: Valid From: 20XX-XX-XX Valid For: 10 Years ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Driving License ofthe People’s Republic of China (Second Sheet) No.XXXXXXXXXXXX Name: XXX XXXXXX File No. XXXXXXXXXX Record:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX. (Bar Code)*XXXXXXXXXXX* (Back of Primary Card)

CODE OF DRIVING LICENSE CLASSES A1 Large passenger vehicle and A3, B1, B2 C4 Three-wheel motor vehicles A2 Tractor and B1, B2 C5 Auto-transmission automobiles for handicaped A3 City bus and C1 D Three-wheel motorcycles and E B1 Medium-sized passenger vehicle and C1,M E Two-wheel motorcycles and F B2 Large truck and C1, M F Light motorcycles C1 Small-size automobiles and C2, C3 M Wheel type self propel machinery C2 Auto-transmission automobiles N Trolley buses C3 Low-speed truck and C4 P Trams No other agencies or individuals are allowed to detain this certificate except the Public Security Vehicle Administration Office. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (Back of Second Sheet Card) Record: (null)


四川省成都市车辆管理所规定,在将国外驾照换成国内驾照时,须由车辆管理所指定的正规有资质翻译机构翻译。成都伊莱特翻译公司是正规注册的且有资质的专业翻译机构,所盖翻译专用章为车辆管理所认可,我公司出具的驾照翻译件可以使您成功换领中国驾照,联系方式:零二八-六六二三七五三零。到目前为止,我公司已为成千上万的客户成功换领中国驾照。 中华人民共和国机动车驾驶证/Permis de Conduire de la République Populaire de Chine 证号/Numéro permis 姓名/Nom et prénom: 性别/Sexe : / 国籍/Nationalité:中国/Chinoise 住址/Adresse 出生日期/Date de naissance 初次领证日期/Date de délivrance 准驾车型/ Catégories 有效起始日期/ Date de validité 有效期限/Durée de validité 年/ ans 准驾车型代号规定CATEGORIES DE VEHICULES POUR LESQUELLES LE PERMIS EST V ALABLE

除公安交通管理机关以外,其他单位或个人一律不得扣留此证/curitépublique, aucun unité ou individu ne peut suspendre ce permis. 中华人民共和国机动车驾驶证副页/Page auxiliaire du Permis de Conduire de la République Populaire de Chine 证号/Numéro permis 姓名/Nom et prénom档案编号/Numéro de dossier 记录/Note请于年月日前九十日内申请换领新驾驶证。/Veuillez renouveler le nouveau permis avant 90jours du 残疾人专用小型自动挡载客汽车 Mini bo?te automatique pour les voitures particulières de handicapés


英文驾照公证书 篇一:最新版中国驾照公证样本翻译件 Driving License of the People’s Republic of China License’s No.: Name:Sex: Female or MaleNationality: China Date of Birth: Date of First Issue: Class: Valid Period: From** to ** Codes of Driving License Classes Driving License of the People’s Republic of China License No. Name: File No. Record: Please submit certificate of physical condition in**, afterwards, submit certificate of physical condition every **. 我趣旅行网专注海外自助游服务平台产品涵盖美国、 加拿大、澳洲、新西兰等目的地 篇二:最新版驾驶证翻译公证模板 Driving License of the People’s Republic of China

No. ****************** Name: ** ***** Sex: Male Nationality: P. R. China Address: *************************************************** ******************************* Date of Birth: ** JAN 19** Date of First Issue: ** OCT 20** Class: Valid Period: ** OCT 20** ~ ** OCT 20** Seal: Traffic Management Bureau of Nanjing Public Security Bureau, Jiangsu Province Bar code. *3230021309796* No organization or individual but the traffic authority of the public security bureau may detain this driving license. Driving License of the People’s Republic of China No. ****************** Name: ** *****File No. ************* Record: Valid from ** SEP 20** till the valid date.. Please accept inspection in 30 days after ** OCT 20** if there has reduction on the score by illegal actfrom ** SEP 20** till ** OCT 20**. Record: Please accept inspection in 30 days after the end of each scoring cycle.The inspection can be


Driv er’s License of the People’s Republic of China No. Name: Gender: Nationality: P. R. China Address: Date of Birth: Date of First Issue : Class: Valid Start Date: Valid Period: Color Photo Traffic Police Detachment of XXX Public Security Bureau

( Duplicate ) License of the People’s Republic of China Driv er’s No. Name: 名字File No: Record: Please apply for a new driver’s license in 90 days before .

Codes of License Class Class Types of Vehicles Allowed Other Types of Vehicles Allowed Large?Passenger?V ehicle A1 A3、B1、B2、C1、C2、C3、C4、 M Tractor A2 B1、B2、C1、C2、C3、C4、M City Bus A3 C1、C2、C3、C4 Medium Bus B1 C1、C2、C3、C4、M Large Truck B2 C2、C3、C4 Small Car C1 Small Automatic Transmission Car C2 C4 Low-speed Truck C3 Three-wheeled Automobile C4 Disabled Only Small Automatic Transmission Passenger Vehicle C5 E、F Ordinary Three-wheeled Motorcycle D F Ordinary Two-wheeled Motorcycle E Light?Motorcycle F Wheel Type Self-propel Vehicle M Trolley Bus N


Front Page Driving License of the People’s Republic of China No. _______________ Name: __________ Sex:__________ Nationality: China Address:__________________________________________ __________________________________________ Back Page CODES FOR TYPES OF VEHICLES ALLOWED A1: Coaches and A3, B1 and B2; A2: Tow tractors, B1, B2 and M A3: City buses and C1 B1: Vans and C1, M B2: Large freight cars and C1, M C1: Cars and C2, C3 C2: Cars in automatic gearshift C3: Low-speed freight cars and C4 C4: Three-wheeled cars D: Regular motor tricycles and E E: Motor bicycles and F F: Mopeds M: Wheel-type automatic mechanic vehicles N: Trolley buses P: Street cars and trams No entity or individual other than the traffic administrative department of the public security organ may confiscate or detain a driving license.


最全的美国驾照路考常用英文(中英文对照) 一.路考内容与细节: 路考考试前考官会检查你的汽车是否一切正常,考官发指令你就照做。 (首先考官一定会检查看你的汽车保险,驾照PERMIT和路考预约单) (考官也会查看车玻璃上的Inspection Sticker和Regislation Sticker不能过期) 保持輕鬆,不要緊張。監考官極為注意安全觀念,開車技術則為次要。新手可不必太過擔心技術問題。 1.确保前座位的两个人都系上安全带后才可以启动车。调整左右外侧后视镜,车内后视镜,教官让你按喇叭丶车头灯丶高灯丶左转弯灯丶右转弯灯丶刹车丶雨刷丶Emergency Flashers丶除雾丶手势(左转丶右转丶停车)。测试“平行停车”,倒车控车,90度倒转弯车,紧急刹车; 2.上路考试,左转,右转丶过十字路口丶斜坡停车丶车速控制丶换路线、路边停车等等。3.注意事项:看到stop sign停车路标时候一定要停稳,確实停止3-5秒。动作一定要明显,左看右看前后看,要考官看到你的明显动作。要注意小细节,不妨把工作做的夸张些,各項動作須碓實操作,不可馬虎。例如:上车是否系安全带,发动车时是否环顾了四周,看了后视镜,转弯是否打转弯灯,左右換線時頭必須轉向觀察。见到行人是否远远就刹车。Parking 時须記得要拉手煞 4.通过考试,当天可以拿驾照,不用带照片,在DMV拍照即时制作驾照,Learner Permit 同时被收回。 二.路考过程注意事项: 1.坐上车后,先系好安全带。 2.考官会要求你把车钥匙转到ON,但是不启动车,检查你的刹车丶转向灯丶雨刷丶除雾器丶大灯丶喇叭等。如果你的车上有的部件不能正常工作的话,考官是不会让你路考的。 3.路考前,把座位调大点空间,美国人比较胖,让考官坐得舒服了,考试时也会心情好些。考官坐上车后,等他发指令你再启动车。 4.Stop sign一定要確实停3-5秒,full stop后数4下。遇到红灯一定要停,如果你在红灯要右转,一定要先full stop了,再逐渐向前挪动车子,挑合适的机会转弯。看见行人一定要让。 5.过四叉路口一定要动作夸张地左右左张望一下(当然也是真的要看清楚一些),不然考官会认为你没有注意路况,会扣分的。 6.右转时一定要以明显动作回头过肩看右后方,不然会被扣分的。 7.绝对不能超速,不然立马就fail了。 8.路边停车时,一定要打右转灯。从路边出来时,一定要打左转灯。换道丶上高速merge主车流都要打转向灯。下高速也要打右转灯,否则都会扣分的。 9.在自己不确定可以安全换道时,就不要勉强,考官还是要命的,不会勉强你的,最多给你换条路线。 10.路边停车时,如果在有坡度的路上,要注意轮子的方向。还要注意有没有curb。 11.任何时候都不要和有行路权的车抢道,就算你抢成功了,考官也会认为你是危险驾驶,把你fail掉的。


中国驾照翻译件 TRANSLATION OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MOTOR VEHICLE DRIVER LICENCE 说明:美宝之家为您提供的中国驾照翻译件符合上海市公证处(The People’s Republic of China Shanghai Notary Public Office)翻译件标准。 新版驾照正面: 新版中国驾照正面为中英文对照,符合加州法律规定,为合法驾照。 新版驾照背面: 准驾车型代号规定: 翻译:THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MOTOR VEHICLE DRIVER LICENCE CODE OF DREVER LICENCE CLASSES

老版驾照TRANSLATION 内页正面翻译(Inside) THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MOTOR VEHICLE DRIVER LICENCE (Regular) No.**********(请在此填入您的驾照号码) Motor Vehicle Service, Shanghai Public Security Bureau (Embossed Seal) Class: C Name:(您的姓名) Sex: male Date of Birth:(您的出生月年) Work Unit:(or Home Address): *********************(在此输入您的驾照地址英文) The initial driver licence for the above-named holder was issued on ******(在此填入您的驾照颁发日期月年) Valid from ***** to ******.(在此输入你的驾照有效期月年) Issued by Motor Vehicle Service, Shanghai Public Security Bureau (Seal) (Photo) No. *********(在此填入您的驾照号码) 内页背面翻译(Back of the licence) THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA MOTOR VEHICLE DRIVER LICENCE CODE OF DREVER LICENCE CLASSES A: Large passenger vehicle and B B: Large goods vehicle and C, M C: Motor car (including steering wheel tricar) and G D: Motor tricycle and E, L E: Two-wheel motor cycle and F F: Light motor cycle


Driver’s License of The People’s Republic of China (English Translation) No. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Name: xxx Sex: Male Nationality: China Address: No xxx,xxx Road,Huangpu District,Shanghai __________________________________________________________ (Seal of Issuing Agency) Birthday: 19th Aug 1973 Issue Date: 16th Sept 2005 Class: Valid From: 15th Sept 2011 Valid For: 10 Years

Class of Vehicles Allowed A1: Buses and class A3, B1, B2; A2: Trucks and class B1, B2, M; A3: City Bus and class C1; B1: Medium-sized bus and class C1, M; B2: Large-scale truck and class C1, M; C1: Automobiles and class C2, C3; C2:Auto-transmission automobiles; C3: Low-speed truck and class C4; C4: Three-wheel motor vehicles; C5: Auto-transmission automobiles for handicapped; D: Three-wheel motorcycles and class E; E: Two-wheel motorcycles and class F; F: Light motorcycles; M: Wheel type self propel machinery; N: Trolley buses; P: Trams . No other agencies or individuals are allowed to keep this certificate except the Public Security Vehicle Administration Office.


Permis de conduire pour véhicules à moteur de la République populaire de Chine (xx驾驶证) Nom et prénom: 填姓名拼音 Sexe: 性别(masculin男,或fémin女) Nationalité: 国籍(填Chinoisexx) Domicile: 你的住址 Date de naissance: 出生日期(Le日月年) Délivré(1èr fois): 发证日期(表示第一次) Catégorise de véhicules pour lesquels le permis est valable: 准驾车辆类型(就是你的驾照类型, B1、C1等) 有效日期从XX天起Durée de validité: 有效时间 ——————(sceau)印章内容

Code des catégories de véhicule(准驾车型代号) A1:Grand bus et A3,B1,B2--(大型客车或A3,B1,B2) A2:Camion-tracteur et B1,B2,M--(牵引车或B1,B2,M) A3:Bus à la ville et C1--(市内公交和C1) B1:Moyen bus et C1,M--(中型客车和C1,M) B2:Grand camoin et C1,M--(大型卡车和C1,M) C1:Petite voiture et C2,C3--(小型轿车和C2,C3) C2:Petite voiture(vitesse automatique)--(自动档的小型轿车)C3:Camoin en petite vitesse et C4--(低速卡车和C4) C4:Tricar--(三轮汽车) D: Trimotocyclette et E--(三轮摩托车和E) E: Motocyclette et F--(两轮摩托车和F) F: Vélomoteur--(轻型摩托车) M: Motovélo--(自动自行车) N: Trolleybus--(无轨电车) P:


MOTOR VEHICLE DRIVER’S LICENSE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA (English Translation) No. (ID No.): Name: Sex: Date of Birth: MM, YYYY Employer or Home Address: Issued by: Vehicle Administration Office of the Public Security Bureau of XXX City, XXX province (seal) Date of First Issue: MM DD, YYYY Class: (C) Validity: mm dd yyyy to mm dd yyyy TYPES OF VEHICLES ALLOWED A: Buses and class B; B: Trucks and class C and M; C: automobiles (including three wheel motor vehicles with steering wheel) and class G; D Three wheel motorcycles and classes E and L; E: Two wheel Motorcycles and class F; F: Light motorcycles; G: Regular tractors, four wheel farm transport and class H; H: Small tractors; K: Walking tractors; L: Three wheel vehicles for use in the countryside; M: Wheel type self propel machinery. N: Trolley buses; P: Trams; Q: Storage battery cars Other types of vehicles not mentioned above are indicated with words


China Driver’s License English Translation This document is a translation of a copy of the Chinese driver’s license set forth below. You must carry your original Chinese driver’s license with this form. This document may be of assistance in translating your license for law enforcement officials. This form shall not be used for any other purpose. Driving License of the People’s Republic of China No. xxxxxxx Name: xxxxxx Gender(M/F): Male Nationality: China Address: xxxxxxx (Seal) Traffic Police Corps of [Shanghai] Public Security Bureau Birthday: yyyy-mm-dd PHOTO Issue Date: yyyy-mm-dd Class: OOO Valid From: yyyy-mm-dd Valid For: 10 Years Driving License of the People’s Republic of China (Counterpart) No. xxxxxx Name: xxxxxx File No.: xxxxxx Record: Please apply to renew your driving license 90 days before yyyy-mm-dd. CODES OF LICENSE CLASS A1 Large bus and A3, B1, B2 C4 Tricar A2 Trucks with trailer and B1, B2, M C5 Handicapped small auto-transmission car A3 City bus and C1 D Three-wheeled motorcycle and E B1 Medium-sized bus and C1, M E Two-wheeled motorcycle and F B2 Large truck and C1, M F Light motorcycle C1 Small cars and C2, C3 M self-propelled wheeled machinery vehicle C2 Small auto-transmission car N Trolley bus C3 Low-speed trucks and C4 P Tram

赫兹中国驾照英文翻译 (样板) - 副本

China Driver ’s License English Translation 中国驾照英文翻译 This document is a translation of a copy of the Chinese driver’s license set forth below. It is not valid as an original license. You must present your original Chinese driver’s license which has been held for at least one year with this form. This document may be of assistance in translating your license for law enforcement officials as well as for rental of a vehicle from Hertz Corporation in USA, Canada and Europe. However, this is not a legal document or a legal form of personal identification. This form shall not be used for any other purpose. If you have any questions renting a Hertz Vehicle, please contact Hertz at 400-921 1138/0086 21 22261700. 本文件为下方中国驾照复印件的英文翻译。本翻译件并不具有与驾照原件同等的法律效力。本翻译件必须与中国驾照原件一起出示使用。需要租车人驾龄至少一年。本翻译件仅供协助他国官方部门翻译您的驾驶执照时使用,或在美国、加拿大及部分欧洲赫兹门店租车时,协助相关工作人员翻译您的驾照时使用。本翻译件并不具有法律效力,亦不能作为合法的个人身份证明。本翻译件不可用作其他目的。如果您有任何问题,欢迎致电赫兹400-921-1138/0086 21 22261700。 RM 410, Regus Silver Center, No.1388, North Shan Xi Road, Pu Tuo District,Shanghai,200060 China Tel: 400 921 1138/ 0086 21 22261700 Email: ResChina@https://www.doczj.com/doc/5e6402357.html,


*** CHINA DRIVERS LICENSE TRANSLATION SERVICE This document is a translation of a copy of the Chinese driver’s license set forth below. It is not valid as an original license. You must carry your original Chinese drivers license with this form. This document may be of assistance in translating your license at *** Rental Counter and for law enforcement officials. This is not a legal document or a legal form of personal identification. This form shall not be used for any other purpose other than rental of a vehicle from The *** Rental Inc. If you have any questions while renting an *** vehicle, please contact *** at 86-***. The call will be assisted by a Chinese speaking representative. 本文件是下方中文驾驶执照的英文翻译件。本文件并不具有原始中文驾照的法律效益。本文件翻译件必须与中文驾照一起出示使用。此驾照译件仅作为协助***租车柜台及他国官方组织登记驾照信息使用。这份文件并不能作为合法的个人身份证明。此文件除租赁***公司汽车外,不可以使用于其他目的。如果您有任何有关于车辆租赁的问题,请联系我们86-***,此服务是中文服务。 (Copy of Chinese Drivers License) (Translation) Name: Nationality: China Date of Birth: Home Address: Drivers License Expiration: Drivers License No: Class: *** Representative Performing Translation: Date of Translate: *This form shall be valid for up to 90 days from the date of Translation Issue as long as the Chinese Drivers License has not expired. 在中文驾照有效期内,此驾照翻译件自翻译之日起90天有效!


Driver’s License of the People’s Republic of China (English Translation) No. 100000000000000000 Name: XXXXXX XXX Sex: Male Nationality: China Address: No. district city province nationality __________________________________________________________ (Seal of Issuing Agency) Date of Birth: 1th Jan 1986 Date Issued: 17th Nov 2004 Class: Valid From: 17th NOV 2010 Valid For: 10 Years

Class of Vehicles Allowed A1: Buses and class A3, B1, B2; A2: Trucks and class B1, B2; A3: City Bus and class C1; B1: Medium-sized bus and class C1, M; B2: Large-scale truck and class C1, M; C1: Automobiles and class C2, C3; C2:Auto-transmission automobiles; C3: Low-speed truck and class C4; C4: Three-wheel motor vehicles; C5: Auto-transmission automobiles for handicapped; D: Three-wheel motorcycles and class E; E: Two-wheel motorcycles and class F; F: Light motorcycles; M: Wheel type self propel machinery; N: Trolley buses; P: Trams . No other agencies or individuals are allowed to keep this certificate except the Public Security Vehicle Administration Office.


老外称中国驾照多处翻译错误(图) 2012年06月23日 10:58 来源:中国日报 字号:T|T 16人参与01条评论0打印转发 老外称中国驾照多处翻译错误(图片来源:中国日报) 驾驶本上的“性别”被释成英文“M(ale)&F(emale)”;“出生日期”被译成了“Birthday”。昨天,一名在中国领了驾照的加拿大人戴伟发现,驾照上有多处英文翻译有误,自嘲被“雌雄同体”。记者随后发现,北京的驾驶证上也存在着同样的错误翻译。 老外盼6年后“变回男人” 昨天,广州全外教英语(论坛)口语培训机构“戴伟互动口语”创始人、加拿大人戴伟微博上称,自己的驾照翻译有误。其中,性别栏的英文注释写成“M&F”,即“男和女”,“正确翻译应该是‘M/F’或 ‘Gender’、‘Sex’。” 此外,驾照上的“出生日期”翻译成了“Birthday”,而Birthday意为生日(每年都有),应该译成Birthdate或DOB(Date of birth)才对。戴伟说,“我希望6年后续期时,能找回我的生日,还变回男人。” 多地驾照存相同错译

记者查询北京司机的驾照发现,不仅是广州的驾照英语翻译有问题,北京、辽宁的驾照也有同样的翻译错误;而在记者证的翻译中,性别一栏的英文翻译便是“SEX”,发证日期是“Date of issue”。 专家说法 过去翻译错现在应该改 河北大学公共英语教研部教师表示,“&”是“和”的意思,而性别只能选其一,换成“/”是必要的。 其次,day和Date中,前者是“天”,仅含有“几月几日”的意思,而后者是“日期”,涵盖了“年”的概念,birthday(生日)哪年都有,但“date”单指一年。 张辉认为,驾驶证是很多年前就设计好的,可能因为很少接触地道的英语,所以翻译上还不够专业,“很多街道指示牌也曾出现过翻译错误,而这种错误应该改正。” “初次领证日期”有人说Issue Date翻译不准确,其实这个翻译是对的,也可以说Date of Issue. 如果是说发证机关,那倒可以翻成Issued by ××。发证日期有多种写法,如Iss. 或Issued, Issue Date,Date of Issue 都可以。 有人对驾照上“准驾车型”(Class)的翻译也提出了异议,其实外国驾照上的准驾车型用的也是Class,跟咱们驾照上翻译的一样。 相关新闻: ·为何老外“高富帅”都钟情中国“白嫩美(组图) ·老外迷上“中国服饰文化” ·老外迷上中国麻将:游泳池里也“搓麻”(组图) ·2012年6月英语四级翻译答案及解析 ·生词一扫就翻译英文阅读无障碍


(Front of Primary Card Driver’s License of the People’s Republic of China (English Translation No. 100000000000000000 Name: XXXXXX XXX Sex: Male Nationality: China Address: No. district city province nationality ________________________________________________ __________ (Seal of Issuing Agency Photo Vehicle Administration Office of XXX Public Security Bureau Date of Birth: 1th Jan 1986

Date Issued: 17th Nov 2004 C1 Class: Valid From: 17th NOV 2010 Valid For: 10 Years (Back of Primary Card Class of Vehicles Allowed A1: Buses and class A3, B1, B2; A2: Trucks and class B1, B2; A3: City Bus and class C1; B1: Medium-sized bus and class C1, M; B2: Large-scale truck and class C1, M; C1: Automobiles and class C2, C3;


Driving License (Translation) No. 110105************ Name: Li Si Sex: Male Nationality: Chinese Address: No. 35, Door 2, Building 1, No. 28, Tiantang Road, Tiankong District, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province. Birthday: Jan. 1, 1980 Issue Date: Aug. 2, 1998 Class: C1 Valid From: Aug. 2, 2010 Valid For: Ten Years Seal of Guangdong Guangzhou Traffic Management Bureau Code of Autos permitted to drive: A1: Heavy passenger car and A3, B1, B2 A2: Tractor and B1, B2 A3: Urban public bus and C1 B1: Medium passenger car and C1, M B2: Heavy truck and C1, M C1: Car and C2, C3 C2: Mini-automatic-gearshift car C3: Low-speed truck and C4 C4: Three-wheel motor vehicle C5: Disabled special mini- automatic-gearshift carry passengers car D: General Three-wheel motorcycle and E E: General two-wheel motorcycle and F M: Wheel automatic special vehicles N: Trolley bus P: Streetcar

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