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Unit 1

1 中国医药学traditional Chinese medicine; TCM

2中医基础理论basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine

3临床经验clinical experience

4辨证论治treatment based on syndrome differentiation

5杂病miscellaneous diseases

6中药学Chinese pharmacy

7四气五味four properties and five tastes

8针灸acupuncture and moxibustion; acumox

9古代中国哲学classical Chinese philosophy

10汗法sweating therapy; diaphoresis


12吐法vomiting therapy; emetic therapy

13补土派the School of Reinforcing the Earth


15方剂prescription; formula

16医疗实践medical practice

17治疗原则therapeutic principles

18寒凉药物herbs cold and cool in nature

19滋阴降火 nourishing yin and reducing fire

20瘀血治病diseases caused by blood stagnation


1五脏five zang-organs; five zang-viscera

2六腑six fu-organs

3经络系统system of meridians and collaterals


5有机整体organic wholenss

6社会属性social attribute

7开窍(of the five zang-organs) open into

8生长化收藏sprout, grow, transform, ripen and store


10邪正关系relationship between pathogenic factors and healthy qi


12风寒感冒common cold due to wind and cold

13同病异治different therapeutic methods used to treat the same disease

14异病同治the same therapeutic method used to treat different diseases

15水液代谢平衡balance of water metabolism

16清心火clearing away heart fire

17疾病本质nature of disease

18以左治右treating the left side for curing diseases located on the right side

19从阴引阳drawing yang from yin

20.病在上者下取之treating the lower part for curing diseases located on the upper part Unit 3

1哲学概念philosophical concept

2.相互转化mutual transformation

3.阴平阳秘balance of yin and yang

4.阴阳转化transformation between yin and yang

5.寒极生热extreme cold turning into heat

6.病理变化pathological changes

7.绝对偏盛absolute predominance

8.病机总纲general rule of pathogenesis

9.补其不足supplementing what it lacks of

10.祛风散寒 eliminating wind and dispersing cold

11.相互消长 mutually inhibiting and promoting;wax and wane between yin and yang

12.相互制约 mutually inhibiting and restraining

13.相互依存 interdependence

14.阴胜则阳病excess of yin leading to decline of yang

15.相反相成 contrary and supplementary to each other

16.有机整体 organic whole

17.阳损及阴 impairment of yang involving yin

18.阴阳两虚 deficiency of both yin and yang

19.虚寒证deficiency cold syndrome

20.潜阳熄风 suppressing yang and eliminating wind


1 the theory of five elements 五行学说

2 free development 条达舒畅

3 to be generated and to generate生我,我生

4 restraint in generation 生中有制

5 over restriction and counter-restriction相乘相侮

6 Wood over restricts earth because it is deficient.土虚木乘

7 promotion, restriction, inhibition and transformation 生克制化

8 disorder of a mother-organ involving its child-organ 母病及子

9 insufficiency of essence and blood in the liver and kidney 肝肾精血不足

10 blood deficiency in the heart and liver 心肝血虚

11 exuberant fire in the heart心火亢盛

12 insufficiency of liver yin 肝阴不足

13 declination of kidney yang肾阳式微

14 weakness of the spleen and stomach 脾胃虚弱

15 soothing the liver and harmonizing the stomach 平肝和胃

16 between water and fire水火不济


1 藏象学说doctrine of visceral manifestations

2 五脏六腑five zang-organs and six fu-organs

3 奇恒之腑extraordinary fu-organs

4 水谷精微nutrients of water and food

5 传化水谷transmitting and transforming water and food

6 贮藏精气storing essence

7 表里关系internal and external relationship

8 治疗效应therapeutic effects

9 临床实践clinical practice

10 藏而不泻storage without discharge

11泻而不藏discharge without storage

12形体诸窍physical build and various orifices

13开窍(of five zang-organs) open into

14精神情志spirit and emotions

15心藏神the heart storing spirit

16肺藏魄the lung storing corporeal soul

17肝藏魂the liver storing ethereal soul

18脾藏意the spleen storing consciousness

19肾藏志the kidney storing will

20其华在面the luster manifesting upon the face


1 心主血脉 the heart governing blood and vessels

2 心气充沛 sufficiency of heart qi

3 面色红润 rosy complexion

4 血液充盈 sufficiency of blood

5 脉道不利 unsmooth vessels

6 面色无华 lusterless complexion

7 脉象细弱 thin and weak pulse

8 心藏神 the heart storing spirit

9 汗血同源 sweat and blood sharing the same origin

10 升降出入 ascending, descending, going out and going in

11宣发肃降 dispersion, purification and descent

12通调水道 regulating water passage

13脾主运化 the spleen governing transportation and transformation

14水谷精微 nutrients of water and food

15水液停滞 stoppage of water and fluid

16后天之本 acquired base of life

17调畅气机 regulating qi activity

18肝气逆上 upward adverse flow of liver qi

19先天之精 innate essence

20肾主纳气 the kidney receiving qi


1 奇恒之府extraordinary fu-organs

2 孤俯isolated fu-organ

3 腐熟水谷digest water and food

4 魄门anus

5 肝之余其surplus part of liver qi

6 上焦upper energizer

7 泌别清浊separating the lucid from the turbid

8 食物残渣residue of foods

9 大肠主津The large intestine governs thin body fluid


11小肠主液The small intestine governs thick body fluid

12初步消化primary digestion

13精气essential qi

14七冲门the seven important portals

15胆主决断The gallbladder is responsible for making judgment

16排泄糟粕discharge waste

17月经来潮occurrence of menstruation

18吸门inhaling portal

19形态中空morphological hollowness

20传化水谷transporting and transforming water and food


1 先天禀赋innateness

2 精微物质nutrients; refined substance

3 血液循行blood circulation

4 水液代谢water metabolism

5 气的运动形式way of qi movement

6 气的升降出入ascending, descending, exiting and entering movements of qi

7 气机调畅normal function of qi activity

8生命的原动力primary motive force of life

9 温养腑脏warming and nourishing the viscera

10 腑脏经络之气qi of the viscera and meridians

11气机qi activity

12气化qi transformation

13先天之气innate qi

14后天之气acquired qi

15正气healthy qi

16邪气pathogenic factors

17元气primordial qi

18宗气thoracic qi

19营气nutritive qi

20卫气defensive qi

21腠理striae and interstices


1气生血qi promoting the production of blood

2气行血qi promoting the flow of blood

3气摄血qi commanding blood

4血载气blood carrying qi

5血生气blood generating qi

6气生津液qi promoting the production of body fluid

7气行津液qi promoting the flow of body fluid

8气摄津液qi commanding body fluid

9津液载气body fluid carrying qi

10津液生气body fluid generating qi

11津血同源body fluid and blood sharing the same origin

12气随液脱exhaustion of qi due to loss of body fluid

13气随血脱exhaustion of qi due to hemorrhage

14气随津泄loss of qi due to profuse sweating

15气行则血行,气滞则血瘀。Normal flow of qi ensures normal flow of blood while stagnation of qi causes stagnation of blood.

16气为血帅,血为气母。Qi commands the blood and the blood carries qi.

17气行则水行,气滞则水滞。Normal flow of qi ensures normal flow of body fluid while stagnation of qi causes stagnation of body fluid.

18益气固脱nourishing qi to stop collapse

19亡血家不可发汗Sweating therapy should be not be used to treat patients suffering from hemorrhage.

20夺血者无汗Sweating therapy should not be used to treat hemorrhage.


1 经络学说theory of meridians and collaterals

2 经络系统system of meridians and collaterals

3 十二正经twelve regular meridians

4 奇经八脉eight extraordinary vessels (meridians)

5 别络divergent collaterals

6 十二经筋tendons of the twelve regular meridians


1 外感六淫 six excesses pathogenic factors

2 饮食劳倦 improper diet and overstrain

5. 内生五邪 five endogenous pathogenic factors

6. 风邪外袭 pathogenic wind attacking the exterior

8. 风为百病之长 wind being the leading-factor

9. 感受寒邪 invaded by pathogenic cold

11寒性凝滞 cold tending to stagnate by nature

15.脾阳不振 inactivation of spleen-yang

17热极生风 extreme heat producing wind

18.七情内伤 internal injury due to seven emotions

19.饮食不节 improper diet

20.暴饮暴食 engorgement


1 疾病的发生发展与变化occurrence, development, and changes of disease

2 体质强弱(body )constitutional state

3 气血功能紊乱dysfunction of qi and blood

4 多种多样的病理变化various pathological changes

5 邪正盛衰exuberance or decline of pathogenic factors and healthy qi/ strength contrast between pathogenic factors and healthy qi

6 病症的虚实变化deficiency or excess changes of disease /transformation between deficiency and excess

during a disease

7 人体的抗病能力the human bod y’ resistance against diseases

8 五心烦热feverish sensation over the five centers (palms, soles, and chest)

9 虚实夹杂deficiency complicated with excess

10 疾病转归turnover of disease/prognosis of disease

11 阴阳偏盛relative predominance of yin or yang

12五志过极extreme changes of five emotions

13精气夺则虚depletion of essence causing deficiency

14阴阳互损mutual consumption of yin and yang

15真热假寒或假寒真热true heat and false cold; false cold and true heat

16气机淤滞不畅stagnation of qi activity

17津液代谢失调disorder of fluid metabolism

18寒从中生endogenous cold/ cold originating from the interior

19津伤化燥fluid consumption producing dryness

20风气内动stirring of endogenous wind/disturbance of endogenous wind


1. 神色形态spirit, complexion, and physical conditions

2.精神活动mental activities

3.精充气足sufficient essence and abundant qi

4.表情淡漠apathetic facial expressions

5.饥不欲食hunger without appetite

6.面部表情facial expressions

7. 脉象pulse manifestations


1 辨证论治treatment with syndrome differentiation/ treatment according to syndrome differentiation

2 表里同病disease involving both exterior and interior/ simultaneous disorder of exterior and interior

3 寒热错杂simultaneous occurrence of cold and heat/ mixture of cold and heat

4 里邪出表regression of interior pathogenic factors to the exterior

5 真寒假热true cold and false heat

6 恶寒与恶热aversion to cold and aversion to heat

7 口淡不渴tasteless sensation in the mouth without thirst

8 寒邪郁而化热transformation of stagnated pathogenic cold into heat

9 外感表虚exterior-deficiency syndrome due to exogenous pathogens

10五心烦热feverish sensation over five centers

11病位与病性location and nature of disease

12虚实夹杂mixture of deficiency and excess/co-existence of deficiency and excess

13外邪入里invasion of exterior pathogenic factors into the interior

14寒证化热cold syndrome transforming into heat syndrome

15真假寒热true heat and false cold

16热证转寒heat syndrome transforming into cold syndrome

17舌淡苔白而润滑pale tongue with white, moist and slippery fur

18脉数无力rapid and weak pulse

19潮热盗汗tidal fever and night sweating

20神昏谵语coma with delirium

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中医英语术语翻译重 点

中医英语术语翻译重点 天人相应Correspondence of human body and natural environment 辨证论治treatment based onsyndrome differentiation 针灸acupuncture and moxibustion 寒凉药物herbs cold and cool in nature 滋阴降火nourishing yin and reducing fire 整体观念concept of holism 开窍(of the five zang-organs) open into 生长化收藏sprout, grow, transform, ripen and store 同病异治different therapeutic methods used to treat the same disease 异病同治same therapeutic method used to treating different diseases 从阴引阳drawing yang from yin 阴平阳秘balance of yin and yang 寒极生热extreme cold generating heat 热极生寒 extreme heat gernerating cold 病机总纲general rule of pathogenesis 祛风散寒eliminating wind and dispersing cold 实则泻之treating excess syndromes with reduction 虚寒证deficiency cold syndrome 实热症 excess heat syndrome 潜阳熄风suppressing yang and eliminating wind 补其不足 supplement insufficiency 泻其有余 reduce excess 五行学说the theory of five elements 木曰曲直wood characterized by bending and straightening 火曰炎上fire characterized by flaring up 土爰稼穑earth characterized by sowing and reaping 金曰从革metal characterized by clearing and changing 水曰润下water characterized by moistening and descending 母病及子illness of mother viscera affecting the child one 子病及母illness of child viscera affecting the mother one 相乘相侮over restriction and counter-restriction 心火亢盛exuberant fire in the heart 肾阳式微declination of kidney yang 平肝和胃soothing the liver and harmonizing the stomach 水火不济between water and fire 奇恒之腑extraordinary fu-organs 藏象学说the theory of visceral manifestation 藏而不泻storage without discharge 泻而不藏discharge without storage 形体诸窍physical build and various orifices


第一课 一.术语翻译 1. traditional Chinese medicine; TCM 中国医药学 2. basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine 中医基础理论 3. clinical experience临床经验 4. treatment based on syndrome differentiation 辨证论治 5. miscellaneous diseases杂病 6. Chinese pharmacy 中药学 7. four properties and five tastes/flavors四气五味 8. acupuncture and moxibustion; acumox 针灸 9. classical Chinese philosophy古代中国哲学 10. sweating therapy; diaphoresis汗法 11. purgation 下法 12. vomiting therapy; emetic therapy 吐法 13. the School of Reinforcing the Earth补土派 14. etiology 病因学 15. prescription; formula 方剂 16. medical practice 医疗实践 17. therapeutic principles 治疗原则 18. herbs cold and cool in nature 寒凉药物 19. nourishing yin and reducing fire滋阴降火 20. diseases caused by blood stagnation瘀血致病 二.句子翻译 1.TCM has a history of thousands of years and is a summary of the Chinese people’s experience in their struggle against diseases. 中国医药学有数千年的历史,是中国人民长期同疾病作斗争的经验总结。 2. TCM has a unique and integrated theoretical system. 中医学有完整独特的理论体系。 3. TCM is a science that studies the rules of life as well as the occurrence, progress, prevention and treatment of diseases. 中医学是研究人的生命规律以及疾病的发生发展和防治规律的一门科学。 4. Huangdi’s Canon of Medicine has laid a solid foundation for the formation of theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine. 《黄帝内经》为中医学理论体系的形成奠定了基础。 5. Classic of Difficulties has supplemented what was unaddressed in the Huangdi’s Canon of Medicine in many respects, especially in pulse lore. 《难经》在许多方面,尤其是在脉学上,补充了《黄帝内经》的不足。 6. Discussion on the Causes and Symptoms of Various Diseases is the earliest extant monograph on the causes and symptoms of diseases in China. 《诸病源候论》是中医学最早的一部病因症候学专著。 7. Yang is usually excessive while yin is frequently deficient. 阳常有余,阴常不足。 8.Internal impairment of the spleen and stomach causes various diseases.


中医翻译研究:回顾、现状与思考 (上海中医药大学外语教学中心周恩) 摘要:本文对过去几个世纪关于中医翻译的研究状况进行了全面总结。分三个阶段回顾了其发展历程,并从学科与研究队伍建设、学术成就以及研究内容等几方面概述了中医翻译研究的现状,同时指出了研究中存在的不足。 关键词:中医;回顾;成就;不足 Research on the Translation of Traditional Chinese Medicine: A Survey Abstract: This article provides a general survey of the research on TCM translation in the past several centuries. It reviews the three-staged developments of the research, presents the status quo by highlighting the researcher cultivation and subject construction, achievements, contents as well as weaknesses in the research of TCM translation. Key Words: traditional Chinese medicine; review; achievements; weaknesses 1.引言 中医翻译早已有之,早在秦汉时期,中国的医药学就已传入东南亚诸国。然而,在我国同那些国家那时所进行的医药交流中,却鲜有翻译活动的记载。直到17 世纪中叶,我国开始与欧洲诸国进行医药交流,才为我们今天研究中医翻译历史提供了比较详尽资料(李照国1997)。从那时起到现在,我国中医翻译经历从无到有,从小到大的一系列的发展过程。在此,我们将对中医翻译的历史做一个大致的回顾,对其研究现状进行大致的介绍,并提出中医翻译研究的一些思考。 2.中医翻译研究的历史回顾 中医翻译从17世纪至今,其发展大致可以分文三个阶段:早期萌芽阶段、逐步深入阶段和逐步成熟阶段。下面我们对每个阶段的特点进行简要的回顾。 2.1 早期萌芽阶段 17 世纪中叶到18世纪末,为中医向欧洲传播的始发阶段,进展比较缓慢。在欧洲仅出版了19 部有关中医的译著。而在18 世纪末到19 世纪末的这一百年间,中医学在欧洲的传播有了一定的发展,研究范围有了一定得拓展,先后出版了137 部有关中医的书籍。


中医翻译参考 一、阴阳学说: 阴阳(Yin and Yang);阴中之阳(Yang within Yin):对立(opposition);互根(interdependence);消长(waning and waxing);转化(transformation) 二、五行学说: 五行(five elements);木(Wood);火(Fire);土(Earth);金(Metal);水(Water);相生(promotion 或generation);相克(restriction);相乘(over-restriction或subjugation);相恶(counter-restriction) 三、精、气、神等: 精(essence);气(Qi);神(spirit或mind);魂(ethereal soul);魄(corporeal soul);命门(life-gate);正气(healthy-Qi,vital Qi);元(原)气(primordial-Qi);真气(genuine-Qi);宗气(pectoral-Qi);卫气(defensive-Qi);营气(nutrient-Qi);心气(heart-Qi);中气(middle-Qi);气化(Qi-transformation);卫分(defensive-phase);气分(Qi-phase);津(thin fluid);液(thick fluid);津液(body fluid);汗(sweat);涎(drool);涕(snivel) 四、脏腑: 脏(Zang-organs);腑(Fu-organs);脏腑(Zang-Fu organs或viscera);三焦(triple energizer,Sanjiao);奇恒之腑(extraordinary Fu-organs);运化(transportation and transformation);生化(generation and transformation);肃降(purify and descend);水道(water passage);天癸(Tiangui);先天(innateness, Congenital Constitution);后天(Acquired Constitution);纳气(reception of Qi) 五、经络(十四经名称及穴位名称按WHO所颁布之标准翻译): 经(meridian或channel);络(collateral);正经(regular meridians或regular channels);经气(meridian-Qi或channel-Qi);孙络(minute collateral);浮络(superficial collateral);穴位(acupoint) 六、病因: 病因(cause of disease);邪(pathogenic factor);六淫(six exogenous pathogenic factors);风(pathogenic wind);寒(pathogenic cold);暑(pathogenic summer-heat);湿(pathogenic dampness);燥(pathogenic dryness);火(pathogenic fire);内风(endogenous wind);毒(toxin);五志(five emotions);七情(seven emotions);(有形之)痰(sputum);(无行之)痰(phlegm);饮(retained fluid) 七、病机: 病机(pathogenesis);偏盛(relative predominance);偏衰(relative decline);虚(deficiency);


[学科] 中医①traditional Chinese medicine②traditional Chinese physician ①中医学的简称。 ②本学科专业职业队伍。 中药Chinese materia medica 在中医理论指导下应用的药物。包括中药材、中药饮片和中成药等。 中医学traditional Chinese medicine 以中医药理论与实践经验为主体,研究人类生命活动中健康与疾病转化规律及其预防、诊断、治疗、康复和保健的综合性科学。 中药学Chinese materia medica 中药学科的统称。研究中药基本理论和各种药材饮片、中成药的来源、采制、性能、功效、临床应用等知识的学科。 中医药traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacology 本草:Materia medica 中药:Chinese materia medica,Chinese medicinals(包括植物药、动物药、矿物药等) 中草药:Chinese Herbal Medicine,Chinese medicinal herbs 中药学:Chinese pharmaceutics 药材:Medicinal substance(material) 中西医结合integration of traditional and western medicine 中医基础理论basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine 中医诊断学diagnostics of traditional Chinese medicine 方剂学 prescriptions of Chinese materia medica, Traditional Chinese Medical Formulae/ prescriptions 中医内科学internal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine [阴阳]The Theory of Yin and Yang 阴阳对立:Opposition of yin and yang 阴阳制约:Restriction of /between yin and yang 阴阳互根:Interdependence of yin and yang 阴阳消长:Waxing and waning of yin and yang 阴阳转化:Inter-transformation of yin and yang [五行学说]The Theory of Five Elements 五行:water,fire,wood,metal,soil 生:promote, generate, engender 克:act, restrict, restrain 乘:overact, over-restrict, over-restrain, subjugate, overwhelm 侮:counteract, counter-restrict, counter-restrain, rebel [整体观念] concept of organic wholeness 辩证法dialectics 生长化收藏sprouting, growth,transformation,ripening,storage 内外环境统一性the unity between the internal and external environments 机体自身整体性the integrity of the body itself 古代唯物论和辩证法classic Chinese materialism and dialectics 矛盾统一the contradictory unity 互相联系、相互影响related to each other and influence each other


中医英语翻译句子翻译重点 1.由于证包括了病变的部位、原因、性质以及邪正关系,反映出疾病发展过程中某一阶段的病理变化的本质,因而它比症状更全面、更深刻、更正确地揭示了疾病的本质。 Since syndrome, covering the location, cause and nature of disease and conditions of healthy and pathogenic qi, indicates the nature of pathological changes in a phase during the disease progress, it more comprehensively, profoundly and correctly uncovers the nature of disease than symptom does. 2.所谓辨证,就是将四诊(望、闻、问、切)所收集的资料、症状和体征,通过分析、综合、辨清疾病的原因、性质、部位以及邪正之间的关系,概括、判断为某种性质的证。 The so-called syndrome differentiation refers to the process of figuring out the location, cause and nature of disease and conditions of healthy and pathogenic qi by analyzing the information, symptoms and signs of the patients collected by four examinations including inspection, listening and smelling examination, inquiry and palpation, and finally identifying the disease as a certain syndrome. 3.辨证和论治,是诊治疾病过程中相互关系不可分割的两个方面,是理论和实践相结合的体现,是理法方药在临床上的具体体现,是指导中医临床工作的基本原则。 Syndrome differentiation and treatment, correlated and inseparable in diagnosing and treating disease, show the combination of theory and practice, and application of principles, methods, formulas and medicinals to clinical practice, and serve as the fundamental principle to guide clinical practice of traditional Chinese medicine. 4.阴阳学说认为,世界是物质性的整体,世界本身是阴阳二气对立统一的结果。


中医术语翻译的诀窍 由于中医术语高度概括,抽象深奥,且多采用古汉语表达,故给中医翻译带来了很大的难度。翻译不是简单的语际语码的转换,而是一种真正意义上的跨语言,跨文化交际… 中医英语翻译乃是一种双重的跨语言,跨文化交际。因为在翻译过程中首先要实现古汉语,古代文化与现代汉语,现代文化之间的转换,然后再实现从现代汉语向英语,东方文化向西方文化的跨越。这要求译者在具备翻译功底的同时,还须熟知中医学理论和扎实的古汉语知识。本文就中医术语的翻译方法及相关问题进行讨论。 一、科技英语常用构词法科技英语构词中,普遍运用复合法,缀合法,缩合法,首字母缩略等。在中医术语翻译时可借鉴之。 1、复合法这类术语在中医术语翻译中占了很大的比例,其含义大多是各个词含义的叠加。采用这种译法的优点是容易找到对应词,结构明了,易于理解缺点是译文往往不够简洁,例如活血化瘀。 2、缀合法此类术语的含义为词缀与词干意义的相加,特点是简洁,专业性强,与西医术语的可比性强,便于学术交流。但在目前中医术语翻译中,这类词的使用比例并不高,如针灸。 3、缩合法其含义通常是构成该词的两个部分的词语意义相加,其特点类似缀合法。例如针压。 4、首字母缩略这种方法在科技英语(包括医学英语)中使用得非常广泛,但在中医英语中却很少使用。目前被本人系天天论文网就职11年的资深论文编辑;工作中与各大医学期刊杂志社进行学术交流过程中建立了稳定的编辑朋友圈,系多家医学杂志社的特约编辑,常年为医学期刊杂志供稿,负责天天论文网医学论文·分检·编校·推送·指导等工作!工作企鹅1:1550116010工作企鹅2:766085044普遍接受的只有”中医”一词。当然,也有学者在这方面做了有益的尝试,如将温病缩略为。 首字母缩略是一种非常便捷的构词方式,可提高单位词汇的信息量。但是,如何运用这一方法使中医术语趋于简洁,规范,还有待进行深入的研究。 二、其他翻译方法 1、词性的转换由于中文和英文的语言结构,表达方式不同,在翻译时要将中医术语的结构进行转换。较常用的方法是将中文的主谓结构,动宾结构转换成英文中的名词性词组或非限定动词词组。例如: 止痛等。对症状的描述也多采用类似的方法。由于症状表示的是一种状态,而非具体动作,其中文可采用主谓或动宾等词组来描述,而在英语中则常采用名词(词组)或动名词(词组)的形式。如盗汗等。 2、结构调整中医术语大多形成于中国古代,故语言形式上保留了古汉语的特点,讲究工整对仗。但在译成英语时,往往需要对这类结构进行调整,采用符合目的语语言习惯的结构,实现意义上的忠实。如神疲肢倦,心悸怔忡等2.3音译法由于东西方文化和中西医理论之间存在很大的差异,所以有不少中医术语很难在西医(英语)中找到对应的词用意译的方法则译文过于冗长,不符合术语简洁精练的要求。在这种情况下,采用音译不失为一种可取的选择,必要时可加以注释,以弥补音译的不足。例气一,气功一,阴阳一。气是中医理论中的一个重要概念,它既可以指人体的生命物质,也可以指人体的生理功能。用音译法来翻译,则最直接,最简洁地反映出了”气”的真实内涵。 三、翻译中须注意的问题 1、求同存异对于在英语中有完全或部分对应词汇的术语,应尽量采用对应语,以与国际通用术语接轨,符合术语标准化的要求,又便于目的语读者的理解。如腰,胃痛,头晕耳鸣等。尽管象”腰”,”胃”等术语在中医中的含义与西医并不完全一致,但如果采用其他


中国医药学:traditi onal Chines e me dicin e 中医基础理论:basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine 临床经验:clinical experience 辨证论治:treatment based on syndrome differentiation 本草:materia medica国医药学有数千年的历史,是中国人民长期同疾病作斗争的经验总结。 TCM, a medical system with a history of thousands years,has summarized the experience of the Chinese people accumulating in the struggle against diseases. 2.中医学在古代唯物论和辩证法思想的影响和指导下,通过长期的医疗实践,逐步形成并发展为独特的医学理论体系。 Under the influence and guidance of classical Chinese materialism and dialectics,tradition Chinese medicine has eventually evolved into a medical system with unique theory through long term medical practice. 3.中医学是研究人体生理病理以及疾病的诊断和防 治的一门科学。 Tradition Chinese medicine is a science focusing on the study of the physiology and pathology of the human body as well as the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of disease. 4.黄帝内经总结了春秋战国以来的医疗成就和治疗 经验,确立了中医学独特的理论体系,成为中医药学发展的基础。 The Huangdi’s Canon of Medicine has summed up the medical achievements and clinical experiences since the Spring-Autumn Period and Warring States ,establishing the unique theoretical system of TCM and laying the foundation for the development of TCM 5.难经内容十分丰富,补充了内经的不足,成为后 世指导临床实践的理论基础。 The Canon on Medical Problems is rich in content, supplementing what the Huangdi’s Canon of Medicine lacks and serving as the theoretical basis for the clinical practice of the latter generations 6.阴常有余,阳常不足。 Yang is frequently in excess while yin is often in deficiency 7.温病是研究四时温病的发生发展规律以及其诊治 方法的一门临床学科。 Epedemic febrile disease is a clinical specialty concentrating on the study of the occurrence , developing tendency , diagnosis and treatment of febrile diseases in the four seasons. 8.中医在其长期的发展过程中,形成了各家学说In its long course of development, TCM has developed into various schools of theories. 9.内伤脾胃,百病由生。 The interior impairment of the spleen and stomach would bring about the occurrence of various diseases. 10.中药不但包含有草药,而且包含有矿物药和动物 药等。 Chinese materia medica includes not only medicinal herbs but also minerals and animal parts. 1.中医学在其形成过程中受到了古代唯物论和辩证 法思想的深刻影响。 During the long course of its development and practice , tradition Chinese medicine has been under the influence of classical Chinese materialism and dialectics. 2.中医学认为,世界是物质的,是阴阳二气相互作 用的结果 Tradition Chinese medicine holds that the world is material and is the result of the interaction of yin and yang 3.天地合气,命之曰人 The existence of human beings depends on the interaction between the celestial qi and terrestrial qi 4.中医学认为精气是生命的本原物质,这种精气先 身而生,具有遗传性 According to tradition Chinese medicine, essence is the essential substance for life. Such an essential substance exists prior to the formation of the body and is hereditary 5.父母之精气相合,形成胚胎发育的原始物质The combination of the parental essence is the primary substance for the formation of fetus 人体各组织器官共处于统一体中,不论在生理上还 是在病理上都是相互联系相互影响的All the tissues and organs in the human body are in a unity which associate with each other and influence each other both physiologically and pathologically 疾病是可以认识的,也是可以防治的 Diseases are cognizable, preventable and curable. 治病必须抓住疾病的根本矛盾,即所谓的治病必求 于本The treatment of disease must focus on the root cause. That is what “the treatment of disease must concentrate on the principal aspect “ means 寒者热之,热者寒之,虚者补之,实者泻之 Cold disease should be treated by warm therapy, while febrile disease should be treated by cold therapy, deficiency syndrome should be treated by supplementing therapy, while excess syndrome should be treated by purgative therapy 人是自然界的一个组成部分,并与自然界有着密切 的联系 Human being is one of the components in nature and keeps close relationship with nature 人的生命活动过程就是人体阴阳对立双方在不断地 矛盾运动中取得统一的过程 The process of life activity is a course in which yin and yang in the human body realize unity after constant contradictory movement 1.中医理论体系的基本特点就是整体观念和辨证论 治TCM is characterized by the concept of organic wholeness and treatment based on syndrome differentiation. 2.中医学认为人体是一个有机的整体 Tradition Chinese medicine holds that the human body is an organic whole. 3.人体各组成部分在功能上相互为用,在病理上相 互影响The components of human body functionally depend on each other and pathologically affect each other 4.整体观念贯穿于中医生理病理诊法辩证和治疗的 各个方面 The concept of holism permeates through all the fields in TCM, including physiology, pathology, diagnosis, syndrome differentiation and treatment. 5.人体某一局部区域内的病理变化往往与全身脏腑 气血阴阳的盛衰有关 The pathological changes in certain part or region of the human body are usually related to the conditions of viscera, qi and blood as well as yin and yang in the whole body 6.人体内部脏腑的虚实气血的盛衰和津液的盈亏都 可呈现于舌The condition of the viscera, qi , blood and body fluid all can be manifested over the tongue 7.心开窍于舌并与小肠相表里 The heart opens into the tongue and is exteriorly and interiorly related to the small intestine 8.人与天地相应 The human beings are in correspondence with the universe 9.春夏脉多浮大,秋冬脉多沉小 In the spring and summer, the pulse appears floating and large, while in the autumn and winter, the pulse appears deep and small 10.人体阳气白天多趋于表,夜晚多趋于里 The yang-qi in the human body tends to flow in the exterior in daytime and in the interior at night


《中医英语翻译》课程教学大纲 一、基本信息 课程编号:10601100590 课程名称:中医英语翻译 英文名称:TCM English Translation 课程性质:必修 总学时:48 学分:3 理论学时:48 实验学时:0 实践学时: 0 指导自学学时:0 适用专业:英语适用层次:本科 先修课程:中医英语词汇 承担院部:人文学院学科组:英语专业学科组 二、课程介绍 (一)课程目标及地位 课程概述包括如下内容: 1.该课程设置的主要目的(依据就业岗位需要阐述); 旨在培养学生从事中医对外交流传播能力 2.该课程在整个专业课程体系中的地位; 本课程是连接学生所学中医知识与所掌握英语能力的桥梁,是对学生所学中医与英 语两大知识体系的高度综合和强化,担负着完成专业设置目标的重任,因而在整个 专业课程体系中占据至关重要的地位。 3.该课程在专业学习目标中的作用以及该课程与前后课程的联系。 该课程是在学生积累了一定的中医知识和英语语言技能基础上设立,是对前面课程 所培养能力的高度应用,直接影响着专业学习目标的实现。 (二)教学基本要求 1.思想道德与职业素质目标 通过该课程的学习,学生应该树立优良的翻译道德,既要做到忠于原文,又要对译文读者负责。 2.知识目标 通过该课程的学习,学生应该了解中医英译史,掌握中医英译的一般原则和方法。 3.技能目标 1)专业能力:通过该课程的学习,学生能够掌握常见中医术语的英译,并能胜任一般的中医翻译工作。 2)方法能力:通过该课程的学习,学生能够较自如地应用中医英译的一般原则和方法完成一般的中医翻译任务,进行简单的中医对外交流活动。

(三)课程的重点和难点 本课程的讲授一般安排在第5个学期,本课程重点是中医英译的一般原则和方法;掌握中医英译的一般原则和方法, 培养学生从事中医英译工作的能力;难点是如何培养学生应用中医英译的一般原则和方法从事中医英译的能力。重点章节是第1章、第2章、第3章、第5章、第8章、第9章、第10章、第11章。难点章节是第1章、第4章。 (四)课程教学方法与手段 《中医英语翻译》教学以讲授法为主,以学生翻译实践为基础,讲解中医英译的原则和方法与讲评学生翻译相结合,真正做到翻译理论与实践相统一,实现学生中医英译能力的不断提高。 (五)教学时数分配表 《中医英语翻译》教学时数分配表 教学内容 各教学环节学时分配 采用何种多媒体教学手段 章节 主要内容 讲授 实验 实践 指导 自学 小计 1 总论 2 2 PPT 2 辨证论治 2 3 PPT 3 阴阳学说 2 3 PPT 4 五行学说 2 3 PPT 5 脏象学说 2 3 PPT 6 气血精津液 2 3 PPT 7 经络学说 2 3 PPT 8 望诊 2 3 PPT 9 闻诊 2 3 PPT 10 问诊 2 3 PPT 11 切诊 2 3 PPT 12 八纲辨证 2 3 PPT 13 脏腑辨证 2 3 PPT 14 卫气营血辨证 2 2 PPT 15 三焦辨证 2 2 PPT 16 六经辨证 2 2 PPT 17 中药 2 2 PPT 18 方剂 2 2 PPT 合计 48 (六)教材与主要参考书 教材:《WHO 西太平洋地区传统医学名词术语国际标准》(1册),世界卫生组织(西太平


中医术语英文翻译对照表 治则在对临床的具体立法、处方、用药等具有普遍的指导意义,因而在治疗疾病时必须遵循的基本原则。 治病求本针对产生疾病的根本原因进行治疗的原则。 急则治标与缓则治本相对而言,在大出血、暴泻、剧痛等标症甚急的情况,及时救治标病 缓则治本与急则治标相对而言,针对病势缓和、病情缓慢的情况,从本病的病机出发,采取调理、补益为主的治疗原则。标本兼治针对病证出现的标本并重的情况,采用治标与治本相结合的治疗原则。 治未病采取一定的措施防止疾病产生和发展的治疗原则,包括未病先防和既病防变两个方面。 同病异治表现相同的病证,可因人、因时、因地的不同,或由于病情的发展、病机的变化、病型的各异、正邪消长等差异,采取不同治法的治疗原则。 异病同治表现不同的病证,由于发病机理相同,采取相同治法的治疗原则。 因时制宜考虑到时令气候寒热燥湿的不同而选择适宜的治法、方药的治疗原则。 因地制宜考虑到地域环境的不同而选择适宜的治法、方药的治疗原则。 因人制宜 's 考虑到病人的体质、性别、年龄、生活习惯

以及过去病史等个体差异性的不同而选择适宜的治法、方药的治疗原则。 扶正祛邪对于正虚为主、因虚致实的病证,应采取扶助正气为主,使正气加强,从而达到驱除病邪目的的治疗原则。 祛邪扶正对于邪气实而正气偏虚的病证,应采用以消除病邪为主,扶助正气为辅,使邪去正安或正复的治疗原则。 扶正固本对于正气亏虚的病证,采用培补正气以愈病的治疗原则。 攻补兼施对于虚实夹杂,或虚实病情相当,可采用既祛邪又培补,即攻邪与扶正并重的治疗原则。 正治法又称“逆治法”。 针对疾病的本质,从正面进行治疗,即逆病性而治的常规方法。寒者热之针对寒性的病证应使用温热方药进行治疗的 原则。 热者寒之针对热性的病证应使用寒凉方药进行治疗的 原则。 虚者补之又称“虚则补之”。 针对虚弱性的病证应采用补益方药进行治疗的原则。 实者泻之又称“实则泻之”。 针对性质属实的病证应采用攻泻方药进行治疗的原则。 反治法又称“从治法”。 针对疾病出现假象,或大寒证、大热证用正治法发生格拒的情况,



中医英语常用词汇英文翻译02 气化不利dysfunction of qi in transformation 畏寒喜热aversion to cold and preference for heat 气分热盛excessive heat at qi phase

气郁化热stagnation of qi transforming into heat 温养脏腑warming and nourishing the viscera 瘀血阻络blood stasis obstructing the collaterals 清肺润燥clearing the lung and moistening dryness 破瘀通经breaking blood stasis to promote menstruation 内伤头疼headache due to internal injury 祛瘀eliminating stasis, expelling stasis 逆传心包reverse transmission into the pericardium 气不摄血failure of qi to check the blood 宁心安神calming the heart and tranquilizing the mind 血液循行circulation of the blood 惊悸不安palpitation due to fright 气的运动形式the moving styles of qi 血液生成不足insufficient production of the blood 平肝止血soothing the liver to stop bleeding

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