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look, get, feel, smell, become, turn
4、We go to the same school and we love soccer.
1)Go to school, school 前不用冠词; 2)The same 常用来修饰名词,后面加单 数名词,same前一定要加the.
5) 如果两个名词并列,并且分别有 ’s, 则表示 “分别 有”;
John’s and Mary’s rooms 两间房屋 如果只有最后一个名词有 ’s,则表示“共有”; John and Mary’s room 一间房屋
表示方位和地点的介词有on, in, behind, between, under.
5) under表示在…下面;
例如:under my chair
6) In the tree表示外来的东西在上面;
on the tree表示树上本身长的东西。
1)desk意为桌子,指供读书、写字、办 公用的桌子,一般带有抽屉;
2)table意为桌子,侧重于指供吃饭、喝 茶、游戏或其他用途的桌子,通常没 有抽屉。
New Words.
where table bed dresser bookcase sofa chair drawer plant they on know bag math video alarm video tape hat take thing to mom
New Words.
can bring some need floor room desk think their head player model tidy but our everywhere
Here + 代词 + 系动词
例如:Here you are.
5、Have a good day. Have a good time.
Enjoy yourselves.
1) picture & photo 不同点:photo 照片 picture 图画 相同点: take a picture = take a photo 拍照片
5、I love sports, but I don’t play them. I only watch them on TV.
1)but, 转折连词,用来连接两个并列的句子; 2)play them= play sports, them为宾格; 3)watch sth on TV, 通过电视看…节目,这 里的on表示通过一定的媒介,运用一定的 工具或手段。
New Words
has late get student to same love with like great only them easy after classmate club more day night
1)soccer ball 2) watch TV
3)play sports
they are = they’re
it is = it’s
3、What’s your family name? family name = last name(姓)
given name = first name (名)
full name (全名)
4、How do you do? How are you?
Unit 2: This is my sister.
New Words.
sister mother father parent brother friend grandfather grandmother grandparents those are these she
New Words.
aunt son cousin daughter uncle picture dear for he thanks photo here
1)where 用来询问人或物在哪里常用的特问词;
结构为where+be+主语(人或物),回答要 用介词短语。
2) where is + 单数主语
where are +复数主语 3) under作方位介词 on in under next to between
in front of
2、Is Kate tidy? Be引导的一般疑问句。
它的具体用法: 1)on表示在…的上面(紧贴着某物,有接触面); on the desk
2)In表示在…的里面 ;例如:in the classroom
3) behind 表示在…的后面; 例如:behind the door
4) between 表示介于两者之间,常和 and连用;
例如: between you and me
New Words.
how do spell baseball watch computer game key notebook ring of call at lost found and found please school
1)Excuse me 3)lost and found 2)computer game 4) a set of
Unit 1: My name is Gina.
New Words.
my name is clock I am nice to meet you what your hello his and her question answer look
New Words.
first last boy girl zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten telephone number phone it card family
you are =
2、This is my friend. 单数 复数 this that these those
3、Thanks for the photo of your family. thanks for = thank you for
例如:Thanks for your help. Thank you for your help. 2)后加动名词;
2)family, home, house
family: 家庭, 家人。
当家庭讲时,强调整体,是单数。My family is very big. 当家人讲时,强调个体,是复数。My faimiy are very friendly. home: 家,房子。有家庭成员的固定房子。 house: 房子。表示实物,看得见摸得着的东西。
5)on TV 7)play soccer
4)ping—pong bat
6)play volleyball 8)play computer
9)play basketball 10)like sports
1、Do you have a TV? —— Yes, I have.
Do they have a computer?
5)school ID card
7)look for 9)call … at…
6) a set of keys
8)thank you
1、Is this your pencil?
— Yes, it is. It’s mine. your: 形容词性物主代词
mine: 名词性物主代词
形代 My
1)on the sofa
2)under the table
3)in my schoolbag 4)in the bookcase
5)come on
6)tape player
7)model plane
1、Where is my school bag?
—— It’s under the table. Where are my books? ——They are on the sofa.
2)使用场合不同; 3)回答方式不同。
1) 特指某些人或某些物; 2) 用于谈话双方都知道的名词前; 3) 用于第二次提到的人或物的名词前; 4) 用于表示独一无二的名词前;
5) 用于江、河、湖、海、山、岛的名词前;
6) 用于西洋乐器名词前; 7) 用于姓氏复数形式之前,表示某一家人; 8) 用于在序数词前和形容词的最高级前; 9) 和某些形容词进行连用表示一类人;(The old) 10)用在固定搭配中 in the end; by the way; in the morning
3、Gina’s books are everywhere.
1) 单数名词的所有格形式在词尾加 ’s;
2) 复数名词词尾没有“s”,也要加’s;
3) 复数名词词尾有“s”, 只加 ’ 就可以,Teachers’ Day 4) 凡不能加 “s”的名词,可以用名词+ofቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ名词的结构 来表示所属关系;
1)a photo of
2)a familhy photo 3)a family tree 4)pen friend
1、Who’s she?
— She’s my sister.
he is = she is =
I am =
it is = they are = we are =
his her
its our
名代 mine yours his hers its ours theirs
形容词性物主代词后可以加名词。 名词性物主代词后不可以加名词。
2、Call Alan at 4952359. call sb at +电话号码: 拨打…找某人
Unit 4: Where is my school bag?
例如:Thanks for helping me. Thank you for helping me.
4、Here is my family photo. 倒装句: 如果出现副词here, there 位于句首时句子常用倒装形 式。
Here + 系动词+ 名词
例如: Here is a book. 2)如果主语是代词,则不用倒装。
—— Yes, they do. Does he have a ping—pong ball? —— Yes, he does.
1) 动词have意为“有”,表示拥 有关系,有人称和数的变化; 2) 当主语是I , we, you, they或可数 名词复数时,和have 搭配; 3) Have 的疑问式是do / does + sb + have …? have的否定式是 don’t + have / doesn’t + have
2、Let’s go.
祈使句: 是要求、命令某人做什么的句子。 一般情况下是“动词原形+其他”, 省略主语。“let sb do sth”的意思 是“让某人做某事”。
3、That sounds good.
主系表结构,sound是系动词,意思 为“听起来”。 系动词后加形容词表示人或物的状态, 系动词本身有含义,现在进行时里的be 不是系动词。
1、What’s this in English?
in: 1) 在…的里面; 2) 在…的上面;
3) 用 4) 穿
2、What’s your name?
I am = I’m you are = you’re he is = he’s she is = she’s we are = we’re
Unit 5:
Do you have a soccer ball?
New Words
do have ball tennis ping—pong volleyball basketball let play us sound go we sport class interesting boring fun different watch
Unit 3: Is this your pencil?
New Words.
this pencil pen book eraser ruler case pencil case backpack pencil sharpener stationary that yes no not excuse thank OK in English