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journalist n. 新闻工作者,新闻记者;记日志者

journal n. 日报,日志,日记;定期刊物,期刊,杂志;[会计]分类账

involve vt. 包含;使参与,牵涉;围绕,缠绕;使专心于

involvement n. 牵连,参与;加入;财政困难;牵连的事务,复杂的情况

involve sb in doing 使某人参与

involve oneself in doing 使自己从事......

be/get involved in 参与

Running your own business usually involves working long hours.


Parents should involve themselves in their children’s activities.


These changes will involves everyone on the staff.


More than thirty software firms were involved in the project.


editor n. 编辑,编者;校订者;[计]编辑软件,编辑程序

edit vt. 编辑;剪辑(影片,录音);校订;主编

n. 编辑

edition n. 版次,版本;(报纸、杂志的)一份;(广播、电视节目的)一期;(书、报、杂志等的)一版印刷总数

photograph n. 照片,相片

vt.& vi. 为…拍照;拍照,摄影;成为拍照对象,在照片上显得photographer n. 摄影师;摄影家;照相师

photography n. 摄影,摄影术;一组照片

take a photograph of 拍一张照片

unforgettable adj. 难忘的;铭刻肺腑的

an unforgettable experience 一次难忘的经历

admirable adj. 令人钦佩的;极好的,绝妙的;值得赞扬的;可贵

admire vt. 欣赏;赞赏;称赞;<美口>想要

admiration n. 钦佩,赞美;引人赞美的人或物;怀着对…的赞美

admire sb for sth 因...钦佩某人

thank/blame/punish/ask/excuse/forgive/praise sb for sth


I admire you for your success in business.我钦佩你在事业上的成功。

admire oneself in the mirror 顾影自怜;对镜自怜

assist n. 帮助;援助;机器助手;辅助装置

vt. 帮助;援助;帮助某人做某事;搀扶(某人)上下车

vi. 援助;出席;参加

assistance n. 帮助,援助;〈古〉出席,出席者;辅助设备

assistant n. 助手,助理;[化学](染色的)助剂;辅助物;店员,伙计

adj. 助理的;辅助的;有帮助的;副的

an assistant 一个助理

assist sb in/with sth 帮助某人做某事

assist sb in doing 帮助某人做某事

It is helpful to assist young people in learning about future careers.


You will be employed to assist in/sth the development of new equipment.


submit (submitted,submitting) vi. 顺从,服从;甘受,忍受

vt. 使服从,使顺从;提交,呈送;[法]主张,建议

submit to 向…呈交[递送]…;顺从[屈从,服从]…;使(自己)听命于[听从]…;徇submit an application/an essay/a report 提交申请/论文/报告

He submitted an essay to his tutor.


They refused to submit to the pressure.


eager adj. 急切;渴望的;热心的;热切的,热情洋溢的

be eager to do/for/that... 渴望做某事

We are eager to succeed.

=We are eager for success. 我们渴望成功。

Eager to see her parents ,she set out for home as soon as the school holiday began. 她渴望见到她的父母,学校放假一开始她就动身回家了。

concentrate vt.& vi. 集中;专心于;注意;聚集

vt. 浓缩,(使)浓缩;[采矿]汰选;选矿,精选,富集

vi. 凝缩,浓缩,提纯

n. 浓缩物

adj. 集中起来的,经过浓缩的

concentrate on one’s attention on

concentrate on one’s mind(s) on

concentrate on one’s effort(s) on

concentrate on one’s thought(s) on

concentrate on one’s eyes on

focus...on 使眼睛注视,集中

fix...on 集中

be buried in 沉思,专心于;被埋葬在…

be absorbed in 全神贯注于,专心致志于; 出神; 只顾

be devoted in 致力于

We should concentrate our minds on our studies.


You should concentrate on improving your spoken English before you go to American. 在你去美国之前,你应该集中精力提高你的英语口语。

update vt. 更新,使现代化;校正,修正

n. 现代化;更新的信息;更新的行为或事例

He has updated his microblog.


up-to-date 最新的

out-of-date 老式的,过时的,落伍的

assess vt. 评定;估价;对(财产、收入等)进行估价(作为征税根据);确定(损害赔偿
