当前位置:文档之家› 2020-2021学年中考英语语法专项讲解训练:数词





数词是指表示数目多少或顺序先后的词。表示数目多少的数词电基数词,如one, five, ten, thirty, sixty-five 等;表示顺序先后的数词叫序数词,如first, sixth, tenth, twenty-first 等。数词与不定代词用法相似,在现代英语中,它与不定代词、冠词、指示代词、形容词性物主代词等被称之为限定词。数词用法相当于名词和形容词,在句中可用作主语、宾语、表语、定语、同位语等。


1. 基数词的表示法

(1) 以下是最基本的基数词,学习者必须牢记:

one(1), two(2), three(3), four(4), five(5), six(6), seven(7), eight(8), nine(9), ten(10), eleven(11), twelve(12), thirteen(13), fourteen(14), fifteen(15), sixteen(16), seventeen(17), eighteen(18), nineteen(19), twenty(20), thirty(30), forty(40), fifty(50), sixty(60), seventy(70), eighty(80),

ninety(90), a hundred(100), a thousand(1000), a million(1000000), a billion (十亿)

(2) 21—99 的表示法。先说“几十”,再说“几”,中间加连字号:twenty-one(21), thirty-six(36),

forty-five(45), ninety-nine(99)等。

(3) 101—999的表示法。先说“几百”,后接and,再加末尾两位数(或末位数):one hundred

and one(101), five hundred and thirty(530), seventy hundred and eighty-nine(789)

(4) 1000 以上的基数词的表示法。先从右至左数,每三位数加一个逗号(即以此把数目分

为若干段)。第一个逗号前的数为thousand(千),第二个逗号前的数million(百万),第三个逗号前的数为billion(十亿),第四个逗号前的数为trillion(万亿),然后一段一段地数:9, 883 nine thousand, eight hundred and eighty-three

65, 359 sixty-five thousand, three hundred and fifty-nine

265, 468 two hundred and sixty-five thousand, four hundred and sixty-eight

60, 263, 150 sixty million, two hundred and sixty-three thousand, one hundred and fifty

注:① 英语没有“万”这个单位,要表示“万”须借用thousand,如“一万”用“十千”表示(ten thousand),“十万”用“百千”表示(one hundred thousand)。

① hundred, thousand, million, billion 等词在读数时不带复数词尾-s(即用单数形式)。

① 在hundred 后通常加上连词,不过此and 在美国英语中可以省略。若读数中没有




1600 a thousand and six hundred

6100 six thousand and one hundred (其中的one 不可改为a)

① 在非正式场合,人们也常以hundred 为单位来读数,对于1100至1900之间的整数尤其


It cost fifteen hundred pounds. 这东西花了1500英镑。


(1) 时刻的表示法

① 若为整点钟,则直接读相应的基数词;若为非整点钟,则分别以“时”和“分”为单位用相

应的基数词读出:twelve(12), eight twenty(8:20), nine forty-five(9:45)

① 对于带“分”的时间,也可借助past(过)和to(差)这两个介词来表示(在美国英语中用after


9.18 eighteen minutes past (after) nine (= nine eighteen)

10.46 fourteen minutes to eleven (= ten forty-six)

以上分钟后带了minutes一词。若“分”为5, 10, 15, 20 等五的倍数,则可省略minutes:

8.05 five (minutes) past eight (= eight five)

9.20 twenty (minutes) past nine (=nine twenty)

若“分”为15或45,可借用quarter 一词;若“分”为30,可借用half一词:

6.15 a quarter past six 8.45 a quarter to nine 10.30 half past ten


(2) 日期的表示法:日期的写法(书面语)和读法(口语)稍有不同,如“十月一日”可以写成

October 1, October 1st, 1 October, 1st October, (the) 1st of October 等,表示月份的词也可用缩略式,如Oct. 1, 1 Oct. 1,但是在口语中通常只有两种读法October (the) first或the first of October。

注:日期与星期排列时,通常是星期在前,日期在后:He arrived on Friday, May 10. 他于5月10日(星期五)到达。

和fifteen hundred,而2000年通常读作two thousand,2003年读作two thousand and three。

若表示某个某个年代,则按类似以下的读法:1980s 读作nineteen-eighties(20世纪80年代),1600s 读作sixteen hundreds(17世纪头10年,即1600—1610),比较:1300 thirteen hundred(1300年)。


(1) 表示整十的基数词用复数形式可以表示人的岁数或年代:

in the sixties 在60年代in one's thirties 在某人30多岁时

(2) 基数词转化为名词,可用复数形式:

How many twos are there in ten? 10里面有几个2?

The soldiers marched in tens. 士兵们10人一排前进。

(3) 某些习语中也用复数形式的基数词:

in twos and threes 三三两两地at sixes and sevens 乱其八糟


1. 序数词的表示法

(1) 以下是最基本的序数词,学习者必须牢记:first(第1), second(第2), third(第3), fourth (第4), fifth(第5), sixth(第6), seventh(第7), eighth(第8), ninth(第9), tenth(第10), eleventh(第11), twelfth(第12), thirteenth(第13), fourteenth(第14), fifteenth(第15), sixteenth(第16), seventeenth(第

17), eighteenth(第18), nineteenth(第19), twentieth(第20), thirtieth(第30), fortieth(第40), fiftieth(第50), sixtieth(第60), seventieth(第70), eightieth(第80), ninetieth(第90)。

注:① 许多序数词是由相应的基数词后加th构成的,如:four / fourth,six / sixth,ten / tenth,sixteen / sixteenth,但是nine变为序数词是ninth,而不是nineth。

① twentieth, thirtieth, fortieth 等表示整十的序数词,由相应的基数词将词尾y改为ie,再加th 构成。

① first, second, third 通常可缩写为1st, 2nd, 3rd。凡是以th结尾的序数词可缩写为“基数词

+th”:4th, 5th, 9th, 11th, 60th, 128th等。

(2) 非整十的多位数,将个位数变成序数词即可:twenty-first(第21),thirty-sixth(第36),

ninety-ninth(第99),three hundred and sixty-fifth(第365)等。

(3) hundred, thousand, million 等序数词形式为hundredth, thousandth, millionth 等:

five hundredth (500th) 第500 ten thousandth (10, 000th) 第10000)


one hundredth 第100(不说a hundredth)


(1) 日期的表示法通常用序数词,也可用基数词,如“5月5日”在书面语中通常写成5


或May 5th(美),而在口语中则通常说成the fifth of May,May the fifth(英),May fifth(美)等。


the First Lesson / lesson one 第一课the tenth chapter / chapter ten 第10章the sixth line / line 6 第6 行the third part / part three 第三部分


Book One 第一册Room 805 805房

page 110 第110页Bus Number Ten 第10路公共汽车


(1) 序数词前通常要用定冠词

It's the third time I've been here. 这是我第三次来这儿。

The second is better than the first. 第二个比第一个好。

注:① 表示考试或比赛等的名次时,通常省略定冠词:

She was (the) third in the exam. 她考试得了第三名。


He came first. 他先来。

I'll have to finish my homework first. 我得先把作业做完。


at first 开始at first sight 乍看起来first of all 首先

① 但若序数词前用了物主代词或名词所有格,则不能再用定冠词:

his second wife 他的第二个妻子Tom's third book 汤姆的第三本书

(2) 序数词前有时可用不定冠词,表示次第在原有基础上的增加:

A second student stood up. 又一个(第二个)学生站了起来。

I want to read the book a third time.这本书我想读第三次。

序数词前用定冠词和不定冠词的区别在于,定冠词表特指,不定冠词表泛指,有类似another 的意思,但比another 的意思更明确:

I like the third girl. 我喜欢第三个女孩。(至少有三个女孩供选择,特指)

I saw a third girl. 我又看见了第三个女孩。(暗示原来已看见两个,这已是第三个)


1. 分数的表示法。


a sixth, two thirds, three fifths

注:(1) 1/2 通常读作 a half,一般不读作a second。

(2) 1/4可读作 a fourth,也可读作 a quarter。

(3) 分子超过“1”分母之所以用复数可以这样理解:“三分之二”即两个(two)三分之一(third),


(4) 在数学上,为了简洁起见,分子和分母均可用基数词,其间用介词over:3/4 读作three

over four(对于比较复杂的分数通常采用此读法)

(5) 带分数的读法:在整数与分数之间用and连接:five and two thirds

2. 倍数的表示法。

表示倍数时通常借助half, double, twice, three times等之类的词:

Half (of) the apples are bad. 一半苹果是坏的。

His homework is not yet half done. 他的作业还没完成一半。

He eats twice what I eat. 他的食量是我的两倍。




小数点后的0通常读作oh,有时也读作nought或zero,小数点读作point:one point five six(1.56), ten point three oh five(10.305)

注:被大于“1”的小数修饰的名词要用复数,如说 1.3 meters,不说1.3 meter;即使是被小于“1”的小数修饰,名词也通常可以用复数:One centimeter equals 0.3937 inches. 1厘米等于0.3937英寸。



百分数由基数词(或小数)和百分号(%)组成,百分号(%)读作per cent:fifteen percent(15%), (zero) point six percent(0.6%)

注:百分数后接名词时有时用介词of,有时不用:30% of the students(30%的学生),a 30% chance(30%的把握)。两者的区别是:后接介词of时,percent 为名词,of表示整体中的部分;

不接介词of时,percent 为形容词(此时不表示整体与部分的关系),再比较:6 percent of the interest=利息中的百分之六,at 6 percent interest=按百分之六的利息。


1. 大于某数的表示法。

可用more than, over, or more等表示:

more than fifty people 五十多个人

children of fourteen and over 十四岁和十四岁以上的少年

sixty students or more 六十或六十多个学生

2. 小于某数的表示法。

可用less than, under, or less, up to, almost, nearly 等:

It cost me less than 10 pounds. 我买它没要上10英镑。

Children under six years old are admitted free. 未满6岁的儿童可免费入场。

It's nearly 10 o'clock.. 快两点了。

The temperature is five degrees below zero. 温度是零下5度。

3. 大约数的表示法。

可用or, or so, about, around, round, some, more or less 等表示:

I'll come back in three or four days. 我过三四天就回来。

We stayed or an hour or so. 我们停留了一个小时左右。

It will cost around (round, about) 100 dollars. 那大概要100美元。

Some 100 people attended the meeting. 大约100参加了会议。

I read more or less forty pages last night. 我昨晚看了大约40页。

注:要表示“一两分钟”这样的意思,通常用a minute or two 或one or two minutes,而不用

one minute or two。


1. 用作主语:

The second is yours. 第二个是你的。

It’s said that 13 is an unlucky number. 据说13是一个不吉利的数字。


Her father is sixty-five. 她父亲65岁。

Two thirds of the apples were bad. 三分之二的苹果是坏的。

3. 用作宾语:

I know three of them. 他们当中有三个有我认识。

Please give me the third. 请给我第三个。


He has three English dictionaries. 他有三本英语词典。

The second one is more expensive. 第二个更贵。

The rope is only 2.15 meters long. 这根绳子只有2.15米长。


Are you two reading? 你们两人都在看书吗?

Let us four finish the work. 让我们四个人完成这工作吧。

Who is that man, the first in the front row? 前排第一个是准?


( ) 1.Now,everyone,please turn to Page and look at picture.A.Twelve;the fifth B.Twelfth;the fifth

C.Twelve;five D.Twelfth;five

( ) 2.一Which number is the biggest of the four? — .

A.One third B.Two thirds C.A half D.A quarter ( ) 3.一Can you write the number eighty-five thousand six hundred and twenty-six?

一Yes,it is .

A.85,626 B.856,620 C.58,662 D.58,626 ( ) 4.一Have you got enough students to carry the boxes?

一No,I think I need students.

A.another B.two others C.two more D.more two

( ) 5.In order to find better job,she planned to learn second language.A.the;a B.the;/C.a;the D.a;a

( ) 6.一Which class won the basketball match? 一did.

A.Class Third B.Class Three C.Third Class D.Three Class

( ) 7.About of the earth covered with water,but we have less fresh water.A.three quarter;is B.three quarters;is

C.three quarter;are D.three quarters;are

( ) 8.Christmas Day is on of December.

A.twenty-five B.the twenty-five

C.twenty-fifth D.the twenty-fifth

( ) 9.—How long is the bridge ?—It’s .

A.300-meter-long B.300-meters 1ong

C.300 meters long D.300 meter long

( )10.The number of the students in our grade about ,and

of them are girls.

A.are;six hundreds;two-thirds B.is;six hundred;two-third

C.is;six hundred;two thirds D.are;six hundreds;two third

( )11.一Ang Lee,a Chinese director,won the Best Director again in his .一How great he is! It is his time to win an Oscar.

A.fifty;twice B.fiftieth;second C.fifties;second D.fifties;two

( )12.The weight of the moon is only about of that of the earth.

A.one eighty C.one of eighty

C.one the eightieth D.one eightieth

( )13.Look! This is a school built three years ago.This school is ours.A.as twice larger as B.twice as large as

C.1arger twice as D.two times as large as

( )14.Tom,a boy,can speak English quite well.He Wants to learn

language next term.

A.twelve-year-old;second B.twelve year old;the second

C.twelve-year-old;a second D.twelve years old;the second

( )l5.Three and two were talking when the professor came in.A.Japanese;Germen B.Japaneses;Germen

C.Japanese;Germans D.Japaneses;Germans

( )16.girls took part in the Happy Girl Competition but only a few of them succeeded A.Million of B.Many million of C.One raillion of D.Millions of

( )l7.一How far is the small town from London?

—It’s about kilometers.

A.two hundred and thirty five B.two hundreds and thirty five

C.two hundreds and thirty-five D.two hundred and thirty-five

( )18.We have stayed at this school for .

A.Two years and half B.Two and half a years

C.Two years and a half D.Two and a half year

答案1—5 ABACD 6—10 BBDCC 11—15 CDBCC l6—18 DDC


1.—Linda, how can I keep fit?

—Well, ______ apple a day keeps ______ doctor away.

A. an, a

B. an, the

C. the, a

D. the, the

2.—What do you think of the 3D-printed ______?

—I’m afraid they are not safe enough to live in.

A. tools

B. buildings

C. cars

D. toys

3.—I like the song sung by Li Jian.

—Me, too.I think no one can sing ______ than him in the programme I AM A SINGER.

A. better

B. worse

C. more


4.I want to buy a fine watch for my father on Father’s Day, but ______ is fit for him in the shops nearby.

A. no one


C. none

D. neither

5.______ of the land in that area ______ covered with golden yellow flowers at this time of year.

A. Three fifths, is

B. Three fifth, is

C. Three fifth, are

D. Three fifths, are

6.Bella , a young singer, ______on January, 2015 because of cancer. Her death made us very sad.

A. has been dead

B. has died

C. had been dead

D. died

7.More and more people, old and young, are fond ______ square dance in the early evening.

A. on

B. to

C. in


8.We are going to Xinghua Museum by car. You can come with us ______ you can ride there later.

A. but

B. and

C. or

D. for

9.—Hello, This is Jim Green. May I speak to Mr Black, please?

—______, please. I’ll see if he is in his office.

A. Come on

B. Turn on

C. Hold on

D. Go on

10.______ nice the fish smells! I can’t wait to taste it.

A. How

B. How a

C. What

D. What a

11.—Who is your new English teacher this term, Jack?

— The man ______ is wearing a blue T-shirt.

A. whom

B. who

C. whose

D. which

12.—What a heavy rain! Will it last long?

—______. We’re going on a trip to West Lake in Hangzhou tomorrow.

A. Not at all

B. Of course not

C. I hope not

D. Not exactly

13.—Dad, Let’s hurry! There are only ten minutes ______. I don’t want to miss the train.

—OK, I’m coming.

A. leave

B. to leave

C. leaving

D. left

14.—Someone is singing next door. Is it Amy?

—It ______ be her. She is giving a performance at the theatre now.

A. can’t

B. mustn’t

C. needn’t

D. won’t

15.—Could you tell me ______? —With my teacher’s help.

A. when you did so well

B. when did you do it so well

C. how you did so well

D. how did you do it so well 家庭作业

2019-2020学年中考英语语法备考16 定语从句(讲解)

2019-2020学年中考英语语法备考秘籍—定语从句 【知识方法】 先行词:名词或代词 定语从句 关系代词 关系词 关系副词 【知识清单】 定语从句 知识梳理:提纲挈领,抓住重点和难点! 在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。 定语从句所修饰的词叫先行词。定语从句放在先行词后面。定语从句分为限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句。本章只介绍限定性定语从句。引导定语从句的词有关系代词that、which、who、which、whose和关系副词where 、when,关系代词和关系副词是引导词,在定语从句中担当某一成份。 关系代词、副词作用先行词例句 that,who,whom(只做宾语) 主语 宾语 表语 人Do you know the girl who/that is standing under a tree? 你知道站在树下的女孩是谁吗?

that,which 主语 宾语 表语物、时间、 地 点、原因 She got a computer which/that her parents bought for her. 她有一台她的父母买给她的电脑。 whose 定语人物The boy whose father is a doctor studies very hard. 他的爸爸是医生的男孩学习非常刻苦。 The classroom whose window is open is mine. 窗户开着的那个教室是我的教室。 when 状语时间I still remember the day when you leave for Beijing. 我仍然记得你去北京的那一天。 where 状语地点This is the school where my mother works. 这就是我妈妈工作的学校。 why 状语原因 Could you explain the reason why you were late?你 能解释一下你迟到的原因吗? 二、关系代词在定语从句中的用法(关系代词作宾语时可省略): 1.that指人或物,在定语从句中可作主语或宾语。 This is the pen that you are looking for. The girl that has long hair is my sister. 2.which指物,在定语从句中可作主语或宾语。 The bike which is made in Tianjin sells well. The fish which we bought were not fresh. 3.who, whom指人,在定语从句中可作主语或宾语。 The boy who broke the window is called Tom. The person to whom he is talking is my father.正在和他谈话的那个人是我父亲。(宾语) 4.whose指人或物,在定语从句中作定语。 The girl whose bag is new is called Ann.新书包的那个女孩叫Ann。(指人)

(英语) 中考英语语法填空汇编专项训练100(附答案)及解析

(英语)中考英语语法填空汇编专项训练100(附答案)及解析 一、英语语法填空汇编 1.阅读下面短文,根据文章大意用所给单词的适当形式填空(未提供单词的,限填一词),使文章意思完整、正确。 There is a nice family living in Valladolid, a beautiful city in Spain.________father, Jose Garcia, is a tall and friendly man. He________(work)in a famous company. He married Teresa, a________(beauty) woman, ________dark eyes and light hair. She is a ________(teach) of a primary school. Jose and Teresa have three________(child): Susan, Rebecca and Juan. The________(old), Susan, is 24 years old. She's a doctor and busy with her work every day. She________(usual) goes to work at 8 a.m. and comes home after 7p.m. Rebecca, a beautiful girl with big dark eyes, is 19 years old and________(study)Chinese in the Canary Islands. Juan, a naughty 11-year-oldboy, dreams of________a great football player. They are a happy family.【答案】The;works;beautiful;with;teacher;children;eldest;usually;studies;becoming 【解析】【分析】文章大意:在西班牙美丽的城市瓦拉多利德,住着一个很好的家庭。何塞·加西亚娶了特蕾莎。她是一所小学的五年级教师。何塞和特蕾莎生了三个孩子:苏珊、丽贝卡和胡安。苏珊,24岁。她是个医生,每天都忙于工作。She早上8点上班,晚上7点回家。Rebecca,19岁,在加那利群岛学习中文。胡安,一个顽皮的11岁男孩,梦想着成为一名伟大的足球运动员。他们是一个幸福的家庭。 (1)句意:爸爸,何塞加西亚是一个高个子善良的人。father特指前文提到的住在瓦拉多利德承德市幸福家庭中的爸爸,因此使用定冠词,因为在句首,手字母t应大写,故答案是The。 (2)句意:他在一个著名的公司上班。本文的基本时态为一般现在时,所以本句也是一般现在时,主语he是第三人称单数,因此谓语动词使用单三形式,故答案是works。(3)句意:他娶了一个叫做特蕾莎的长着黑色眼睛的妇女。beauty作定语修饰woman,应使用形容词beautiful,故答案是beautiful。 (4)句意:他娶了一个叫做特蕾莎的长着黑色眼睛的妇女、长着黑色眼睛作定语修饰woman,应使用介词with连接,故答案是with。 (5)句意:他是一个小学的老师。根据冠词a,可知后面单数可数名词,与teach相关的名词是teacher,老师,故答案是teacher。 (6)句意:何塞和特蕾莎有三个孩子。child孩子,可数名词,根据three可知应使用复数形式children,故答案是children。 (7)句意:最大的,苏珊24岁了。根据后文的叙述可知苏珊年龄最大,兄弟姐妹之间年龄最大使用eldest,故答案是eldest。 (8)句意:她通常八点上班。usual修饰go to work,应使用副词形式usually,故答案是usually。 (9)句意:长着黑色大眼睛的丽贝卡19岁了,在加那利群岛学习中文,文章的基本时态为一般现在时,主语Rebacca是第三人称单数,动词使用单三形式,故答案是studies。(10)句意:十一岁的胡安是一个淘气的男孩,他的梦想是成为一乐伟大的足球运动员。


2019年中考英语冠词语法专题训练 (名师精选必考题+实战真题,值得下载练习) 语法综合演练 Ⅰ.用适当的冠词填空,不需填的画“/” 1.Every morning he spends hour doing exercise, and then he go e s to work. 2.—Have you seen movie OperationRedSea? —Yes. This is educational film and it has become one of most popular films in the world. 3.Peter, honest boy, visited European country last summer. 4.There will be talk on good manners at the school hall this afternoon. 5.higher the mountain is, thinner the air is. 6.—Do the twins look the same? —No. Jane is taller of them. 7.—Loo k at skirt. I bought it for my mother on Mother’s Day. —What nice skirt! 8.—Who is boy in red? —He is friend of Tom’s. He plays piano very well. 9.The novel is so interesting that he wants to read it second time. 10.Which is bigger, sun or earth? 11.Blacks are planning to go on vacation. 12.Beijing, capital of China,has long history. 13.He took the medicine three times day after meals according to the instructions. 14.Mary usually goes to work by bike, but this morning she took taxi to school. 15.best student in my class was ill in hospital. Ⅱ.语法填空 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个恰当的词或括号内单词的正确形式。 A Today, the 1.(popular) of basketball has risen around the world, with many young people


初中英语语法专项练习题之数词 1. 1). There are ___ days in a year. A. three hundreds sixty-five B. three hundreds and sixty-five C. three hundred and sixty-five D. three hundred and sixty five 2). There are____ students in this school. A. eight hundreds and forty-six B. eight hundred and forty six C. eight hundred and forty-six D. eight hundred forty-six 2. 1).______people visit this museum every day. A. Hundred B. Hundreds C. Hundred of D. Hundreds of 2).There are two___ people in the meeting room. A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundreds of D. hundred o 3). Every year ___ watch NBA on TV. A. million people B. millions of people C. millions people D. million of people 4). ____ trees have been planted in our school in the past 10 years. A. Thousands of B. Two thousands C. Thousand of D. Two thousand of 5). Look! There are ___ in the sky. A. thousand stars B. thousand of stars C. thousands of stars D. thousands of star 3. 1). My brother is in____.


初中英语语法-数词及练习 一、内容概述 表示数目和顺序的词叫数词。数词可分为基数词和序数词两类 二、重点知识归纳及讲解 (一)基数词 基数词用来表示数目,或者说表示数量的词叫基数词。最基本的基数词如下表所示。 1 one 11 eleven 100 a hundred 2 two 12 twelve 20 twenty 1000 a thousand 3 three 13 thirteen 30 thirty 1,000,000 a million 4 four 14 fourteen 40 forty 10,000,000 ten million 5 five 15 fifteen 50 fifty 100,000,000 a hundred million 6 six 16 sixteen 60 sixty 1,000,000,000 a billion 7 seven 17 seventeen 70 seventy 8 eight 18 eighteen 80 eighty 9 nine 19 nineteen 90 ninety 10 ten 说明: 1.13—19是由个位数加后缀-teen构成。注意其中13、15的拼写是thirteen和fifteen。2.20—90由个位数加后缀-ty构成,注意其中20—50的拼写分别是twenty, thirty, forty 和fifty;80的拼写是eighty。 3.其它非整十的两位数21—99是由整十位数加连字符“-”,再加个位数构成。如81 eighty-one。4.101—999的基数词先写百位数,后加and再写十位数和个位数.如691 six hundred and ninety-one。 5.1000以上的基数词先写千位数,后写百位数,再加and,最后写十位数和个位数。 如:5893 five thousand eight hundred and ninety-three。在基数词中只有表示“百”、“千”的单位词,没有单独表示“万”、“亿”的单位词,而是用thousand(千)和million(百万)来表达,其换算关系为:1万=10 thousand;1亿=100 million; 10亿=a thousand million=a billion。 7.多位数的读法: 1)1000以上的多位数,要使用计数间隔或逗号“,”。即从个位起,每隔三位加一个间隔或逗号。第一个间隔或逗号前是thousand(千),第二个间隔或逗号前是million(百万),第三个间隔或逗号前是a thousand million或a billion(十亿)。 2)每隔三位分段以后就都成了101—999。读的时候十位数(或个位数)的前面一般要加and。如:888,000,000读作:eight hundred and eighty-eight million。

2019-2020学年中考英语语法备考12 动词时态(讲解)【带答案】

2019-2020学年中考英语语法备考秘籍—动词时态 【知识方法】 一般现在时:谓语动词用动词原形或第三人称单数形式 一般过去时:谓语动词用动词的过去式的形式 一般将来时:谓语动词用will/be going to +动词的原形 动词的时态 现在进行时:谓语动词用am/is/are +动词原形的形式 过去进行时:谓语动词用was/were+动词的现在分词 现在完成时:谓语动词用have/has+动词的过去分词 知识清单 动词的时态 动词的时态有很多。初中阶段主要掌握八种:一般现在时、一般过去时、现在进行时、过去

进行时、一般将来时、过去将来时、现在完成时、过去完成时。 知识梳理:提纲挈领,抓住重点和难点! 1.一般现在时 1)一般现在时态的构成:主语是I, we, you, they和名词复数时作谓语的行为动词用原形。主语是he, she , it和名词单数时,作谓语的行为动词的词尾变化如下: 一般情况+s 以s, x, ch, sh或o结尾+es 以辅音+y结尾去y变i+es 2)一般现在时态的肯定句、否定句和疑问句形式(以be和like为例): 主语肯定式否定式疑问式 第一、二人称和第三人称复数以及名词复数I am a student. We/You/ They are students. He/ She is a student. I / We/ You/ They/ like music. Many people like music. I am not a student. We/You/ They are not students. He/ She is not a student. I / We/ You/ They/ don’t like music. Many people don’t like music. Are you a student. Are you/ they students? Is he/ she a student? Do you/ they like music? Do many people like music? 3)一般现在时态的用法: 现阶段经常性,习惯性的动作。例如: I get up at six every morning. He plays tennis once a week. 现在的状态例如: My mother is a teacher. She teaches English in a school. 客观真理例如:


最新中考英语语法填空专项练习经典经典1 一、初三中考语法填空(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。 About ten years ago when I was at university, I worked at my university's museum. One day ________ I was working in the gift shop, I saw two old people come ________ with a little girl in a wheelchair (轮椅). As I looked closer ________ this girl, I realized she had no arms or legs, just a head, neck and body. She was ________ (wear) a little white dress. When the old people pushed her up to me, I was looking down at the desk. I turned my head and gave ________ (she) a smile. As I took the money from her grandparents, I looked back at the girl, who was giving me the cutest, ________ (happy) smile I had ever seen. Just at that ________ , her physical handicap (生理缺陷)was gone. All I saw was this beautiful girl, whose smile just impressed me ________ almost gave me a completely new idea of what life is all about. She took me from a poor, unhappy university student and brought me into her world, a world of smiles and love. That was ten years ago. I'm a ________ (success) business person now and whenever I feel frustrated and think about the trouble of the world, I will think of that little girl and the unusual lesson about life that she ________ (teach) me. 【答案】when/while;in;at;wearing;her;the happiest;time/moment;and;successful;taught 【解析】【分析】文章大意:大学期间遇到的一个坐轮椅的小女孩,她的可爱的乐观的微笑改变了我的人生观。十多年以来,她的微笑始终激励着我。 (1)句意:有一天,我在礼品店工作时,看到两个老人带着一个坐轮椅的小女孩进来。分析句式结构可知,I was working in the gift shop是一个时间状语从句,要用when或while 来引导;第一空格故填when或while;因I was working in the gift shop,因此two old people需要进来,我才能看到。固定短语come in,进来,第二个空格故填in。(2)句意:当我走近这个女孩时,我发现她没有胳膊或腿,只有头、脖子和身体。根据后面语句I realized she had no arms or legs, just a head, neck and body. 可知,我近距离地看到了这个小女孩。固定短语look at,看到,故填at。 (3)句意:她穿着一件白色的小裙子。wear,穿,动词,根据前面的was可知,此句要用过去进行时,故填wearing。 (4)句意:我转过头对她笑了笑。she,人称代词主格,她;固定短语give sb. sth.给某人某物,人称代词作give的宾语要用宾格,故填her。 (5)句意:她给了我一个我所见过的最可爱、最快乐的微笑。happy,开心,快乐。根据语句中的the cutest与I had ever seen可知此空要用最高级,故填the happiest。 (6)句意:就在那时,她的生理缺陷消失了。固定短语at that time,at that moment,在那时,故填time或moment。 (7)句意:我看到的只是一个美丽的女孩,她的微笑给我留下了深刻的印象,几乎让我对生活的意义有了全新的认识。分析句式结构impressed me与almost gave me a,……是小


13,789,653→th i rt e e n m i l l i o n se v e n h u n d re d an d e i g h t y-n i n e th o u s an d si x h u n dr e d an d f i f ty-th re e B、基数词的基本用法 1. 表示钟表、时间 ①整点数:基数词+o'cl o c k,其中o'cl o c k可省略。如: 4:00→f o u r (o'cl o c k) 12:00→tw e l ve(o'cl o c k) ②半点数:钟点数+t h i r t y或者h al f+p a st+钟点数。如: 5:30 h al f p a st f i ve=f i ve t h i r ty不能说:th i r ty p a st f i ve或f i ve h al f) ③几点几分表示法: a、钟点数+分钟数 7:20→se ve n t we n ty b、分钟数在30分钟以内,使用介词p a s t表示“几点过几分”, 分钟数+p a st+钟点数 11:25→tw e n ty-f i v e p a s t e l e ve n(=e l e ve n tw e n t y-f i v e) c、分钟数在30分钟以外,用to表示“几点差几分”时,分钟 数放在介词前,60-分钟数+to+下一个钟点数 6:40→twe n t y to s e ve n(=si x f o r ty) 2. 可以用基数词,也可以用序数词,即:事物名词(不加冠词)+基 数词或th e+序数词+事物名词。如: L e s so n Twe l ve=th e T we l f th Le s so n第十二课 P a r t On e→th e Fi r s t P ar t第一部分 W o rl d W ar I=th e Fi rs t W o r d w a r第一次世界大战 如英语编号中数字较长,一般用基数词表示。如: R o o m506第五0六号房间 p a ge265= th e265th p a ge第二百六十五页 T e l e p h o n e N O.8297976电话号码8297976 3.表示货币 ①中国货币:基本单位y u an(元),没有复数,符号是¥。如: 1元→1y u an或¥1 ②美国货币:基本单位do l l a r(美元),复数是do l l a r s,符号是$。 2美元→2do l l a r s或$2 ③英国货币:基本单位po u n d(英镑),复数是po u n d s,符号是£。 3英镑→3p o u n ds或£3 4.表示“年月日” 和汉语不同,英语中表示日期的顺序为:月-日-年(美式)或日-


中考复习之词汇运用 词汇运用题:考查学生对单词的拼写能力,以及词形变化、测试内容以实词为主,虚词为辅。 做好这类题,一般应遵循下面几个步骤:第一步读懂句意,判断词性;第二步确定词形;第三步核对答案。 名词:单数、复数、所有格、大写; 动词:时态、语态、非谓语动词形式;(一般现在时用三单;已经有动词用非谓语)形容词:原级、比较级、最高级;(“的”) 副词:原级、比较级、最高级;(“地”) 代词:不定代词、主格、宾格、形容词性物主代词、名词性物主代词、反身代词; 数词:基数词、序数词(first, second, third, fourth, fifth) 冠词:a / an / the (首次提到用a / an;特指用the) 连词:and,but,or,because,so,when,where,before,after,if… 介词:at,by,to,in,for,of,on,from,with… 中考复习之选词填空 二、选词填空解题注意事项 1.先对备选词汇的词性作简单标记,如名词(n.)、动词(v.)、形容词(adj.)、副词(adv.)等。同时对词义做初步的理解。 2.根据题意或通读全文,猜测空格中所缺的信息,注意固定搭配,根据需要去备选词 汇中寻找匹配的答案。 3.填词过程中注意词形的变化。既要符合本句的含义,又要保证句式结构的正确。为 了方便记忆,试着记住下面的顺口溜: 空前空后要注意; “名词”单复数要牢记,还有“'s”不能弃; “动词”注意要变形,“形副”注意三种级; 要填“数词”请留意,千万别忘“基”和“序”; 填入“代词”需慎重,五格变化要谨记。



数词 一、本周内容概述 表示数目和顺序的词叫数词。数词可分为基数词和序数词两类。 二、重点知识归纳及讲解 (一)基数词 基数词用来表示数目,或者说表示数量的词叫基数词。最基本的基数词如下表所示。 1 one 11 eleven 100 a hundred 2 two 12 twelv e 20 twen ty 1000 a thousand 3 thr ee 13 thirte en 30 thirt y 1,000,000 a million 4 fou r 14 fourt een 40 fort y 10,000,000 ten million 5 five 15 fiftee n 50 fifty 100,000,000 a hundred million 6 six 16 sixtee n 60 sixty 1,000,000,000 a billion 7 sev en 17 seventeen 70 seventy 8 eig ht 18 eighteen 80 eighty 9 nin 19 nineteen 90 ninety

e 10 ten 说明: 1.13—19是由个位数加后缀-teen构成。注意其中13、15的拼写是thirteen和fifteen。 2.20—90由个位数加后缀-ty构成,注意其中20—50的拼写分别是twenty, thirty, forty 和fifty;80的拼写是eighty。3.其它非整十的两位数21—99是由整十位数加连字符“-”,再加个位数构成。如:81 eighty-one。 4.101—999的基数词先写百位数,后加and再写十位数和个位数。如:691 six hundred and ninety-one。5.1000以上的基数词先写千位数,后写百位数,再加and,最后写十位数和个位数。 如:5893 five thousand eight hundred and ninety-three。在基数词中只有表示“百”、“千”的单位词,没有单独表示“万”、“亿”的单位词,而是用thousand(千)和million(百万)来表达,其换算关系为:1万=10 thousand;1亿=100 million; 10亿=a thousand million=a billion。 7.多位数的读法: 1)1000以上的多位数,要使用计数间隔或逗号“,”。即从个位起,每隔三位加一个间隔或逗号。第一个间隔或逗号前是thousand(千),第二个间隔或逗号前是million(百万),第三个间隔或逗号前是 a thousand million或 a billion(十亿)。 2)每隔三位分段以后就都成了101—999。读的时候十位数(或个位数)的前面一般要加and。如: 888,000,000读作:eight hundred and eighty-eight million。 (二)、基数词的用法


2019年中考英语语法填空专题训练(名师精选试题+详细解析答案,值得下载打印练习) A 请用适当的词完成下面的短文, 并把所缺单词填写在答题卡指定的位置上。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。 Hayley Korman, a 15-year-old girl from California, US did something different last summer. Her mobile phone didn't work one day, so she decided to try and live __1__ it. She took a six-week summer travel with some friends. Hayley and ten other teenagers rode their __2__ 3, 000 miles(4, 800 km) across the States. With two college students as guides, they __3__ from a beach in Georgia on June 23.They traveled through small towns in the south, crossed rivers and climbed __4__. They made camps there. It's not __5__ to find a comfortable place to sleep. “It was to o hot in the south, and very humid, too,” Hayley said. __6__ there were such difficulties, no one left the team. “Everybody was hard-working and did everything for the group,” Hayley said, “We learned __7__ to live with other people.” They __8__ postcards and letters to their parents to tell them how it was going. They had to shop for food by themselves. They shared responsibilities(责任) and __9__ after each other. From these things, they not only trained(锻炼) __10__,but also opened up their eyes. “Sou thern people are really nice,” Hayley said. “It's a whole new world for us.” 1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________ 6.________ 7.________ 8.________ 9.________ 10.________ 【参考答案】 1.without 2.bikes 3.started4.mountains


中考英语语法填空专项训练 新化十四中刘剑文 一、 教学目标: 1. 让学生了解语法填空题考察内容; 2. 让学生掌握语法填空题解题技巧; 3. 引导学生养成英语语言知识日常积累的好习惯,提高学生的英语素养。 二、 教学重点: 总结中考英语语法填空题的解题技巧 三、 教学难点: 学生掌握中考英语语法填空题的解题技巧 四、 教学过程 Stepl 导入: 用一个学生错误较多的语法填空题案例来导入新课。 Step2?语法填空题题型解读: 两种题型:(1)无提示词,共三空,考点一般为冠词、连词、介词等 虚词。(2)用所给词的适当形式填空,共七空,一般每空填一个单词, 最多不超过三个单词。主要考察名词的单复数形式、形容词和副词的 比较级和最高级、谓语动词的时态和语态、非谓语动词的各种形式以 及词形之间的转换。 Step3?语法填空考点突破: (1)无提示词例题: 1. Tom is an 18-year-old boy. 2. Teachers are very friendly to us. 3. We had to put off the sports meeting because it rained heavily. 4. My sister is good at English, but she is weak in math. 5. Jim works hard, so he gets good grades. 无提示词题型解题技巧总结: 1、 名词前一般用.冠词(特别注意元音音素开头的名词)或介词 ; 2、 并例的两个或多个单词、短语或句子之间设空,一般填入连词, 表并例用 and ,表选择用 or ,表转折用 but ,表原因用 because 表结果用so 。 3、 介词固定搭配需牢记。 1. Mary has read (read) the book since three o (2) 提示词为动词的例题: clock.



目录 一.名词()二.形容词()三.代词()四.数词()五.冠词()六.动词动词语态时态()动词不定式()七.副词()八.介词()九.连词()十.比较级和最高级()十一.定语从句()十二.主谓一致()十三.状语从句()十四.虚拟语气()十五.倒装句()十六.独立主格()十七.其他重点语法()

初中英语语法专项练习一——名词 1 ( ) 1 She was very happy. She in the maths test. A. makes a few mistake B. made a few mistakes C. made few mistakes D. makes few mistake ( ) 2 We need some more____. Can you go and get some, please? A. potato B. potatos C. potatoes D. potatoe ( ) 3 _____are____for cutting things. A. Knife/used B. Knives/used C. Knife/using D. Knives/using ( ) 4 What big____ the tiger has! A. tooth B. teeth C. tooths D. toothes ( ) 5 Please remember to give the horse some tree___. A. leafs B. leaves C. leaf D. leave ( ) 6 -Can we have some ___? -Yes, please. A. banana B. oranges C.apple D. pear ( ) 7 On the table there are five____. A. tomatos B. piece of tomatoes C. tomatoes D. tomato 2 ( ) 1 They got much ___ from those new books. A. ideas B. photos C. information D. stories ( ) 2 He gave us____ on how to keep fit. A. some advices B. some advice C. an advice D. a advice ( ) 3 When we saw his face, we knew___ was bad. A. some news B. a news C. the news P. news ( ) 4 What___ lovely weather it is! A. / B. the C. an D. a 3 ( ) 1 -Would you like___tea? -No, thanks. I have drunk two____. A. any, bottles of orange B. some, bottles of orange C. many, bottles of oranges D. few, bottle of oranges ( ) 2 He is hungry. Give him ___ to eat. A. two breads B. two piece of bread C. two pieces of bread D. two pieces of breads ( ) 3 It really took him:___ to draw the nice horse. A. sometimes B. hour C. long time D. some time ( ) 4 I would like to have___. A. two glasses of milk B. two glass of milk I C. two glasses of milks D. two glass of milks ( ) 5 Can you give me ____? A. a tea B. some cup of tea C. a cup tea D. a cup of tea ( ) 6 Please give me ___ paper. A. one B. a piece C. a D. a piece of ( ) 7 John bought___for himself yesterday. A. two pairs of shoes B. two pair of shoe C. two pair of shoes D. two pairs shoes 4


一、选择题 1.---If your parents wanted to have a ______ child, would you agree? ---Of course. But they should make it in _____ yeas’ time. A.second; second B.two; two C.second; two D.two;second 2.—How do your students improve their English writing? —Well, about ______________ of the students like keeping diaries in English in our class. A.two fifth B.two fifths C.second five D.two five 3.﹣Welcome to Los Angeles.Have you ever been here? ﹣Sure. I visited this city three years ago so this is my _________ time here. A.first B.second C.third 4.---I am going to take this summer holiday in Taiwan. ---Oh, really? Taiwan is ______ a beautiful island that ______ people in Guangdong go to visit it every year. A.so; thousands B.so; thousands of C.such; many thousand D.such; thousands of 5.Every year there are about _______ people waiting for their trains back home in the railway station before Spring Festival comes. A.five thousand of B.five thousand C.thousand of D.five thousands of 6.— They will need __________ volunteers for 2014 International Horticulture Exposition (国际园艺博览会) in Qingdao. —Let’s go and join them. A.thousand of B.thousands of C.three thousand of D.three thousands 7.—How long is the bridge? —About ______ long. A.two thousand meter B.two thousand meters C.two thousands meter D.two thousands meters 8.I hear ____ foreign students will come to our school and they are in the ____ grade. A.eight, eighth B.eight, eight C.eighth, eighth 9.I’ve told him of that ______, but he always forget it. A.a hundred time B.hundred times C.hundred of times D.hundreds of times 10.This is our _______ school year, we are going to graduate in two months. A.third B.three C.the third 11.______of the students in our class ______ going to the summer camp in Beijing next week. A.Two-fifths, are B.Second-fifths, are C.Two-fifths, is D.Second-fifths, is 12.Nearly ________of the American children get money from their part-time job. A.two third B.two three C.two thirds D.second third

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