当前位置:文档之家› 洛阳市2012年二外真题




一、判断下列各组单词画线部分有几种发音,分别用A(一种)、B(两种)、C(三种)、D(四种)表示。请选择并将字母标号填入题前括号内。(每小题1 分,共计6 分)

二、根据英语解释和所给的首字母写出单词(每小题1 分,共6 分)

1)The hottest season S____________

2)The day before Friday T____________

3)A place for ball games and running P____________

4)A room for cooking K ___________

5)Go on foot W____________

6)The last month of a year D ____________

三、选项选择。从每小题四个答案中选出一个最佳答案,并将字母标号填入题前括号内(每小题1 分,共计15 分)

()1. __________room is big and bright. They like it very much.

A.Tom and Sam

B. Tom’s and Sam

C. Tom and Sam’s

D. Tom’s and Sam’s ()2. Can you speak Japanese? Yes, only __________.

A. many

B. little

C. lots of

D. a little

()3. Please write a letter__________ your pen pal __________ English.

A. to; in

B. for; on

C. at; with

D. to; of

()4. You’ll be late__________ you don’t start before 7:00 am.

A. or

B. if

C. after

D. before

()5. —would you like some mike?


A. Yes, I like

B. No, thanks

C. No, I don’t

D. Ok, I like

()6. Of the three boys, Jimmy runs__________.

A. faster

B. fastest

C. the fastest

D. both B and C

()7. __________ is a very beautiful school. We can see lots of flowers and trees on the campus.

A. Hers

B. Its

C. Ours

D. both A and C ()8. Can you tell us __________ next, please?

A.to do what

B. how do it

C. what to do

D. how do what ()9. —Must I finish my homework before 5 this afternoon?

—No, you__________. You may finish it tomorrow morning.

A. needn’t

B. mustn’t

C. can’t

D. may not

()10. Everyone should respect__________ old and love__________ young.

A. the; the

B. an; the

C. a; a

D. ×; ×

()11. She was so excited that she couldn’t say __________ at the meeting.

A. something

B. anything

C. nothing

D. everything

()12. Mr. Li is going to __________ about the movie this afternoon.

A. speak

B. say

C. tell

D. talk

()13. _______ beautiful your new school looks!

A. What

B. Why

C. How

D. What a

()14. —Your father plays basketball very well, doesn’t he?


A.Yes, he does

B. No, he does

C. Yes, he doesn’t

D. No, he isn’t

()15. He teaches _______ Chinese and _______ teaches _______ English.

A. her she him

B. she his him

C. his her her

D. him her she

四、根据上下句对话意思,填入适当的词使句意完整,一空一词。(每空1 分,共计20 分)

1)A: Hello, this is Mike speaking. _______ _______ ?

B: This is Linda, Peter’s elder sister.

2)A: _______ her _______?

B: she is a nurse.

3)A: _______ _______ is this Jacket?

B: It’s fifty dollars.

4)A: _______ your uncle _______?

B: He’s tall and thin.

5)A: Thank you very much.

B: _______ _______.

6)A: _______ and _______ were you born?

B: I was born on March6,2000 in Beijing

7)A: My hobby is collecting stamps. _______ _______ you?

B: I like making model planes.

8)A: A cup of coffee, please.

B: _______ _______ _______, sir.

9)A: Shal we go by bus?

B: _______.Let’s go together.

10) A: _______ _______ this beautiful car?

B: It’s mine

五、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。(每空1 分,共计15 分)

1.May is the _______(five) month of a year

2.Whose is this computer? It’s_______ (he).

3.please _______(be) quiet. They’re having a test

4.My mother_______ (like) _______(read) books very much. She _______(read) a story book just now

5. Jim stopped _______ (have) a rest after driving two hours.

6.It’s_______(sun) today. We’re singing_______ (happy) in the park.

7.Andrew lives in Toronto. He’s a _______ (Canada)

8.Lisa dances_______ (well) of all the girl students.

9.The movie is very _______. We’re _______(interest) in it.

10.Her_______(speak) English is excellent. Listen! She _______(speak) English now.

六、下面每小题有一个错误,请找出错误并将字母标号填入题前括号内,将正确答案写在横线上。(每小题1 分,共计5 分)


七、阅读理解。(每小题1 分,共计5分)

A 阅读下列表格,选择正确答案并将字母标号填入题前括号内。

()1. Jim has a hamburger and an egg. He needs to pay __________.

A. ¥6.00

B. ¥6.50

C. ¥10.00

D. ¥10.50

()2. Bill likes French fries and Sandra likes ice cream. They need to pay______.

A ¥9.00

B ¥8.50

C ¥10.00

D ¥10.50

()3. Jane has only ¥6.00. She can buy _______.

A. some bread and salad

B. a hamburger and some milk

C. two glasses of milk and two eggs

D. some chicken and some rice

()4. Sally likes meat, so she buys _______.

A. broccoli(西兰花) and salad

B. chicken and Hamburger

C. tomatoes and broccoli

D. ice cream and eggs

()5. Tony likes healthy food, so he has _______.

A. chicken and salad

B. hamburger and French fries

C. French fries and ice cream

D. rice and broccoli

B 阅读理解按照短文意思,请选择10 个单词,并将单词填入短文空白处使句意完整。(每

小题1 分,共计10分)

The Importance of the Sun What a _______ day! The sun is _______ and everything looks _______. Can you feel the heat when you stand in the sun? The sun gives the heat from very far away. It’s _______ to believe that the sun is about one hundred and fifty million kilometers away. The sun looks _______ because it is so far from us, but it’s really very huge. The earth circles _______. It takes one year for the earth to go around the sun. And at eh same time the earth_______ is spinning(自转)around once every twenty-four hours. The sun gives us light. It keeps us warm. It makes _______ grow. Plants, animals and _______ need the sun, we can’t live _______ the sun.

C 完形填空。请选择最佳答案并将每小题字母标号填入题前括号内。(每小题1 分,共计10 分)

Three men came to London _______ holiday. They came to a very large hotel and live in a room on the forty—fifth floor. One day they went to see a film and came back to the hotel very late. “I’m very ______,” said the waiter of the hotel, “but our lift does not work tonight.” One go them said to his two friends, “we have to walk up to our room. It’s very______. I think I know how to make it easier. ______ our way to the room, I shall ______ you some jokes; then you, John, will sing us ______ songs; then you, Peter, will tell us some______ stories.” So they began to walk to their room. Tom told them many jokes. John sang some songs. At last they came to the fortieth floor. They were ______ and decided(决定) to have a rest. “Well,” said Tom, “Peter, will you tell us a ______ story with a sad end?” “I shall tell you a sad story,” said Peter. “it is short but it is ______. We left our key in the downstairs room just now. What shall we do?”

()1. A. in B. to C. for D. with

()2. A. glad B. angry C. tired D. sorry

()3. A. early B. hard C. late D. helpful ()4. A on B. at C. by D. in

()5. A say B. tell C. talk D. speak

()6. A. a lot B. much C. some D. a little

()7. A. interested B. interesting C. interest D. interests ()8. A. happy B. worried C. hungry D. tired

()9. A. true B. nice C. nice D. pretty

()10. A sadly enough B. enough sad C. sad enough D.enough


八、根据短文内容填入适当的词,一空一词,每个词的首字母已给出。(每空1 分,共计

10 分)

One day, Mr. and Mrs. White go s_______by car. They stop their car near a shop. They buy m_______ things from the shop. And the things are very h_______, so they want to put them into their car. But Mr. White can’t o _______ the door of the car. “Let’s ask a policeman for h_______,” says Mrs. White. They ask a policeman to help them. The policeman is very f_______ to help them open the door of the car. At that time a man c_______ up and shouts.” What are you d_______ with my car?” Mr. and Mrs. White look at the n_______ of the car , they say s_______ to the man.

八、阅读下列一封信,按照上下文句意,填入适当的单词使这封信的意思表达正确完整,每空一词。(每小题1 分,共计10 分)

Dear Li lei,

Thank you _______ your last letter. I’d like to tell you about a good ______of mine. His name is John. Next week, he will ______ China, but he knows nothing about the country. Can you ______ him at the airport(机场) Look, ______ is a picture of him. He is tall______ short, black hair. He has two big______. On the day he arrives he will ______ a white______ and black pants. He doesn’t wear glasses. Can you help me? Thank you very much!



九、阅读短文,并用英语回答下列问题。(每小题2 分,共计10 分)

Are you able to send a letter with pictures and sounds(声音)to someone anywhere in the world without putting a stamp on it? With e—mail you can just do that. Using computer you can send e-mail quickly and easily. The post is much slower than e-mail. E-mail can send its message to the other side of the world in seconds. E—mail is easy to use and it saves time and money, the differences in some parts of the world do not matter when sending e—mail. It is twenty –four-

hour service that you can send e-mail at any time of the day or night. No one has to be there to receive(接收)e-mail. It doesn’t matter if your friends are in bed when you send e-mail to them, or you are seeing a film at the cinema when they send e-mail back.

1.How can you send a letter to your friend without putting a stamp on it?

2.Which way is easier and quicker to contact(联系) your friends in Australia, sending e-mails or posting letters?

3.How long do you think it will take to send your message to England?

4.You can get e-mail when you’re playing basketball with friends on the playground, can’t you?

5.In which way do you often send e-mail?

十一、将下列短文译成汉语,要求语句通顺,译文准确、流畅、优美。(共计10 分)Last week, after having his fifteenth birthday, Tom’s parents sent im to a senior high school in England.

They told him, “You should always remember to think of other people first, then you will be a whole(完整的) person.”

One day, he was walking in the street when suddenly e heard a big noise (噪音). He ran to where the noise came from. When he got there, he saw a small car had knocked into a big tree by the street. Someone in the car is shouting “Help! Help!” The street is quiet. He looked around and saw no people around. Quickly he put down his bag and tried his best to open the car door, but he couldn’t. he ran breathlessly(上气不接下气) down the street to the nearest telephone box as fast as he could to call the policeman and the doctor. Soon the policeman and the doctor arrived. With

their help, he got the car door open and carried the man out. The man looked worried.

“Don’t worry. You will be all right in a week or two,” said Tom. The man held Tom’s hands and said, “You are really a good young man.” Tom was very happy to hear it, he knew how to be a whole person at that time

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________十二、看图写一段话。有人站在图上人物的位置问你去宾馆的路,你该怎样向他指路呢?请看地图完成下面的指路说明。文章的开头已给出。(共计7 分)

Where’s the hotel, please?

Let me tell you how to get there.

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________十三、calculations运算。(每小题1分,共计2 分)

1.Which number comes next? _________

12 21 36 63 45 _____

2. Eric is 15 years old. He is 3 years younger than 2/7 of his grandpa’s age. How old is Eric’s grandpa? (可用汉语列式计算)

十四、日常生活上你常见到如下标识,有在标识后括号中填入汉语。(每小题1 分,共计9 分)




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