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1. 现在开庭。广东省广州市中级人民法院刑事审判庭第一庭,今天依法就广州市人民检察院


The court is now in session. Today, the First Criminal Division of the Intermediate People’s Court of Guangzhou is to hear in public the drug-smuggling case filed by the People’s Procuratorate of Guangzhou against the defendant Haniff. Please bring the defendant to court.

2. 被告人姓名、曾用名、化名、绰号、出生年月日、民族、籍贯、文化程度、工作单位、职


Please state to court your full name, former name, alias, street name, birthday info, nationality, educational background, institution/business address, professional title, and home address.

3. 被告人因何事被拘留?何时被拘留?何时被逮捕?

Why were you detained? When were you detained? When were you arrested?

4. 根据广州市公安局逮捕证的记载,公安机关在2006年11月17向被告人宣布逮捕,被告


According to the record on the arrest warrant of the Guangzhou Police Bureau, the police announced the arrest to the defendant on November 11, 2006, but the defendant refused to sign the arrest warrant.

5. 被告人有无收到广州市人民检察院的起诉书?有无收到起诉书的英文版?何时收到的?距


Did you receive the indictm ent filed by the People’s Procuratorate of Guangzhou? When did you receive it? Has it been ten days since you received it?

6. 按照本院送达起诉书副本的记录,被告人收到起诉书副本的时间是4月5日。

The record of this court in respect of the service of the duplicate of the Indictment shows that the defendant received the duplicate (of the Indictment) on April 5.

7. 现在宣布法庭有关事项:今天负责审理本案的合议庭由审判员张坚雄、代理审判员黄坚、


I now announce the relevant issues concerning today’s court session. T he collegial panel for / in charge of this case consists of Judge A and Acting Judges B and C, with Judge A as the presiding judge. Miss D, the Stenographer, is responsible for court records / transcript. Mr. E, the court clerk, is in charge of other relevant issues. Miss F, Acting Prosecutor from / assigned by the People’s Procuratorate of Guangzhou, appears in this court session to support public prosecution.

8. 在送达起诉书时,被告人提出庭审时需英语翻译。受本院的聘请,来自广州泰领翻译公司


When the indictment was served, the defendant stated that he was in need of an English interpreter during the court proceedings. Hired by this Court, Miss Wang from Guangzhou Talent Translation Services Co. will provide court interpreting service for you. Do you agree?

9. 依照刑事诉讼法第28条的规定,被告人对上述人员有申请回避的权利,也就是说,如果你


In accordance with Article 28 of the Criminal Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China, the defendant may demand the withdrawal of any one of the abovementioned personnel. That is, you may demand the withdrawal of any one of them / demand such withdrawal / make