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题号:2题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案) 内容:

Which of the follow ing is not an exa mple of an orga ni zati on's missi on?

A 、 We believe our first responsibility is to doctors,nurses and patients,to mothers and all others who use our pr oducts and services.(Joh nson & Joh nson)

B 、 AMAX's p ri ncipal pr oducts are molybde num, coal, ir on ore, copp er, lead, zinc, p etroleum and n atural gas, po tash, p hos phates, ni ckel, tun gste n, silver, gold, and magn esium

C 、 We at Xere n want to in crease market share by 10% duri ng the n ext fiscal year.

D 、 We are dedicated to the total success of Corning Glass Works as a worldwide competitor

E 、 Hoover Uni versal is a diversified, multi-in dustry corpo rati on with stro ng man ufacturi ng cap abilities, entrepren eurial p olicies, and in dividual bus in ess un it aut onomy 学员答案:D

题号:3题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案) 内容: con trol is an app roach that emp hasizes the use of exter nal mecha ni sms,

such as p rice comp etiti on and market share to establish sta ndards. Market


作业名称: 作业总分: 起止时间:





100 通过分数:60

2014-11-29 17:33:53 学员成绩:92 100 标准题得分: 岀卷人:SA 91.67 至 2014-11-29 19:21:15 题号:1题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)



All levels of man ageme nt betwee n the sup ervisory level and the top level of the orga ni zati on are termed middle man agers

B 、

C 、 first-l ine man agers

sup ervisors

foreme n

E 、 coaches



B 、 Traditi onal

C 、 Bureaucratic



题号:4题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案) 内容: 本题分数:5.56 Which of the follow ing describes the leadersh ip style in which a leader ten ded to cen tralize authority, dictate work methods, make un ilateral decisi ons, and limit emplo yee p artic ip ati on? A 、 cultural style

B 、 autocratic style

C 、 democratic style

D 、 laissez-faire style

学员答案:B 题号:5题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案) 内容:

本题分数:5.56 A man ager who believes that emplo yees n eed con sta nt con trol would be described as a ccord ing to McGregor.

A 、 a Theory X manager

B 、 a Theory Y manager

C 、 a Theory Z manager

D 、 a human relations manager

E 、 needs hierarchy



内容: 本题分数:5.56 Accord ing to Herzberg, in order to p rovide empio yees with job satisfacti on, man agers should concen trate on A 、 hygiene factors

B 、 issues such as pay

C 、 motivater factors

D 、extrinsic factors

E 、non-motivators 学员答案:C



Who devel oped the Hierarchy of Needs motivati onal theory?

A 、 Herzberg

B 、 Vroom

C 、 McGregor

D 、 Lawler