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The War film has always been one of the most important film types in the United States.The author in this paper takes the American war film during the new century as the object in this study,exploring and analyzing their themes,heroic images,video styles and narrative mode based on the detailed analysis of the creation and development of the American war film since the new century and at the end of this paper,the unique narrative characteristics and strategies are discussed and summarized.

In Introduction,the review of the study of the narration in the American war films during the new century is presented;the direction and the basic idea of this study are settled after the clarification and discussion about the shortcomings of the narrative research in American war films since the new century.Chapter One is a review of both the American war films and American war films in the new century,it introduces the development and change of American war films in the aspects of narration.The narrative themes and their types of the American war films are mainly analyzed and summarized in Chapter Two.And in Chapter Three,a detailed analysis of the heroic images in the American war films is made;the categories of heroic images in films are given followed by.In Chapter Four,the basic image styles of American film are demonstrated based on the specific exploration of that of the American war film.And then the internal structure and type of the American war film are summarized and presented based on the analysis of narrative modes of American war films in Chapter Five.In Conclusion,the narrative methods and ideology of the American war films since the new century are concluded.

Key words:New century;American war films;hero image;image style;narrative mode


摘要............................................................................................................................I Abstract......................................................................................................................II 绪论. (1)

(一)研究源起及研究意义 (1)

(二)研究现状 (2)

(三)研究内容与方法 (6)

一、美国战争电影发展历程 (8)

(一)新世纪以前美国战争电影的创作概况 (8)

(二)新世纪以来美国战争电影的发展流变 (14)

二、新世纪以来美国战争电影的叙事主题表达 (18)

(一)士兵与犯罪——对人性扭曲的揭露 (18)

1.人性的扭曲 (18)

2.情感的申诉 (20)

(二)勇敢与死亡——对英雄主义的批判 (21)

1.勇敢与冲动 (21)

2.牺牲与葬礼 (22)

(三)战胜与落败——对战争真相的昭示 (23)

1.战争胜利的假象 (23)

2.战争失败的反思 (25)

三、新世纪以来美国战争电影的英雄形象塑造 (27)

(一)拒绝战争的“英雄” (27)

1.战场上的“叛逆者” (28)

2.战争中的“局外人” (29)

(二)处境悲悯的“英雄” (30)

1.“生死挣扎”的官兵 (31)

2.“鸣枪盖棺”的战士 (32)

(三)无处安放的“英雄” (33)

1.梦想破碎的前线士兵 (33)

2.战争洗礼的“残缺”军人 (35)

四、新世纪以来美国战争电影的影像风格呈现 (37)

(一)“动与静”的影像纪实 (37)

1.镜头——“失衡”营造的记录真实 (38)

2.色彩——“冷暖”对比的战场内外 (38)

3.音响——“繁简”处理的不同时空 (42)

(二)“幻与真”的战争奇观 (43)

1.科技打造的“超现实”奇观 (44)

2.灵活视角的“逼真性”奇观 (46)

五、新世纪以来美国战争电影的叙事模式建构 (49)

(一)“追溯”叙事模式 (49)

1.闪回“追溯” (49)

2.意象“追溯” (51)

(二)“错位”叙事模式 (52)

1.战争矛盾“错位” (52)

2.战场敌人“错位” (54)

(三)“解密”叙事模式 (55)

1.段落化“解密” (55)

2.多角度“解密” (56)

结语 (59)

参考文献 (61)

附录 (65)

致谢 (69)

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