当前位置:文档之家› 初中英语阅读教学设计与案例分析




By Li Yueyuan

课题:外研版初一(上)Module 9 A trip to the zoo

Unit 2 Is it an African elephant?



二、Teaching aims:

To get information about animals from the reading material

To learn to find specific information in the reading

三、Teaching important/difficult points:



四、Key words and key structures:

Africa/Asia/America/ American/Oceania/ Oceanian/

desert/forest/grass/ grassland/jungle /India

Does the monkey/camel….?----Yes,it does./No,it doesn’t.

Is the snake/kangaroo…?-----Yes,it is./No,it isn’t.

五、Teaching aids:

A tape recorder , a big map and some pictures

六、Teaching steps:

Step1 warming---up(Revision and lead in)

1、Revise the words of the animals in unit1

T:Boys and girls,Look!Is it a Camels/Elephants/Kangaroos….?

Ss:Yes,it is./No,it isn’t. It is a…



Step2 Pre—reading

T:Now,look!Does the animal from African/Asia/…? ---Yes,it does.


Teach the new words: Africa/Asia/(教读几遍),then teach the related words:African/American/ Asian/ European/ Oceanian/(让学生找规律总结)

T:And does the it live in desert/forest/ grassland/jungle …? ---Yes,it is.

Teach the new words:desert/forest/ grassland/jungle. (通过展示图片教读)

After that,let Ss read and do the exercise(Activity3),then les Ss read

the passage.


Step3 while-reading

General comprehension:

1、Play the tape and ask students to find the main idea.

Q1:What is the passage about ?

Q2:How many animals are mentioned in the passage?

2、Give students a few minutes to read fast again .

3、After a few minutes,check students’ answer.

After students finish reading the passage,encourage them to ask and answer questions in pairs.

Then play the tape recorder again, and ask them to check their answers by themselves.


Detailed comprehension:

Ask students to read the passage again and choose the answers by discussing


Step4 Read aloud(read after the tape)


Step5 Writing

Fill in the blanks according to what you read.

⑴_and_eat grass.

⑵Like water,but _don’t.

⑶_are small,but very clever.

⑷Kangaroos come from_.

⑸Camels live in the often see them in _and_


Step6 Discuss

1、For your favourite animal,what do you know about it?

2、How can you protect the animal?

Step7 Summary

Step8 Homework



初中英语教学案例(一) 嵩山中学乔东梅 Unit 10 I’m going to be a basketball player 一、背景 新目标初中英语教材采用任务型语言教学(TASK-BASED LANGUAGE TEACHING)模式,融汇话题、交际功能和语言结构,形成一套循序渐进的生活化的学习程序。具有很多优点,但由于学生认知水平的发展具有规律性和局限性,教师只有充分认识和掌握这种规律,并结合教学实际合理设计教学程序,充分发挥学生的主体作用,教学相长,才能使教学效果最优化。 二、教材分析 1.话题。 本课选取的是新目标(八年级上册)UNIT10 I AM GOING TO BE A BASKETBALL PLAYER 展开讨论的。 2.语言点。 “What are you going to be when you grow up? / I’m going to be …” “How are you going to do that? I’m going to …” 3.目标。 引导学生根据图片领会所要谈论的职业话题,启发学生的思维。 掌握谈论此类话题的基本句式、词汇。 使学生了解关于一些职业的名称如何用英文表达。 Step 1 Lead-in vocabulary teaching Show some pictures of famous persons. 设计思路:以讨论日常生活中学生比较感兴趣的明星,名人为话题,可以活跃课堂气氛,激发学生的好奇心,引出本单元的新单词。 Step2 Talk about “How are you going to do if you want to be …?” For example, “I want to be an English teacher, and I’m going to study English very hard.” Listen to the tape and match the items below. 教学思路:先引导学生学会谈论新的句型结构,为下一步的话题深入做铺垫。让一个学生到黑板前根据听到的录音材料内容连线,锻炼和检查学生根据所听内容完成任务的能力。 Step 3 Ask students to work in pairs. Then, get some pairs to act their conversations out. 教学思路:在生活中运用语言进行交际。激发学生们学习英语的好奇心、表现欲以培养语言学习的信心。暴露容易出错的问题和错误,以培养孩子细心做事的习惯,从而使他们的思维更加缜密。 Step 4 .First, let students listen and finish the listening task. Second, ask a student to make a r eport to check their answers. Finally, listen again and repeat the tape. 教学思路:做听力的训练,不仅培养了听的能力而且让新的语言点在听力材料中再现,从而加以巩固,实质上是变换语言输入的形式。 三、教后记。


初中英语阅读课教学案例 牛津英语深圳版chapter3 一阅读前的热身活动 热身活动是阅读教学前的准备活动,诣在调动学生对文字符号和情景的关注,激发学生的阅读兴趣,为阅读做必要的铺垫。教师一般可以通过猜谜、游戏、歌谣、图片、质疑、预测、课堂讨论和音乐等多种方式导入话题,激发学生的学习兴趣,帮助学生初步扫清语言障碍,引导学生迅速进入阅读状态。具体做法如下: 1.布置任务让学生阅读一些侦探小说,增加对侦探工作的了解。 2.以文化背景知识导入,激发学生的阅读兴趣,唤起其阅读欲望。 牛津英语深圳版chapter 3Detectives and crimes教师可以从学生们都熟悉的动画片《名侦探柯蓝》入手,向学生渗透相关的文化背景知识。比如:英国名作家柯蓝.道尔以及他的一系列作品. Step 1: Pre-readingactivities 1.Tell students to look at the cartoon, and explain it if necessary. 2.See a music video and have a brainstorm activity. ●What kind of quality does a good detective need? 3.Play a game---Have a competition: Ask Ss to guess the detective according to the information given. The earlier you know the answer, the more marks you will get. Guess the detective: ●Detective Conan 1). He was a young famous detective in Japan.(4 points) 2). He turned into a boy by a secret criminal organization when they gave him a drug. (2 points) ●Sherlock Holmes 1). He is the world's first consulting detective.(4 points) 2). He is tall and thin. He has a hooked nose and a long face.(3 points) 3). He always smokes a pipe. (2 points) 4). He lives in Baker Street, London. (1 point) 3.设置悬疑,逐步分解阅读内容中的重、难点 Who is the criminal?/Who stole the vase?


Be Careful with Numbers in Listening Class: Class 12, Senior Two Date: May 16,2007 Teacher: Ni Yazhen School: Zhi Yuan Senior High School Teaching Material: P75 S2B Oxford English; Additional material(The new Star Wars movie, Be Careful with Numbers) Teaching Objectives: Knowledge objectives: To enable students to listen and complete some exercises Ability Objectives: To encourage the students to have basic skills of listening. Emotion objectives: To cultivate the cooperation through peer interaction Teaching aids: Multi-media Teaching and learning method: Guiding for learning Teaching Procedures: I. Presentation Today we’ll have a class on listening practice “Be careful with numbers in listening”: First we’ll play a game. Then, we’ll practice. Lead-in A game on number II. Performance: Quick and accurate response to numbers is very important in daily communication. Telephone numbers, addresses, prices, temperatures, time and dates all closely linked with the use of numbers .Besides, numbers also play a very important part in broadcast programmes such as reports Now let’s listen to some advice from experts. Task 1 Be Careful with Numbers (Play the recorder Twice) Individual work→pair work(check the answer with your partner)→Group work(Underline the important sentences. e.g. The differences between million and billion, “-teen’s” and “-ty’s” are …..“Seventeen point five million.”…)Whole class read the key sentences. Well-done! Numbers are all around us. Let us practice with numbers and learn to be good at numbers.(First read out the following numbers… Watch the screen) Task 2 Listen to some statements about the brief history of films and TV. First check the answers in groups. If you have different opinion , please raise your hands. Judgement: (First students give themselves a judge. Then teacher does it) It seems no challenge. Now, We’ll do challenge exercise. So pay special attention to the numbers in the passage and select the correct answer from the choices listed below. First teach the students new words in listening material. Then ask students to read out the numbers in Star Wars. III. Promotion: Challenge exercise Star Wars Listen to the tape twice →Check the answers IV. Conclusion: What we learned today is “Be careful with numbers in numbers.”Remember the following points when you are doing listening tasks:


初中英语阅读课教学案例 一、教学课型:阅读课 二、教材分析: 本节课课型是阅读课,内容是一名学生在网页上找到一篇关于圣经中的英语文章。通过这节课的学习,给学生提供一个了解英语中习语的机会,从而使学生更好的了解不同的信念,宗教以及中西方的文化差异。 三、学情分析: 该年级段的学生有一定的英语基础,对根据具体语境猜测习语意思有浓厚的兴趣,因此教师要给学生表现的机会,指导他们积极主动地阅读。 四、教学目标: 1、知识目标 (1)、重点词汇:in other words ,among other things ,by and by ,have a vague or loose connection to/with ,kill the fatted calf, develop a high level of competence in communication skills……(2)、重点句子:It comes from a story in the Bible, where a son returned to his family after …, …among other things, and unless you recognize when an idiom is being used,you can easily misunderstand…… 2、能力目标:培养学生的阅读能力和知识运用能力。 3、情感目标:通过本文的学习,帮助学生更好地提高阅读理解能力,了解这些习语能培养学生更高水平的交流技巧。 五、教学重难点: 1、培养学生的阅读能力,如略读、精读等能力。 2、提升学生综合运用语言的能力,如交际能力等。 六、教学过程: Step1: Lead in Ask the students to read the following sentence and guess what the idiom means: I took my mother’s car without asking for permission. She is angry at me. I ’m in hot water now! (in trouble ) 【设计说明】以有据可依的语境导入,活跃了课堂气氛又恰当的引入了本节课的主题“Biblical idioms in English ” Step2: Fast reading Read the article quickly and answer the following questions: 1、What is an idiom? 2、Which language was the Bible first written in? 3、Which idiom is often used to describe children? 【设计说明】简要的问题使学生对文章内容有大概的了解,为下一步的careful reading 奠定基础。 Step3: Careful reading Part1: Answer questions 1 Why does the Bible have a lot of idioms? 2 What did ‘by and by’originally mean in the Bible? 3 What does ‘by and by’mean today? 4 How many years ago was the Bible translated into English? 5 What does “feet of clay”mean?


A teaching plan By Liu Yi qiu School: Chen Middle School in Chongqing Junior or Senior Section:Junior Class:_one Grade : Seven_ Size: 40 students Time:_40 minutes Materials: _Unit 1 Making New Friends. Topic 1 Welcome to China ! Date: _December 13th_ Type of lesson: __listening and speaking_ Aids: computer-aided instruction power point tape recorder Contents: 1. Vocabulary:China, welcome , meet, thanks, you, I , yes, no, good morning, name, clock, what. 2. Structure: Good morning! I am …….Welcome to china! Good morning! I am …….. Are you Maria? Yes, I am. No, I am not, I am……. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. Thank you!

3. Dialogue: ①-Hello! -Hello! - I am Kangkang . Are you Maria? - Yes, I am. ②-Hello! Are you Maria? -No, I am not, I am Jane. -Oh ! Nice to meet you, Jane. - Nice to meet you, too. ③-Hi! Maria! - Hi! Kangkang! -Welcome to China! - Thanks! 4. listening: Listen and number the following names. Listen and number the following letters. Then circle the letters with the same sound as Bb. Objectives: 1. Teaching Aims and Demands (1) Instructional Objectives Be able to use the new words: guitar: China, welcome , meet, thanks, you, I , yes, no, good morning, name, clock, what. Be able to use the new and phrases: ①-Hello!


谈初中英语阅读课教学案例 吉林省桦甸市金沙中学:王欣平 一、背景 现行初中英语教材具有很多的优点,但由于学生认知水平的发展具有规律性,教师只有充分认识和掌握这种规律,并结合教学实际,合理设计教学程序,充分发挥学生的主体作用,教学相长,才能达到教学效果的最优化。 二、教材分析 1、话题:本课时选择的是初二英语课本第四单元How often do you exercise?中的一篇文章,主要是围绕本单元的中心任务“Food and lifestyles ”而展开的。 2、内容:这篇文章讲述了很多学生平时的饮食和生活习惯。通过学习,让学生明白什么是健康的饮食和生活习惯 3、目标:(1)理解课文内容,知道如何捕捉细节。 (2)根据图片猜测大意。 (3)引导学生掌握模仿主题进行描述的技巧, 形成根据主题理解文章细节并能分辨是非的能力。 Step 1: Warming–up activities (一)Free Talk: To ask the student on duty to make a speech: “What is my favorite food?” 设计思路:以讨论日常生活的话题进入,可以活跃课堂气氛。同时,由于每天都有值日生报告,可以锻炼学生的书写和口头表达能力。另外,在交流过程中,也互相锻炼了学生的听力水平。 (二)1.Revise some names of food (Let the students speak freely.)

2. To show the students beautiful pictures of food During the talking,the teacher can write some of them on the Bb, especially some new words: fruit, sweet, bread, meat, juice. 3. To ask the students to ask and answer: “What is it?”,“Do you like it?” 设计思路:(1)通过感性的图片教学,可以进一步调动学生的学习积极性。 (2)让学生相互问答,了解食物的名称,在交流中培养他们的合作精神和解决问题的能力。 (三)Discussion : (1)What food can we eat a lot? (2) Do you think … is good for our health? (3) Which is your favorite? 设计思路:通过有趣的话题极大地激发学生的好奇心,为进入正文教学打下基础。最后向学生展示有关食物的相关链接(P67)-- “Healthy Eating”,并让他们参与讨论,知道哪些才是正确的饮食。 教学后记:针对上述教学设计和课堂教学活动,笔者有以下三点体会:(1)本活动在设计上比较符合学生的认知水平,能激发学生完成任务的兴趣和参与活动的热情。(2)能使阅读前的“Warming–up activities”真正发挥“热身”的作用。这就为顺利开展之后的多个活动打下了基础。(3)上课伊始就顺利切入主题,中间过渡自然,言语富有鼓励性和启发性,能使学生产生强烈的共鸣。 Step 2: Reading (一)Listening and scanning: 1. What do students want to be? 2. What do students eat for breakfast now?


初中英语教学案例 扶风县召公初中田亚维 一、教学背景 本课是新目标初中英语的内容,它涉及到学生的生活实际和学习需求,培养学生的语言能力和学习能力。倡导“任务型"的教学途径,课本设计了许多具有实际意义的任务和活动,单元教学结构层次分明,落实任务性教学,其最终目的是培养学生听,说,读,写综合运用能力,吸引学生充分参与到课堂活动中来,从而提高学生的英语水平。 二.学情分析: 本节课主要是针对七年级下学期的学生的,要求学生能会使用英语来谈论日常作息习惯。从年龄特点来看,七年级学生好动,好奇,好表现,,希望得到老师的表扬,所以我在教学中抓住学生这一特点发挥学生的主动积极 性去激发学生学习的兴趣。学生在七年级上册里已经学习了一般现在时,也掌握了一些简单的句式,比如肯定句,否定句,一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的结构和用法。由于我们这儿的学生在进校时大部分的学生的基础不太好,所以我在教学时注意因材施教,关注每一位学生的学习过程. 三、教材分析 1.话题;本节课是新目标英语七年级下册Unit 2 What timedo you go to school ?Section A (1a-——1c) 2。语言点: (1).词汇:get up go to school getdressed brush teeth eat breakfast take a shower. (2.).句型:A:What time do youusuallyget up ,Rick? B:I usually getup atsix thirty 。 3不同时间段的表达法。 3。目标:(1)能简单谈论日常作息习惯. Iusually get upat six thirty。

初中英语阅读教学设计与案例分析 继续教育张银发

初中英语阅读教学设计与案例分析 赵文娟 (北京市朝阳区教研中心初中英语教研员中学高级 ) 一、初中英语阅读教学概述 Do you believe…? We learn to read by reading. The best way to improve your knowledge of a foreign language is to go and live among its speakers. The next best way is to read extensively in it. 阅读是读者从语篇中获取信息的过程。著名语言学家 Christine Nuttall认为,作者将自己头脑中的信息编码,形成语篇,读者再把语篇解码,获取信息。 阅读活动各环节的设置应注重其心理效应、突出语言的实践性和语篇的整体性。 阅读是读者与文章的交互过程。 传统观点认为阅读就是要从文章中获取信息,了解文章的内容就是达到了阅读的目的。然而现在语言学家们提出了新的看法。“ 阅读是一个语言心理的猜测过程” ( Goodman )。读者在对语言层次的词语进行解码的同时,也在运用自己的知识(事实和社会文化方面的知识、有关阅读材料话题的知识、文章结构组织的知识、情景上下文的知识等)对文章的下文进行预测,阅读检验自己的预测、修订自己的预测、进行新的预测…… 整个阅读过程实际上就是读者与文章的交互过程。 只有当低层次阅读和高层次阅读共同作用时,才能实现流利阅读的目的。这样的阅读才能激发学生的思维能力、想象能力和创造能力,而这,也正是我们阅读教学的目的。

阅读教学的定义 《英语课程标准》指出:“ 语言技能包括听、说、读、写四个方面的技能以及这四种技能的综合运用能力。听和读是理解的技能,说和写是表达的技能;这四种技能在语言学习和交际中相辅相成、相互促进。学生应通过大量的专项和综合性语言实践活动,形成综合语言运用能力。为真实语言交际打基础。(《英语课程标准》,第 9 页) 英语课程标准》阅读五级要求: 1 .能根据上下文和构词法推断、理解生词的含义; 2 .能理解段落中各句子之间的逻辑关系; 3 .能找出文章中的主题,理解故事的情节,预测故事情节的发展和可能的结局; 4 .能读懂常见体裁的阅读材料; 5 .能根据不同阅读目的运用简单的阅读策略获取信息; 6 .能利用字典等工具书进行学习; 7 .除教材外,课外阅读量达到 5 万词以上 ,累计 15万字。 阅读教学的目的 教师通过开展有效的阅读教学活动,培养学生良好的英语阅读习惯,使学生在轻松愉快的环境下获取信息,得到感知语言的能力,从而达到全面提高英语能力的目的。


初中英语阅读理解教教案 阅读理解是英语学习中必须具备的能力之一,有助于巩固和扩大词汇、丰富语言知识,提高运用语言的能力。可以训练学生的思维能力、理解能力、概括能力与判断能力。加强阅读训练可以为学生创造大量获取语言知识和大量运用语言的机会和条件。既可以培养学生对语篇进行分析、综合并从中获取信息的能力,也能培养学生的审美情趣。培养阅读能力也是教学大纲中规定的中学英语教学目标之一,所以阅读课在我们平时的英语教学中尤为重要,怎样上好阅读课成为英语教师教学中的关键。以下根据自己近些年的教学经验,对初中英语阅读理解教学模式进行初步的探究和分析。 教学模式总结如下: Presentation(导入)——skimming(粗读)——listening and reading(听读)——scanning (跳读)——intensive reading(细读)——retelling(复述)——discussing(讨论)——writing (写作)——summary(小结)。 初中英语人教版九年级Unit 12 Section B 3a Step 1:Presentation(导入) 本篇文章主要讲述法国的风俗,所以可以通过讲述一个因为语言差异所产生的误解的笑话导入,以此引起学生对课文产生兴趣,使学生更快的进入学习状态。 Step 2:Skimming 这一步是为掌握文章大意而进行的阅读,要求学生读后概括文章的大意,并且设计一些简单的问句让学生进行回答。 What does Wang Kun do? Where is she now? What’s the article mainly about? Step 3:Listening and reading 让学生边听边读,并且在听读的过程中找出文章的重点词汇、短语、句子。并且进行解决,扫除学生阅读中存在的一部分障碍,但要注意知识点的讲解要尽量简练,并且要引导和培养学生根据上下文猜词的能力。 Step 4:Scanning 这是一种为寻求特点细节放弃大部分内容,只注意某一点或某几点的阅读方式,要求学生根据老师提出的问题进行跳跃式的阅读,找出问题的主要信息。在此环节中提醒学生不要逐词逐句看课文,要讲究速度。在最短的时间内找出问题的答案。在此期间老师要出示以下问题:How many table manners are mentioned in the passage ? What are they ? be supposed to do be not supposed to do Step 5:Intensive reading 仔细阅读文章,要求学生从细节处把握文章,在前面阅读的基础上,从整体上把握文章的主要内容,以便于帮助学生加深对课文的理解。 在此环节中,要求学生各自独立完成阅读任务,然后与同桌或同组同学合作解决疑难点。在学生的阅读过程中,教师要出示以下问题帮助学生理解课文。 1、Why was Wang Kun nervous before she arrived in France? 2、Why did she have no reason to be nervous? 3、How has her French improved? 4、What is one particular challenge she is facing?


中学英语教学案例分析(1) What things can harm the environment ? What do you think we should do to improve our environment ? ) 活动目的:通过列举污染源,学生更清楚当前环境的不仅如人意,保护环境刻不容缓,从而使学生增强保护环境的意识。他们动脑筋,想办法,积极讨论保护环境的措施,在不知不觉中提高英语语言运用能力。 活动过程: T: There is much pollution all over the world now . Can you tell me what it is ? (学生很快地回答) Ss: Water pollution ; Air pollution; Noise pollution;soil pollution …etc. T: Do you know what causes water pollution ? Ss: Factories pour waste water into rivers and lakes . T: All the factories ? Ss: No . T: What factories ? Ss: Paper factories , printing and dyeing mills , plastic factories…ect. ( 学生不会用英语说“印染厂及塑料厂”,他们说中文,我说英文。) T: What else can cause water pollution ,too? Ss: Some people throw rubbish into rivers and lakes . T: How can we help to solve this problem ? ( 学生们分组讨论解决办法。) Ss: We can advise the directors of these factories to stop pouring waste water into rivers and lakes . T: If they don’t accept your advice ,what else can we do ? (学生们讨论更热烈了,过了一会儿,他们七嘴八舌地说:) Ss:1. We can write a letter to Green China about it . 2. We can also ask newspaper reporters and TV station reporters to report these factories . …… T: There is a paper factory in my hometown .It pours waste water into the river every day . The people in the town drink the water of the river every day . They have advise the leader to stop pouring waste water into the river many times .But he never accepts it . Can you write a letter about it to the Green China ? (学生异口同声说“Yes”。由于写作太费时间,这封信作为回家作业,请同学们写在作业本上。) T: You have told me what causes water pollution and how to solve this problem .You’re very clever .Thank you very much .But can you tell me what


初中英语阅读教案 一、教材分析 (1)教学内容: a letter,此文章通过书信的形式介绍了有关英国的知识,从 城市、自然风景、气候条件、历史和饮食文化等方面,介绍了 英国这个国家。通过本节课教学,让学生获的有关英国的信息, 让学生学会对信息的处理和加工,提高学生的综合语言运用能 力。 (2)教学目标: ①知识目标:了解英国的风土人情和著名城市的特色,词和词组。 ②能力目标:培养学生听、说、读和写的能力,尤其是阅读方面的技巧。通 过运用多媒体,培养学生的英语口头表达能力,分析问题和解决问题的能力。锻炼学生用英语自己组织复述课文。 ③情感目标:了解西方的文化,加深对英语的理解和使用,培养对世界地认识, 有利于形成学生国际化的交际能力。 (3)教学重点和难点; 掌握重要的单词和短语,复述课文。训练学生的Fast reading、careful reading 等能力和方法。 (4)教学方法:演示法、问答式、竞赛法、任务型阅读、。 三、教学手段:图片多媒体、 四、教学过程 Step 1: 读前和热身(Pre---reading and warm up) By asking students the following questions, the teacher can raise students′ interest in this topics. (1) What is Britain famous for? (2) When we talk about Britain, what do you think of? (3) Have you ever heard anything interesting about Britain? 「设计说明」 为了激起学生阅读的兴趣,用幻灯片演示出Britain的景色,给出三个问题,让他们来回答。既引出了话题,也可练习学生的英语口语和用英语发言的勇气于胆量。 Step 2:导入(Leading in) Present a map of Britain to students by Power Point. T: What is the capital city of Britain and where is it? S:Answer the question and point the position. T: Where is the largest city London, located? Ask some students to answer it. 「设计说明」 通过多媒体展示Britain的地图,来了解Britain在世界所处的位置,以及它的著名城市在Britain的位置,让学生有一个视觉上的感受,进一步引导学生的欣赏能力,提高他们的阅读兴趣。 Step 3 读中和快速阅读(While reading and Fast reading) Firstly ask some students to read some words on the blackboard.. These words have been studied in the last lesson. Before students read the text, ask some students


名师精编优秀教案 初中英语拓展性阅读教案 一、教材分析 ( 1)教学内容:本课是一堂英语阅读课 a letter,文章通过书信的形式介绍了有关 Britain 的知识,从著名城市、自然风景、气候条件、它的历史和饮食文化等 方面,介绍了英国这个国家。通过本节课的阅读教学,使学生从阅读中获取相关的关于英国的信息,让学生学会对信息的处理和加工,提高学生的综合语言运用能力。 ( 2)教学目标: ①知识目标:了解英国的风土人情和著名城市的特色,增加了词汇量。 ②能力目标:培养学生听、说、读和写的能力,尤其是阅读方面的技巧。通过运 用多媒体,培养学生的英语口头表达能力,分析问题和解决问题的能力。锻炼学生用英语自己组织复述课文。 ③情感目标:了解西方的文化,加深对英语的理解和使用,加深对本国文化的理解与认识,培养世界认识,有利于形成跨文化交际能力。 ( 3)教学重点和难点 ; 掌握重要的单词和短语,充分利于关键词复述课文。训练学生的Fast reading、careful reading等阅读技能。 ( 4)教学方法:问答式、演示法、任务型阅读、竞赛法。 三、教学手段:多媒体、图片 四、教学过程 Step 1: 读前和热身( Pre---reading and warm up) By asking students the following questions,the teacher can raise studentsinterest ′ in this topics. (1)What is Britain famous for? (2)When we talk about Britain, what do you think of? (3)Have you ever heard anything interesting about Britain? 「设计说明」 为了激起学生阅读的兴趣,用幻灯片演示出 Britain 的景色,给出三个问题,让他们来回答。既引出了话题,也可练习学生的英语口语和用英语发言的勇气于胆量。 Step 2:导入 (Leading in) Present a map of Britain to students by Power Point.


初中英语阅读课的教学案例 一、设计思路 在课堂教学活动中,无论一节课的课型是什么,教师的目的只有一个,那就是最大程度上实现教学目标,保证学生完 成学习任务。但是在教学活动过程中,教师只是学习活动的引导者和组织者,学生才是课堂的主人。教师要充分体现以人为本的教学理念,尊重学生的个体差异, 通过学生亲身经历动手实践操作过程,鼓励学生自主探索与合作交流,发展学生丰富的想象力,引发学生的发散思维和 创新意识,不断提高解决问题的能力。 二、教学目标和教材分析 1.本模块及本单元的题材内容 本模块以天气为话题,让学生学习听天气预报,学习使 用描述天气状况的相关词汇和语句,学会根据天气情况为他人提出建议并给出原因。本模块的语言重点是对可能性的表述和动词不定式的应用。语法重点是正确使用情态动词may / might。本模块的第二单元是一篇阅读材料,以美国的三个城市为载体,介绍了去美国游玩的最佳时机,并阐述了理由。通过阅读,学生可以对目标语国家的地理环境及天气有所了解,开阔其视野,从而提高对英语学习的兴趣,既可学习语法,又可培养阅读和叙述能力。 三、教学思路及过程

围绕2010年研究主题《英语学科阅读能力培养的有效教研策略》实验研究情况,本学期开始我们学校积极探索预学案教学,针对英语学科的特点,下面以其中一篇为例。 unit 7 would you mind keeping your voice down? 一、 pre-read(目的在于熟悉话题,预测内容,激发学生的兴趣和愿望,激活相关语言) what does etiquette mean? look at the picture on p58. how many rules of etiquette can you see being broken?(你能看到多少条礼节规则被破坏了?) make a list with your partner. e.g: don’t talk loudly in public. 二、listen to the tape and pay attention to your pronunciation.(听录音,注意语音语调,突出重点词语。) 单词/短语: at first in public 扑灭咳嗽亚洲的批评 三、read quickly and find out the topic sentences.(快速阅读,了解大意,掌握阅读策略,跳读,掌握基本信息) true or false 1. etiquette is a normal and impolite social behavior. 2. etiquette is the same in every culture or in every


《牛津初中英语》教学案例一年级:初一学科:英语学校:南京市第十二中学执教:潘洁Unit 4 Comic strip & welcome to the unit Teaching aims: 1. Introducing names of interesting facts and strange things. 2. Discussing something unusual and express the feeling. Teaching aids: Multimedia Teaching methods: 1.Asking and answering. 2. Listening and reading. 3. Free talk 4. Imagination. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead-in 1.Show some pictures and ask: How do you feel when you see these pictures? Look at the man, he has a long mustache. Isn't he amazing? If you meet a man like this on a bus. How do you feel? Strange And this pig, look carefully, What’s it made of? It’s made of orange peel. Isn’t it wonderful? What is he doing? He is playing a yo-yo. I think he is very clever. Isn’t it great? This dog is lazy, it is sleeping, and it is dreaming of eating. Isn’t it funny? And these babies are in the pumpkins. Aren’t they interesting? Lovely? 2.Read these words. (interesting, funny, wonderful, amazing, great, strange, lovely) 策略:精心选择六幅图片,包含生活中、自然界一些稀奇古怪的人,动物或现象。在提问过程中,有意识地用amazing, strange, wonderful, great, funny, interesting, lovely回答问题,使学生对本课的重点词汇有一个初步的了解。 通过展示六幅图片,引起学生兴趣,帮助学生初步感知本课的主题,amazing things. Step 2 Presentation Show the pictures about lighting, rocket, sneezing, elephant, goldfish, tortoise, giraffe and the tallest man, talk about each picture . 1.Who is he? Yao Ming. How tall is he? Do you know the tallest man in the world? He was from the USA, he was about 2.72 m tall. He died in 1940. What a pity!

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