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承认admit (从学校)开除expel 学费fee

基础foundation 普遍的general 代考枪手gunhand

高度地highly 假冒impersonate 可能的likely

使收支平衡make ends meet 分数mark 高级的advanced

数学mathematics 错误mistake 国家的national

幼儿园nursery 视角perspective 研究生的postgraduate

初等的primary 流利proficiency 承诺promise

懊悔regret 基础的basic 惊慌的scared

中等的secondary 明智的sensible 发言人spokesperson

国家state 坚定地steadily 坚持stick to

策略strategy 挣扎struggle 证书certificate

劝告tip 职业的vocational 待洗涤的衣服washing

作弊cheat 强制的compulsory 否认deny

毕业文凭diploma 数字的digital

No one should be d _e _n _i _e _d (否认)a good education. denied

I haven't got a d _i _g _i _t _a _l (数字的)camera. digital

Does your school charge school f _e _e _s (学费)? fees

My g _e _n _e _r _a _l (一般的)impression of the place was good. general

It's quite l _i _k _e _l _y (可能的)that we'll meet this time next year. likely

It was a m _i _s _t _a _k _e (错误)for us to come here tonight. mistake

Britain has more than ten n _a _t _i _o _n _a _l (国家的)newspapers. national

If you take my t _i _p (劝告)you'll make a lot of money. tip

"Children over the age of eleven go to s _e _c _o _n _d _a _r _y (中等的) schools." secondary

He p _r _o _m _i _s _e _d (承诺)to call me every week. promised

1. If you d that something bad is true, you agree that it is true.

2. If someone is d from a school, they are told to leave.

3. The d of something such as a belief or way of life is the things on which it is based.

4. If someone is d paid, they receive a large salary.

5. A d is a point that is given for a correct answer in an exam.

6. A d is a place where children are looked after.

7. If you d something that you have done, you wish that you had not done it.

8. If you are d of certain things, you are frightened of it.

9. If you d to do something, you try hard to do it.

10. You can refer to countries as d , when you are discussing politics.

参考答案:admit<|>expelled<|>foundation<|>highly<|>mark<|>nursery<|>regret<|>scared<|>struggle <|>states

If you are a doctor, you must have a doctor's________. D1140103

There is a _______ clock on the wall. D1140204

He was expelled _______ the club for breaking the rules. D1140301

He's very _______ thought of within the company. D1140402

Do remind me because I'm ______ to forget. D1140501

Many are finding it difficult to make ______ meet, especially those with young children. D1140603

Don't be sorry for that. We all _______ mistakes. D1140704

You'll regret _______ those words. D1140802

She had a ______ look on her face when she saw that. D1140903

He never sticks ______ anything for very long. D1141004


Which of the following basic subjects needn't children learn in a primary school? D1220104

Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? D1220201

"It can be inferred from the first two paragraphs that in the UK compulsory education covers _________." D1220302

"According to the last paragraph, why do many foreign students want to go to

universities in the UK? Because they consider_________." D1220402

What is the author's attitude towards to the British School System? D1220504

What does the word "scared" mean in the second paragraph? D1230102

What does the word "grants" mean in the third paragraph? D1230201

"The sentence ""But if you are struggling to make ends meet, …at weekends"" in the third

paragraph l含有的意思是implies l0_________." D1230301

"From the fifth paragraph, we can infer that in order to overcome the stress of living faraway from

home, _________." D1230401

This passage is written for the purpose of _________. D1230503


"must mustn't have to don't have to

Grandson: I hate this uniform. Granddad, b3 did you have to wear a uniform when you were at school?

Grandfather: Yes, but it was a very simple one. Quite cheap. There was another school where the

parents _had to spend a lot of money on uniforms. But that school was very different from my school. The children there _had to study l拉丁语Latin , for example.

Grandson: Why _did they have to (they) do that? Nobody speaks Latin now.