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一、 问 :老师,请帮我评一下这篇翻译!谢谢!

The field of torts embraces a group of civil wrongs ,other than breach of contact , that interfere with person ,property ,reputation ,or commercial or social advantage . 侵权行为指的是侵害人身、财产、名誉、商业或社会利益等领域权利的一系列民事侵权行为,它并不是合同法的一个分枝。While such an act ,such as an assult ,may sometimes be both a crime punishable by the state in a criminal prosecution and also a tort actionable by the victim in a suit for damages ,the criminal prosecution and the damage action are quite separate and unrelated proceedings . 但像突袭这样的行为就有可能既涉及到刑事惩罚,又涉及侵权诉讼,前者主要是由国家通过刑事诉讼来完诚,后者主要是由受害人通过损害赔偿诉讼来完成,这是两 个完全分开且相互之间没有关联的诉讼过程。The essential purpose of the law of torts is compensatory and ,though punitive damages may occasionally be awarded , its function is distinct from that of criminal law.and injured party is not awarded compensation in the criminal proceeding .侵权法的功能和刑法的功能是不相同,侵权法的主要目是补偿,偶尔也支持罚金,而刑法的主要目的是惩罚,受害方是不能通过刑事诉讼得到赔偿的。


你给的这 个文章整体而言翻译的还可以,但是你的翻译偶尔会触动:信字。尤其是在语序方面。我们看一下你翻译的最后一部分:The essential purpose of the law of torts is compensatory and ,though punitive damages may occasionally be awarded , its function is distinct from that of criminal law.and injured party is not awarded compensation in the criminal proceeding .侵权法的功能和刑法的功能是不相同,侵权法的主要目是补偿,偶尔也支持罚金,而刑法的主要目的是惩罚,受害方是不能通过刑事诉讼得到赔偿的。你的这句话 的翻译问题最明显。你按照我前面说的要求在这个问题的基础上再翻译一遍,我再看看

(PS:The way to contact yumingkaobo TEL:si ling ling-liu liu ba-liu jiu qi ba ;QQ:wu si qi ling liu san ba liu er)

二、 问:老师,帮我点评一下法律英语翻译

答:There is a bewildering variety of legal systems in the world . 世界上有各种各样的让人困惑的法律体系。 Every country has its own . 每个国家都有自己的法律体系。But law is strictly defined by nationality : it stops at the border .Outside its home base ,it has no validity at all . 但是法律完全是由国家自主制定的,在国家边界之内它发挥作用,在边界之外它则一点效力都没有。Now two legal systems are exactly alike . Each is specific to its country or its jurisdiction . 现在有两个法律体系极度的相似,他们各自运用于各自的国度或司法部门。This does not mean that every legal system is entirely different from every other legal system . 这并不是说每一个法律体系都完全不同于其他的法律体系。When two countries are similar in culture ang tration , their legal systems are likely to be similar as well .当两个国家在文化和传统方面非常相似,他们的法律体系也就会非常相似。


Langdell held that law consists of certain principles or doctines and that those

scientific principles are contained in printed books . 兰德尔认为法律中包含着一定的原理或者原则,并且他认为那些科学的原理已包含在出版的书本中了。Langdell believed that legal education should occur in the classroom not in the law office. 兰德尔坚持法律教育应当在课堂上进行而不是在办公室进行。In Langdell’s view , by studying the cases on a subject , the student would learn the legal doctrines which they embody . 通过研究这个课题的相关案例,我们发现兰德尔主张学生应该学习一些具体化的法律原则。Since , in this view ,law was a science to be studied by scholars , law teachers did not need any practical experience in the profession .Rather ,they required only academic training . 因此按兰德尔的这个观点,法律应是一门由学者研究的科学,法律教师并不需要具有任何与专业相关有实践应验,他们的仅仅需要学科培训就可以了。What qualifies a person ,therefore , to teach law is not experience in dealing with men , not experience in the trial or argument of causes , not experience ,in short ,in using law ,but experience in learning law . 因此,判定一个人是否具备教授法律的资格,不是看他是否在律师事务所工作过,不是看他是否接待过当事人,不是看他是否参加过审判或者参与过案由辩论,总之,不是看他是否运用过法律,而是看他是否学过法律。




English Test Paper for Doctoral Candidates (A) 2011.01.09 Part I Listening Comprehension (15%) Section A Directions:In this section, you will hear several short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center (on Answer Sheet I). 1. A. She is in Vietnam. B. She is in Thailand. C. She is right here. D. She is in Tokyo. 2. A. By taxi. B. By bus. C. On foot. D. By train. 3. A. He stays late for the lesson. B. He is studying. C. He has little rest. D. He is resting. 4. A. She gave a lecture to the psychology class. B. She advised the woman to see a psychologist. C. She persuaded the woman not to take the course. D. She convinced the woman to apply to graduate school. 5. A. She read it selectively. B. She went over it chapter by chapter. C. She read it slowly. D. She finished it at a stretch. Section B Directions:In this section, you will hear several short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center (on Answer Sheet I). Passage One 6. A. How to choose the qualified goods. B. The consumer's rights. C. The importance of the quality. D. How to demand the replacement.


2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Obviously, the earliest teachers we have in our lives in most cases are our parents, and they are generally the most involved in the development and education of their children. Yet neither are all parents good teachers nor are those good parents the best teachers. First of all, not all parents are good teachers. As normal individuals, some parents more or less have bad habits. Even though parents almost instinctively devote themselves to cultivating their offspring, the outcome might turn out to be disappointment, for all children tend to unconsciously or subconsciously copy every thing from their parents. Another deficiency of parents as teachers is the fact that most parents are lack of common senses of education. All too often we observe some parents tend to pursue their cherished but failed dream by forcing their children to develop in a prearranged direction. Ironically, if their children did not follow the instructions, the children would be regarded as disobedient or allegedly rebellious. In fact, it is parents rather than their children that virtually disobey common senses. Moreover, some parents are qualified as good teachers, but not all of them are the best ones. When children are in the preliminary school, it is not surprising that parents are capable of teaching their children almost every subject even better than professional teachers in the school. But the situation will not last long. We live in a world where knowledge is accumulated by multiplying and at the same time becomes more and more specialized. Therefore, to be a professional in a certain field today takes much longer time than ever before. No parent is able to be professional in all fields, though they might be experts in one or more fields. Wise parents often release rather than charge their children as early as possible. They are aware of the possibility outside the family. Parents may, nevertheless, help their children much more than do good teachers. Most parts of children education are virtually beyond teachers' reaches. It is parents that supplement. Psychology studies have shown us that parents' love sometimes has astonishingly magic power to their children. Albert Einstein's mother and Forest Gump's mother are both good examples. On the other hand, parents might do their children harm more than do bad teachers as well. The natures of those children whose parents have divorced are often severely distorted. In a word, it is rather superficial to simply say that parents are the best teachers. [404 words] 4. It has been said, "Not everything that is learned is contained in books." Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why? Both experiences and books are very essential resources, and both of them have relevant merits. Experiences are the most direct resources we ever have. Almost our every basic skill came from experiences, such as walking, articulating, reading even thinking. Without experiences, some natural born abilities even might lose. Studies have shown that a baby who was robbed by animals into forest for 12 years lost his ability to talk in human language. Furthermore, it is generally accepted that each and every skill develops by experiences, and that's why people always say practice makes perfect. Books are valuable when knowledge is beyond the scope of our experiences. Perhaps the most obvious examples are those fluent writers. They write various stories, the scopes of which are far beyond any individual's experiences. Take Joyce Carol Oates for example, her productivity has been prodigious, accumulating in less than two decades to nearly thirty titles, including novels, collections of short stories and verse, plays and literary criticism. Although some of them appear to come from her own direct observations, her dreams, and her fears, much more is clearly from the experiences of others. Her fictive world remains strikingly akin to that real one reflected in the daily newspapers, the television news and talk shows, and the popular magazines of our day. Yet either experiences or books may give us wrong information. Our direct observations always are subject to our beliefs, hopes, fears, expectations, and our bias, which might make observations unreliable. People vary in their powers of observation, and the reliability of our observations is no better than the reliability of our memories, which as we know can be deceptive. Information printed in papers sometimes is unreliable either, it may be misprinted, or even deliberately distorted. For example, Definitions such as Marxism, Capitalism, Zionism are totally different in the Oxford Learner's Dictionary of Current English between the original edition and the sanctioned Russian edition. 1


武汉大学 2017年攻读博士学位研究生外语综合水平考试试题 (满分值100分) 科目名称:英语科目代码:1101 注意:所有的答题内容必须写在答案纸上,凡写在试题或草稿纸上的一律无效。 Part I Reading Comprehension (2’×20 = 40 points) Directions:In this part of the test, there will be 5 passages for you to read. Each passage is followed by 4 questions or unfinished statements, and each question or unfinished statement is followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. You are to decide on the best choice by blackening the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET. Passage One Mr Gordon is right that the second industrial revolution involved never-to-be-repeated changes. But that does not mean that driverless cars count for nothing. Messrs Erixon and Weigel are also right to worry about the West’s dismal recent record in producing new companies. But many old firms are not run by bureaucrats and have reinvented themselves many times over: General Electric must be on at least its ninth life. And the impact of giant new firms born in the past 20 years such as Uber, Google and Facebook should not be underestimated: they have all the Schumpeterian characteristics the authors admire. On the pessimists’ side the strongest argument relies not on closely watching corporate and investor behavior but rather on macro-level statistics on productivity. The figures from recent years are truly dismal. Karim Foda, of the Brookings Institution, calculates that labor productivity in the rich world is growing at its slowest rate since 1950. Total factor productivity (which tries to measure innovation) has grown at just 0.1% in advanced economies since 2004, well below its historical average. Optimists have two retorts. The first is that there must be something wrong with the figures. One possibility is that they fail to count the huge consumer surplus given away free of charge on the internet. But this is unconvincing. The official figures may well be understating the impact of the internet revolution, just as they downplayed the impact of electricity and cars in the past, but they are not understating it enough to explain the recent decline in productivity growth. Another, second line of argument that the productivity revolution has only just begun is more persuasive. Over the past decade many IT companies may have focused on things that were more “fun than fundamental” in Paul Krugman’s phrase.But Silicon Valley’s best companies are certainly focusing on things that change the material world.


考博英语作文范文【三篇】 导读:本文考博英语作文范文【三篇】,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 【第一篇:直面困难】任何事业,大至国家事业,小至个人生活,要有所成,必然面对各类困难,这时候,良好的面对困难的品质以及解决困难的方法论方面的问题: 坚持/毅力persistence,乐观being optimistic/positive 团结合作cooperation and teamwork 踏实肯干hardworking 创新意识和好奇心innovation and curiosity 学习意识learning 保持学习习惯(keep the habit of reading and learning 行动实践能力(the ability of action and practice “一屋不扫、何以扫天下” If you cant do great things, do small things in a great way Each person whether rich or poor has his own difficulties, because life is not always full of smiles and flowers. So it is very important to have a correct attitude to face up the difficulties. Different people have different views on it. Some people just want to evade and they haven’t tried their best, so they can’t achieve success in the end. But some people believe

2015中南大学考博英语经典阅读:An educationin finance

2015中南大学考博英语经典阅读:An educationin finance 国庆长假,育明考博考博小编为同学们收集整理了经典阅读资料并附有例句解析,希望育明考博考博伴随同学们共度国庆,复习的更加顺利!联系我们扣扣:四九三三七一六二六。电话:四零零六六八六九七八 An educationin finance Less well known is the increasing willingness of colleges to borrowin the markets,too.On May15th,for example,Cornell University sold$250m-worth of bonds.In recent weeks both Harvard and the University of Texashave also raised hundreds of millions of dollars in this way. Such debt-raising is becoming more common.There are abundantreasons to believe that the market will grow much bigger yet. Largely this is because colleges are only belatedly becoming awareof how useful the financial markets can be.No doubt some of their hesitationhas been cultural:academics may have been reluctant to look at theiruniversities as businesses;or they may have misunderstood what was needed tohelp those businesses grow. If they did look at their institutions in economic terms,people ineducation tended not to think that universities lacked capital.Rather,theythought that they had a structural inability to use capital and labour moreefficiently.Unlike the car industry,many schools felt that they mustmaintain,or even increase,the ratio of employees(teachers)to customers(students).Small class sizes are taken as a signal of high quality,soinvesting money to save on teachers’salaries is not anattractive strategy. Schools had other reservations as well.Poor schools were worriedabout being unable to service debt.Rich schools with huge endowments may haveseen no need. So much for an academic perspective.A growing number of investorssaw


Key to the Paper A Listening Comprehension 1-10 ACDCC ACDBA Vocabulary 11-20 BAABC ACBCA 21-30 DAABC BADCD Cloze 31-40. B D A A C B C D C B 41-50. B C A C A A D B D D Reading Comprehension 51-55 C B D A D 56-60 A B C B D 61-65 C A D A B 66-70 D A B B B 71-75 C D D A A Key to Paper B Listening Comprehension 1-10 BDADD BDACB Vocabulary 11-20 CBBCD BDCDB 21-30 ABBCD CBADA Cloze 31-40 CABBD CDADC 41-50 CDBDB BACAA Reading Comprehension 51-55 DCABA 56-60 BCDCA 61-65 DBABC 66-70 ABCCC 71-75 DAABB

Key Listening Comprehension Section C There is a time when job seekers simply wrote letters of application. "Just put down your name, address, age and whether you have passed any examinations", was about the average level of advice offered to young people applying for their first jobs when I left school. The letter was really just for openers, it was explained, everything else could and should be saved for the interview. And in those days of full employment the technique worked. The letter proved that you could write and were available for work. Your eager face and intelligent replies did the rest. Later, as you moved up the ladder, something slightly more sophisticated was called for. The advice then was to put something in the letter which would distinguish you from the rest. It might be called the aggressive approach. Your search is over and I am the person you' ve been waiting for. Or it might be some special feature specially designed for the job in view. There is no doubt, however, that it is the increasing number of applicants with university education at all points in the process of engaging staff that has led to the greater importance of the resume. Translation A 暗示我们现在正进入一个如同工业革命一样具有意义重大而深远的时代几乎可以说是一个老调重谈的话题。当你考虑这个问题时,计算机和通信的融合已经给我们的大多数社会机构带来了巨大的影响。这一融合给教育、卫生、娱乐和商业创造了前所未有的机会,不幸的是,它也给犯罪创造了史无前例的机会。在我看来探讨这些负面影响,并且采取合适的对策将会是下一个世纪的巨大挑战之一。 这一挑战的威力如此之大以至于它能单独抵制法律实施的能力而达到控制的目的。因此,新的政策形式,包括利用非政府资源,将变得极其重要。考虑到网络无国界这一事实,计算机犯罪经常超越国界,采取有效的对策也将要求国际合作达到一种史无前例的程度。 B I’m writing to you today to express my thanks for your hospitality during the time of “the National Physics Workshop”. I’m here to congratulate you and your coworkers for the great success of the workshop! I have had good experience in attending many academic conferences, but my experience this time has left me very good memories. The one hour visit to your laboratory made me aware of the condition and achievements of your scientific research. I hope that in the future we can share the resources and carry out scientific research cooperation in many aspects. I also hope that we can have the opportunity to invite you to have an academic visit to our university. We will try to provide convenience for your visit and the subsequent necessities of the future cooperation between us.


英语范文35篇 根据教育部1992年颁布的《研究生英语教学大纲》(以下简称大纲《大纲》 的要求:“非英语专业博士研究生英语入学水平原则上应达到或高于硕士生的通过水平。”《大纲》中对硕士生的写作要求是“掌握基本写作技能(如文章结构、段落展开和起承转合等),能按具体要求,在一小时内写出250词左右的短文,正确表达思想,语意连贯,无重大语言错误。” 第一部分写作文的要求,评分标准及考试中普遍存在的问题 一考试要求 1.文章内容切题。审题准确,不跑题。 2.表达清楚。语言简洁、准确、说理清楚,读者能从作文内容清楚理解作者写作意图。 3.意义连贯。文字连贯、层次分明、意义表达完整。要使文章意义连贯必须具有一 定的技能,包括较强的语感,遣词造句能力和文章谋篇布局的组织能力; 4.语言规范。符合英语表达的习惯、语法错误较少、语言基本功扎实,最终避免中式英语。 二作文的评分标准及样卷介绍 14 分: 内容符合要求, 包括了标题或提纲中的全部内容;语言流畅;层次分明,句式有 变化。词汇丰富,句子结构和用词准确,文章长度符合要求。 11分:内容符合要求,包括了标题或提纲中的全部内容;文字连贯,句式有一定变化,句子结构和用词无重大错误,文章长度符合要求。 8分:内容符合要求,包括了标题或提纲中多数内容;基本清楚表达的主题的内涵; 句子结构和用词有少量错误,个别是大错。文章长度符合要求。 5 分:内容基本切题,基本表达了标题或提纲中的内容;文字连贯,语言可以理解, 但有较多的结构和用词错误,且大错较多。文章长度基本符合要求。 2 分:基本切题,但语句支离破碎,只有少数句子可以理解。 0 分:文不切题。只将预先背诵的某篇文章默写下来,或语句混乱,无法理解。 附:14 分样卷 Topic:With her entry into WTO, China is being plunged into an international competition for talents, and in particular, for higher- level talents. To face this new challenge, China must do something, among other things, to reform her graduate(postgraduate) education system. State your opinion aobut this reform, and give the solid supporting details to your viewpoint. With China’s entry into WTO, she is facing a lot of chances and challenges in many aspects. As far as talents are concerned, China is being plunged into an international competition for talents, especially for higher-level talents. In order to adapt this new challenge, China must do something, among other things, to reform her graduate education system.


2011年中南大学考博英语真题及详解 Paper One Part I Use of English (20%) Section A Vocabulary and Structure (10%) Directions: There are20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter On Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1. They were forced to ______ on necessities in order to make their limited supplies last the longish winter. A. skimp B. exhaust C. stingy D. count 【答案】A 【解析】句意:为了用有限的供应度过较长的冬季,他们被迫在必需品上省钱。skimp on 节约,节省,固定搭配。exhaust用尽。stingy吝啬的。count on指望。根据句意答案选A。 2. The police are working on a ______ into suspected drug dealing in the outskirt of the city.

最新博士英语作文范文 经典35篇

最新博士英语作文范文经典35篇 1. Television Program and Their Effect on children Television programs regularly entertain, educate, effect and even frighten the majority of our children. Most children are allowed to watch whatever program is on, with little thought on the effect that particular show will have on a child. Most programs can be classed as beneficial or harmful, according to what effect the program might have on a child. The beneficial television programs are mainly thouse that educate the young. There a re often specials on animal life. A few regular children’s programs develop the child’s interest in school-type learning by stressing numbers and the alphablt, and that encourages him or her to be creative. The beneficial commercials, such as those on anti-smoking, anti-litter, and health, should be included in this category. On the opposite side are the shows, which are generally harmful to children. Many commercials, especially those sponsoring the children’s programs, are deliberately written to create a desire for an unnecessary product such as sugar coated cereals and candy. All adult programs that include violence or sex scenes can at best fill a child’s mind with confusing or misleading ideas, and could possib ly harden the child to violence. Thoughtful parents will definitely not allow their children to view the bad programs. A child’s viewing time should be limited to watching educationlly benefical programs. 2. How to Solve the Housing Problem in Big Cities With the development of modern industruy, more and more people are flowing into big cities. Accordingly, the housing problem in big cities is becoming more and more serious. People have offered many solutions to this problem. I think building satellite cities in the suburbs is more practical. The fresh air and beautiful secnery in the suburbs will be appealing to the city citizens, who suffer from air pollution, noises, etc. in the overcrowded city. With more people leaving the city, more space will be available for those remaining. The housing problem in big cities will thus be solved. 3. “The younger generation knows best” Old people are always saying that the young are not what they were. The same comments is made from generation to generation and it is always true. It has never been truer than ti is today. The young are better educated. They have a lot more money to spend and enjoy more freedom. They grow up more quickly and are not so dependent on their parents. They think more for themselves and do not blindly accept the ideas of their elders. Events, which the older generation remembers vividly, are nothing more than past history. This is as it should be. Every new generation is different from the one preceded it. Today the difference is very marked indeed. The old always assume that they know best for the simple reason that they have been around a bit longer. They don’t like to feel that their values are being questioned or threatened. And this precisely what the young are doing. They are questioning the

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