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高考英语口试题目举例 Revised by Liu Jing on January 12, 2021



Can you say something about your learning habits?

Can you say something about your school life?

Can you say something about your senior school?

What kind of school activities do you like best Why


Can you tell us something about one of the members in your family?

Can you say something about your family?

What birthday present will you give to the members of your family Why


Can you say something about one of your classmates?

Who is your favorite English teacher Why

Do you like helping other Why/why not


Which film star do you like best Why

Do you like watching movies in your spare time Why/why not

What animal do you like best Why


What’s the date today?

Do you like to study in a university in our province Why/why not

第一份1、What is your favorite subject Why 2、How do you usually spend your weekends 3、What do you think of your school Please

describe it. 第二份1、How do you usually celebrate your birthday 2、Do you want to take English as your major Why Why not 3、Can you tell us something about your English teacher 第三份1、Do you often ask your English teacher questions Why/ Why not 2、How can you improve your spoken English 3、Would you please give a brief introduction of your family

第一份1、What’s your favorite sport Why/Why not2、How many classes are there in your school 3、Are you good at English 第二份1、Which is your favorite university 2、What subject are you good at 3、Could you tell me something about your family 第三份1、How often do you go to see a film/ 2、How far is it from your home to your school 3、Do you often help do housework

第一份1、Do you think spoken English is important Why Why not

2、What’s your favorite subject

3、How do you usually celebrate your parents’ birthday第二份1、How do you like your Chinese teacher 2、How do you usually celebrate your birthday 3、Do you often do something good for your class How 第三份1、How much time do you spend on English reading everyday 2、What does your father do 3、Is the city/village where you are living beautiful

第一份1、Why do you study English 2、Which season do you like best Why 3、What are your parents 第二份1、How do you learn

English 2、Which subject do you like best Why 3、How will you spend your summer holidays 第三份1、Do you like English Why

2、How do your parents celebrate your birthday

3、Is your hometown beautiful Say something about your hometown.

(一)1、Is it important to learn English Why Why not 2、How many classed did you have in Senior Three every day 3、What do you do to keep fit (二)1、Do you like English Why Why not 2、How are you getting along with your school life 3、Who is your favourite teacher Please say something about him/her. (三)1、What subject do you like best Why 2、How often do you watch TV

3、What's your interest Please say something about it

一份1、When will the 29th Olympic Games be held in Beijing 2、Do you celebrate your birthday How 3、What’s your favourite food Why 第二份1、What do you usually do for your holiday 2、What do you think you can do for the disabled people 3、How do you spend your spare time 第三份1、Do you like playing computer games Why Why not 2、Is the computer useful in our daily life Please give some examples. 3、Say something about your hobby, please.

(一) 1、Do you like your monitor Why Why not 2、Is your English teacher strict with you in your studies How 3、How are you getting along with your classmates (二) 1、What kind of music do you like

best 2、What do you think of your English teacher 3、Who is your best friend Say something about him\her. (三) 1、Do you often use dictionaries when you learn English 2、what date is your birthday 3、How do you like your mother

(一)1、Do you often play football/table tennis/volleyball/ Why Why not 2、Which do you like better,watching TV or seeing movies

3、Please say something about your family. (二)1、Do you enjoy music Why Why not 2、What's your favourite subject 3、What do you often do on Sundays (三)1、Do you buy any presents for your parents on their birthdays 2、What sport do you like best 3、What are you going to do during summer holidays

(一)1、 Do you often listen to English programs Why Why not

2、What do you do in your spare time

3、Do you like your school Why Why not (二)1、Do you often watch TV Why Why not 2、What are you going to be in the future 3、Who is your favourite teacher Please say something about him/her. (三)1、How do you usually spend your weekends 2、Do you have any penfriends Please say something about him/her 3、What do you usually do in your spare time (一)1、Do you like sports Why Why not 2、What did you do after the collage entrance examinations 3、Please say something about one of your good friends. (二)1、Do you think collecting stamps

interesting Why Why not 2、What subjects did you study 3、What do you do to improve your English (三)1、What's your favourite food 2、How long did you spend on your homework every day 3、Could you please say something about your school


1、How do you find your English teacher

2、Do you love music Why/Why not

university do you like best Why 第二份1、Do you often watch TV at home Which channel/Why not 2、How do you usually spend your weekends 3、What are you going to be in the future 第三份1、Do you love your hometown Why/ Why not 2、What is your favorite sport 3、What do you often do in your spare time

I、1、Do you like music Why/Why not 2、What subject do you like best Why 3、Why do you learn spoken English II、1、Do you

like spoken English Why/Why not 2、Do you listen to music while you are studying Why/Why not 3、What will you do if you have a lot of

money III、1、Do you think friends are important to you Why/Why not 2、Please say sth about one of your best friends. 3、What TV programme do you like best Why

1、Do you often watch TV Why/Why not

2、What are your hobbies Please say sth about them.

3、How do you celebrate your birthday II、

1、How do you spend your weekends

2、What’s your favourite sport Why

3、Do you think money is very important to you III、1、Do you think friendship is important to you Why/Why not 2、What is your favorite food Why 3、Do you like animals Why/Why not

1、Please say sth about your hometown.

2、Do you often play computer games Why/Why not

3、What is your favorite university Why


1、How do you spend your spare time

2、Please say sth about one of your good friends>

3、Do you love your school Why/Why not


1、Do you like to have a part-time job Why/Why not

2、How do you find your English teacher

is your favorite subject Why

1、How do you practise your spoken English

2、Do you remember your parents’ birthday How do you celebrate them

3、What season do you like best Why II、1、Would you please introduce your family

2、Do you like fast food Why/Why not

3、Do you think friendship is important to you Why/Why not III、1、Do you share your feelings

with your friends Why/Why not 2、Are you ready to help others

Why/Why not 3、How do you improve your spoken English

1、Do you keep any pets Why/Why not

2、How will you spend your holidays this summer

3、Do you like traveling Why/Why not II、

1、How do you spend your pocket money

2、Where would you like to travel Why

3、Do you think that good memory is important in learning English Why/Why not III、1、What kind of music do you like

2、What do you do to improve your English

3、Say sth about your hobby, please.


上海高考英语口试应试技巧 一.第一部分快速应答 此部分主要为考察日常生活中最主要的语言功能,在历届上海高考口试中其考点一般可分为12项,这12项为: Greetings问候 Asking Introductions介绍 Saying Good-bye告别 Making Requests and Giving Instructions请求 Giving Thanks致谢 Asking for Permission允许 Showing Agreement or disagreement同意不同意 Giving Invitations发出邀请 Asking Direction问题 Expressing Good Wishes祝愿 Requesting and Offering Help请求与帮助 Making Apologies道歉 考生若要高分,则必须将这12个部分的相关表达,练习熟练,这样才能在实考中迎刃而解。例如:(在实考中,考生听见) 题目:Some of the lessons are rather dull. 考生反应:这是一个考showing agreement or disagreement型试题,因此马上在脑海中出现这一方面的准备回答用语(已记熟)如:That’s sure / I agree with you. / That’s exactly. / What I was thinking. / I think so. (补一句)I don’t like the lessons at all. I’m tired of listening to these lessons. 结论:收集整理记忆日常生活中12类表达及相关内容是取胜该部分的关键。 二.第二部分提问题 道正认为这部分试题主要对给定的情景进行提问(用特殊疑问句)这部分应试关键在于划分给定句子成份,针对不同成份预先设计问题,实考中将中心词摸去即可。下面举一个用名词提问方式: 例:One more underground line has been built recently in Shanghai。 分析:本句结构可分解成如下几部分。 One more underground line(主语) 思路:名词应含组成件,每一条line必有stop,因此提问: How many stops does this new line have? 思路:并且每一条线都有终点与起点,因此提问: Where is the terminal of this new line? 思路:第一条地铁线都有方位/方向,因此提问: Can we go to Pudong by this new line. 其他思路:地点有无工作人员,司机若干,车票如何 总结,这一部分只要将句子任一组成部分深入展开,寻找细节,则解题方法极多。 三.口头表达 此部分占整个口试考试30%,是口试中的重点与难点,该部分应试方法主要关键在于将上海高考口试中的对应部分试题归类,然后事先可收集该分类的相关表达,便可取得


2008年高考英语口试问答题目 1.How do you like your school? 2.Do you have any difficulties in learning English? 3.Do you celebrate your parents’ birthday? How? 4.How do you improve your English? 5.Do you like sports? What kind of sports do you like? 6.Who is your favourite teacher? Why? 7.What do you think of Sichuan earthquake? 8.Please say something about your family. 9.Where would you like to go for your holidays? 10.Can you tell something about one of your friends? 11.How often do you usually have sports? 12.What present will you give to your father on his birthday? Why? 13.Can you tell us something about either of your parents? 14.Do you like traveling? Why? Why not? 15.What would do to protect yourself when an earthquake broke out? 16.Can you introduce yourself briefly? 17.What do you think of studying abroad? 18.What present will you give to your mother on her birthday? Why?


2020年高考英语复习资料:口语考试必背短句(15) 421.At this point,I propose a toast:to the cooperation between…And…,to the health of Senator…,cheers! 最后,我借主人的酒,提议为…干杯! https://www.doczj.com/doc/4c17132126.html,stly,taking up this glass of fine wine,I propose a toast to…请各位举杯并同我一起为所有在座的朋友们的健康干杯! 423.I’d ask you to raise your glass and join me in a toast to the health of all our friends present here.敬您一杯! 424.Here‘s to you!祝你健康! 425.To your health!我要为此干杯! 426.I’ll drink to that!随量! 427.Whatever you like!我失陪一会儿! 428.Excuse me for a minute.菜不好,请多多包涵! 429.Hope you enjoy yourself. 女士们先生们,欢迎各位光临,演出很快就要开始了,请尽快就坐。Ladies and gentlemen,good evening.The concert/show would start soon.Please get yourself seated.Thank you. 招待会现在开始。 430.The reception will now begin.全体起立,奏国歌! 431.All rise please.For the P.R.C.N ational Anthem!出席今天招待会的贵宾有… 432.The distinguished guests paarticipating there ception are…现在请…讲话


高考英语口试考什么 高考外语口试是对考生外语听、说、读能力的考查,外语口试成绩是外语外贸类专业录取时的参考成绩,考生一定要认真对待。据了解,今年本市有近4万余名考生参加外语口试。考点有7所高校:北京第二外国语学院、北京外国语大学、外交学院、中国传媒大学、北京语言大学、首都师范大学、对外经济贸易大学。口试语种有英语、俄语、日语、德语4个语种,除了北京外国语大学开考4个语种口试外,其他考点只有英语类口试。 一般高考外语口试将于6月10日、11日进行,考生报考了某所高校的外语专业,并不意味着就在这所高校口试。每个考生的口试地点和具体时间,已在高考前发给考生的《外语口试通知单》上注明,考生要按照《外语口试通知单》上的时间按时到达指定的考点参加口试。 口试内容 考试分为两部分:第一部分是以一篇小短文为基础,要求考生朗读指定部分,并能在不看短文的情况下回答主考老师就短文内容提出的若干问题。第二部分是就日常生活或简单的社会问题提出一个可供考生自由发挥的话题,做一个简短的口头作文,一般不少于十句话。考官将根据考生4方面的表现打分,包括语音语调语流、理解能力、表达能力、反应快慢,成绩按5、4、3、2四级评定,3分和3分以上为合格。口试成绩将与高考成绩一起公布。 考试流程 1、考生凭《准考证》、《口试通知单》及身份证按照《外语口试通知单》上的时间按时到达指定的考点报到。

2、考生进入考场只能携带钢笔或圆珠笔(蓝、黑色)、高考《准考证》、《外语口试通知单》、身份证,不得携带手机、电子词典、书包、书籍、纸张等。 3、考生进入考点,要严格按人员的安排进行有关各项准备。一般程序为在工作人员的指引下依次进入候考室、备考室和考场。 4、考生在候考室领取《外语口试成绩表》,对照口试通知单认真填写区县、口试号、考生号、姓名、性别等项目。 5、每个考生在备考室按试卷内容准备10分钟,然后由工作人员安排进入考场口试。 6、口试时要严肃认真,积极主动回答口试教师的提问。 7、口试完毕后,立即退出考场,退出考场后不得与未口试的考生交谈有关口试内容,不得在考场附近停留或大声喧哗。 高考生如何准备英语口试 1、考前准备 高考文化课考试结束了,考生在参加口试前的这一段时间,还应保持一定的应考状态,别彻底放松。考生应有意识地创造说英语的条件,如在路上或家里尝试着说一些简单的英语,和同学用英语交谈。可以自己在家或与同学一起做模拟练习,找一篇350字左右的英语短文,在规定的时间内默读完短文,然后自问自答或互相提问,模拟考试的情形,练习回答问题的技巧。考生们可以提前准备一些关于你的家庭、校园生活、学习、业余爱好、旅游、假期活动、对社会问题的认识等等的话题。


高考英语口试概况及样题Newly compiled on November 23, 2020

高考英语口试概况 一. 口试的对象: 报考外语专业或报考对外语有特殊要求的专业(省高招办在招生计划公布时注明)的考生。外语口试的题目由省教育厅自行命题。 二. 口试的程序: 外语口试试卷共6套,每半天使用一套题,每套题各包含3份题型相同、难度相近但内容不同的考题,由考生随机抽取一份作为口试题目。每份试题包括两部分: 一部分是“提问问题”(本部分题目由主考老师持有); 另一部分是“短文朗读”(本部分由学生持有并在考场内准备1分钟左右)。每位考生口试总时间一般控制在3至5分钟。 三. 口试的等级: 考生口试成绩由2至3位口试教师按试卷评判标准统一评估后填入记录表。主考老师对考生语音面貌以及语言交流情况作出优、良、合格、不合格四个等级的评价。考生是否有口吃、大舌、嘶哑、方言过重也作为评判的根据。等级成绩并不计入学生高考总分,而是当成院校录取参考。 四. 口试的备考:

1、“提问问题”部分 主考老师就日常生活方面的话题与考生交谈(也就是一般问答)。考生在这部分存在的问题主要是准备不足,考时紧张,本来简单而容易的问题,却不能正确回答,或者没听清楚老师的问题而草率回答,造成失分。就这方面存在的问题,考生在考前应作好充分准备。日常生活会话,范围不广,很容易做好准备。一般是见面时的问候语,或者是关于学校、家庭、学习(特别是英语学习)方面的问题等。 2、“短文朗读”部分 这一部分主要考察考生的语音、语调是否准确;意群的划分、停顿是否得当;是否能读出感情色彩等朗读技巧。在这部分测试中,部分考生问题主要在语调、停顿、感情色彩方面,考生只是很平淡地用一种语调朗读短文。备考时应模仿说话人的语气,语调,尽量把感情色彩读出来。在朗读文章时还要充分理解短文的内容,只有完全了解了文章的含义、内容,才能用正确的语气朗读出来。考试时也应利用有限的时间把短文的含义弄清楚,不能只局限于认识所有的单词,然后读出来就完了。考生可以每天跟着磁带(或mp3)朗读一段短文,校正自己的语音、语调(这很重要)。高考听力材料的最后一篇独白,可以作为跟读材料。 3、临场应考方面 考试时要从容不迫, 落落大方, 彬彬有礼, 同时要克服紧张情绪。遇到听


高考英语口语考试必背短语 首先first of all/ to begin with 起初at first 第一次for the first time 某人第一次做某事时the first time +句子 在开始的时候in the beginning/at the beginning of … 同时meanwhile/ at the same time 过了一会after a while 从那时起since then/ from then on 直到现在up to now 不久以后before long 之后不久It’s not long before... 随着时间的流逝As time goes by, 就我而言as far as I am concerned 众所周知As we all know/ As is known to all 正如这样的情况… As is the case 另外,此外besides/ what’s more/ moreover 更糟/严重的是what’s worse/more serious 更重要的是what’s more important is that… 结果as a result/ therefore 我想It occurs/ occurred to me that… 也就是说that’s to say/ in other words 说实话to be frank/ to tell the truth 就象…just like … 就是因为… just because 不只是因为…not just because 或多或少more or less 迟早sooner or later 为……树立榜样set a good example to…


高考英语听说考试满分技巧 有很多的同学是非常想知道,高考英语听说考试满分技巧是什么?接下来是小编为大家整理的高考英语听说考试满分技巧,希望大家喜欢! 高考英语听说考试满分技巧一 听纯正的英文节目和歌曲 高中的学习节奏很紧凑,但是我们在学习之余还是要适当的放松,这时候看一些英文电影,听一听英文歌曲,不光可以起到放松的作用,还可以顺带练习一下听力。 听英文电台培养预感 平时多收听一些英文的电台,或者去书店买一些电台节目的光盘。刚开始的时候可能会听不懂,但是这是一个培养语感的过程,有了语感,才能在考试中提高听力的成绩。 找有文字材料的听力去听 我们在做听力练习的时候,最好找有文字材料的听力。在听完之后把材料拿出来看一看,然后再回去听,这时你会惊讶的发现有些听不懂的地方居然能听懂了,打个比方,如果你想把大象装进冰箱里,首先就需要把冰箱门打开,如果连冰箱门都打不开,何谈把大象装进冰箱里呢? 高考英语听说考试满分技巧二 1.定下心,快读题 高考英语听力测试旨在考查学生理解口头英语的能力。很多学生并非能力上不行而是心理上过分紧张,影响水平的正常发挥。充分利用好发卷后的三分钟左右时间,快速浏览试题及选项。根据题干和相关选项可以预测一部分可能的背景知识,确定听音的重点,使听音具有明确的方向性和选择性。 小编推荐:高考英语听力高分策略 声音过去好似一阵风,因此,一定要把能做的一切准备放在听音前,尤其是对付听力材料,因为“只读一遍”。“信心”还包括“当机立断,尊重第一次选择”。某一地方听不清楚也很正常,不必紧张心慌,听完一题应该当机立断选答案,赶紧阅读下一题。没有十分的把握不要轻易改掉一开始选的答案。 2.抓关键,巧记录



上海高考英语口试应试技巧 一.第一部分快速应答 此部分主要为考察日常生活中最主要的语言功能,在历届上海高考口试中其考点一般可分为12项,这12项为: Greetings问候 Asking Introductions介绍 Saying Good-bye告别 Making Requests and Giving Ins tructions请求 Giving Thanks致谢 Asking for Permission允许 Showing Agreement or disagree ment同意不同意 Giving Invitations发出邀请 Asking Direction问题 Expressing Good Wishes祝愿 Requesting and Offering Help请求与帮助 Making Apologies道歉 考生若要高分,则必须将这12个部分的相关表达,练习熟练,这样才能在实考中迎刃

而解。例如:(在实考中,考生听见) 题目:Some of the lessons are r ather dull. 考生反应:这是一个考showing agr eement or disagreement型试题,因此马上在脑海中出现这一方面的准备回答用语(已记熟)如:That’s sure / I agree with y ou. / That’s exactly. / What I was thinking. / I think so. (补一句)I don’t like the lessons at all. I’m tired of listening to these l essons. 结论:收集整理记忆日常生活中12类表达及相关内容是取胜该部分的关键。 二.第二部分提问题 道正认为这部分试题主要对给定的情景进行提问(用特殊疑问句)这部分应试关键在于划分给定句子成份,针对不同成份预先设计问题,实考中将中心词摸去即可。下面举一个用名词提问方式:


2018年英语口试问题参考题组 1 I-1 1) Describe one of your social activities. 2)Describe yourself. 3) What book have you read that impress you most? Say sth. I-2 1) Tell sth. Unforgettable about your school life. 2) What’s your favorite book/ movie/ TV? Why? 3) What’s your favorite animal? Why? 1-3 1) Is smart phone helpful to your studies? Explain. 2) Describe a challenge you have ever experienced. 3) How often do you read newspapers? What section do you like best? 2018年英语口试问题参考题组 2 II-1 1) Describe one of the most exciting things in school. 2) What’s your hometown like? 3) Does Wechat play an important role in your study? Explain. II-2 1) Do you think competitions are important for high school students? Why? 2) What person has most influenced you in your life? Say sth. about him/her. 3) What do you remember about your first day of school or your first teacher? II-3 1) What event of the school sports meet have you ever taken part in? Say a few words about it. 2)Recommend a good book with a brief introduction. 3)Do you have any plan for your future studies? Say sth. about it. 2018年英语口试问题参考题组 3 III-1 1) Do you think your smart phone does harm to your study? Why or why not? 2) Use three adjectives to describe yourself. 3) What is the happiest experience you ’ve ever had in school? III-2 1) Have you ever bought anything on line? If so, say sth. about it. If not, explain. 2) Do you think a good eating habit is important for health? Why? 3) Do you often tell your parents about your school life? Why? Why not? III-3 1) Do you like shopping on line? Why? Why not? 2) How do you usually keep in touch with your friends? 3) Describe your favorite teacher in a few words. 2018年英语口试问题参考题组 4 IV-1 1) What is the happiest memory about your childhood? 2) Do you have any idea about your future major at college? Say sth. about it. 3) Do you watch TV? If so, what ’s your favorite programme? If not, why? IV-2 1) How many hours a week do you do sports? Is that too little, too much, or just enough? Explain. 2) What majors do you like to choose mostly in college? 3) Describe one of your best friends. IV-3 1) What do you think of your school life? 2) Please recommend some TV programs that you think are worth watching. 3) Do you have any dream about your future? Say a few words about it. 英语口语考试常涉及的问题: 1.subjects 2.school activities 3.class 4.family 5.singer/film star/song/book 6.animals pets 7. friendship 8. neigbourhood 9. studying 1.How do you like your school? 2. What present will you give to your mother on her birthday? 3.What present will you give to your father on his birthday? 4What will you do to protect yourself when an earthquake broke out? 5.What should you do before leaving the lab? 6.Please say something about either of your parents. 7.Will you introduce yourself briefly?

2019-高考英语口语考试必背的内容-精选word文档 (5页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 高考英语口语考试必背的内容 1. How much? 多少钱? 2. I see.我明白了。 3. I quit! 我不干了! 4. Let go! 放手! 5. Me too.我也是。 6. My god! 天哪! 7. No way! 不行! 8. Come on.来吧(赶快) 9. Hold on.等一等。 10. I agree。我同意。 11. Not bad.还不错。 12. Not yet.还没。 13. See you.再见。 14. Shut up! 闭嘴! 15. So long.再见。 16. Why not? 好呀! (为什么不呢?) 17. Allow me.让我来。 18. Be quiet! 安静点! 19. Cheer up! 振作起来!

20. Good job! 做得好! 21. Have fun! 玩得开心! 22. How much? 多少钱? 23. I'm full.我饱了。 24. I'm home.我回来了。 25. I'm lost.我迷路了。 26. My treat.我请客。 27. So do I.我也一样。 28. This way。这边请。 29. After you.您先。 30. Bless you! 祝福你! 31. Follow me.跟我来。 32. Forget it! 休想! (算了!) 33. Good luck! 祝好运! 34. I decline! 我拒绝! 35. I promise.我保证。 36. Of course! 当然了! 37. Slow down! 慢点! 38. Take care! 保重! 39. They hurt. (伤口)疼。 40. Try again.再试试。 41. Watch out! 当心。 42. What's up? 有什么事吗? 43. Be careful! 注意!


高考英语听力测试技巧 1.快读拿到试卷后马上开始做些前期基本工作,不要单等着听录音,重点放在只可听 一遍的前5道小题上。 1)浏览试卷。看看全卷(指听力卷)有几道大题,可以听几遍录音。 2)掠读题目。了解试题题型,注意题目及要求。 3)扫描选项。选项是解题的关键,充分利用听录音前短暂的时间,扫描试题选项,预 测所听内容及重点。 2.整听不要孤立地听一个单词、一个句子,遇到没听懂的题目不要停留,要特别注意 录音内容与试题问题顺序出现前后次序不一致的情形。 1)听整道题目。应尽量听完每道小题后,再做选择。 2)听整个句段。这样则可以结合上下文语境,加深理解。特别在听对话题时,更应如此。 3)听整篇主题。把握了对话及短文的主题,会有助于我们更好地捕捉信息,推测判断。 3.速记听力测试内容一般包括对话和短文(独白)等,其中短文理解题因其较长,问题 灵活多变而难度较大,这就要求我们边听边做好速记??主要是和试题题目密切相关的信息。 1)记信息词(关键词)。如短文中的数字、地点、人物、时间和原因。 2)记重点词。动词、名词、形容词、副词、连词、介词。 3)记疑问点。遇到个别不理解的关键词,可先记下其读音,过后再思考,或是注意下 文是否还会提及。 4.巧查做完题目后,适当而有效的检查是非常重要的,因为不可能再听一遍录音,所 以我们可以通过以下方式检查,确保做完每道试题??重点是作答时有疑惑的题目,确保答卷不留空白。 1)借助话题情景。通过文段主题及上下文情景,展开合理推测 2)借助语言知识。运用掌握的句法、词法、语法等知识,进行判断分析。

3)借助一般常识。根据我们日常生活和学习中所得到的常识来确认答案。这样,只要 我们“读、听、记、查”一气呵成,用好有限时间;眼、耳、手、脑四官并用,注意用脑去“听”,就一定能做好听力试题,取得理想成绩。 克服负面情绪,树立自信 听力测试很大程度上反映出被测试者的心理素质。紧张、焦虑、急噪容易产生恐惧心理,影响正常听力水平的发挥,导致反应速度和把握信息的准确性大大降低。因此,同学们在做听力训练时,材料的选择要难易适中,循序渐进。 高考英语口试技巧 一、把握好开头和结尾 俗话说“好的开始等于成功的一半”,在第一个考试环节给老师留下深刻的印象非常重要。 因为高考阅卷的工作量很大,老师往往没有精力去仔细听学生的全部录音,开头和结尾的几句录音通常决定了考生的最终成绩。所以要想取得好成绩,考生必须做到“先声夺人”。尤其是第一句话,正确、流利、洪亮,让阅卷老师眼前一亮。在听完音频后,不要急于录音,注意调整好设备的音量和距离,保证录音效果;并调整自己的呼吸,让声音和气息达 到最佳状态。 二、突出主题,注意连贯性 在英语口试复述的环节里,一定要注意围绕主题进行。有的考生为了避免语法错误,会尽量用自己准备过的材料,而拼凑一些散乱的内容和句子。这样就无法做到情节连贯和语言流畅,同样无法拿到高分。要做好这个环节,也需要考生按照5W1H的原则做好笔记, 并理清时间顺序和人物关系。在梳理出整个故事或事件的主题和发展过程之后,必要时还可以对没听清的细节进行适当的发挥,以保证复述的完整性、连贯性和生动性。最后再检查语言中是否存在语法错误。在复述的时候,注意表达要清晰,声音要洪亮,节奏要分明。 三、抓住重点、准确简洁 提问或回答问题时,有的考生会由于没有听清或者不知道正确答案,而将自己听到的或猜到的内容全部复述一遍,眉毛胡子一把抓,不但未得要领,而暴露了更多错误,让阅卷老师哭笑不得。建议考生在听音频的时候,把握5W1H的原则,对其中的时间(when)、地点(where)、人物(who)、事件(what)、起因(why)和具体方法(HOW)等关键信息做好记录。回 答的时候一定要简洁精炼,不要因为怕失分而将所有信息都说一遍,那样恰恰给老师传递了“我完全没有听懂”的信息,而且还会影响老师的情绪,进一步失分。


2012届高考英语口试复习材料 (一)云南省普通高考英语口语考试及评测说明核心提示 我省高考英语口语测试采用全国英语等级考试(PETS)二级计算机辅助口语考试试题,以下是对PETS第二级考试计算机辅助口语考试简要介绍。 1)概述 PETS第二级考试计算机辅助口语考试时间约为12分钟,满分为5分。口试中计算机播放的指导语为英语。 2)内容与结构 口试分为三节,测试考生的英语口语交际能力。考试时间约为12分钟。 口试采取计算机测试的形式。 第一节:考查考生初次见面时向他人提供个人的事实性信息(如姓名、学校、职业、家庭等)的能力。该节约需2分钟。 第二节:考查考生根据动画内容,询问具体事情,回答有关具体事情的询问的能力。该节约需6分钟。 第三节:就第二节谈论的话题进行继续性问答,考查考察考生回答具体问题;阐述个人观点的能力。该节约需4分钟。 3)口试步骤 口试考试前,考生输入准考证号,进入测试系统进行试音。 口试考试后,进入第一节,考生回答屏幕上口试教师提出的有关考生个人情况的几个问题。该节时间约为2分钟。 第二节包括两段动画,一段动画考生就动画内容提问,李明回答;另一段动画李明提问,考生回答。该节时间约为6分钟。 第三节和第二节穿插进行,即考生完成第二节第一段动画的话题后,口试教师出现,询问有关这个话题的继续性问题;考生完成第二节第二段动画的话题后,口试教师再询问有关这个话题的继续性问题。该节时间约为4分钟。 4)PETS2级计算机辅助口语过程模拟(见光盘) (1)考试正式开始,计算机播放动画。办公室门打开,镜头推进,口试教师坐在桌子后面,微笑道:Hello. Welcome to PETS-2 speaking test. My name is Wang Jing. Nice to meet you. (2)口试教师向考生提问:“What’s your name, please?”考生听到“嘟”的一声后回答(回答问题时间5秒)。然后口试教师继续提问下列问题(每个问题考生有7秒的回答时间) Where do you study?/What subjects do you study?/What subject do you like best?


高考英语口语考试备考须知 成绩评定评分等第为优、良、及格、不及格。一般情况下高校的要求要在良以上。 评分标准: 优:语音、语调准确,吐音清晰,朗读流利,对句子重读、意群和停 顿、连读、节奏等方面把握较好,能回答主考所提出的问题。 良:语音、语调比较准确,朗读流利,对重读、意群和停顿、连读、节 奏等把握较好,基本上能回答主考所提出的问题。 及格:语音、语调基本准确,虽有些错音,但能模仿出正确读音,朗读 较为流利,能回答主考所提出的部分问题。 不及格:口吃、大舌、嘶哑、方言过重或有其他先天性发音障碍(即可评为不及格),语音语调差,且无法模仿出正确的读音,朗读文段不流利,几乎回答不了主考所提出的问题。 大部分的学生经过认真准备,达到良的水平一般都没有问题,考官培训的时候也都被要求放低标准,尽量不卡考生的前程。所以大家放松心情,一定要自信,你们都很棒! 为大家考试顺利特补充以下几点:(请大家格外注意黑体部分) 考试内容: 福建省高考英语口试主要由两大内容组成:1,朗读短文;2,回答问题。 一,短文。在短文朗读过程中,将着重考查考生的语音、语调、流 利度、重读、意群、连读、节奏等基本的语音技能。所以应在1分钟准备的时候一边快熟朗读,一边读懂短文,有利于正式考试的时候能够按照意群朗读达到理想的效果。同时,文章中还会出现若干个非常见人名、地名,遇到读不出来的单词,你可根据词型,大概发音就行,不要卡在那了,关键是流利。还要注意序数词,2nd, 3rd 等以及较长数字如 754,000,000的准确读法。 另外,值得注意的是朗读和回答不必求快,从容自然的表现不仅给人留下良好的印象,也有利于你与考官的交流。 二,问题。问题将由教官口头提出。考生将见不到考题的文字。这也是同时在考查考生的听力能力。毕竟,听、说不分家。考生如果没有听 清问题,可以请考官重复问题。口试过程中有些紧张,有时考官提出的问题不太明白,你可请他再重复一遍,用诸如这样的问话I’m sorry! I don’t quite follow you. Would you like to repeat your question/ Could your say it again/ I beg you pardon! 思考过程中的思维流停顿、反复,是可以被接受的。如果需要做思考再回答的,可以说:“Let me think it over for a


英语高考口语考试技巧范文 高考,一个凝重而严肃的字眼。寒窗十几年,每个人都想在高考时取得优异的成绩,答题技巧尤显重要。下面是阳光网为你整理的内容,希望对你有帮助。 2017高考英语口语考试答题技巧一初级考生:多问细听慢回答 英语口语考试(初级)对考生的基本要求是在生活、社交的场合能与外籍人士进行沟通和交流。每年的考试标准都是统一的,不会忽高忽低。初级考生最容易犯的问题是紧张、考前最需要解决的是调节心理状态。 韩宝成谈到,好的应考状态应该是自然大方、叙述清楚。初级考生普遍存在听力问题,往往听不明白考官的问题。口语考试体现的是一个交流的过程,听不懂没关系,这时考生要立即礼貌地再问问清楚,可以要求老师重新提问,切忌不能冷场。 2017高考英语口语考试答题技巧二中级考生:学会用眼睛交流 英语口语考试(中级)的最基本要求是考生能在关键工作岗位上与外宾交流。参加中级考试的考生口语水平相对比较熟练了。需要注意的是准确性和有力度的问题。

中级考试中,简单的问答已经满足不了考查的需求,因此有了话题考查环节。要通过考试,考生一般都会在考前进行话题准备。但要注意,考试期间不能完全死记硬背,口语考试不鼓励讲起来没完没了。同样,交流是必须的。不但是语言的交流,还应该有身体语言、眼神的交流。 用眼神、身体语言交流的目的其实也是对自己发言的一种补充,考生应视自己是在作演讲。语气的转折、停顿配合适当的肢体动作,恰恰反映出考生对语言交流功能的本质、力度的一种把握能力。但这也不是鼓励考生在考试时手舞足蹈,肢体动作要运用恰当。 2017高考英语口语考试答题技巧三高级考生:言之有物显水平 英语口语考试(高级)考生更多要面对的场合是公务场合或做会谈的翻译。要求比初、中级的考生要高得多。高级考生的语言流利、词汇掌握量大。但在考试中,经常出现言之无物的问题,说明考生对考试准备不足,甚至可以说没有理解考试的真正目的。 高级考生应该在考试中注意自己的语音、语调和顿挫,以比较自然的姿态来展示自己的才能。并非滔滔不绝就能取得好的效果,要清楚地表明自己对某一现象或者事物的看法,要求有自己的见解,发


高考英语口语考试试题 及其解答过程 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】

第一套 Part One: Read aloud the following passage. You will have one minute to prepare and thirty seconds to read. Several studies have shown that humor seems to help sick people get back their health faster. The idea is not new. But today, doctors are still trying to figure out exactly how this works. In some hospitals, doctors do scientific experiments with laughter. They show funny films like Mr. Bean to patients who have diseases to make them laugh. Actors dress up in silly clothes and tell funny jokes. Smiles and laughter seem to make illness less painful. In addition, the hospital atmosphere is more cheerful for everyone. Part Two: Make quick responses to the sentences you hear: 1.How do you go to school everyday 2. 3.Why don’t you wear that new coat 4. 5. 6.Watch your steps, please. 7.Hey, please don’t use my dictionary without asking. 8.Oh, I’m really sorry, I’ve knocked over your tea. Part Three: Ask two questions about each situation given below. At least one special question should be asked about each situation: (1-2) You want to buy a digital camera. You are now at the camera counter in a department store. You ask the shop assistant… (3-4) Your friend Li Mei has just returned from her trip to Qingdao. You ask her … Part Four: You will have one minute to prepare and another minute to talk on this topic in at least six sentences. Do you think it necessary for teenagers to keep off fast food such as fried chicken and potato chips Why or why not Part Five: you will have one minute to prepare and another minute to talk about the following pictures in at least seven sentences. Begin your talk with the sentence given. Yesterday was Xiao Ming’s seventeenth birthday. 第二套 Part One: Read aloud the following passage. You will have one minute to prepare and thirty seconds to read. Everyone has his own way of relaxing. Perhaps the most popular way is to participate in sports. There are team sports, such as baseball, basketball and football. There are individual sports, also, such as golf and swimming. In addition, hiking, skiing, and mountain climbing have a great attraction for people who like to be outdoors. Not everyone who enjoys sports likes to participate in them. Many people prefer to be spectators, either by attending the games in person, or watching them on television.

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