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Individual Report

F84T 34 Managing People and Organisations

Outcome 1





Introduction (2)

Section 1: Relationship between goals, objectives and policies (2)

Section 2: Differences between the formal and informal organization (3)

Section 3: Open System Theory (3)

Section 4: Different stakeholders (4)

Section 5: Effective control strategy (5)

Conclusion (6)

Reference (6)


The purpose of the report is whatto understand more fully the organization management.I learnedc ompany's departments’ work together in order to achieve the company's goals. This report has five sections which arerelationship between goals,objectives and policies,differences between the formal and informal organization,open System Theory, different stakeholders andeffective control strategy.

Section 1:Relationship between goals, objectives and policies

The relationship between goals, objectives and policy facilitates to the effective management. Goals and objectives provide the desired results, and the policy is guiding people how to do.Feasible policies can help the realization of the aims and objectives of better.


Goals are long-term. Consumer goalsare to provide to the customer the demand of consumers.Shangri-La Hotels maintain a high quality of customer service. This is the Shangri-la Hotel's consumer goals.Product goalsare to provide customers with high quality product.Craig insisted on selecting the freshest fruits and vegetables this is the Shangri-la Hotelproduct goals. Service goalsare to provide customers with high standards of service. The Shangri-la Hotel promises when customers need the waiter, waiter arrive within five minutes to the customer side.This is the Shangri-la Hotel's service goals.


Objectives are short-term. Objectivesare more specific than the goals;it can determine the specific direction.Objectives can help an organization determine a number of factors such as the time factor and the causal factors.The Shangri-la Hotel promises when customers need the waiter, waiter arrive within five minutes to the customer side.The Shangri-la Hotelmaintaineda 3-star Michelin chef. Theseare the Shangri-la Hotel's objectives. SMART make objectives more effective more efficient concrete. Kitchen staff training date is by May 1999. Waiting staff to attend table within 3 minutes.


Policies provide a fixed set of rules or guidelines.Craig stock onlyin the Gordon Meldrum Company. Ailsa increase their salary. All staff received training in the hotel of the highest standards. Theseare Shangri-La's purchase policies.

Section 2: Differences between the formal and informal organization Each Business organization has a formal and an informal aspect of organization.

Formal organization

Formal organization has a clear organizational structure and clear management delegation and has a certain degree of control. Formal organizations are designed to be clear regulations and determining role.Shangri-La Hotel is a formal organization.

Informal organizations

Informal organizations are flexible and loose structure, are spontaneous and have different levels of participants and the relationship is not defined. Informal organization can provide interest and pleasure in working life.Craig personal centralized control kitchen has many complaining voice. These small groups are composed of an informal organization.

Section 3: Open System Theory


Reduction in salary will lower the staff attitude resulting in a decline in service quality.Improve the quality of staff, can improve the quality of service of the staff.

PEST is used to analyze the external and macro-environment.SWOT is used to analyze the internal and external environment. Five forces are used to analyze the internal and micro-environment.

For SWOT analysis of cases.

Strengths The Shangri-la Hotel is a much coveted 3-star Michelin award. Highest rated three-star Michelin in a year, if there is no qualified local behavior of falling stars or the stars, has maintained three Michelin stars is Shangri-La's strength. Antonio is the reception manager has been with the firm for many years.Antonio has a wealth of management experience and problem-solving methods encounter

difficulties at the hotel she can solve problems in time.All staffs are going to the local college.Train staff to a local University, you can improve the overall quality of staff, so as to improve the hotel's service quality.

Weaknesses Because of Craig’s personal centralized control and employees work depressing.Craig's personal authoritarianism is the working atmosphere is depressed, many employee complaints, it leads to lower quality service attitude and service of the staff.Personal centralized control make employees could not finished working regular overtime. Craig relies too much on Gordon Meldrum's raw material. If the contract is terminated or the enhanced bargaining power of suppliers and will cause the hotel suppliers to break, affecting the normal operation of Shangri-La Hotel.

Opportunities Craig on TV show to join chef’s competition can enhance the hotel’s reputation.Craig on behalf of Shangri-La Hotel, appeared on television and got good grades, let more people know the hotel's details. The economic crisis two multi-national companies are about to set up headquarters in Glasgow. Two companies based in Glasgow, it has a lot of potential customers, for Shangri-La Hotel is a new opportunity for the development.

Threats Economic crisis collapse of three companies and these companies is large customerof Shangri-la Hotel. Recession economic downturn reduced consumers ' willingness to spend, will lower the Shangri-La's customers.

Section 4: Different stakeholders

Internal stakeholders are owner, manager and employee.

Owner:Owners have the ability to profit-making companies, and ability to develop strategic and tactical direction. The Stewart families are owners.RespectivelySandy Stewart and his wife, their son and their daughter Craig Ailsa.

Manager:Managers have responsibility for their implementation; the capacity can be the company's dividend and profit. Also can to use problem-solving skills and wealth of experience. They can get the stability of wages. In the Shangri-la Hotel Ailsa and Craig are managers.

Employee:Employee training opportunities, and opportunities for promotion in the company. Staff will affect the quality of enterprises and service. In the Shangri-la Hotel the reception manager, accountant, a team of receptionists and maintenance staff are employees.

External stakeholders are government, supplier, financer, community and customer.

Government :Government to comply with the legislation to ensure the health and safety of the masses can gain tax. Government is local governments

Supplier: Supplier is to provide a source of income the company. They want to ensure their payment; therefore, the liquidity of the company is very important. While good relationships are also important.In the Shangri-la Hotel Gordon Meldrum is the supplier.

Financer:Financersare responsible for the company's liquidity. Also can determine and influence the terms of repayment and loan period.

Community: Provides employment opportunities for local communities and supports local events, participation in local decision-making.United Kingdom the soil Association is the community.

Customer: Customers with stability and reliability. Customers want the company to provide high quality products and services.In the Shangri-la Hotel business clients and international visitors are customers.

Section 5: Effective control strategy

Personal centralized control One personal is management. In the Shangri-la Hotel Craig is the management he in the kitchen.Craig often communicates with the kitchen staff, to ensure that other employees can understand his approach. And Craig to dinner is a strict requirement.

Bureaucratic control Arbitrary rows from the masses have rigid organizational structures and fixed rules and regulations. In the Shangri-la Hotel Craig personally prepared the menu for the restaurant.

Output control Shangri-la Hotel staff unit assessment.Ailsa took the initiative to big companies pull customers, to manage the matter to members of the company.

Cultural control In the spiritual leadership of the staff, feel their own enterprise culture.In the Shangri-la Hotel they every weekend have free drink for the team to celebrate.

I recommend the Shangri-la Hotel with cultural controls. Cultural control can make workers more aware of their corporate culture, so employees can better serve the Shangri-la Hotel.


I learned not only of the use of personal authoritarianism and atmosphere can lead to depression, affect the quality of service. Reasonable control of culture so that employees understand the cultural background of the enterprise, can better serve the company. Company's departments should work together in order to achieve the company's goals.


Laurie J. Mullins, Management and Organisational Behavior, Seventh Edition, Financial Times Prentice Hall (2005)

Steven L. McShane, Mary Ann Von Glinow, Organizational Behavior, Fourth Edition, McGraw-Hill lrwin


1. Human Resource Management was introduced as a term to reflect how organisations achieed the best from their employees. It was reconised that the best way to compete in an ever-increasing worldwide market was to have highly motivated people. Human Resource Management refers to the practices and policies you need to carry out the personnel aspects of your management job, specifically, acquiring, training, appraising, rewarding, and providing a safe, ethical, and fair environment for your company’s employee s. 2. (1) Human resources management is said to incorporate and develop personnel management tasks, while seeking to create and develop teams of workers for the benefit of the organization. Personnel management is often considered an independent function of an organization. Human resource management, on the other hand, tends to be an integral part of overall company function. Personnel management is typically the sole responsibility of an organization's personnel department. With human resources management, all of an organization's managers are often involved in some manner, and a chief goal may be to have managers of various departments develop the skills necessary to handle personnel-related tasks. a.Emerging of Personnel Management/Social justice Evolution of Personnel management started in 19th century. During the 19th century’s governments began to feel pressure from the working class masses who started to question and defy the power of the aristocracy. This was called the social reform. The working class began to form workplace combinations and trade organizations to provide a collective voice for their rights. The fist Trade Union Conference held in 1868. The personnel function arises from the work of nineteenth century social reformers. b.Grouth in PM 1914-1939/Human bureaucracy The exact growth of personnel management started during First World War. Include the supply of welfare officer made mandatory by government and the title labour manager or employment manager came in the year 1920 in engineering industry and other industries where the factories was very importanty to handle absence、recruitment and so on. Second world war increased the importance of having personnel department In the early twentieth century, personnel began to move away from its primary focus on welfare. This was a period in which large-scale industrial organisations began to emerge. Personnel as a specialism started to take shape, with responsibility to look at areas such as organisational design and staffing. Some social scientis ts’ studies promoted the development of PM. For examples: Frederick Taylor and Elton Mayo c.Consent by negotiation During the 1950s and 1960s, the personnel function widened its role in organisations to include a bargaining role. Industrial relations became a key personnel role. The statutory duty placed on nationalised industries required them to negotiate with unions representing employees. University courses began to appear for personnel specialists. Personnel management perform different function such as Collective bargaining role, Implementation of legislation role, Social conscience of the business role, Growing performance improvement role. d. Organisation and integration


“Escape to Wild”是一家成功的公司,专门通过邮购和小型的零售专营店来销售户外休闲服饰。它作为一家私营公司小规模的经营了超过15年的,一直到六年前,一位经理被聘请来扩展公司业务。首先,公司增加了邮购目录上的商品数,并且用了更大的仓库来存放和配送货物。四年前,“Escape to Wild”开了第一家自己的零售专营店,到现在,已经有了10家零售专营店,并有计划再多开五间店。两年前,公司建立了自己的网站,实现了网上购物,这部分的业务发展迅速,还带了了很多海外的订单。这位新经理上任以来,公司员工已由原来的20人发展到300人,业务也变得更大更复杂,持续需要加强员工来源已经成为这家户外服饰专营公司最强烈的需求,需要更多的员工是这家公司的当务之急。 “Escape to Wild”公司没有明确的人力资源部门。部门经理们根据自己部门的职责招聘新人,负责确定他们的薪酬水平。薪酬管理业务已经外包,员工培训一般是临时组织的,财务主管负责处理员工的合同和特殊情况,例如产假和加薪。 在这个快速发展的时期,公司已经开始将更多的精力投入到服务正在增加的客户群中。到目前为止,公司中员工的关系比较良好,但是,公司的现状表明是时候建立规定和程序从而能用更系统的方法去解决人力资源的问题。 在最近的公司管理层会议上,部门经理们不断的抱怨说他们花了太多的时间在处理一些日常的行政问题上,而这些问题明明都可以由人力资源部门来解决,如果公司能有一个这样的部门。不断增加的员工数量使得财务部门花大量的时间来处理与人事相关的问题。同时,部门经理们也会因为工作描述,招聘和甄选的实际操作,以及员工的薪酬待遇等问题产生矛盾。一个管理层的人员最近参加了一个关于员工法案的研讨会,法律


2018年度人力资源状况分析报告 为了更好地完善公司的人力资源制度改革,帮助公司人力资源管理走向规范化、标准化、职业化,通过有效管理,更大程度提升调动员工工作积极性。本次人力资源分析主要采用了问卷调查、员工行为观察、员工代表沟通交流、整理汇总历史资料等方法,通过这些方法基本清晰公司人力资源管理的现状,并对公司在人力资源管理各个环节中出现的问题进行了重点分析,形成了以下报告: 第一部分 公司的人力资源现状 一、 集团总部人力资源结构分析 (一) 集团总部现有员工119 人,其中,高层管理人员11人,占9.24%,中层人员 24人,占20.2%,基层84 人,占 70.6% (二) 不包括基层后勤辅助类岗位的总部员工现有107人,其中男、女比例如下 (三) 高层队伍结构分析 ◆ 高层队伍的年龄结构良好,平均年龄44岁,年富力强,学历结构较合理,全日制第一学历均在大专及以上,资质上有6人(占55%)持一级建造师证,职称上36%为高工,18%为中级,18%为助工,28%没有任何职称。 ◆ 高层队伍的结构缺陷主要是 ● 73%的高层是从事项目施工和项目管理出身,司龄10年以上,缺乏专业的企业管理方面的训练,在11名高层中只有2名是在2012年通过社会招聘引进的,有一定现代化企业管理经历。 ● 高层人员的职称和资质匹配度不足以应对企业发展需求 (四) 中层队伍结构分析 ◆ 中层队伍的平均年龄是38.7岁,年龄结构如下:

◆ 中层队伍的工龄结构分析:现有人员中54%是在2010年改制后通过社会招聘引进的,优势在于这批人即拥有一定的新知识和新技能,又有较好的工作经验,同时劣势是缺乏对建筑行业的认知。其余在改制前入职人员,其在中恒工作时间均超过10年,企业忠诚度较高,同时缺乏的是专业的职业化训练和素养。 ◆ 中层队伍的第一学历结构分析:本科占29%,大专占 46%,中专以及下占25%。通过函授或其它在职教育形式,90%大专及以下学历的员工有提升,获得大专及上学历,同时还有二名中层获取MBA 硕士学历。 ◆ 中层队伍的职称和资质结构分析:职称上8%为高工,13%为中级,17%为助工,62%还未获得任何职称。资质上有8位(33% )中层获得一级建造师。缺陷是:职称和资质持有率太低,有待提升。 (五) 基层队伍结构分析 ◆ 基层队伍的平均年龄是30.6岁,具体占比如下: ◆ 基层队伍的第一学历结构如下: ◆ 基层队伍工龄结构分析

HND人力资源管理 outcome3

Contents 1. Introduction 2. Findings 2.1 Managerial Work 2.1.1 managerial activities 2.1.2 managerial role 2.2 Mechanisms that could measure managerial performance 2.3 Behavioral theory of leadership 2.4 Transformational theory of leadership 2.5 John Adair's Action Centered Leadership 2.5.1 The reasons why ACL may prove to be important 3. Conclusion 4. Reference

1. Introduction Scotia Airways is located next to Glasgow International Airport. My report will assess the main features of managerial work and explain the main roles and activities of managers. And I will describe the value of two mechanisms that could be used to measure managerial performance and justify how each could be used to assess managerial performance and identify and explain a behavioral theory of leadership and transformational theory of leadership. At last I will analyze how theories of leadership could be used to improve how managers lead staff through this change. 2. Findings 2.1 Managerial Work Management is all about running an organization in a steady state, ongoing administration, organizing structures, establishing systems and processes, controlling in particular by financial means. It can also be defined as the effective use and coordination of resources such as capital, plant, materials and labor in order to achieve defined objectives with maximum efficiency. 2.1.1 managerial activities Managerial activities can be described as following: forecasting, planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling. Forecasting means the manager can predict future events. Planning When managers are making planning, it required that the plan to meet anticipated demand. The board of directors express their hopes of the company, and their requires to the company, and then the managers analysis the external environment and the condition of the company. Making planning based on the analysis result. If the plan can get agreement from the board, the managers will convey the goals to every department an d staff. If the plan can’t get the agreement


Individual Report F84T 34 Managing People and Organisations Outcome 1 NAME: u SCN: CLASS:

Contents Introduction (2) Section 1: Relationship between goals, objectives and policies (2) Section 2: Differences between the formal and informal organization (3) Section 3: Open System Theory (3) Section 4: Different stakeholders (4) Section 5: Effective control strategy (5) Conclusion (6) Reference (6)

Introduction The purpose of the report is what to understand more fully the organization management. I learned company's departments’ work together in order to achieve the company's goals. This report has five sections which are relationship between goals, objectives and policies,differences between the formal and informal organization,open System Theory, different stakeholders and effective control strategy. Section 1: Relationship between goals, objectives and policies The relationship between goals, objectives and policy facilitates to the effective management. Goals and objectives provide the desired results, and the policy is guiding people how to do. Feasible policies can help the realization of the aims and objectives of better. Goals: Goals are long-term. Consumer goals are to provide to the customer the demand of consumers.Shangri-La Hotels maintain a high quality of customer service. This is the Shangri-la Hotel's consumer goals. Product goals are to provide customers with high quality product. Craig insisted on selecting the freshest fruits and vegetables this is the Shangri-la Hotel product goals. Service goals are to provide customers with high standards of service. The Shangri-la Hotel promises when customers need the waiter, waiter arrive within five minutes to the customer side. This is the Shangri-la Hotel's service goals. Objectives: Objectives are short-term. Objectives are more specific than the goals; it can determine the specific direction. Objectives can help an organization determine a number of factors such as the time factor and the causal factors. The Shangri-la Hotel promises when customers need the waiter, waiter arrive within five minutes to the customer side. The Shangri-la Hotel maintained a 3-star Michelin chef. These are the Shangri-la Hotel's objectives. SMART make objectives more effective more efficient concrete. Kitchen staff training date is by May 1999. Waiting staff to attend table within 3 minutes.


Contents 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Findings 2.1 Current Organizational Structure 2.1.1 the Characteristic of Hierarchical Structures 2.1.2 Span of Control 2.1.3 Departmentalization 2.1.4 Communication Patterns 2.1.5 the Chain of Command 2.2 Future Organizational Structure 2.2.1 the Characteristic of Hierarchical Structures 2.2.2 Span of Control 2.2.3 Departmentalization 2.2.4 Communication Patterns 2.2.5 Chain of Demand 2.3 Contingency Approach that help determine the Future structure 2.3.1 Task 2.3.2 Technology 2.3.4 Size 2.4 Relationships 2.4.1 Line Relationship 2.4.2 Functional Relationship 2.4.3 Staff Relationship 2.4.4 Lateral Relationship 2.5 Authority, Responsibility and Delegation 3.0 Conclusion 4.0 Reference


h n d人力资源管理 o u t c o m e SANY GROUP system office room 【SANYUA16H-

Individual Report F84T 34 Managing People and Organisations Outcome 4 NAME: SCN: CLASS:

Contents Introduction (2) Section 1:The Structure at Present in Shangri-la Hotel (2) Section 2:An Appropriate Form of Re-Structure for Shangri-la Hotel (3) Section 3:The Influence of Task, Technology, and Size on the New Structure (5) Section 4: Line, Staff ,Functional and Lateral relationships within the New Structure (6) Section 5: Authority, Responsibility and Delegation within the New Structure (7) Conclusion (8) Reference (8)

Introduction The purpose of this report is to examine the understanding of management structure in the organization and its application. There are five sections in the report: management structure before merger; management structure after new development; contingency approach and its variables after merger; different relationships within the new structure; relevance of different relationships with new structure. Section 1:The Structure at Present in Shangri-la Hotel At present, flat structure is used in the management of the hotel. Hybrid management structure is used. Craig used the centralized and line approach to manage the restaurant .Ailsa used the decentralized and team approach to manage the hotel. In the hotel, all of the work was divided into four types according to different products or services: chambermaids, reception, kitchen staff and waiting staff. Flat structure: it means that a business has few vertical level of management and a wide span of control. As a result, the relationship between manager and subordinate will be closed, the flow of information will be quick, and it will save administrative expenses. However, because of wide spans, the communication between the same level department and employees will be difficult. In the case, for example, in the kitchen, there were only two levels: Craig, the manager; kitchen staffs and waiters. Craig directly gave the subordinates their different tasks. So it was a flat structure. Centralization& Decentralization: the centralization means that the important decisions are taken by the top management and the other levels implement the directions that top manager gives. In the case, Craig mainly used the centralized approach. For example, all his subordinates must follow the menu made by Craig. And Craig made decisions by himself and allocated tasks to kitchen staff and waiters. It should be a centralized approach. Decentralization means top manager delegates authorities to all levels of management. In the case, Ailsa used this decentralized

HND 人力资源2

1Explain the validity of one process and more content theory of motivation and assess their applicability to scenarios that exist within Scotia Airways. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory:Human needs can be classified into 5 levels, which can be portrayed in the shape of pyramid. In different stage of life, people will show their different urges to different levels of needs. Normally speaking, the main power of motivation usually comes from the most imperious needs level at present.It includes basic or physiological needs, safely and security needs, social needs, self-esteem needs, self-fulfilment needs. Basic or physiological needs is water sleep sex etc.Safely and security needs is security of body, of employment,of property,etc.Social needs is friendship, family.Self-esteem needs is self-esteem confidence,etc.Self-fulfilment needs is creativity, morality,etc.The high level is Self-fulfilment.Middle level are social needs self-esteem. Lower level are basic or physiological and Safely and security needs. The thing that can motivate staffs is the thing that they want to get. In this case when the investors first decided to set up Scotia Airways, they had a clear idea that business travel was a growth area. They set about appointing a management team whose experience and expertise was firmly grounded in the budget aviation market,it offer more chance about job and meet security of employment due to Future opportunities seem likely as the EU and UK government relax their control over the licensing of airline provision. Scotia Airways has been able to re tain the management team that were brought to the business in 1996. The vast majority of staff have also remained. It is the security of the employment and of friendship.The targets for scale of provision, passenger volume and market share are determined by senior managers, and middle and junior managers and employees then populate the details into the plan. It is benefit for staff acquire the satisfaction of achieve. So based on the above, Scotia Airways meet lower level needs and middle


Section 1:The Structure at Present in Shangri-la Hotel At present, flat structure is used in the management of the hotel. Hybrid management structure is used. Craig used the centralized and line approach to manage the restaurant .Ailsa used the decentralized and team approach to manage the hotel. In the hotel, all of the work was divided into four types according to different products or services: chambermaids, reception, kitchen staff and waiting staff.

Flat structure: it means that a business has few vertical level of management and a wide span of control. As a result, the relationship between manager and subordinate will be closed, the flow of information will be quick, and it will save administrative expenses. However, because of wide spans, the communication between the same level department and employees will be difficult. In the case, for example, in the kitchen, there were only two levels: Craig, the manager; kitchen staffs and waiters. Craig directly gave the subordinates their different tasks. So it was a flat structure. Centralization& Decentralization: the centralization means that the important decisions are taken the must tasks to top this After Ailsa used this approach. She divided all staffs in the hotel into several teams, such as the reception team managed by Antonio, the cleaning staff team, and the chambermaids team. Every team had their own specific work to do, and every team number involves in the management. So it was a team approach. Product or service: it means that the entire organization is divided into different departments according to the products or service supplied to customers. In the case, is was divided into four types: chambermaids, reception, kitchen staff and waiting staff. For example, in the management


2.1 According to the Motivation-Hygiene Theory of Frederick Herzberg, people are influenced by two factors, one is hygiene factors which is also means failure preventer, and another is motivation factors which is some kind success builder. Satisfaction and psychological growth are a result factor of motivation factors. Dissatisfaction was a result of hygiene factors. And the Motivation-Hygiene Theory is trying to prove that the attitude individuals have towards their job is decided the success or not of the task in significant measure. Hygiene factors are needed to ensure that an employee does not become dissatisfied. They do not cause higher levels of motivation, but without them there is dissatisfaction. Due to the expansion plan of Scotia Airways, many staff have a concern about the change this company may face. But if without the help of all of the members in the business, this plan is not going to be successful, so it is essential for the managers of Scotia Airways to do something like raise their wages or improve the working condition to pacify the emotion of staffs. Holiday and medical care is also can become somehow the motivator factors to workers. Motivation factors are needed in order to motivate an employee into higher performance. These factors result from internal generators in employees. In order to encourage the talented worker, the managers of the business should give them some promotion as a reward or show them the opportunities of advancement. It will give the workers sense of personal achievement and work harder to get more praise. Process theories of motivation provide an opportunity to understand thought processes that influence behaviour. Equity Theory considered that a individual is whether motivated or not is not only decided by what they have got, but also by what they have got is fair enough to anyone else or not. So the distribution rationally is important for stimulating job motivation' factors of individuals in an organization. Someone will compared to other colleagues that the ratio of input, like time, effort and ability, and output, like salary, praise and achievement, and when it is equal, they will feel justice. And Scotia Airways wil never stop to recruit new staff, whenever there is someone who has get into this company with an unfair way, the original

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