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Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】


1、使我们惊讶的是,他什么也没说就走了。(to one’s surprise)

2、作为学生,我们很有必要更专心于学习(concentrate on)


4、她似乎对电脑更感兴趣。(be interested in)



6、台湾(Tibet)属于中国。(belong to)

Tibet ________________________________

7﹑你关心节约能源吗(care about)

8、她的爷爷习惯于早起。(be used to)

9、他所说的话使我很悲伤。(make )


10、Jess really felt very happy. When he arrived at his seat in the classroom that

asked to join in an out-of-school activity. Why were they asking him now Nobody

more to make fun of him.


1、我想和他交朋友。(make friends with )

2、人类和动物应该和睦相处。(get on with )

3、由于大雨,他们停止了打篮球。(because of )

4、青少年应该远离火。(stay away from )

5、你在考虑明年去香港吗 (consider doing )


6、Paris是最有活力的城市之一。(one of )


7、过度的看电视对眼睛有害处。(be bad for)

_____________________________________ .





not all have the same kind of blood. There are four groups—O, A, B and AB. We all have blood of one of these groups. They also find that they can give any kind of blood to people of group AB. But they find that they must give A-group blood to A-group


1、自从19世纪以来人们用木头造纸。(be made from )


2、据我所知,这本书是韩寒写的。(as far as )


3、这场音乐会将在下周四举行。(take place )

4、这个消息是谁给他提供的(provide…. With )



6、从那以后,我再也没见过李平。(not….any more



7、张老师花了20元钱买了这本书。(spend )

______________ _________________ .

8、你要尽可能在课堂上多说英语。( as …as )

____________________________ .

9、罗夫人期待着去美国看她的女儿。(look forward to )


And the biggest of all is the International Space Station (ISS). From May to July is the best season to watch the ISS flying over the earth. And people can see it with their


1、周末我宁愿看书也不愿上网聊天。( would rather…than)

________________________________________________ 2、他们班学生的人数是五十。(the number of )

_________________ ___________

3、多亏了绿色长城,土地产出了更多的粮食。( thanks to )


4、每个人都期盼未来有幸福的生活。(look forward to )

_________________________________ ___________________.


Today I my school and tomorrow my school will

take .


That music me American dance music.


They will their money soon.


I found this thing at home


______________________________________________________________. 10、Waste can bring a lot of problems. (1)Although China is rich in some resources(资源), we are short of(缺乏) others, for example, fresh water (淡水)。 It is reported that we will have no coal(煤) or oil to use in 100 years. So if we go on wasting our resources, what can we use in the future and where can we move Think about it.(2)I think we should say no to the students who waste things every day. Everybody should stop wasting as soon as possible.


1、我害怕在课堂上发言。(be afraid of )


2、虽然数学很难,但他从未放弃过。(give up )

____________ ______________________.

3、她的父母正在自学英语。(by oneself )



____________________ ________________ .

5、那使我对自己很恼火.(made …)


6、你知道这座桥是什么时候建的吗(be built )


7、他们把我看作是他们的家人。(regard …as )


8、坚持你的梦想,将来有一天它们会成为现实的。(come true )

_____________ .

9、你曾经去过长城吗(ever )


10、(1)Mr King examined the car at first and then drove it away. It was five in the morning and there were few cars in the street. At first he drove slowly and it worked well. Then he drove fast. And when he reached a crossing, the lights turned red. (2)He tried to stop it, but he failed and nearly hit an old woman who was crossing the street. A policeman told him to stop, but the car went on until it hit a big tree by the road.



1. To our surprise,he left without saying anything.

2.As students,it’s necessary for us to concentrate more on our study.

3.Did you spend a long time doing your homework

4.She seems to be more interested in computers.

5.I’m going to have five days off.

6.belongs to

7.Do you care about saving energy

8.His grandfather is used to getting up early.

9.What he said made me sad.




1.I want to make friends with him.

2.Humans should get on well with animals.

3.Because of the heavy rain, they stopped playing basketball.

4.Teenagers should stay away from fire.

5.Are you considering going to Hong Kong next year

6.one of the liveliest cities in Europe

7.is bad for

8.Please don’t lend the book to others.

9.Whatever you want to do , you must tell me at first.



1.Paper has been made from wood since the 19th century.

2.As far as I know, the book is written by Hanhan.

3.The concert will take place next Thursday.

4.Who provided him with this message / offered, the message

5.The busier she is, the happier she feels.

6.I haven’t seen Li Ping any more since then.

7.spent, on / paid , for

8.as much as possible/ as much as you can

9. is looking forward to visiting her daughter in the USA.





1.On weekends I would rather read books than chat on line.

2.The number of the students in their class is fifty.

3.Thanks to the Great Green Wall, the land produces more crops.

4.Everyone looks forward to having the happy life in the future.

5.am proud of , pride in my success

6.reminds , of

https://www.doczj.com/doc/4b12722976.html,e up/run out of

8.by accident

9.I’ve never been late for school before.




1.I am afraid of speaking in class .

2.Although/Though math is difficult, he never gives up.

3.Her parents are learning English by themselves

4.We should take care of/look after animals and care for the earth .

5.That made me angry/annoyed with myself

6.Do you know when the bridge was built

7.They regard me as one of their family .

8.Hold on to your dream and one day they will come

9.Have you ever been to the Great Wall




九年级英语翻译(完成)句子专项练习(含参考答案) 一、根据所给汉语意思,完成下列句子。 1.同学们,请考马路右边走。 Boys and girls,please walk side of the road. 2.离开教室的时候记着关灯。 Remember to the lights when you leave the classroom. 3.马良想为那个孩子画一匹马。 Ma Liang wanted to for the child. 4.明天的大雨可能会阻碍我们外出。 The heavy rain may us from out tomorrow. 5.我想知道明天我们在哪里见面。 I wonder meet tomorrow. 6.我昨晚看的那场电影真搞笑! movie I saw last night! 7.下一站我得下车了。 I have to the bus at the next stop. 8.你应该学会礼貌地拒绝别人的邀请。 You are supposed to learn others` invitation politely. 9.当我们赶到书店时,他们已经卖光了《哈利·波特》这本书。 By the time we arrived at the bookstore,they Harry Potter. 10.志愿者们正在努力地为俄罗斯世界杯提供更好的服务。

The volunterrs to provide Russia World Cup with better service. 二、句子翻译 1.这个暑假你打算做什么? 2.我已经决定读一些书并游览一些名胜古迹。 3.养成一个良好的阅读习惯对我们来说很重要。 4.旅游被认为是放松的最好方式之一。 5.阅读和旅游能给我们打开一个全新的世界。 6.我们一到学校就会交作业。 7.制作风筝对你来说容易吗? 8.你最好不要在公园里采花。 9.我想知道你是怎样和汤姆保持联系的。 10.上周这家博物馆的一些艺术品被偷了。


中考英语:常见最难翻译的简短英文句子 导读:2016中考英语:常见最难翻译的简短英文句子1。 She fully enjoyed cakes and ale。 误译:她充分地享用了蛋糕和啤酒。 原意:她尽享了人生乐趣。 这里cakes and ale意为“人生乐事”,出自莎士比亚著作《第十二夜》。 2。 My dad told me not to call him names。误译:我爸爸让我不要叫他名字。 原意:我爸爸叫我不要骂他。 call one names是辱骂别人的意思,注意此处一定要用宾格one,而不能用所有格one‘s。 3。 He went cap in hand to the teacher。误译:他拿着帽子去找老师。 原意:他毕恭毕敬地去找老师。 cap in hand是毕恭毕敬的意思,切记不要机械翻译哦! 4。 Care killed a cat。 误译:注意杀猫。 原意:忧虑伤身。 忧虑对于有九条命的猫来说不第一文库网利。 5。 Jessica carried coals to Newcastle。误译:Jessica

把煤运到Newcastle去了。 原意:Jessica多此一举。 因为Newcastle是英国的产煤中心和输出港口,因此把煤运去Newcastle便是徒劳无功的意思,翻译是要和文化紧密结合的! 6。 Catch me doing it! 误译:抓住我做那件事! 原意:我决不干那样的事! 和I‘ll never do it again是同一个意思。 7。 I think $5000 is chicken feed to her。误译:我想给她5000美元用来买鸡饲料。 原意:我觉得5000美元对她来说是小钱儿。 chicken feed是不屑一提的钱的意思。 is the cock of the walk。 误译:Tom像一只正在走路的公鸡。 原意:他经常称王称霸。 cock of the walk意为自命不凡的老大。 9。 When going near the cliff, he had cold feet。误译:当走近悬崖的时候,他双脚变冷了。原意:当走近悬崖的时候,他害怕了。 cold feet意为害怕,胆怯。 10。 I heard she is a woman capable of anything。误译:


英语句子翻译大全 导读:本文是关于英语句子翻译大全的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 01、I never stopped loving you,I just stopped showing it。 我对你的爱从来没有停止,只是我不再让别人知道而已。 02、Standing in a corner of the world,watching the sunrise and sunset。 站在世界某一个角落,看着日出日落。 03、Waiting is painful。Forgetting is painful。But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering。 等待是一种痛,忘掉也是一种痛,但不知道该怎么办,是一种更折磨人的痛。 04、That formerly how to pick,time flies straight forward。 那段从前怎么去捡,光阴似箭一直向前。 05、Are you turn a walk,do not see my sad。Am I too wayward,regardless of your feelings。 是你转头就走,没看见我的难过。是我太任性,不顾你的感受。 06、Start everyday with a new hope,leave bad memories behind & have faith for a better tomorrow。 用新的希望开启每一天,释放掉不好的回忆,相信明天会更

好。 07、Who’s who of the hook,and who is who of redemption。 谁是谁的劫,谁又是谁的救赎。 08、They say after losing only treasure,in fact,after losing most painful treasure。 她们都说失去以后才懂得珍惜,其实珍惜后的失去最痛。 09、Love warms more than a thousand fires。 爱情的炽热胜过千万团的火。 10、It is good if you begin crying,that is the sign of cure。 能够哭就好,哭是开始痊愈的象征! 11、Life is too short for us to wake up in the morning with regrets。 人生苦短,所以每天不要带着遗憾醒来。 12、Because of loving you so much that I stood aside。Although myfigure left you away,my heart didn’t。Today I have made up my mind to say “I love you。” 正是因为爱才悄悄的躲开,躲开的是身影,躲不开的是默默的情怀;今天我终于鼓起勇气,向你表达我的爱。 13、As long as people do not lose their direction,they will not lose themselves。 人只要不失去方向,就不会失去自己。


英译汉句子 1.Stay here before I get back. 答案:在我回来之前别离开。 2.The whole process required a great deal of effort, skill and a luck. 答案:整个过程需要很大的努力,需要高度的技巧,还需要运气。 3.I'll write to you as soon as I get there. 答案:我一到那儿就给你写信。 4.My classmate is much cleverer than I. 答案:我的同学比我聪明多了。 5.Look out the window it's still raining today! 答案:看窗外,今天还在下雨。 6.I knocked on his door but nobody came to answer it. 答案:我敲了他的门,但没人来开门。 7.I do want to know what really happened. 答案:我确实想知道到底发生了什么事。 8.He doesn't know what life means to him. 答案:他不知道人生的意义。 9.I was too excited to say a word in front of him. 答案:我当时太兴奋了,以至于在他面前什么也说不出来了。10.Apples here like water and sunshine. 答案:这里的苹果喜欢水和阳光。 11.Have you seen Tom recently? 答案:最近你看见汤姆了吗? 12.Life is meaningless without a purpose. 答案:没有目标的生活是毫无意义的。 13.He was too tired to go on reading. 答案:他太累了,无法再阅读了。 14.My problem is that I don't have much time to do the work. 答案:我的问题在于我没有多少时间干这工作。


综合英语翻译句子答案 Document serial number【UU89WT-UU98YT-UU8CB-UUUT-UUT108】

1. 她似乎与新同学相处不好。(get along with) 2. 我与玛丽失去联系多年,但昨天我与她在电话里联系上了。(out of touch, get in touch) 3. 那老兵喜欢对每一位来访者炫耀他的勋章。(show off) 4. 她丈夫似乎非常反对她出国。(opposed to) 5. 因为托马斯不安心工作,他的父母非常担忧。(settle down) 6. 我口袋里总装着各种各样的小东西。(bits and pieces) 7. 她母亲通过一些私人关系使她进入商界。(pull strings) 8. 我希望这些菜合你的胃口。(to somebody's liking) 9. 那些男孩太吵闹,我把他们骂了一顿。(tell off) 1. She doesn't seem to get along with her new classmates. 2. I'd been out of touch with Mary for years, but I managed to get in touch by phone yesterday. 3. The veteran enjoys showing off his medals to everyone who visits him. 4. Her husband seems very much opposed to her going abroad. 5. As Thomas couldn't settle down in his job, his parents were very worried. 6. I always have all kinds of bits and pieces in my pockets. 7. Her mother pulled a few strings to get her into the business circle. 8. I hope the food is to your liking. 9. I told the boys off for making so much noise.


2017年中考英语翻译必背80句1.他们正在讨论如何处理这个问题。 They are discussing how to deal with /what to do with this problem. 2.他习惯和朋友通过微信来交流。 He is used to communicating with friends on the WeChat. 3.为什么不上网搜寻下信息呢? Why not /why don’t you search for information on the Internet. 4.这次,你最好不要拒绝参加这次会议。 This time,you’d better not refuse to attend the meeting. 5.你介意和我一起编首曲子吗? Do you mind making up a piece of music with me ? 6.我忍不住吃光了所有的水果沙拉。 I couldn’t stop/help eating up all the fruit salad. 7.在工作中我们应该尽量避免同样的错误。 We should try (our best) not to make the same mistake in our work. 8.对于我们而言,学会和他人紧密合作是必要的。 It is necessary for us to work closely with others. 9.自从她去了国外,你们彼此还保持联系吗? Have you kept in touch with each other since she went abroad ? 10.你警告他不要离开时任由水龙头一直开着。 Please warn him not to leave the tap running when leaving.


1.It was my ambition to have her read to me while I churned; once she granted my wish, but she read off my story before I brought her butter. 我的奢望是她念我来搅拌;有一次她满足了我的愿望,可是我要听的故事她念完了,她要的黄油我却还没弄好。 2.Yet regardless of where they came from, I cannot remember a time when I was not in love with them 不过,姑且不论书本从何而来,我不记得自己有什么时候不爱书 3.Neither of my parents had come from homes that could afford to buy many books, but though it must have been something of a strain on his salary, as the youngest officer in a young insurance company, my father was all the while carefully selecting and ordering away for what he and Mother thought we children should grow up with. 我的父母都不是来自那种买得起许多书的家庭。然而,虽然买书准得花去他不少薪金,作为一家成立不久的保险公司最年轻的职员,父亲一直在精心挑选、不断订购他和母亲认为儿童成长应读的书。4.Besides the bookcase in the living room, which was always called "the library", there were the encyclopedia tables and dictionary stand under windows in our dining room. 除了客厅里有一向被称作“图书室”的书橱,餐厅的窗子下还有几张摆放百科全书的桌子和一个字典架。 5.To both my parents I owe my early acquaintance with a beloved Mark Twain. 多亏了我的父母,我很早就接触了受人喜爱的马克?吐温。 6.It ends with not one but two morals, both engraved on rings: "Do what you ought, come what may," and "If we would be great, we must first learn to be good." 书末讲的道德寓意不是一条,而是两条,都印在环形图案里:“不管发生什么,该做的就去做”,还有“想做伟人,必须先学会做个好人”。7.This book was lacking its front cover, the back held on by strips of pasted paper, now turned golden, in several layers, and the pages stained, flecked, and tattered around the edges; its garish illustrations had come unattached but were preserved, laid in. 这本书没了封面,封底用几条纸片粘牢,有好几层,如今都泛黄了,书页上污迹斑斑,边角处都破碎了;书中花哨的插图脱了页,但都保存良好,夹在书里。 8.I live in gratitude to my parents for initiating me — as early as I begged for it, without keeping me waiting — into knowledge of the word, into reading and spelling, by way of the alphabet. 我感激父母通过认识字母对我——早在我要求之时,而没有让我等待——进行文字启蒙,教我阅读和拼写。 9.Fuelling the shift toward vegetarianism have been the health recommendations of medical research. 推动人们转向素食的是医学研究提出的关于如何 增进健康的建议。 10.We've been running the human biological engine on the wrong fuel." “我们一向利用不合适的养料来维持人类生理引 擎的运转。” 11.Earlier this month, charges were laid against a large Alberta feedlot operator for dumping 30 million litres of cattle manure into the Bow River, "killing everything in its path," as a news story described it. 本月初,阿尔伯达一家大型围栏肥育地经营者被指控将3千万升牛粪排入博河, “沿途生灵悉数被毁”,一则新闻这么报道。 12.Our environment also includes the animals killed for their meat. It has become an accepted fact that today's factory-farmed


初中英语翻译句子练习及答案 翻译不仅是一种语言活动也是一种思维活动,英汉思维的差异导致两种语言的表达方式有所不同。不信来练练看,以下是我帮助大家整理的关于,希望对大家的学习有帮助! : 根据中文意思完成句子,每空限填一词。 1. 这个八岁的男孩酷爱弹钢琴,以致于他坚持练琴叁年了。 The eight-year-old girl likes playing the piano ______much ______he has kept ______ for three years. 2. 我母亲经常在星期日打扫卫生,洗衣服。 My mother usually ______ some cleaning and ______ on Sundays. 3. 在今晚的聚会上我们肯定会玩得痛快。 We're ______ to have ______ at the party this evening.

4. 由于天气不好,校运会不得不推迟。 ______ ______ the bad weather, the school sports meet had to ______ ______ ______. 5. 保护环境和发展经济同样重要。 Protecting environment is ______ ______ ______ developing economy. 6. 你是怎样与你的邻居相处融洽的? ______ can you get on well ______ your neighbours? 7. 刘老师是位非常亲切的老师,以致于我们把她当做自己的母亲。 Mrs. Liu is ______ ______ kind teacher______ we ______ her ______ our mother. 8. 他问我今天是否有空。 He asks me ______today. 9. 下定决心努力学习吧,你迟早会成功的。


中考翻译80句 1、他们正在讨论如何处理这个问题。They are discussing how to deal with this problem、 2、他习惯和朋友通过微信来交流。He is used to communicating with friends on the WeChat、 3、为什么不上网搜寻一下信息呢?Why don’t you / Why not search for information on the Internet? 4、这次,你最好不要拒绝参加这次会议。This time, you’d better not refuse to attend this meeting、 5、你介意和我一起编首曲子吗?Do you mind making up a piece of music with me? 6、我忍不住吃光了所有的水果沙拉。I couldn’t stop / help eating up all the fruit salad、 7、在工作中我们应该尽力避免犯同样的错误。We should try (our best) not to make the same mistake in our work、 8、对于我们而言,学会和他人紧密合作是必要的。It is necessary for us to learn to work closely with others、 9、自从她去了国外后,你们彼此还保持联系吗?Do you keep in touch with each other after she went abroad? 10、请警告他不要在离开时任由水龙头一直开着。Please warn him not to leave the tap running when leaving、1


如果只是遇见,不能停留,不如不遇见。 if we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other,then i wish we had never encountered. 2 。宁愿笑着流泪,也不哭着说后悔。心碎了,还需再补吗? i would like weeping with the smile rather than repenting with the cry, when my heart is broken, is it needed to fix? 3 。没有谁对不起谁,只有谁不懂得珍惜谁。 no one indebted for others, while many people dont know how to cherish others. 4 。命里有时钟需有命里无时莫强求you will have it if it belongs to you, whereas you dont kvetch for it if it doesnt appear in your life. 5 。当香烟爱上火柴时,就注定受到伤害when a cigarette falls in love with a match, it is destined to be hurt. 6。爱情??在指缝间承诺指缝…。在爱情下交缠。love ,promised between the fingers finger rift, twisted in the love 7。没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。 no man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won?t make you cry. 8 。记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的。改变能改变的,接受不能改变的。 remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten. alter what is changeable, and accept what is unchangeable. love is like a butterfly. it goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes. 爱情就像 一只蝴蝶,它喜欢飞到哪里,就把欢乐带到哪里。 if i had a single flower for every time i think about you, i could walk forever in my garden. 假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。 within you i lose myself, without you i find myself wanting to be lost again. 有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。每一个沐浴在 爱河中的人都是诗人。 look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me. 看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对 我而言意味着什么。distance makes the hearts grow fonder. 距离使两颗心靠得更 近。 i need him like i need the air to breathe. 我需要他,正如我需要呼吸空气。 if equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me. 如果没有相等的爱,那就让 我爱多一些吧。 love is a vine that grows into our hearts. 爱是长在我们心里的藤蔓。


Unite 1 1.由于下大雪,旅客们只能在机场等到午夜雪停为止。 Because of the heavy snow, the passengers had to wait at the airport until midnight when the snow stopped. 2.火车开动20分钟后,两个男孩才发现他们登上的是一辆开往杭州,而不是他们的家乡苏州的火车。 Twenty minutes after the train started, the two boys found that they had got on a train heading for Hangzhou instead of their hometown, Suzhou. 3.发音相似的英语词常常引起讲英语者之间的误会。 Similar-sounding English words often result in misunderstandings among English-speaking people. 4.驾驶员听到从汽车引擎(engine)里传出异常的声音,于是他马上靠边停车检查,但是最终一切正常。 The driver heard an unusual sound from the car engine, so he pulled over immediately to check, but it turned out all right in the end. 5.当李先生意识到自己犯了一个在把英语作为第二语言的人群中常见的错误时,他感到很尴尬。 Mr. Lee felt very embarrassed when he realized that he had made a very common mistake among speakers of English as a second language. 6.玛丽想学日语,并希望能很快学会,但不久就发现日语太难了,短期内她无法学会。 Mary felt like learning Japanese and hoped she could learn it quickly, but soon found it was too difficult for her to learn in a short period of time. Unite 2 1.公众注意到自从那位地方官员离去之后,他的职位已经空了几个月了。 The public noticed that since that local official left, his position had been vacant for a couple of months. 2.看到女孩在站台上无助地四下张望,年轻的搬运工客气地问她是否需要帮助。 Seeing the girl looking around helplessly on the platform, the young porter asked politely if she needed any help. 3.你的同伴在门口一露面我就认出来了。他跟你描述的一模一样。 I recognized your companion the minute he appeared at the door. He looked just as you had described. 4.我们省去了找旅馆的麻烦,因为我的好朋友邀请我们住在她家,还有一辆豪华汽车任由我们使用。 We didn’t bother to find a hotel, for my good friend invited us to stay in her house and put a luxurious car at our disposal. 5.教授翻箱倒柜地找眼镜的时候,他的妻子却舒舒服服地坐在扶手椅上注视着整个场面。 While the professor was turning the suitcases inside out to find his glasses, his wife was sitting comfortably in an armchair watching the whole scene. 6.我没有理睬她,因为她期望我像对女王那样对待她 I turned my back on her because she expected me to treat her like a queen. Unite 3 1.为了集中精力练跳远,他已经放弃了跑步。 He has given up running in order to focus on the long jump 2.在《我不能接受不努力》一书中迈克尔?乔丹回顾了他是如何对付他所面临的挑战的。 In his book I Can’t Accept Not Tr ying, Michael Jordan looks back on how he approached the challenges he faced. 3.如果你当初尽了自己最大的努力,你早就实现了成为校队首发队员的目标。 If you had tried as hard as you could, you would have long achieved your goal of becoming a starter on the varsity. 4.即使你没有通过期末考试,也不要自责,因为下学期开学时你还可以再考一次。 Even if you fail the final examination, don’t get down on yourself, because you can take the examination again at the beginn ing of next term. 5.如果你的最终目标是做一名英语教师,那就首先要做的就是把英语学好。 If your ultimate goal is to become an English teacher, then the first thing you have to do is (to) learn English well. 6.并不是每个人都能闻名世界。但如果你尽了全力,你仍可以被认为是一个成功者。


P.29 Translation 1.?这个婴儿还不会爬(crawl),更不要说走了。(let alone) 2.威尔声称谋杀案发生时他正在与一群朋友吃饭,但是我认为他在说谎。(claim, in one's opinion) 3.一定程度上阅读速度与阅读技巧密切相关;有了阅读技巧,你就可以更好地 应对课外阅读了。(to a certain extent, relate … to …, cope with) 4.根据规则他俩都可以参加比赛。(according to) 5.有些人想当然地认为日语(Japanese)中的每一个词在汉语中都有对应的词 语。(assume, equivalent) 6.我们已将所有的相关信息告知了警方。(relevant) 7.关于那件事你问我再多的问题也没用,因为我是不会回答你的。(it's no use) 8.事先没有仔细阅读合同(contract)就签了名是吉姆的错误。(on one's part) 9.他们拒绝向我们提供所需要的全部信息。(provide … with) 10.这起事故与三年前发生的一起事故极为相似。(similar to) 11.这部影片是根据莎士比亚的戏剧改编的。(base on) 12.如果你的英语和电脑技能都掌握得好,那么你在谋职时就一定比别人更有优 势。(have an advantage over) 1. The baby can't even crawl yet, let alone walk! 2. Will claimed he was dining with a group of friends at the time of the murder, but in my opinion he told a lie. 3. To a certain extent the speed of reading is closely related to reading skills; and with reading skills you can cope with outside class reading better. 4. According to the regulation/rule, they both can play the game/participate in the game.


1. 你不应该感到沮丧You shouldn’t _____________. 2. 你得定期复习你的功课You ______________________. 3. 你应该使用彩色的笔加亮重要的部分 You should ___________________highlight the important parts . 4. 这将在两个方面帮助你This will help you _____________________. 5. 它将帮助你把注意力集中在最重要的部分 It will ______you ________________ the most important parts. 6. 这将使复习更容易This will ______ reviewing ________. 7. 你不必复习所有的材料 You __________________ all the material. 8. 如果你在睡觉之前考虑这些信息,你也许能够记得更好 If you __________the information before you _____________, you might ____________remember it better. 9. 另外一个记忆信息的好时间是在早晨 __________________information is in the morning. 10. __________people go traveling on holidays. 许多人假日外出旅游 11. _______ tell your father the thing. 记得告诉你爸爸这件事 12. You ________________ in the morning. 早上你得早起134. They 13. ____________________ their lessons before the exam. 考试前他们必须要复习功课 14. You _________________ you can remember the words easily. 你会发现你能够很容易的记住单词 15._______________________ the key points. 记住关键点是很容易的 16.You _______________ remember the words better. 你将能够更好的记住单词 17.You should __________________ in the morning. 你应该尽量在早晨读英语 18.I always ___________________________ new words. 我总是记单词有困难。 19.说实话,这没有一个正确的答案___________, ____________one correct answer. 20.他们将学得更好,如果他们有机会使用他们的手 They will learn better, if they ____________________their hands. 21.图片或者照片能够帮助他们记住新单词 22.Pictures or __________________________new words. 23.对于他们来说记住知识很难,除非他们听到有人谈论这个知识 24.______________________memorize the knowledge________ they ___________someone _____________ it. 25.她更喜欢单独学习She ________________________. 26.他们将会觉得不舒服,除非他们在一个安静的房间里学习 27.They _________________unless they study __________. 28.我喜欢和他人交流I like to _____________. 29.一旦他们有机会和别人讨论这个内容,他们会理解得更好 30._____they have a chance to _______the subject ______other people, they __________. 31.他们使用不同的方式学习They _______________. 32.我每天早晨练习说英语I _____________every morning. 33.老师告诉我们上学不要迟到The teacher ________________school. 34.不要担心犯错误Don’t ________________. 35.请把这个故事翻译成英文Please _______the story ______ English. 36.我们太累了,让我们停下来休息吧We are so tired, ________________. 37.老师来了,不要说话了The teacher is coming, _________. 38.我的爸爸妈妈都是医生______________________doctors. 39.这本书使人们感觉更好The book can ______people __________. 40.如果你努力学习,就能通过考试_______________if you study hard. 41.你对自己有信心吗?Do you ____________________.


英汉互译翻译句子三篇 1、因为学生们的积极参与,这次足球赛实行得很顺利。 (thanks to) Thanks to the active participation of the students, the football match went on very smoothly. 2、这部电影描写了一位中国老人的幸福时光。 (happy moments) This film describes the happy moments of an old Chinese man. 3、因特网的普及改变了人们以往寻找新朋友和新观点的方式。(wide use of) The wide use of Internet has changed the way we used to discover new friends and new ideas. 4、就在众多的网址中,有很多是非盈利的网址。 (non-profit site) Among the great number of websites, many are non-profit ones. 5、老年网为美国的一些老年人提供了表达自己情感的机会。(express one's feelings) SeniorNet provides the opportunity for some American seniors to express their feelings. 6、学生们谈论的话题涉及文化和政治。 (range from) The conversation topics of the students range from culture to politics. 7、这位老人甚至在患病期间还经常安慰他人。 (in times of sickness) The old man often comforted others even in time of sickness. 8、看来我们不能回避一些少量的难题。 (a handful; avoid)

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