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Passage 70

The Tiger and The Fox

One day, a tiger sees a fox. He is very hungry and he wants to eat the fox. He says, “Fox,I am going to eat you today. I am very hungry now.”The fox is very scared, but he is clever. He says to the tiger,“I am strong, but you are weak. I am stronger than you. You can not eat me.” The tiger asks, “Why?” The fox says, “Please walk after me. When the animals see me, they will run away because I am very strong and they don’t want me to eat them.” Then the tiger walks behind the fox. A rabbit sees them. He runs away quickly. A bird sees them, and he flies away, too. A goat sees them, and he runs away, too. Now, the tiger knows the fox is stronger than him, and he doesn’t dare to eat the fox now.




① hungry [?h??ɡri] adj. 饥饿的② scared [sk??d] adj. 害怕的

③ clever [?kl?v?] adj. 聪明的④ strong [str??] adj. 强大的

⑤weak [wi?k] adj. 虚弱无力的⑥quickly [?kw?kl?]adv.迅速地,马上⑦ know [n??] v. 知道⑧than [ean] 用于比较级的第二个比项之前]比⑨ dare [d??] v. 敢于⑩ runs away逃跑


( ) 1. The tiger is hungry now.

( ) 2. The tiger is going to eat the fox.

( ) 3. The fox isn’t stronger than the tiger.

( ) 4. The fox is very clever.

( ) 5. The tiger dares to eat the fox.


A. A rabbit runs away.

B. The tiger wants to eat the fox.

C. The tiger walks behind the fox.

D. The tiger doesn’t dare to eat the fox.

E. A bird flies away.



1. 晚上他很害怕。

He is very at night.

2. 我比小明聪明。

I’m than Xiao Ming.

3. 妈妈病了,她很虚弱。

Mum is ill and she is very .

4. 狐狸迅速的跑掉了。

The fox quickly.

5. 现在是午饭时间了,我有点饿了。

It’s time for lunch and I’m a little .

Passage 71

A Little Girl and a Wolf

It is Sunday. A little girl is on the way to her grandma's house. A wolf comes and greets her,“Hello,young girl! Where are you going?”“I'm going to my grandma's house.” The wolf runs to h er grandma's house. The little girl is now in her grandma's house and sees her grandma lying in bed.


“Hi,my dear.”

“Oh,your ears are big and your nose is black,Grandma.”

“It's all right,my dear. Sit on the bed.”

“Grandma,your teeth are big.”

“I know! Now I can eat you.”

“No,you can't.”

The little girl's uncle comes to the house and shoots the wolf. Her grandma

comes in and puts her in her arms.




①way [weI] n. 路,路途

②greet [ɡri?t] v t. 问候,向……致意

③lie [laI] v i. 躺

④shoot [?u?t] v t. 射击


()1. The little girl is running to her grandma's house.

()2. The wolf is a kind wolf.

()3. The wolf wants to eat the little girl.

()4. The little girl is on the way to her home.

()5. The little girl’s uncle shoots the wolf.


()1. The wolf's ears are ________.

A. long

B. big

C. small

()2. On the way, she meets ________.

A. a wolf

B. her uncle

C. her grandma

()3. The wolf wants to eat________.

A. the little girl

B. her uncle

C. her grandma

()4. ________ is in bed.

A. A wolf

B. Her uncle

C. Her grandma

()5. shoots the wolf.

A. The little girl

B. Her father

C. Her uncle


1. 艾米正在回家的路上。

Amy is on the home.

2. 在校园里我们应该向老师们致敬。

We should the teachers at school.

3. 这个男孩正躺在地上睡觉。

The boy is on the ground to sleep.

4. 不要向鸟开枪。

Don't the birds.

5. 妈妈正抱着她的孩子。

Mother is her baby in her arms.

Passage 72

My bedroom

This is a picture. It’s a picture of m y bedroom. Look at it, please. What can you see in the picture? I can see a bed, a desk and a chair. What can you see on the wall? I can see a map and a kite. What map is it? It’s a map of China. I can see a light, some books and some flowers on the desk. Where are my coats and trousers? Oh, they’re in the box. You can’t see them.




① bedroom [?b?dru?m] n, 卧室② map [map]n.地图

③ trousers [?tra?z?z] n. 裤子④ a map of 一幅……


( ) 1. This is a picture of a classroom.

( ) 2. I can see a map of China on the wall.

( ) 3. The light is under the desk.

( ) 4. I can see the coats in the box.

( ) 5. I can’t see any trousers.


( ) 1. This is a picture of the .

A. room

B. bedroom

C. school

( ) 2. You can in the picture.

A. a desk

B. a table

C. a computer

( ) 3. The kite is .

A. on the desk

B. on the chair

C. on the wall

( ) 4. The light is .

A. on the desk

B. on the chair

C. on the wall

( ) 5. The trousers are .

A. on the desk

B. in the box

C. on the chair


1. 这是一幅公园的图画。

This is the park.

2. 我的卧室又大又漂亮。

My is big and beautiful.

3. 我有一幅中国地图。

I have a China.

4. 我的裤子是新的。

My are new.

5. 在桌子下面有一盏灯。

There is a under the desk.

Passage 73

Happy New Y ear!

Miss Liu: Hello, boys and girls. Happy New Year!

Boys and girls: Happy New Year! Miss Liu!

Miss Liu: Su Hai, your new coat is so nice. It’s red, I like red too.

Su Hai: Thank you.

Mike: This present is for you, Miss Liu.

Miss Liu: Thanks! Wow, chocolate! I like chocolate very much. Is this robot for Su Hai?

Mike: No, this is for my brother, Tim. That CD is for Su Hai.









① coat [k??t] n. 外套

② present [pr??zent;(for n.)?preznt] n. 礼物

③ chocolate ['t??k(?)l?t] n. 巧克力

④robot ['r??b?t] n. 机器人

⑤ Happy New Y ear 新年快乐


( ) 1. It is New Year’s Day.

( ) 2. Su Hai’s coat is yellow.

( ) 3. The chocolate is for Mike.

( ) 4. Tim gets(得到) a robot.

( ) 5. The CD is not for Su Hai.


( ) 1. Su Hai’s new coat is .

A. green

B. yellow

C. red

( ) 2. Miss Liu likes coat.

A. red

B. blue

C. green

( ) 3. Miss Liu likes .

A. cake

B. chocolate

C. rice

( ) 4. The is for Tim.

A. robot


C. chocolate

( ) 5. The CD is for .

A. Miss Liu

B. Su Hai

C. Tim


1. 艾米的外套是新的。

Amy’s is new.


阅读理解整体分析 选材 ①阅读材料通常在150~250词之间 ②选材广泛,具有浓厚的时代气息 ③阅读语段生动活泼,语句富子变化 命题原则 ①要求考生既能理解具体的事实,也能理解抽象的概念; ②要求考生既能理解文章的表层意思,也能理解文章的深层含义; ③要求考生既能理解某句、某段的意思,也能理解全篇的逻辑关系; 中考阅读理解的应试策略 在解答阅读理解题时,要根据如下步骤进行解题。 1.浏览问题明确要求 先了解文章后面所要解决的问题再去看文章,能使思路更加清晰,做到心中有数。 2.略读全文,了解梗概 略读就是在尽可能短的时间内把握文章或段落的内容,略读时要特别注意主题。 3.通读寻读猎取信息 寻读时可把与答题无关的内容一扫而过,而与答题有关的重要信息要认真读。 4逐条分析,对号入座 即把寻读时所获得的信息与答题要求结合起来,逐条进行分析,对号人座。 5.复读全文,验证答案 再次仔细阅读全文,进一步加深对文章的理解,核实所选内容是否正确。 阅读理解不同题型解题技巧 基于不同的考查目的,阅读理解题通常可分类为“细节理解题”“主且大意题”“词义猜测题”与“推理判断题”,不同的考查目的,会有不同的设题特点可使用不同的解题技巧。 一、细节理解题解题技巧 细节理解题主要是考查who, what, which, when, where等文章细节些细节理解题比较简单,只需浏览文中所叙述的事实或细节,就可以作答。 但一些细节理解题则需要通过语句的同义或反义转换来考查学生对英语的理解能力,对文中个别难词、关键词、词组或句子作出解释或需要对有关的上下文提供的语境和信息、甚至对整篇文章的内容建立准确、立体的理解和判断。这些题的难度较大解答细节理解题时,要先看题于,然后带着问题读文章。同学们做这类题时可以边读边做记号,加强阅读的针对性提高做题的准确率, 1.语义转换题一跳读查找法。语义转换题通常考查对某句话或某几包话的理解,可根据题干内容从原文中找到相关句子,然后进行比较和分析,并确定最佳答案运用跳读查找法时,要特别注意试题及其选项与原文之间的语义变换,如同义变换、概念解析、归纳事实等 2.生活应用题一常识理解法。生活应用题要求学生在读懂文章的基础上结合定的生活常识进行判断。但有些时候,一些常识性判断题,甚至只看题干,就可选出最佳答案。 3.细节排序题一首尾定位法。这种试题要求学生根据动作发生的先后顺序和句子之间的逻辑关系,找出事件发生的正确顺序,做此类题时可采用“首尾定位第一个动作和最后一个动作,迅速缩小选择范围,从而快速选出正确答案 4.寻找值息题一干定位法。快速寻找信息题一般为功能阅读题,主要形式有广告、公告、演出信息、航班时间表、购物就餐等,做这类题时没有必要阅读全文,直采用“题干定位法,根据题干要求,直接从表格中查找相关信息


初三英语阅读理解(10篇) (一) Little Tom down the street calls our dog "The keep dog".Zip is a sheep dog. But when Tom tries to say" Seep", it comes out "keep". And in a way Tom is right. Zip is always bringing things hoem for us to keep! I'll tell you about some of them. Zip's first present was a shoe. It was made of green silk. We didn't know how Zip found the shoe. But after a moment Mary, my big sister, told me the shoe had a strange smell. I nodded(点头)and held my nose. "What do you think it is?" "It smells like something for cleaning. I think someone tried to clean a spot (污点) off the shoe. Then he put it at the door to dry." "Along came Zip. And good-bye shoe!" I said."We should take it back." "We can't ".said my sistter. "Maybe little Tom is right," Mary said. "Maybe Zip is a keep dog!" 1.The writer and Mary didn't know______. A.what Zip's first present was B.how Zip carried its first present home C.who owned Zip's first present D.what Zip's first present was made of



(13)Ford decided to invest in railroads, trucks and both Great Lakes and ocean____ . A)vessels B)vehicles C)equipments D)shipments (14)----Do you know the function of _______ when product in stock? ----Yes, it against damage and prevent it from deterioration. A)paper B)packaging C)packaged D)wrapping (15)He _________ in physics then he teaches it in college. A)studied B)learned C)specialized D)read 二、术语翻译。每小题2分,共10分。请将正确答案填在相应的横线上。 (1)物流单证________ (2)装载________ (3)成品________ (4)货运代理________ (5)期待做某事________ 三、简答题:每小题5分,共15分。 (1)What does modern logistics mean?(give the example) (2)How many kinds of transportation you know? And what are they? (3)What is indoor operation? 四、翻译。每小题3分,共15分。 (1)我将要带你参观我们公司。 (2)The more ports to call at, the unable to estimate the time. (3)每张表该填多少批货? (4)They are packed in boxes of one dozen each,100boxes to the carton. (5)你需要存放什么样的货物? 五、阅读理解。(1)-(10)题,每小题3分,共30分。 一 Packing is the end of production and the start of logistics. But it is more important to the latter than the former because the package is absolutely necessary to transportation and storage. Without it, the logistics can’t work. One of the basic functions of packing is to protect the goods in the process of logistics. It is called industry package. The second function is to make sales


Passage 1 An Old Man One day an old man is taking a train to his hometown. One of his shoes falls onto the ground, but the train starts .He can not pick it up. Then he takes off the ogher and throws it near the fallen shoe. A boy beside his asks him,” why do you do that?” He says, “If a man picks them up ,he ma as well get a pair of shoes.” 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F) ()1.An old woman is taking a train to his hometown. ()2.one of the man’s shoes falls nto the ground. ()3.The old man picks his shoes up. ()4.The old man takes off the other and throws it near the fallen shoe. ()5.The old man is very kind . Passage 2 Why Do I help You? It is early in the morning. Mr. White is cutting the grass in the yard. Suddenly, his neighbor Mr. Black runs out and helps him. Mr. White is very happy and he asks Mr. Black, “Do you often help people cut grass?” “No!” “So why do you get up and help me?” Mr. Black says :”I help you cut the grass so that I can go back to sleep again.” ()1.When does the story happen? It happens in the _______ morning. A. early B. late C. middle D. last ()2.What is Mr. White doing? Mr. White is _______ in the yard. A. watering B. drinking C. doing exercises D. cutting the grass ()3.How does Mr. White feel when his neighbour helps him? Mr. White is very _______. A. angry B. happy C. upset D. excited ()4.What does Mr. Black want to do? Mr. Black wants to _______ again. A. sleep B. eat C. drink D. read books ()5.Does Mr. Black often help people cut grass? _______. A. Yes B. No C. Not mentioned D. We don’t know. Passage 3 Lynn’s Weekend Today is Sunday. Lynn is very happy. She needn’t clean the classroom, do morning exercise or have classes. She has to do many exercises at school every day. She has no time to play. And only at weekends can she play happily. But she has to do her homework at home. She has to clean her bedroom, wash her clothes and water the flowers at home, she doesn’t like doing these things. And you? 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。 ( )1. Today is Saturday. ( )2. Lynn needs to clean the classroom. ( )3. Lynn has no time to play at school. ( )4. Lynn doesn’t do her homework at home.


中考英语阅读理解100篇:中考英语阅读理解真题及答案(1) Edward rose early on the New-year morning. He looked in every room and wished a Happy New Year to his family. Then he ran into the street to repeat that to those he might meet. When he came back, his father gave him two bright, new silver dollars. His face lighted up as he took them. He had wished for a long time to buy some pretty books that he had seen at the bookstore. He left the house with a light heart, expecting to buy the books. As he ran down the street, he saw a poor family. “I wish you a Happy New Year.” said Edward, as he was passing on. The man shook his head. “You are not from this country.” said Edward. The man again shook his head, for he could not understand or speak his language. But he pointed to his mouth and to the children shaking with cold, as if (好像) to say, “These little ones have had nothing to eat for a long time.” Edward quickly understood that these poor people were in trouble. He took out his dollars and gave one to the man, and the other to his wife. They were excited and said something in their language, which doubtless meant, “We thank you so much that we will remember you all the time.” When Edward came home, his father asked what books he had bought. He hung his head a moment, but quickly looked up. “I have bought no books”, said he. “I gave my money to some poor people, who seemed to be very hungry then.” He went on, “I think I can wait for my books till next New Year.” “My dear boy,” said his father, “here are some books for you, more as a prize for your goodness of heart than as a New-year gift” “I saw you give the money cheerfully to the poor German family. It was nice for a little boy to do so. Be always ready to help others and every year of your life will be to you a Happy New Year.” 48. Edward expected to _________ with the money he got from his father. A. help the poor family B. buy something to eat C. buy some pretty books D. learn another language 49. Why did the poor man shake his head when Edward spoke to him? A. He couldn’t understand the boy B. He wouldn’t accept the money C. He didn’t like the boy’s language D. He was too cold to say anything 50. How much did Edward give the poor family? A. One dollar B. Two dollars C. Three dollars D. Four dollars 51. We know that Edward_________ from the passage? A. got a prize for his kind heart B. had to buy his books next year C. bought the books at the bookstore D. got more money from his father 【参考答案】:48-51 CABA 【语篇解读】:本篇是一个记叙文。主要记叙了一个叫Edward的小男孩,用父母给自己的两美元去帮助更需要的穷人。最后小男孩不仅从爸爸那得到了喜欢的书作为新年礼物并且


写在前面的话 各位老师: 您们好。欢迎使用劳动版专业英语教材。如果您在使用中发现问题,或者有任何建议和意见,可与我们联系: 联系人:赵硕 联系电话:64962011 电子邮箱:zhaos@https://www.doczj.com/doc/4a6271577.html, 物流英语(第二版)参考答案 Unit 1 Lesson1 Check and Learn A quantity place time condition price Dialogue A 1. KFC chain 2. suppliers 3. logistics B 1. logistics 2. regularly 3. supplier 4. operation Reading A 1-b 2-e 3-a 4-d 5-c C. 1. be made of 2. ship 3. unique Lesson 2 Check and Learn A 客户服务、运输、仓储、设施布局、库存管理、采购、物料搬运、包装、需求预测、废弃物处理、信息处理

A 1. warehouse assistant 2. exported 3. clearance Reading A 1-c 2-e 3-d 4-a 5-b B customer service / transportation / warehousing / facility location / inventory management / procurement / material handling / packaging / demand forecasting / waste disposal / information processing Lesson 3 Check and Learn A a-3 b-6 c-4 d-1 e-2 f-5 B 1. developed 2. reduce 3. leading 4. step by step Dialogue A 1. FedEx Express 2. air 3. processes B 1. fifteen 2. one hundred and sixty-eight 3. six thousand, five hundred and twenty 4. twelve thousand, five hundred 5. one hundred and fifty-seven thousand 6. two million, three hundred thousand, seven hundred and eighty 7. ten million 8. eight point five Reading A sustainable globalization efficiency goal B 1- c 2- d 3- b 4- a Lesson 4 Check and Learn A 运输专员/ 仓库助理/ 订单处理专员/ 采购专员/ 客户代表/ 客户服务专员


英语阅读理解练习题20篇及解析 一、阅读理解 1.根据短文内容理解选择正确答案。 A According to a new survey, students’ safety has become a big problem. Nearly 50% of students say they are worried about robbery on the way to and from school. Now in main big cities in China, some schools have taught an unusual lesson: self-protection. Students like this lesson because there are no exams or boring classes. And they can learn how to save lives and know how to stop danger before it really happens. Chen Haoyu, a teacher at Beijing No. 25 Middle School, gives young students advice on how to deal with danger. ★If you are robbed Keep calm. lf you can not cry for help or run away. Give the robber your money. Try to remember what the robber looks like and tell the police later. ★If you are in a traffic accident If a car hits you. You should remember the car number. If it is a bicycle, try to call your parents before you let the rider go. This is because you don't know how seriously you are hurt ★If it is raining hard and there is lighting Don't stay in high places and stay away from trees. ★When there is a fire Get away as fast as yon can. Put wet things on your body and try to find an exit. Do not take the lift. ★If someone is drowning If you can't swim, don't get into the water. Cry out for help. Remember that danger is never as far away as you think. Take care of yourself at all time! (1)Why do students like the self-protection lesson? ①Because there are no tests. ②Because the lessons are boring ③Because they can learn how to save lives. ④Because they can know how to stop danger b efore it happens. A. ①② B. ②③ C. ①②④ D. ①③④ (2)What will you do if a bicycle hurts you? A. I will remember the bicycle number. B. I won't let the rider go until I call my parents. C. I will let the rider go before I call my parents. D. I will let the rider go because I know how seriously I am hurt. (3)lf your house is on fire, you must__________. A. put dry things on your body B. run quickly and take the lift C. run away and find an exit as quickly as you can


中考英语阅读理解专项复习经典 一、初三英语阅读理解(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读理解 Science fiction is a popular kind of writing, and many people think of Jules Verne(凡尔纳) as the father of science fiction. He was born in France in 1828. His father wanted him to become a lawyer, but from his early 20s Verne decided to become a writer. At first he wrote plays for the theater. Then, in 1863, he wrote a story called Five Weeks in a Balloon. The success of this book encouraged him to write more stories such as A Journey to the Center of the Earth(1864) and From the Earth to the Moon(1865). In the 19th century, many people were interested in science and inventions. Jules Verne wrote about scientific subjects in his stories and, as a result, they were very popular. Verne's writing included many predictions(预言)for the 20th century and many of them came true. He described space flight, movies, and air conditioning, a long time before they appeared. These books were very successful and they made Verne rich. Jules Verne's books have been the subjects for many movies. 20, 000 Leagues under the Sea was a successful movie for Walt Disney. It was the first time that Disney movie had used real actors instead of cartoon drawings. Around the World in Eighty Days is another famous movie based on one of Verne's books. The main character is an Englishman called Phileas Fogg. For him, the most important thing is to be always on time! (1)What does the phrase "the father of science fiction" mean? A. The father who has several children. B. The man who loves science and inventions. C. The writer whose father wrote science fiction. D. The man who first started writing science fiction successfully. (2)What encouraged Jules Verne to write more stories? A. The plays he wrote for the theater. B. The encouragement from his father. C. The success of Five Weeks in a Balloon. D. The scientific subjects in his stories. (3)Why were Jules Verne's books very popular in the 19th century? A. Because his books made him rich and famous. B. Because he wrote many plays for the theater at that time. C. Because his books were the subjects for many movies. D. Because many people were interested in science and inventions. (4)Which of the following has the main character called Phileas Fogg? A. Five Weeks in a Balloon. B. Around the World in Eighty Days. C. A Journey to the Center of the Earth. D. From the Earth to the Moon. (5)According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? A. The space flight Verne described was different from others. B. The main characters in Verne's books are always on time. C. Jules Verne only wrote in the 19th century. D. Many of the predictions in Verne's stories came true.


初三英语阅读理解(10篇)(一) Little Tom down the street calls our dog "The keep dog".Zip is a sheep dog. But when Tom tries to say" Seep", it comes out "keep". And in a way Tom is right. Zip is always bringing things hoem for us to keep! I'll tell you about some of them. Zip's first present was a shoe. It was made of green silk. We didn't know how Zip found the shoe. But after a moment Mary, my big sister, told me the shoe had a strange smell. I nodded(点头)and held my nose. "What do you think it is?" "It smells like something for cleaning. I think someone tried to clean a spot (污点) off the shoe. Then he put it at the door to dry." "Along came Zip. And good-bye shoe!" I said."We should take it back." "We can't ".said my sistter. "Maybe little Tom is right," Mary said. "Maybe Zip is a keep dog!" 1.The writer and Mary didn't know______. A.what Zip's first present was B.how Zip carried its first present home C.who owned Zip's first present D.what Zip's first present was made of


I. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions. 1.International trade is the exchange of the capital, goods and ___across international borders or territories. A. materials B. factors of production C. products D. services 2. The reason why international trade is more costly is that a border typically imposes additional costs such as____, time costs due to border delays and costs associated with country differences. A. production B. tariffs C. capital D. goods 3. After the negotiation of export documents under L/C by the beneficiary, the importer, after viewing the documents, should do the ___of documents by effecting payment. A. claims B. delivery C. redemption D. importance clearance 4 If we had received your L/C, we ___shipment. A. will effect B. have effect C. would have effected D. had effected 5.International trade is the exchange of capital, goods and services across international border or territories. It is typically more costly than domestic trade.(true) 6. According to Inconterms 2000,which group of the following trade terms mean that the buyer must contract for the carriage of the named port of destination?( ) A. FOB CIF EXW B. EXW FCA CFR C. FCA FAS FOB D. DAF FAS DES 7.____means that the seller delivers when the goods pass the ship's rail at the named port of shipment. A. CPT B.CIP C. FCA D. FOB 8. The ____term can only be used for sea and inland waterway transport. A. CPT B.CFR C. FCA D.CIP 9. Under the CFR term, the seller must, in addition, pay the cost of carriage necessary to bring the goods to the ____, when he delivers the goods to the carrier nominated by him. A. Named destination B. Named port of destination C. Named place D. Any place 10. CIF should be followed by___. A. Port of transshipment B. Port of destination C.port of call D.port of shipment 11.According to Incoterms 2000,( )means that the seller delivers when the goods pass the ship's rail in the port of shipment and seller has to procure the cargo transportation insurance. A. CFR B. FCA C.CPT D. CIF 17. For supply chain to realize the maximum strategic benefit of logistics, the full range of functional work must be ( ). A. Managed B. Integrated C. Transported D. supplied 18.Supply chain is sometimes called the value chain or( )chain. A. demand B.price C. Provision D. command 19.Logistics is the work required to move and position( )throughout a supply chain. A.Work-in process inventory B.inventory C. Manufacturing D. Manufactured goods 20. Logistical operations can be divided into 3 areas: market distribution,


精选中考阅读理解100篇(附答案) 1-20 (1) The Weather (选自广州) In winter the weather in England is often very cold. In spring and autumn there are sometimes cold days, but there are also days when the weather is warm. The weather is usually warm in summer. It is sometimes hot in summer, but it is not often very hot. There are often cool days in summer. When the temperature is over 27℃, English people say it is hot. When the temperature is about 21℃, they say it is warm. In the north of Europe it is very cold in winter. In the south of Europe the summer is often very hot. In the south of Spain(1)and in North Africa(2)the summer is always hot. Water freezes(3)at 0℃. When water freezes, it changes from a liquid(4)into ice. Water boils(5)at 100℃. When water boils, it changes from a liquid into steam(6). Notes: (1)Spain/speIn/n. 西班牙(2)Africa/`frIk/n.非洲(3)freeze/fri:z/v.结冰(4)liquid/`lIkwId/n.液体(5)boil/bIl/v.沸腾;(水)开(6)steam/sti:m/ n.蒸汽 1.What is the weather like in summer in England? A.Very hot. B.Warm. C.Cool. D.Both A and C. 2.What do you think “the north of Europe" means? A.A part of a country. B.The capital of Europe. C.A country in the north of Europe. D.A part of Europe. 3.When water freezes, it changes from into. A.water, ice B.water, steam C.steam, ice D.ice, water 4.The writer wants to tell us something about. A.the weather in Europe B.the weather in England C.some knowledge of the temperature D. three states of water 答案:1—4 DDAC (2) The Artist and the Beggar(1)(选自成都) An artist was coming home by train one day. He hadn’t much money but was very kind. He gave his last few coins(2)to a beggar, but he saw another one, and forgot that he didn’

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