大学英语精读第1册 (1)

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Want to know how to improve your grades without having to spend more time studying? sounds too good to be true? Well read on...

How to Improve Your Study habits

Perhaps you are an average student with average intelligence .You do well enough in school, but you probably think you will never be atop student. This is not necessarily the case, however. You can receive better grades if you want to. Yes, even students of average intelligence can be top students without additional work. Here's how:
1.Plan you time carefully. Make a list of your weekly tasks. Then make a schedule or chart of your time. Fill in committed time such as eating, sleeping, meetings, classes, etc. Then decide on good, regular times for studying. Be sure to set aside enough time to complete your normal reading and work assignments. Of course, studying shouldn't occupy all of the free time on the schedule. It's important to set aside time for relaxation, hobbies, and entertainment as well. This weekly schedule may not solve all of your problems, but it will make you more aware of how you spend your time. Furthermore, it will enable you to plan your activities so that you have adequate time for both word and play.
2. Find a good place to study. Choose one place for your study area. It may be a desk or a chair at home or in the school library, but it should be comfortable, and it should not have distractions. When you begin to work, you should be able to concentrate on the subject.
3.Skim before you read. This means looking over a passage quickly before you begin to read it more carefully. As you preview the material, you get some idea of the content and how it is organized. Later when you begin to read you will recognize less important material and you may skip some of these portions. Skimming helps double your reading speed improves your comprehension as well.
4.Make good use of your time in class. Listening to what the teacher says in class means less work later. Sit where you can see and hear well. Take notes to help you remember what the teacher says.
5.Study regularly. Go over your notes as soon as you can after class. Review important points mentioned in class as well as points you remain confused about. Read about these points in your textbook. If you know what the teacher will discuss the next day, skim and read that material too. This will help you understand the next class. If you review your notes and textbook regularly, the material will become more meaningful and you will remember it longer. Regular review leads to improved performance on tests.
6.Develop a good attitude about tests. The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject. The world won't end if you don't pass a test, so don't worry excessively about a single test. Tests provide grades, but they also let you know what you need to spend more time studying, and they help make your new knowledge per

There are other techniques that might help you with your studying. Only a few have been mentioned here. You will probably discover many others after you have tried these. Talk with your classmates about their study techniques. Share with them some of the techniques you have found to be helpful. Improving your study habits will improve your grades.

average ordinary 普通的;中等的
intelligence ability to learn and understand 智力
necessarily inevitably 必定
case what has really happened; actual condition 实情
additional added 附加的,额外的
addition n.
weekly done or happening every week 每周的;一周一次的
schedule timetable 时间表
chart (sheet of paper with) information written or drawn in the form of a picture 图(表)
commit 指定...用于
aside to the side 在旁边;到(身)一边
etc (Latin, shortened form for et cetera) and other things 等等
normal usual 正常的
reading the act or practice of reading 阅读
assignment sth . Given out as a task (布置的)作业
occupy take up 占用
relaxation (sth. Done for) rest and amusement 休息,娱乐
relax u
hobby what one likes to do in one's free time 业余
entertainment show, party, etc, that people enjoy 娱乐
entertain ut.
Solve find an answer to (a problem) 解决(问题)
Aware having knowledge or understanding 知道的;意识到的
Furthermore moreover; in addition 而且;此外
Enable make (sb.) able (to do sth.) 使(某人)能(做某事)
Activity sth. (to be ) done 活动
Adequate as much as one needs; enough 充分的;足够的
Distraction sth. That draws away the mind or attention 分心(或分散注意力)的事物
Concentrate (on or upon) pay close attention (to) 全神贯注(于)
Skim read quickly to get the main ideas (of) 略读
Preview have a general view of (sth.) beforehand 预习
Content what is written in a book ,etc. 内容
Organize form into a whole 组织
Later 后来;以后
Skip pass over 略过
Portion part; share 一部分;一份
Double make or become twice as great or as many (使) 增加一倍
Comprehension the act of understanding or ability to understand 理解(力)
Mention speak or write about (sth.) in a few words 提及
Confuse a standard book for the study of a subject 教科书;课本
Performance achievement 成绩
Meaningful having important meaning or value 富有意义的
Attitude what one thinks about sth. 态度

Purpose aim 目的,意图
Excessively too much 过多的,过分地
Permanent lasting for a long time; never changing 持久的;永久的
Technique way of doing sth. 技巧,方法
Helpful useful; providing help or willing to help 有益的;给予帮助 的,肯帮忙的


Fill in write in 填写,填充
Decide on make a choice or decision about 选定,决定
Set aside save for a special purples 留出
As well also; too; in addition 也,还;同样
Be aware (of) know (sth.) ;know (what is happening) 知道,意识到
Concentrate on direct one's attention, efforts, etc. to 全神贯注于
Look over examine (quickly) 把...看一遍,过目
Go over review 复习
Lead to result in 导致


1 This text is adapted (改编) from Lado English Series, Book 6.
2 This is not necessarily the case, however: But this is not inevitably (必然地)
Other examples:
He thought he had found the right answer, but that was not the case.
-IS it true that Mary is leaving tomorrow morning?
-No, that's not the case.
3 Fill in committed time such as eating...
"Committed time" is the time during which a person feels it necessary to do certain things.
4 ...plan your activities so that you have adequate time for both work and play.
"SO that" is used here to introduce an adverbial clause of purpose (目的状语从句).
Other examples:
Prof. Smith spoke slowly at first so that we could follow him easily.
I got up very early this morning so that I could catch the first bus to town.


Words to Drill
Adequate attitude average aware case
Commit concentrate confuse double enable
Furthermore helpful later mention necessarily
Occupy organize performance purpose skim

Reading Aloud and Memorizing
1 Read the following paragraph (段)until you learn it by heart, paying special attention to sense groups (意群) and the sentence stress (句重音):
`Plan your `time `carefully. //`Make a `list of your `weekly `tasks. //`Then/`make a `schedule or `chart of your `time. //`Fill `in com `mitted `time/such as `eating,/`sleeping,/ `meetings, /`classes, et` c .// `Then/ de` cide on `good ,`regular `times for `studying. //Be `sure to `set a`side e`nough `time/to com`plete your `normal `reading/and `work as`signments. //Of `course, /`studying `shouldn't `occupy `all of the `free `time/ on the `schedule. //It's im`portant / to `set a`side `time `for rela`sation, /`hobbies,/and enter`tainment as `well. //`This `weekly `schedule/may `not `solve `all of your `problems, /but it will `make you `more a `ware of `

how you `spend your `time.//`Further `more. it will e`nable you /to`plan your ac`tivities/so that you have `adequate `time/for `both`work and `play.

2 Answer the following questions:
1.Do you think an average student will never become a top student?
2.Why is it important to plan your time carefully?
3.Do you spend all your free time studying? If not, what other things do you do in your spare time?
4.Where do you usually study in the evening? In your bedroom , in your classroom or in the library? Why?
5.What does skimming mean? Why is it important?
6.How can you make good use of your time in class?
7.Do you think it helpful to take notes while listening to your teacher? Why or why not?
8.DO you think it necessary to write down everything that the teacher says? What kind of information do you write down?
9.What should you do after class? Why is it important to review your lessons regularly?
10.What is the purpose of a test?
11.Which of the six suggestions (建议) in the text do you find the most helpful to you? Give your reasons.
12.Have you any other suggestions to offer to your classmates?

Vocabulary (词汇)
3 Choose the definition (定义) from Column (栏) B that best matches (匹配) each italicized (斜体的) word or phrase (短语) in Column A:
1. an average student a. find an answer to
2. not necessarily the case b. talked about in a few words
3. set aside enough time c. enough
4. occupy all of your free time d. unclear in one's mind
5. solve all of your problems e. put together in an orderly way
6. have adequate time for work f. true
7. skim before you read g. ordinary
8. how it is organized h. save for a special purpose
9. mentioned in class i. Take up
10. remain confused about the points j. look over quickly
4 Fill the blanks (空格) with the words or expressions given below. Change the form where necessary.

Occupy solve concentrate on enable later
Furthermore aware go over attitude organize
Set aside decide on fill in lead to
1. This new technique will ______ them to double their production.
2. Fresh vegetables are nutritious (有营养的) ;_____ , they are cheaper than frozen ones.
3. It was several minutes before I became _____ of what was happening in the classroom.
4. Too much discussion will only __________ confusion.
5. He made a careful study of the problem and _______ it within two days.
6. He realized that his ________ on these matters was wrong.
7. I can't ________ what I am doing because it is so noisy here.
8. Would you please ________ your name . address and telephone number here?
9. She ________ the plans again and discovere

d three mistakes.
10. His time is fully ________ by his job as manager.
11. Let's but our heads together and a plan of action.
12. I've decided to ________ ten yuan each month so that I can buy a used bike next year.
13. At first he decided to move to Chicago, but _______ he changed his mind.
14. I tried to ______ my thoughts before speaking out on the question.
5 Complete the following sentences, using the words giver in brackets (括号) :
Model: If we... our word, we'll make mistakes.(concentrate)
If we don't concentrate on our work, we'll make mistakes.
1. If you try to learn too many things at a time, you may...(confuse)
2. Too much work and too little rest may...(lead)
3. Thank you for... with my homework.(helpful)
4. Food that looks good...taste good.(necessarily)
5. The manager promised to... if I could win the contract for him.(double)
6. I was angry when I discovered... and that she'd been telling me lies.(case)

Word Building
6 The suffixes (后缀) -ment, -ation, -sion, and-ion are used to form nouns (名词) from verbs, e.g.
assignment <- assign relaxation <- relax
introduction <- introduce comprehension <- comprehend
concentration <- concentrate

7 Study the following words. Then use them correctly in the sentences below.
Verbs Nouns Adjectives (形容词) Adverbs(副词)
Care care careful carefully
Carelessness careless carelessly
Add addition additional
Use use useful
Mean meaning meaningful
Comfort comfort comfortable comfortably
Probability probable probably
1. care (u.) ,care (n.) ,carelessness,careful,careless,carefully,carelessly
1 You must be very ________not to say anything to Paul.
2 She ______ for the old man as if he were her own father.
3 A ______ driver is a danger to us all.
4 All the children here are taken good ______ of.
5 If Bob drove more ______ , he wouldn't have so many accidents.
6 He is not a diligent (勤奋的) student. He shows great ______in everything he does.
7 Spend more time on your work, Tom. You did your homework very ______ .
8 I hope you will be more ______ in future about what you say.

2. add, addition, additional
1 In ______ to English, you'd better learn another foreign language.
2 Mother needs ______ help in the kitchen on weekends when all of us come home from school.
3 The fire is going out (熄灭) ;will you ______ some wood?
4 This is an ______ proof (证据)of his carelessness.
3. use (u.) ,use (n.) useful, useless, used
1 Prof. Wang tells us to make good _

_____ of our time in class.
2 My bicycle is broken (坏了); it is completely.
3 May I ______ your English dictionary for an hour or two?
4 This is a very ______ dictionary for beginners of English.
5 It's much cheaper to buy a ______ car than a new one.
6 What's the ______ of crying?
4. mean meaning meaningful meaningless
1 Could you explain the ______ of the title (题目)to me?
2 The more you read the poem (诗),the more ______ you will find it to be.
3 As Lenin says, forgetting the past _______ betrayal(背叛).
4 It's a waste of time doing such ______ work.
5 To him, life ______ struggle.
5. comfort (u.) comfort (n.) comfortable comfortably
1 You can sit very ______ in this new car.
2 I tried to ______ her; but shat could I say?
3 Sit down, please, and make yourself ______ .
4 Young people should not seek ______ and enjoyment and shirk(逃避) hardship.
5 Tom didn't feel _______ living with his parents.
6. probability probable probably
1 If you go to the park early in the morning, you will ______ find the old artist taking a walk there.
2 In all ______ he will go with you to the museum.
3 It is ______ that the cost will be greater than we think.
4 Jack is ______the best student in his class.

Structure (结构)
8 Complete the following sentences , using so that, and... as well or as ... as one can:
1. I took an English book with me (以便有空可以读一下).
2. He posted the letter early in the morning (为的是让她下午能收到).
3. Would you speak a little louder (好让每个人都听得见)?
4. We'd better get some milk, some bread,(再弄一些鸡蛋).
5. He is a versatile (多才多艺的) writer. He writes poems, novels,(还有剧本).
6. Last year he visited Japan, Canada,(还有美国).
7. He plays basketball and football,(他还游泳场滑冰(skate)).
8. You should(尽早给他们一个答复).
9. (请尽快把这本书看完). I have to return it to the library tomorrow after noon.
10. When he left his parents he promised them that he would(尽量多写家信).

9 Fill in the missing (缺掉的) words:
The purpose of this passage is to make students a ______(1) of the importance of developing good study habits in improving their p _______(2) on tests. Directed at the a ____(3) student , the article first stresses(强调) the need to plan one's time, so that an a ____(4) amount of time is s____ a____(5) for study. It also m ___(6) that the place in which one chooses to study should be free of distractions. In the matter of study techniques, the writer advises students to ___ l_____ o_____(7 ) their lessons quickly before careful reading, a practice which other writers have called "pre-reading"; to use class time wisely; to c_______(8) regularly scheduled time to study; and to approach(对待) tests with a good a ____(9). Following the advice given in this article could l____ t______(10) improved grades for

many students.
Many of you are studying English and you may be wondering why it is so difficult to learn. It is actually not that difficult to learn ______(1) you know some basic facts (2) the language and culture that ______(3) reflects(反映).
Perhaps the first thing you need to k_____ (4) about English is that it made ____ (5) of several other languages such _____(6) French, German, Latin, Greek and Anglo=Saxon. In addition, there are words ______(7) Spanish in English and many American Indian words and names; even some Chinese and Japanese _____ (8) have found their way ______(9) the English language. This borrowing of words from o ___(10) languages is one of the key reasons _____ (11) some of the difficulties that people meet with ______ (12) they are learning English.

10 Translate the following sentences into English:

Reading with understanding depends on the interplay(相互作用) of three factors (因素):vocabulary, structure (grammar), and meaning; in other words, successful comprehension depends on one's actual command(掌握) of the language. But generally a good knowledge of reading techniques or skills will not only make reading easier, but also help improve reading comprehension to a certain extent(程度).

Skill: Basic Reading Skill I
--How to Read a Text (Part I )
It is advisable(可取的)to read a comprehension passage at least twice: the first time, to obtain(获得) a general impression(印象)of the text, and then a second time to concentrate on the important details (细节).Sometimes a third reading is necessary==to check items(项目)that caused difficulty.

First Reading
Read the following text once, at your normal speed ,trying to get a good general idea of what the passage is about, and then do Exercise A.
Words to Know
Participate 参与,参加 citizen 公民
(in) multiply 乘(以)
department 系;部门 subtract 减(去)
inform 通知;报告 sum 总数;总和
writing 写,写作 urgent 紧迫的;紧要的

乐观的 career 生涯;职业
anyway 无论如何 arithmetic 算术
institution 机构 fee 费;酬金
learning 学习;学问 guarantee 保证;担保
principal (中小学)校长 graduate 毕业
responsibility 责任;义务 complain 抱怨

Learning to Read -in College
(1)The Timkens sent their child Laura off to college with a check for $7,000 in tuition(学费) and thought that was the end of it. But soon after they received a letter from the dean of studies(教务主任)。
(2)"We are happy to announce that we have started a remedial reading class for college freshmen and strongly advise that your daughter Laura participate in it. If she doesn't, it is our opinion that Laura will not be able to keep up with her studies. The cost will be $250."
Timken read the letter. "I thought Laura could read," he said to his wife.
"So did I. I think the problem is she can read, but she does not understand what she reads."
"What did they teach her in public school and high school?"
(3)"I have no idea, but if the college says she needs remedial reading we'd better see that she gets it or $7,000 will be thrown away. "
A few days later they got another letter from the dean.
"The English Department has informed us that your daughter Laura cannot write. They have suggested that she enroll in (报名参加) the remedial writing class. We started it two years ago when we discovered this was a common problem for most college students. If you agree that Laura should get this special help, please send a check for $250."
Timken was angry now.
"How did she get in college if she can't write?"
Mrs, Timken was much more optimistic about it . "Laura can write. She just can't write complete sentences."
"She went to school for 12 years and she can't write a sentence?" Timken said. "They made an illiterate out of my daughter!"
"Oh, I believe that's a bit strong, I'm sure, anyway, the college can help her learn to write. After all ,it is an institution of higher learning."
"So now we have to pay $250 for something they should have taught her in grammar school?"
"Don't you remember what the principal said years ago ? (4)It was the school's responsibility to make good citizens out of the students, and the parents' responsibility to teach the children to read and write. It seems that we're the ones who failed."
Timken sent in the check, and was not surprised to find another letter waiting for him a week later.
It read: "We have found that no one in the freshman class can add, multiply, subtract or divide simple sums. (5)We feel it is urgent that this deficiency (缺陷) be corrected early in a student's college career. Therefore, we are setting up a special remedial arithmetic course. The fee will be $250. If you do not want your daughter to take this course we cannot guarant

ee she will graduate."
Once again Timken flew into a rage(勃然大怒). "I thought Laura got A's in math in high school. "
Mrs. Timken said, "That was conceptional math. She never could add or subtract. Don't you remember when you complained once about it and Laura's teacher told you, 'She can always learn to add and subtract when she gets to college. '?"
--Art Buchwald

Exercise A
Answer the following questions without turning back to the passage. You may answer in a word, a phrase, or a complete sentence, just to see whether you have got a general idea of the passage. If you find it somewhat easy to answer these questions ,it may mean that you can increase your reading speed; if you have much difficulty with the exercise, it probably means that you should have read a bit more slowly: adjust(调整) the rate of reading to suit your case.
1.Does the story take place after or before Laura entered the college?
2.How is she getting along with her studies in general?
3.How many letters did her parents get from the dean of studies?
4.What is the first letter about? What advice did the dean offer in this letter?
5.Whatis the second letter about ? What did the English Department suggest ?
6.What is the third letter about? What did the college urge Laura's parents to do?
7.How much did the college ask Laure's parents to pay for each of these remedial courses?
8.How did the Timkens feel when they were told that their daughter should attend all these remedial classes?

Second Reading
Now read the passage again. This time, try to remember the important details and pay due(适当的)attention to points that seem difficult. If there is a word you are not familiar with, do not waste too much time worrying about what it might mean. Just look at what comes before and after, make an intelligent guess and then go on .When you have finished the second reading, do the following multiple choice(多项选择)exercise.

Exercise B
Choose the best answer for each of the following questions. You may look at the text if you want to.
1.When the Timkens sent .their daughter Laura off to college and paid the tuition, they thought.
a .they had done what the parents had to do and they could do nothing more about it .
b .they had paid what they ought to pay and the college would take care of her studies.
c. she had entered the college and would enjoy a successful college career.
d .all of the above.
2.A remedial class is
a. a class for college freshmen.
b. a class for those students who are interested in reading or writing.
c .a class for elementary arithmetic study.
d .a class for those students who need special help to keep up their studies.
3.From what the dean says in his second letter we know for sure that
a .Laura is a student in the English Department, majoring in (主修)English writing.
b. Laura is very poor in writing and has failed an important examination.

Laura is very poor in writing but she is only one of the very many who fail to write well.
d.No college student can write, so that is really a common problem.
4.What is an "illiterate"?
a. A person who cannot add ,multiply, subtract or divide simple sums.
b. A person who is unable to read and write.
c. A person who has been to school for 12 years but cannot write a sentence.
d. A person who has not formed good study habits.
5.When Mrs. Timken said, "Oh, I believe that's a bit strong",
a .she was blaming her husband for using strong language.
b. she thought her husband was exaggerating(夸大) the fact in a way.
c. she thought it unnecessary for her husband to get so angry.
d. she was not very happy to hear her husband describing her daughter as an illiterate.
6."An institution of higher learning "refers to
a.a college or university in general.
b.a college or university of high reputation.
c.a college which can produce good writers.
d.a college which is able to correct the students' deficiencies in time.
7.The statement "We're the ones who failed" could be most suitably replaced by
a .we failed to cooperate with the school and teachers.
b .we did not keep in good contact with the school and teachers.
c .we neglected(忽略)our duty as parents to teach our child to read and write.
d .we failed to keep in mind what the principal said.
8.What is Mr. Timken's attitude toward his daughter's need for remedial courses?
a. Anger and confusion.
b. Happiness and joy.
c. Love and hate.
c. Disgust (厌恶).
9.What is Mrs. Timken's attitude toward her daughter's need for remedial courses?
a. Acceptance of the tact that she needs them.
b. A feeling that she's failed Laura somehow.
c. A willingness to pay the fees.
d. All of the above.
10.The title "Learning to Read -in College "means
a. students who are not good at reading are offered a good chance of learning to read in college.
b. it is more effective to learn to read in college.
c. it is ironical(令人啼笑皆非的) that a college student still needs to learn to read in college.
d. all of the above.
Check your answers. If you got several wrong it may suggest that you did not apy enough attention to detail; be careful to look at all the words, both in the text and in the questions.

Exercise C
Translate into Chinese the underlined sentences in the passage.


Combination: Using Connectives(关联词)
Reread the following sentences from the text of this unit carefully and study the functions (作用) of the connectives (underlined):
--You do well enough in school, but you probably think you will never be a top student .This is not necessarily the case, however.
--It may be desk or a chair at home or in the school library, but it should be comfortable, and it should not have distractions.
--Furthermore , it will enable you to plan your activities so that you have adequate time for both work and play.
--Review important points m

entioned in class as well as points you remain confused about.

Combine the following pairs of sentences, using the connectives given in brackets:
Model: The work is good.
It could be better. (yet)
--The work is good, yet it could be better.
1. At first she didn't want to go.
Later, she changed her mind. (however)
2. I have read one of his novels.
I have read a few of his plays. (as well as)
3. He doesn't know what happened.
He doesn't care what happened. (neither...nor)
4. It was a cold snowy day.
He had no money left for food. (and)
5. It rained heavily last night.
I went to the show anyway. (but)
6. The book is due (到期的)tomorrow.
I have to rush through it tonight. (therefore)
7. Hurry up.
You'll be late. (or)
8. enjoy classical (古典的)music.
She enjoys classical music, too. (so)
9. You may get there by sea.
You may get there by air, too. ( either ...or )
10.He must be ill.
He is absent today. (for)
11.I never saw him again.
I never heard from him again. (nor)
12.Mr. White was shocked (使震惊) by the news.
Mrs. White was shocked by the news, too. ( both ... and )

Paragraph: Write a one-paragraph composition entitled "How I Plan My Daily Activities". Begin the paragraph with the topic sentence: "I play me daily activities carefully so that I cal have adequate time for both work and play." Complete the paragraph with six to eight sentences , using the words and phrases given below.

Adequate make a list of decide set aside
Aware of occupy enable


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