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Hanzhong Hot Sheet Jelly (Hot Mianpi)

典故传说:据传汉中面皮起源于公元前231—前213年的秦始皇鼎盛时期。《长安县志》和《留坝县志》描述汉中面皮的起源有这段文字:秦始皇在位时,汉中当地有稻田十万亩,有一年久旱不雨,稻田干枯,打下的稻谷尽是稻秕,碾出的大米质量太差,无法向皇帝纳贡,农民们深恐欺君之罪,非常焦急恐慌。当时有位姓朱的农民,他将打下的新大米碾成很细的粉末(当地人称为“米面面”),又过筛罗后,再用水调成糊状,然后倾倒在甑子上蒸熟切成条状,名为面皮子,大家尝后个个称奇。他带着面皮子和纳贡的人来到秦镇,将面皮献给秦始皇,皇帝吃了面皮美味可口,倍加赞赏,并令今后汉中地区的贡物只能献大米制成的面皮。后来在他逝世的汉中地区农民家家户户都有蒸面皮的石磨碾子等器具,方便制作这一美食。Legends and allusions: It is said that the origin of sheet jelly was from Qin dynasty. In the first Emperor of the Qin Dynasty period, one year rice does not grow well and have poor quality because of lack of rain. Therefore, majority of farmers worried about fear of punishments due to not being able to pay the tax. There was a farmer named Zhu at that time, he decided to take the new rice to make powder, after filtrating, and put into the water to become rice paste. At the same time, he put the rice paste on the device which was used to steam food, and then, cut into pieces, named sheet jelly. Plenty of people praised the food; meanwhile, they took the sheet jelly to Qin shihuang. The first king ordered that the sheet jelly can replace the tax in Hanzhong area.




Main ingredient: Rice

Minor ingredient: Bean sprouts, potatoes wire, celery, spinach, carrot, cucumber Seasoning: Oil chutney, monosodium glutamate, refined salt, seasoning water (including vinegar, soy sauce, etc.), garlic juice, etc.


Dish Characteristics: Sense of crispy, soft and tender, spicy and delicious


1. 提前将大米淘洗干净,浸泡后磨成米浆,调至浓稠合适,

2. 然后在特制的面皮蒸笼上铺上一块蒸布,用勺子舀适量米浆均匀倒在其上,盖好锅盖大火烧至上气,少顷揭锅盖,沿着锅边匀点清水降温,

3. 然后提起蒸布迅速反扣摊在台面上,抹上少许菜籽熟油,防止与下一张蒸好的面皮叠放时粘连。

4. 在蒸面皮期间,将扣在台面上的面皮折起来切成条状备用。若是吃热面皮,需要先在碗内调好各种调料,面皮出锅后轻轻的溜入碗内,筷子稍稍搅拌即可趁热享受。

Making Method

1. Clean the rice in advance, and grind into rice milk after soaking,

2. Put a steaming cloth in the special food steamer, and use a spoon to take a moderate amount of rice milk in this device. And then, cover the pan, after a while; take a little bite water to cool along the edge of the steamer.

3. Then take off the steaming cloth, and reverse quickly the table. At the same time, apply a little cooking oil to prevent stick together.

4. Cut sheet jelly in strips. If you like to eat hot sheet jelly, you just take a variety of seasoning in the bowl first, and use the chopsticks to stir. Finally, began to enjoy it.






Nutrition function

1. Warm the stomach and treat stomach chills.

2. Increase serum calcium, and prevent premature aging.

3. Resistance eye disease and prevent night blindness.

4. Suitable for different people who have sub-health which are dry mouth, dry eye, and thinking too much, sleep deprivation.