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整理:Sketch K&Tina







根据闪点+- 1分









1 必须有清晰的整体脉络

2 必须有自然的段间衔接

3 经典的用词用句




e.g,: eat ---consume


e.g.:show ---display --- demonstrate



Good / ok

Perfect / glorious / terrific / fantastic



It 作形式主语或形式宾语

e.g. : It is easy to learn English

there be



***said + 直接引用———不用

***believed + 自由表述 -----用

可用人物: Kant& Nietzsche 只用于道德和爱心之类的话题


1 必须有清晰的结构





2 必须要有统一的中心

3 自然的衔接(衔接为其生命)





衔接方法:1 重复词:概括重复直接重复和齐头重复

2 序数词:first…second…

3 关联词:并列 and 转折 but

让步 although 递进 in addition

因果 because

e.g. Because of having rain ,he developed a high fever , and thus has to

sleep at home .his absence resulted in the reduction of his pay.

4 转折和让步之间的差别

让步好于转折 democracy 民主

e.g. they are poor

---they suffer from poverty

They are hungry

---they struggle against starvation

------they suffer form poverty ,struggling against starvation



e.g: 我们不会把所有秘密告诉其他人

we don’t tell others all the secrets

we don’t let others know all the secrets

we hide some secrets from others

everyone has privacy






1 阅读 I will think about it 没戏

She mothers me 她像母亲一样关心我

My sands sneak swiftly 时光飞逝(借喻、拟人、押头韵)

2 背诵背单词---坚持

背文章---新概念三、四册 TOEFL100句

3 看电影阿甘正传 20遍

狮子王 20遍

Friends 10季 2遍

4 观察生活

Love is playing every game as if it were the last one

To the world ,maybe you are just one person ,but to someone who loves you,you are the world.




1 agree & disagree (观点类)

2 A or B (观点类)

3 compare and contrast 社会现象阐释类

4 persuasive essay 社会现象阐释类


There is no consensus among people as to …such an argument : (main idea)

Some people 认为


Think / believe / consider / argue

Hold / claim / emphasize /maintian

I believe

Some people maintian …while others may not agree


From my personal angle alone

Agree with 客观同意 side with 主观偏袒

The former / latter point coincides with mine

For one thing …/for another …/what is more …

On one hand …/on one other hand…/moreover …

Therefore ,I can take it for granted that…

Take sth for granted…“不言而喻”


From what has been discussed above we may resonably draw a conclusion that …(原因) 喊口号:(结句)

1 倒装句 only …can we…

e.g. only in this way can we have a bringht future

2 虚拟语气 It is high time that + 一般过去“真是到了。。的时候了”

3 名人名言 As an old saying goes….


For most of the time ,we are always on the arduous journey in seeking ,for the answer of this question .My answer is yes/ no ,simple yet candid.



The environment should be of the people ,by the people and for the people.



Love your parents in time ,for we can never reply from paradise

There is a fault called miss.


1 提纲比较随意

2 与前一种文体之间有千丝万缕的联系

举 / 说 / 谈 / 论 / 提

举例子/说原因/ 谈感受 / 论影响 / 提建议


1 注意举例子词

单举:for instance

For example

A case in point

选举:for example … and …also …even…

2 注意逻辑关系词:举例要有顺序


A number of factors contribute /give rise to such a phenomenon .

For one thing …/ for another .. / what is more ..

Therefore ,all these reasons lead to the phenomenon .


The influence of … has become more obvious at the moment .


There is no immediate solution to such a problem ,but the following suggestion might be helpful. 阐释类文章的万能开头:

Because the rapid development of modern society … has been brought into focus recently.



1 必须有深刻的中心内涵



Teamwork : together everyone

Achieve more


2 副词的恰当使用


Leisurely : 怡然自得


3 必须要有6大要素时间、地点,人物、事件起因、经过、结果

4 时态问题:


5 把握详略


“曾几何时”:there was a time when we know nothing about the world

“现在某时”:there is a time when


There are times when I can take it for granted that everything will come to the end “往事如烟”:the past has turn into ash

“尘归尘,土归土” : Dust to dust , ash to ash


1 抓住事物的本质

Air conditioner /love /roommate

you go your way ,and I go mine

2 抓住描写的顺序

Friendship is a relationship which involves sincerity mutual trust and self-sacrifice 顺序:时间、空间、逻辑


1 抓住选材,即选材一定要好

103题/staring from failure


2 要能引起共鸣

3 要能说明问题

PS : why me ,why choose



1 定语从句与同位语从句的差别






Report ,idea , new , belief , fact , dream 即抽象名词易出现同位语重组句子:

1 主句:they were not taken seriously

2 reports came into London zoo

3 a wild tiger had been spotted forty-five miles south of London


2 句子的拆分联系

3 feel obliged to 感到不得不做sth

用have to 标志 ----最熟悉的陌生人(用熟悉的英文标注生词)

4 “,for ”的使用方法:表达因果关系最经典的方法

5 分词做后置定语:把定语从句变为现在分词作后置定语


Prove 代替 am ,is ,are

A trail of 一串串 a trail of beautiful story

6 情诗:(五种让步)

无论你去哪里 whenever you go

无论你做什么 whatever you do

无论你爱的是谁 whoever you love

无论你何时归来 whenever you come back

无论那时你多老多丑 however old and ugly you are

我都会在此等待 I will be right here waiting for you

7 a number of = many =a lot of

Sb be fully convinced that = be sure

e.g : 记者们听说孙燕姿要去北京

Journalists hear that sun will come to BJ

They set out to obtain the new


Hearing that sun will come to BJ, journaliists set out to obtain the news

Hearing the news that sun will come to BJ ,journalists set out to obtain it .(同位语)更深层次的应对方法:

我的boss 要求我去会客户,我立刻去做

1 My boss asked me to visit a customer . I immediately left my office to do that.

2 My boss instructed me to visit a customer . I immediately set out to do that .

3 Instructed to visit a customer ,I immediately set out to do that .

The editor was getting impatient

lost his patience

was running out of his patience

could not wait a second

Fail to:

英文中的否定很少.用not ,一般采用

1 no + 名词

2 nothing

3 fail to


e.g.: women are usually attracted by beautiful clothes

Beautiful clothes always catch women’s eyes

Beautiful clothes fascinate women

Beautiful clothes never fail to fascinate women

Sth never fail to fascinate human beings可作为开头

Affectionate 柔情似水

Passionate 激情的

Reasonable 理性的


e.g. :To cat’s life ,we have nothing

we don’t know much about a cat’s life

we know little about a cat’s life

Little do we know about a cat

A cat’s life to us is a mystery

Learn to = get used to 习惯于

We have learned to …

Remain suspicious of…对…保持怀疑

Never remain suspicious of …坚信

Some people never remain suspicious of the point that there is true love in the world(同位)

One of the things that fascinate us most about cats is the popular belief that they have nine lives that1 为定语从句 that2 为同位语


People never remain suspicious of that point that the internet never fail to be important

Internet , a way of communication , play an important role in society

People without internet are like flowers without sunshine.


1 形式主语 & 形式宾语

2 方法:


If I am you ,I will stay here

If I was you ,I would stay here

If I were you , I would stay here

If I could have a dinner with him I would

If you told me earlier ,I would not do that

If you had told we earlier ,I would not have done that



e.g. Mr zhuang wishes his GF were beauty

gonna = going to wanna = want to

a glass of water


The days would all be empty . The nights would seem so long .


The sky is blue and my heart is clam.


I have a dream that one day + 从句我有这样的梦想有朝一日


Must –may—might might 最好

I might have been in love before but it never felt this strong


Hold me now , touch me now

Touch 的用法

We should read this book and never touch bad book.


1 否定 + 比较级 = 最高级

No one is more beautiful than you .

2 It is more than I could afford

3 I love you more than I can say


**will lead a way for us like a guiding star



1 喧宾夺主

2 分 be 得


Be –所有时态的变化均体现在be 动词上

得--- 得到被动句


Love for the sake of being loved is human . Love for the sake of loving is angelic .



1 强调

2 承上启下

3 制造悬念

e.g : 任何广告都不使我们感到惊讶

The advertisement can not surprise us any more

Rarely can the advertisement surprise us any more

e.g. A small city does not fascinate people as much as a big city ---hardly

e.g:A new factory would contaminate our community

Seldom can a new factory be established without contaminating our community .

e.g. We sat on the cliffs by the sea ,watching the sunset.

On the cliffs by the sea we sat , watching the sunset .

I came to Beijing for the simple reason that I love you

Such is human nature ,that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the…of becoming…

Such is love ,that falling in love proves easy but remain in it proves difficult



Venus’wife has never discovered that she married a dustman and she never will ( discovered that she married a dustman)


Am I a dish ?

Not only …,but … as well

Not only the web change the lives habit but improve the efficiency of government.


Internet has not only changed our living habit ,but enhanced the efficiency of the government as well

Not only has internet changed our living habit ,but enhanced the efficiency of the government as well

Be always doing sth

当always / usually 表示频度的副词与现在进行时连用时均表示作者对动作发出者反复进行的某一动作所带来的强烈的谴责或赞扬的感情Girl are always going shopping for one cause or another ,but they have never managed to get right one



Internet is important .




同:Internet ,the powerful means of communication ,is important

同、定:Internet , a tool which offers us plenty of information ,is important


Internet is important


Important --- vital ,crucial ,indispensable ,significant ,essential


Be + adj. == be of n.

Be of importance

Play an important role in



万能 --- It is universally acknowledged that Internet is vital to us


Seldom can we ignore the value of internet


It is internet that make the world go around


Nothing is more important than Internet

Nothing can be compared with the importance of internet











八、旅行: 12、65、74、85、86、106、146、156、171













e.g. :高等教育应该给优秀的学生还是所有学生

People take it for granted that men are created equal 人类生来平等,这是不言而喻的电影总是吸引别人 never fail to

Such is :


Such is life that miracle happens everywhere

Life was like a box of chocolate and you never know what

I laugh in the face of danger


The invention of internet will always be remember by people , for it mark the beginning of information era. 有时候: there was time when …

There was time when the moon proved to be a mystery to us.


I have a dream that we can live in an equal society free from …

认为: equal

It is universally acknowledged that fortune equal happiness.

…and…equal a happy life



1 引用名人名言谚语

2 具体事例

*3 排比反问句式

4 背景介绍


Have you ever done …

Have you ever done …

Have you ever done …

If you have never had such experiences , you would never how much …

Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves



Thanks to fast development of computer technology , books ,as traditional medium ,are more and more challenged . Many libraries are faced with a dilemma ,whether they should invest on computers or books. With every aspect taken into consideration I am fully convinced that to invest on computers would be better choice.

I hope = I imagine paradise to be a place where …

However = the other side of the picture is quite the opposite

I feel as if I were waiting for the last bus which never would come …“失望”

Though it may be possible to measure the value of technology in term of…,it is extremely difficult to estimate the true value of .

Paradox “悖论”

Learning the importance of the hard working most of students have already set there own goal.




新托福写作讲义09年暑假 第一课时新托福考试流程 报名-缴费-考试流程和界面-成绩-大学录取分数线 第二课时新托福考试备考 观点1 攻克托福考试最有效的捷径是听写 观点2 托福考试全面复习的同时重点放在单词和听力上 观点3口语和写作部分是很容易得分的 第三课时新托福独立写作评分标准 第三课时新托福独立写作中文构思和文章结构 第四课时新托福独立写作开头部分 例子——提炼——中文思维模板——中文练习——英文模板——英文练习——英文模板变换 开头类型1:特训234 同意不同意:明智的父母比优秀的老师对我们教益更多 明智的父母教会我们许多生活的哲理,例如高尚的价值观、与不同的人融洽相处的方法以及理解她对他人的责任。优秀的老师则教会我们怎样为将来的工作做好准备和实现梦想所需要的技能。老师和父母在我们的成长中起着同样重要的作用,是他们使我们对未来有了一种敏锐的洞察力。所以,我反对明智的父母比优秀的老师对我们教益更多的观点。 提炼类型1:用例子解释或定义关键词1+用例子或定义解释关键词2+所以,表明观点

开头类型1举例:图书馆还是体育设施 图书馆的资源是大学生获取知识、培养自学能力最主要的方式之一。而体育设施能够使大学生强身健体、舒缓压力、娱乐身心。我不否认体育锻炼对于学生成长的重要影响。但作为大学投资的决定,学校应该把更多的钱投资于图书馆而不是体育设施。 开头类型1举例:事实还是概念 事实是发生在我们周围事情,往往形象生动并且容易让人理解,而概念是事实的总结和抽象,能够概括一系列符合规律的事实。因此据我来看,在学习的过程中间,概念和事实的学习对于学生来说有着不同的作用。 开头类型2:特训236 同意不同意在社区周围建立一家折扣店 折扣店的出现成为我们社区关注的焦点。当一家企业决定在购物区开折扣店时,一些人游行表示反对,而另一些人觉得在这种商店购物很方便。我喜欢附近有一所大型折扣店,但我也能理解在同一条街开小商店的朋友为什么不喜欢这种竞争对手。换句话说,我支持新商店,因为它位置便利、价格低廉。 提炼类型2:关键词背景+论题重复+表明观点 开头类型2举例:经济发展和环境保护 经济发展和环境保护逐渐成为全球政府共同关注的两大议题。政府在制定国家发展策略的时候,一些人主张优先发展经济,而另一些人认为人们的首要任务是保护环境。


托福写作15个写作模板,100句常用句型 出国留学,托福考试必不可少,以下是15个TOEFL的托福作文模板,100句常用句型按照托福作文结构组合而成。 托福写作作文文套一 Depending on personal experience, personality type and emotional concern, we find that some people hold the idea of A meanwhile others prefer to B, from my point of view, it is more advisable to chose A rather than B. My arguments for this point are listed as follows. The main reason for my propensity for A is that___________________________.就理由进行解释_____________________.For instance,____________________ Another reason can be seen by every one is that____________________________.就理由进行解释___________________For example,____________________ The argument I support in the first paragraph is also in a position of advantage because_____________________________ Although I agree that there may be a couple of advantages of B, I feel that the disadvantages are more obvious. Such as________________. In a word, ________________________________________________.So, it is sagacious to support the statement that it is better to A. 托福写作作文文套二 A or B 将原题复述___________________________________________When faced with the decision of A of B, quite a few would deem that______________________, but others, in contrast, believe A/B as the premier choice and that is also my point. Among countless factors which influence -A/-B, there are three conspicuous aspects as follows. The main reason for my propensity fo _________is that___________________ The second reason can be seen by every person that________. In addition, these reason are also usable when we consider that_________. There are some disadvantages in____________________另一种观点的缺点__________.


托福写作高级词汇整理 在托福的写作中,我们使用一些高级词汇去替换掉那些陈谷子烂芝麻的词汇可以帮助我们提高分数,为了帮助大家备考,下面小编给大家带来托福写作高级词汇整理。 托福写作高级词汇 1) Come a long way 有很大的进步 Human being has come a long from drinking and eating raw food to talking through cell phones. 2) It is worthwhile to / it is worth doing It is worthwhile to spend time in learning music and art, because they can benefit me for life time. 3) Give credit for 归功于 The convenience that commuters (通勤者 )has now should give credit for the newly opened subway lines. 4) Give sb. a competitive edge 给某人竞争优势 Learning multiple languages give people a competitive edge in this demanding society. 5) Remove the barrier for 为(发展,交流等)消除障碍 Learning English is a way to remove the barrier for communicating with many foreigners./exchanging with exotic cultures. 6) Be the cornerstone of 是的基石 Believing in the correlation of hardworking and success is the cornerstone of American spirit. 7) Be an essential ingredient of 是的条件 A sound health is an essential ingredient of excellent academic performance. 8) profit from/benefit from 从中获益 People can profit/benefit from the advancement of modern technology, such as computers, the Internet and many digital devices. 9) is an indispensable part of 是中不可或缺的一部分 Advertising has become an indispensable part of our lives and it has been exerting profound influence on the way we live, work , play and learn. 10) plays a pivotal role in 扮演者至关重要的角色


《新托福》课程教学大纲 课程编号: 课程名称:硕士英语(新托福听说读写) 课程英文名称:Insights to IBT TOEFL 课程学分:3分 课内学时:48学时 课程类别:必修 课程性质:学位课 授课方式:讲授 考核方式:口试、笔试、闭卷 一、课程的性质、任务与基本要求 (一)性质与任务 《新托福》课程是研究生第一学期的一门必修课程。此课程涵盖托福听力、托福口语、托福阅读和托福写作,对考试内容、提问方式、解题方法和考试技巧进行逐一的讲解和全面的介绍,并且提供模拟试题,以帮助学习对托福考试的形式、要求、难度等有一个全面的了解,提高使用英语的能力。 (二)基本要求 本课程终结时,学生应达到如下要求: 1、托福听力:托福听力考试的材料类型和题目形式,听具体信息活细节,听总体内容或大意,听暗示内容,听作者观点或态度,听总体结构和其标志词的技巧; 2、托福口语:托福口语考试的题目形式,口语流利技巧,产生参与和扩大谈话的愿望,阐述个人感受,如何简答,话题深入讨论; 3、托福阅读:托福阅读的材料内省和题目形式,快读/浏览获取具体信息,识别论点与论证,整体阅读段落大意,中心思想,意义重述,区分观点与事实的技巧;

4、托福写作:托福学术写作的题目形式,审题、收集素材、构思、提出观点、让步、评价和反驳、定义与解释、主题句与论证、前后一致、难句写作等。 二、主要教学内容及教学要求 THE LISTENING MODULE Unit1Introduction 主要教学内容 1、General information 2、Listening Test Format 3、Questions Type 教学要求 要求同学们掌握托福听力的基本技巧,熟悉托福听力的基本构成与题目类型。 Unit2Listening Strategies and Skills 主要教学内容 1、Listening for specific information 2、Identifying detail 3、Identifying main ideas 4、Seeing beyond the surface meaning 5、Following signpost words 6、Being aware of stress,rhythm and intonation 教学要求 要求同学们掌握托福听力的基本技巧,能够掌握听力基本技能并提高英语的运用技能。 Unit3IBT Listening Sample Tests 主要教学内容 1、Sample tests 教学要求 要求同学们能够将所学习的托福听力技巧应用到实践中。 THE SPEAKING MODULE Unit1Introduction 主要教学内容 1.General information 2.Speaking Test Format


托福写作圣经: 1.写作的第一要务是把观点表达清楚;(就是解释) 2.习作考试不基于考试的真实身份;(可以作假,真情实感没有任何意义) 3.写作考试只考察语言水平,不考察思想水平(unique, critical ideas mean nothing) 4.写作考试不测试考生的真实想法; 5.写作是基于表达,而不是基于翻译; 6.写作考试不同于平时写作; 7.写作内容和语言同等重要; 8.观点的层次比观点的数目更重要; 9.逻辑错误比语法错误更严重; 10.跑题就完蛋(finish egg). “T he longer, the better.”------黄金规则 Use best structure and sentence Sentence: “我认为…………….” I feel/think/hold/claim/believe/deem/maintain/reckon/argue/assume that…………. In my opinion From my point of view From my perspective/angle As far as I am concerned I hold/share the opinion/belief/position/standpoint/idea that My viewpoint/belief/opinion is that……… As I see/view/perceive/ the problem/question/issue/case/discussion/argument/controversy……. 托福作文不需要标题 段落格式:缩行式,空行式 教材推荐: 俞敏洪:《托福词根》 张洪伟,戴云《托福词汇10000》 张道真,《实用英语语法》 戴云,《托福语法精要》 张洪伟,戴云《新托福写作词汇小伴侣》 句子训练方法 1.多种方法表达同一句意 e.g A 对B很重要 1) A is important to B

托福写作模板 integrated writing(亲测 ..写作25)

The speaker, on the topic of ___________________, effectively casts doubt on the passage, providing the opposite evidence concerning/ about influences on/from ____________________. Firstly, _____听力结果______. Despite the content from passage that ____阅读结果____, the speaker provides an alternative explanation that ___听力内容_2句_. From this case, the speaker questions the validity of the passage. Secondly, ____听力结果_____. According to the lecture, ____听力内容2句__________. Such information directly challenges the position of the passage that ____阅读结果____. Thirdly, ____听力结果___. The passage states that ___阅读结果____. However, the speaker denies this point and gives the proof that ___听力内容2句______. This is another case where the content from the passage is totally groundless. Fourthly, 听力结果 . The passage states that 阅读结果, which is actually questioned by the speaker, who proposes the proof that 听力内容2句. Therefore, the side of the passage is overthrown by listening material.


托福写作教育类词汇整理 a s s i g n m e n t,h o m e w o r k任务,家庭作业 r e q u i r e d/c o m p u l s o r y c o u r s e s,e l e c t i v e c o u r s e s 必修课程;选修课程 c h i l d r e n a n d y o u t h/a d o l e s c e n t青少年 a d a p t t o s t h./a d j u s t o n e s e l f t o s t h./ b e c o m e a c c u s t o m e d t o s t h.适应 s e g r e g a t e s t u d e n t s区分对待学生 t e a m s p i r i t团队精神 t h i n k i n d e p e n d e n t l y独立思考 s t u d e n t s’f e e d b a c k/i n p u t,学生的反馈 s t u d e n t s a p p r a i s e/e v a l u a t e t h e i r t e a c h e r s’ p e r f o r m a n c e学生对老师的评价 g e n e r a l i s t, s p e c i a l i s t, w e l l-r o u n d e d/v e r s a t i l e 通才;专才;多才多艺的人 h u m a n i t i e s,s o c i a l s c i e n c e,a r t s,s c i e n c e a n d e n g i n e e r i n g,b a s i c s c i e n c e, a p p l i e d s c i e n c e人文;社科;艺术;科技;基础科学; 应用科学


何凯文写作强化班整理笔记 1、Just as an old Chinese proverb says. 正如一句古老的中国谚语所说。 2、Sample as the picture is, the symbolic meaning behind it is as deep as ocean. 尽管图画很简单,寓意却非常深刻。 3、Aspire to inspire until I expire. 生命不息,奋斗不止。 aspire/??spa??/ v(aspiring,aspired,aspires)有志(于) inspire /?n?spa??/ v(inspiring,inspired,inspires)鼓舞; 激励 expire /?k?spa??/ v(expiring,expired,expires)到期; 失效 4、With current state of affairs being so sorry, it is high time that we took effective measures to tackle this problem. 问题如此严重,是马上采取有效措施解决这个问题的时候了。 tackle /?t?k?l/ (tackling,tackled,tackles)处理 5、It is imperative that corresponding laws and regulations be introduced and enforced to curb and harness this urgent problem. 我们必须制定并执行一些法律和政策来解决这个问题。 correspond /?k?r??sp?nd/v (corresponding,corresponded,corresponds)相一致; 相对应 imperative /?m?p?r?t?v/ adj至关重要的 curb and harness 解决 6、In no country other than China , it has been said , is the problem of environment more serious. 在中国,环境问题是最重要的。


综合作文:270字以上 总结听力材料summarize the lecture: The speaker talks about The lecture discusses/is mainly discussing The professor made the point that 引出要点introduce key points: First/second/third First/then/another point is that Or express the key point directly in a topic sentence. 引出例子introduce examples or reasons: For example (instance)/one example is/such as/that is 增加例子add examples or reasons: Next/Furthermore/another example is/in addition 对比观点Shw contrast between ideas: However/In contrast/on the contrary/on the other hand/but 精彩opening: 1) The lecture discusses…which differs from the main idea in the reading that… 2) The professor made the point that…. The reading does not discuss this point. Another important point is that…, but the reading does not d iscuss the point. Finally, the Professor stated that…. In general, the Professor discusses problems of…that the reading does not include. 3) According to the lecture, ….On the other hand/while the reading stated that… The professor made the point that…. On the contrary/however/in contrast, the writer demonstrated an idea that… The lecture supports/illustrates the idea that… The lecture contradicts/refutes/is in contrary to/is the opposite of the idea that… 对材料的指称: The speaker/lecturer/professor/listening material/lecture


托福独立写作经典开头模板整理 1.标准写法:直接表明立场开门见山 题目: B u s i n e s s e s a r e a s l i k e l y a s a r e g o v e r n m e n t s t o e s t a b l i s h l a r g e b u r e a u c r a c i e s, b u t b u r e a u c r a c y i s f a r m o r e d a m a g i n g t o a b u s i n e s s t h a n i t i s t o a g o v e r n m e n t. 模板: C o n t r a r y t o t h e s t a t e m e n t’s p r e m i s e, m y v i e w i s t h a t b u s i n e s s e s a r e l e s s l i k e l y t h a n g o v e r n m e n t t o e s t a b l i s h l a r g e b u r e a u c r a c i e s, b e c a u s e b u s i n e s s e s k n o w t h a t t h e y a r e m o r e v u l n e r a b l e t h a n g o v e r n m e n t t o d a m a g e r e s u l t i n g f r o m b u r e a u c r a t i c i n e f f i c i e n c i e s.M y p o s i t i o n i s w e l l s u p p o r t e d b y c o m m o n s e n s e a n d b y o b s e r v a t i o n. 2.创意写法:引用谚语名言联系现实 题目: A s t e c h n o l o g i e s a n d t h e d e m a n d f o r c e r t a i n s e r v i c e s c h a n g e, m a n y w o r k e r s w i l l l o s e t h e i r j o b s. T h e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y f o r t h o s e p e o p l e t o a d j u s t t o



Task1 Free Choice Task 人物类题目: 1.Describe the famous person you admire most. Explain why you admire this person. Include details and examples to support your response. 2.Describe a person whom you enjoy spending time with. Explain why you would like to spend time with this person. Include reasons and details to support your response. 3.Describe a special friend in your childhood,why he or she is special to you? Include reasons and details to support your response. 4.Describe a person that you admire as an important role model. Explain why you look up this person. Include details and details to support your explanation. 5.Describe a character in a book,movie or TV program that deeply impressed you. Explain why you like this character. Include reasons and details to support your response. 6.Describe a person you’d like to know more. Explain what you’d like to know more about this person. Include reasons and examples in your response. 7.Describe a person you dislike. Explain why and use specific details to support your answer. 8.Describe a person who always makes you laugh. 9.which of the followings do you think is the most important features in friendship:honesty,loyalty,humor? Please include specific examples and details in your explanation. 10.what do think is most important feature for being a good teacher/leader/parent/neiborhood? Explain why and use specific detail to support your answer. 地点类题目: 1. Describe you go to often and explain why you like it most. Include reasons and examples to support your response. 2.Describe your favorite place or area in the city or town you live in and


复习建议 敲字和单词量,电脑上听写、写字板里练习写作 重复阅读官方指南第五章249-293和321-343 分类读185题库,列提纲,贯彻详细细节,查字典 分类写文章,修改到完美,准备机经 练习3分钟看一篇短文,做笔记然后重述能力 练习听学术段子,重述能力,建议93篇学术段子 练习可以从不计时到计时,量变到质量 三角和巴朗练习 一、独立写作评分原则 An essay at this level largely accomplishes all of the following: ●Effective ad dresses the topic and task ●Is well organized and well developed,using clearly appropriate explanations,exemplification,and/or details ●Displays unity,progression,and coherence ●Displays consistent facility in the use of language,demonstrating syntactic variety,appropriate word choice,and idiomaticity,though it may have minor lexical or grammatical errors. OG 325-343 effectively:in a way that produces the intended result or a successful result organized:arranged or planned in a particular order or structure developed:to make an idea clearer by explaining it further explanation:a statement,fact or situation that tells you why a reason given for sth unity:the state of looking or being complete in a natural and pleasing way progression:the process of developing gradually from one stage to another coherence:of different ideas,arguments,sentences to have a clear logical connection so that together they make a whole consistent:always behaving in the same way ,or having the same opinions standard


托福综合写作模板:写作经典句式 Both the lecture and the reading discussed …. However, their viewpoints are strongly contradictory for several reasons. First, the reading points out that …, but the lecturer supposes that …. And he also argues that …, thus… Moreover, the author holds that ... The lecturer, however, believes that…. Since it is …, …. Besides, the professor also refutes the idea that ... from the passage. He provides us with the instance/reason that.... In sum, according to the discussion above, the speaker totally disagrees with the conclusions revealed in the reading passage. Frequently Used Sentences 1 We are so development-oriented that we almost can sacrifice moral values for the purpose of obtaining a little material gain. 2 It is often reported in our daily newspapers that university undergraduates commit crimes, XXX from XXX University, is a case in point. 3 According to the latest paper published by the Chinese Academy of Social Science, the number of smoking people is increasing at an accelerating speed (alarming rate), especially in China.


托福独立写作技巧分享 摘要:小马托福考试:托福独立写作技巧分享!托福考试是众多学子出国留学的最佳途径,如何快速提高托福成绩?想了解最新的托福动态与托福资讯,请关注小马过河托福频道!关于托福学习的具体事宜咨询可拨打小马过河免费咨询电话:400-0123-267 分类举例法 托福写作考查的题材大致有15类,具体包括教育(education)、科学技术(technology)、媒体(media)、成功(success)、工作(ent)、友谊(friendship)、代沟(generation gap)、交通(transportation)、环境(environment)、金钱(money)、休闲活动(leisure)、家庭(family)、动物(animals)以及食品 (food)。 下面我们以教育题材中出现过的题目“学生是否应该上历史课”为例,说一说分类举例的运用。之所以选择这道题,是因为笔者认为在托福写作的教育类话题中,这个题目比较难写,很多考生遇到这道题都会陷入无话可说的境地。在这种情况下,笔者建议考生利用分类举例法来展开写作,进行例证。在具体写作时,考生按照以下三个步骤进行:①选择自己的立场,这里我们以“支持学习历史”为例;②把话题的关键词“历史”这个词具体化,比如,考生可以谈论学习文化史、美术史、文学史等不同学

科历史时分别有哪些收获;或者谈论在学习殖民地历史、南北战争历史、二战历史等不同时期的历史时分别有哪些收获;还可以选择诸如西进运动、马拉松战役等著名历史事件来展开论证;③在结尾再次呼应主题,重申自己的立场,即应该学习历史。下面请看一篇考生的习作: I believe that students are supposed to take history classes. For one thing, by learning the American colonial history, they gradually understand hoents in Plymouth and Massachusetts. For another thing, through studying the historical facts about the American Civil ent and sa and liberty. Similarly, the Second hoerica recovered from the raid on the Pearl Harbor and ho up, it is important for students to learn history because by learning history, they can knoes into being, but also hoes a democratic country and most important of all, ho hardship and then marches toilarly等,使得文章结构比较清晰;④没有语法和单词拼写错误。从这篇习作中我们可以看出,分类举例和将关键名词“具体化”对考生打开写作思路非常有帮助。 什么叫例子 什么是例子?你也许会说:“这个问题还用回答吗?不就是我们生活中的经历吗?”然而,当你真的拿起笔,打算从个人的生活经历入手写一篇托福作文的时候,却常常发现无法在短


托福基础写作 一、托福写作概述 二、英汉两种语言的区别 (一)、美国人与中国人思维方式的不同。 linear way of thinking (二)、英汉句子结构的特点。英语重形和,重结构,汉语重意和, 重语义。英语中常用复合句;汉语则常用短句,简单句。 10 Linking words cohesion 1. conj.: 1) and. but, or, so, while 2) if, because, although, That, who, which, what, as---as more than, so--- that 2. in this reason, in conclusion, for example 3. however, unfortunately, Undeniably 4. to make things worse 5. generally speaking 6. 同义词 7. repetition 8. this, it, that, those 9. interesting to see 10. what is more (三)英语多变化variety(diversity),汉语多重复。 (四)英语被动句多。汉语中主动句多。 三、中国学生写作最易犯的十大错误 1. Nowadays, college student should learn competition and cooperation. 2. The problem that is created by computers attract (draw, spark, captivate, intrigue, arouse, yield, give rise to) much attention. 3. In present-day society, there are a great many young people go abroad. 4. In my opinion, I think that smoking should be banned in public places. 5. The computer can not instead the pivotal role played by teachers in education. 6. Some people welcome raising pets, others hold different opinions.


Independent Writing I.A or B 开头 An increasing number of people begin to realize/complain/question that... OR:The majority of people tend to have a favorable/an unfavorable attitude towards something OR:XXX has now caused wide public concern OR:When it comes to...people often consider... The thing is,which XXX,A or B,(is a more efficient mean of learning/what do we mean by)? People may give various answers to this question. OR:Ask people…and they may give a diverse of answers based on their individual value systems Some believe that…while others/some claim… On balance,my favor goes to A. 正文 To begin with,I concede that B serves as an independent factor in(a successful education)/is of great value/B is superior to A since After all, However compelling these cases may sound,B is not without its problems. OR:However compelling these cases may sound,they cannot overshadow the significant role that A plays in XX. For example, In this sense, Therefore,too much emphasis on B is actually dangerous/harmful and may go contrary to our primary purpose of On the other hand,A can address/respond to some people’s needs that B cannot For one thing, For another, 结尾 In the final analysis,it is true that both A and B are part and parcel of X.However,considering the potential problems resulted from B and the great benefits of A,I believe it is sensible to(choose A) II.Agree or Disagree 开头 An increasing number of people begin to realize/complain/question that... OR:The majority of people tend to have a favorable/an unfavorable attitude with something 托福专业1对1在线培训机构【TPO小站】【保100分】

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