当前位置:文档之家› 2020年苏锡常镇高三一模英语试卷及答案












1.What does the woman think of gardening?


B.Boring.C Enjoyable

2.Why does the man call Johnson's office?

A.To ask for sick leave

B.To have his car repaired.

C.To put off the appointment.

3.What does the woman mean?

A.She won't sit next to John.B She doesn't like the movie.C She enjoys talking to John

4.Where is the man probably now?

A.At home

B.In the office

C.In a restaurant

5.How much does the woman pay for her tickets?







6.Why is the man going to Chengdu?

A To go on business B.To call on his aunt C.To make a living

7.When will it probably be sunny in Chengdu?

A Next Monday.

B Next Thursday.

C Next Saturday


8.What's the matter with the woman's phone?

A.It has run out of power.

B.It is loaded with too many things

C.It stores too many online pictures

9.What will Nancy probably do next?

A Buy a memory card B.Ask for the man's help C.Remove some pictures


10.What does the man ask the woman to do for him?

A Draw some money.

B Change some money

C Make new regulations

11.How much can the man change at most after3:00pm?




12.What can we know about the woman?

A.She's impatient

B.She's considerate

C.She's responsible.


13.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A Latest meetings

B Job changes C.Trip plans.

14.Where is Sherry going to work?

A Shenzhen B.Beijing C Shanghai

15.What can we know about Trish?

A.She is fed up with her work

B.She wants to apply for a transfer

C.She enjoys traveling at her job

16.What's the relationship between the two speakers?

A Colleagues B.A couple C Customer and saleswoman.


17.At what age was Laurent Simons admitted into university?




18.What is Laurent Simons'major now in the university?

A Medicine B.Electrical Engineering. C.Artificial Intelligence

19.Why does Laurent Simons want to create artificial hearts in the future?

A.To complete his final project.

B.To help those with heart disease

C.To follow in his parents'footsteps

20.What are Laurent Simon’s parents doing for his development?

A.Forcing him to learn quickly.

B Forbidding him from any hobbies

C Carefully letting him enjoy himself.





21.Though awarded as National Teacher of the Year,she has a guilty_____for spending so little time with her kids.

A complaint

B conscience

C commitment https://www.doczj.com/doc/4713225978.html,promise

22.Nezha,the highest-earning animated film ever in China,was__in North America in August,2019.

A.relieved B restored C registered D.released

23.Chinese tech giant Huawei launched its new operating system called Harmony,creating an_____ app ecosystem to Google's Android

A.alternative B aggressive C academic D.abstract

24----Have you heard of Li Ziqi,a popular vlogger?

—Definitely.How I wish I____her,showing the world the wonderful culture of China

A am B.were C.will be D.had been

25.Economists have long focused on the concept of education as an investment that,on average,____ well over the long term,for both individual students and society as a whole

A.gets around B makes up C.holds on D pays off

26______the environmental impacts of larger plastics are well documented,very little is understood about the dangers associated with micro plastics


B.As C Because D.If

27.The Amazon rainforest is considered the lungs of Earth,much of____located in Brazil





28.______some jokes into her speech,she grabbed the attention of the audience all the time.

A Working B.To work C.Worked D.Work

29.The past decades have witnessed China's many scientific achievements,____the development of Shenwei supercomputers is a typical example

A to which B.for which C in which D.of which

30.Nowadays the growth of food delivery apps in China____the country with takeout containers and plastic

A have drowned

B has been drowned

C is drowning

D are drowned

31.More attention on digital books reflects a rising trend in the industry towards___many are calling "digital first"

A which B.that C what D.where

32---I’m so annoyed!And I just don’t understand why Mike is constantly speaking ill of me.

---Don’t take it__.He treats everyone the same

A.thoroughly B individually C accurately D.personally

33.When we look up at the night sky and wonder whether there is anyone else out there,we're actually asking who we are____the universe

A.in preference to

B.in relation to C in advance of D.in recognition of

34.New regulations make it clear that to use children's information,network operators___obtain the children's guardians'permission in a clear manner





35.-Do you know that the latest AI technology can read minds?

-Yes,but don't you think that allowing data to be taken directly from our brains is like____giving rise to unpredictable consequences

A killing the fatted calf

B taking things as they come

C.opening Pandora’s box

D.putting the cart before the horse



Few17-year-old girls know how to weld(焊接)two metal pipes together.I have learned this skill in the past five years as a(n)36for my father’s personal plumbing(管道装置)business.This summer job often needs to deal with the mess that causes physical and mental37,and,to some extent,38a tough and elegant attitude.It is often difficult to cope with.But I39.

Every morning,I have to put on a pair of men's jeans Most of my peers are40to wear it in public. I41tied my hair when I rushed out of the house,and42into the front passenger seat of the plumber's construction vehicle

When my peers were part-time babysitters or lifeguards,I was helping my father in the dirty bathroom or the43basement.Thick dust44my nose and mouth,and my hands became black. There is nothing beautiful and neat;every thing in front of you is45

Honestly speaking,I felt46,discouraged and unable to think hard

Pipe work is a tough job,and I sometimes hate it.I asked myself why I had to47these dust and sweat.I can even find another job,a48job more like my peers.

49,just like I hate messy pipes,I also hate being affected by these little50emotions After all, the world is built by people who are willing to get their hands51.Life is a process of52chaos and learning to clean up,and pipeline work is no53.

My dad and I not only create chaos,we also create54.When customers are55for our work,I understand that we have brought order to their lives in small places.The physical and mental discomfort of plumbing work is worth it.

36.A companion B.fellow C.assistant D engineer

37.A.misfortune B.pleasure C discomfort D.injury

38.A.requires B.reflects C.reviews D.recovers

39.A promised B.waited C.resisted D.insisted

40.A.eager B.able C.unwilling D impatient

41.A.carefully B.normally C.eventually D.hurriedly

42.A.looked B.moved C climbed D.turned

43.A big B damp C.cool D.warm

44.A.covered B.separated C infected D protected

45.A dangerous B.interesting C.crucial D.ugly

46.A.fearless B powerless C.effortless D.endless

47.A.respect B.wipe C.tolerate D.replace

48.A.renewable B responsible C.regular D.realistic

49.A.However B.Therefore C.Otherwise D.Instead

50.A.disturbing B surprising C touching D.warning

51.A smooth B.smart C dirty D.violent

52.A controlling B accepting C.finishing D handling

53.A excuse B puzzle C description D.exception

54.A.memory B luck C.order D.wealth

55.A.grateful B.ready C.thirsty D.sorry




Have you seen the movie Coco?What about Finding Nemo?Did you watch The Incredibles? These movies may seem different,but they actually share a lot in common.For starters,they were

all made by an animation studio called Pixar.

How can one studio make movies that everyone loves?The secret:Pixar tells stories that audiences of all ages and backgrounds can connect with.The most important part of any Pixar movie is the story itself.


Storytelling is an art and a skill.Pixar creators know this.They have put a lot of time and thought into what makes a great story.One Pixar storyboard artist named Emma Coates created a list called "The22Rules of Storytelling According to Pixar.These are the rules that all Pixar stories must follow in order to be called a good story.

One rule is that"You admire a character for trying more than for their successes.In Finding Dory, Dory isn't a perfect character.She finds it hard to remember things.She makes silly mistakes,but never stops trying to find her parents.This makes her the hero of her story.If you have ever tried hard for something,you can relate to Dory


Why are the stories that Pixar tells important?They get the audience to feel the story Feelings of anger,fear,sadness,joy,and love are universal.In this way,Pixar's stories have the power to show audience members that we are more alike than different.Because we can connect with the characters' emotions,we can connect with each other

The stories that Pixar tells are very creative.No two movies are the same!But the stories and, more importantly,the feelings in each are universal.Even though we,ve never traveled the the power of these stories inspires us.They push us to better understand each other and to seek out our own adventures

56.What is special about Pixar according to the author?

A.It makes the movies very quickly

B.It creates all different types of movie

C.It creates stories that tough all the audiences.

D.It makes a lot of money from their movies

57.How do Pixar films connect with us?

A.They teach all of us the same lesson.

B.They bring us together to watch movies.

C.Their characters are usually physically similar to us.

D.Their characters experience the emotions that we all do


Is your promotion really necessary?Many workers focus their hopes on climbing the scale of their organizations.The prospect of higher pay helps explain their ambition,but so does the greater status that comes with each successive(连续的)title

This climb can often end in disappointment.The Peter Principle,developed by Laurence Peter for a book published in1969,states that workers get promoted until they reach their level of incompetence.

It makes perfect sense.If you are good at your job,you rise up the career ladder.Eventually,there will be a job you are not good at and at that point your career will stop.

There is another problem with chasing the promotion fantasy.Many companies have a strong tendency to promote the best sales people.Convincing others to buy goods and services is a useful skill,requiring charm and persistence.But,as the authors point out,these are not the same capabilities as the strategic planning and administrative competence needed to lead a sales team The research then looked at what happened after these super-salespeople were promoted Their previous sales performance was actually a negative indicator of managerial success.The sales growth of workers assigned to the star sellers was7.5percentage points lower than for those whose managers were previously weaker performers

The trick to avoiding this curse is to stick to what you like doing.If you enjoy teaching,don't be a headmaster or college principal.If you like writing articles and columns,editing other people’s work may not give the same degree of satisfaction.

Another problem with pursuing frequent promotions is that it turns you into a supplicant, endlessly in search of favourable feedback from the higher-ups.This can lead you to lose control of your work-life balance.In Charles Handy's new book,21Letters On Life And Its Challenges,the experienced management theorist recalls an insight when working for Royal Dutch Shell,an oil giant. "In exchange for the promise of financial security and guaranteed work,I had sold my time to complete strangers with my permission for them to use that time for their own purpose,”

he writes.

The higher up the ladder you go,the greater the demands are likely to be on your time.The chief executive will expect you to be available at weekends:after all,that is why you get paid the big bucks. So that shiny promotion may not be for everyone.Beware the curse of overwork an/dissatisfaction. Some people like to devote their whole lives to their job and be at the centre of events.It is best to let them get on with it

58.What can we learn about"The Peter Principle"?

A.People’s careers are easily spoiled by unrealistic expectations.

B.There are to some degree certain ceilings in people's career paths

C Incompetent employees tend to have more chances to gain promotions

D People don't necessarily get promoted by virtue of their competence

59.Why is Charles Handy's new book21Letters On Life And Its Challenges mentioned?

A.To put forward useful suggestions on how to get promoted

B.To show how many challenges we face without getting promoted

C.To illustrate the serious consequences of the pursuit of promotion

D.To prove the economic security brought along by the promotion.

60.Which of the following might be the best title of this passage?

A.The Promotion Satisfaction

B.The Promotion Curse

C The Promotion Strategies D.The Promotion Prospect


In2010,the planetary(行星的)defence team at NASA had identified and logged90percent of the asteroids(小行星)near Earth measuring1km wide.These"near Earth objects",or NEOs,are the size of mountains and include anything within50million kilometers of Earth's orbit.With an estimated

50left to log,NASA says none of the887it knows about are a significant danger to the planet. Now NASA is working towards logging some of the smaller asteroids,those measuring140metres wide or more.Of the25,000estimated asteroids of this size,so far about8,000have been logged, leaving17,000unaccounted for.Considering that a19-metre asteroid that exploded above the city of Chelyabinsk in Russia in2013injured1,200people,these middle sized asteroids would be a serious danger if they enter Earth's orbit.①

Whether NASA can find the remaining middle-sized NEOs depends on getting the money to build NEOCam,a0.5-metre space telescope which would use infrared(红外线的)light to locate asteroids.

②Once logged,the planetary defence team would still need to work out how to defend the planet against being hit by the truly worrying asteroids-the PHAs.

"Potentially Hazardous Asteroids"(PHAs)are rocks close enough to pass within7.5million kilometres of Earth's orbit.NASA has created a map of1,400PHAs,none of which are expected to be a threat in the next one hundred years._③With technology already available,NASA can track these objects and make predictions about possible impact,at which point two defence solutions could be launched.

The first is DART-the Double Asteroid Redirection Test.Plans are scheduled to test DART on the moon of an asteroid called Didymos."Didymoon"is150metres wide,orbiting its800-metre mother, and hopefully the impact of DART will knock it out of its orbit enough for Earth-based telescopes to pick up.

Another suggested defence against a PHA on course to hit Earth is to blow it up using a nuclear weapon.It may sound like a plot from a film,and it was the subject of the1998film Armageddon,but

the Hypervelocity Asteroid Mitigation Mission for Emergency Response(HAMMER)is a genuine NASA proposal.④The eight-ton rockets would be fired at an approaching asteroid with the hope of bumping it off course.If the asteroid was too close to Earth for this plan to work,the rockets would carry nuclear bombs to blow it up instead.

61.Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined word“log”?

A record

B protect

C decide D.discover

62.What can we know from the first two paragraphs?

A.NASA has measured90percent of the asteroids

B.The asteroids are proved to be no danger to the planet

C.There are still many unlogged asteroids near Earth.

D.Middle-sized asteroids are more likely to enter Earth's orbit

63.What can we infer from the passage?

A.PHAs are a big concern but not an immediate threat in the short term

B People needn't worry about the middle-sized asteroids with the help of DART.

C.A special telescope will provide a complete defence against asteroids hitting Earth

D.It is likely that Didymoon will be knocked out of its orbit,dropping to Earth

64.Where does the following sentence fit best in the passage?

"If it did get the money,it could probably achieve its goal in ten years”

A.①B②C③ D.④


Monday dawned warm and rainless.Aurelio Escovar,a dentist without a degree,opened his office at six.When he had a handful of instruments arranged on the table,he sat down to polish the false teeth.He seemed not to be thinking about what he was doing,but worked steadily The sharp voice of his eleven-year-old son interrupted his concentration



“The Mayor wants to know if you'll pull his tooth”

“Tell him I’m not here.”

He was polishing a gold tooth.He held it at arm's length,and examined it with his eyes half closed.His son shouted again from the little waiting room

“He says you are,too,because he can hear you”

The dentist kept examining the tooth.Only when he had put it on the table with the finished work did he say,"So much the better.He took several pieces of a bridge out of a cardboard box where he kept the things he still had to do and began to polish the gold


“What?“He still hadn't changed his expression

"He says if you don't take out his tooth,he'll shoot you.”

Without hurrying,with an extremely calm movement,he stopped his work and pulled the lower drawer of the table all the way out.There was a revolver(左轮手枪).”OK,”he said.“Tell him to come and shoot me."He rolled the chair over opposite the door,his hand resting on the edge of the drawer.

The Mayor appeared at the door.He had shaved the left side of his face,but the other side swollen and in pain,had a five-day-old beard

The dentist saw many nights of desperation in his dull eyes.He closed the drawer with his finer tips and said softly,“Sit down”

“Good morning,"said the Mayor.

“Morning,”said the dentist

While the instruments were boiling,the Mayor leaned his head on the headrest of the chair and felt better.His breath was icy.When he felt the dentist approach,the Mayor held his breath and opened his mouth

Aurelio Escovar turned his head toward the light.After inspecting the infected tooth,he closed the Mayor's jaw with a cautious pressure of his fingers."It has to be without anesthesia(麻醉) "Why?“”

‘Because you have an abscess(脓肿).”

The Mayor looked him in the eye."All right,he said,and tried to smile

The dentist did not return the smile.He did all the preparation work without looking at the Mayor It was a lower wisdom tooth.The dentist spread his feet and grasped the tooth with the hot forceps(钳子).The Mayor seized the arms of the chair with all his strength.The dentist moved only

his wrist.Without rancor(怨恨),rather with a bitter tenderness,he said,“Now you will pay for our twenty dead men.”

The Mayor felt the great pain in his jaw,and his eyes filled with tears.But he didn't breathe until he felt the tooth come out.Then he saw it through his tears.It seemed so foreign to his pain that he failed to understand his torture of the five previous nights

The dentist gave him a clean cloth."Dry your tears,"he said.

The Mayor did.He was trembling.While the dentist washed his hands,he saw the shabby ceiling and a dusty spider web with spider's eggs and dead insects

The dentist returned,drying his hands.”Go to bed,”he said,“and gargle(漱口)”with salt water The Mayor stood up,said goodbye with a casual military salute,and walked toward the door, stretching his legs

“Send the bill,”he said.

“To you or the town?

The Mayor didn’t look at him.He closed the door and said through the screen,”70”

65.Why did the dentist say he was not there(Para.6)when the Mayor wanted to have his tooth pulled?

A.Because he was only a dentist without a degree

B Because he was unwilling to treat the Mayor

C.Because he was too busy to attend to the mayor.

D Because he was still polishing the Mayor's gold tooth

66.What does the underlined sentence"He says if you don t take out his tooth,he'll shoot you imply?

A.The Mayor had a gun in secret

B.The Mayor was scaring the dentists son

C.The Mayor used to hate the dentist

D.The Mayor had absolute power in this town.

67.How did the dentist like the Mayor according to the passage?

A.The dentist envied him

B The dentist sympathized with him

C.The dentist hated him

D.The dentist respected him

68.Which of the following statements is actually a lie?

A.There was a real revolver in the lower drawer of the dentist's table

B.The Mayor didn't shave the right side of his face because of the toothache

C.A lower wisdom tooth on the right side had given the Mayor a lot of pain for several days.

D.The dentist couldn't but pull the Mayor's tooth without anesthesia because of an abscess.

69.What kind of person is Aurelio Eascover according to the passage?

A.A humorous dentist in a small town.

B.A skilled murderer in a dentist's clothing

C An ordinary citizen with a strong sense of justice

D.A brave hero in support of the government.

70.How would the Mayor probably answer in the last paragraph?

A.To neither,please

B.It's none of your damn business

C.Then to me,please.

D.It's the same damn thing




Holidays are good for workers and companies alike

The swimming suits have been dug out of drawers.The beach shoes have been brought back from the shed.Tens of millions are about to go on their annual holiday.They will go away for at least a week.

A vacation means workers get more sleep without the early-morning alarm.In addition,they no longer suffer the pain of the daily transport:the crowded railway carriages or roads And best of all, there are no meetings to suffer.In short,holidays reduce stress

It also gives workers a chance to recharge their mental batteries.Heading to a new location allows employees to clear their thoughts.After all,there is more to life than spreadsheets(电子数据表)

and sales forecasts.For those on vacation,the occasional work-related thought might occur when walking quietly along the beach,or through a wood.Often such ideas will be all the more original for being dreamed up in a moment of relaxation

Although it does lead to crowded traffic,there is something to be said for the European tradition of taking holidays in August.The predictability of the season means that companies can adjust their plans accordingly.Even those people who are in the office can enjoy an easier pace of life.Most of their customers and suppliers are on a break so there is not much that anyone can do Indeed,just as employees need a break from the workplace,companies sometimes need a break from their employees.After a trading scandal(丑闻)at Societe Generale,a French bank recommended that all traders take a two-week break at some point in the year.The aim was to make sure that any unusual dealing patterns would be discovered while the employee who was suspected of doing something improper was away from his desk.

Senior managers can also benefit from seeing what happens when their juniors head to the beach.Does office efficiency improve as soon as a mid-level manager disappears?If so,this suggests that he or she is not running the department well.Does an underling(下属)do a good job when the boss is away?In that case,they may need a promotion.

Work can be annoying but,as any unemployed person will tell you,it is better than the alternative.. It gives purpose to people's days and,on occasion,can even be fun.But not every day.Some days it is better to be reading a book.By a pool,in the sunshine.

Holidays are good for workers and companies alike

Introduction Searching for swimming suits and beach shoes,many people are busy

making(71)▲for their upcoming holidays

(72)▲of taking holidays For workers●When on holiday,workers will feel less stressed, getting

more sleep and enjoying(73)▲A from painful

transport and boring meetings

●Mental batteries(74)▲more likely to come up

with new ideas related to their work

●Those who don't go on holiday can also live an

(75)▲life,because the majority of their

customers and suppliers are on a break.

For(76)▲●Holidays are good opportunities for the(77)▲of

unusual dealing patterns in a company.

●Holidays are good opportunities for senior managers to

see whether a mid-level manager runs a department well

or whether(78)▲

needs a promotion.

Conclusion●Although work can(79)▲us,it is better than unemployment.So

find(80)▲in your work and holiday.



The Ministry of Education issued a notice on Nov.22,2019.According to the regulation,primary and middle school teachers are allowed to criticize and give proper punishment to students who violate school discipline,social order,laws and rules,as well as those who cause chaos Should teachers be allowed to discipline students?Students share their opinions

Su hua

Teachers should be cautious in disciplining students.They can punish a student without violence but hurt the child psychologically for the rest of his life.My daughter's teacher makes students who forget to bring homework stand for an hour at their seats.i do believe the aim is to cause the student to feel ashamed and it is not acceptable.

Li Jiang

It is parents'responsibility to discipline the students,not teachers,because the teachers are not paid to discipline children,but to guide their learning.If necessary,teachers should manage the situation in a way that is effective,but does not replace the parent

Zhang Ming

I think teachers should be allowed to discipline children in class to maintain an environment beneficial for learning.Here the word"discipline"does not mean"punish".Teachers discipline children to lead them into what is believed to be correct thinking and action,rather than punish them


















72Benefits/Advantages/Importance Significance








80.fun/pleasure/enjoyment joy/happiness


An official notice has been issued to grant teachers the right to properly punish students. The public are concerned about this regulation,expressing their opinions on it from different perspectives.(30words)

As a senior school student,I give applause to this regulation.School is a place where every student should obey rules,and if not,they should be responsible for what they’ve done Additionally,proper punishment is a good way to teach students to figure out how to behave themselves,which is also a good example to instruct others

As to how to discipline students,proper measures,I think,come first to prevent students from violating school rules.School regulations are to be transparently issued,which helps all the people concerned know how students should behave on campus.Besides,teachers should be more patient with students for effective communication.Only with joint efforts can students learn to obey the school rules.(120words)


2018 年苏锡常镇高三二模化学试卷及答案 本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,共 120 分,考试用时 100 分钟。 可能用到的相对原子质量: H 1 C 12 N 14 O 16 S 32 Cl 35.5 Na 23 Mg 24 Al 27 Fe 56 Cu 64 Zn 65 选择题 (共 40 分) 单项选择题:本题包括 10小题,每小题 2分,共计 20 分。每小题只.有.一.个.选项符合题意。 1.每年 3月 22日为“世界水日”。下列有关“废水”的处理正确的是 ( ) A.工业废水无需处理,直接用于农业灌溉 B.废水经氯气消毒后,即可安全再利用 C.寻找方式来减少和再利用废水可节约水资源 D.收集和处理废水,弊大于利 2.下列有关化学用语的表示,正确的是 ( ) A.氨基(—NH 2)的电子式: B. 钾离子的结构示意图: C. 二氧化碳分子的比例 D. 碳酸电离的方程式: H2CO3 CO32+ 2H 3.下列有关物质性质与用途具有对应关系的是 ( ) A.晶体硅熔点高硬度大,可用于制造半导体材料 B.碳酸钠溶液显碱性,可用于除去金属器件表面的油脂 C.碳酸氢钠能与碱反应,可用作焙制糕点的膨松剂 D.明矾溶于水能形成胶体,可用于自来水的杀菌消毒 4.实验室制备氨气、收集、验证其还原性并进行尾气处理的装置和原理能达到实验目 的的是 ( ) 甲乙 A.用装置甲制取氨气 B.用装置乙收集氨气时气体应该从 a口进 b 口出 C.装置丙中黑色固体变成红色时还原产物一定为铜 D.可以用装置丁吸收氨气,进行尾气处理 短周期主族元素X 、Y、Z、W原子序数依次增大,其中X、Y处于同一周期且相邻,Z 元素的原子在短周期中原子半径最


2014年苏、锡、常、镇四市高三教学情况调查(一) 数学Ⅰ试题 2014.3 一、填空题:本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共计70分.请把答案填写在答题卡相应位置上......... 1.已知集合{}1,2,3,4A =,{},4,7B m =,若{}1,4A B = ,则A B = ▲ . 2.若复数z = 13i 1i +-(i 为虚数单位),则 | z | = ▲ . 3.已知双曲线22 18 x y m -= m 的值为 ▲ . 4.一个容量为20的样本数据分组后,分组与频数分别如下:(]10,20,2; (]20,30 ,3;(]30,40,4;(]40,50,5;(]50,60,4;(]60,70,2.则样本在(]10,50上的频率是 ▲ . 5.执行如图所示的算法流程图,则最后输出的y 等于 ▲ . 6.设函数2()sin f x a x x =+,若(1)0f =,则(1)f -的值为 ▲ . 7. 四棱锥P - ABCD 的底面ABCD 是边长为2的正方形,P A ⊥底面ABCD 且P A = 4,则PC 与底面ABCD 所成角的正切值为 ▲ . 8.从甲,乙,丙,丁4个人中随机选取两人,则甲乙两人中有且只有一个被选取的概率为 ▲ . 9.已知2tan()5a b += ,1tan 3b =,则tan +4p a ? ? ?? ?的值为 ▲ . 10.设等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,若13a =-,13 2 k a +=,12k S =-,则正整数k = ▲ . 11.已知正数,x y 满足22x y +=,则 8x y xy +的最小值为 ▲ . (第5题)

江苏省苏锡常镇四市2019届高三第三次模拟考试 化学 Word版含答案

2019届高三模拟考试试卷 化 学2019.5 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。满分120分,考试时间100分钟。 可能用到的相对原子质量:H —1 C —12 O —16 P —31 S —32 K —39 Mn —55 Fe —56 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共40分) 单项选择题:本题包括10小题,每小题2分,共20分。每小题只有一个选项符合题意。 1. 2018年世界环境日主题为“塑战速决”。下列做法不应该提倡的是( ) A. 使用布袋替代一次性塑料袋购物 B. 焚烧废旧塑料以防止“白色污染” C. 用CO 2合成聚碳酸酯可降解塑料 D. 用高炉喷吹技术综合利用废塑料 2. 用化学用语表示C 2H 2+HCl ――→HgCl 2 150~160 ℃C 2H 3 Cl(氯乙烯)中的相关微粒,其中正确的是( ) A. 中子数为7的碳原子:76C B. 氯乙烯的结构简式:CH 2CHCl C. 氯离子的结构示意图: D. HCl 的电子式:H +[· · Cl ·· ·· ··]- 3. 下列有关物质的性质与用途具有对应关系的是( ) A. Al 2O 3的熔点很高,可用作耐火材料 B. NH 3具有还原性,可用作制冷剂 C. SO 2具有氧化性,可用于纸浆的漂白 D. 钠钾合金的密度小,可用作快中子反应堆的热交换剂 4. 常温下,下列各组离子在指定溶液中能大量共存的是( ) A. 使pH 试纸显蓝色的溶液中:Na +、Mg 2+、ClO -、HSO - 3 B. c(Fe 3+)=0.1 mol·L -1的溶液中:K +、NH +4、SO 2-4、SCN - C. K w c (OH - ) =0.1 mol·L -1的溶液中:Na +、HCO -3、K +、NO - 3 D. 0.1 mol ·L - 1的NaHCO 3溶液中:NH + 4、NO - 3、Na + 、SO 2- 4 5. 实验室用Ca 与H 2反应制取氢化钙(CaH 2)。下列实验装置和原理不能达到实验目的的是( )


2018届高三年级第二次模拟考试(十) 数学(满分160分,考试时间120分钟) 一、 填空题:本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共计70分. 1. 已知集合A ={-1,1},B ={-3,0},则集合A ∩B =________. 2. 已知复数z 满足z·i =3-4i (i 为虚数单位),则|z|=________. 3. 双曲线x 24-y 23 =1的渐近线方程为________. 4. 某中学共有1 800人,其中高二年级的人数为600.现用分层抽样的方法在全校抽取n 人,其中高二年级被抽取的人数为21,则n =________. 5. 将一颗质地均匀的正四面骰子(每个面上分别写有数字1,2,3,4)先后抛掷2次,观察其朝下一面的数字,则两次数字之和等于6的概率为________. 6. 右图是一个算法的流程图,则输出S 的值是________. 7. 若正四棱锥的底面边长为2cm ,侧面积为8cm 2,则它的体积为________cm 3. 8. 设S n 是等差数列{a n }的前n 项和,若a 2+a 4=2,S 2+S 4=1,则a 10=________. 9. 已知a>0,b>0,且2a +3b =ab ,则ab 的最小值是________. 10. 设三角形ABC 的内角A ,B ,C 的对边分别为a ,b ,c ,已知tan A tan B =3c -b b ,则 cos A =________. 11. 已知函数f(x)=?????a -e x , x<1,x +4x , x ≥1(e 是自然对数的底数).若函数y =f(x)的最小值是4,则实数a 的取值范围为________. 12. 在△ABC 中,点P 是边AB 的中点,已知|CP →|=3,|CA →|=4,∠ACB =2π3 ,则 CP →·CA →=________. 13. 已知直线l :x -y +2=0与x 轴交于点A ,点P 在直线l 上.圆C :(x -2)2+y 2=2上有且仅有一个点B 满足AB ⊥BP ,则点P 的横坐标的取值集合为________. 14. 若二次函数f(x)=ax 2+bx +c(a>0)在区间[1,2]上有两个不同的零点,则f (1)a 的取值范围为________________.


2017-2018学年度苏锡常镇四市高三教学情况调研(一) 数学Ⅰ试题 2018.3 一、填空题:本大题共14个小题,每小题5分,共70分.请把答案填写在答题卡相应位置上........ . 1.已知集合{1,1}A =-,{3,0,1}B =-,则集合A B =I . 2.已知复数z 满足34z i i ?=-(i 为虚数单位),则z = . 3.双曲线22 143 x y -=的渐近线方程为 . 4.某中学共有1800人,其中高二年级的人数为600.现用分层抽样的方法在全校抽取n 人,其中高二年级被抽取的人数为21,则n = . 5.将一颗质地均匀的正四面体骰子(每个面上分别写有数字1,2,3,4)先后抛掷2次,观察其朝下一面的数字,则两次数字之和等于6的概率为 . 6.如图是一个算法的流程图,则输出S 的值是 . 7.若正四棱锥的底面边长为2cm ,侧面积为2 8cm ,则它的体积为 3 cm . 8.设n S 是等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和,若242a a +=,241S S +=,则10a = . 9.已知0a >,0b >,且 23 ab a b +=,则ab 的最小值是 . 10.设三角形ABC 的内角A ,B ,C 的对边分别为a ,b ,c ,已知 tan 3tan A c b B b -=,则cos A = .

11.已知函数,1()4 ,1 x a e x f x x x x ?-在区间[1,2]上有两个不同的零点,则 (1) f a 的取值范围为 . 二、解答题:本大题共6小题,共计90分.请在答题卡指定区域.......内作答,解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤. 15. 已知向量,1)a α=r ,(1,sin())4 b πα=+r . (1)若角α的终边过点(3,4),求a b ?的值; (2)若//a b ,求锐角α的大小. 16.如图,正三棱柱111ABC A B C - ,其底面边长为2.已知点M ,N 分别是棱11A C ,AC 的中点,点D 是棱1CC 上靠近C 的三等分点.


2018届高三年级第二次模拟考试(十) 化学 本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,共120分,考试用时100分钟。 可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 C 12N 14O 16S 32Cl 35.5Na 23Mg 24 Al 27 Fe 56Cu 64Zn 65 选择题(共40分) 单项选择题:本题包括10小题,每小题2分,共计20分。每小题只有一个 ....选项符合题意。 1. 每年3月22日为“世界水日”。下列有关“废水”的处理正确的是() A. 工业废水无需处理,直接用于农业灌溉 B. 废水经氯气消毒后,即可安全再利用 C. 寻找方式来减少和再利用废水可节约水资源 D. 收集和处理废水,弊大于利 2. 下列有关化学用语的表示,正确的是() A. 氨基(—NH2)的电子式: B. 钾离子的结构示意图: C. 二氧化碳分子的比例模型: D. 碳酸电离的方程式:H2CO3CO2-3+2H+ 3. 下列有关物质性质与用途具有对应关系的是() A. 晶体硅熔点高硬度大,可用于制造半导体材料 B. 碳酸钠溶液显碱性,可用于除去金属器件表面的油脂 C. 碳酸氢钠能与碱反应,可用作焙制糕点的膨松剂 D. 明矾溶于水能形成胶体,可用于自来水的杀菌消毒 4. 实验室制备氨气、收集、验证其还原性并进行尾气处理的装置和原理能达到实验目的的是() 甲乙丙丁 A. 用装置甲制取氨气 B. 用装置乙收集氨气时气体应该从a口进b口出 C. 装置丙中黑色固体变成红色时还原产物一定为铜 D. 可以用装置丁吸收氨气,进行尾气处理

5. 短周期主族元素X 、Y 、Z 、W 原子序数依次增大,其中X 、Y 处于同一周期且相邻,Z 元素的原子在短周期中原子半径最大,W 是地壳中含量最多的金属元素。下列说法正确的是( ) A. 原子半径:r (X)


江苏省苏锡常镇四市2012届高三教学调研测试(一) 数学 2012.3 1.已知集合{}3,2,1=A ,集合{}4,3=B ,则=B A . 2.已知复数i z 21-=(i 为虚数单位),则=2z . 3.已知命题:p 直线a ,b 相交,命题:q 直线a ,b 异面,则p ?是q 的 条件. 4.某公司为了改善职工的出行条件,随机抽取100名职工,调查了他们的居住地与公司间的距离d (单位:千米).由其数据绘制的频率分布直方图如图所示,则样本中职工居住地与公司间的距离不超过4千米的人数为 . 5.如图,给出一个算法的伪代码,已知输出值为3,则输入值=x . Read x If 0≥x Then 13)(2 --←x x x f Else )5(log )(2+←x x f End If Print )(x f 6.已知角α(πα20<≤)的终边过点)3 2cos ,32(sin ππP ,则=α .

7.写出一个满足1)()()(-+=y f x f xy f (x ,0>y )的函数=)(x f . 8.已知点M 与双曲线19 162 2=-y x 的左,右焦点的距离之比为3:2,则点M 的轨迹方程 为 . 9.先后投掷一颗质地均匀的骰子两次,得到其向上的点数分别为m ,n ,设向量),(n m =, 5<的概率为 . 10.等差数列{}n a 中,已知158≥a ,139≤a ,则12a 的取值范围是 . 11.已知a ,b 为正实数,函数x bx ax x f 2)(3++=在[]1,0上的最大值为4,则)(x f 在 []0,1-上的最小值为 . 12.如图,已知二次函数c bx ax y ++=2 (a ,b ,c 为实数,0≠a )的图象过点)2,(t C , 且与x 轴交于A ,B 两点,若BC AC ⊥,则a 的值为 . 13.设)(n u 表示正整数n 的个位数,)()(2n u n u a n -=,则数列{}n a 的前2012项和等于 . 14.将函数3322-++-=x x y ([]2,0∈x )的图象绕坐标原点逆时针旋转θ(θ为锐角),若所得曲线仍是一个函数的图象,则θ的最大值为 .


2021-2022度苏锡常镇四市高三教学情况调查(一) 英语试题 第一卷(选择题共85分) 第一部分听力(共两节,满分20分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Which building is the drug store? A. The yellow one. B.The green one. C.The white one. 2. What can we know about the man? A.He is living in Oxford. B.He will leave for Oxford. C.He has moved out of oxford. 3. What is the woman advised to do about her children? A. Let them follow their interests. B. Punish them for their crime. C. blame them for being different. 4. How much does the man need to pay to rent a room? A.About S 85 a month. B.About $170 a month. C.About s340 a month. 5. What is the man doing? A.Finding a seat. B.Checking in.

2015 苏锡常镇二模 作文讲评

二模作文讲评用卷 一,原题重读: 19.根据以下材料,选取角度,自拟题目,写一篇不少于800字的文章;文体不限,诗歌除外。 “从前的日色慢,车、马、邮件都慢……”木心的一首《从前慢》打动了很多人的心;可是,现实生活中人们还是分秒必争,不肯输了人生岁月。 二、立意分析: 材料由两句话组成,由“可是”进行转折衔接,将“从前”与当下的现实生活进行对照。木心的《从前慢》(春节晚会上,歌手刘欢深情演唱了“同名曲”,因此《从前慢》这首诗走进了千家万户),这首小诗概括了我们当代人普遍的感受,即对于快节奏下慢生活的向往。 日色慢,是说时间缓缓流逝;车、马、邮件这几个事物是旧日生活节奏和缓的代表性意象。慢,从字面上来感受,当然是生活节奏不快。但若介入一种情感机理,慢有慢的成因,还有就是一种“心若止水”的那种沉静、悠然的姿态;或者也有如朱自清的那种“匆匆”的对于日子跟光阴的一种别样怜惜的情调。“从前”究竟是怎样一个时间段,是模糊的;比方说,可能是解放前、文革前、改革开放前,或者就是十年、二十年前,等等。另外,由于木心的人生阅历很丰富,“从前”可能提供的参数也很多,或者是出国前、回国前、狱前,等等。但是在写作中,不需要对应这些具体的界定,一个简简单单的“以前的那些日子”就够了。 “从前慢”与眼下愈来愈快的世界、生活相比,从前的慢有时候转化成了一种美、一种好、一种朴素的精致、一种生命的哲学,细细品味、琢磨,这“慢”里透着人性的静美、朴素、浪漫、耐性等等。现在工作和生活节奏都很快,人心浮躁,这几句诗一下子就能打动人的内心,让人停留审视自己的脚步。 第二个分句“现实生活中人们还是分秒必争,不肯输了人生岁月”,可以从三个层面来理解:第一个层面,分秒必争、积极进取的人生态度,是非常可取的,所谓人生苦短、时间宝贵,为了实现理想、实现人生价值,必须与时间赛跑;但是,分秒必争的人生,并不见得就赢了人生岁月,就能让自己的人生岁月充满生命的质感。第二个层面,可以理解为被高速度、快节奏现代生活所“绑架”的一种机械的人生,人们为了“跟上”机器的节奏、赶上社会的步伐,而不得不“赶时间”,“赶地铁”“赶考试”“赶应酬”……现代社会背景下的“匆忙人生”,人们被动地与时间赛跑,但却未必能赢得人生。第三个层面,从这个句子的出处进行思考,句子来自于余光中的“分秒必争吗?当心别输了岁月”,前后分句之间形成一种相反相成的逻辑关系,“分秒必争”,很有可能输了“岁月”、输了“生命”。 现代人,在当下这个社会里面很紧张,总是争分夺秒地追逐自己的梦想与人生,总想一定要怎么样,一定要得到、实现自己的欲望、目标等等,可是很快的时间就过去,最后人生岁月可能就这么流逝掉了。“岁月”对应的词汇不是短暂的光阴,而是跟生命、跟文化有关系,而“分秒必争”是跟眼前的利益有直接的关系。“分秒必争的人生”,更多时候表现为急功近利;很多人追求结果的实现,而不在意或者忽视、漠视过程的体验、感受。其实,在生命的路上不必分秒必争;当觉得乱的时候,就停下来把自己整理清楚,找到自我,那么生命才饱满。要特别注意的是,这句话并不是否定“抓紧时间学习或工作的必要性或称赞人争分夺秒的可贵精神”;它让人们反思“在分秒必争中,莫忘岁月。” 还需要特别指出的,“从前”对应的不光是年代、时间,也对应人在成长的过程中必然会遇到的情况。现在的生活,时空被科技高度浓缩化,高度发达的通讯方式、交通方式,让人们越来越追求目的,以至于忘了自己在这个当中成长的过程。生活中的很多人在心底里还是十分向往那种单纯追求过程的感觉的。三、例文分析:等一等你的灵魂 “从前的日色慢,车、马、邮件都慢……”木心的从前慢勾勒的是一幅静谧安逸的生活,而如今的社会却与之背道而驰。 现实生活中的人们分秒必争,似乎只有用尽了每一分钟才能体现他们的生命价值。他们像《爱丽斯梦游仙境》里的小兔子一样,看看表拼命地向前冲,嘴里还念叨着:“来不及了来不及了,我来不及了……”好似落了那一秒就被甩出十万八千里一般。身为其中的一只的我们难道不该扪心自问一句为什么吗? 为什么?源自于人们日益膨胀的欲望,哲学家称之为物欲症。人们在得到从未有过的物质之后,总是渴望得到更多更好的,他们的欲望在不断膨胀,他们的贪心永远无法满足。他们看似的奔波忙碌只为取得一件件外在的物质来证明自己的岁月。 然后这势必会引起许多问题。 快餐式的生活,使灵魂变得行动缓慢甚至滞留原地。人们带着一具被日益腐朽的空壳行路,没有灵魂的滋润,会愈趋浮躁。正如梁文道所说:“浮躁是流行的症候。”人们不知道自己所行的方向,没有办法平心静气地思考生命的方向,最终只会迷失自我。 就像少年成名的罗琦,小小年纪便接触浮华喧嚣的社会的她早已忘记在平静缓慢的岁月的淡泊。在这个快速浮躁的社会迷失自我,吸毒而导致身败名裂。 所幸的是,人们也注意到自身灵魂与步伐的不一致,认识到过快生活的危害。可我们应该怎么做呢? 孙道荣说:“丢弃我们不该拥有的,才能得到我们不该丢弃的。”放下物欲的渴望,放下名利的执念,才能使我们的身体轻盈,让灵魂追上。 放慢脚步,等一等你的灵魂才能体会到生命中更多精彩的过程,才能让生命更加有意义。川端康成浅浅一句:“凌晨四点看海棠花未眠。”瞬间润湿了多少心灵,有多少人在日益浮华,分秒必争的社会早已丢弃了,当初的闲情逸致,早已丢了原本的安逸。 放慢脚步等一等你的灵魂,只有这样,当你老了,走不动了,炉火旁打盹,回忆起青春时才能感叹生命无悔! 等你等你的灵魂,重塑从前慢。 “慢慢”人生路


2014-2015学年苏锡常镇四市高三教学情况调研(二)语文Ⅰ 一、语言文字运用(15分) 1.在下列句子空缺处依次填入的词语,最恰当的一组是(3分) 近年来塑料食品包装材料被严重▲,媒体应加强科普宣传,引导社会公众走出误区。专家特别指出,无论从原料构成还是从温度上讲,使用微波炉加热保鲜膜产生二英这种▲物质的观点,纯属▲。 A.丑化致癌荒诞不经 B.丑化治癌子虚乌有 C.妖魔化致癌子虚乌有 D.妖魔化治癌荒诞不经 2.“广场一枚铜币悲伤地很隐密/它在许愿池里轻轻叹息”这句歌词“移情于物”,给人以“物犹如此,人何以堪”之感。下列歌词,也运用这种手法的选项是(3分) A.回忆是抓不住的月光/握紧就变黑暗 B.戒指在哭泣/静静躺在抽屉/它所拥有的只剩下回忆 C.新的一天是一匹忠诚的马/总是准时到达 D.飘荡在春去秋来的日子里/是苦苦隐藏的心事 3. 下列判断,与这段文字内容相符合的一项是(3分) 汉字不仅表意,还有象形与表音等特质,无论是繁体字抑或简体字。德国哲人莱布尼茨曾说,汉字一字就有一意,这种表意性让汉字有了超越语音的强大功能,由此成为自亚里士多德以来西方世界梦寐以求的组义语言。通俗来讲,西方语言多是靠字母组成音节,再由音节配搭出意义,但字母本身没有含义。汉字则不同,每个字都参与语言建构;而且,汉字的传达可以不经语音作中介。这一点,既是汉字不同于西方主要语言的特性,也是四大文明古国里,唯汉字流传至今的重要原因。学者认为,允许一定范围内的简繁字共生,提倡从一部分人开始识繁写简,是承认汉字超越语言工具的一种传统文化认同。 A.西方世界一直在寻求组义语言来替代没有含义的字母文字。 B.从传承和发扬汉字文化来说,繁体字的存在和使用有特别的文化意义。 C.西方语言的流传,必须借助语音这个中介才可以实现。 D.其他三大文明古国的文字因为不具备汉字的表意特质而最终消亡。 4. 在下面横线处填入语句,衔接最恰当的一项是(3分) 从观众对当代艺术的接受度来看,目前存在着大量的理解上的困惑。 ▲ ①当代艺术本身的艺术价值争议性就在这里。 ②专家认为,当代艺术作品的价值,并不在“当下”,而是在“未来”。 ③这也是它的艺术价值始终无法与年代久远的作品相竞争的原因。 ④观众更乐意去评价一些看得懂的东西,因为文化的接近性,更喜欢推崇复古。 A.①②③④ B.②④③① C.③④①② D.④①②③ 5.下列各句中,所引诗文名句不符合语境的一项是(3分) A.阔别家乡多年,如今刚一踏上故土,那种“无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来”的百感交集之情难以言表。 B.当前国际国内经济环境,竞争进一步加剧,不确定性增多,潜在风险积聚,许多国内企业管理者感觉“如临深渊,如履薄冰”。 C.只有加强学习,才能增强工作的科学性、预见性、主动性;否则,“盲人骑瞎马,夜半临深池”,虽勇气可嘉,却是鲁莽和不可取的。 D.纵观人生世事,推陈出新是不可更改的自然规律,正所谓“沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春”,一切都会过去,希望总在前方。 二、文言文阅读(19分) 阅读下面的文言文,完成6~9题。 元行钦,幽州人。庄宗与梁军战,军败而溃,梁兵数百追及,攒槊围之。行钦驰一骑,夺剑断其二矛,斩首一级,梁兵解去。庄宗持行钦泣曰:“富贵与卿共之!”由是宠绝诸将。 赵在礼反,庄宗以为邺都行营招抚使,将二千人讨之。行钦以诏书招在礼。在礼登城谓行钦曰:“将士经年离去父母,不取敕旨奔归,追悔何及?若公善为之辞,尚能改过自新。”行钦曰:“天子以汝等有社稷之功,小过必当赦宥。”在礼再拜,以诏书示诸军。皇甫晖从旁夺诏书坏之,军士大噪。 行钦攻邺无功,庄宗欲自将以往,群臣皆谏止,乃遣明宗讨之。明宗军城西,行钦军城南。而明宗军变,与在礼合。行钦闻之,退屯卫州,以明宗反闻。庄宗遣李从璟驰诏明宗计事。从璟,明宗子也。行至卫州,而明宗已反,行钦乃系从璟,将杀之,从璟请还京师,乃许之。明宗引兵南,行钦率兵趋还京师。从庄宗幸汴州,行至荥泽,闻明宗已渡黎阳,庄宗复遣从璟通问于明宗,行钦以为不可,因击杀从。


苏锡常镇四市2014届高三3月教学情况调研(一) 英语2014年3月 第一卷(选择题共85分) 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题纸上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最 佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1 .Where will the woman most probably go? A. To a theatre. B. To a restaurant. C. To a bookstore. 2. When will Lucy arrive here? A. 4:30. B. 5:10. C. 5:30. 3 .What's the woman,s opinion about the bridge? A. It needn't be built. B. It will be a better one. C. It should have been built earlier. 4. What does the man think of the woman’s choice of clothing? A. He doesn't think her choice is suitable. B. He thinks her choice shows her good taste. C. He thinks the skirt is nicer than her red dress. 5 .How much does the woman have to pay? A. $70. B. $105. C. $140. 第二节(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个 选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。 6. Why is the man trying to find a new job? A. He wants a higher salary. B .He was fired by the company. C. He is bored with the former job. 7. What mainly determines the salary for the new position? A. Teamwork ability. B. Education and experience. C. Communication skills. 8 .What can we learn from the conversation? A. The job interview is at 8:00 am, Sunday. B .The man shows some interest in working for the agency. C. There is an advertisement for a French teacher in the paper. 听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。 9. What kind of apartment does the man want to rent?


江苏省苏锡常镇2020 届高三第二次模拟考试 生物 注意事项: 1. 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。满分120 分,考试用时100 分钟。 2. 答题前,考生务必将自己的学校、班级、姓名写在密封线内。第Ⅰ卷(选择题共55 分) 一、单项选择题:本题包括20 小题,每小题2分,共40分。每小题只有一个选项最符合题意。 1.下列有关细胞中化合物的叙述,正确的是( ) A. 属于脂质的分子结构一般差异很小 B. 核酸分子总是携带 2 个游离的磷酸基团 C. 糖类分子可作为动物细胞的结构物质 D. 蛋白质分子中的肽键数总是比氨基酸 数少一个 2.下列关于胰岛素合成与分泌过程的叙述,正确的是( ) A. mRNA 进入细胞质的方式与胰岛素分泌的方式相同 B. 囊泡从高尔基体向细胞膜移动是主动运输过程 C. 向胰岛 B 细胞中注入3H 标记的亮氨酸,放射性首先出现在高尔基体 D. 胰岛 B 细胞的内质网与高尔基体膜成分基本相似 3. 人体活细胞能对环境变化作出反应,下列叙述错误的是( ) A. 长期低氧环境可能导致红细胞数量下降 B. 长期缺铁可能导致血液中乳酸含量上升 C. 不同信号可能引发同种细胞产生相同的效应 D. 相同信号可能引发不同细胞产生不同的效应 4. 下图是对果蝇进行核型分析获得的显微照片,相关叙述正确的是( ) A. 图示染色体形态处于分裂中期,每条染色体含2个DNA 分子 B. 图中共有 4 种形态的染色体,雌雄果蝇各含 2 个染色体组 C. 一定浓度的秋水仙素处理细胞,可抑制染色体的着丝粒分裂 D. 采用高渗溶液处理细胞,使细胞更易破裂而便于观察 5. 小鼠的成纤维细胞经OSKM 诱导可成为多能干细胞(iPS) ,为新型再生疗法带来希望。列叙述正确的是( ) A. 经OSKM 诱导形成的多能干细胞增殖能力增强,分化能力减弱 B. 细胞分化不改变染色体核型,分化后的细胞蛋白质种类和数量相同


江苏省苏锡常镇四市2014届高三5月教学情况调研(二) 数学Ⅰ试题 命题单位:苏州市教育科学研究院 2014.5 一、填空题:本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共计70分.请把答案填写在答题卡相应位置上......... 1. 函数1y x =-的定义域为A ,函数()lg 2y x =-的定义域为B ,则A B = ▲ . 2. 设2i z =-(i 是虚数单位),则||z = ▲ . 3. 在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,已知双曲线2219x y m -=的一个焦 点为(5,0),则实数m = ▲ . 4. 样本容量为100的频率分布直方图如右图所示,由此估计 样本数据落在[6,10]内的频数为 ▲ . 5. “π 2 ?= ”是“函数()sin y x ?=+的图象关于y 轴对称”的 ▲ 条件.(在“充分必要”、“充分不必要”、“必要不充分”、 “既不充分也不必要”中选一个合适的填空) 6. 已知S n 为等差数列{a n }的前n 项和,a 1 = -1,S 3 = 6,则S 6 = ▲ . 7. 函数()1e ln y x x =≥的值域是 ▲ . 8. 执行右面的程序图,那么输出n 的值为 ▲ . 9. 在1,2,3,4四个数中随机地抽取一个数记为a ,再在剩余的三个数 注 意 事 项 考生在答题前请认真阅读本注意事项及各题答题要求 1.本试卷共4页,包含填空题(第1题~第14题)、解答题(第15题——第20题).本卷满分160分,考试时间为120分钟.考试结束后请将答题卡交回. 2.答题前请您务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置. 3.请在答题卡上按照顺序在对应的答题区域内作答在其他位置作答一律无效.作答必须用0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔.请注意字体工整笔迹清楚. 4.如需作图须用2B 铅笔绘、写清楚线条、符号等须加黑、加粗. 5.请保持答题卡卡面清洁不要折叠、破损.一律不准使用胶带纸、修正液、可擦洗的圆珠笔. 结束 开始 n ← 1 S ← 0 n ← n + 1 输出n Y Y S > 20 S ← 2S + 1 N (第8题) (第4题)

最新-2018年苏锡常镇联考高三一模英语 精品

2018届高三模拟考试试卷(二) 英语2018.3 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。满分120分,考试时间120分钟。 ) 第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 ()21. With ________ successful launch of the first space lab module Tiangong1, China's space dream has taken ________ step closer to reality. A. a; the B. the;/ C. the; a D. /; a ()22. ________ the current world economic downturn, Chinese shoppers are spending more on luxury products abroad than those from any other country. A. In spite of B. In terms of C. In case of D. For fear of ()23. Mrs Green prefers a restaurant in a small town to ________ in so large a city as New York. A. it B. those C. this D. one ()24. The new statue of Qin Hui and his wife ________ in a sitting position rather than in a kneeling one has caused heated debates across the nation. A. to be B. being C. are D. having been ()25. At the beginning of the year 2018, the Chinese government voiced its decision to ________ the extremely high costs of preschool education. A. cut out for B. break away from C. crack down on D. put up with ()26. Statistics show that men have ________ as women do whatever vehicles they drive. A. twice serious accidents as many B. serious accidents as many twice C. serious accidents as twice many D. twice as many serious accidents ()27. When asked what they would volunteer to do, ________ said they were willing to do something they could. A. half of whom B. half of them C. half of these D. half of which ()28. His plans are very ________. He wants to pass CET4, IELTS and Shanghai Interpretation Test before he enters university. A. ambitious B. abundant C. ambiguous D. appropriate ()29. I think Zhang Yimou's newly-released movie The Flowers Of War is outstanding ________ it puts its spotlight on the two most universal and attractive themes—women and wars. A. in order that B. in that C. on condition that D. on purpose that ()30. They are brothers and sisters, but they do not always agree as well as they ________. Quarrels break out now and then. A. may B. will C. can D. should ()31. In today's competitive economy, ________ everyone is trying to do more with less, you've got to figure out a way to profit from the very beginning. A. how B. where C. which D. that ()32. ________ some teenagers don't realize is ________ difficult life can be after they

最新 2020年苏锡常镇二模数学试卷及答案

苏锡常镇四市2012届高三教学调研测试(二) 2012.5 数学I (正题) 一.填空题:本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共70分.请把答案填写在相应位置上. 1.设集合(]1,1-=A ,()2,0=B ,则=B A Y . 2.若复数z 满足)1(2i i z +=-(i 为虚数单位),则=z . 3.已知双曲线)0(13 2 2>=-m y m x 的一条渐近线方程为x y 23=,则m 的值为 . 4.已知某人连续5次投掷飞镖的环数分别是8,9,10,10,8,则该组数据的方差=2s . 5.如图,边长为2的正方形内有一个半径为1的半圆.向正方形内任投一点(假设该点落在正方形内的每一点都是等可能的),则该点落在半圆内的概率为 . 6.已知4张卡片(大小,形状都相同)上分别写有1,2,3,4,从中任取2张,则这2张卡片中最小号码是2的概率为 . 7.等比数列{}n a 中,若33=a ,246=a ,则8a 的值为 . 8.已知钝角α满足53cos - =α,则)42tan(πα+的值为 . 9.已知函数? ??>≤+=-,2,3,2),1()(x x x f x f x 则)2(log 3f 的值为 . 10.已知点P 在ABC ?所在平面内,若AB PC PB PA 3432=++,则PAB ?与PBC ?的面积的比值为 .

11.设m ,n 是两条不同的直线,α,β是两个不同的平面,给出下列命题: (1)若βα//,β?m ,α?n ,则n m //; (2)若βα//,β⊥m ,α//n ,则n m ⊥; (3)若βα⊥,α⊥m ,β//n ,则n m //; (4)若βα⊥,α⊥m ,β⊥n ,则n m ⊥. 上面命题中,所有真命题的序号为 . (1)在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,已知点P 在曲线)0(1>=x xy 上,点P 在x 轴上的射影为 M .若点P 在直线0=-y x 的下方,当MP OM OP -2 取得最小值时,点P 的坐标为 . (2)已知椭圆)0(122 22>>=+b a b y a x 的左顶点为A ,上顶点为B ,右焦点为F .设线段AB 的中点为M ,若022≥+?,则该椭圆离心率的取值范围为 . (3)设实数6≤n ,若不等式08)2(2≥--+n x xm 对任意[]2,4-∈x 都成立,则n m n m 34 4-的最小值为 . 二.解答题:本大题共六小题,共计90分.请在指定区域内作答,解答时应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤. 15.如图,在四边形ABCD 中,已知13=AB ,10=AC ,5=AD ,65= CD ,.50=?AC AB (1)求BAC ∠cos 的值; (2)求CAD ∠sin 的值; (3)求BAD ?的面积.

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