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人教版高中英语选修七Unit 5 词汇

Unit 5 Travelling abroad

New words and phrases

编号:021 编写者:朱宁审核者:焦丽勇






1.keep it up继续干下去→keep up保持,维持→______ _____不让……靠近

2.fit in相适应→____ _____ ____与……合得来;适应

3.lecture n. & v i.演讲→_____ ____ ______作报告,作演讲

4.recommend v t.推荐→be _______ ___________ 强力推荐

5.comfort n.舒适→___ _________ 舒适地

6.acknowledge v t.承认;答谢→acknowledge ______ sth.承认做……

7.occupy v t.占用;占领→be ________ ______ 忙着做,忙于某事物→be occupied doing sth.

忙于做某事→be busy _____ 忙于

8.apology n.道歉→make ____ ________ _____/__________ to向……道歉

9.day__ and day ____日复一日→day and night 日日夜夜→day after day日复一日→day by day日复一日,一天天地

10.____________________不可能的→___________________ 毫无疑问

11.settle in(迁入新居、更换工作后)安顿下来→_________ _______定居;平静下来


1.prepare v.准备→__________ n.准备

2.____________ v t.推荐→recommendation n.推荐

3.require v t.要求→______________ n.要求

4._________ v t.反驳;驳斥→contradiction n.反驳;矛盾→___________ adj.相互矛盾的5.govern v t. & v i. 统治,支配→______________ n.政府


1.I’ve learned that you’ve _________ ____(适应) your new environment and ____ ____ _____ (融入) your classmates. Just _____ _____ ______(继续努力).

2.Before giving the __________(报告), you are strongly _______________(建议) to make full _____________(准备).

3.He ____ ________ ____(忙于……) his research ____ ___ _____ _____ ______(整天).__________________ (在我看来), it is _________________(不可能的) for him to attend your wedding.

4.It’s not a __________ (舒服) to be a ___________(替补), but it takes efforts to get the ___________(资格).

5.We have to ____________(承认) that they have ____________(足够的) evidence to __________(反驳) our ideas.


After a long academic preparation,he got the qualification to be an agent.He delivered a lecture to comment on the substitute on behalf of his business enterprise.


1.________________________ she had ever left her motherland.


2.I have been so occupied with work ______ I haven’t had time for social activities.


3.Besides,as far as he was concerned,______________________ was not the most important thing.


人教版高中英语选修七Unit 5 词汇

Unit 5 Travelling abroad New words and phrases 编号:021 编写者:朱宁审核者:焦丽勇 学习目标: 1.学习本单元词汇和短语。 2.了解本单元重点词汇的一些派生词和重要短语。 学习任务: Ⅰ.联想记忆(根据提示写出相应的词汇以及相关短语) 1.keep it up继续干下去→keep up保持,维持→______ _____不让……靠近 2.fit in相适应→____ _____ ____与……合得来;适应 3.lecture n. & v i.演讲→_____ ____ ______作报告,作演讲 4.recommend v t.推荐→be _______ ___________ 强力推荐 5.comfort n.舒适→___ _________ 舒适地 6.acknowledge v t.承认;答谢→acknowledge ______ sth.承认做…… 7.occupy v t.占用;占领→be ________ ______ 忙着做,忙于某事物→be occupied doing sth. 忙于做某事→be busy _____ 忙于 8.apology n.道歉→make ____ ________ _____/__________ to向……道歉 9.day__ and day ____日复一日→day and night 日日夜夜→day after day日复一日→day by day日复一日,一天天地 10.____________________不可能的→___________________ 毫无疑问 11.settle in(迁入新居、更换工作后)安顿下来→_________ _______定居;平静下来 Ⅱ.构词记忆(根据提示写出相应的词汇及其派生词) 1.prepare v.准备→__________ n.准备 2.____________ v t.推荐→recommendation n.推荐 3.require v t.要求→______________ n.要求 4._________ v t.反驳;驳斥→contradiction n.反驳;矛盾→___________ adj.相互矛盾的5.govern v t. & v i. 统治,支配→______________ n.政府 Ⅲ.语境填词(根据提示用适当的单词或短语填空) 1.I’ve learned that you’ve _________ ____(适应) your new environment and ____ ____ _____ (融入) your classmates. Just _____ _____ ______(继续努力).

山东省英语高中人教版学案 选修七:Unit5 Travelling abroad 知识点

【学习目标】 1.熟读课文,了解课文中的重要知识点。 2.学习keep it up, fit in, recommend, comfort, substitute, as far as sb is concerned, occupy 的用法并熟练运用。 【学习重点,难点】 学习keep it up, fit in, recommend, comfort, substitute, as far as sb is concerned, occupy的用法并熟练运用。 【课型】新授课 【回顾预习】 Read the text quickly, and try to find the following phrases. 1.适应,调节_____________ 2.相适应,相融合_______________- 3.保持优秀成绩,继续干下去_____________________ 4.和---说再见 5.梦想着 6.申请 7.不同于________________ 8.习惯于____________________9.占用________________ 10.感觉像___ 11.总结___ 12.上交____ 13.首先___ 14就……而言_________________15.参考_____ 16.缺乏自信心__ 17.弄明白_____________ 18. 鼓励…做某事__________________19.感觉舒适自在,无拘束____ 20.忙于______________ 21.参加一些俱乐部 22.交新朋友__ 23.理应成功___________________ 24. 登上……的飞机______________ 25.迷路__________________ 26.问路________________ 27.寄宿于__________________ 28.在…之间寻找平衡__________________ 29. 对…做跟踪报道________________ 30.万事如意_________________ 【新知识学习】学习指导 明确学习目标! 注意准确性 我展


教学过程 一、复习预习 教师引导学生复习上节内容,并引入本节课程内容 二、知识讲解 本节课主要知识点解析,中高考考点、易错点分析 考点/易错点1 重点词汇 1. kind : “this/that kind/sort/type of + 单数或复数名词”做主语时,其谓语动词一般用单数形式,而在比较正式的用语中,复数名词可放在前面,即:单/复数名词+of+this/kind, 这时谓语动词由名词的数来决定,因为此时名词已成为中心词。 This kind of questions is very difficult to answer. = Questions of this kind are very difficult to answer. That kind of shoes is fashionable.= Shoes of that kind are fashionable. 表示数量的短语: a great deal of/ an amount of “大量的”,后加不可数名词 {a good /great many}a number of “大量的”只修饰可数名词 a lot of/ plenty of/ a quantity of 许多/ the re st “剩余的”‖即可修饰可数名词也可修饰不可数名词。 Quantities of food were supplied to the area of being flooded. A large quantity of beer has been sold. 2. by (1)在近处(位置)He would stand by the window for a few hours. (2) (示移动方向)沿,经,由,从旁边经过I passed by me without noticing me. I go the house every day. (3)不迟于,在…以前 Will you finish the task by tomorrow? By this time tomorrow he will be here. (4) (表示方法、手段)由,靠,通过They intended to leave by the first train. (5) 相差(数目或程度)His horse won by a noise. …以仅有的一点优势… I was late by ten minutes. (6) 表示大小,次第,逐一The students entered 2 by 2 . Time went by little by little.

【维词课堂】人教版【维词课堂】人教版选修七Unit 5-occupy

【维词课堂】人教版B7U5——occupy 导入 1. Reading occupies much of my leisure time. 阅读占去了我大量的闲暇时间。 2. The restroom is ocuppied. 洗手间使用中。 3. What is your dream occupation? 你梦想的职业是什么? 从上面几幅图片代表的含义可以知道,在日常生活中,我们不仅会用到occupy,也会经常用到它的派生词occupied和occupation。今天,大家就和小V一起学习这些单词,弄清它们的各个义项! 追溯词源

由词源可知,occupy的基本义是“占有(空间或时间)”。由于“占有”的对象不同,由基本义衍生出其他释义。 解读维词 选自《新高中英语词汇》 拓展 occupied是occupy的分词形容词,它的释义和occupy是对应的。

occupation是occupy的名词形式,它的释义也和occupy有关。 你学会occupy了吗?不要忘了,利用你的闲暇时间,见证词汇量的增长哦!

练一练: 根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。 1. Later I went to a café to have lunch, _________________________ (但是没有空桌子). (2014安徽完形) 2. _________________________ (她这会儿工作很忙); she cannot speak to you. 3. The bed seemed to _________________________ (占据了大部分房间面积). 4. Problems at work continued to _________________________ (占据他的脑海) for some time. 5. The zone _________________________ (被占领的) contained major industrial areas. (occupation) Keys: 1. but all the tables were occupied 2. She’s occupied with / in work at the moment 3. occupy most of the room 4. occupy his mind 5. under occupation

]高中人教版新课标-7.5单词小练-覆盖选修7unit5 所有生词

7.5单词小练 1.I need to extend my __________. 2.I tried the dress on but it didn't __________. 3.It took her a while _______________ living alone. 4.At the end of the _______________, I'd like all the students to divide into small discussion groups. 5.You'll never get a good job if you don't have any _______________. . 6. A _______________is a restaurant where you choose your food from a counter and take it to your table after paying for it. 7.I _______________taking an umbrella in case it rains. 8.You can always _______________tofu for meat, if you like. 9.Some nursing experience is a necessary _______________for this job. 10.It's a very nice sofa but it doesn't _______________ the rest of the room. vt. 适应;符合 11.I wasn't familiar with the _______________so I had to guess what he meant. 12.A _______________is an official document, or a stamp put in your passport, which allows you to enter or leave a particular country. 13.His _______________was complicated and difficult to follow 14.Top athletes have to be very _______________. 15.The secret of successful selling comes from careful _______________and hard work.


人教版高中英语选修七词汇表Unit 1 1. stockpile n. 储备;贮存;积蓄 v. 积蓄;囤积 The government stockpiled food and emergency supplies in preparation for the natural disaster. 2. immerse v. 沉浸;深度参与;沉迷 She immersed herself in her work, ignoring everything else around her. 3. exertion n. 努力;费力;行使 The athletes showed great physical exertion during the intense competition. 4. intact adj. 完整无缺的;未受损伤的 Despite the accident, the painting remained intact and undamaged. 5. euphoria n. 兴高采烈;欣快愉悦 After winning the championship, the team was filled with euphoria and celebrated their victory. Unit 2 1. overlook v. 忽视;俯瞰

The supervisor overlooked the employee's mistakes and focused on their overall performance. 2. anguish n. 痛苦;极度痛苦的经历 The loss of a loved one can cause immense anguish and grief. 3. verdict n. 裁决;决定 The jury reached a unanimous verdict of guilty after careful consideration of the evidence. 4. seize v. 抓住;攫取 The police seized the stolen goods and arrested the thief. 5. coordinator n. 协调者;统筹者 The event coordinator ensured that all the necessary arrangements were made for the conference. Unit 3 1. distort v. 扭曲;歪曲 The media often distorts facts to fit their own agenda. 2. confront v. 面对;面临 It is important to confront your fears in order to overcome them. 3. descendant n. 后裔;子孙 He can trace his ancestry back to a famous historical figure, making him a direct descendant.


选修七第五单元单词 unit5 adjustto适应;调节 keepitup维持杰出成绩;稳步干活下去fitin相适应;二者融合motherlandn.祖国visan.护照 queuen.队列;行列vi.排队 substituten.替代者;代用品vt.用……替代……academicadj.学校的;学术的requirementn.须要;建议essayn.文章;散文 tutorn.导师;助教;家庭教师△revisevt.复查;修正;复习revisionn.复查;修正;复习draftn.草稿;草案vt.草拟;起草 numbadj.麻木的;失去知觉的acknowledgevt.宣称;证实;回馈asfarasoneisconcerned就……而言contradictvt.驳斥;反斥 autonomousadj.自主的;自治的;独立的occupyvt.占用;占领;占据 beoccupiedwith忙着搞……;忙著某事物enterprisen.事业;事业心apologyn.道谦;请罪seminarn.(专题)研讨会videophonen.可视电话rugbyn.(英式)橄榄球 bachelorn.获学士学位的人;未婚男子bachelor’sdegree学士学位routinen.常规;日常事务adj.通常的;例行的 minibusn.小型公共汽车optionaladj.可选择的;随意的dayinanddayout日复一日cagen.鸟笼;兽槛 barkvi.(指狗等)吠叫;咆哮n.犬吠声;树皮 batteryn.电池(组);电瓶;炮台△siten.地方;地点;现场△julien.朱莉(女名)△abigailn.阿比盖尔(女名)drillvi.&vt.钻(孔)n.钻;钻机oilfieldn.油田 △jamien.杰米(男名)△samn.萨姆(男名)△liman.科马(秘鲁首都)△cuzcon. 库斯科(秘鲁南部城市)△theandes安第斯山脉△perun.秘鲁(南美国家)△lian.莉亚(女名)agentn.代理人;经纪人 travelagent旅行代理人;旅行代理人 △geographicaladj.地理(学)的paralleladj.平行的;相同的;类似的 △laketiticaca的的喀喀湖abundantadj.丰富的;充裕的△inca印加帝国

人教选修七 Unit5 Travelling abroad词汇语言点

Unit5 Traveling aboard 一.单词考点 Section A Warming-up,Reading&Comprehending “适应,调节,调整”的用法 1.adjust to 介 短语: adjust oneself to...使自己适应…… eg:Astronauts in flight must adjust to weightlessness. 区别:adjust,adapt ⑴adjust宾语一般为具体事物。 ⑵adapt指作大的改变或修改。 2.keep it up再接再厉;保持优秀成绩;继续做下去(it无意义,只用于构成固定短语) keep短语: keep up保持,跟上,不落后 keep up with跟上;与……保持联系 keep away from避开,不接近 keep back扣住,留下,隐瞒不讲 keep down控制;压制,镇压 keep out挡住,使不进去 keep off(使)不接近,(使)让开 keep to坚持;遵守 keep to oneself守口如瓶 keep...from(doing)sth.阻止……(做)某事 keep one’s word/promise履行诺言 3.fit in“相适应;相合”“装得下;可以容纳”“与……相适应;与……相处融洽”“被接受;相处融洽”短语: fit in with sb.=get along/on with sb.与某人相处融洽 fit in with sth.=agree with与……相符;与……相一致 eg:①He explained the project to me and how my job fits in. ②I tried to fit in,but they all much younger than I was. ③I’ll come in your car,if you can fit me in. ④She doesn’t fit in with the rest of the class. 的用法 4.preparation n ⑴[U]预备,准备 搭配: (be)in preparation在准备中 in preparation for sth.为某事做好准备 eg:His going abroad currently in preparation. ⑵[C]安排,准备工作(常用复数) 搭配: make preparations for sth.为某事做准备 eg:As a senior Three student,I’m making preparations for the college entrance exam. 5.recommend 的用法 vt


Unit 5 Travelling abroad 语言点 编稿:牛新 阁 审稿:王春霞 be occupied with, d ay in and day out, out of the question, take up, settle in 重点句型 It is/ was the first/ second/ ...time ... what 引导的名词性从句 知识讲解 重点词汇 qualification 【原句回放】 Xie Lei, who is 21 years old, has come to our university to complete a business qualification. 谢蕾今年 21 岁,来我们大学上学,希望获得工商管理资格。 【点拨】 qualification n. 资格,资历,执照 (可以是可数名词,也可以是不可数名词) 常用搭配: have the right qualifications for sth./ to do sth. 有资格做某事 admission qualification 入学资格 a doctor 's qualification 当医生的资格 academic/ professional/ technical qualifications 学术 /职业 / 技术资历 What qualifications have you got for this job? 你有什么能做这项工作的资格吗? To become a doctor, you should get a medical qualification. 要想成为一名医生,你得取得医生资格证。 【拓展】 qualify vt. & vi. (使)合格; (使)具有资格 qualified adj. 合格 的 be well qualified for sth. / to do sth. 非常有资格做某事 qualify sb. for sth. / to do sth. 使某人有资格(做某事) preparation 【原句回放】 She is halfway through the preparation year, which most foreign students complete before applying for a degree course. 大多数外籍学生在进入学位课程学习之前都要学一年预 科,而谢蕾已经读完半年了。 【点拨】 preparation n. 准备 常用搭配: make preparations for sth. / to do sth. 为某事做准备 in preparation 在准备中 He has packed his bags in preparation for the journey. 他打好提包,为旅行做准备。 The country is making preparations for war. 这个国家正在进行备战。 【拓展】 prepare vt. 使有准备,准备 常用搭配: be prepared for sth. / to do sth. 对某事做好准备 prepare for sth. / to do sth. 为某事做准备 prepare sb. for sth. / to do sth. 使某人对某事做准备 学习目标 重点词汇 qualifica tion, contradic t, preparati on, occupy, recommend , abundant, comfort, substitute, draft, acknowledge, govern 重点短语 keep up, fit in, as far as, adjust to, get used to,

高中英语 新人教版选修七 unit5 语言点

Section ⅡLearning about Language 考点预览 1.词汇:union, impress, passport, visa, agent 2.短语:be similar to, happen to sb. / sth. , ask for, happen to, in time. 3.句式:which 引导非限制性定语从句 until引导时间状语 知识讲练 Ⅰ.单词点击 1.union n. 联合;联盟;工会 归纳拓展 trade union 工会 the union be tween … and ……与……的结合,联合 in union 联合起来 unite v. 联合;团结 unity n. 整体,团结,统一性 2.agent n. 代理人,经纪人 归纳拓展 law agent 律师,法律顾问 advertising agent 广告商 managing agent 总代理人 agency n. 作用,媒介,代理权,代理处,机构 Ⅱ.短语诠释 1.be similar to 与……相似 指点迷津 be similar与to连用,表示“相似,类似”。 The same to you. 也祝你如此。 It’s the same with sb. 某人也是如此。 the same as表示“与……相同”。 He is good at English and can speak it fluently. It is the same with Mary. 他擅长英语并讲得很流利,玛丽也是如此。 2.happen to sb./sth.“某人/某物发生了什么事,怎么了”,相当于occur to。 [注意] happen,occur都不能用于被动语态。 类似的不能用于被动语态的单词和短语有: take place,cost,break out,last,come out,come true,come about,come up等。 3.in time及时;迟早;终于 I wish you would come in time.我希望你会及时地赶来。 归纳拓展 at times 有时,间或 at a time 一次 on time 准时,按时 out of time 不合时宜,太迟 from time to time 不时地 Ⅲ.句式归纳

高中英语选修七人教版Unit5 Travelling abroad 词类拓展

一.Unit5 单词拓展 1.adjust v. →adjustment n. 2.queue v. →queue n. 3.qualification n. →qualify v.(使)具有资格→ qualified adj.合格的,有资格的 4.prepare v. →preparation n.→prepared adj.事先准备好的 5.recommend vt. → recommendation n.推荐,建议→ recommended adj.被推荐的 https://www.doczj.com/doc/4619206132.html,fort vt. → comfort n.→comfortable adj. →uncomfortable (反)adj.→comfortably adv. 7.substitute vt. →substitution n.代替→ substitute n.代替者,代用品 8.require vt. →requirement n. 9.acknowledge vt.→acknowledgement n.→ acknowledged adj.公认的,被普遍认为的 10.contradict vt. →contradiction n.→ contradictory adj.矛盾的,反对的,反驳的 11.occupy vt. →occupation n.→occupied adj.已占用的,无空闲的 12.apology n. → apologize/apologise vi 13.routine n. →routine adj.→routinely adv. 14.option n. →optional adj.可选择的→optionally adv.随意地 15.parallel adj. →parallel n. 平行线 16.abundant adj. →abundantly adv.→abundance n.丰富,充裕 https://www.doczj.com/doc/4619206132.html,ern vt. →governor n.统治者→ government n.政府 18.settle vt/vi →settlement n.→ settler n. 19.academic adj. → academy n.学院,学会,专科学校 20.analyse vt. →analysis n.分析 二.翻译重点短语 1.adjust to 2.adjust oneself to 3.make an adjustment to 4.keep it up 5.keep sth. in mind 6.keep up with 7.keep out 8.fit in (with) 9.prepare to to sth. 10.prepare for 11.make preparations for 12.in preparation for... 13.in preparation 14.recommend doing 15.recommend sb. to do sth 16.recommend sb.as/to be 17.recommend sb. sth.=recommend sth. to sb. 18.recommend that ...(should)do... 19.It is a comfort to do sth.


选修七 Unit 5 Traveling abroad 一、语言要点

1. qualification n.资格;证明 [重点用法] qualify v. (使)具有资格,证明合格 qualification as当任(职务等)的资格 qualification for在(某方面)具有资格取得资格,合格 qualify as取得……资格 qualify for有……资格,有……权;应得;使合格,使能担任,使适合于

qualify sb.to do sth.使某人有资格做某事 [典例] 1) What’s the qualification as a doctor?取得当一名医生的资格是什么? 2) What qualifications have you got to have for this job? 申请这个工作你得要具有的条件是什么? 3) Do you qualify for the vote? 你有投票资格吗? 4) I hope to qualify as a teacher. 我希望取得教师资格。 5) A degree in English does not qualify you to teach English. 你的英语程度教书不够资格。 2.preparation n.准备;预备 [重点用法] prepare vt. & vi.预[准,筹]备,布置,为…铺路;配制;调制;使作准备;温习 be in preparation (for) 在……准备中;作为……的准备 make preparations against为对付……做准备 make preparations for为……做准备 be(well)prepared for[to do]…对…有所准备(处于对…有所准备的意识) prepare sth.against准备(…)应付… prepare sb.for让……为了…作准备 prepare the ground for为…铺平路;为…打下基础 [典例] 1) Mother is now preparing food for dinner.妈妈正在为晚餐准备食物。 2) The students are now preparing for the exams.学生们正为考试做准备。 3) The teachers are now preparing their lessons.老师们在备课。 3.recommend vt.推荐;建议 [重点用法] recommendation n.推荐,介绍(信),劝告,建议 on one's recommendation经某人介绍 follow sb.’s recommendations听从某人的劝告 recommendation(s)for.……的推荐 write/give sb.a recommendation为某人写推荐信/介绍信 提示 1)该词意为“建议”时,注意三种句型: (1) recommend+(sb's)doing; (2) recommend +that(从句) (从句用虚拟,由should+动词原形构成); (3) recommend +sb. to do 2)该词做“推荐;介绍”时,常用句型是: (1) recommend sb.sth. (2) recommend sth.for(doing) sth. [典例] 1) Can you recommend me a good novel? 能给我推荐一本好小说吗? 2) What would you recommend for the ink stains?有什么办法能除掉墨水汁吗? 3) It is recommended in the regulations that you(should)not tell others the password of your account. 条款有提示,不要将邮箱密码透露给别人。

高中英语人教版选修七 知识点盘点 Unit 5

高中英语人教版选修七知识点盘点 Unit5 Travelling abroad 常考单词、高频短语和写作句式 Ⅰ. 常考单词必背 1.queue n. [C]长队;行列vi. 排队等候 【习惯搭配】 queue up 排队 We had to queue up for an hour for the ticket. 我们只得排一个小时的队买票。 If we had booked a table earlier,we couldn't be standing here in a queue. 如果你早订张桌子的话,我们现在就不会站在这儿排队了。2.recommend vt. ①推荐;介绍②劝告;建议(接从句时常用虚拟语气) 【习惯搭配】 (1)recommend sb sth = recommend sth to sb 向某人推荐某物recommend doing sth 建议(劝告)某人做某事 recommend sb to do sth 劝告某人做…… recommend sb as... 推荐某人当…… recommend that...(should) do... 建议某人…… I recommend the book to all my students. 我向我所有的学生都推荐这本书。 He recommended reading the book before seeing the movie. 他建议先看这本书,再去看这部电影。

We’d recommend you to book your flight early. 我们建议你早点预定航班。 I recommend (that) he see a lawyer. 我建议他去找个律师。 I borrowed the book Sherlock Holmes from the library last week,which my classmates recommended to me. 上周我从图书馆借了本《夏洛克·福尔摩斯》,这是我同学推荐我看的书。 (2)recommendation n. ①[U]推荐;介绍②[C]推荐信;介绍信;劝告 a letter of recommendation 推荐信 3.comfort n. 舒适;安慰vt. 安慰 The old lady often comforts those who are in trouble. 这位老妇人经常安慰处于困境的人。 [习惯搭配] comfortable adj. 舒服的 comfortably adv. 舒适地 4.substitute n. [C]代用品;代替者vt. 用……代替 There is no substitute to hard work. 什么都替代不了努力工作。 [习惯搭配] a substitute for...……的代替者 substitute A for B=substitute B with A用A代替B

2022年人教版高考英语考点复习选修7 Unit 5 Travelling abroad

选修7 Unit 5 Travelling abroad The Shrinking Number of Chinese Overseas Students 中国留学生数量的减少 Shanghai has seen a decrease in the number of overseas students from 60, 000 to 38, 800 including those enrolled in universities studying degrees and non-degrees such as short-term language learning programs, mainly due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Huang Meixu, director of the Shanghai Institute of Higher Education for Foreign Students, told the Global Times on Monday. “The decrease is reasonable, ” Huang said, “noting that for some overseas students, they probably would seek a short-term program for language in China, however, they might give up on their plans due to the COVID-19 pandemic. ” As a global financial hub, Shanghai has become one of the most popular studying destinations for overseas students. Despite the pandemic, the number of overseas students studying in Shanghai enrolled in degrees stood at 24, 000, steadily accounting for around 60 percent of the total number of overseas students, Wu Yingjun, director of the international exchange office of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, said during a conference on Monday. 【外刊概要】本篇文章介绍了作为全球金融中心的上海, 留学生人数从6万人减少到3. 88万人。 主题语境人与社会 课标话题旅游 思维品质通过阅读关于留学的一些新闻报道, 了解留学对个人以及建设祖国的意义。 对接教材 必修1 Unit 3 Travel journal; 必修4 Unit 5 Theme parks; 选修7 Unit 5 Travelling abroad Ⅰ. 一词多义(note) 1. Stevens wrote him a note asking him to come to his apartment. 便条 2. I knew that if I didn’t make a note I would lose the thought, so I asked to borrow a pen or pencil. 记录; 笔记


话题词汇 1.company n.陪伴;同伴 2.available adj.可用的;可得到的 3.departure n.启程;离开;出发 4.arrival n.到来;到达 5.intend v.想要;打算 6.destination n.目的地 7.get lost迷路 8.feel at home感觉自在;无拘束 9.settle in安排下来;迁入新居 10.at one’s service为……服务 话题佳作 假设你是河南某旅行社业务营销主管李华,你的新西兰笔友Nick将于十月来中国旅游,特来信询问有关旅游景点情况。请你根据以下信息,写一封回信,向Nick介绍该套时尚旅游产品。 下面是一套时尚旅游产品——“中原现代化新型农村游”的情况。 参考词汇:娱乐、消遣的recreational;家用电器electrical household appliances 佳作欣赏

Dear Nick, I’m glad to hear that you’re traveling to Henan Province in October.Now,I’d like to tell you something about a set of fashionable tourism products called “A visit to the Zhongyuan modern villages”. As you know,the rural area is no longer what it used to be,so the visit to the Zhongyuan modern villages is a wise choice if you want to get away from the noisy city and enjoy a great view of the country scenery.Entering the village,you’ll find numbers of newly­built cottages and many recreational attractions such as pleasant cafes,lively bars and exciting free you’ll be offered a “rural homestay” service and can even share cars,swimming pools,computers and many electrical household appliances as well.Besides,the nice weather and convenient transportation here can make your trip more enjoyable. I’m looking forward to your coming. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 名师点睛 本文思路清晰,语言准确。在行文过程中,宾语从句、表语从句、条件状语从句、过去分词短语作定语、现在分词短语作状语,make+宾语+宾补等高级句式及结构和诸如as you know,no longer,get away from,enjoy a great view of,such as,as well,besides等高级词汇运用得恰到好处,使文章亮点纷呈。 Ⅰ.写作必记单词 1.recommend v t.推荐;建议 recommendation n.推荐 2.comfort n.舒适;抚慰;v t.抚慰 3.substitute n.代替者;代用品;v t.用……代替…… 4.acknowledge v t.承认;确认;答谢 5.occupy v t.占用;占领;占据

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