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1.When going upstairs or downstairs, we need to walk on the right, leaving the left space for the people who _______.

A. hurry up

B. look around

C. run away

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】上下楼梯时,我们需要靠右行,留下左边的位置给赶急的人们。A. hurry up赶快;B. look around浏览;到处察看;到处寻找;C. run away逃跑;失控;;根据语境及句意,故选A。


2.一 Did you solve the Maths problem by yourself?.

— No. Bob helped me with it.

A. write down

B. talk about

C. work out

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:——你自己解决的那个数学题吗?——不是的,Bob帮我的。solve解决;write down写下;talk about谈论;work out算出;解决。故选C。


3.— I think I'll take a bus to the meeting.

— The bus? If you , you will be late.

A. do

B. have done

C. will do

【答案】 A


4.The cheese cake ______ so good that I can't wait to eat it.

A. tastes

B. feels

C. sounds

D. smells

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:奶酪蛋糕闻起来这么香,我迫不及待地要吃了。taste品尝;feel 感觉;sound听起来;smell闻起来。这四个词都是系动词,后跟形容词作表语,但是根据后半句can't wait to eat可知先有嗅觉的感受才会有吃的欲望,故答案为D。


5.— Alice's room is tidy, isn't it?

—Yes. She always _____ her toys after playing with them.

A. looks for

B. puts away

C. sweeps away

D. pays for


【解析】【分析】句意:---爱丽丝的房间很整洁,是吗?---是的,她总是玩过了就把玩具收起来。look for寻找;put away放起来;收起来;sweep away扫除;清走;pay for支付。由tidy可知是put away造成的结果,故答案为B。


6.— Tina, breakfast is ready. Dad cooked it for us.

— It can't be father. He ______ early on Sundays.

A. always gets up

B. often got up

C. had got up

D. never gets up

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】always gets up总是起床;often got up经常起床;had got up已经起床;never gets up从来不起床。句意:蒂娜,早饭已经准备好了。爸爸给我们做的。——不可能是父亲。他在周日从来不起床。故选D。


7.Our geography teacher told us to _____ more information about our city and share it next week.

A. find out

B. keep away

C. turn off

D. use up

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】find out查找,keep away远离,turn off关掉,use up用光,结合more information 用find out,句意为我们的地理老师告诉我们查找更多有关我们城市的信息下周一起分享.故答案是A.

8.—The jeans are very nice. I'll take them.

—You'd better ______ first. I'm afraid the size is a bit small for you.

A. pay for them

B. take them off

C. try them on


【解析】【分析】句意:—这条牛仔裤很漂亮。我要买它们。—你最好先试穿一下。恐怕这个尺寸对你来说有点小。pay for支付;take off脱掉;try on试穿。动词短语后跟代词做宾语,需将代词放在短语之间。根据答语I'm afraid the size is a bit small for you.,结合句意