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Unit 1

There are many paths to greatness. Some people go down in history for their 1)_ influential _ political leadership. Other are remembered for spectacular scientific 2)__ breakthroughs _ for composing great symphonies, or writing 3)__ brilliant __ poetry. But whatever path they take, great people seem to 4)__ share __ a few common characteristics. They are relentlessly 5)__ optimistic __ and persistent; they have both intellectual skills and the ability to work well with other people; and they love their work. In fact, 6)_ for _these people, work is more like an obsession than a job. Of course, many of the questions about greatness 7)__ remain __ , unanswered. What roles so genetics and environment 8)__ play __ in the question How can we know who among our 9) contemporaries will be remembered as great and which people, though famous today, will be 10)__ forgotten __ in the future It’s also possible that our 11)_ view _ of who is great is not always fair or accurate. For example, the of 12)_ achievement__women are not recognized as often as they should , we can’t even be 13)__ sure__ if it is really good to be great. Maybe the happiest people are the normal ones. Normal people aren’t endowed 14)_ with _ what it takes to be great, but th ey also don’t have to worry 15)_ about _ the burdens of history.

Unit 2

Gratitude is defined as the art of showing 1)__appreciation __ for every kindness, great and small. Usually, 2)__expressing _ gratitude costs very little, but its rewards can be great. When gratitude is owed but not given, however, as when we 3)_ fail _ to recognize a ge nerous act on someone else’s 4)_ part _, this denial can lead to sore feelings, and even resentment. Sometimes, truly deep gratitude calls for personal sacrifice. One 5) _ example __ is a mother of world war II soldier who traveled from her home 6)_ through __ the U. S. to visit the French family who had 7)___ sheltered ___ her son from Nazis. She was driven to 8)__ do this unselfish generosity which this family had shown her son. But gratitude can 9)_ also _ be shown by very simple acts. We can start 10)__ by __ making sure that, in one way or another, we thank the family members and 11)_coworkers__ who help us every day. In sum, the 12)_ key _to gratitude is thoughtfulness, or 13)_taking __ pains to consider the feeling of others as well as out own. Being generous and 14)_ unselfish _ with our affection and sentiments is one thing we all can do to make the world a more pleasant place. For all of these 15)_ reasons _ gratitude is something of which none of us can give too much..

Unit 3

Traditional western ways of thinking can often lead to an 1)_ impasse _ when we are confronting a truly difficult problem. This happened to Dr. Edward Jenner when he was trying to 2)_ come _ up with a vaccine for the deadly disease known as smallpox. Jenner was 3)_ able _to solve the problem he faced by changing the 4)_ framework within which

he looked at it. Rather than focusing on people who had smallpox, he 5) looked carefully at those who seemed never to get the disease. This change in 6)_tactics _ is an example of what is known as “lateral thinking.” The term means choosing not to approach a problem head-on, but instead looking at it 7)__sideways _. In lateral thinking, being able to take in and 8)_ consider _ all kinds of ideas, no matter how unlikely they might seem, is of the 9)_ utmost _ significance. Lateral thinking can help all kinds of people, from smokers who want to give 10)__ up _ their habit, to archers who need to relax in order to perform 11)_ at _ their best. This idea does not 12)_ imply that solutions which come from vertical thinking are always deeply 13) flawed _ . The truth is that different ways of thinking have different 14)_advantages when you get stuck struggling with a problem head-on, thinking laterally can help you to shift your point of view and perhaps see a 15)_ solution you wouldn’t other wise notice.

Unit 4

A recent educational experiment showe d that the difference between “gifted” children and regular ones may have as much as to do with 1)__expectations__ as with intelligence. An elementary school teacher was 2)_deceived__ into thinking that her students were above average in intelligence. She then 3)__managed__ to get them to do outstanding work, even though their true IQs were well within the normal range. It seems that her belief in her students’ intelligence was enough to turn them 4)_into_ better ’s difficult to 5)__pinpoint __exactly how such beliefs are expressed. It 6)__may __have to do with how a teacher talks to the class: many positive, supportive expressions and few expressions of impatience, annoyance, or 7) communication, including 8)_facial __expressions, probably plays a role too. But one thing is clear: labels and expectations 9)__strongly _ influence results. Outside of the classroom, labeling can, as 10) often__ as not, have a negative effect. The labels we put on different social groups are usually not 11)__inclusive__. In fact, they are often sexist or racist. Of 12)__course__ , there is good and bad in all kinds of people. But we 13)__tend__to accept some ideas about certain groups more readily than about others. The school experiment shows that such labels have

a 14)__great__ deal of power. But when labels are unfair and negative they can be very


Unit 5

When I came to prison, my reading skills were 1)__ terrible __ and my penmanship was worse. But because I wanted to 2)__ emulate__ some of the more well-read inmates, I decided to do something about it, I began by copying 3)__over _ the dictionary. You know the dictionary had all kinds of information. It’s someth ing like an encyclopedia in 4)_ miniature _. But the most important result 5)_ of _ studying dictionary was that it gave me the word 6)_base __ I needed to read 7)_effectively __. Soon, I could pick up8)_almost _ any book and read it. I checked 9)_ out _ all kinds of books from the prison library, both non-fiction and literature. I love to read so much that I could I always find myself 10)_ engrossed _in something when “lights out” came. I was so 11)__ hungry __ for knowledge that I would then lie on the floor and read by the faint 12)_ glow _of the hallway

light until I heard the guard coming back down along the corridor. Many people say that no true 13)__ rehabilitation _ is possible in prison. But I felt that I learned more there than I could have in any college, even if no degree was 14)__ conferred __ on me. After all, where else could I have 15)_ combated _ my own ignorance more effectively than in a place where I could be left alone and allowed to read for up to 15 hours per day

Unit 6

what does a young child’s abilit y not to eat a marshmallow 1) _ have _ to do with success in life Quite a lot, as it turns out. The 4-year-old who is able to 2)__ hold out __ in order to receive a second treat is 3)_ demonstrating _ more self-control than will serve him or her well as an adult. T his ability to control one’s 4)__ impulses __ is just one part of what is called Emotional Intelligence. The children who demonstrate it will grow up to be better adjusted and 5)_ more _successful. Those kids who don’t have it are less likely to succeed when it comes to meeting challenges and 6)_ dealing _ with life’s frustration. In the past, our concept of intelligence was mainly limited 7)__to _ the kinds of skills that 8)_enabl__ one to do well in school. But Emotional Intelligence 9)_redefines _ what it means to be smart by focusing on how the mind 10)_ processes _ feelings rather than ideas. There are many ways in which an understanding of Emotional Intelligence can be every 11)_ handy _. It can help parents 12)_ raise _ their children, help corporations manage employees, and help solve many social problems. These ideas are not very controversial, but some other13) _ aspects _ of Emotional Intelligence are. For example, some scholars are offended at the idea that such a 14)__ complex _ and abstract idea would be reduced to a simple numerical measure in the 15)_ form _ of an “EQ”.

Unit 7

As a child, I identified much more 1) strongly with my mother than with my father. She and I are both somewhat 2)_ shy _ introverted people who like to read. My father is a man of action 3)_rather _ than words. While my mother and I tend to worry a lot, my father is an 4)_ optimist _ who’s never had a sleepless night in his life. When I was young, my father and I fought 5)_ constantly _. Since I became an adult, however, he and I have pretty much 6)_made _ our peace. Although he didn’t 7)__support __ my decision to become a writer, I know that he is proud of my success. And he is less 8)_ stubborn __ than he used to be. As he has aged, he is now willing to ask for help sometimes, to call a 9)_ plumber _ if the job is too difficult for him. Now we are on 10)_ even _ ground. Recently, I met with my father to 11)_ talk _ about plans for his estate. My father told me he had taken care 12)__ of __ the business. The Navy would burn his ashes and scatter them at sea. This way, his death wouldn’t be a 13)_ burden__ to me. I had no way to let him know how 14)_ much_ I wanted to burdened by this responsibility. So I just reached across the table and took of hold his hand, trying to 15)_ stop _ the tears.

Unit 8

The Athenians and the Visigoths were extraordinarily different cultures with 1)_

conflicting _values and traditions. The Athenians respected education and considered the quest 2)_for _ knowledge a most noble pursuit. To the Visigoths, on the other hand, knowledge was 3)_ pointless _ unless it could be used to earn money or gain power over others. Athenians had a great 4)_ regard _ for fine art. They wrote profoundly touching epic poems and plays which exalt the spirit of audiences 5)_ to _ this day. To the Visigoths, art had no value beyond its 6)_popularity _ at the moment. Athenians practiced political democracy with a tremendous 7)_ vigor _ . They placed great value on tradition, social restraint, and continuity. They sought 8)moderation in all things and created the concept of ecology. At the 9)_ peak of their power, the Visigoths overran Europe desecrating buildings, destroying works of art, and ushering 10)_ in _ the period known as the Dark Ages. It took Europe almost a thousand years to 11)_ recover _ from their ravages. These two cultures are still 12)_ relevant _ today because we all must choose which group to align ourselves 13)_ with _ . 14)_ Although _ the university is an inherently Athenian institution, not all of the students it educates or even all of the professors on its faculty hold Athenian values in 15)_high_ esteem. It is a personal choice whether to sink to the depths of life as a modern Visigoth or to dedicate oneself to the more exalted pursuit of becoming a contemporary Athenian.


Unit 1


Americans tend to define people by the jobs they have/do. Such characteristics as their family and educational backgrounds are considered less important.


His uncompromising personality explains why he could no longer put up with his employer and eventually submitted his resignation.


If you really want to learn English well, you must put in a lot of time and energy, or you will go nowhere. The same can be said of other subjects.

4.有些演员的名声靠的是他们天生的美貌,但是达斯汀?霍夫曼(Dustin Hoffman)尽管身材矮小(short stature), 还是出类拔萃,而使他与众不同的正是他精湛的演技。

Some actors’ fame is built on their innate beauty, but despite his short stature, Dustin Hoffman rose above and it is his excellent acting that sets him apart.


After he took charge, we discovered that there were striking differences between him and his predecessor. He had the drive and passion, came up with many new ideas, and focused his work on how to raise our morale.


Deng Xiaoping made history when he declared China’s reform and opening-up policy. Despite tremendous obstacles, he made lasting contributions to our country’s modernization with his unrelenting efforts.


Why could someone with a genius IQ be left behind by a hardworking person with an average IQ It has to be acknowledged that besides one’s IQ, many other factors have much to do with one’s achievements.


This teacher is really remarkable in motivating her students so she can really teach them something. It’s not that she is talented, it’s that she focuses completely on drawing their full attention in class.

Unit 2


He glared at John and was annoyed by his denial of cooperation.


John’s sincere speech shows his gratitude to the people who rendered him generous help when he was in difficulty.


He is something of a stamp collector. The fact that once he saved up for two years to buy a rare stamp is roof of it.


The beauty of these roses could not be overstated. They took/caught all the visitors’s fancy in one way or another.


At first he took it for granted that they should build more highways in this area. Then a careful calculation of the expenditure compelled him to think twice before he made the final decision.


Each time he receives a gift from me, no matter how small, my friend Bill never fails to acknowledge it.


The journalist has decided to trace the young man referred to in the old couple’s letter, which is a tribute to the young man’s e ffort at improving their living conditions.


Though he was fed up with the salesman who knocked at his door and boasted about their products every day, he refrained from slamming the door in their face.

Unit 3


Tom was hung up on the problem but could do nothing about it until he learnt to solve it with different tactics.


Lateral thinking has helped him to advance his new theory which had seemed to have reach a dead end.


The framework of our latest construction plan has been affirmed by the local government. Whether it will be carried out on time is of the utmost significance to the development of this coastal city.


While trying to find a solution to the problem, Edward reached an impasse in his thinking, but later he changed his point of view and solved the problem in an entirely unexpected fashion.


Many people believe that computer labs will eventually take over from the libraries and students who want to take in new knowledge will end up learning everything in the computer lab.


Yesterday his car crashed into a truck almost head-on. If he does not stop driving so carelessly, I am sure he will wind up in the emergency room of a hospital.


There is a flaw in the structural design of the painting. Why don’t you erase the vertical lines and simplify it a little bit


John should have given up smoking a long time ago. After all, health is of the utmost importance to everybody.

Unit 4


Schools should avoid deciding who are superior only in terms of the students’ exam results and treating them accordingly. Instead, a good educational system should enable every student to measure up to good standards as well-rounded people.



As often as not, when college students have questions after class, their teachers are not readily available except during office hours. This is due to teachers’ busy academic research, rather than their indifference to the students.


This class consists of forty students, most of whom used to be labeled average in terms of English level. But as this teacher has never shown any verbal impatience, the students have reacted positively to his teaching methods and lived up to his expectations.


Teaching is becoming increasingly demanding in the the United States, due in part to the diversity of students racial background and the complexity of educational technologies that require additional training.


The English are, as often as not, labeled conservative. Obviously this label is prejudiced. In reality, Britain is not very different from other European countries in terms of national characteristics. They are polite, neat, orderly and confident.


Some young people grow up with a strong desire for independence. They would rather try hard to go through life on their own than turn to their parents for help with a sense of guilt.


Your friend treats you sincerely, so you should respond accordingly and mustn’t deceive him or talk about his setbacks with irony.


The neighbor’s irritation/annoyance was due to the noise they made. However, because of reassurances that they would stop working at night, they went through with the decoration of this apartment.

Unit 5


As you can imagine, reading has opened a new world to me and changed forever the course of my life.


He had demonstrated an unusually intense interest in books since childhood. So fascinated with books was he that he never let a day pass without doing some reading.


Every time he takes the subway to and from work, he was with him a book that he wants

to read. That is the way he has read nearly a hundred books in the past three years.


When he was in high school, he used to read deep/far into the night in his own room. Each time he heard the approaching footsteps of his mother, he would turn off the light and feigned sleep. But as soon as his mother passed, he would turn on the light and begin reading again.


There is hardly anything about China he’s not curious about. And to satisfy his curiosity he has decided to go there in person to see as much as he can.


I don’t know / I have little / no idea what made your son feel envy of that pop singer and try to emulate him in everything. You might as well ask him in person.


As soon as he checked out the book from the library, he thumbed through its pages by the corridor light.


I don’t think anybody ever learned more in the countryside than I did. In fact,those three years in the countryside enabled me to study far intensively than I would have if had attended some college.

Unit 6


He was disabled form birth, but he never felt frustrated, nor did he give in to any difficulty.


Tom had been holding out for a promotion. When the opportunity showed up, he grabbed it at once.


He distrusts all standardized tests and believes that there should be something better to substitute for them.


My thesis is that we should carry out a survey of these controversial issues one by one right now.


Betty is diligent and dependable. She never shies away from any difficulties. In short, she is the kind of student that we are all proud of.


It is ill-advised to keep the gas tank in your house for it ignites easily and may burn up all your hard-earned wealth in just a few minutes.



Doctor Smith’s lecture accounts to saying that a child who displays high EQ early on in life will succeed eventually in the face of all kinds of difficulties.


Since many marriages end in divorce in the United States, psychologists have suggested that couples in all families communicate with each other more often and solve their problems before it becomes too late.

Unit 7


As I grew up, I made my peace with the fact that I would never fulfil my dream of becoming

a writer.

2.迈克尔想了两天还没填出字谜游戏(word puzzle)里那个至关重要的词,最后只好失望的放弃。

Michael had got stuck trying to figure out the word essential to the word puzzle for two days before he threw up his hands in frustration.


The singer was taken aback by the pirated editions of his songs on the market, and he vowed not to let the thieves off.


Thank you for purchasing our furnace. In return we will get rid of your old one for free.


Susan and I filled each other in on what had happened after we parted, from which I learned that she had had s everal children’s books in print.


Her bookstore having been frozen out by a giant chain, the middle-aged Lillian was at a loss as to what else she could do.


You need somebody to urge you constantly to see the task through to completion.


For fear that a new shopping center would ruin the peace of the community, many residents opposed the construction plan.

Unit 8


It is really pointless to sit through a tedious lecture if you do not take any interest in it.


The students in our university all hold him in high esteem because of his eminence in the field of ecology.


Though he claims that his new novel has nothing to do with his own life, it has caught the fancy of many young readers, who believe that this novel has given them a glimpse of the author’s childhood.


Since the computer technology ushered in what is known as the Information Age, some writers have done away with their pens, for they can now write everything with their computers.


We have to admit, as much in sorrow as in shame, that there are some people among us who do think of themselves as the center of the universe and care very little about public affairs.


First and foremost, we should get the precise data on the population of the city. If retired people outnumber the teenagers, we should adjust our development plan to the needs of this large group of people.


Nothing pleases Nancy more than to see the rapid progress made by her seven-year-old son, whose playing would have put many a professional pianist to shame.


The point I want to make is that as modern university students, we must hold knowledge in high esteem, especially its quest, and place great value on tradition, social restraint and continuity.



英语课后题复习资料 Unit 1. 一. flexibility duration option definitely actually ignore convince survive 1.Economic crises destroy the capitalist system,and they grow in size and duration. 2.Stability also depends upon the flexibility of the local economy. 3.He was sentenced to do hard labor without the option of a fine. 4.She states her views very definitely. 5.Did he actually say in so many words that there was no hope of a cure? 6.The baby felt ignored by her parents. 7.You need to convince the employers that you can do the job. https://www.doczj.com/doc/4615736445.html,panies will have to do more than this if they are to survive the earthquake.

二. 1.I only cautht a glimpse of him sitting in the car (瞥见他坐在车里),so I can’t tell exactly what he looked like. 2.They are seeking/searching for(寻求新的机会) to reach their final goals. 3.It happened without my being aware of it(在我不知不觉中). 4.We are/get involved in different activities(投入到各项课外活动中) on campus. 5.Some guys always do everything as they like,that ignore the feelings of others(却忽视了别人的感受) . 三. 1.你的老师在评卷的时候会把你生病的情况考虑在内。 Your teacher will take your illness into consideration when marking your exams. 2.因为他总是轻信别人,所以很容易受伤。 He is likely to be hurt because he always believes/trusts others easily. 3.他的肤色跟他是不是好律师无关。


Unit5 Text A 约翰·肯尼迪就职演说 1961年1月20日,星期五 今天我们并不是在庆祝政党的胜利,而是在庆祝自由的胜利;它象征着一个结束,也象征着一个开始;它意味着一种更新,也意味着一种变革。因为我已在你们和上帝面前,宣读了庄重的誓言,与我们的先辈在175年前所拟定的相同。 现在的世界已大不相同了,因为人类的手中掌握着既能消灭人间的各种贫困,又能毁灭所有人类生命的力量。但我们先辈为之奋斗的相同的革命信念,在世界各地仍然有着争论。这个信念就是:人权并非来自国家的慷慨施舍,而是来自上帝的恩赐。 今天,我们不敢忘记我们是第一次革命的继承者。让我们的朋友和敌人都能够听见我此时此地的讲话:(革命的)火炬已经传给了新一代的美国人——他们出生在本世纪,经历过战争的洗礼和严峻而艰苦的和平的考验,为我国悠久的传统感到自豪——他们不愿目睹或容许我国一向坚持,并且今天仍在国内和国际做出承诺的人权渐趋毁灭。 让每个国家都知道,不论是祝福我们的,还是诅咒我们的,为确保自由的存在和胜利,我们将不惜付出任何代价,承受任何沉重负担,应付任何艰难险阻,支持任何朋友,反对任何敌人。 这就是我们的保证——而且还不止于此。 对于那些和我们有着共同文化和精神渊源的昔日盟邦,我们保证会像对待挚友般忠诚。只要团结起来,在许多需要合作的事业中几乎没有什么事是办不到的。我们如果分歧对立,就会一事无成,因为我们在这种情况下,就不敢应付强有力的挑战。 对于那些我们欢迎其加人到自由国家行列中来的新国家,我们将恪守诺言:决不让一种更为严酷的暴政来取代消失的殖民统治,,我们并不总是指望他们会支持我们的观点,但我们始终希望他们能坚决捍卫自身的自由,而且铭记,在历史上,凡是愚蠢地骑在虎背上谋求权力的人,都是以葬身虎口而告终的。 对那些遍布半个地球的身居茅舍和乡村、为摆脱赤贫桎梏而挣扎的人们,我们保证尽最大努力帮助他们自救,不管需要花多长时间——之所以这样做,并不是因为共产党可能在这样做,也不是因为我们需要他们的选票,而是因为这样做是 正确的,,自由社会如果不能帮助众多的穷人,也就无法保护少数的富人。 最后,对于那些与我们敌对的国家,我们提出的不是保证,而是要求:在科学释放出可怕的破坏力量,把全人类卷入到预谋的或意外的自我毁灭的深渊之前,让我们双方重新开始寻求和平。我们不敢以示弱来引诱他们。因为只有当我们毋庸置疑地拥有足够的军备,我们才能毫无疑问地确信永远不会使用这些军备。 所有这些在最初的100天内不会完成,在最初的1000天内也不会完成,在本届政府仔期内也不会完成,甚至我们在这个星球上的有生之年都不会完成。但是让我们开始行动。同胞们,我们的事业最终成败与否,与其说掌握在我的手中,不如说掌握在你们的手中。自从合众国建立以来,每一代美国人都受到过召唤去证明他们对国家的忠诚。曾经响应召唤而献身的美国青年的坟墓遍及全球。 现在,号角已再次吹响——不是召唤我们拿起武器,尽管我们需要武器,不是召唤我们去作战,虽然我们严阵以待——而是召唤我们为迎接黎明而肩负起漫长斗争的重任,年复——年,“从希望中获得欢乐,在苦难中保持坚韧”,去反对人类共同的敌人:专制、贫困、疾病和战争本身。我们能不能结成一个包括东西南北各方的全球大联盟,以反抗这些敌人,确保人类有更为富足的生活呢?你们愿意加入这场历史性的斗争吗? 在悠久的世界历史中,只有少数几代人被赋·子这种使命,能够在面临最大的危机时捍卫自由,、我们在这场奋斗中所奉献的精力、信念和献身精神,将照亮我们的国家和所有



Unite 1 1.选词填空 explore(v.勘探,探测) transmit(v.传送,传递,传播) resource(n.资源) emerge(v.出现,为···所公认) yield(v.产生,出产,屈从,让步) pose(v.摆姿势,导致) assume(v.认为,假定,假设) confidence(n.信任信赖,自信心) inherit(v.沿袭,秉承,继承) comprehensive(a.综合的,多方面的) 1. Given the chance to show his ability, he regained confidence and began to succeed in school. 2. It is so difficult to explore the bottom of the ocean because some parts are very deep. 3. It was about 30 seconds before Alex emerged from the water; we were quite scared. 4. We often assume that when other people do the same things as we do, they do them for the same reasons; but this assumption is not always reasonable. 5. There is widespread concern that the rising unemployment may pose a threat to social stability. 6. After a(n) comprehensive physical exam, my doctor said I was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high. 7. It is well known that China is a country with rich natural resources and a very big population. 8. Some people believe that the earth can yield enough food to support at least twice its present population. 9. Sam inherited the gift of imagination from his family, but he lacked the driving power to take action. 10. A bee that has found honey is able to transmit to other bees the information they need in order to collect the honey. 2.15选10 attain赢得,获得,得到 fascinating迷人的,吸引人fulfill履行,执行pursue追求,致力于 available可获得的可利用的 qualify使合适,合格raise提升,增加 passion强烈的爱好,热爱 virtually实际上classify分类归类 acquire获得,取得,学到 fashionable流行的especially特别的 sample样品,标本 prosperous繁荣的University students come from different parts of the country with various purposes. However, a closer look at their reasons for studying at the university will enable us to (1)classify them roughly into three groups: those who have a(n) (2)passion for learning, those who wish to (3)attain a bright future, and those who learn with no definite purpose. Firstly, there are many students who learn simply because they (4)pursue their goal of learning. Some read a wealth of British and American novels because they are keenly interested in literature. Others sit in front


21世纪大学实用英语课文翻译及课后答案 Text A 大学——我一生中的转折点 佚名 作为一名一年级新生初进大学时,我害怕自己在学业上搞不好。我害怕独自一人在外,因为我是第 一次远离家人。这里周围都是我不认识的人,而他们也不认识我。我得和他们交朋友,或许还得在我要学的课程上 跟他们在分数上进行竞争。他们比我更聪明吗?我跟得上他们吗?他们会接受我吗? 我很快就认识到,我的生活现在就取决于我自己了。如果我要在学业上取得成功,我就必须制定一份学习计划。我 必须调整花在学习上的时间和花在社交上的时间。我必须决定什么时候上床睡觉,什么时候吃什么,什么时候喝什 么,对什么人表示友好。这些问题我都得自己回答。 开始时,生活有点艰难。我在怎样利用时间上犯了错误。我在交朋友上花的时间太多了。我还在怎样选择大学里的 第一批朋友上犯了一些错误。 然而不久,我就控制住了自己的生活。我做到了按时上课,完成并交上了第一批作业,而且以相当好的成绩通过了 前几次考试。此外,我还交了一些朋友,跟他们在一起我感到很自在,我能把我担心的事告诉他们。我建立了一种 真正属于我自己的常规——一种满足了我的需要的常规。 结果,我开始从一个不同的视角看待我自己了。我开始把自己看作是一个对自己负责也对朋友和家人负责的人。凡 事自己做决定并看到这些决定最终证明是明智的决定,这种感觉很好。我猜想这就是人们所说的“成长”的一部分 吧。 我未来的生活将会怎样呢?在人生的这一阶段,我真的不能确定我的人生之路最终将会走向何方,我真的不知道在 以后的几年中我会做什么。但我知道,我能应对未来,因为我已经成功地跃过了我生命中的这一重要障碍:我已经 完成了从一个依赖家人给予感情支持的人向一个对自己负责的人的过渡。 Practice 5 1. smart 2. succeed 3. shortly 4. managed 5. share 6. fear 7. responsible 8. however 9. enter 10. surrounded 11. handle 12. comfortable Practice 6 1. is up to 2. keep up with 3. under control 4. at first 5. grew up 6. make friends with 7. turned out 8. as a result 9. set up 10. in addition Practice 7 1. how to play the game 2. where I wanted to go 3. whether they would accept him or not 4. what to do and how to do it 5. whom to love and whom not to 6. when he made that decision Practice 8 1. I see Li Ming as my best friend. We share the same hobbies and interests. 2. They looked upon their math teacher as their best teacher. 3. We think of this place as our home. 4. They looked on their college life as their happiest years in their life. Practice 9 1. John is both smart and responsible. He likes to make friends with other people. 2. I have made the decision to compete for the new post. You can compete for it, too. 3. Shortly after the doctor came, he managed to have my father’s illness under control. 4. As freshmen, most of us do not know what college life has in store for us, but we all know that we must do well in our studies. 5. To succeed in college, we must keep up with the other students and set up a routine that meets out needs. 6. Though the assignments last week turned out to be more difficult than I thought, I handed them in


21世纪大学英语读写教程第二册课后答案 第一单元 Text Comprehension II. 1.It was a military campaign in which many soldiers died.The effects on Churchill were()he lost his political position and he was overwhelmed with grief. 2.He felt so inspired to paint that he was distracted from his personal problems. 3.His sister-in-law’s painting inspired him to try his hand at it;his wife rushed out to buy all the materials he would need;and the wife of Sir John Lavery helped him overcome his fear of the blank canvas. 4.The blank whiteness of the canvas made him feel he didn’t know where to begin.This nervousness was not typical of Churchill,who was known publicly as a brave and strong-willed person. 5.Churchill was comparing the canvas to an opponent in a fight,and he could now see that he need not fear his“adversary”. 6.He meant that Churchill would have been a great painter,just as he was a great politician. 7.It was his great comfort when the death of his mother was followed quickly by the death of his daughter. 8.Because the judges suspected that it was not painted by an amateur;they were later surprised and delighted because Churchill was not just a famous political figure but also a talented untrained artist.


新视野大学英语读写教程第二版第二册课后练习答案 unit 1 Section A: Vocabulary III. 1. charge 2. convention 3. efficient 4. obtain 5. competent 6. assessing 7. fulfill 8. conducting 9. consequently 10. significance IV. 1. behind 2. at 3. in 4.out 5. to 6. to 7.in 8.with 9.but 10. for V. 1. L 2. C 3.D 4. N 5. O 6.A 7. E 8.G 9.I 10. K Word Building VI. 1. commitment 2. attraction 3. appointment 4.impression 5. civilization https://www.doczj.com/doc/4615736445.html,position 7. confusion 8.congratulation 9.consideration 10.explanation 11. acquisition 12.depression VII. 1. advisable 2.disirable 3.favorable 4. considerable 5. remarkable 6.preferable 7.drinkable 8.acceptable Sentence Structure VIII.

1. much less can he write En glish articles 2. much less can he man age a big compa ny 3. much less could he carry it upstairs 4. much less have I spoke n to him 5. much less to read a lot outside of it IX. 1. Having meals at home can cost as little as two or three dollars, whereas eat ing out at a restaura nt is always more expe nsive. 2. We thought she was rather proud,whereas in fact she was just very shy. 3. We have n ever done anything for them, whereas they have done so much for us. 4. Natalie prefers to stay for ano ther week, whereas her husba nd prefers to leave immediately. 5.Some praise him highly,whereas others put him down severely. Tran slatio n X. 1.She would n't take a drink, much less could she stay for dinner. 2. He thought I was lyi ng to him,whereas I was telli ng the truth. 3. How do you acco unt for the fact that you have bee n late every day this week? 4. The in crease in their profits is due partly to their new market strategy. 5.Such measures are likely to result in the improvement of work efficiency. 6. We have already poured a lot of time and energy into the project, so we have to carry on.


21世纪大学英语第一册课文的翻译 Unit1 TextA 优等生的奥秘 埃德温·基斯特莎莉·瓦伦丁·基斯特 现在是剑桥大学理科一年级学生的阿历克斯,曾在曼彻斯特的中学校队里踢足球,还导演过学校的戏剧演出——但他中学毕业时得了五个A。在布里斯托尔大学攻读英语的阿曼达在中学里参加过戏剧演出,还经常打网球,但她仍然得到了四个A。 像他们这样的优等生是如何做到这一点的呢?脑子好使并不是唯一的答案。最有天赋的学生未必在考试中取得最好的成绩。懂得如何充分利用自己的才能要重要得多。 学习刻苦也不能说明全部问题。在这些成绩优秀的学生中,有些人投入的时间其实比那些分数低的同学还少。班级中拔尖学生的成功之道在于他们掌握了一些基本的技巧,这些技巧其他人也能很容易地学到。根据教育专家和学生们自己的叙述,优等生成功的奥秘有以下几点。 1.全神贯注!拔尖生不允许他们的学习时间受到干扰。一旦书本打开,便电话不接,电视不看,报纸不读。“这并不意味着对生活中的重要事情置之不理,”阿曼达解释说,“这意味着要安排好学习时间,以便能全神贯注。要是我牵挂一位患病的朋友,我会在做功课之前先给她打个电话。这样我坐下来学习时,就能真正集中心思了。” 2.在任何地方——或所有的地方学习。亚利桑那州一位教授曾奉命辅导一些成绩欠佳的大学运动员。他记得有一名赛跑运动员每天都要训练。他曾说服他利用这段时间记忆生物学术语。另一名学生则把词汇表贴在盥洗室墙上,每天刷牙时都记住一个生词。 3.安排好资料。汤姆在中学时打过篮球。“我非常忙,不可能为了找一支铅笔或一本不见的笔记本而浪费时间。我把每样东西都放在随后可取的地方,”他说。新墨西哥州学生保罗为每门功课备有两个文件夹,一个放当天布置的作业,另一个放已完成要交的家庭作业。一个抽屉把必需的用品放在一起,这样就可减少因找东西而浪费的时间。 4.安排好时间。当教师布置写一篇长论文时,阿历克斯会花两三天时间去阅读与题目有关的资料并做笔记,然后写出草稿,再写成论文。他会计划好在作业该交的前两三天完成,以便如果花费的时间超过预期,他还能在规定的最后期限前完成。阿曼达严格遵守一张学习时间表,其中包括每两小时休息一次。“在你过度疲劳时还试图学习并不明智,”她指出,“短暂的休息,哪怕只是伸展一下身体,呼吸呼吸新鲜空气,也能带来意想不到的效果。” 5.学会阅读。“我过去常花许多时间阅读一些无关的资料,”阿曼达回忆说,“但后来我习惯了快读;如果一段文章的第一句话无关紧要,我便接着读下一段。”“我修过的最好的一门课便是快速阅读,”一名俄克拉荷马州的学生说,“我不仅提高了每分钟阅读的词数,而且学会了首先看书的目录和插图。这样,当我开始阅读时,我就对阅读材料先有了一些了解,而且能记住更多的内容。”在这些学生看来,有效阅读的奥秘就在于做一个主动的阅读者,即能不断提出一些能使自己充分理解所读材料的问题。 6.做好笔记。“在写任何东西之前,我先把一页纸分成两部分,”阿曼达说,“左边部分约占纸宽的三分之一;右边部分占三分之二。我把笔记写在宽的一边,而把中心思想写在左边。这在复习时非常有用,因为你马上就能看到为什么这些材料是有关的,而不用为信息量太大而发愁。”在下课铃响起之前,多数学生便已经合上书本,收好作业,和朋友们说说话儿,准备离开了。而聪明的学生却利用这几分钟,用两三句话写出这堂课的要点,下一次上课之前,他便可以把这些要点浏览一遍。 7.问问题。“如果你问问题,你立刻就会知道,你是否已经掌握了要点,”阿历克斯说。课堂参与是一种求知欲的显示。例如,在经济学课上,好奇的学生会问,中国经济怎么可能既是社会主义的,又是市场驱动的,从而使他们不仅对于“什么”,而且对于“为什么”和“怎么样”产生兴趣。 8.一起学习。一起学习的价值从加州大学伯克利分校的一项试验中显示了出来。该校的

21世纪大学英语教程第一册01 - 网络英语教材

Unit 1 Text A Listening First Listening Before listening to the tape, have a quick look at the following words. grade 分数 concentrate 全神贯注 schedule 时间表 pressure 压力 selectively 有选择地 relevant 有关的 skip over 跳过;略过 approach 方法 Second Listening Listen to the tape again. Then, choose the best answer to each of the following questions. 1. The purpose of this listening passage is ____. A) to describe college life B) to give advice for college success C) to warn against being lazy at college D) to increase college enrollment(入学人数) 2. According to the listening passage, the most important key to getting good grades at college is _____. A) asking questions in class B) doing assignments ahead of time C) working as hard as you can


21世纪大学英语应用型综合教程二 1.In the six-and-one half years sincet the federal government beagan certifying food as “organic,”Americans have taken to the idea with considerable enthusiasm.自联邦政府六年半前认证“有机”食品以来,美国人以极大的热情接受了这一概念。 2.To eat well, says Michael Pollanthe,the author of"In Defense of Food,"means avoiding "edible food_like substances"and sticking to real ingredients,increasingly from theplant Kingdom. “吃得好”,《食物无罪》的作者迈克尔波轮说,“意味着避免摄入‘可食用的类似的物质’,并坚持从蔬菜中获取真正营养成分的原则。 3.Neither the enabling legislation nor the regulations address food safety or nutrition. 不论有机食品的立法或是法规都未涉及食品安全或是营养问题. 4.Professor Howard that major corporations now are responsible for at least 25 perceent of all organic manufacturing and marketing. 霍华德教 授估计,大公司现在承担了至少25%的有机食品生产和销售。 5.Popularizing such choices may not be as marketable as creating a logo that says"organic" . 推广这样的做法可能不会像设计一个“有机”的标志那 么有市场. 1. The two former elephant trainers had seen enough abuse and neglect at circuses and zoos to inspire them to create a sanctuary where


U1 Vocabulary Task 1 1. With his index finger, Patterson pointed toward a plain color-coded box a long wooden table. Your answer(s) Correct answer(s) beneath beneath 2. He himself as a waiter and watched what was going on around. Your answer(s) Correct answer(s) disguised disguised 3. He often a tune during the morning tea break when his boss is not around. Your answer(s) Correct answer(s) whistles whistles 4. And again she shouted in a high-pitched voice, word by word, with no attempt to herself, "I can not stand any more." Your answer(s) Correct answer(s) restrain restrain 5. There were certain people in that room, like Peter and John, who had failed to what I was saying. Your answer(s) Correct answer(s) grasp grasp 6. During that time I was overwhelmed with for those innocent days of early childhood. Your answer(s) Correct answer(s) longing longing 7. I'm just that the board of directors will take step before it is too late. Your answer(s) Correct answer(s) praying praying 8. She was the director's assistant in whom he could have absolute confidence. Your answer(s) Correct answer(s) faithful faithful 9. These developers to build low-income housing units when the supply of affordable housing for poor people continues to shrink. Your answer(s) Correct answer(s) pledge pledge 10. People have been mobilized to build defenses and flooded land as heavy rains continue to fall. Your answer(s) Correct answer(s) drain drain 11. I got a postcard from a friend which says "Wishing you both a Christmas and a happy New Year." Your answer(s) Correct answer(s)


Unit 1 subjects in schools would reduce some children's enjoyment of them? risk and danger — he'd be bored in a safe, steady job. 3. Elizabeth is certainly talented enough to succeed in her career; she just doesn't have in her own abilities. 4. I'm sorry you're in trouble, but as you made your decision on your own you'll just have to face 5. Many educators would be delighted to abolish exams, but they also worry that without for students to work hard. known as "dead-Eye Bean." it all in Internet companies. 8. Psychologists say that our behavior is influenced by many factors too subtle for us to 9. He's always had for books. If he could work in a library, it would be a dream come true. 10. Look at those three whispering in the corner again —something, I just don't know what! 参考答案: (1)compulsory (2)relish (3)confidence (4)consequences (5)incentive (6)h enceforth (7)invest (8)perceive (9)passion (10)scheming The suffix -ess can be added to some nouns to refer to female humans and animals.(U1TA) e.g.: prince →princess tiger →tigress A. Add this suffix to the following nouns so that they refer to a female person or animal. Be sure to make any necessary spelling changes.


21世纪大学英语读写教程(第四册)Unit1课文原文 《Who Is Great?》 Michal Ryan As a young boy, Albert Einstein did so poorly in school that teachers thought he was slow. The young Napoleon Bonaparte was just one of hundreds of artillery lieutenants in the French Army. And the teenage George Washington, with little formal education, was being trained not as a soldier but as a land surveyor. Despite their unspectacular beginnings, each would go on to carve a place for himself in history. What was it that enabled them to become great? Were they born with something special? Or did their greatness have more to do with timing, devotion and, perhaps, an uncompromising personality? For decades, scientists have been asking such questions. And, in the past few years, they have found evidence to help explain why some people rise above, while others—similarly talented, perhaps—are left behind. Their findings could have implications for us all. Who is great? Defining who is great depends on how one measures success. But there are some criteria. "Someone who has made a lasting contribution to human civilization is great," said Dean Keith Simonton, a professor of psychology at the University of California at Davis and author of the 1994 book Greatness: Who Makes History and Why. But he added a word of caution: "Sometimes great people don't make it into the history books. A lot of women achieved great things or were influential but went unrecognized." In writing his book, Simonton combined historical knowledge about great figures with recent findings in genetics, psychiatry and the social sciences. The great figures he focused on include men and women who have won Nobel Prizes, led great nations or won wars, composed symphonies that have endured for centuries, or revolutionized science, philosophy, politics or the arts. Though he doesn't have a formula to define how or why certain people rise above (too many factors are involved), he has come up with a few common characteristics. A "never surrender" attitude. If great achievers share anything, said Simonton, it is an unrelenting drive to succeed. "There's a tendency to think that they are endowed with something super-normal," he explained. "But what comes out of the research is that there are great people who have no amazing intellectual processes. It's a difference in degree. Greatness is built upon tremendous amounts of study, practice and devotion." He cited Winston Churchill, Britain's prime minister during World War II, as an example of a risk-taker who would never give up. Thrust into office when his country's morale was at its lowest, Churchill rose brilliantly to lead the British people. In a speech following the Allied evacuation at Dunkirk in 1940, he inspired the nation when he said, "We shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end...We shall never surrender."

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