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托福听力l e c t u r e的



1. Lecture有结构







•开门见山:啥也不扯,一言不合就开车,比如TPO1 Lecture2:Ok, let’s get started. Great. Today I want to talk about a way in

which we are able to determine how old a piece of land, or some other geologic feature is –dating techniques.


Lecture2:Last week, we covered some arguments against going

back to the Moon. But there are compelling reasons in favor of

another Moon landing too, um…not the least of which is trying

to pinpoint the moon’s age.

•啰哩吧嗦:有的教授实在是特别啰嗦,比如TPO2 Lecture2:Hi, everyone. Good to see you all today.【你也好啊】Actually, I

expected the population to be a lot lower today. It typically runs

between 50 and 60 percent on the day the research paper is due.

【来的人多不好么,说明你受欢迎啊】 Um, I was hoping to

have your exams back today【啊,要放榜啦?】, but, uh, the

situation was that I went away for the weekend, and I was

supposed to get in yesterday at five, and I expected to fully

complete all the exams by midnight or so, which is the time that

I usually go to bed, but my flight was delayed, and I ended up

not getting in until one o’clock in the morning【你飞机晚点关

我什么事啊?】. Anyway, I’ll do my best to have them finished by the next time we meet【开始上课吧,please】. OK. In the

last class, we started talking about...【终于开始了…】

不论是用哪一种引入方式,话题总是要出来的。一般都有一个核心的话题词,这个词后面一般有一个定义或者解释。比如TPO5 Lecture3:...But, let’s talk about Spectroscopy a little now just to cover the basics. What is Spectroscopy? Well, the simplest definition I can give you is that Spectroscopy is the study of the interaction between matter and light. 这个「topic+definition/explanation」一定要听懂,最好还能在笔记上记下关键词。(当然,也有话题词不那么明显的,这样的lecture的结构就稍微难以整理一点。)

在这个「topic+definition/explanation」之后,一般有一句话总起下面的展开讨论的内容。比如TPO33 Lecture1:The great pyramid of Giza in Egypt might be the most famous building in the world. We

know exactly when it was built: construction started in 2547 B.C.E., about four thousand five hundred years ago. We know who had it built: that was a Pharaoh Khufu. And we know who oversaw its construction: the Pharaoh's brother. We know so many things about it, but the funny thing is, we still don't know exactly how it was built. This picture will give you an idea of the size of the pyramid and the size of blocks it's made up of. About two million stone blocks were used to build the great pyramid, and they're incredibly massive. The average weight is two and a half tons. The problem that has puzzled scholars for centuries is how were these blocks lifted up the height of this massive structure and then fit into place and without the benefit of modern technology. Of course there have been a lot of theories over the centuries.其实这就是常见的总起句式「several theories」「a few problems」「scientists have proposed several explanations」,下面的展开讨论部分就是具体展开这些theories、problems或explanations。



展开讨论当然紧接着上面的总起,结构往往比较清晰。比如TPO33 Lecture1在总起「Of course there have been a lot of theories over the centuries」之后就逐个展开这些theories。这些theories都是解释上面