反义疑问句-感叹句-省略句 的讲解及练习题

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1. “前肯后否,前否后肯”,的形式,动词、时态等相一致,回答反义疑问句时要尊重事实。

*Your sister is not a nurse, she?

No,she isn’t.she teaches English in a middle school.

动词原形开头 stop talking 二.祈使句的反义疑问句

Don’t+动词原形 Don’t talk.

❶祈使句的反义疑问句一般都用will you,表请求。

Don’t forget to put the book back on the shelf. you?

❷在Let’s中,则用shall we, 注:let’s 不等于let us/let me。但表示劝诱,邀请时用won’t you;表示提醒对方用can’t you,表示告诉某人做某事。

Stop talking,can you? Have some coffee,won’t you?

3. ❶当陈述部分主语是



these/those/anyone/somebody/everybody/no one/nobody时,反义疑问部分用they,正式用he.

Everything is arranged in a good order,isn’t it?

4.当陈述部分是I think/suppose/believe/imagine/expect that...时,同末反义疑问句部分与宾语从句保持一致。

I don’t think he will arrive here in time,will he?

5. ❶I wish结构中,反义疑问句部分用肯定形式may I.

❷当陈述部分是”I am”时,反义疑问句用aren’t I. I am your student,aren’t I?

但反义疑问句部分表肯定时。可用am I. I am not your student,am I?


❶反义疑问句部分一般不用mayn’t,常用mightn’t或can’t代替,表将来还可用won’t. They may be here next week,mightn’t they/won’t they?

❷在带有had better/would better/would sooner/would as soon/would like等句子中,反义疑问部分以had/would为助动词。

We had better go,hadn’t we?

You’d rather stay here alone.wouldn’t you?


He dares to escape,doesn’t he?/He dare not escape,dare he?

❹在ought to中,一般用shouldn’t. We ought to go

now,shouldn’t we?

❺ must+be对现在推测,当一般时或进行时.You must be hungry,aren’t you?

must+have done推测过去持续到现在,按完成体处理。

E.g:You must have studied English four years,haven’t you?

must+have done表对过去推测,当做一般过去时反义疑问句处理。

E.g:You must have come last week,didn’t you?


❶带有推断和感叹语气的句子中。So that’s your little game.isn’t it?表讽刺,怀疑。


He is a professor,but his lady is an actor,isn’t she?

❸陈述部分是不定式或动名词短语。疑问部分用it. Swimming is great fun,isn’t it?

❹none of+不可数名词,用it;加可数,根据情况选用



It’s unfair,isn’t it? You are hopeless, aren’t you?

附加:One can’t be too careful,can you(非正式)/can one(正式)?

当陈述部分为there be时,反义疑问部分也用there.

There used to be a petrol station near the park,didn’t there?反义疑问句20道题参考答案

1. D

2. A

3. B

4. D





9.C 10.A 11.C 12.B

13. C 14.A 15.A 16. D 17. A 18. B 19. C 20. A


1. If you don’t go, _____.

A. so do I

B. so will I

C. nor do I

D. neither shall I

2. It was Mr. Smith that you met at the meeting, _________? A. wasn’t it B. was it C. did you D. didn’t you

3. Listen! His family must be quarreling, ?

A.mustn’t it B.aren’t they C.isn’t it D.needn’t they

4. Let's take a walk, ________?

A. will you

B. don't we

C. do we

D. shall we

5. You must have seen him off yesterday, _________?

A. haven't you

B. didn't you

C. mustn't you


needn't you

6. You must be fifty, ________?

A. mustn't you

B. needn't you

C. aren't you


mnyn't you

7. It’s a fine day, Let’s go fishing, _____?

A. won’t we

B. will we

C. don’t we

D. shall we

8. Frank is working late again. This is the first time this week he’s had to study late, ____?

A. isn’t he

B. hasn’t it

C. hasn’t he

D. isn’t it

9. —Daddy’s forgot to post the letter again, ____? —I’m afraid he ___.

A. has; has

B. isn’t; is

C. hasn’t; has

D. has; hasn’t

10. —Sorry, I’m not feeling well and I don’t think I can finish.

—Don’t worry. Let us do it for you , ____?

A. will you

B. shall we

C. shan’t we

D. shall you

11. I don’t think he could have done such a stupid thing last night, ____?

A. do I

B. could he

C. did he

D. has he

12. —The ground is wet. —It must have rained last night,____ ?

A. hasn’t it

B. didn’t it

C. mustn’t it

D. isn’t it

13. —Jenny doesn’t think that Robert is honest, ___? —I’m afraid not.

A. is he

B. isn’t he

C. does she

D. doesn’t she

14. —The new windows need washing. —Well, let’s wash them