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• 诗歌分两个诗节,由静至动,中途换韵, 以aaa, bbb的形式贯穿全篇,简明晓畅, 短短六行尽现雄鹰刚强之姿;并押了头 韵,尾韵(rhyme),腹韵(assonance)等。全 诗节奏干净利落,鹰雷霆般的神韵跃然纸 上。
• 其次,首行还通过/k/押头韵(Alliteration), clasp, crag, crooked三词形神兼备,作为爆破音的/k/将 鹰用爪抓岩石的咔咔声展现出来,其所产生的视 听效果让我们身临其境。我们仿佛可以看到一只 雄鹰威风凛凛,傲然孑立于悬崖峭壁上;独踞于 苍穹之下,俯瞰海波浩淼;它尖利的爪钩紧紧地 攀附着崖顶的岩石,骄傲而凛冽。弯弯的利爪, 坚硬的岩石,曲与直,强与强的碰撞,加之令人 眩晕的高度,这种处于危险边缘的振颤使得神经 之弦绷紧,看似平静无波的画面实质上早已箭在 弦上,只待电光火石间绚烂的爆发。
The Eagle
The Eagle
The Eagle He clasps the crag with crooked hands; Close to the sun in lonely lands, Ringed with the azure world, he stands. The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls; He watches from his mountain walls, And like a thunderbolt he falls.
扭曲的鹰爪扣紧山岩, 头接孤峰上的太阳, 身披如洗的蓝天。 脚下苍海绽微澜, 傲立峰头闲看, 划然落,却似雷霆下九天。 --郭沫若 译
Analysis The opening three-line stanza is a still picture. The reader views the motionless eagle from below. This lack of motion is reinforced by the alliteration of words beginning with the consonant combinations “cl” and “cr.” There is assonance (腹韵), or repeated interior vowel sounds, in "clasps," "crag," and "hands." The last three consonants of "clasps" do not roll easily from the tongue and reinforce the idea of rigid immobility. As always in great poetry, sound reinforces sense.
• At the age of 41, Tennyson had established himself as the most popular poet of the Victorian era.
• In 1850, with the publication of In Memoriam, Tennyson became one of Britain’s most popular poets.
• In 1850, with the publication of In Memoriam, Tennyson became one of Britain’s most popular poets.
• In 1850 he was made poet laureate to succeed Wordsworth.
A Brief History of
English Literature
Lord Alfred Tennyson
Alfred Tennyson is one of the most well-loved Victorian poets, often regarded as the chief representative of the Victorian age in poetry. Tennyson succeeded Wordsworth as Poet Laureate in 1850.
• 再次,诗歌虽短小,却有多处腹韵,如close与lonely 押双元音/əu/;ring与winkled押元音/i/和辅音/ŋ/. Close与lonely意之所指背道而驰,形成一种壮烈的 忧伤。鹰孑立于山顶,那么高,距太阳那么近,却 又那么孤独。在阳光热度的袭染下依然隐没在“高处 不胜寒”的幽影中,鹰在这种巨大的反差中站在高高 的悬崖上,海天一色间,空旷的视野在此聚焦,一 如鹰眼,犀利、高傲又孤独。
• 最后,整首诗的尾韵,作者充分运用了aaa、bbb的重 复与分界,将静与动、威严与凶猛诠释得淋漓尽致。 第一节共三行,行末的三个单词hands, lands, stands 均押了长元音/æ/,辅音(鼻音)/n/,辅音/d/,甚至 除了首辅音以外完全相同。/ænd/(长元音+鼻音+辅音 的组合)更加饱满,余音袅袅之际,将静态画面下鹰 的雄姿无限放大,让人不得不平生出一种敬畏感。而 hand与stand又恰当地将雄鹰人格化,将其从遥不可 及、超然物外的边际拉回现实,使其有血有肉,也为 第二节的“动”埋下伏笔。 • 第二节同样也是三行,行末的crawls, walls, falls押长 元音/ɔ:/及辅音/l/, / ɔ:l/作韵脚,有一种正入佳境却戛 然而止的错觉。在鹰敏锐的目光下,波涛汹涌的大海 也因为令人仰止的高度而显得只是波纹荡漾。抬高视 角,远离了海浪的咆哮,世界变得清净,孤高。
Analysis The stasis (静) of Stanza one gives way to movement first with the word "crawls" in Stanza two. We join the eagle and look down through the bird‘s eyes. From this elevation, huge ocean swells seem distant, slow-moving wrinkles. Then the swift-moving labials (唇音)of "like a thunderbolt" are appropriate to the stoop (or predatory swoop) of a bird of prey as well as a reminder of classic myths such as Zeus, the deliverer of thuderbolts.
• His early poems attracted the attention of the “Apostles," an undergraduate literary club led by Arthur Hallam. The “Apostles” provided Tennyson, who was tremendously shy, with much needed friendship and confidence as a poet. • Hallam and Tennyson became the best of friends; they toured Europe together in 1830 and again in 1832. • Hallam’s sudden death in 1833 greatly affected the young poet. The long elegy(挽诗) In Memoriam and many of Tennyson’s other poems are tributes to Hallam.
Tennyson was a consummate poetic artist, consolidating and refining the traditions bequeathed to him by his predecessors in the Romantic movement—especially Wordsworth, Byron, and Keats.
• In 1850, with the publication of In Memoriam, Tennyson became one of Britain’s most popular poets.
• In 1850 he was made poet laureate to succeed Wordsworth. • In that same year, he married Emily Sellwood. They had two sons, Hallam and Lionel.
• Queen Victoria was an ardent admirer of Tennyson's work, and in 1884 made him Baron Tennyson, and he became Lord Tennyson.
His Artistic Features
• The influence of John Keats and other Romantic poBiblioteka Baiduts published before and during his childhood is evident from the richness of his imagery and descriptive writing. He also handled rhythm masterfully.
Analysis In those opening lines we are looking upward at the bird, whose name symbolizes nobility and keen vision. In the concluding three lines we are on the same elevation as the bird and looking downward at the "wrinkled sea," the movement of which from our vantage point is reduced to a crawl. We are"ringed with the azure world," the ring being the encircling horizon.
His Artistic Features
• Tennyson is a real musician of a poet. He has the natural power of linking visual pictures with musical expressions, and these two with the feelings. visual
His Artistic Features
• Tennyson is a great poet of nature. He sees nature as the setting for performances and spectacles as intense and transitory as the emotions which sweep across the mind.
His Artistic Features
• Tennyson is a real musician of a poet. He has the natural power of linking visual pictures with musical expressions, and these two with the feelings. • He has perfect control of the sound of English, and a sensitive ear, an excellent choice and taste of words. His poetry is rich in poetic images and melodious language, and noted for its lyrical beauty and metrical(韵律) charm.