当前位置:文档之家› 求职英语教师英文简历模板











公司名称:龙岩安心托管(2015年3月-2016年12月) 所属行业:教育·培训·科研·院校公司性质:私营.民营企业

公司规模: 10人以下工作地点:龙岩市新罗区莲东


工作描述: 1.保证学生课后纪律安全,负责学生上下学









公司规模: 200~500人工作地点:泉州


工作描述: 1.翻译公司各种书面文件资料,及时向公司领导反馈资料信息









公司规模: 50~200人工作地点:泉州











公司规模: 10~50人工作地点:厦门


工作描述: 1.利用网络资源,搜索开发开外客户;2.邮件





自我评价: 1.活泼开朗,乐观自信2.勤奋好学,善于学习3.个性严谨,仔细认真4.工作踏实,毫不松懈,对待工作高度负责任5.有耐心,有毅力,善始善终6.具较强团队协作能力爱好看书,看电影,唱歌,打羽毛球,小跳棋语言能力






小学英语教师个人简历模板 基本信息 姓名: 性别:女 出生年月:1987-12-29 民族:汉族 学历:大专 现居住地:河北省-石家庄市 工作年限: 到岗时间:随时 身高:167cm 联系电话: 求职意向 应聘类型:全职 应聘职位:教师,教学·教务管理人员,幼儿教育,班主任 应聘行业:不限 期望工作地区:石家庄市 期望月薪:面议 自我评价 本人在校期间,曾担任本系学生会办公室主任一职,并获优秀学 生干部,省级三好学生,优秀团员,预备党员等荣誉,且在寒暑假期间,

曾做过兼职,有较丰富的工作经验。本人沉着冷静,细心,具有较强 的适合水平和交际组织水平,有较强的责任心,积极进步,乐于助人,办事效率高,较强的创新意识和团队精神。有一定的实践经验和办事 水平。 工作经历 光华英语培训学校2009-6至2009-8:小学英语教师 所在部门:小学部 工作描述:担任小学部的英语教师,课程主要有剑桥少儿英语, 在工作中积极乐观,善于同学生交流,并有较好的业绩。 北方大厦2009-2至2009-4:前台接待员 所在部门:前台 工作描述:检查并处理前一天的工作情况(08:30~09:00),查 看交班记录,了解未完成的工作事项,检查夜审报表情况,检查各种 报表的分送登记,查看夜班钥匙清点记录和有无过夜的留言信息,分 析房间误差原因,查阅有无超越权限的房价签字等。最近任职公司名 称保密 2008-7至2008-9:文员 所在部门:行政后勤 工作描述:文员;负责组织安排各类会议,撰写会议纪要。负责文 字的处理,档案的保管。文件的外文翻译等工作。在工作中作出了一 定的成绩。 中兴旅行社2008-1至2008-2:计调员 所在部门:计调部


初中英语教师的个人简历模板 姓名:何女士性别:女 婚姻状况:未婚民族:汉族 户籍:广东-韶关年龄:28 现所在地:广东-东莞身高:160cm 希望地区:广东-东莞 希望岗位:培训类-英语培训师 文体/教育类-教务管理人员 市场营销/公关类-公关专员 公司文职类-高级秘书 贸易类-外贸专员/助理 寻求职位: 待遇要求:5000元/月可面议 最快到岗:半个月之内 教育经历 2003-09 ~2007-07 湛江师范学院英语教育本科 2000-09 ~2003-07 韶关市第七中学各种科目高中 工作经验至今5年0月工作经验,曾在5家公司工作 **公司(2011-07 ~2012-08) 公司性质:私营企业行业类别:教育、培训 担任职位:初中英语教师岗位类别:初级教育 工作描述: 1 运用中心专用教材授课。学生从六年级到高一。 2 与学生、家长保持良好的沟通,及时接收学生、家长的反馈意见,对学生进行教学引导和心理疏导工作;学生经过一段时间的学习,学习态度有很大改进,被动学习变为了主动学习。并得到家长信任。简历模板https://www.doczj.com/doc/433736442.html, 3 根据学生的实际情况,制定适宜的教学方案,并进行学习方法指导、学习习惯的培养和适度的课后跟踪服务;做好学生的升期续费工作。在职期间续费率为百分之百。 4、积极参加教研活动,配合和完成上级布置的教研任务。 小感悟:1 教师必须站在学生角度,换位思考,现在的学生都是很聪明的人,如果感受到老师的真心,自然就会去信任,这样,教学起来,事半功倍。对家长同样如此。 2 教学中需要创新。而且需要了解学生需求以及心理。知道学生需要什么,这样,才能提高学生的学习兴趣。 教学一直坚信:授之以鱼,不如授之以渔。直接告诉学生答案,不过,告诉学生解题思路和方法,哪些地方该注意。这样,才能战无不胜。 部分升期续费成功案例: David:东莞中学初二级学生。数学成绩不错,但英语基础不是很好。考试七、八十分。最初接手这个学生时,时不时有打电话给家长,与家长联系,反映学生情况。但学生听到电话,认为本人打小报告,所以,有点反感情绪。所以,后来换了方法,分开打电话,一个电话打给学生,巩固所学知识,一个电话打给家长,让家长及时了解学生情况。家长很满意。而学生方面,经常对学生微小的进步进行表扬鼓励,学生慢慢有了兴趣,坚持在每周日上同步提高班(每周额外免费辅导),经过一段时间,基础大大提高,而且也开始习惯自己分析题目。Charlie:东华中学初二级学生。学生主动性不高,而且依赖性比较强。和姐姐一起在本中心学英语。姐姐英语成绩很好,但弟弟基础相对没那么好,而且,自信心不强。该生小学时成



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3 NAME PROFILE Have a solid foundation of art and aesthetic vision, of graphic design has unique thinking ability; plane software skilled in Photoshop, illustrator, Indesin etc. Relentless creation passion, can independently complete the task of the design; strict demands on themselves, others warm, hard-working, communication and coordination ability. EDUCATION MA GRAPHICS 2004-2005 University of Nottingham, Los Angeles Have a solid foundation of art and aesthetic vision, of graphic design has unique thinking ability. BA(HONARS) GRAPHICS 2000-2004 University of Nottingham, Los Angeles Have a solid foundation of art and aesthetic vision, of graphic design has unique thinking ability. ART FOUNDATION 1999-2000 University of Nottingham, Los Angeles Have a solid foundation of art and aesthetic vision, of graphic design has unique thinking ability. PROFESSIONAL SKILL Photoshop ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Illustrator ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Indesign ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ MS Office ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ HTML5 CSS3 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Flash ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ PERSONAL SKILL Creativity ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Reliable ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Communication ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Team Player ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Leadership ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ EXPERIENCES WEB/GRAPHIC DESIGNER 2014-Present Towing Media Ltd. Have a solid foundation of art and aesthetic vision, of graphic design has unique thinking ability. SENIOR GRAPHIC DESIGNER 2010-2014 Creative Sourse Ltd. Have a solid foundation of art and aesthetic vision, of graphic design has unique thinking ability. JUNIOR DESIGNER 2008-2010 Creative Concept Inc. Have a solid foundation of art and aesthetic vision, of graphic design has unique thinking ability. INTERESTS Travelling Football Music Basketball Swimming Running LANGUAGES English ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ French ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Chinese ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Japanese ★ ★ ★ ★ ★


教师英文简历范文3篇 Carl Parker 123, Lee St E Charleston, WV TELL:****** Email:*********** Objective: Seeking a secondary school teacher position to impart quality English education Summary of Qualifications . Sound knowledge of English grammar and literature . Proficient at communicating information effectively . Excellent knowledge of child psychology and human behavior . Skilled at using appropriate instructional methods for better understanding of new concepts Professional Experience St. Helena High School, Weston, WV June 2021 to present English Teacher . Prepared effective lesson plans for classroom teaching to improve students' performance . Conducted essay competition and fun activities to increase students' engagement . Played a major role in arranging teacher parent conferences to update parents regarding their child's progress . Maintain class students' attendance records as per administrative policies of the school . Initiated a bi-weekly magazine for students, resu1ting in improvement of students' writing skills remarkably . Conducted an after school Eng1ish training for under performing students; as a result the passing percentage of class increased to 97 per cent


英文简历模板:教师的中英文简历模板 Carl Parker 123, Lee St E Charleston, WV TELL:****** Email:*********** Objective: Seeking a secondary school teacher position to impart quality English education Summary of Qualifications . Sound knowledge of English grammar and literature . Proficient at communicating information effectively . Excellent knowledge of child psychology and human behavior . Skilled at using appropriate instructional methods for better understanding of new concepts Professional Experience St. Helena High School, Weston, WV June 2008 to present English Teacher . Prepared effective lesson plans for classroom teaching to improve students' performance . Conducted essay competition and fun activities to increase students' engagement . Played a major role in arranging teacher parent conferences to update parents regarding their child's progress . Maintain class students' attendance records as per administrative policies of the school . Initiated a bi-weekly magazine for students, resu1ting in improvement of students' writing skills remarkably . Conducted an after school Eng1ish training for under performing students; as a result the passing percentage of class increased to 97 per cent Pine High School, Sutton, WV June 2007 -April 2008 Teacher Assistant . Assisted school principal in organization of various extra-curricular activities to bring about social development of students' . Helped students with behavioral problems to mingle with other students' . Coordinated with speech therapists to conduct special batches for students . Executed administrative duties as the school requirement . Assisted teachers in multiple tasks that include maintaining students' records and photocopying books Education Master of Arts in English West Virginia University, Summersville, WV, 2007 B.A. degree in English West Virginia University, Summersville, WV, 2005


---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ 英语教师的优秀英文简历范文 Personal Information Name: xxx Gender: male Date of Birth: xxxx/xx/xx Residency: Hunan Zip Code: 410000 Career Objective:English Teacher Home Tel: 086-xxxx-xxxxxxx Mobile: xxxxxxxxxxx Email: Political Background:probationary party member Work Experience 2006/03--2007/05:xxprivate tutor Center as an English Tutor in xx 2007/06-2008/12:as an English Tutor teaching High School student in xx 2007/10-2008/05:as a student secretary of the college of foreign studies 2008/08-2008/12:an English training teacher of Info Tech Essentials, Inc. xx Branch Education 2004/09--2007/06 xx University English Education Associate 2007/09--2018/06 xx Normal Univercity English Bachelor Training 2006/10--2006/12 No 14 Middle School in xx city English cadet teacher Language Skills English excellent Japanese average Certifications 2008/03 TEM Level 8 2007/04 TEM Level 4 2006/06 CET-6 2005/12 provincial Computer Level Test Band1 2004/12 Mandarin Chinese Rating Certificate 2007/7 Teacher qualification certificate Honors/Awards national scholarship the first ranking 1 / 9


姓名: 求职意向: 求职简历 尽自己的努力做到最后 P E R S O N A L R E S U M E

自我评价 本人工作勤恳、心态调整快、喜欢有些挑战的工作。性格比较随和,喜欢与各种人交流学习。展望未来生活,始终充满着信心和勇气,这就是音乐熏陶带给我音乐般的气质。在音乐的二度创造过程中虽然汗水总比掌声多,但我非常满足地享受着这过程中的一切。就像工作和生活中带给我的一样。希望在未来职业生涯中有新的尝试,有所突破。 1998/09 ~ 2004/06: 黑龙江大学 英语 本科 课程:英语语音学,英语语法,英语写作,高级英语听力,英语口译,英语国家概况,英汉翻译教程,英语语言学,高级英语,英语词汇学,英语国家概况,日语。 2006/07 ~ 2007/03: 北京**外语培训学校 主要职责:教授小学及初中英语,教材为《朗文国际英语教程》,在教学中使用多种方法,通过游戏,活动等方式引导,激发学生,调动学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的综合运用能力,使学生乐于学习英语,使学生运用英语进行交际的能力不断提高。 2005/02 ~ 2006/06: 北京师范大学海威学生课堂 主要职责:编辑兼教师,负责《百思迪威》系列英语教材的编辑工作,《百思迪威》系列英语教材是由北京师范大学海威学生课堂编写的一套面向全国民办外语学校的英语教材。这套教材使用韵律法教学,调动了学生的学习兴趣,使学生乐于学习英语,并向全国各地的教师教授如何应用本套教学法,给教师和学生讲授展示课。在工作中了解学生的学习心理和兴趣,学习并掌握了多种教学方法和教学技能,并跟据学生的学习兴趣来编辑教材,促进学生对知识的学习与理解。 籍 贯:四川成都 出生年月:1990-08-26 性 别:女 政治面貌:中共党员 李小玉 求职意向:外语英语教师 教育经历 工作经历


英文简历精品范文:教师个人简历(二) 英文简历精品范文:教师个人简历(二) Anton Gray 432, West ST, Frankfort, KY, 32689 (456) 895-2357 anton. Objective To better facilitate student learning in the area of politics and history Experience Dec 20xx to present [Saint John"s Junior College, Belize, Teacher] Department of General Studies Facilitate student learning and conduct research in the area of politics and western civilization Assist in the coordination and implementation of munity service and student affairs activities Aug 20xx to Dec 20xx [Saint Louis University,Saint Louis, USA]

Graduate Researcher, Dept of Public Policy and Urban Research Conducted research in munity, neighborhood development and economic policy Coordinated special outreach projects to promote the department"s research interest Jan 1999 to May 20xx [Saint Louis University, Saint Louis, USA Resident Advisor, Department of Residence Life Developed and implemented programs to encourage student participation Supervised others in the maintenance and enforcement of university policies Participated in leadership training and munity building workshops May 1999 to Aug 1999 [Ministry of Human Development ,Belmopan, Belize] Intern, United Nations Development Programme Worked with the Project for Sustainable Human Development, a munity development plan aimed at empowering rural villagers in Belize


三一文库(https://www.doczj.com/doc/433736442.html,)/个人简历 教师中英文简历模板 英文简历模板:教师的中英文简历模板 CarlParker 123,LeeStECharleston,WV TELL:******Email:*********** Objective:Seekingasecondaryschoolteacherpositiontoimpartquality Englisheducation SummaryofQualifications .SoundknowledgeofEnglishgrammarandliterature .Proficientatmunicatinginformationeffectively .Excellentknowledgeofchildpsychologyandhumanbehavior .Skilledatusingappropriateinstructionalmethodsforbetterunder standingofnewconcepts ProfessionalExperience St.HelenaHighSchool,Weston,WVJune20XXtopresent

EnglishTeacher .Preparedeffectivelessonplansforclassroomteachingtoimproves tudents'performance .Conductedessaypetitionandfunactivitiestoincreasestudents'en gagement .Playedamajorroleinarrangingteacherparentconferencestoupd ateparentsregardingtheirchild'sprogress .Maintainclassstudents'attendancerecordsasperadministrative policiesoftheschool .Initiatedabi-weeklymagazineforstudents,resu1tinginimprovem entofstudents'writingskillsremarkably .ConductedanafterschoolEng1ishtrainingforunderperformingst udents;asaresultthepassingpercentageofclassincreasedto97percent PineHighSchool,Sutton,WVJune20XX-April20XX TeacherAssistant .Assistedschoolprincipalinorganizationofvariousextra-curricular activitiestobringaboutsocialdevelopmentofstudents' .Helpedstudentswithbehavioralproblemstominglewithotherstu dents' .Coordinatedwithspeechtherapiststoconductspecialbatchesfor students .Executedadministrativedutiesastheschoolrequirement


小学教师英文简历模板 Certificate credential: Certificate Title: Teacher certificate for high school Written test Interview Get certificate EDUCATION Jobs Normal University 2007.09 - 20XX.06 Bachelor of Arts, XX specialty (teacher-training) Scholarship: National first class scholarship Competition: High school XX competition third prize Mandarin Proficiency Test Certificate, 2nd Grade, A Level CET-6 (486) TEACHING EXPERIENCE

Jobs Middle School 20XX.12 - 20XX.06 XX student teacher Tutored students homework, organized students to help each other to solve problems Understood students needs and doubt, and improved the teaching methods Completed the practical teaching activities of different types of courses Discussed and summarized grade teaching Tutoring 2009.09 - 20XX.12 XX intervention Good at communication with the junior middle school children, built trust, and the common progress of the counsels the student learning CAMPUS ACTIVITIES Acted as student union organization department minister, organized students recruit new activities A member of the campus newspaper editorial board, has strong word processing ability and coordination ability


大学英语教师个人简历模板 导读:本文是关于大学英语教师个人简历模板,希望能帮助到您! 民族:汉族学历:硕士 出生年月:XX所学专业:英语 籍贯:上海市现居住地:北京市 婚姻状况:未婚手机: 身份证: E-mail:XXX 求职意向 期望工作性质:全职 期望工作地点:北京市 期望工作行业:教育培训 期望工作职位:英语教师、课程设计 期望工作待遇:面议 到岗时间:面谈 工作经验 20XX/7——至今:英国中央XX大学 外国语学院中英同传硕士生导师 负责教授并制订中英同声传译、交替传译、商务口译、模拟会议、公众演讲等课程。 20XX/9——20XX/2:XX高级中学

英语教研组中学教师 担任班主任兼英语老师,负责班级教育教学工作。深入学生当中,了解其身心健康状况,及时处理学习生活中出现的不利于学习的因素,使学生能够全身心投入学习,架起学校和家长之间沟通桥梁,齐心协力,共同培育学生,使学生能够健康地学习与成长。多次被家长评为“值得信任的老师和班主任”,先后被学校评为“优秀教师和班主任”。 教育背景 20XX/9——20XX/11英国索尔福德大学英语硕士 20XX/9——20XX/7上海外国语大学英语本科 19XX/9——20XX/7上海大学英语大专 技能证书 毕业证书、学历证书、英语专业八级证书、英国皇家特许语言学家协会口译员资格证书、英国曼彻斯特市政府注册译员资格证书、联合国同声传译见习证书、日语二级证书。 自我评价 我是一个乐观向上的人,喜欢旅游和摄影,也喜欢一个人窝在家里听歌看书,得空的时候会和朋友去健身; 在国外的学习环境中学到了很多不同的先进的思想和教育理念,非常希望能够在自己的教育事业中实践; 但是几年的游子生活也让我深切的体会到故乡的概念,所以回到国内就再也不会走了,希望有一个稳定的工作,过起自己的生活。


教师英文简历范文 Secondary school teachers resume Name: Chu XX Years of age: Location of the account: Marital status: single Nationality: Han Job search intention Job: high school teachers: English teacher, English Translation: tour guide / travel consultant: Available date: three months later Salary requirements: 2000--3500 hope that the working area: Shenzhen, Dongguan, Zhuhai Work experience Volunteer experience Education background University one is graduated from Guangdong Medical College: The highest degree: Bachelor Degree: Bachelor's degree of English graduation date: 2009-07 Professional: English (medical direction) professional two: The starting date of termination date schools (Institutions) and the specialty certificate obtained Certificate No.


求职英语教师英文简历模板 以下是关于求职英语教师英文简历模板,希望内容对您有帮助,感谢您得阅读。 学校名称:泉州师范学院(2007年9月-2011年7月) 专业名称:经贸英语学历:本科 所在地:泉州证书:大学本科经贸英语专业文学学士学位证书 专业描述:主修英语学习方向,旨在培养较高的英语听说读写及外贸会话能力,以适应从事英语为主的语言性工作。专修课程有:高级英语听力,高级英语口语,英语口译,英汉翻译,跨文化交际,科技英语,英语修辞,英美文学,英语写作,英语阅读,综合英语等课程 培训经历: 工作经验 公司名称:龙岩安心托管(2015年3月-2016年12月) 所属行业:教育·培训·科研·院校公司性质:私营.民营企业 公司规模: 10人以下工作地点:龙岩市新罗区莲东 职位名称:课业辅导教师 工作描述: 1.保证学生课后纪律安全,负责学生上下学 ·

接送 2.辅导学生课后作业 3.帮助学生养成良好作息习惯,保证良好午休纪律 4.沟通联系学生家长,及时反馈学生中心表现情况 离职原因:中心老板因个人原因停止营业 公司名称:泉州(侨翔)服装有限公司(2012年5月-2014年1月) 所属行业:贸易·商务·进出口公司性质:外商独资.外企办事处 公司规模: 200~500人工作地点:泉州 职位名称:面料采购,翻译 工作描述: 1.翻译公司各种书面文件资料,及时向公司领导反馈资料信息 2.充当公司大小会议,接见客户的现场口译人员 3.熟悉公司服装所用面料采购流程,担任公司面料采购 4.兼职公司人事一职,及时负责公司空缺职位的招聘信息发布以及面试通知 这份工作,无论书面英语还是英语口语的能力都有了很好的锻炼和提高 离职原因:怀孕6个月,工作繁杂,压力大,精力有限公司名称:泉州时代语言英语培训学校(2011年10月- ·


千图网 求职意向:英语老师 教育经历 校外实践 个人信息 技能证书 自我介绍 师范学院 2012-2016 英语专业(本科) 每个学年成绩排名专业前三, 其中2014-2015学年排名第一。 教育 2014.09-2016.02 英语进修 已获得官方认证的毕业证书。 英语 2014-2015 网络课程 学习词汇构成法、语法精讲、经典对话场景, 提高自身英语水平。 教育2015.02-2016.01 中小学英语教师 一对一教学共47人;教学力求培养孩子的听说能力,通过听说训练帮助学生记忆词汇,运用词汇词组,解决学生运用能力弱的问题; 突出成绩: 18名学生考上重点中学,一人成功获得澳大利亚墨尔本最好的中学之一威斯里中学Wesley College 的录取通知书。 中学老师2014.06-2014.08 实习老师 担任副班主任及数学老师,通过本次实习认识并坚持生本教育的教育理念,激发孩子的求知欲; 注重培养学生学习习惯,学习方法的教导,引导孩子成为课堂真正的主人。 1995.04.08 广东 广州 1234567890 qiantuwang@https://www.doczj.com/doc/433736442.html, CET-6,TEM-4 计算机一级,擅长PPT 课件制作 教师资格证 普通话二级甲等 做事、对人有耐心、责任心和恒心; 对负责的工作会付出全部精力和热情,制定缜密计划,力争在最短时间内将目标达成;喜欢挑战,能在较短时间内适应高压力的工作; 有较强的建立合作关系的能力,善于促进和谐,尊重不同意见; 善于与别人感情交融,能遇见别人的需要真诚的关怀别人; 独特创意能力,渴望推陈出新。 善于与别人感情交融,能遇见别人的需要真诚的关怀别人; 独特创意能力,渴望推陈出新。 PERSONAL RESUME


应聘幼师的英语简历范文模板 求职英语简历做得好不好,有时会直接影响到幼师应聘者求职的成败。现在请阅读WTT小编整理的一些应聘幼师的英语简历范文模板。 应聘幼师的英语简历范文模板 Name: Y Gender: Female Date of birth: February 10, 1989 Health: good Age: 24 years old Degree: College University one is graduated from Law School of Hubei University of Economics: Major: Accounting (certified public accountant) Tel: 13********** Zip: * * * E-mail: Y Social practice and the practice 20xx.11 -- 20xx.2 tutoring a student, every door homework guidance, cooperation, in a period of time, each

course result showed the students improved, by the parents. 20xx.6 -- 20xx.9 internship in Jujube City life-insurance pany in China, is responsible for the daily affairs of the office, engaged in the insurance business, after the end of the internship, and evaluate the leadership has given me a great reward. 20xx.6 - 20xx.8 learning a motor vehicle driver, and achieved a motor vehicle driving license of the people's Republic of China During the period of School Award, achievements 20xx.5 -- 20xx.6 Party school training of qualified, and won the “activists”. 20xx -- 20xx7 year won the “three scholarship” certificate. The 20xx - 20xx school year was awarded the “social practice activists” honorary title. Business expertise * have accounting qualification certificate, familiar with the national financial system and relevant policies and regulations, have ERP certificate, and Can skilled use of financial software.


英语老师英文简历模板 想在从事英语老师的工作?在求职的时候除了必备的中文简历,多准备一份英文简历也许会让面试官对你刮目相看哦!下面为各位带来英语老师英文简历模板,以供参考! 英语老师英文简历模板Carl Parker 123, Lee St E Charleston, WV TELL:****** Email:*********** Objective: Seeking a secondary school teacher position to impart quality English education Summary of Qualifications . Sound knowledge of English grammar and literature . Proficient at communicating information effectively . Excellent knowledge of child psychology and human behavior . Skilled at using appropriate instructional methods for better understanding of new concepts Professional Experience St. Helena High School, Weston, WV June 2020 to present English Teacher . Prepared effective lesson plans for classroom teaching to improve students' performance . Conducted essay competition and fun activities to increase students' engagement . Played a major role in arranging teacher parent conferences to update parents regarding their child's progress . Maintain class students' attendance records as per administrative policies of the school . Initiated a bi-weekly magazine for students, resu1ting in improvement of students' writing skills remarkably . Conducted an after school Eng1ish training for under performing students;

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