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The first stop Purpose: to see some 1. _e_n_d_an_g_e_r_e_d_w_i_ld_l_ife Place: 2. _T__ib_e_t_ Animal: 3. T__ib_e_t_an__a_n_te_l_op_e__ Situation: being hunted for the wool beneath its stomach and numbers are 4. _d_e_cr_e_a_s_in_g_ rapidly
becomes weaker and finally stops e源自文库g. The noise of the cars died away.
die off :先后死去;(草木)先后枯死 由于缺水, 这植物的叶子先后枯死。 As a result of the lack of water, the leaves of this plant aredying off.
Ways of wildlife protection
a. stop man from killing them. We should b. build the protection zone.
c. have them fed by man.
Fill in the blanks with the proper words according to the text .
They didn’t have enough evidence. As a result, they gave up the charge.
result from… 起因于…. result in … 结果为….,导致…
1). The terrible accident _re_s_u_l_te_d_f_r_o_m__ his careless.
The second stop Purpose: to go to a place with wildlife 5. _p_r_ot_e_c_tion Place: Zimbabwe Animal: African 6. _el_e_p_h_a_nt Situation: used to be hunted while now being protected by farmers making money from 7. _to_u_r_is_m__/_to_u_r_i_sts
2. What can be inferred from the elephant’s words, “Have you come to take my photo”? D A. It thinks itself a beautiful animal. B. Elephants are friendly to human beings. C. Money from tourists went to the large tour companies. D. Now many more tourists come to take its photos rather than hunt it.
habitats works in more than 100 countries
with nearly 5 million members
Discussion What should we do to protect wild animals?
Prediction Read the title and look at the pictures, listen for to predict the main idea of this passage.
(金戈铁骑 整理制作)
Background Information
What is WWF? World Wildlife Fund 世界野生生物基金会 world’s largest privately financed
conservation organization protect endangered species and their
True or false
T Daisy traveled by a flying carpet. F Antelopes are killed for the wool that is taken
from under theirstboamcakcsh. s.
Paragraph 2
Main idea: A good example of wildlife protection
e.g. About twenty people were killed as a result of the big fire.
as a result of+ 名词性的东西 “由于…” 由于地震,许多人失去了家园。As a result of the earthquake, a lot of people lost their homes. 他们没有足够证据,因此他们放弃了控 告。
Words and expressions for warming up
1. wild adj. living in a natural state, not changed or controlled by humans
e.g. wild flowers / a wild rabbit wildlife n. (不可数) animals and plants
die of/ from因…而死(由于疾病,饥寒, 情感原因造成的死亡一般用die of, 除 此之外的原因造成的死亡用 die from.) The old man d__ie_d__fr_o_m__ drinking dirty water. The old man d__ie_d__o_f cold and hunger.
Post-reading activity
Make a dialogue between Daisy and Antelope.
Make a dialogue between Daisy and Elephant.
Make a dialogue between Daisy and Monkey.
The third stop Purpose: to go to a place where the WWF is involved Place: 8. _r_a_in_f_o_rest Animal: 9. _m_o_n_k_e_y Situation: The monkey can use the millipede insect to protect itself from 10. _m_o_s_q_u_it_o.es
Animal: elephants in Zimbabwe Situation: previously hunted with numbers decreasing rapidly Result: protection by farmers who make money from tourism
Paragraph 3&4
Careful Reading
Paragraph 1
1. How did the antelope feel? The antelope felt sad.
2. Why are people hunting and killing the Tibetan antelopes? In order to get the wool which is used to make sweaters.
A ___m_o_n_k_ewyas rubbing a millipede _in_s_e_c_t which contains a powerful d__ru__g over his body because it could protect him from m__o_s_q_u_i_to_e_s_. So Daisy decided to produce this new drug with the help of W__W__F_. The carpet rose and flew home.
2). His careless _r_e_s_u_lt_e_d_i_n_ the terrible accident.
3. die out: disappear completely e.g. This kind of bird has died out. e.g. SARS has died out in China. 区别: die away: (sound, wind, or light…)
Main idea: What we can get form wildlife protection
Animal: a millipede from tropical rainforest
Situation: produces a drug naturally which can protect us from mosquitoes Result: Daisy plans to tell WWF about the drug
Read the text again and choose the best answer. 1. Why did elephants use to be an endangered species in Zimbabwe? B A. Tourists hunted too many elephants. B. Farmers hunted them without mercy. C. The government encouraged farmers to hunt them. D. Their living environment was seriously polluted.
growing in natural conditions e.g. a wildlife park
2. as a result (of sth): because of something that has happened作为… 的结果;因此;由于
e.g. I was very busy. As a result, I couldn’t take care of her.
Now they allowed tourists to hunt only a _______cenrtuaminber of animals if they paid the farmers. The flying carpet rose again and almost at once they were in thick rain _____. forest
4. reserve n.an area of land where wild animals can live without being hunted 保护区
5. hunt v.to chase animals and birds in order to catch and kill them
Main idea: Why we need wild life protection
Animal: Tibetan Antelope Situation: Being hunted for the fur under its stomach Result: Numbers are decreasing rapidly
Fast Reading
Where did Daisy go? Who took her there? Tibet, Zimbabwe and rain forest. A flying carpet. What kind of animal did she meet in each place? An antelope, an elephant and a monkey.