当前位置:文档之家› 精品—新托福强化听力讲义





1. 新托福和旧托福的对比


PBT旧托福Paper Yes No 1/4


multiple IBT新托福Internet No Yes New


2. 题量,时间,分数

文章类型题量题目数时间CONVERSATION 2-3 5 / conversation 2-3 min / conversation LECTURE 4-6 6 / lecture 4-6 min / lecture

min TOTAL 6-9(加试)34 60-90 SCALE SCORE: 30 见OG185评分标准

3. 题目的考查形式






4. 文章材料的考查形式

文章结构:删除了旧托福的PART A 部分,更加注重于对于能力的考查






5. 新托福考试题型概述

IBT listening comprehension



Gist question

Detail question



Purpose question

Attitude question



Organization question

Inference question

题号问题题型1 Why does the student go to see the professor? Gist question

2 According to the professor, what information should the student

include in her statement of purpose?

Detail Question

3 What does the professor consider unusual about the student’s


Detail Question

4 Why does the professor tell a story about his friend who went ot

medical school?

Detail Question

5 What does the professor imply about the people who admit

students to graduate school?

Inference question

6 What are the students mainly discussing? Gist question

7 Listen again and then answer the question:

Why does the woman say this?

Purpose question

8 According to the conversation, why are transposes sometimes

called “jumping genes”?

Detail Question

9 According to the conversation, what are two ways in which

bacteria cells get resistance genes?

Detail Question

10 What can be inferred about the resistance genes discussed in

the conversation?

Inference question

11 What is the talk mainly about? Gist question

12 What is the professor’s point of view concerning the method of

“safe yield”?

Detail Question

13 According to the professor, what are two problems associated

with removing wter from an underground system?

Detail Question

14 Listen again and then answer the question:

Why does the professor say this?

Purpose question

15 What is a key feature of a sustainable water system? Detail Question

16 What does the professor imply about water systems managed by

the “safe yield” method?

Inference question

17 Why does the professor talk about Plato’s description of society?Gist question

18 Listen again and then answer the question:

Why does the professor imply about plato’s ethical theory?

Attitude question

19 Listen again and then answer the question:

Why does the professor ask this?

Purpose question

20 What are two points that reflect Plato’s views about education? Detail Question

21 Based on information in the lecture, indicate whether the

statements below about human emotion reflect beliefs held by


Organization question

22 According to Plato, what is the main characteristic of a good or

just person?

Detail Question

23 What is the main topic of the lecture? Gist question

24 According to the professor, why did one scientist grow a rye plant

in water?

Detail Question

25 Listen again and then answer the question:

Why does the professor say this?

Purpose question

26 The professor mentions houseplants that receive too much

water. Why does she mention them?

Detail Question

27 Listen again and then answer the question:

Why does the professor intend to explain?

Purpose question

28 According to the professor, what similarity is there between

crabgrass and rye plants?

Detail Question

29 What is the lecture mainly about? Gist question

30 Why does the professor talk about a construction company that

has work in different cities?

Detail Question

31 Listen again and then answer the question:

Why does the professor say this?

Purpose question

32 What is an example of a violation of the “unity of command”


Detail Question

33 According to the professor, where might there be a conflict in an

organizational structure based on both projects and function?

Detail Question

34 Indicate whether each sentence below describes functional

organization or project organization. Place a check mark in the

correct box.

Organization question

Gist question: 6

Detail question: 16

Purpose question: 6

Attitude question: 1

Organization question: 2

Inference question: 3

6. 界面展示

7. IBT 新托福资料说明——听力部分





The Official

Study Guide

● 题目数量不多 ● 难度较简单 ● 题型全面,和考试相同,质量高 ● 精听精做

● 题目分类研究 ● 文章精读研究 ● 不建议模考




● 一共14套,其中新东方引进4套,还有2套是OG 题目,其他全部为全真试题 ● 难度和考试相当,已经有较全的版本出现● 题型全面,场景全面

● 精听精做

● 建议最后冲刺模考

DELTA 新托福考试备考策略与模拟试题 ● 题目数量大,后面有四套模拟试题

● 前面的训练题目文章较短,不是托福模拟● 听力材料要比考试稍难些,速度也稍快些●


● 精听精做

● 建议考前强化训练● 对语速跟读模仿

DELTA 新托福考试模拟试题

● 题目数量大,有六套模拟试题 ● 具体特点同蓝皮delta

● 建议考前模拟 ● 对语速跟读模仿

BARRON 新托福考试全真模考题与精解 ● 题目数量大,后面有7套模拟试题 ● 难度偏小,在基础班使用

● 建议平时精听训练

KAPLAN 模考试题四套

● 有四套模拟试题

● 听力部分略难,语速略快 ● 配合模拟光盘,有临考感觉

● 考前模考

THOMSON 模考试题两套 ● 只有两套题,但质量很好,文章难度适中,题目难度和Barron 相近,感觉上略难一些,和考试非常相似。

● 建议模考

Longman 新托福考试综合教程 ● 题目非常简单

● 题型脱离托福考试,可以做基础教材

● 对水平不好的学生


北极星英语系列教程——新TOEFL 考试技能培训教程系列 ● 由大约10个单元的题材加最后的一些模考题组成

● 题材贴近托福考试范围,可以做基础训练使用 ● 建议做基础训练

















1. 语速问题



2. 连读问题


(1) 关键性词语出现连读:否定形式

●not at all:The meeting yesterday wasn’t at all boring.

(2) 常用性词语出现连读

● for him


(1) 辅音+元音连读

●I was found on the ground by the fountain about a field of a summer stride.

●Not at all.

● Rush hour.

●This dictionary is not exactly what I wanted but it will do.

●Travel agency, travel agent

(2) 辅音+辅音连读

●Some money, bike key

(3) 元音+元音连读

●Be on time

(4) H连读

●I lent him a book.

●Larry is taking a lot of art, isn’t he?

●The stuff the nurse gave me seemed to have helped.

●I must have left my keys at my sister’s house.

●She learned to use the computer on her own.

(5) 其他特殊连读

●【t】+【j】=【ch】:meet you, hurt you, that your

●【d】+【j】=【dg】:would you, hand your, did you

●【s】+【j】=【sh】:miss you, this year

●【z】+【j】=【g】:as usual, because you

●Example: won’t you, don’t you, didn’t you, haven’t you, hadn’t you, wouldn’t you,

weren’t you, last year, next year, not yet, did you, had you, would you, I advice you, I

use your, how’s your


3. 失爆问题


●Sit down, good night, friendly

●-this calculator isn’t working right.

-I think you’ve got the battery in upside down.


4. 略读问题


●I am = I’m, you have = you’ve, how is = how’s, that would = that’d

●Doesn’t, didn’t, shouldn’t, hadn’t, hasn’t, wouldn’t, won’t

●Official guide P199:OK. So we’ve talked about some different types of root systems of plants,

and I’ve shown you some pretty cool slides, but now I want to talk about the extent of the rot system- the overall size of the root system…the depth.


●I’m, you’re, she’s, they’re, there’s, he’s, who’s

●We’ve, he’ll, she’d, she’ll, she’s, they’d, they’ve, they’ll

●Can’t, weren’t, won’t, aren’t, wouldn’t, shouldn’t

● Gotta, gonna

5. 弱读问题


(1) 介词弱化:

●stay at home, do it for fun, come from China, go in the house, a cup of coffee, the train to


(2) 代词弱化:

●Phone us when you are free.

●I’ve lost my book.

(3) 连词弱化:

●Please give me some cream and sugar.

●Either Tom or Peter can come.


6. 英美音差异问题


(1) 【r】音问题

● Idea, really

●They weren’t at the dorm last night.

(A) They went to the dormitory.

(B) They didn’t go to the dormitory.

●-The snow is really coming down, isn’t it?

-Rarely do we have so much snow in December.

-What does the man mean?

(A) it is typical December weather for this region.

(B) such a large amount of snow is unusual for this month.

(2) 【o】【a:】

● Glass, class, fast

●Hot, box, rock

(3) 其他情况

● Neither


●常见易混音:Course-cause, once more-one small, career-Korea, worse-was, bore-ball,

door-doll, core-call, tear-tea, short-shot

●不加儿化音的词:China, Australia, banana, wall

●常见英美音不同读法:Neither, either, record, cupboard, cassette, garage, laboratory, adult,

ordinarity, secretary, dictionary

7. 词性变音问题


● Method- methodically

●校园词汇的变音:meterology, economics, geography


●Company-companion, library-librarian, geography-geographical, ignore-ignorant,

photo-photographer-photographic, declare-declaration, economy-economic-economical,

invite-invitation, technology-technological, type-typical, wild-wildness

8. 缩写问题


● Sitcom

● Chem lab

● prof


●Intro. Course = introductory course 导论性课 Demo = demonstration 演示Memo =

memorandum 备忘录Info. = Information 信息Expo = exposition 博览会Chem.= chemistry 化

学 Comm. = commerce 商业 Tech = technology 技术 Ad.= advertisement 广告Dorm =

dormitory 寝室 M.A. = Master of Arts 文学硕士 M.S. = Master of Science 理学硕士 B.A.

=Bachelor of Arts文学士B.S. = Bachelor of Science理学士alga = algebra 代数学、代数 anat =

anatomy 解剖学、解剖archit = architecture 建筑学、建筑arith = arithmetic 算术、算术 astron

= astronomy 天文学、天文eng = engineering工程学、工程 electr = electricity电学、电 fin =

finance财政学、财政 geol = geology地质学、地质 geom = geometry几何学、几何 gram =

grammar文法hist = history历史、史ling = linguistics语言学、语言maths = mathematics数

学、数学mech = mechanics 机械学、机械 med = medical医学、医 met = meteorology气象

学、气象myth = mythology 神话phil = philosophy哲学 phon = phonetics 语言学、语言 photo

= photography摄影术、摄影phys = physics物理学、物理physiol = physiology生理学、生理 pol

= politics政治学、政治psych = psychology心理学、心理

9. 数字问题


●What is the length of each of these rivers?


2,307 3,436 4,007 4,145 Amazon






● 1,234,567,890:









● >: surpass, exceed ● <:less than

● =: equal to, the same as ● ≠: difference

● ↑: increase, promote, enhance, improve ● ↓: decrease, fall, worsen

● +: plus, add, besides, moreover ● -: minus, deduct, except ● →: result in, lead to

● ←: originate from, date back to

● √: correct, good, positive, affirmative ● ×: wrong, bad, mistaken, negative ● ☆: outstanding, elite

● ∵: because, owing to, thanks to, since, as

● ∴: therefore, consequently, as a result, so, hence ● ∑: total, amount ● γ: government 缩写

● able BL: PRBL , RSBL , DBL ● ing G: SHPG ● tion N: OPTN , NAN ● ment T: AGRMT ● ize Z: RCGNZ , OGNZ ● tive TV: EFCTV , ● ful FL: SCFL ● less LS: RGDLS ● ent/ant T: URGT ● al/ial L: ARVL


Sample Script:

American universities have been offering classes online through computers for a number of years.

Now, some newly created colleges are offering academic degrees online. One university offers both bachelor’s degrees and master’s degrees. Official say they try to provide students with a social experience as well as an educational one. For example, in some programs, groups of the same six students progress through all their classes together. They communicate by computer. Another online school uses a problem-solving method of teaching. Students attempt to solve real problems in their classes online instead of reading information.

Students who have taken online classes say they like them because they do not have to travel to building at a set time to listen to a professor. Professors say they have better communication with students through e-mail notes than they do in many traditional classes.


1. 托福听力中的重点原则
















1. 课程相关事务场景



(1) 和考试相关:考试分数;考试复习;安排考试;考试分数

(2) 和课程相关:课程目的;课程类型;课程形式,课程作业

(3) 和作业相关:作业类型;作业方法;交作业相关

(4) 和论文相关:论文的分数


● Discussion, presentation, topic, lecture, good choice, slide, library, collection, check, librarian

●Report, office hour, submit, on disk, hard copy, soft copy, computer, print, computer lab

●Project, ton of, cover, re-write, research data, information, input, presentation, complete

●Term paper, grade, complicated, terrible mistake, edited version, submit, overtired, stressed,

rushing against the clock, mark, draft, print, final paper, maintaining average, application, drop, re-take, due, extention, discuss, check back, re-reading, submission

●Information, exam schedule, term, date, book, department, invigilator, sign up, sheet, bulletin

board, faculty lounge, square, draft, dean, review, draw up, manually, consult, register

●Physiology 100, sophomore, second year course, first year student, transfer, begin my first

lecture, introduce, complete, approach, laws of physics and chemistry, process of life, vital force, philosophical approach, scientific experimentation

●Final exam, midterm, multiple choice question, essay question, comprehensive exam, the

subject, review, textbook, class note, the final will count for 50% of your grade, research project, run into problems

●School bulletin, required writing course, first year student, third year stuent, research paper,

sign up, cover the entire process of writing a research paper, selecting topic, final format, presentation, hand in, assignment, final grade

●Class meeting, lecture, different concept, hand in, issue, revision, grade

●Research paper, due, proposed topics, make comment, the most frequent problem, broad,

preliminary outline, schedule, available, appointment, final outline, no more than two pages long, thesis statement, precise statement, conclusion

●Workshop, intensive, techniques and skills, personal attention, register, advantage

●Consecutive summer, community center, seminar, workshop, beginning students, advanced

students, last four weeks, credit is awarded, information

●Discuss, schedule, midterm, administer, attendance, optional class


2. 相关事务+专业讨论场景



(1) 开头寒暄套路

(2) 结尾总结套路



3. 选课场景



(1) 文章的主题:Why does the woma come to see the man? What is the topic of the conversation? What is the main subject of the conversation?

(2) 老师对学生的疑问:What does the professor concern about?




(3) 学生对自己情况的分析

(4) 关于退课和放弃课程

(5) 文章结尾的延伸:What is the teacher going to do next? What is the student going to do next?

What does the student feel at the end of the conversation?


●Course, semester, summer session, elective, bird course, splendor, lecture hall, lab, tough

decision, pick, choose, grade, relaxed, paper, final exam, advice, sign up

●Enquiry, credit course, off-campus, program, remote, access, internet, degree, distance

education, diploma, requirement, format, print materials, audio-tapes, video, teleconferencing, deliver, cost, fixed date, history 490

●Drop, fail, math 101, rough, test, med school

●Use your advice, do premed, introductory course, non-science major, be weak in, do poorly in,

meet at the same time, modern drama course

●Semester, enroll in, graduate course, qualified, hard time keep up, favorite interest, challenging,

easy grade

●Permission to register, take the prerequisite, the beginning course, catalog, instructor, previous

experience, formal training, decision

●Signature, schedule card, advisor’s approval, quite a heavy load, drop the course, seminar

●Sign up for a noncredit course, intermediate level, grade, regular meeting

●Transfer, bachelor’s degree, associate, selective, letters of recommendation

●Hard course, rehearsal, extra time, once a week

●Flight program, degree, license, excellent reputation, selective,


4. 迟到旷课场景



(1) 学生旷课迟到的理由:why was the man late for class?




(2) 所缺课程的主题:what is the topic of the professor’s leture which the man has missed?

(3) 学生补课的套路

(4) 结尾的保证:what does the man promise to do?


●feel good, cover, lecture, point out, chapter, textbook, part, divide, project, focus, due, show up,

note, transcribe, email

●oversleep, talk about

●trouble with my car, lecture series, attend, admission

●fill me in something, dentist, emergency, missed somebody’s lecture, note, make sense


5. 转学场景



(1) 学生转学转专业的理由?why does the student go to see the professor? Why does the professor consider unusual about the student’s background?

(2) 学生转学的特殊情况

(3) 学生应该怎样去做


●Public university, private university, community college, reputation, class size, personal

attention, individual attention, interact, group discussion, tuition, expense, cost, afford, affordable, location, environment, large city, small town, college town, top student, application, experience, special

6. 实验室场景



(1) 实验室课程的专门用语

(2) 实验室设备的专门用语


●Laboratory, research procedure, lab assistant, retrieve information, track the course, monitor,

track the progress

●Lab instructor, lab experience, setup, equipment, result, grade, lab notebook, proper

precautions, protective goggles, toxic effect of chemicals, lab procedure, heavy metal

●Workbook, material, experiment, available

7. 图书馆场景



(1) 美国大学图书馆的基本制度

(2) 图书馆的基本部门设置和常见设施

(3) 借书还书相关以及遇到的各种问题


●Library, chek out, spread out, focus, jam, spot, crowd, comfy, far away

●Due, finish, renew, check, library card, late, mixed up, request, fine, overdue, pay, process, sign,

suspend, privilege

●Librarian, facilities, reference room, reference material, dictionary, bibliography, literature guide,

telephone book, periodical room, newspaper, magazine, academic journal, current issue, older

issue, card catalog, listed by title, by author and by topic, call number

●return, shelves, check out, reserve book, overnigh use

●secondhand bookstore, inscription, front cover, signature, poetry book

●paperback section, index

●exit gate, check out

●reserve, additional copy, article


8. 课堂内容讨论场景



(1) 讨论课堂留下的作业。

(2) 讨论老师教学质量。

(3) 涉及课堂内容,比如学生没有听懂课下讨论上课的某一问题。

9. 奖学金场景



(1) 咨询奖学金的种类

(2) 奖学金授予的资格:What can be inferred aout the qualifications to apply for bursaries?

(3) 如何申请奖学金

(4) 奖学金申请的材料

(5) 申请到奖学金的可能性

(6) 奖学金的网站:What is the student most likely to do after this conversation?


●Scholarship, bursary, department, information, financial aid, monetary, grant, determine,

committee, donor, apply for, financially, in need, consider, out-of-town, requirement, website, on-line, submit, official, document, in person

●scholarship, available, maintain, average, mark, apply for, applicant, committee, honor, award,

exam, candidate, weight, guarantee, grade point average (GPA), percent, website, address, rigorous, extra-curricular, hardship, achievement, letter of recommendation, fill, time consuming job, recommend, eligibility, enrolment


10. 论文场景



(1) 论文题目选定

(2) 论文中包括的资料查找:What information will the man include in his report?

(3) 老师对论文的后续服务:What does the professor offer to do for the man?


●Organize, essay, topic, chosen, broad, narrow it down, compare, focused, interested, begin,

discussion, opinion, fact, support, idea, check, statistics, percentage, include, words, rough draft, outline, break down, subtopic, office hour, reference, material

●Research paper, discuss, topic, recommend, theory, work progress

●Report, subject, catalog, published source, gather material

●Information, plagiarize, failing grade, gather, note, assimilate the information thoroughly,

paraphrase, capture the mian idea, quote directly, finalize the research paper

●Draft, pass it out in our classes, clear up the problem


11. 实地考查场景



(1) Where? Fieldtrip的目的地

(2) When? 要去多久?何时走?何时回?

(3) Who? 哪些人去?哪个年级去?

(4) How? 怎么去?

(5) Why? 目的是什么?

(6) 注意事项,比如带哪些东西,不带哪些东西


●List, supply, on site, kit, notebook, axe, glove, instrument, measure, clean, cancel, weather,

clothes, outside, food, snack, transportation, transport, dig

●Trip leader, participate, report, field trip


12. 体育运动场景



(1) 托福听力中曾经出现过的体育运动项目

(2) 每个运动项目的标志词

(3) 每个运动项目所常提及的话题

(4) 每个运动项目的背景知识



●Spring cycling season, regular hobby, physical fitness routine, bicyclist, expert riders

●Endurance test, recreational cyclists, racers

●Ski patrol, ski patroller, safety

●Physical education class, rock climbing, rope, belt, buckle, safety equipment, climbing trip

13. 游玩场景

场景特点:和学生出游度假等有关。可以设计度假旅游、周末休闲、郊游活动、电影音乐会等话题。 常见套路:

(1) 出游的目的

(2) 出游的具体计划

(3) 出游的内容

(4) 出游遇到的问题



●Break, racket, reserve a court

●Rock concert, vacation, weather

14. 打工场景



(1) 托福中学生经常从事的工作

●Teaching assistant, research assistant, lab assistant




(2) 工作的内容

(3) 申请的手续和流程






●Summer break, work, job, offer, excellent opportunity, practice, wonderful, dilemma, difficult

decision, plan, volunteer, NGO, chance, share, interesting, spend, accept, program, interview, company, application, apply for, money, advice

●Tough, exam, stressed, dread, cram the night, part-time, money, board, balance, hit the book,

energy, tired, sleep, consolation, get through, fun, fondness

●Announcement, hire, part-time assistant, experience, research, daily

●Laboratory assistant, fill out an application, fit into my schedule

●Variety of job opportunities, responsible for, volunteer, service, postions are open, link of

service, career training, program available, demand physical endurance, receive no salary, pay for living expense, housing and food allowance, additional information

●Internship program, advanced planning, career opportunities, working experience, short term

experience, permanent employment, full-time, academic credit, supervise, hand out, career advisory service, living expence


15. 学生组织活动场景



(1) 学生经常参加和组织的活动




(2) 活动的目的:What is the main reason for the woman to participate this activity?

(3) 分发handout:

(4) 活动的具体内容


●Run, marathon, motivator, back into shape, inspire, running buddies, positive, sponsor, tons of

money, cause

●Introduce, campus daily, volunteer, salary, ceremony, alumni


16. 报到注册场景



(1) 报到注册的时间

(2) 报到注册的准备材料

(3) 报到注册可能遇到的问题


●Registration, time, determine, first year student, mail, designated date, specific time, admission

letter, continuing students, average, previous, session, pay, credit card, bank, teller, confirmation slip, in person

●Registration, date, newly admitted student, undergraduate, junior, sophomore, returning

student, senior, check, pay attention, time, register, designated time, pay, fee, financial aid, financial officer, sponsor, authorization letter, on-line


17. 校园生活场景



(1) 房子条件差

(2) 与室友很难相处

(3) 找房子租

(4) 学校房子的管理制度


●Move, accent, pod, international group, major, lucky, excellent, booklet, regulation, rule,

conductive, quiet policy, self-policed, problem, allow, smoke, cook, plug, dryer, voltage, alarm, kitchen, leftover, clean-up day, hot water, meter, washroom, laundry facility, basement, conserving energy, lounge area, heat, air-conditioning, atorage area, permit, hallway, community space, prior notification, safe, valuable, housekeeper, vacuum cleaner, lock, key, check, fire prevention equipment, cover, overnight visitor, arrange, in advance, religious propaganda, dorm, furnishing, park

●Roommate, dormitory, unpacking our things, neat

●Housing office, living off campus, cost, rent, utilities, need a car to commute, noisy, peace and


●Winter break, dean, vacation arrangement, fill up the forms, heating cost, temporary


●Housing director, checkout procedure, leave for vacation, return your key, summer

maintenance crew, residence advisor, pass around

●Apartment, dump, functional, noisy


18. 医院场景



(2) 常见病症的词汇

(3) 常见治疗手段的词汇


新托福强化听力讲义新托福考试听力部分介绍 1. 新托福和旧托福的对比 2. 题量,时间,分数 3. 题目的考查形式 考场环境:独立电脑,耳机,铅笔,草稿本 电脑环境:图片,视频,声音,板书 新题型:双选题,重听题,表格配对题 答题时间:总时间限制,每题分配时间不限 答题流程:永不悔改 4. 文章材料的考查形式 文章结构:删除了旧托福的PART A 部分,更加注重于对于能力的考查 文章长度:比旧托福长 文章语速:无所谓快慢,比旧托福更加贴近真实的学习生活 文章类型:对话,独白,讨论 CONVERSATION文章思路 LECTURE文章思路

5. 新托福考试题型概述

新托福听力文章套路 1. 托福听力中的重点原则 原则一:大写原则 原则二:开头结尾原则:3T-2M原则 原则三:重复原则 原则四:转折对比原则 原则五:强调原则 原则六:比较原则 原则七:建议原则 原则八:举例原则 原则九:现在原则 原则十:解释原则 原则十一:因果原则 原则十二:观点态度原则 原则十三:特殊问句原则 2. 举例:OFFICIAL GUIDE PRACTICE SET 1——CONVERSATION 3. 举例:OFFICIAL GUIDE PRACTICE SET 2——LECTURE 新托福考试题型及解题策略 4. GIST QUESTION主旨目的题 什么是主旨目的题? requires the listener to understand critical vocabulary phrases or facts from several points in a text and to interpret to identify the key points of the text. Questions that test understanding the gist may require you to generalize or synthesize information in what you hear. 如何识别主旨目的题? What are the students mainly discussing? ETS


秋风清,秋月明,落叶聚还散,寒鸦栖复惊。 (莎姐自己的经历)一个月突破托福听力的方法----莎姐系列(更新了下载方法)-听力,托福 更新一下下载方法。由于有些资料比较大,资源很难找到。大家可以到115网络优盘下载。。(感谢Archeruo 同学提供的此下载方法)。可下载的文件有旧托福段子MP3(即小马过河上的场景音频)原文文本莎姐提供的一些资料。网址为:http://bbs./thread-1290972-1-146.html以后还会上传更多资料。包括新东方的网络课堂等等需下载的资源清单和说明(checklist):1.(莎姐自己的经历)一个月突破托福听力的方法----莎姐系列全文(word 文档)见附件2. 听力笔记黄金法则(word文档)见附件3. 旧托福听力段子(MP3 压缩文件一共51M左右)由于旧托福段子MP3文件还有播放器文件太大,远远超过上传最大1000kb的规定,我无法将其上传。目前有以下几种下载方法,请大家反馈以下哪种最好使(方法一无效,已删除)方法二:(1)留意:假如流量超过限制,可以点转发键,转发到自己的邮箱里再进行下载我在上看到叶子mj同学的帖子提供了下载方法(感谢叶子同学,我试了一下,确实可以下载),请登录网易邮箱https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f2435886.html,账号changjingfenleixia密码changjingfenlei 进进邮箱后,寻找一封题为Fw:场景分类下马骏(是一封3月11日的邮件,发件人为xianxingdaishu163,附件约为51M的邮件)的邮件,点开它,托福段子MP3 就在这封邮件的附件里,可以点击下载。由于超过下载流量限制,附件现在无法下载。转发也没用的话,说明你用的邮箱都不支持这么大的附件,所以收到了系统退信大家最好转发到qq邮箱,然后就可以在qq邮箱里下载附件了。QQ邮箱的附件可以达到1G大家请尝试方法二中的方法,把邮件转发到自己的QQ邮箱再进行下载。此方法被证实是尽对有效的,由于我之前把亲身把材料发给几个留邮箱的同学就是用的这个方法。以后大家请自行应用方法二。无需留邮箱了给我了。(2)感谢markovchain同学把方法二中邮箱中的音频保存到随邮箱的网易网盘了,在网盘中我的文档里,就能下载了。应该没有流量限制。速度挺快的。大家可以尝试此种方法。好的下载方法真是越来越多啦!方法三:http://bbs./thread-1290972-1-146.html 网络U盘,大家可以前往下载 4. 托福段子的原文文本(rar压缩文件) 见附件5. 听写播放器听写听力所用的播放器是Cool Edit Pro V2.1 ,这个网址提供下载:https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f2435886.html,/soft/5664.html(莎姐自己的经历)一个月突破托福听力的方法----莎姐系列(正文)1. 莎姐也曾为听力苦恼我在听力上花了很大的精力,终极听力得了27分。可以说付出总算有了回报。但是我并不是一开始就找对练习听力的方向。最开始的时候,我发现练听力是一个折磨人的过程。要问练听力最难过的事是什么,我觉得是发现自己怎么也跟不上托福段子的节奏。那还有更痛苦的事吗?有!更痛苦的是好不轻易听懂几个句子,等到做题的时候,发现刚才听得内容全部忘光了。不知道你有没有跟我一样的经历。托福听力确实让我头疼了好几个月。我做完了一本厚厚的蓝色delta之后,发现自己的听力一点上进也没有。还好我及时开窍了,发现了光做听力模拟题对我一点用没有。我必须另辟门路。于是,我辗转搜索各种听力练习资料,搜集各种民间的听力秘籍。我翻了很多书,读了很多听力分享帖,我还下了不同版本的新东方的听力讲座来听。慢慢的我总结了一些有用的方法。然后我花了一个月的时间往练习。这一个月,我的听力真正的有了上进。可以说,没有这一个月的练习,我是尽对不可能得到27分。2托福听力一个月突破法如下:1.练听写的原因及方法首先,听力不好,由于我们有两个缺点:我们的耳朵和我们的记忆容量。反之,假如有了好的耳朵,和大的记忆容量,我们的听力不可能不好。敏锐的耳朵可以帮助我们捕捉每一个单词,每一个句子,让我们能听得懂。记忆容量可以使我们更好的理解听力段子,帮助我们答题。由于好的记忆力可以让我们串词成句,串

托福听力资料托福tpo15听力文本 (1)

【托福听力资料】托福TPO15 听力文本-Lecture 3 众所周知,托福TPO材料是备考托福听力最好的材料。相信众多备考托福的同学也一直在练习这套材料,那么在以下内容中我们就为大家带来托福TPO听力练习的文本,希望能为大家的备考带来帮助。 TPO 15 Lecture 3 Art History Narrator: Listen to part of a lecture in an art history class. Professor: Now in Europe in the Middle Ages before the invention of printing and the printing press, all books, all manuscripts were hand-made. And the material typically used for the pages was parchment, which is animal skin that’s stretched and dried under tension, so it become s really flat and can be written on . During the 1400s, when printing was being developed, paper became the predominant material for books in Europe, but prior to that, it was parchment. Parchment is durable, much more so than paper, and it could be reused which came in handy since it was a costly material and in short supply, so it wasn ’ t uncommon for the scribes or monks who produced the manuscripts . Ah, remember before printing books were made mainly in monasteries . Well, the scribes often recycled the parchment that’d been used for earlier manuscripts. They simply erased the ink off the parchment and wrote something new in its place A manuscript page that was written on, erased and then used again is called a palimpsest. Palimpsests were created, well, we know about two methods that were used for removing ink from parchment. In the late Middle Ages, it was customary to scrape


周翔圣托福听力讲义-辨音听写序言 在托福备考的过程中,往往不少老师都在说得听力者得天下,而很多老师也讲提高听力的唯一有效途径是听写,在早期的教课过程中,碰到太多学生埋怨整篇的听写太耗时,太费力并且往往有力无功。是这套辨音听写是笔者本人在近6年的托福听力教学实践中总结和实践出来有针对性的提高中国考生听力能力的训练。 文章内容来源于科学美国人60秒(scientific american 60s ),并通过笔者精心挑选取出了当中符合新托福听力考试内容的文章。根据中国学生在听力训练当中遇到的难点比如连读,变音,失爆,弱音,有针对的提取出影响考生对句子理解的部分词组(词汇或短句), 在加上科学美国人60秒(scientific american 60s )原本就比较快的语速,这样的话能使考生快速有效的提高听力水平。 推荐使用方法:由于语速较快普通备考的学生前期很难一次听出原文中的内容,所以在练习的时候若有未听到的部分后退回去(答案就在每篇文章的末尾),反复体会直到反应出来为止。听写完后再通篇连续听上1,2次检验自己对通篇文章(包括细节)的理解。 希望这套辨音听写的材料能为大家在托福备考的过程中有效的帮助大家。 周翔圣 按 周翔圣托福听力讲义-辨音听写-11 1 Flavors Fluctuate With Temperature Does an ice-cold drink actually taste better than the same beverage at room temperature? _______________________: a new study finds that the intensity of some flavors varies with temperature. The work is in the journal Chemosensory Perception. Researchers took solutions that tasted bitter, sour, sweet, or astringent —a flavor found in legumes and raw _______________ a dry, puckering feel in the mouth. They either chilled the solutions to 5 degrees Celsius, the recommended temperature for keeping food cool…or heated the solutions to 35 degrees Celsius, a couple degrees below human body temperature. ______________ the tastes. Both sour and astringent solutions tasted stronger at warm temperatures, and __________________ than it did with chilled 周 翔 圣 的 托 福 讲 义 我的微博:h t t p ://w e i b o .c o m /z x i a n g s h e n g Q Q :331447992 w w w .y o u x u e d u .c n 优 旭 教 育


北京新东方全部托福资料(词汇,听力,阅读,写作,口语还有对应软件免费版)都给你总结好了,附带全部链接,分享的同学一定是100分以上。有了它,就不用花钱去书店了。就不用花钱买软件了!!! 词汇类 李笑来TOEFL核心词21天excel版 下载链接:(https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f2435886.html,/HorseUpfiles/month_0712/20071211_bf54b359 d01f5087df89XWGMBWh8L1rd.rar) 文件大小:84.95KB 李笑来TOEFL核心词21天MP3 下载链接:(https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f2435886.html,/HorseUpfiles/month_0709/20070911_0554b919 aaf1d0107749XwfVpzof7oVr.rar) 文件大小:23.92MB 熟词偏义词汇列表 下载链接:(https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f2435886.html,/HorseUpfiles/month_0710/20071016_de4fa883 10782460e1e4tiFlsNuX7uLi.zip) 文件大小:12.42 KB 老俞托福词汇串讲(网络课堂) 帖子链接:https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f2435886.html,/bbs/thread-2571-1-1.html 俞敏洪Tofel单词串讲(非网络课堂) 下载链接:(https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f2435886.html,/HorseUpfiles/month_0709/20070911_ef4045d5 846bcbbe1a77lCURXvPKRmAe.rar) 文件大小:48.79 MB


托福听力背景材料——天文学 (1宇宙与星系 随着更强大望远镜的发明和科学技术的进步, 人类开始逐步深入探索宇宙的奥秘。宇宙有多老 ? 宇宙中是否还有其他生命体 ? 宇宙有多大 ? 根据哈勃望远镜测算到宇宙的年龄是:130亿年到 170亿年之间。所来一个偶然的发明, 使人们接收到宇宙微波辐射背景, 这就推算出宇宙的年龄是 137亿年, 这项技术因此还得了诺贝尔奖。而在学科上, 也出现了一个新的学科——天体生物学。天体生物学(astrobiology是天文学和生物学的交叉学科。这个学科主要研究陨石中的微生物。而这些微生物是可以随着陨石在不同的行星 (Planets之间转移的。宇宙过于浩瀚,故而,天文学家需要划分出一些区域进行研究。星系、星云、星群、星族、星座都是被划分出来的研究区域。其中, 星系是最大的区域, 比如我们地球所处的银河系就是众多星系中的一个。然而, 早期望远镜没有现在这么发达, 科学家还常常把星系误判断为星云, 比如现在我们银河系的邻居——大、小麦哲伦星云其实是星系。星系与星系之间存在互相作用并进行吞噬, 银河系吸引临近的星系就像地球和月亮间的潮汐力吸引一样。银河系会以它强烈的引力进行吞噬。银河系对这个星系是有影响的:一方面吸收了它的星球 ; 另一方面改变了它的形状, 拉长它的形状最终破坏它。天文学家还发现银河系中的某些缺金属元素的“高速星云” , 这些高速星云中和了新星上形成的金属元素。这些星云起着维持银河系中星云平衡以便生成新星的作用 月球的南极艾特肯盆地 (TPO 1. 南极 -艾特肯盆地 (South Pole-Aitken basin.简称为 SPAB 月球上最大的环形山 , 同时也是太阳系内已知最大的 , 形成了 South Pole-Aitken basin(SPAB。这个环形山位于月球的背面, 接近南极的 Aitken 盆地, 直径约 2, 500 千米, 深 12千米。该盆地层略有升高丰度的铁,钛,和钍等化学元素。


(莎姐自己的经历)一个月突破托福听力的方法----莎姐系列 1. 莎姐也曾为听力苦恼 我在听力上花了很大的精力,最终听力得了27分。可以说付出总算有了回报。 但是我并不是一开始就找对练习听力的方向。 最开始的时候,我发现练听力是一个折磨人的过程。要问练听力最难过的事是什么,我觉得是发现自己怎么也跟不上托福段子的节奏。那还有更痛苦的事吗?有!更痛苦的是好不容易听懂几个句子,等到做题的时候,发现刚才听得内容全部忘光了。不知道你有没有跟我一样的经历。 托福听力确实让我头疼了好几个月。我做完了一本厚厚的蓝色delta之后,发现自己的听力一点长进也没有。还好我及时开窍了,发现了光做听力模拟题对我一点用没有。我必须另辟蹊径。 于是,我辗转搜索各种听力练习资料,搜集各种民间的听力秘籍。我翻了很多书,读了很多听力分享帖,我还下了不同版本的新东方的听力讲座来听。慢慢的我总结了一些有用的方法。然后我花了一个月的时间去练习。这一个月,我的听力真正的有了长进。可以说,没有这一个月的练习,我是绝对不可能得到27分。 2托福听力一个月突破法如下: 1.练听写的原因及方法 首先,听力不好,因为我们有两个缺点:我们的耳朵和我们的记忆容量。反之,如果有了好的耳朵,和大的记忆容量,我们的听力不可能不好。 敏锐的耳朵可以帮助我们捕捉每一个单词,每一个句子,让我们能听得懂。记忆容量可以使我们更好的理解听力段子,帮助我们答题。因为好的记忆力可以让我们串词成句,串句成文,还可以使我们一看到问题就能回忆起答案,不会因为一听就忘而无法答题。 该如何练习耳朵和记忆容量呢? 练听写!按照我文章中的方法,你的耳朵和记忆容量可以同时得到练习。这个方法我是在小马过河网站上学到的,是马骏老师提出的突破听力的方法,感谢他。 其实刚开始我也怀疑,练习听写真能助我托福听力取得高分吗?我将信将疑的练习了一周后,发现自己的听力明显的挺高了。 现在,莎姐我用自己的经历告诉你,练习听写是磨刀不误砍柴工。如果你觉得自己跟不上托福段子的速度,抓不住一个个此起彼伏的单词,或者你能听懂单词,却一听就忘,说明你真的需要通过练听写来提高你的耳朵和记忆容量。 下面来说说听写方法: 1.1用什么材料来练习听写 用来练听写最好的材料当然是托福的听力段子啦。可是我们现在的新托福ibt的真题是不外泄的。但是我们完全可以拿老托福段子来练听力。老托福段子中有一部分就是lecture, 这和新托福的段子很相似。并且老托福段子比新托福段子的信息密集度更大,所以拿老托福段子练听写是最合适不过的啦。 我会把老托福段子添加在附件里给大家。内容很多哦,大家耐心听。我是全部坚持听完


3. IBT listening 60-90 17+17 10 minutes 分数:1:1 23 1. 2. 30, 3. 4. 听力的对话 Conversation, 2 5 10 Office hour Service Encounter Student interaction 1.主题: 什么是主题?主题要记下来吗?怎样记主题? 首先,老师在讲座开头可能会这样直接告诉你,“今天我要讲。。。Today, I will be talking about…”这样的开头是友好的,你很容易就找到主题。

但是有些教授就会东扯西扯的。例如: 上次我们讲了。。。今天我们讲。。。; Last time, we talked about…, today, we will be discussing… 我们一直在讲。。。今天我们来讲。。。 We’ve been talking about…Today, let’s discuss… 接着上次的。。。今天我们讲。。。 Continuing…Today, we will… 大家千万不要记他上次说的,要记后面的,后面的才是主题。 或者听完全文,感受一下,他说的最多的是什么,这才是主题。只在 开头,中间,或者只在结尾讲一次的,都不是主题,切记! 笔记可以不写,注意听! 2.定义: 下定义的时候,有时候老师会有提示,例如:what I mean by…is….我说。。。的意思是。。。 或者自己问问题:what is…? 或者电脑屏幕上出现生词,肯定会有解释,也肯定会考。一定要注意听。把要解释的名词写下来,解释的意思听懂即可,不用写。 常见信号词: 、 ―What I mean is…‖ ―All that means is…‖ (那就是说……)‖ ―…, which is / that is…


学习使人进步 心之所向,所向披靡 七夕,古今诗人惯咏星月与悲情。吾生虽晚,世态炎凉却已看透矣。情也成空,且作“挥手袖底风”罢。是夜,窗外风雨如晦,吾独坐陋室,听一曲《尘缘》,合成诗韵一首,觉放诸古今,亦独有风韵也。乃书于纸上。毕而卧。凄然入梦。乙酉年七月初七。 -----啸之记。 新托福听力基础班讲义 新托福及听力的基本情况 托福基础听力的主要容: ?新托福听力的基本情况 ?美语语音 ?托福特色场景词汇扩展 ?托福听力基本应试技巧 ?北美校园生活透视 新托听力基本形式 ?新答题方式:隔间+电脑+耳机+笔记 ? 2.答题程序:听读选不可跳跃 旧托福:先读,后听,再选。 新托: 1.耳机中出现所问题声音,画面上出现题干和相关场景图片。 2.听完整篇文章之前无法预读任何问题或选项。只得先听,后读,再选。 考题依然延续机考托福的规则,不可看,不可逆,不可改。 ? 3.考察题型增多:单选多选图表是非排序 ? 4.语音形式:美音为主流+国际口音 ? 新托福基础听力基本围 北美大学真实课堂,教室外的各种交流 包括对话和讲座两种类型。 ?共6篇,做题时间60-90分钟。每篇在600字左右,时间为3-5分钟。(注: 托福基础课的任务之一即适应托福段子的长度)

instructors’ office hours ?对话人物:教授与学生; ?对话地点:教师办公室; ?对话容可为学术讨论或有关询问课程等问题。 对话(2) service encounters 后勤服务 ?对话人物:学生与工作人员; ?对话地点:校园某办公室; ?对话容:非学术的询问。 对话(3) student interactions ?对话人物:学生甲乙; ?对话地点:教室以外相遇; ?对话容:学术讨论;非学术讨论 托福听力考试基本容之讲座LECTURE 容:天文、地理、生物、历史等等也都是托福惯用的测试容。 形式:有的是教授”独白“有的是教授演讲中夹杂学生提问、教授提问。 新托福听力新特点 l.整个铲除了容易丢分的笔试小对话,没有过的的俚语俗语. 举例:You bet. I am out of here. 2. 允许考生记笔记。 因祸得福,既然要记笔记,语速自然放慢;特别是重听题,大概有2-3题,通常问Listen again and then answer the question “why does the professor say this?” 4.新托福关键的难词和术语显示在屏幕上,使考生心里踏实不少。出题人很sweet 。 Invigilator 监考老师 Fertilizer 肥料 Fisical policy 财政政策 Mummification 木乃伊化 小试牛刀 见招拆招: 我们要解决的问题 ? 1.大致听懂 ?语音能力 ?语速适应


听力课堂百科全书 (无论水平如何,有任何疑问请先来这里) 一、请务必先熟读以下4帖(初学者和没有上过horse课的同学尤其要读): 什么是听写? https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f2435886.html,/bbs/thread-10089-1-1.html 听写方法及听写要求 https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f2435886.html,/bbs/thread-105-1-1.html 关于记笔记的方法 https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f2435886.html,/bbs/thread-2315-1-1.html 听写软件下载安装与使用方法 https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f2435886.html,/bbs/thread-9782-1-1.html 二、Horse的所有听写资料: Mini练习音频下载 https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f2435886.html,/bbs/thread-2164-1-1.html 语音识别训练音频下载(十篇) https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f2435886.html,/bbs/thread-2605-1-1.html 模拟练习音频下载(三套) https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f2435886.html,/bbs/thread-2691-1-1.html 听觉导向训练音频下载(36篇) https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f2435886.html,/bbs/thread-2692-1-1.html 听力讲义音频(九篇) https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f2435886.html,/bbs/thread-2162-1-1.html 场景分类训练音频下载(上) https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f2435886.html,/bbs/thread-2167-1-1.html 场景分类训练音频下载(下)(有对照文本) https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f2435886.html,/bbs/forum-23-1.html 每日托福听写训练共31天(有对照文本) https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f2435886.html,/bbs/forum-24-1.html 三、官方说明(最终解释权归小马过河所有) 很多同学看完了一和二其实还是不知如何下手,并且每个人的英语水平都不一样,具体到听说读写就更难讲了,所以坛子里不可能针对每个人的特点来有的放失的去制定计划,那么小马过河所能做的只有2点: 1.尽量详细说明听写复习的过程,你自己根据自己的实际情况制定学习计划 2.不断鼓励你坚持下去 出场人物介绍: 听写主要是为了提高你的语音识别能力和存储能力,所以务必要一句一句完整的听,完 整的句子在第一遍听的时候同时会锻炼的理解句子的速度;再后几遍听完整的句子的时候能锻炼你的耳朵理解句子的准确度。想想我们学英文投入最多的往往是背单词或者做语法或者


2019年托福听力材料:海底扩张 托福听力材料:seafloor spreading Seafloor spreading is a geologic process in which tectonic plates—large slabs of Earth's lithosphere—split apart from each other. Seafloor spreading and other tectonic activity processes are the result of mantle convection. Mantle convection is the slow, churning motion of Earth’s mantle. Convection currents carry heat from the lower mantle and core to the lithosphere. Convection c urrents also “recycle” lithospheric materials back to the mantle. Seafloor spreading occurs at divergent plate boundaries. As tectonic plates slowly move away from each other, heat from the mantle’s convection currents makes the crustmore plastic and less dense. The less-dense material rises, often forming a mountain or elevated area of the seafloor. Eventually, the crust cracks. Hot magma fueled by mantle convection bubbles up to fill these fractures and spills onto the crust. This bubbled-up magma is cooled by frigidseawater to form igneous rock. This rock (basalt) becomes a new part of Earth’s crust. Mid-Ocean Ridges Seafloor spreading occurs along mid-ocean ridges—largemountain ranges rising from the ocean floor. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge, for instance, separates the North American plate from the Eurasian plate, and the South American plate from the African plate. The East Pacific Rise is a mid-ocean


新托福强化听力讲义 新托福考试听力部分介绍 1. 新托福和旧托福的对比 考试形式预读题目笔记题型 PBT旧托福Paper Yes No 1/4 choice multiple IBT新托福Internet No Yes New types 2. 题量,时间,分数 文章类型题量题目数时间CONVERSATION 2-3 5 / conversation 2-3 min / conversation LECTURE 4-6 6 / lecture 4-6 min / lecture min TOTAL 6-9(加试)34 60-90 SCALE SCORE: 30 见OG185评分标准 3. 题目的考查形式 考场环境:独立电脑,耳机,铅笔,草稿本 电脑环境:图片,视频,声音,板书 新题型:双选题,重听题,表格配对题 答题时间:总时间限制,每题分配时间不限 答题流程:永不悔改 4. 文章材料的考查形式 文章结构:删除了旧托福的PART A 部分,更加注重于对于能力的考查 文章长度:比旧托福长 文章语速:无所谓快慢,比旧托福更加贴近真实的学习生活 文章类型:对话,独白,讨论 CONVERSATION文章思路 LECTURE文章思路

5. 新托福考试题型概述 IBT listening comprehension Basic comprehension Gist question Detail question Pragmatic understanding Purpose question Attitude question Connecting information Organization question Inference question 题号问题题型1 Why does the student go to see the professor? Gist question 2 According to the professor, what information should the student include in her statement of purpose? Detail Question 3 What does the professor consider unusual about the student’s background? Detail Question 4 Why does the professor tell a story about his friend who went ot medical school? Detail Question 5 What does the professor imply about the people who admit students to graduate school? Inference question 6 What are the students mainly discussing? Gist question 7 Listen again and then answer the question: Why does the woman say this? Purpose question 8 According to the conversation, why are transposes sometimes called “jumping genes”? Detail Question 9 According to the conversation, what are two ways in which bacteria cells get resistance genes? Detail Question 10 What can be inferred about the resistance genes discussed in the conversation? Inference question 11 What is the talk mainly about? Gist question 12 What is the professor’s point of view concerning the method of “safe yield”? Detail Question 13 According to the professor, what are two problems associated with removing wter from an underground system? Detail Question 14 Listen again and then answer the question: Why does the professor say this? Purpose question


托福IBT必备资料 (百度文库) 本文档属于我的《托福IBT必备资料》文辑,这个文档中我列举了分类精选出的百度文库上下载次数最多的托福IBT学习资料的链接。整理时间为2010年12月11日。这样大家可节省出搜索的时间,用于复习。 另有一个文档名为《托福IBT复习方法》,属于我的《托福IBT复习方法》文辑,是分类精选了百度文库上下载次数最多的IBT复习方法。 综合 北京新东方全部托福资料 https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f2435886.html,/view/32acfed6195f312b3169a5b5.html 托福背景知识 https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f2435886.html,/view/bb6a072ded630b1c59eeb584.html [托福官方指南第三版].The.Official.Guide. 机经 https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f2435886.html,/view/c8abe53a580216fc700afd2f.html 新托福橘宝书(完整版机经) https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f2435886.html,/view/db70db7931b765ce05081464.html 托福机经2006年-2009年11月托福大陆机经 https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f2435886.html,/view/106dfff67c1cfad6195fa780.html 托福机经2008年 https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f2435886.html,/view/012aba956bec0975f465e26d.html 托福机经2008年(北美) https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f2435886.html,/view/8369a76925c52cc58bd6be11.html 托福机经2009年 https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f2435886.html,/view/9d2f8bd6195f312b3169a531.html 托福机经2008年6月-2010年5月王京竹精准机经5.23版 https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f2435886.html,/view/3b1cf81755270722192ef71f.html 托福机经2010年上半年度分类机经 https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f2435886.html,/view/93bb3fd97f1922791688e8a4.html 托福机经2010年上半年托(大陆和北美) https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f2435886.html,/view/874c4760ddccda38376baf75.html 托福机经2010年11-12月汇总(钟会之和王京竹) https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f2435886.html,/view/87b51d4733687e21af45a9fe.html 王京竹老师整理托福经典加试题机经 https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f2435886.html,/view/9295a45abe23482fb4da4c48.html 托福加试机经 https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f2435886.html,/view/c59de56925c52cc58bd6bee5.html


托福听力资料积累:植物学 托福听力背景知识:托福听力中有大量的专业及学术词汇,这些词汇大多依托于听力背景知识,如果考生能够事先了解一些托福听力的背景知识,对听懂听力对话及段子有很有帮助。下面,小编为大家总结“托福听力背景知识-植物学”,希望对大家有所帮助。植物学(botany)是生物学的分支学科。主要研究植物的结构(structure)、生长(growth)、繁殖(reproduction)、新陈代谢(metabolism)、发展(development)、化学特征(chemical properties)、疾病(disease)及进化(evolution)等等。研究可以从多个角度切入,通过研究植物的细胞器(organelle)、细胞(cell)、组织(tissue)、器官(organ)、个体(individual)、种群(population),可以了解到其分子(molecular)、基因(genetic)和生物化学(biochemistry)各方面的信息。人类早期对于植物的研究主要出于辨别植物能否食用,能否入药及是否有毒,这也使植物学成为最老的一门学科之一。当今植物学家研究了超过550000种植物,目的在于开发、利用、改造和保护植物资源,让植物为人类提供更多的食物、纤维、药物、建筑材料等。 植物的基本结构 和其他话题一样,考生对于植物学的了解并不需要多么

专业,但朗阁海外考试研究中心的专家提醒各位考生,至少要了解一些和植物相关的基本词汇才能理解文章所要表达的内容。以一棵树为例,其组成部分主要包括了树干(trunk)、树皮(bark)、根(root)、树枝(branch/bough)、细枝(twig)、嫩芽,幼苗(shoot)、树叶(leaves)、叶柄(stalk)等。植物的花(flower)包括了花苞(bud)、花瓣(petal)、花蜜(nectar)、花粉(pollen)、雌蕊(pistil)、雄蕊(stamen)等。植物的果实(fruit)包括了果皮(peel)、果肉(flesh)、种子(seed)等,有的种子外部会包裹坚硬的壳(shell),以保护种子不受伤害。 植物的光和作用(photosynthesis) 不论对于植物还是人类乃至整个地球来说,光和作用都是非常重要的过程。简单来说,光和作用就是绿色植物利用光能将其所吸收的二氧化碳(carbon dioxide)和水转化为有机物(organics),并释放出氧气(oxygen)的过程。存在于叶子中的叶绿素(chlorophyll)和一些酶(enzyme)在光合作用中起到了举足轻重的作用。在这个过程中,植物为人类消耗了我们生产、生活中所排放的二氧化碳气体,也就是通常意义上的温室气体(greenhouse gas)。植物释放的氧气是人类生存必不可少的。同时,植物生产储存的有机物又为动物提供能量来源,因此植物被称为食物链(food chain)的生产者。 植物的用途


收稿日期:2003-02-21 作者简介:顾红曦(1965~),女,上海人,广东技术师范学院讲师,研究方向为英美女性文学,语言与文化,英语教学法。陆道夫(1963-),男,安徽六安人,广东技术师范学院副教授,主要从事美国现当代小说、英语教学实践、中西比较文论等研究。 广东技术师范学院学报 2003年第2期 Journal of Guangdong Polytechnic Normal Universi ty No.2,2003 从新托福考试看英语听力训练 顾红曦1 陆道夫 2 (1广东技术师范学院大学英语部,广东广州 510665;2广东技术师范学院外语系,广东广州 510665) 摘 要:即将于2004年正式开始的新托福考试目前已经通过美国ETS 中心设计的 LanguEdge (锋利英语)教程中的考题模型呈现出来,新托福的宗旨基本上是对听、说、读、写综合应用能力的真正考查。新托福试题的内容和题型变得更加贴近北美大学学习和生活的实用需求。相对于旧托福而言,新托福明显增加了我国众多考生明显薄弱的听、说两个环节。新托福不仅将会给中国的英语教学带来一个新的冲击,促进我国英语教学的改革,而且还会给我们的听力教学带来不少有益的启示。 关键词:新托福;英语听力;听力训练;教学;学生 中图分类号:H 319 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-402X (2003)02-0097-05 一、新托福考试的宗旨和题型设计 TOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign Language,汉语称之为托福)自从1978年首次引入我国大陆地区,至今已有二十五年的历史了。在此期间,TOEFL 考试的题型曾作过多次调整,听力、语法、词汇和阅读三个部分的难度也逐渐加大。从2000年起,E TS(美国教育考试服务中心)便开始组织美国20多家大学的专家,包括第一线的教授、讲师,成立了 托福2000小组 (TOEFL Group 2000),着手研究制定一套新的托福考试与教育体系。他们广泛调查美国大学教师与学生的意见,即 外国学生到美国上大学,应该具备什么程度的英语水平? 然后定出新的考试标准和方案。即将于2004年正式开始的新托福考试目前已经通过E TS 中心设计的 LanguEdge (锋利英语)教程中的考题模型呈现出来。 LanguEdge(锋利英语)是E TS 中心专门设计用于提高非英语国家的留学生的学术英语技能,帮助他们熟悉或准备新TOE FL 考试的系统,LanguEdge 中的练习和测试环境和新TOEFL 的考试环境非常类似。二者皆取材于北美校园里的学术语境或教学语 境。显而易见,LanguEdge 并不是为英语初学者而设计的,而是针对那些达到中、高级英语水平的学习者。美国ETS 中心国际开发部亚太区总监苏珊 秦谈及新托福的宗旨和托福变革的动机时指出,旧托福是一种 以选择题型为主的考试,时间久了难免出现高分低能的现象,不能准确地反映考生真正的语言应用能力。 而新托福 基本上是对听、说、读、写综合应用能力的真正考查。比如,词汇不一定会比以前的托福考试难,但如果仅想靠死记硬背而得高分就比较困难。如果你能够得到一个真实的好成绩,那么你到英语国家可以马上进入生活与学习。 旧托福中大量的选择、判断题等题型,在新托福中被减至仅占总题量的10%~15%,对语言知识点的考试被大量地揉进了应用能力的考查之中。新托福的评判标准也首先着眼于理解与运用,其次才是表达的精确性,例如,即使考生错一、两个单词,或者语法上出了点小错,但只要你能够表达自己的意思,别人可以懂得你的意思,都不会扣分。新托福考试采用E-RATER 评分系统,主要是计算机评分,但口语部分的试题仍然采用人工评分。 新托福试题分为听、说、读、写四个部分。它的 97

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