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(2010——2011 学年度第一学期)

命题教师:赵炳炎 命题教师所在系:物信系 试卷类型:A 课程名称: 专业英语 考试专业: 电子信息 考试年级:07 I .Find the Chinese Characters for Each Phrase (20 points) 1 digitize ( ); 2 analog ( ); 3 antenna ( ); 4 transmission ( ); 5 amplifier ( ); 6 resistor ( ); 7 bandwidth ( ); 8 semiconductor ( ); 9 resistance ( ); 10 insulator ( ); 11 valence electron ( ); 12 carrier frequency ( ); 13 electromagnetic radiation ( ); 14 voltmeter ( ); 15 modem ( );

16 Communication Satellite Act ( ). 17 wavelength ( ); 18 information-bearing signal ( ); 19 horizontal coordinate ( ); 20 optical fiber ( );

II .Translate the Following Words into Chinese (20 points) 1. 高保真,高清晰度 ( ) 2.集成电路 ( )

3. 万用表 ( ) 4.卫星通信 ( ) 5. 光学通信 ( ) 6.超文本文件传输协议 ( ) 7. 发光二极管 ( )

8.综合业务数字网 ( ) 9.电磁波 ( ) 10.信息安全 ( )

III .Single Choice Question (18 points) 1. Within a CPU is (are) ( ) A. the arithmetic/logic unit only B. arithmetic/logic unit and control unit C. the control unit only D. the printer and tape driver

2. “Time sharing ” means that ( ) A. on-line access is timed B. programming time is shared C. many users access a single CRT

D. many users may access the computer concurrently

3. Input or output devices attached to the computer system on-line or available off-line are called ( )

A. memories

B. peripheral

系(院): 年级: 专业: 班别: 学号: 姓名: 座位号: —————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题

∞ 装 订∞ 线 ∞

C. drums

D. magnetic tapes

4. A process of demonstrating that a system carries out its functions as specified is called ( )

A. maintenance

B. formatting

C. testing

D. operating

5. The correction of bugs that are discovered in a system during its productive lifetime ( )

A. productivity

B. maintenance

C. operation

D. primary function

6. A microprocessor combined with memory and input\output capabilities becomes a ( )

A. VLSI chip



D. microcomputer

IV.Translation ( 20 points )

1. QPSX (Queued Packet and Synchronous Switch) technology with its high bandwidth capacity of 150Mbits/sec provide the basis for the integration of voice and data applications across a wider spectrum than is possible with the present stage of development of ISDN. The system is also comfortable with Video-conferencing. (5 points )

2. DSP (Digital Signal Processors) systems are characterized by real-time operation, with emphasis on high throughput rate, and the use of algorithms requiring intensive arithmetic operations, notably multiplication and addition.

(3 points)

3. A system is formally defined as an entity that manipulates one or more signals to accomplish a function, thereby yielding new signals. (2 points)
