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2. be from=come from来自于4. live in+地点住在某地

11. a little French 一点法语

[a little修饰不可数名词]

14. write to+人给…写信

17. near here =around here在附近19. across from对面

20. next to 紧挨着,隔壁

21. on Eighth Avenue 在第八大街上

22. in the neighborhood 在附近

23. just go straight 仅径直走

24. turn left/right 向左转/右转

18. on Street 在街上走

36. arrive at/in/on 到达(小地点/大地点/岛屿或现场)

44. want to +动词原形想要做某事[She wants to have supper.]

25. down Street 沿街走

31. [at] the beginning of……的开始

32. a good place to 一个…的好去处26. on the right /left of 在…右边/左边37. the way to去…的路

42. have a good trip [to] 一路顺风

43. kind of 有点儿修饰形容词、动词) 46. let’s see (let’s=let us) 让我们一起去看看

48. other animals其它的动物

49. be friendly to 对…友好

51. be quiet 安静

53. at night在晚上

59. want to be 想要成为…

52. during the day 在白天

50. five years old 五岁(a five-year-old boy 一个五岁男孩)

60. A+as well as+B 与…同样好(谓语动词要随A的人称、数而变化)

61. work with/for与…一起工作/为…而工作

62. give sb. sth./give sth. to sb. 把…给谁

63. get sth. from sb. 从…那获取

65. help sb. (to) do 帮助…去做

67. work late/hard 工作很晚/很努力68. be busy doing 忙于做…

69. go out to dinners 出去就餐72. at/in the(a) hospital 在医院里75. a table for (two) (两)人一桌78. police officer 警官

66. in the day/at night 在白天/在晚上(强调某一点) 80. have a job for you as a … 这有一个给你准备好的….

83. want to be in the school play 在校本剧中扮演角色

86. help wanted 急聘

93. go to the movies 去看电影95. wait for 等候96. talk about 谈论

99. at the pool 在水池100. be with 和….在一些

102. How is the weather?=What is the weather like? 天气怎么样?

105. How is it going? 过得怎么样?107. on vacation 度假

108. take a photos/photos of 给…照相110. this group of people 这群人111. look cool/tired 看起来很酷/累[look相当于be 动词,接形容词]

112. be surprised at +名词/ be surprised to + 动词因…而感到惊讶

113. in this heat 在这样热的天气

115. have a good time 度过美好的时光

116. look for/like 寻找/看起来像

117. ask for 请求

118. hope to do 希望做某事

119. in order to +动词为了….而做

126. a little bit quiet 有点内向

128. tell jokes 讲笑话

127. love to do/doing 喜欢做某事(强调发自于内心的)

129. stop doing 表示停下来130. stop to do 表停下去做其他事情132. remember to do 记着即将要做的事

133. remember doing 记着已经做过的事

137. go shopping 去商店(=go to the shop/do some shopping)

142. would like + n

143. would like + to do

145. some +不可数名词

146. some+可数名词

151. just RMB10 for 15 15个仅卖10元

159. over the weekend 整个周末

160. on Saturday morning/afternoon/night 在周六早上/下午/晚上

163. stay at home 呆在家里(=stay home, home此时为副词)

165. do some reading/cleaning/washing/shopping 读书/打扫/洗衣/购物

167. practice doing sth. 练习做某事(practice加动名词)

171. spend+名词+on+名词;spend+名词+in+动名词

173. ask+人+to do 让某人去做某事

181. go for a walk with =have a walk with 去散步

187. years before=many years ago 几年前188. It is time to +v 到做…的时间了189. It is time for +n.到为…而准备的时间了190. have no +名词=do n’t have any+名词193. have fun=have a good time

=enjoy yourselves 玩得愉快

197. thank for doing + n. 对…(做) 致以谢意202. great weather 好天气

[weather不可数,不用a修饰] 204. think about=think of 考虑

208. find sb. doing 发现某人在做某事

209. in/on(at) the corner 在街路拐角处

210. help sb. do/to do 帮助某人做某事

211. make sb. do 让某人做某事

212. feel +形容词感觉……

215. be tired of 对…很厌烦

216. decide to do 决定做某事

223. make question about对…提问题

226. write a report on 写有关…的报道

228. go out to school去学校

232. don’t/doesn’t /didn’t mind 没关系

233. mind doing 介意去做…

234. can’t stand +名词承受不了

235. can’t stand +动名词或to do I cannot stand waiting [to wait] . 236. how about/what about …怎么样(询问情况)

237. in fact 实际上

239. healthy living 健康生活240. English Today 今日英语241. Sports News 体育新闻242. tell it like it is 实话实说243. Culture China 文化中国244. Chinese Cooking 中国烹饪

245. Animal World 动物世界

246. agree with 同意(某人)

247. agree on(about) 对…意见一致(事情) 248. by Maria 由Maria执笔

249. ask sb. about 询问某人关于…