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Tom: Hey, Bob,what are you d oing?

Bob: I am playing game,call ed “Warcraft”

Mary:It seems you are very busy.

Bob: Yes,I always have no time to respond my companions in the game. John:Don’t worry, it will be achieved the interaction between human being and PC in future.

Mary:Can you say it in d etails?

John:British scientists are researching about the interactivity of connecting the real worl d and the virtual worl d. This technic can make your PC or game consol e d o the related responds through id entifying your expressions.

Tom: Woo,it is so cool.you know,School has ad d ed several new courses to our grad e this semester. I have more homework to do now.

Mary:What's your favorite course,Bob?

Bob: I like science most.

John:Science? That's a surprise.

Bob: Surprise?

Tom: We thought you woul d like PE.

Bob: I d o like PE, but I am interested in science.

Mary:What about you,Tom?

Tom: My favorite course is science ,too. Through this course, I can l earn more about the world around us cl early.and there is no d oubt that science development make our life more col orful.

Mary: But as i know,science d evelopment not always brings the good news . Bob: Why are you say that ?

Mary: You know,With the d evelopment of science,it also brings peopl e some environmental pollution.Such as electronic pollution,space pollution,light pollution and so on......

Tom: I d o agree with you,but i al so believe that the prospects of science d evel opment are brightening.,science technol ogy can d eal with these environmental pollution which brings by science d evel opment.

John:It seems that you know a l ot about science ,Your parents woul d be happy if they knew that. Because you are always a naughty boy.

Tom: Naughty? I'm just cl ever. And I wish i coul d be a person like Dennis Hutton someday.Do you know about Dennis Hutton, the scientist?

Mary:I know. A inventer and physicist, the son of a farmworker.

Bob: He graduated at 17 with the first class degree in physics and mathematics. He mad e his first not abl e achievement at the age of 18. It was a method of refrigeration which rolls from his work in l ow temperature physics.

Mary:He became professor of mathematics at the University of Manchester at 24, where he remained for twelve years. During that time, he married one of his stud ents.

John:wow. Anything else?

Bob: Later working together in Lond on, they laid the foundations of mod ern physics by showing that normal laws of cause and effect d o not apply at the l evel of subatomic particles. For this he and his wife received the Nobel Prize for physics in 1910 .

John:But I have heard that he had went to America ,so when did he go to America?

Tom:Let me see. In 1920 he went to teach in New York and died there sudd enly after only three weeks. In his lifetime, Hutton patented 244 inventions.

Mary:what a great scientists he is ! I’m sure that Scientists like him will speed up the process of the worl d. Let’s l ook forward to it.

Bob: I really anticipate it very much!

John:Tom,we all expect to hear your good news of being a scientist like Dennis Hutton,maybe someday we will be proud of you .

Tom:I hope I will not disappoint all of you .but the most important thing is shall we have lunch now ? It’s already 12 o’cl ock and I am really hungry.

Bob: Ok ,let’s go.