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●说明:本原文包含warning up,listening和homework部分

Unit 1 Live and love

一、warming up

二、short conversations











三、long conversation


五、radio program





Unit2 Step up to better health

一、warming up

二、short conversations












新标准大学英语视听说 教程听力原文U n i t+ Document number【AA80KGB-AA98YT-AAT8CB-2A6UT-A18GG】

Unit 1-Conversation 1**(1)Janet: So this is the Cherwell Boathouse — it's lovely! And look at those people punting! It looks quite easy. Mark: I'm not so sure about that! Janet, there's something Kate and I wanted to discuss with you. Some people in college are organizing charity events this term. We've decided to get involved. Janet: Raising money for charity Right. In China, people raise money for charity but students don't usually do that. Mark: Students often do that here. Anyway, we're thinking of doing sponsored punting. Janet: Sponsored punting! What's that Kate: Sponsoring is when people pay you to do something — like run a long distance. So people would be sponsoring students to punt. Janet: What a great idea! I'd love to join you! Mark: That's why we're telling you about it. So that's decided then. Let's make a list of things we need to do. Kate: I'll do that. One of the first things we should do is choose the charity. Mark: Yes. And choose a day for the event. And we need to design the sponsorship form. I've got one here. Kate: That looks fine, but we must change the wording. Who wants to do that Mark: I'll do that. What have we got so far Kate: Choose a charity. Also a day for the event. Change the wording on the sponsorship form... Um ...

新视野大学英语视听说教程1 UNIT 1听力原文及答案

新视野大学英语视听说教程1听力原文 Unit 1 How's your college life? Lead-in Grammatically, English is not too hard to learn, but learning to speak it fluently is a different story! I think vocabulary is probably the most difficult. There are so many words and phrases for us to learn. I find it takes time and energy to learn it well even though I know "No pains, no gains." Listening Skills 听力原文1: Doris: Good morning. Can I help you? David: Yes. I need to change one of my courses. Doris: I'll see what we can do. What's your name, please? David: My name's David Brown. Doris: Y our first name again? David: David. D-A-V-I-D. 参考答案1: David 听力原文2: Nancy: Excuse me. I want to make sure if I am registered for the new semester of English with Dr. Lang? Doris: Just a minute and I'll check for you. What's your name, please? Nancy: Nancy Leigh. Doris: Is "Lee" your last name? Nancy: No, it's Leigh. L-E-I-G-H. But "Lee" would be easier to spell, wouldn't it? 参考答案2: Leigh 听力原文3: Doris: I'm sorry. But if you need a loan, you'll have to go to the Financial Aid Office before you can register. Nancy: Then who should I see there? Doris: Well, Mrs. Vicky Klein can help you. As a matter of fact, anybody there is very nice. Nancy: Oh, thank you. What is her name again? Doris: Vicky Klein. V-I-C-K-Y, K-L-E-I-N.


新世纪大学英语视听说教程2的listening 原文及答案 Unit One, Book 2 Listening 2 Just a few old keepsakes Boy: Hey, Grandma, what’s in this box? Grandma: Oh, nothing really… Just a few old keepsakes. B: Keepsakes? G: Young man, you know what a keepsake is! B: No, I don’t. I really don’t. G: Well, it’s something you keep. It’s something that gives you a lot of memories. B: Oh. What’s this? G: Now don’t go just digging around in there! ... Hmmm, let’s see…. that’s my first diary. B: Can I….? G: No, you can’t read it! It’s perso nal! I wrote about my first boyfriend in there. He became your grandfather! B: Oh, ok…. Well then, what’s that? It has your picture in it. G: That’s my passport. Y ou can see, I traveled to Europe by ship. B: What’s that big book? G: My yearbook. It’s my hi gh school book of memories. B: Class of 1961! Boy, that’s old! G: That’s about enough out of you, young man. I think it’s time we put this box away and… 男孩:嘿,奶奶,这个盒子里是什么? 奶奶:哦,没什么…几个旧的纪念品。 纪念品吗? 旅客:年轻人,你知道什么是纪念品! B:不,我不喜欢。我真的不喜欢。


Unit 6-Conversation 1 Janet: What are you reading, Kate Kate:Alice in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. Do you know it Janet: I've heard of it, yes, but I've never read it. It's a 19th century children's story, isn't it K a te: That's right. It's very famous. It's set in Oxford. It starts with this young girl sitting on a river bank. The interesting thing is, the author, Lewis Carroll, he was an Oxford professor and he used to have tea with the girl's family on this river bank. Ja net: Oh, that's fascinating! I'll put it into my diary. Kate: Is that what you're writing I know you've been keeping a diary all the year. Janet: It's been a great year. I've had such a good time — so lucky to have Mark and Kate as friends. Feel I've been doing well with work. Much happier about asking questions in tutorials. Janet: My screen's gone dark. Mark: You're using the battery, remember. It's run out, obviously. Janet: It can't be the battery. It's still charged. Oh no it's still black. Oh dear, I hope it's nothing serious. I haven't backed anything up recently. Kate: That's not like you, Janet. Janet:I know, but I lost my memory stick. I really should have backed things up. How stupid of me not to do that! Supposing I've lost everything! Mark: Let me take a look. The power is still on. And also the operating system still seems to be working ... I think it has to be the graphics card ... But maybe that's not the problem ... Janet: If only I'd backed things up! Kate: Relax, Janet! We'll take it to the computer shop this afternoon. I'm sure it'll be OK. Janet: I hope so. Unit 6-Conversation 2 Janet: Tell me about Alice in Wonderland. Kate: I tell you what, I'll read it to you. Kate: Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank and having nothing to do: Once or twice, she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, "and what is the use of a book," thought Alice, "without pictures or conversation" So she was considering in her own mind (as well as she could, for the hot day made her feel very sleepy and stupid) ... Janet: Kate, Mark, where are you going You've got my laptop! Kate: It's all right, Janet, we're taking it to the computer shop. We'll be back soon. Mark: It's not like Janet to forget to back up her work. Kate: She should have been more careful. Janet: It was stupid of me, I know! Stupid, stupid! Janet: Oh! It was a dream! What a relief! Kate: You were talking in your sleep. Janet: What was I saying Kate: "Stupid, stupid." M ark: I've sorted out your computer. Janet: Have you Oh, thank goodness! What was the problem Mark:It was the graphics card, as I predicted ... Janet: Is that what it was! I'm so relieved! Thanks, Mark. Kate: He's great, isn't he Janet: Yes. So are you, Kate. Kate: You're such a good friend. Unit 6-Outside view Computers are a very important part of our lives. They tell us about delays to transport. They drive trains, analyze evidence and control buildings. Did you know that 60 per cent of homes in Britain have got a PC (a personal computer) For many young people, playing computer games is their favorite way of spending spare time. Computers are a very important part of most areas of life in Britain-libraries, the police and in school. But they are becoming more important in our homes as well. They’ll even control the way we live-in “smart homes” or computer-controlled houses. The smart home is now a real possibility. It will become very common. A central computer will adjust the temperature, act as a burglar alarm and switch on lights, ready for you to come back home. And of course you will be able to give new instructions to the computer from your mobile phone. So if your plans change, your home will react to match. Many homes have got lots of televisions and several computers. The smart home will provide TV and Internet sockets in every room, so you’ll be able to do what you want whenever you want. If the temperature outside changes, the smart home will adjust the temperature levels inside. The computer will also close the blinds when it gets dark or to stop so much sun from entering a room. And if you want to eat when you get home, the computer will turn the oven on for you! Are computers taking over our lives In a survey, 44 per cent of young people between 11 and 16 said their PC was a trusted friend. Twenty per cent said they were happier at their computer than spending time with family or friends. Another survey found that people in Britain spend so much time on the phone, texting and reading emails that they no longer have time for conversation. What do you think about that Unit 6-Listening in


Directions: In this section, you will hear several conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. A: How are you getting along, Julie B: After the vacation Much refreshed. A.It is interesting. B.It is tiring. C.It is exciting. D.It is refreshing. A: Why are you so cheerful while I'm so stressed all day B: Well, you should work off your stress. A.work not so hard B.work on easier problems C.eat healthy D.get rid of her stress I see you laughing all the time. B: Oh Eric. I'm ... reading a comic book. A: Comic book I didn't know you are interested in it. B: Well, it's a recent interest. When I was low in spirit three months ago, a friend gave me a comic book to read. And I became instantly addicted to such books. You know ... the pictures are so funny ... now I feel much better. A: I didn't know that. No wonder you are always in good spirits these days. B: Yes, and maybe you should read them, too, Eric. A: I ... I don't know. I'm just too busy with my thesis. It's for my master's degree and time is running out ... Ah, pretty much stress on me. B: Now you see Eric That's why you need to give yourself a break to read something amusing. It helps, I promise. A: Really Can reading comic books reduce your stress B: Of course. I'm a living example. Actually I'm having stress too ... you know, the tests, the job, things like that. But when reading the fun stuff, I just forgot all my worries. Later I find myself more powerful to deal with the issues in my life. A: That sounds magical. I'd like to try. Er ... what are you reading now B: Garfields, the cat. It's good. There's another one and you can borrow it. A: Oh, thank you, Penny. You're very helpful. Questions 3 to 5 are based on the conversation you have just heard. months ago, a friend gave Penny _____ when she was in low spirits. (岭师分享群4发布) A.a flower B.a comic book C.a comic DVD


Book 2 听力原文整理 Unit 1 Listening Understanding Short Conversations Now you will hear ten short conversations. A question will follow each conversation. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices. 1 W: It’s time for “International Clock Talk”(国际时间交谈)! Time to discuss how you feel about time! M: Well, since we all come from the same country, I think our views will be similar1. Q: Why does the man believe the people will have similar views 解析:从已知四个选项可知该题是针对某件事情的原因提问 2 W: It annoys me the way my foreign friends treat time. M: I just read a book about this problem! It’s entitled2 International Clock Talk. Q: Which problem is the book about 解析:从已知四个选项可知该题涉及对话主题 3 M: Australians are so relaxed about time! It drives me mad! W: That’s the way they are. While you’re here, you’ll have to get used3 to it. Q: What advice does the woman give the man 解析:从已知四个选项可知该题是对整个对话的理解 4 M: Have you noticed differences between our cultures W: Sure. In my country, people don’t care about time very much. Here, you take it seriously4. Q: How do people in the woman’s country feel about time 解析:从已知四个选项可知该题是问对话中they对待时间的态度 5 W: Can you explain why you’re always five minutes late for conferences(会议) M: Oh, I’m sorry. In my country, people are often late. Q: Why is the man late for conferences 解析:从已知四个选项可知该题是问对话中he的某种行为或态度的原因 6 W: What do you appreciate most about life in Germany M: German people are rarely late for meetings. I never have to deal with latecomers. Q: What does the man like best about life in Germany 解析:A B俩个选项涉及对话中he的态度,C D俩个选项涉及对话中Germans对待迟到的态度态度,注意听懂对话和问题才能进行选择 7 M: I’v heard that Chinese people are very relaxed about time. W: That used to be true. Nowadays, people are increasingly bothered by lateness. Q: According to the woman, how have Chinese people changed 解析:从已知四个选项可知该题涉及对话主体对时间或迟到的观点 8 M: Why did you walk out of the restaurant abruptly(粗鲁地,突然地)We had just started


新视野大学英语视听说教程1[第二版]答案(标准答案,正确率100%)Unit1 Lead-in Task1这个不计入分数 Listening skills Task 1. Listening for names:1.David 2.Leigh 3.Vicky Klein https://www.doczj.com/doc/3c13769971.html,ura Tish Hill 5.Anthony McDonald Listening in > Task 1 1-5 BDBCA Listening in > Task 2 John选择235 Lisa 选择146 Listening in > Task 3 这个不计入分数 Listening in > Task 4 1-5 attention closing five checkouts leave Speaking out > Model 1这个不计入分数 Speaking out > Model 2这个不计入分数 Speaking out > Model 3这个不计入分数 Let's talk > Task 1这个不计入分数 Let's talk > Task 2这个不计入分数 Let's talk > Task 3这个不计入分数 Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1 1-5 new and different on his own a bit confused talk with sleep in Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 2 1-5 FTTFT Further listening and speaking > Further speaking > Task 1 这个不计入分数 Unit Test按照顺序:BDCDB 1.all right 2. better 3.meet 4.how's 5. magir 6. what about DBCAC AACBD DCADB CCBDA


Book 2 Chapter 1 The Population Today we’re going to talk about population in the United States. According to the most recent government census, the population is 281,421,906 people. Now this represents an increase of almost 33 million people since the 1990 census. A population of over 281 million makes the United States the third most populous country in the whole world. As you probably know, the People’s Republic of China is the most populous country in the world. But do you know which is the second most populous? Well, if you thought India, you were right. The fourth, fifth, and sixth most populous countries are Indonesia, Brazil, and Pakistan. Now let’s get back to the United States. Let’s look at the total U. S. population figure of 281 million in three different ways. The first way is by race and origin; the second is by geographical distribution, or by where people live; and the third way is by the age and sex of the population. First of all, let’s take a look at the population by race and origin. The latest U. S. census reports that percent of the population is white, whereas percent is black. Three percent are of Asian origin, and 1 percent is Native American. percent of the population is a mixture of two or more races, and percent report themselves as “of some other race”. Let’s make sure your figures are right: OK, white, percent; black, percent; Asian, 3 percent; Native American, 1 percent; a mixture of two or more races, percent; and of some other race, percent. Hispanics, whose origins lie in Spanish-speaking countries, comprise whites, blacks, and Native Americans, so they are already included in the above figures. It is important to note that Hispanics make up percent of the present U.S. population, however. Finally, the census tells us that 31 million people in the United States were born in another country. Of the 31 million foreign born, the largest part, percent are from Mexico. The next largest group, from the Philippines, number percent. Another way of looking at the population is by geographical distribution. Do you have any idea which states are the five most populous in the United States? Well, I’ll help you out there. The five most populous states, with population figures, are California, with almost 34 million; New York, with 21 million; Texas, with 19 million; and Florida, with 16 million; and Illinois with million people. Did you get all those figures down? Well, if not, I’ll give you a chance later to check your figures. Well, then, let’s move on. All told, over half, or some 58 percent of the population, lives in


新视野大学英语第二版听说教程2 答案 新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册Unit 1 International Clock Talk Short Conversations 1.B 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.B 9.A 10.C Long Conversation 1.D 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.C Understanding a Passage 1.C 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.B Movie Speech 1.upset 2.sick https://www.doczj.com/doc/3c13769971.html,w 4.harmless 5.break 6.replaced 7.memories 8.natural 9.birthday 10.appreciate Story-retelling 1. Sit quietly and listen to him 2. A blank stare 3. Put it a different way 4. speak up in class 5. In turn/ a great deal of

Homework Listening Task 1 1.D 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.B Task 2 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.C Task 3 1.the age, size and future 2.seventy years ago 3.increase with distance https://www.doczj.com/doc/3c13769971.html,te that month 5.a light year 6.distances in space 7.other measurements 8.support the idea 9.slow down and break up 10.or possibly even older 新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册Unit 2 All that Glitters Is Olympic Gold Short Conversations 1.B 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.C 6.A 7.A 8.A 9.C 10.A Long Conversation 1.D 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.D Understanding a Passage


Unit 1 Starting out Outside view Julie My name's Julie Dearden, and I'm the Director of International Programmes here at Hertford College. Eugene My name's Eugene Berger, I studied here in Oxford for four years er, studying modern languages at Somerville College. Julie Oh, there are many Oxford traditions. Oxford is a very old university, the oldest English-speaking university in the, in the world. And so there are many traditions which are associated with the colleges, with the times of the year, and with sport, and with eating, for example. Eugene Each college is very different um, from um, the others, and it has its own character. Some colleges are very conservative, and some are much more liberal and have a tradition of um, kind of liberal politics. But there are also some specific traditions. Julie Formal Hall is when we all eat together here in college, the professors and the students. Usually it takes places at seven o'clock in the evening, and the professors sit on high table which is the table over here, and the students sit on common table, which are the tables here. But everybody eats together. It's a very beautiful evening because there are, there's a special meal and we eat by candlelight. Eugene I think er, the traditions that make Oxford so unique are firstly the Oxford Union and er, secondly, May Day. The Oxford Union being a debating society where speakers come from all around the world to address the students and even allow themselves to be questioned by the students, making it a very interesting forum. Julie My favourite is er, May Day. And May Day is the first day of May, and we have a tradition called May Morning, and on May Morning everybody gets up very early and the students have a celebration. There is a choir which sings on top of the tower at Magdalen College and all the people of the town and all the students go to listen to the singing. So it's very nice. Eugene The tradition that er, was most important to me was probably Summer Eights. I was a rower. And Summer Eights is a rowing competition, held in May in the summer term. And in this competition, each college is trying to improve its place which it won the previous year and gradually work its way up the river. Julie When the students take exams, they must go to a special building and it's called Examination Schools. And also they must wear a special uniform, so they wear E.gown like mine, a black gown, and they wear a white shirt, arid the men wear a white tie and black trousers. The women wear a white shirt and a black skirt or black trousers. And they must wear this uniform, which has a Latin name - sub fuse — and they must wear this uniform in order to take their examinations. Eugene I think the Oxford traditions lend character to the place and it's such an old institution, it should have traditions, but they can be very inconvenient. For example, sub fuse. This is the uniform that we are required according to the university rules, to wear. Julie They also wear flowers in their buttonholes, and those flowers are carnations. And they wear different colours, the students wear different coloured flowers for different examinations. So when you take your first exam you wear a white flower, and when you take your second exam you wear a pink flower, and when you take your final examination you wear a red carnation. Eugene So we have to dress up in a full black suit, starched collar, white bow tie and carry a mortarboard. And to write an exam in the summer heat whilst wearing all that which you're not allowed to take off is um, uncomfortable. Julie I really like the Oxford traditions, I think it's part of our history, and part of um, being a student or a teacher here at Oxford University. Listening in Passage 1 Interviewer Can you tell me something about the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?

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