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关键词:含义 构成 特征 分类 成分 用法 形式 运用
一. 含义
动词的-ing形式是非谓语动词的一种形式,不能单独充当 谓语。
二. 构成
1.构成: 动词原形+-ing 2.规则: ①一般情况,直接+ing; ②以不发音的e结尾,去e+ing; ③以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,双 写这个辅音字母再加ing; ④以ie结尾,变ie为y,+ing,例:die,dying;lie,lying.
1)I must remember to take my notebook with me. I remember seeing her somewhere before. remember to do sth. 记得要做某事。 remember doing sth. 记得做过某事。 类似词:forget, regret, mean, stop, try, etc.
The girl singing on the stage = The girl who
is singing on the stage.
现在分词与动名词作定语的区别 现在分词单独做定语时,放在所修饰的名词 前 , 说明其修饰名词的动作,性质或特征,它与被修饰 的名词是逻辑上的主动关系,且可以转换成定语 从句;动名词做定语说明被修饰名词的功能或用 前 途,一般是单个动名词,放在被修饰名词之___, 可以转换成for 短语,表示“供作...之用”。
4) I did not mean to hurt you. That means giving up my job. mean to do sth.: 有……的意图,打算,想…… mean doing sth.: 意味着…… 5) He stopped to sing. He stopped singing. stop to do sth.: 停下来正在做的事,去做另一 件事。 stop doing sth.: 停止正在做的事情。 6) We must try to get everything done on time. Let’s try doing the work some other way. try to do sth.: 设法、努力做某事 try doing sth.: 尝试做某事
to tell
3. 作表语
His job is teaching English. 动名词做表语
= teaching English is his job. She is washing the dishes.
≠ Washing the dishes is she. 现在分词与动名词做表语的区别:
3.Just dreaming for things, however, costs nothing.
1.特征: 单个的动词-ing形式作主语,谓语动词用单数。 2.句型:
1)doing 作主语句型: Doing …. + V + O 2)但有些含有动名词的句型,为避免句子主语太长,通常用it 作形式主语,-ing形式作真正的主语。下面列举几种最常见 的句型: Eg. It’s no use crying over spilt (倾倒出)milk.
2) I forgot to post the letter. I forgot posting the letter. forget to do sth. 忘记要做某事。 forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事。 3) I regret to tell you that you can’t work here any more. I regret not taking your advice. regret to do sth 对马上要发生的事抱歉、 遗憾,常和say, tell, inform 等词连用。 regret doing sth. 后悔做过某事。
五. 用法:
1.Since then, finding ways to grow more rice has been his life goal. 2. Spending money on himself or leading a
comfortable life also means very little to him.
① It +be +no good /use doing…做…无益/无 用
It’s a waste of time thinking hard about the past.
②It +be +a waste of time doing…做…是浪费 时间
The book is worth reading.
③ 有些动词既可接-ing,又可接to do作 宾语 ,区别不是很大。 like, love, hate, begin, start, continue, intend, prefer, etc. He likes singing. He likes to sing.
④ 有些动词后既可以接doing又可以接to do作宾语, 意思上有明显差别:
成分 形式
动名词 主语
现在分词 具有adj.,adv.的特性
宾语 表语 定语 状语 宾补
√ ×
√ ×
√ √

× √

动名词 做主语和宾语的肯定是_________; 现在分词 做状语和宾补的肯定是__________。 Examples: 1)Seeing is believing. (动名词做主语和宾语) 2)Be careful while crossing the street. (现在分词做时间状语) 3)I heard her singing an English song when I passed by her room yesterday. (现在分词做宾语补足语)
1.动词的-ing形式具有名词、形容词和副词等词的特点. 2. 动词的-ing形式由动词变来,所以保留了动词的某些特征,如它可 以有自己的宾语,状语等. He enjoys listening to violin music, playing mah-jong, swimming and
动名词做表语表示主语内容,主语表语可交换位置;现在 分词做表语说明主语的性质,特征,主语和表语不可交换 位置。 Practice: 动名词做表语 1)Learning is my duty. 2)The news is encouraging. 现在分词做表语
4. 作定语 a. the laughing audience / an amusing story
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
Complete these sentences:
1. If you can keep ________(read) English newspapers, your English reading will be improved. 2. He has promised __________(come) to my birthday party. to come 3. I hate _________________(tell) lies! 4. * I will never forget __________(go) to Beijing with him last summer. telling/to tell * I forgot ________(tell) her the news; so she knew nothing about it.
①只接doing ②只接to do 动词+宾语 ③doing和to do皆可,意义 区别很大 ④doing和to do皆可,意义 区别不大
①以下动词须用doing 做宾语 1)记忆口诀: 对应单词: 双P延期 两建议 postpone, put off, suggest, advise 否认 错过了 练习 deny, miss, practice
考虑 完成 不耽搁 consider, finish, delay
喜欢 设想 不介意 fancy, enjoy, appreciate, imagine, mind 面对 坚持 不放弃 face, insist on, give up 避免 冒险 请原谅 avoid, risk, excuse, forgive
2)need, require, want + doing = need to be don
动词want,need,require作“需要”解时,后面 的动词用动名词作宾语时,且与句子主语有逻辑 上的动宾关系,这个动名词的主动式表示被动意 义。 3)give up, can’t help, look forward, have trouble …. +doing Eg1. My coat needs washing. =My coat needs to be washed.
②下列动词常以动词不定式(to do)作宾语。 三个希望两答应 hope; wish; want ; agree; promise 两个要求莫拒绝 demand; ask; refuse 设法学会做决定 manage; learn; decide 不要假装在选择 pretend ; choose
想要拒绝命令 want ; refuse ; order 需要努力学习, need; try ; learn 期望同意帮助 expect ; agree ; help 希望决定开始。 hope ; wish ; decide ; begin ;start
③It +be +worth doing …做…值得
There is no harm in doing so.
④There +be +no +n. +in +doing …做…没有…
2. 作宾语 (动词宾语和介词宾语)
He finished reading the book yesterday.
I enjoy learning English. (动词宾语) I am fond of watching TV.(介词宾语)
8)I can’t help to finish her work, because I haven’t finished mine yet. I can’t help crying when I heard the news.
can’t help to do sth. 不能帮助做某事 can’t help doing sth.情不自禁做某事
7)He said nothing but just went on working. After her early teaching career she went on to become a doctor.
go on doing sth.继续做同一件事 go on to do sth.(做完某事)接着做另一件事
a walking stick (a stick for walking)
a swimming pool a sleeping boy
(a pool for swimming ) ____________________ (a boy who is sleeping)
1.动名词:动词的-ing 形式相当于名词在句中的用法. 2.现在分词:具有动词的特征,可以表示一个正在进行的、主动的 动作.
小结:doing 为非谓语动词,由do原形 +ing 构成,不能单独充当
谓语,可以充当 1.主语 2. 宾语 3.表语 4. 定语 5.状语 6.宾语补足语。
动名词 具有名词,动词的特性
b. Dustin Hoffman is famous for his role
acting as a woman. ( 短语后置)
The girl singing on the stage is my sister. Compare
The amusing play = the play that is amusing.