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Words and Expressions

For Station and Yard Design

1.线路设计track design

2.平面设计plane design

3.纵断面设计longitudinal section design

4.横断面设计transverse section design

5.曲线设计curve design

6.车站设计station design

7.站场设计design of stations and yards

8.线路等级line grade

9.铁路限界railway clearance

10.建筑限界construction clearance

11.铁路曲线railway curve

12.缓和曲线transition curve; easement curve; spiral transition curve

13.小半径曲线small-radius curve

14.曲线半径curve radius

15.曲线超高superelevation on curve; cant; elevation of curve

16.欠超高inadequate superelevation; deficient superelevation

17.竖曲线vertical curve


19.坡度grade; gradient; slope

20.限制坡度ruling grade; limiting grade

21.坡度折减grade compensation; compensation of gradient; gradient compensation

22.避难线refuge siding; catch siding

23.双线插入段double track interpolation

24.警冲标fouling point indicator; fouling post

25.线路中心线track center line; central lines of track

26.线间距distance between centres of lines; distance between centers of tracks; midway between tracks

27.道岔switch; point; turnout; switches and crossings

28.单开道岔single point; simple turnout; lateral turnout

29.双开道岔double turnout

30.三开道岔three-throw turnout; symmetrical three throw turnout; three-way turnout

31.交分道岔slip switch


33.渡线track cross-over; crossover

34.通过道岔passing switch

35.铁路道口railway crossing

36.平交道口level crossing

37.立体交叉; 立交grade separation

38.机车车辆检修rolling stock inspection and repair

39.机务部门locomotive department

40.机务段locomotive depot

41.机务段设备locomotive depot appliance

42.车辆段car depot

43.车辆段设备car depot appliance

44.检修段inspection and repair depot

45.车库shed; car shed

46.机车库locomotive shed

47.列检所train inspection and repair point

48.修理厂repair shop

49.铁路站场railway station and yard

50.车站等级classification of station; class of station

51.车站改编能力sorting capacity at station

52.站场配置图layout plan of station and yard

53.车站咽喉station bottleneck; station throat

54.进路疏解route untwine

55.车站改建reconstruction of station

56.驼峰设计hump design

57.溜放阻力free rolling resistance

58.驼峰作业能力humping capacity



61.区段站district station

62.中间站intermediate station

63.会让站crossing station; passing station

64.港湾站port station; harbor station

65.换装站国境站; 换装站frontier station

66.客运站passenger station

67.换乘站transfer station

68.线路所; 乘降所passenger stopping point; halt

69.货运站freight station

70.工业站industria l station

71.集装箱站container station

72.换装站transshipment station

73.编组站marshalling station; marshalling yard

74.驼峰编组站hump marshalling station

75.站舍station building

76.高架站舍; 高架车站elevated station building


78.车场car yard

79.到达场receiving yard; arriving yard

80.到发场reception-departure yard; receiving-departure


81.出发场departure yard

82.车站配线; 站线station track; station line

83.到发线reception-departure track; arrival and departure


84.到达线arrival track; receiving track; arriving track

85.出发线departure track

86.编组线sorting track

87.牵出线shunting neck; switching lead; lead track

88.机车走行线locomotive running line; locomotive running


89.装卸线loading and unloading track

90.换装线transshipment track

91.尽头线stub-end track; stub-end siding

92.码头线dock line

93.安全线safety siding; catch siding

94.客运站设备equipment of passenger station

95.旅客站台passenger platform


97.候车室waiting hall; waiting room

98.问询处inquiry office

99.行包房luggage and parcel office

100.天桥passenger foot bridge; over-bridge; passenger foot-bridge

101.地道underground gallery; underground path

102.雨棚rain shed

103.客车整备场passenger car servicing depot

104.货运站设备goods station equipment

105.货物站台good platform; freight platform; goods platform 106.货场freight yard; goods yard

107.集装箱货场container yard