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研究生英语听说教程一Chapter_2-4 main dialogue部分

研究生英语听说教程一Chapter_2-4 main dialogue部分
研究生英语听说教程一Chapter_2-4 main dialogue部分

Chapter Two Main Dialogue

Denise: Excuse me, miss, how much does it cost to ride BART?

Stranger: Well, that depends on your destination. From here to Glen Park it’s only a dollar ten, but if you go as far as Fremont, it costs a lot more.

Tom: We’re going to Berkeley. Do you know what the fare is?

Stranger: There are two stations in Berkeley. Which one are you interested in? Denise: Oh, gee, I’m not sure. We’re from out of town. We’re visiting my sister. She told me her house is just a stone’s throw from th e UC Berkeley campus. Which station is that?

Stranger: The downtown Berkeley station is really close to the university. I’m sure that’s the one you want.

Denise: Tom, are you going to remember this, or should I be jotting this down? Tom: What is there to write down, Denise? The woman is giving us very simple directions. So, how much is the fare to downtown Berkeley?

Stranger: Let’s go take a look at the map over there. You see, the map shows you how much it costs to go from one station to another. Ah, there it is: two dollars and sixty-five cents.

Tom: Two sixty-five? That’s highway robbery for such a short distance! Denise: You think that’s expensive? Tom from our house to Amherst it costs twice as much as that.

Tom: Yeah, but that’s an hour ride. You really get your money’s worth. Stranger: Yeah…Uh…Well, did your sister explain which train to take?

Tom: Berkeley. WE take the Berkeley train to Berkeley, right?

Stranger: Well, no actually. That’s just one stop on the Richmond line. Here, let me show you on th is map. Here we are a t Powell Street in San Francisco, and it’s basically a straight shot on the Richnond line to the downtown Berkeley station. Denise: Yes, my sister said we wouldn’t have to change trains.

Stranger: Uh-oh, what time is it?

Denise: It’s 8:15.

Stranger: You can’t go directly to Berkeley from San Francisco after 8:04. Tom: Uh-oh. Is there another train we can catch?

Stranger: Don’t worry. You can take the Pittsburg line. Look here, take the Pittsburg line to the 12th Street Station in Oakland, and then transfer to the Richmond train. The Richmond train will stop in Berkeley. Get off at the downtown station. From there you can walk to your sister’s house.

Denise: We want to be there by 9 o’clock. If we have to transfer, we might be late. Do you think we’ll make it in time?

Stranger: It doesn’t take that long. Let’s see; there’s a train from here at 8:18. It arrives at the 12th Street Oakland station at 8:34. You can get a Richmond train right away at 8:34, and you’ll arrive in Berkeley at 8:46.

Tom: Let’s see if I’ve go t this right: We take the 8:18 Pittsburg train and arrive in Oakland at 8:34. Then we take the 8:34 Richmond train to Berkeley. That should be a snap.

Stranger: Yeah, you’ll have no trouble.

Tom: Thank you very much for your he lp, Miss. You’re a very kind young lady. Denise: And so pretty and smart, too! Tell me dear, I notice you’re not wearing a ring.

Stranger: Well, no, uh…

Denise; You know, my sister’s son is very handsome. I think you two would like each other…

Stranger: Uh, well; oh! I think I hear your train coming! You’d better hurry so you don’t miss it!

Exercise 4 Vocabulary in Context


Her house is just a stone’s throw from the UC Berkeley campus.


Denise: She told me her house is just a stone’s throw fr om the UC Berkeley campus. Which station is that?

Stranger: The downtown Berkeley station is really close to the university. I’m sure that’s the one you want.


Her house is just a stone’s throw from the UC Berkeley campus.


How much is the fare to downtown Berkeley?


Tom: So, how much is the fare to downtown Berkeley?

Stranger: Let’s go take a look at the map over there. You see, the map shows you how much it costs to go from one station to another. Ah, there it is: two dollars and sixty-five cents.


How much is the fare to downtown Berkeley?

3. Sentence

That’s highway robbery for such a short distance!


Stranger: Ah, there it is: two dollars and sixty-five cents.

Tom: Two sixty-five? That’s highway robbery for such a sh ort distance! Denise: You think that’s expensive? Tom from our house to Amherst it costs twice as much as that.


That’s highway robbery for such a short distance!


I t’s basically a straight shot on the Rich mond line to the downtown Berkeley station.


Stranger: Here we are at Powell Street in San Francisco, and it’s basically a straight shot on the Richmond line to the downtown Berkeley station.

Denise: Yes, my sister said we wouldn’t have to change trains.


I t’s basically a st raight shot on the Richmond line to the downtown Berkeley station.


That should be a snap.


Tom: Let’s see if I’ve go t this right: We take the 8:18 Pittsburg train and arrive in Oakland at 8:34. Then we take the 8:34 Richmond train to Berkeley. That should be a snap.

Stranger: Yeah, you’ll have no trouble.


That should be a snap.


Tell me, dear, I notice you’re not wearing a ring.


Denise: Tell me dear, I notice you’re not wearing a ring.

Stranger: Well, no, uh…

Denise; You know, my sister’s son is very handsome. I think you two would like

each other.


Tell me, dear, I notice you’re not wearing a ring.

Chapter 3 Part Two Main Dialogue

Exercise 1 Scanning for the Main Idea

Ruth: Good morning, David, Wow, what happened to you?

David: Hey, Ruth. Boy, do I need coffee. I was up till 2:30 last night for the second night in a row.

Ruth: More trouble with the lovebirds?

David: Yeah, good ole Michael and Betty were at it again all night.

Ruth: Were they breaking dishes again?

David: No, I don’t think they have any dishes left after the last fight. They were yelling about his old girlfriend.

Ruth: Haven’t you spoken to them/ I mean, don’t they know they’re keeping you up all night?

David: I think when they’re fighting, they don’t care about anything else. I banged on the ceiling with a broom for about five minutes and they kept yelling. Ruth: They sound like very selfish people.

David: You’ve got that right, Ruth.

Ruth: Why don’t you just call the landlord?

David: He doesn’t care if I’m unhappy. He wants me to move! I’ve lived in the building the longest, and with rent control, I pay half as much as they do. If I move, he can jack up the price.

Ruth: What about the other neighbors? Can’t you all get together and complain? David: Are you kidding? I have had problems with everybody in that building! Rob and Steve, the people who live next door to Michael and Betty, crank-up the volume of their stereo at all hours of the night.

Ruth: That’s terrible.

David: yeah, those two guys are so busy throwing parties that they probably never even hear the fighting.

Ruth: Well, there has to be someone in your building who you like.

David: There is Mrs. Anderson, the woman who lives below me. She’s 87 years old, as sweet as can be with a heart of gold. Unfortunately, she’s a little deaf and I’m sure she never hears any of the noise in the building. Actually, as much as I like her, she’s also a problem.

Ruth: How so?

David: Her niece phones from out of state every Sunday morning at 6:30 to check on her. The trouble is because she’s deaf, she screams into the phone, and it wakes me up.

Ruth: Every Sunday?

David: Yes, and the sound of her voice goes right up through the floor “Hello? Yes, dear. It’s so good to hear your voice.”She’s more reliable than an alarm


Ruth: Wow, that sounds like a real nightmare!

David: It’s not her fault, poor old thing. She’s just very old and her health isn’t good.

Ruth: I’m pretty lucky. The biggest problem I have is the garbage collectors waking me up at 5:30 in the morning three times a week when they empty the cans. But, I can usually fall asleep again after they leave.

David: At least your neighbors put their garbage into the cans! Art, the guy who lives next door to Mrs. Anderson, is sometimes such a pig. He ever seems to throw away his garbage. Whenever I walk by his door I have to hold my nose. Ruth: Maybe you just need to start looking for a new place to live.

David: And give up my book?

Ruth: Book? What book?

David: I told you about my book, didn’t I? I’m writing a book about a guy who lives in an apartment building with a bunch of crazy people. I hope it’ll be a big Hollywood movie someday.

Ruth: That sounds fantastic, but can’t you write the book in a nice quiet apartment in another building?

David: No way! Every week I get a new idea for a chapter from somebody in the building. If I move now, I’ll never be able to finish the book!

Exercise 4 Vocabulary in Context

Narrator: 1. SENTENCE

David: Yeah, good ‘ole Michael and Betty were at it again all night. Narrator: CONTEXT

David: Yeah, good ‘ole Michael and Betty were at it again all night. Ruth: Were they breaking dishes again?

David: No, I don’t think they have any dishes left after the last fight.

They were yelling about his old girlfriend.

Narrator: SENTENCE

David: Yeah, good ‘ole Michael and Betty were at it again all night.

Narrator: 2. SENTENCE

David: If I move, he can jack up the price.

Narrator: CONTEXT

Tom: He doesn’t care if I’m unhappy. He wants me to move! I’ve lived in the building the longest, and with rent control, I pay half as

much as they do. If I move, he can jack up the price. Narrator: SENTENCE

David: If I move, he can jack up the price.

Narrator: 3. SENTENCE

Ruth: How so?

Narrator: CONTEXT

David: Actually, as much as I like her, she’s also a problem.

Ruth: How so?

David: Her niece phones from out of state every Sunday morning at 6:30 to check on her. The trouble is because she’s deaf, she screams

into the phone, and it wakes me up.

Narrator: SENTENCE

Ruth: How so?

Narrator: 4. SENTENCE

David: She’s more reliable than an alarm clock!

Narrator: CONTEXT

David: The trouble is because she’s deaf, she screams into the phone, and it wakes me up.

Ruth: Every Sunday?

Narrator: SENTENCE

David: Yes, and the sound of her voice goes right up through the floor. She’s more reliable than an alarm clock!

Narrator: 5. SENTENCE

David: Poor old thing.

Narrator: CONTEXT

David: It’s not her fault, poor old thing. She’s just very old and her health isn’t good.

Narrator: SENTENCE

David: Poor old thing.

Narrator: 6. SENTENCE

David: Art, the guy who lives next door to Mrs. Anderson is sometimes such a pig.

Narrator: CONTEXT

David: At least your neighbor put their garbage into the cans! Art, the guy who lives next door to Mrs. Anderson is sometimes such a pig. He never seems to throw away his garbage. Whenever I walk by his door I have to hold my nose. Narrator: SENTENCE

David: Art, the guy who lives next door to Mrs. Anderson is sometimes such a pig.


Exercise 1

Mother: Christine, it’s time to get up. You don’t’ want to be late for school.

Chris: I don’t feel well, Mom.

Mother: Oh, what’s wrong?

Chris: I don’t know … I’m just a little under the weather, that’s all.

Mother: Do you have a fever? Come here, let me feel your head…you don’t seem to have a fever; maybe I should get the thermometer…

Chris: It’s mostly in my stomach.

Mother: Well, what exactly is wrong? Are you nauseous; do you have pains;

do you have heartburn?

Chris: no, not exactly. My stomach just feels funny.

Mother: Was it something you ate? You didn’t throw up, did you?

Chris: No.

Mother: What did you and your friends eat at the mall last night?

Chris: The usual junk. You know, burgers and fries.

Mother: I hope you weren’t drinking with your friends last night. You know what will happen if I find out that you were up to that again.

Chris: Mom, I promised you I wouldn’t do that.

Mother: I should hope not. I’m sure you know how many young people die behind the wheel every year because of alcohol. Drinking and driving do no mix.

Chris: Yes, mother…

Mother: You have to be very careful. There are a lot of kids getting into trouble just to be part of the “in” crowd. You shouldn’t have to do bad things just to be popular.

Chris: Mom, please give it a rest. I don’t fell will, remember?

Mother: Okay, now can you tell me what else hurts besides your stomach? Is your throat sore?

Chris: A little.

Mother: Ooh, it could be that nasty flu that’s going around. Three people in my office were out with it last week. Open your mouth; let me take a look.

Chris: Aahh…

Mother: Well, I can’t see any inflammation and your glands look normal. Chris: But it hurts.

Mother: You certainly look fine. But then again, I’m not a doctor. Maybe we should give Dr. Lewis a call. Maybe he can see us this afternoon. Chris: No, it’s probably just a 24-hour flu. If I stay home and rest today, I’m sure I’ll be fine tomorrow.

Mother: No, Christine, I’m a little concerned. I don’t know how to treat this.

Your temperature seems normal; your throat looks fine and your color is good. But, something is wrong. I would feel better if we called the doctor.

Chris: But it’s just my stomach!

Mother: Is it diarrhea? Do you have cramps?

Chris: Yes.

Mother: Well, which one?

Chris: Uh, cramps I guess.

Mother: You guess? What’s going on here, Christine?

Chris: I told you, I don’t feel—


Mother: Hang on a minute. Hello? Yes? Oh, hello dear. What’s that? Oh, oh yes; I’ll be sure to tell her. Good-bye.

Chris: Who was that?

Mother: That was Kathy.

Chris: What did she want?

Mother: She called to wish you good luck today.

Chris: Good luck?

Mother: Uh-huh. Your big algebra test—that you didn’t study for last night —is today.

Chris: I, I, well…

Mother: Sounds to me like your mysterious illness is a case of algebraitis,

and I’ve got just the cure. You get dressed right now and march off to

school, young lady.

Chris: But, I, I—

Mother: And we’ll talk about this when you get home.

Exercise 4

Vocabulary in Context

Narrator: 1. SENTENCE

Chris: I’m just a little under the weather, that’s all.

Narrator: CONTEXT

Chris: I don’t feel well, Mom.

Mother: Oh, what’s wrong?

Chris: I don’t know … I’m just a little under the weather, that’s all.

Narrator: SENTENCE

Chris: I’m just a little under the weather, that’s all.

Narrator: 2. SENTENCE

Mother: I’m sure you know how many young people die behind the wheel every year because of alcohol.

Narrator: CONTEXT

Mother: I hope you weren’t drinking with your friends last night. You know what will happen if I find out that you were up to that again.

Chris: Mom, I promised you I wouldn’t do that.

Mother: I should hope not. I’m sure you know how many young people die behind the wheel every year because of alcohol. Drinking and driving

do not mix.

Narrator: SENTENCE

Mother: I’m sure you know how many young people die behind the wheel every year because of alcohol.

Narrator: 3. SENTENCE

Mother: There are a lot of kids getting into trouble just to be part of the “in”crowd.

Narrator: CONTEXT

Mother: Drinking and driving do not mix.

Chris: Yes, mother ….

Mother: You shouldn’t have to do bad things just to be popular.

Narrator: SENTENCE

Mother: There are a lot of kids getting into trouble just to be part of the “in”crowd.

Narrator: 4. SENTENCE

Chris: Mom, please give it a rest.

Narrator: CONTEXT

Mother: You have to be very careful. There are a lot of kids getting into trouble just to be part of the “in” crowd.

Chris: Mom, please give it a rest. I don’t feel well, remember?

Narrator: SENTENCE

Chris: Mom, please give it a rest.

Narrator: 5. SENTENCE

Mother: It could be that nasty flu that’s going around.

Narrator: CONTEXT

Mother: Ooh, it could be that nasty flu tha t’s going around. Three people in my office were out with it last week.

Narrator: SENTENCE

Mother: It could be that nasty flu that’s going around.

Narrator: 6. SENTENCE

Mother: Well, I can’t see any inflammation, and your glands look normal. Narrator: CONTEXT

Mother: Open your mouth; let me take a look.

Chris: Aahh…

Mother: Well, I can’t see any inflammation, and your glands look normal. Narrator: SENTENCE

Mother: Well, I can’t see any inflammation, and your glands look normal. Narrator: 7. SENTENCE

Mother: I don’t know how to treat this.

Narrator: CONTEXT

Mother: I don’t know how to treat this. Your temperature seems normal; your throat looks fine and your color is good. But, something is wrong. I would feel better if we called the doctor.

Narrator: SENTENCE

Mother: I don’t know how to treat this.


研究生英语听说教程(引进版)听力原文(下) Take on Listening:Listening and Speaking Strategies (book 2) Lesson 3(1) PART TWO MAIN DIALOGUE Exercise 1 Gary: Well, here we are in L.A. Where shall we go first? Let’s look at the map. Don: We’ve never been to the Grand Canyon in Arizona… Gary: Okay. Let’s go there. Don: I hear it’s the most beautiful place on earth. It’s over 300 miles long, and the Colorado River goes right through it. Gary: I wonder if we can go down into the canyon. Don: Sure. They have all sorts of trips and tours. We can even take a small plane ride into the canyon. Gary: That sounds great. Don: All right then, the first stop is the Grand Canyon. Let’s be sure to call and make reservations at the campground. I’m sure the Arizona Tourist Service will help us. How long should we stay? Gary: We want to do some hiking in the canyon and boating on the Colorado River. How does three days sound? Don: That sounds right. Where do we go from there? Gary: How about heading north? It starts to boil in the southwest in the summer. Don: Then let’s head up to Wyoming and camp a few days in the Yellowstone National Park. Gary: Great. We can crash for one night in Salt Lake City, Utah, on the way. Don: Salt Lake City, Utah? Gary: Yeah, I heard it’s an interesting city. And it’s on the way to Yellowstone. Don: Okay. So, we’ll go north through Salt Lake City up to Yellowstone. I’ve always dreamed of camping under the stars in Wyoming. And, of course, seeing Old Faithful in Yellowstone. Gary: Old Faithful? Is that the place where hot water shoots into the air every hour or so? Don: Uh-huh, Old Faithful geysers. It’s supposed to be really exciting to watch. Gary: What else is there to do?

工程硕士 研究生英语基础教程课后习题 Unit1-15 汉译英全部 精校版

工程硕士研究生英语基础教程(汉译英Unit1-15) Unit 1 B. 1. 她计划自己创业。 She plans to set up her own business 2. 态度也很重要。 Attitude also matters. 3. 她在客人们到达之前把所有家具都擦亮了. She had polished all the furniture before the gusts arrived. 4. 有些经理不知道如何与人打交道handle Some managers have no idea how to handle people. 5.我们完成那项工程的时间打破了记录(record) We finished the work in record time. 6. 她喜欢东西都摆好以后再开始工作。She likes everything to be in place before she starts working. 7. 她常常一天工作12小时。(put in) She often puts in 12 hours’ work a day. 8. 他是从报纸上得到这一信息的.(acquire) He acquired the information from the newspapers. 9. 我们部门有一个助理的职位空缺. ( Associate professor 副教授lecturer 讲师) There’s an opening for an assistant in our department. 10. 该组织旨在促进各国之间的友谊. The organization works to promote friendship between nations. Unit2 B. 1. 今晚她很可能给我打电话。(likely) She is very likely to ring me tonight. 2. 我看不懂这篇文章(beyond) Understanding this article is beyond my capacity. 3. 新刷的一层油漆可使房间焕然一新(transform) A fresh coat of paint can transform a room. 4. 做事不先考虑总会导致失败。(result in) Acting before thinking always results in failure. 5. 他估计那项工作需要三个月。(estimate) He estimated that the work would take three months. 6. 我们相信这个协议将会积极地促进两国之间的贸易。 We believe that this agreement will positively promote the trade between our two countries. 7. 新机场必将推动这个地区的旅行业。 The new airport will certainly push ahead the tourism in this region. 8. 网络经济将对人们的生活产生重要的影响。 Net economy will have significant influence on the people’s life. 9. 在昨天的会议上,他提出了一个新的经济发展计划。 At the yesterday’s meeting, he brought forward a new plan for the economic development.


听写填空 一单元、P5 Outrageous shopping bills are a familiar 1. suffer that nightmare 2. genders 3. unaffordable 4. sufferers 5. more than 1 in 20 adults 6. expensive electronics 7. such a high number of compulsive shoppers in the general population 8. make finding a cure a priority 二单元、P20 Tree-lighting Ceremony 1. Location: Rockefeller Centre, New York 2. Time: right before the Christmas Season 3. Height of the tree: nearly 9 storeys 4. Audience: people from all around the country 5. Number of the lights on the tree: 30000 6. Size of the star topper: nearly 10 feet in diameter of the star topper: crystal 8. Source of the tree: a home in Connecticut 二单元、P29 Post-vacation depression includes 1. sleeplessness 2. loss of appetite 3. irregular heartbeat 4. feelings of despair 5. tiredness 6. stomachache 7. trouble breathing 9. nervousness 10. Space the month-long vacation out 11. blow it all at once 12. returning on a Monday 13. such blues are temporary 14. don’t make important decisions 15. a new period in life 16. personal growth 三单元、P34 Reporter: In Vail, Arizona, a new school 1. in this case involves 2. impact 3单元、available 4. resources 5. What’s the point 6. medium 7. reasoning 8. normal 9. from their perspective 10. opposed to just the one angle 四单元、P51 Beijing opera is largely seen as a dying art 1. devoted 2. computer animator 3. discipline 5. explanation in English 6. much-loved legend 7. supernatural 8. challenge 9. that’s within the rules of the opera. 10. wins good reviews from both Western and


《研究生英语听说教程(基础级第二版)》Units 1-12练习答案 Unit One Part I Listening Practice Section A Listening for Gist Task 1 1. air hostess 2. teacher 3. dentist 4. shop assistant 5. tourist guide 6. salesman 7. Disc Jockey 8. traffic warden 9.waiter 10. taxi driver Task 2 1. airways, flight 2. homework 3. open up wide, fining chipped 4. larger size, fit, stock 5. building, designed 6. buys, products 7. record, radio 8. yellow line, no-parking 9. menu, chef 10. road, park Section B Plans for Weekend Task 3 1.Pat 2.Jill 3. Mary 4.Sam 5.Ted 6.Jane Section C Discussing Plans for the Weekend Task 4 1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.B Section D Making Arrangements Task5 A.2 B.4 C.3 D.1 Task 6 1. bring: records meet: bus stop 2. bring: sandwiches, fishing rod and drinks meet: at the river 3. bring: white wine meet: at Pat’s house 4. bring: dessert-chocolate cake and drinks meet: in front of his house PartⅢListening Comprehension Test 1.D 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.C


工程硕士研究生英语基础教程课后练习题1-4课 第一课 一、词形填空 1.They made regular visits to the park on the suburbs during the weekends. 2.She was prooted to division manager last year. 3.We tried to walk to the park but ended up taking a taxi there. 4.His handing if these important issues was highly praised. 5.Thomas bought a new hat to repluce the one he had lost. 6.The movie received generally favorable reviews. 7.Thank you for all the time and effort you have put in. 8.Make sure you’re home bu midnight . 9.He was hit by a falling tree and killed on the spot 10.The earthquake survivors are in desperate need of help. 二、词形转换 1、Open(n)—opening 2、persist(n)—persistence 3.succeed(n)----success 4.succeed(adj)---successful 5.important(n)----importance 6.promote(n)----promotion 7.depress(n)----depression 8.vlaue(adj)----valuable 9.loyal(n)----loyalty 10.favor(adj)---favorable 三、词换词 1. Obtain----aquire 2. Constant---loyal 3. Famous---noted 4. Frightened---startled 5.blame---responsibility 6. Worth doing---rewarding 7. Sincere----genuine 8.encountered---bumped into 9. Bought----purchased 10. At the end ----eventually 第二课 一、选择正确的词或词组填空 1.Frequent cultural exchange will certainly help foster friendly relations between our two universities. 2.The competition among these companies at the printing market has become very intense in this city. 3.To date, We have not received any replies from them. 4.In this competitive world , it is better for any firm to gain technology superiority . 5.The organization works to promote friendship between nations. 6.It is reported that the Far East area is now on the verge of war again. 7.There is an obvious trend that young people like less formal clothing. 8.We should look at these events which happened two hundred years ago from their historical perspective. 9.The outstanding businessman agreed that the last decade was favorable for the emergence of new and promising enterprises in IT field. 10.The witness proved that the killer was a man of medium height. 二、词性转换 1.significance(adj.)-significant 2.connect(n.)-connection 3.transform(n.)-transformation


Unit One Part I Listening Practice Section A Listening for Gist Task 1 1.air hostess 2.teacher 3.dentist 4.shop assistant 5.tourist guide 6.salesman 7.Disc Jockey 8.traffic warden 9.waiter 10.taxi driver Task 2 1.airways, flight 2.homework 3.open up wide, filling, chipped https://www.doczj.com/doc/3a6100397.html,rger size, fit, stock 5.building, designed 6.buys, products 7.record, radio 8.yellow line, no-parking 9.menu, chef 10.road, park Section B Plans for Weekend Task 3 1.Pat 2.Jill 3.Mary 4.Sam 5.Ted 6.Jane Section C Discussing Plans for the Weekend Task 4 1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.B Section D Making Arrangements

Task 5 A.2 B.4 C.3 D.1 Task 6 1.bring: records meet: bus stop 2.bring: sandwiches, fishing rod and drinks meet: at the river 3.bring: white wine meet: at Pat’s house 4.bring: dessert-chocolate cake and drinks meet: in front of his house Part III Listening Comprehension Test 1-10: DCABD/CBACC Unit Two Part I Listening Practice Section A Guessing about the Situation and Speaker Task 1 1.Football Match https://www.doczj.com/doc/3a6100397.html,w Court 3.Church 4.Quiz Show 5.Airport 6.Weather Forecast 7.Car Showroom 8.Driving Lesson 9.School 10.Tour (of London) Task 2 1.Football Commentator 2.Judge/Magistrate 3.Vicar/Priest/Minister 4.T.V. Presenter 5.Announcer 6.Forecaster 7.Car Salesman 8.Driving Instructor 9.Head Master/Principal 10.Tour Guide

工程硕士研究生英语基础教程 课文翻译

Unit 1 我的第一份工作 汽车清洁工 [1] 我从父母那儿获得了很强的工作道德观。他们俩都经历过大萧条时期,对不是按常规工作的人感到难以理解。我曾经告诉我妈妈,西尔堆斯特·史泰龙工作10周挣1200万美元,“那他在一年其余的日子里干什么呢?”她问。 [2] 我把父母的工作道德观带入了我在故乡马萨诸塞州安多佛镇附近的威尔明顿镇福特汽车专营店干的第一份工作。那时我16岁,学期当中我干活干到五、六点,暑假期间则每天干12个小时。我干的是汽车清洁小工的活儿,也就是清洗,抛光等事,并确保纸地板垫的位置合适。还有一项职责是在夜里将汽车轮毂盖取下来以免被偷,第二天再还回原处。这是一项很费劲的工作,因为我们有占大约7英亩地的汽车。 [3] 一天,我抱着一大捧毂盖转过一个角落,几乎与我们新任总经理撞了个满怀。我吓了一跳,结果把毂盖全掉在了地上。他当场就解雇了我。 [4] 我羞愧万分,不愿让父母知道这件事。大约有两周的时间,我每天都忙到晚上,然后我会回家说工作干得很愉快。

[5] 走投无路之下,我写了一封信给亨利·福特二世,告诉他所发生的事情。我说我们家是福特车的忠实用户,并说我长大成年后打算买一辆野马车。最后,汽车专卖店的店主给我打来了电话。“我不知道你在底特律认识谁,”他说,“但如果你还想要回你原来的工作的话,这工作就归你了。” [6] 后来在大学期间,我想在一家劳斯菜斯(罗尔斯—罗伊斯)的专营店干活,但店主说他们不缺人。即便如此,我还是开始在那儿清洗汽车。当店主注意到我时,我说我会一直干到他雇我。最后他真雇了我。 [7] 成功需要毅力。态度也很重要。我从不认为我那时比其他任何人强,但我一直相信我当时干的活别人都赶不上。 出纳员 [1] 第一次与我祖母坐在她位于曼哈顿的药店的现金出纳机后时,我l0岁。不久之后,她就让我一个人坐在那儿。很快我就知道了礼貌对待顾客以及说“谢谢”的重要性。 [2] 起初我的报酬是糖果,后来我每小时得到50美分。每天放学后我都工作,暑假、周末和假期则从上午8点干到下午7点。我父亲帮我在银行立了一个账户。看着存款数增加比我当时本可以买到的任何东西都更让我满足。 [3] 祖母是一位严厉的监工,从不给我任何特殊照顾。她像鹰一样注视着我的一举一动,不过却放手让我应付象在午餐高峰时干活这样压力很大的场面。她的信任教会了我如何对待责任。

高等教育研究生英语系列综合教程下unit 1的原文翻译

Unit 1 愉悦舒适不能指引你领略人生的全部,与逆境的艰苦搏斗常常会使人生变得丰富而有意义。 幸福隐藏的另一面 凯思琳?麦克高恩 1 咫风、房屋失火、癌症、激流漂筏失事、坠机、昏暗小巷遭歹徒袭击,没人想找上这些事儿。但出人意料的是,很多人发现遭受这样一次痛苦的磨难最终会使他们向好的方面转变。他们可能都会这样说:“我希望这事没发生,但因为它我变得更完美了。” 2 我们都爱听人们经历苦难后发生转变的故事,可能是因为这些故事证实了一条真正的心理学_L的真理,这条真理有时会湮没在无数关于灾难的报道中:在最困难的境况中,人所具有的一种内在的奋发向上的能力会进发出来。对那些令人极度恐慌的经历作出积极回应的并不仅限于最坚强或最勇敢的人。实际上,大约半数与逆境抗争过的人都说他们的生活从此在某些方面有了改善。 3 诸如此类有关危机改变一生的发现有着可观的研究前景,这正是创伤后成长这一新学科的研究领域。这一新兴领域已经证实了曾经被视为陈词滥调的一个真理:大难不死,意志弥坚。创伤后压力绝不是唯一可能的结果。在遭遇了即使最可怕的经历之后,也只有一小部分成年人会受到长期的心理折磨。更常见的情况是,人们会恢复过来—甚至最终会成功发达。 4 那些经受住苦难打击的人是有关幸福悖论的生动例证:为了尽可能地过上最好的生活,我们所需要的不仅仅是愉悦的感受。我们这个时代的人对幸福的追求已经缩小到只追求福气:一生没有烦恼,没有痛苦和困惑。 5 这种对幸福的平淡定义忽略了问题的主要方面—种富有意义的生活所带来的那种丰富、完整的愉悦。那就是幸福背后隐藏的那种本质—是我们在明智的男男女女身上所欣赏到并渴望在我们自己生活中培育的那种不可言喻的品质。事实证明,一些遭受苦难最多的人-他们被迫全力应付他们未曾预料到的打击,并重新思考他们生活的意义—或许对那种深刻的、给人以强烈满足感的人生经历(哲学家们过去称之为“美好生活”的探寻)最有发言权。 6 这种对美好生活的更为广泛的定义把深深的满足感和一种通过移情与他人建立的深切联系融合在一起。它主要受愉悦情感的支配,但同时也夹杂着惆怅和悔恨。密苏里大学哥伦比亚分校的心理学家劳拉?金认为:“幸福仅仅是许许多多人生价值中的一种。”慈悲、智慧、无私、洞察力及创造力—有时只有经历逆境的考验才能培育这些品质,因为有时只有极端的情形才能迫使我们去承受痛苦的改变过程。只过安宁的、无忧无虑的生活是不足以体验一段完整的人生的。我们也需要成长-尽管有时成长是痛苦的。 7 在纽约市皇后区一间漆黑的房间里,31岁的时装设计师特蕾西?塞尔感到自己奄奄一息。就在几个月前,她已经停止服用控制她关节炎的强效免疫抑制药。她从没预见到接下来将要发生的事:停药之后的反应最终使她全身剧烈疼痛,神经系统出现严重问题。最轻微的动作—比如说试着吞咽—对她来说也痛苦不堪。甚至将脸压在枕头上也几乎难以忍受。 8 塞尔并不是懦弱的人。她在两岁时就被诊断得了幼年型类风湿性关节炎,一生都在忍受着病症和治疗(药物、手术)的折磨。但是这一次,她实在不堪忍受了,


研究生英语听说教程(引进版)听力原文 T ake on Listening:Listening and Speaking Strategies Lesson 2 Denise: Excuse me, miss, how much does it cost to ride BART? Stranger: Well, that depends on your destination. From here to Glen Park it’s only a dollar ten, but if you go as far as Fremont, it costs a lot more. Tom: We’re going to Berkeley. Do you know what the fare is? Stranger: There are two stations in Berkeley. Which one are you interested in? Denise: Oh, gee, I’m not sure. We’re from out of town. We’re visiting my sister. She told me her house is just a stone’s throw from the UC Berkeley campus. Which station is that? Stranger: The downtown Berkeley station is really close to the university. I’m sure that’s the one you want. Denise: Tom, are you going to remember this, or should I be jotting this down? Tom: What is there to write down, Denise? The woman is giving us very simple directions. So, how much is the fare to downtown Berkeley? Stranger: Let’s go take a look at the map over there. Y ou see, the map shows you how much it costs to go from one station to another. Ah, there it is: two dollars and sixty-five cents. Tom: Two sixty-five? That’s highway robbery for such a short distance! Denise: Y ou think that’s expensive? Tom from our house to Amherst it costs twice as much as that. Tom: Y eah, but that’s an hour ride. Y ou really get your money’s worth. Stranger: Y eah…Uh…Well, did your sister explain which train to take? Tom: Berkeley. WE take the Berkeley train to Berkeley, right? Stranger: Well, no actually. That’s just one stop on the Richmond line. Here, let me show you on this map. Here we are a t Powell Street in San Francisco, and it’s basically a straight shot on the Richnond line to the downtown Berkeley station. Denise: Yes, my sister said we wouldn’t have to change t rains. Stranger: Uh-oh, what time is it? Denise: It’s 8:15. Stranger: Y ou can’t go directly to Berkeley from San Francisco after 8:04. Tom: Uh-oh. Is there another train we can catch? Stranger: Don’t worry. Y ou can take the Pittsburg line. Look here, take the Pittsburg line to the 12th Street Station in Oakland, and then transfer to the Richmond train. The Richmond train will stop in Berkeley. Get off at the downtown station. From there you can walk to your sister’s house. Denise: We want to be there by 9 o’clock. If we have to transfer, we might be late. Do you think we’ll make it in time? Stranger: It doesn’t take that long. Let’s see; there’s a train from here at 8:18. It arrives at the 12th Street Oakland station at 8:34. Y ou can get a Richmond train rig ht away at 8:34, and you’ll arrive in Berkeley at 8:46. Tom: Let’s see if I’ve go t this right: We take the 8:18 Pittsburg train and arrive in Oakland at 8:34. Then we take the 8:34 Richmond train to Berkeley. That should be a snap. Stranger: Y eah, you’ll have no trouble. Tom: Thank you very much for your help, Miss. Y ou’re a very kind young lady. Denise: And so pretty and smart, too! Tell me dear, I notice you’re not wearing a ring. Stranger: Well, no, uh…

工程硕士研究生英语基础教程 英译汉

工程硕士研究生英语基础教程英译汉(Unit 1-10、13、14) Unit 1 1. Two noted Americans explain why it’s not what you earn-it’s what you learn. 两位美国名人解释为什么不是你所挣的而是你所学的更重要。 2. I have never thought I was better than anyone else, but I have always believed I couldn’t be outworked. 我从不认为我那时比其他任何人强,但我一直相信我当时干的活儿别人都赶不上。 3. Watching my money grow was more rewarding than anything I could have bought. 看着存款数增加比我当时原本可以买到的任何东西都更让我满足。 4. I took a genuine interest in their questions and was able to translate what they wanted into makeup ideas. 我发自内心地关心她们的问题,并能理解她们的愿望,给她们出些该如何化妆的点子。 5. I ended up selling a record amount of cosmetics. 结果我创下了化妆品销售的最好成绩。 Unit 2 1. With the click of a mouse, information from the other end of the globe will be transported to your computer screen at the extremely fast speed of seven-and-a-half times around the earth per second. 只要用鼠标点击一下,在地球另一端的信息马上就会以每秒钟绕地球七周半的惊人速度传输到你的电脑屏幕上。 2. Besides, if everyone shops on the Net , what will happen to the hundreds and thousands of shopping malls? 此外,如果大家都在网上购物,那么成千上万的购物中心该怎么办呢? 3. The huge power of electronic commerce (e-commerce) will change the face of trade dramatically. 电子商务的惊人威力会使贸易的局面发生激动人心的巨变。 4. The development of e-commerce may well bring the world into a brand new era of “electronic currency” . 电子商务的发展很可能会把世界带进一个“电子货币”的崭新时代。 5. As the Net pushes the economy ahead rapidly, the economy is also bringing the Net market forward , resulting in the Internet itself becoming the world’s largest emerging market. 在网络化高速地推动经济发展的同时,经济也反过来促进网络市场的发展,其结果是国际互联网本身将成为全球最大的新兴市场。 Unit 3 1. So, if you lose a key species, you might cause a whole flood of other extinctions. 所以,如果失去一个重要的物种,那也许会引起大量其他物种的绝迹。 2. Instead of depending on largely ineffective laws against illegal hunting, it gives local people a good economic reason to preserve and animals. 这种办法使当地人们可以为了经济上的原因而去保护动、植物,而不是依靠在很大程度上难以奏效的那些反非法偷 猎的规章制度。 3. With corruption popular in many developing countries, some observers are suspicious that the money will actually reach the people it is intended for. 由于许多发展中国家普遍存在腐败,一些观察家对这些钱财实际上能否到达应该接受这笔财物的人们手中表示怀疑。 4. Sustainable management of forests requires controls on the number of trees which are cut down, as well as investment in replacing them. 森林的可持续管理既需要投资种植新树以取代被砍伐的树木,也需要对被砍伐树木的数量进行控制。 5. In theory, consumers would buy only this wood and so fo rce logging companies to go “green” or go out of business. 理论上讲,消费者只能购买这些获得认可的木材,这将迫使伐木公司开始保护“绿色”,否则将无生意可做。 Unit 4 1. The trend began in earnest in 1995, when the Queen of England admitted that the Maori people of New Zealand had been shamefully treated, when the country was a British colony. 这个潮流是从1995年才真正开始的。当时英国女王承认当新西兰还是英国的殖民地时,新西兰的土著毛利人曾遭


Take on Listening:Listening and Speaking Strategies Lesson 2 Denise: Excuse me, miss, how much does it cost to ride BART Stranger: Well, that depends on your destination. From here to Glen Park it’s only a dollar ten, but if you go as far as Fremont, it costs a lot more. Tom: We’re going to Berkeley. Do you know what the fare is Stranger: There are two stations in Berkeley. Which one are you interested in Denise: Oh, gee, I’m not sure. We’re from out of town. We’re visiting my sister. She told me her house is just a stone’s throw from the UC Berkeley campus. Which station is that Stranger: The downtown Berkeley station is really close to the university. I’m sure that’s the one you want. Denise: Tom, are you going to remember this, or should I be jotting this down Tom: What is there to write down, Denise The woman is giving us very simple directions. So, how much is the fare to downtown Berkeley Stranger: Let’s go take a look at the map over there. You see, the map shows you how much it costs to go from one station to another. Ah, there it is: two dollars and sixty-five cents. Tom: Two sixty-five That’s highway robbery for such a short distance! Denise: You think that’s expensive Tom from our house to Amherst it costs twice as much as that. Tom: Yeah, but that’s an hour ride. You really get your money’s worth. Stranger: Yeah…Uh…Well, did your sister explain which train to take Tom: Berkeley. WE take the Berkeley train to Berkeley, right Stranger: Well, no actually. That’s just one stop on the Richmond line. Here, let me show you on this map. Here we are a t Powell Street in San Francisco, and it’s basically a straight shot on the Richnond line to the downtown Berkeley station. Denise: Yes, my sister said we wouldn’t have to change trains. Stranger: Uh-oh, what time is it Denise: It’s 8:15. Stranger: You can’t go directly to Berkeley from San Francisco after 8:04. Tom: Uh-oh. Is there another train we can catch Stranger: Don’t worry. You can take the Pittsburg line. Look here, take the Pittsburg line to the 12th Street Station in Oakland, and then transfer to the Richmond train. The Richmond train will stop in Berkeley. Get off at the downtown station. From there you can walk to your sister’s house. Denise: We want to be there by 9 o’clock. If we have to transfer, w e might be late. Do you think we’ll make it in time Stranger: It doesn’t take that long. Let’s see; there’s a train from here at 8:18. It arrives at the 12th Street Oakland station at 8:34. You can get a Richmond train right away at 8:34, and you’ll arrive in Berkeley at 8:46. Tom: Let’s see if I’ve go t this right: We take the 8:18 Pittsburg train and arrive in Oakland at 8:34. Then we take the 8:34 Richmond train to Berkeley. That should be a snap.

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