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How to Succeed in Your Literature Class

Ⅰ. Features of literature class

—(1) freedom with personal ideas encouraged

Ⅱ. Three pieces of advice for literature class learners

A. In advance

—for large lectures:

—greater progress and more (2) in the lecture

—for small lectures:

—(3) in open discussion

—target of literature class:

—general aspects of important books

—subtle differences of how stories are crafted

—drill in reading and (4) of huge amounts of information

B. Closely


—reading all materials instead of (5)

—paying more attention to style and deeper intention instead of plots or (6) —requirement of literature papers:focused and (7)

—benefit to paper writing:

—learning to defend personal interpretations with (8) evidence

C. Questioningly

—not afraid of possible contradictions

—display of full thought in arguments with (9)

Ⅲ. The additional tip

—selection of a course with (10)

Conversation One


[A] Federal government. [B] Individual public schools.

[C] The education chief. [D] Individual states and districts.


[A] Because it enables teachers to prepare for subject matter in more depth.

[B] Because it can put students at a competitive advantage.

[C] Because it is more suitable for current economy.

[D] Because it is gaining increasing popularity in the US-


[A] Extending school year can reduce the quality of the time in class.

[B] Extending school year can interrupt family life.

[C] Extending school year doesn’t necessarily improve test scores.

[D] Extending school year may increase the cost of schools.


[A] More learning experiences.

[B] The avoidance of summer learning loss.

[C] More time for teacher-student interaction.

[D] Reducing gap between the rich and the poor.


[A] He is strongly in favour of Miriam’s ideas.

[B] He is mildly in favour of Miriam’s ideas.

[C] He is strongly against Miriam’s ideas.

[D] He is mildly against Miriam’s ideas.

Conversation Two


[A] English Literature. [B] Computer.

[C] Business Administration. [D] Finance.


[A] The working environment was poor. [B] The job was boring.

[C] The pay was rather low. [D] He disliked his employer.


[A] Enthusiastic. [B] Perseverant. [C] Eloquent. [D] Cooperative.


[A] Overtime work. [B] Regular work. [C] Work of leadership. [D] Varied work.


[A] Doctor’s note is not necessary for a one-day sick leave.

[B] Some employees used to take advantage of its loopholes.

[C] All the terms in it are preferred to the candidate.

[D] Paternity leave is as long as maternity leave when the first child is born.

Limiting the Growth of Technology

Throughout history man has changed his physical environment to improve his way of life. With the tools of technology man has altered many physical features of the earth. However, these changes in the physical environment have not always had beneficial results. Today, pollution of the air and water is a danger to the health of the planet. Smoke from factories pollutes the air of industrialized areas and the surrounding countryside. The pollution of water is equally harmful. It is now necessary for man to limit the growth of technology in order to survive on earth.

How to Succeed in Your Literature Class

Good morning everyone, our topic today is about how to do well in your literature class in your college days. Literature courses and assignments tend to be extremely different from those of any other discipline because of their extreme subjectivity. This

aspect is what many people tend to find most surprising and challenging in an academic setting.

(1) I am not saying that you can throw reason and fact out of the window in literature courses,but von arc given much more intellectual freedom with your personal thoughts and ideas.

Beginning with the “in advance” piece of wisdom. For large lectures students often think it is not that important to do the readings since they will not be forced to speak up and offer opinions. This is completely wrong. Why attend a lecture on a piece of writing that the professor assumes you have read? (2) You will take nothing away from the lecture and will not be able to make any sense of whatever notes you take, even if you read the material after the fact.

(3) In small classes that have lots of open discussion,professors can always tell who has and who has not done the week's reading. Don’t think it won't affect your participation grade for the course.

The entire point of a literature class is to engross a student in the general aspects of important explore many subtle differences of how stories are crafted, and to train the college scholar to read and (4) digest huge amounts of information. You won’t do well in the course without making a sincere attempt to read and understand every assigned text.

Next, make sure you read all material very closely. (5) Do not skim through seemingly unimportant passages of long novels, or read Spark Notes and think you know what happens in the reading. (6) These methods of “reading” leave you without any idea of the author’s style or deeper intentions: they merely give you plot or surface meanings. Reading things halfway will be of no benefit to you when it is time to write your papers.

(7) Literature professors usually want papers that are very sharply focused and detailed. (8) There is DO single answer or interpretation to most pieces of literature,but students must be able to read closely enough to defend a case with textual evidence that will support their personal interpretation.

Finally,do not feel defeated if you find a piece of evidence in the text that seems to contradict the line of thinking you had developed about the piece of literature. (9) Literature papers and discussions should question every theory by offering counterevidence. As I previously said, clear-cut answers do not exist in any form of literature, be it poetry, fiction, essays, or even nonfiction. You must read all genres with a discerning eye,and instead of avoiding possible conflicts in your papers, use them to show that you have fully thought through your arguments.

And the last piece of advice I have to offer: look at the reading lists of literature courses are considering so you do not make yourself miserable by spending a

semester reading literature you have no interest in. (10) Literature courses should be enjoyable, and their readings stimulating, so find one that interests you and begin analyzing everything!

OK, today I’ve given several tips to you regarding the ways of succeeding in your literature class. I hope they could help you get your hands on the class when you are ready to go. Thank you for listening.


W: Hello,Frank.

M: Hello,Miriam. How’s everything going?

W: Fine.

M: Would you like to join me for a drink?

W: OK, thanks.

M: Any news recently?

W: Oh,well,yesterday I read the newspaper and got very shocking news. You know,(1) it’s not the government that sets the calendar for our public schools. Public school calendars are set by individual states and districts. According to the news, our local school decided to keep students in class year-round with shorter breaks throughout,offering about 20 additional school days.

M: Mm…, (2) I heard that the education chief said in an interview that our current school calendar based upon the agrarian economy and the vast majority of the students in our country weren’t wor king the fields in the summers. So he…he thought it was really an outdated, outmoded model. It needed be changed.

W: I don’t agr ee with him. Extending school year seems so completely short-sighted to me, (3-1) More time is no silver bullet for reform. Take Miami-Dade County Schools in Florida for example, it used an extended day program for three years,but dropped it because they d idn’t see improvement in test scores. (3-2) Besides, it disrupt family life.

M: Well, surely you must have to admit that we have a significantly shorter school year. Our students are going to school 180 days a year, generally. And if in a sports contest, one team is practicing three days a week and one team is practicing five days a week, the team that is practicing more is going to do better.

W: But simply extending school time in and of itself will not produce the desired results.

M: Well, yes. Mm…; but, extending school time does bring some advantages. (4-1) It gives the students learning experiences that they might not be able to get over the summertime.

W: But you ask the teachers and students whether, whether they reckon that extending school time brings them advantages. I think it goes without saying that no one wants to extend bad time. The teachers are fatigued at the end of the day, and the students are fatigued and unmotivated. The students need summer break to have a good rest.

M: Yes, you are right. (4-2) But without those camps and other stimulating activities,something called summer learning loss occurs. Researchers estimate that low-income students can lose two months of math and reading achievement owing to a lack of reinforcement during the summer break. It’s particularly true for low-income kids who don’t have the opportunities that other kids have during those big breaks. W: But have you considered this? Extending the school day is very very expensive. The Miami-Dade program cost more than $ 100 million.

M: Yes, you are right, (3-3) Really it can result in increased cost because more teachers, specialists, paraprofessionals, and other staff are deployed. But I think it can bring some… some benefits to students and teachers as well, for example, umm,it allows teachers to delve into subject matter in more depth? (4-3) it builds in time for more teacher-student interaction; and, it makes it possible for students to spend more time on task.

1. Who set the public school calendars?

2. Why does the education chief support extending the school year?

3. According to Miriam, which of the following statements is INCORRECT?

4. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of extending the school year cited by Frank?

5. What do we know about Frank according to the conversation? …Conversation Two

W: Good morning,Mr. Smith. Have a seat, please!

M: Thanks a lot.

W: What is your major?

M: My major is Business Administration. I am espe cially interested in “Marketing”. W: Have you received any degrees?

M: Yes. (6-1) First, I received my Bachelor’s degree in English Literature, and then an MBA degree.

W: Do you feel that you have received a good general training?

M: (6-2) Yes,I have studied in an English training program and a computer training program since I graduated from university. I am currently studying Finance at a training school.

W: Your resume says that you have had one-year experience working in a foreign representative office in Shanghai, may I ask why you left?

M: I worked in a foreign rep. office for one year. (7) However, I left there two years ago because the work they gave me was rather dull.

W: If you believe you are a good fit for the position, please talk about what kind of personality you think you have.

M:(8 -1) I always approach things very enthusiastically. When I begin something, I don,t like to leave it half-done.

W:And what are your personal weaknesses?

M: (8 - 2) I’m afraid I,m a poor talker. I’m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time. That is not very good for business, so I have been studying public speaking.

W:It is very difficult for somebody to see one’s own weakness. Are you more of a leader or a follower?

M:(9 -1) I don’t try to lead people. (8-3) I’d rather cooperate with everybody, and get the job done by working together.

W: You know, most workers are working under great pressure. How about overtime work?

M: Overtime work is very common in companies. (9-2) I can work overtime if it’s necessary, but I don't think we will work overtime every day.

W:Do you like regular work?

M: (9-3) No,I don’t like regular work. I am interested in different projects with new opportunities. But I can do regular work if the company needs me to do so.

W: You performed very well, sir! If you have no questions, please go through the contract and sign it.

M: OK. Thank you very much.

M: I have a few questions for you. First, I’d like to know if you offer employees sick leave.

W:Yes, employees can take up to 10 days of sick leave per year. (10-1) However, in order to get paid,you’ll have to bring in a note from the doctor’s.

M:(10-2) Even if I’m only sick for one day?

W: (10-3) That’s correct.

M: (10-4) That’s pretty strict,if you ask me.

W: (10-5) Well, we’ve had to add that to the contract because we found that many of our employees were taking almost one sick day a month,even though they weren’t sick.

M:I see. I guess that makes sense. How many days of paternity leave do you offer? W:(10-6) Men are allowed to take 10 days of paternity leave for their first child. M:(10-6) Why are women flowed so much more time for maternity leave?

W: Well, women are the ones giving birth. I think it,s fair to give them more time, don’t you?

M: I guess so. I don’t have any other questions. Should I sign here then?

W: Yes, please.


1.Town and Country Life in England There is a big difference between town life and country life in England. In the country, everybody knows everybody else. They know what time you get up, what time you go to bed and what you have for dinner. If you want help, you will always get it and you will be glad to help others. In a large town like London, however, it can sometimes happen that you have never seen your next door neighbor and you do not know his name or anything about him. People in London are often very lonely. This is because people go to different places in the evenings and at weekends. If you walk through the streets in the centre of London on Sunday, it is like a town without people. One is sorry for old people living on their own. They could die in their homes and would not be discovered for weeks or even months. 2. A Change in Women’s Life The important change in women’s life-pattern has only recently begun to have its full effect on women’s economic position. Even a few years ago most girls left school at the first opportunity, and most of them took a full-time job. However, when they married, they usually left work at once and never returned to it. Today the school-leaving age is sixteen, many girls stay at school after that age, and though women tend to marry younger, more married women stay at work at least until shortly before


41.Apology Helps It is never easy to admit you are in the wrong. Being human, we all need to know the art of apologizing. Look back with honesty and think how often you have judged roughly, you said unkind things, and pushed yourself ahead at the expense of a friend. Then count the occasions when you indicated clearly and truly that you were so sorry. A bit frightening, isn’t it? It is frightening, isn’t it? It is frightening because some deep wisdom in us knows that when even a small wrong has been committed, some mysterious moral feeling is disturbed; and it stays out of balance until fault is acknowledged and regret expressed. A heartfelt apology can not only heal a damaged relationship but also make it stronger. If you can think of someone who deserves an apology from you, someone you have wronged, or judged too roughly, or just neglected, do something about it right now. 42. Sleep Why is it so difficult to fall asleep when you are overtired? There is no one answer that applies to every individual. It is possible to feel “tired” physically and still be unable to fall asleep, because while your body may be exhausted, you do not feel sleepy. It is not so easy to simply “turn off”. Lack of sleep complicates matters even more. Experts say adults need at


Digital cameras According to a standard definition, a digital camera is a camera that produces digital images that can be stored in a computer, displayed on a screen and printed. Years ago, people used to possess two different devices in order to take pictures and make videos. The creation of digital cameras was motivated mainly by two factors. First, need to spare space. Second make it more comfortable for people to do both things with higher quality results. the multi-functionalism of digital cameras and combination of several devices in one make it a popular choice for a modern man. For years a digital camera has been unaffordable for many families. However, the variety of digital cameras and various prices nowadays make it possible for almost every single family to buy a digital camera. With increasingly fierce competition, the digital camera manufactures satisfy customers with lower prices but best quality standards. The migration of birds The most obvious feature of birds is that they can fly. This facility gives them great mobility and control over their movements. Many species can travel quickly and economically over long distances, up to thousands of kilometers, if necessary, crossing seas, deserts or other inhospitable areas. They also have great orientation and navigational skills and are able to remember and re-find remote places they have previously visited. Birds can thereby occupy widely separated areas at different seasons, returning repeatedly to the same localities from year to year. Although migration is evident in other animal groups, including insects, mammals and fish, in none is it as widely and well-developed as in birds. The collective travel routes of birds span almost the entire planet. As a result of migration, birds’ distributions are continually changing on regular seasonal patterns and on local, regional or global scales. Benefits of becoming a teacher Becoming a teacher gives you a chance to spend a major portion of your day with children or youngsters. With kids around, you are a part of their world of innocence and purity. It indeed creates a healthy work environment for you. On becoming a teacher, you get a chance to be with children, laughing with them, think their way and enjoy their innocent, silly and hopefully naughty behavior. Apart from this, the nature of your job is that you do not work on weekends and you get your share of holidays. Becoming a teacher entitles you for receiving private scholarships and sponsorships for teaching programs. However, one of the most important benefits of becoming a teacher is that teachers contribute to the shaping of the future generations. They make a difference to society by playing a vital role in nurturing young minds. British and American police officers Real policemen both in Britain and the U.S. hardly recognize any common points between their lives and what they see on TV, if they ever get home in time. Some


Popular Pastime of the English People One of the best means of understanding the people of any nation is watching what the do with their non-working time. Most English men, women and children love growing things, especially flowers. Visitors to England in spring, summer or autumn are likely to see gardens all they way along the railway lines. There are f lowers at the airports and flowers in factory grounds, as well as in gardens along the roads. Each English town has at least one park with beautifully kept flower beds. Public buildings of every kind have brilliant window boxes and sometimes baskets of flowers are hanging on them. But what the English enjoy most is growing things themselves. If it is impossible to have a garden, then a window box or something growing in a pot will do. Looking at each other ’s gardens is a popular pastime with the English. 4. British and American Police Officers Real policemen, both in Britain and the ., hardly recognize any commonpoints between their lives and what they se on TV — if they ever get home in time. Some things are almost the same, of course, but the policemen do not think much of them much of them. The first difference is that a policeman ’s real life deals with the law. Most of what he learns is the law. He has to know actually what actions are against the law and what facts can be used to prove them in court. He has to know nearly as much law as a lawyer, and what ’s more, he has to put it into practice on his feet, in the dark and, running down a narrow street after someone he wants to talk to. Little of his time is spent in talking with beautiful girls or in bravely facing cruel criminals. He will spend most of his working life arranging millions of words on thousands of forms about hundreds of sad, ordinary people who are guilty--- or not of stupid, unimportant crimes. Useful Words and Expressions: 1. think much of 重视,尊重 2. in court 在法庭上 3. criminal 罪犯,犯罪者 4. guilty 犯罪的,有罪的 5. Living Space How much living space does a person need What happens when his space needs are not met Scientists are doing experiments on rats to try to determine the effects of overcrowded conditions on man. Recent studies have shown that the behavior of rats is greatly affected by space. If rats have enough living space, they eat well, sleep well and produce their young well. But if their living conditions become too crowded, their behavior and even their health change obviously. They can not sleep and eat well, and signs of fear and worry become clear. The more crowded they are, and more they tend to bite each other and even kill each other. Thus, for rats, populations and violence are directly related. Is this a natural law for human society as well Is enough space not only satisfactory, but necessary for human survival These are interesting questions.


英语专业四级考试真题听写原文2005年 The Wrist Watch It is generally believed that wrist watches are an exception / to the normal sequence in the evolution of man's jewelry. / Reversing the usual order, they were first worn by women, / and then adopted by men. / In the old days, queens included wrist watches among their crown jewelry. / Later, they were worn by Swiss workers and farmers. / Until World War I, Americans associated the watch with fortune hunters. / Then army officers discovered that the wrist watch was most practical for active combat. / Race car drivers also loved to wear wrist watches, / and pilots found them most useful while flying. / Soon men dared to wear wrist watches without feeling self-conscious. / By 1924, some 30 percent of man's watches were worn on the wrist. / Today, the figure is 90 percent. / And they are now worn by both men and women / for practical purposes rather than for decoration. 2006年 The internet The internet is the most significant progress in the field of communications.Imagine a book that never rend, a library with milion floors,or imagine a research project with thousands of sientists working around the clock forever.This is the magic of the internet.


Unidentified Flying Objects There are many explanations for why UFOs exist on earth. The most popular one is that they may contain visitor from other planets. To fly such an aircraft the builders must develop different forms of aviation, because they seem to fly much faster than normal aircraft. The UFOs, it is believed, must contain scientists from other planets who are studying life on earth. It is even believed that several such aircraft may have landed on earth and the space visitors may be living among us. But there are also less fantastic explanations available. Although some sightings of UFO are difficult to explain, most can be explained quite easily. In many cases the observers might have made a mistake. They might have seen a weather balloon or an aircraft. Or the light they saw in the sky might have been light from the ground reflected onto the clouds. However, the exact cause of many sightings still remains a mystery. 1996 The Indian Medicine Man Among the Indians of North America, the medicine-man was a very important person. He could cure illnesses and he could speak to the spirits. The spirits were the super-natural forces that controlled the world. The Indians believed that had spirits made people ill. So when people were ill. The medicine man tried to help them by using magic. He spoke to the good spirits and asked for their help. Many people were cured because they thought that these spirits were helping them. But, really, these people curded themselves. Sometimes, your mind is the best doctor for you. The medicine-men were often successful for other reason, too. They knew about plants that really can cure illnesses. A lot of modern medicines are made from plants that were used by medicine-men hundreds of years ago. 1997 Legal Age for Marriage Throughout the United States, the legal age for marriage shows some difference. The most common age without parents’ consent is 18 for both females and males. However, persons who are under age in their home state can get married in another state, and then return to the home state legally married. Each state issues its own marriage license. Both residents and non-residents are qualified for such a license. The fees and ceremonies vary greatly from state to state. Most states, for instance, have a blood test requirement, but a few do not. Most states permit either a civil or religious ceremony, but a few require the ceremony to be religious. In most states a waiting period is required before the license is issued. This period is from one to five days depending on the state. A three-day-wait is the most common. In some states there is no required waiting period. 1998 The Railway in Britain The success of early railways, such as the lines between big cities, led to a great increase in railway building in Victorian times. Between 1835 and 1865 about 25000 kilometers of track were built, and over 100 railway companies were created. Railway travel transformed people’s lives. Trains were first designed to carry to goods. However, a law in the 19th century forced railway companies to run one cheap train a day which stopped at every station and cost only a penny a mile. Soon working class passengers found they could afford to travel by rail. Cheap day excursion trains became popular and seaside resorts grew rapidly. The railways also provided thousands of new jobs: building carriages, running the railways and repairing the tracks. Railways even changed the time. The need to run the railways on time meant that local time was abolished and clocks showed the same time all over the country.


英语专业四级听写50篇 前言 听写在英语专业四级统考中占有15%的比重,是考试的重要组成部分。 说起听写,正在准备和已经参加过英语专业四级考试的同学会说: “我能明白听写的内容,可写的时候就是跟不上!”“短文大意我明白,可是有的语我不 会写。” 这只反映出了问题的两个方面。一是听写速度不够快。二是词汇量不够或词汇掌握得不够准确。这些无疑是影响听写成绩的重要因素。但是,这些不是问题的全部。在从事听写教学及听写问卷过程中,很容易发现学生失分的具体问题: (1)没听懂,没听好,听写速度跟不上,写出的内容断断续续不连贯,学生因此大量失分; (2)有的词汇没听懂,拼写不够准确,这导致听写失分; (3)时态错误导致失分; (4)单复数不准确导致失分; (5)没有注意断句或专有名词,句子开头单词或专有名词错误使用大小写导致失分; (6)没有注意原文冠词的使用,书写时漏掉冠词导 致失分; (7)没有注意单数第三人称形式导致失分; (8)没有注意单数复数名词的形式导致失分。 上述问题的产生有的是缺乏训练造成的,如书写速度跟不上。有的则是语言基础较 差造成的,如听力较差没有完全听懂或没有掌握好词汇。而单复数、大小写、冠词漏写 等则多是粗心大意造成的。 听写部分能提高吗? 当然能!而且提高的空间很大。 笔者从事英语专业基础教学与研究,从一开始所带的教学班参加四级考试超过全国 院校平均通过率28.2个百分点,超过全国专业外语院校平均通过率12.5个百分点开始,所带的教学班在全国英语专业④级统考中通过率始终ito%,平均成绩、优秀率始终名列 前茅。最近一次所带的教学班参加四级统考,又考出了很好的成绩,通过率超过全国院 校平均水平26石个百分点,超过全国专业外语院校13.6个百分点,而且在十几个平行 班中平均成绩是最高的,优秀人数也是最多的。在四级考试中,听写一项的成绩也不例外,每次均位居第一,本项目满分15分,所带班级平均成绩能够达到14分。 是不是学生基础很好?统计表明,和平行班相比所带班级入学时并不存在什么特别 优势。 教学经验表明,听写成功的关键是训练方法和体现训练方法的训练材料。 听写训练过程中无论是老师还是学生都有必要注意以下几点: 二.扭握淤轿肘虚度大纲要求第一遍用正常速


3.A Popular Pastime of the English People One of the best means of understanding the people of any nation is watching what the do with their non-working time. Most English men, women and children love growing things, especially flowers. Visitors to England in spring, summer or autumn are likely to see gardens all they way along the railway lines. There are flowers at the airports and flowers in factory grounds, as well as in gardens along the roads. Each English town has at least one park with beautifully kept flower beds. Public buildings of every kind have brilliant window boxes and sometimes baskets of flowers are hanging on them. But what the English enjoy most is growing things themselves. If it is impossible to have a garden, then a window box or some thing growing in a pot will do. Looking at each other’s gardens is a popular pastime with the English. 4. British and American Police Officers Real policemen, both in Britain and the U.S., hardly recognize any common points between their lives and what they se on TV—if they ever get home in time. Some things are almost the same, of course, but the policemen do not think much of them much of them. The first difference is that a policeman’s real life deals with the law. Most of what he learns is the law. He has to know actually what actions are against the law and what facts can be used to prove them in court. He has to know nearly as much law as a lawyer, and what’s more, he has to put it into practice on his feet, in the dark and, running down a narrow street after someone he wants to talk to. Little of his time is spent in talking with beautiful girls or in bravely facing cruel criminals. He will spend most of his working life arranging millions of words on thousands of forms about hundreds of sad, ordinary people who are guilty--- or not of stupid, unimportant crimes. Useful Words and Expressions: 1. think much of 重视,尊重 2. in court 在法庭上 3. criminal 罪犯,犯罪者 4. guilty 犯罪的,有罪的 5. Living Space How much living space does a person need? What happens when his space needs are not met? Scientists are doing experiments on rats to try to determine the effects of overcrowded conditions on man. Recent studies have shown that the behavior of rats is greatly affected by space. If rats have enough living space, they eat well, sleep well and produce their young well. But if their living conditions become too crowded, their behavior and even their health change obviously. They can not sleep and eat well, and signs of fear and worry become clear. The more crowded they are, and more they tend to bite each other and even kill each other. Thus, for rats, populations and violence are directly related. Is this a natural law for human society as well? Is enough space not only satisfactory, but necessary for human survival? These are interesting questions. 6. The United Nations In 1945, representatives of 50 nations met to plan this organization. It was called the United


听 写 Contents 第一章英语专业四级50篇听写实战大演练 P ASSAGE 1............................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。?What a Firefighter’s Job Is Iike.............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。P ASSAGE 2............................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。?Aliens ....................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。P ASSAGE 3............................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。?Computer Eyeglasses............................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。P ASSAGE 4............................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。?Labor Day ................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。P ASSAGE 5............................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。?Negative Effects of Television ................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。P ASSAGE 6............................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。?Family Life in India ................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。P ASSAGE 7............................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。?Society’s Influence on Education ........................................................... 错误!未定义书签。P ASSAGE 8............................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。?Choosing the Perfect Hair Color ............................................................ 错误!未定义书签。P ASSAGE 9............................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。?Traditional Brazilian Clothing................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。P ASSAGE 10........................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。?Culture Shock .......................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。P ASSAGE 11........................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。?Spy Cell Phones ....................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。P ASSAGE 12........................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。?Water Pollution........................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。P ASSAGE 13........................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。?Health Benefits of Red Wine ................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

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