土木工程概论 论文 修订版

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摘要:土木工程是人类历史上年代最久远的“技术科学”,作为一种系统的产业活动,土木工程的实质是生产的过程,是一种技术过程。土木工程也是建造各类工程设施的科学技术的统称,它既指工程建设的对象,即建在地上、地下、水中的各种工程设施,也指所应用的材料、设备和所进行的勘测设计、施工、保养、维修等技术。作为一个重要的基础学科,土木工程有其重要的属性:综合性,社会性,实践性,技术经济与艺术统一性。随着人类社会的进步而发展,土木工程至今已经演变成为大型综合性的学科,并已经出许多分支,如:建筑工程,铁路工程,道路工程,桥梁工程,特种工程结构,给水排水工程,港口工程,水利工程,环境工程等学科。土木工程共有六个专业:建筑学,城市规划,土木工程,建筑环境与设备工程,给水排水工程和道路桥梁工程。通过一个学期土木工程概论课的学习,我已经深深地感受到土木工程涵盖的广泛,体味了前人取得的成就,也领悟了作为一名土木工程师的重大责任。当然,我们不能沉浸于现已取得的辉煌成就,止步不前。我们还应当与时俱进,去挖掘,去发现,去思考,去想象,去创新。在此,作为一名中国未来的土木工程师,我想结合土木工程的历史,结合我国的国情和世界形势,谈一谈土木工程的可持续发展之路。My knowledge about civil engineering has been broadened since I became a stu dent of Tongji University.Civil engineering is a form of human activity. Human beings p ursued it to change the natural environment for their own benefit. Buildings, transportati ons, facilities, infrastructures are all included in civil engineering.The development of civi l engineering has a long history. Our seniors had left a lot of great constructions to us. For example, Zhao Zhou Bridge is the representative of our Chinese civil engineering

masterpieces. It has a history of more than 1300 years and is still service at present.Ci vil engineering has been so rapid development of the period. A lot of new bridges hav e been constructed, and many greater plans are under discussion. China is a large co unty. And she is still well developing. So this era will be both exciting and rewarding fo r the Chinese Civil Engineers. And of course, civil engineering’s future is promising.How ever, civil engineers will be facing more plex problems. We should pay attention to the growing population and a lot of deteriorating infrastructures. We should prepare for the possibility of natural disasters. To meet grow needs in the future; we should also try t o update all the transportation systems.To deal with these problems, we will have to de velop innovative and enterprising skills. And we should choose a way that we can go c ontinuously. Hazard Mitigation may be a great choice. Not only can it save money in t he long run, but also avoid getting into an embarrassing situation in which we have to rebuild all the broken buildings. And we should also use more environmentally friendly materials when designing or constructing new buildings.Well, to be a brilliant civil engin eer is not easy. Today, engineering is a synthetic system. It not only depends on tradit ional mechanics, but also closely related to advanced science. So Physics, Chemistry, Material Science, puter Science and perhaps more are all in our civil engineering progr am.To be a good civil engineer, we should have the ability to apply the knowledge, to design a system, a ponent, or a procedure of construction. We should also be able to conduct experiments and explain the results. Furthermore, an engineer never works alo ne, so we shall cooperate with working team, and try our best to municate effectively.I’m very glad to be a student in this wonderful field. And I will try my best to be a succ essful civil engineer, to make contributions to our motherland.