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A History of Native Art in Canada and North America

A History of Native Art in Canada and North America /nativeart.html


∙Native Art乡土艺术


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Home > 首页> Native Art乡土艺术

Native Art乡土艺术

A History of Native Art in Canada and North America一个在加拿大


The story of the development of native art in North America is complex and must rely a great deal on archaeological and ethnographical evidence.作者在北美本土艺术的发展故事是复杂的,必须依靠考古和民族学的证据很大。The history of native art in Canada began sometime during the last ice age although the earliest surviving artifacts...在加拿大本土艺术史的某个时候开始,在最后一个冰河时代,虽然最早的文物... decorative and depictive carvings from the Lower Fraser Valley in British Columbia...appear to date from only 5000 years ago.从装饰性和描述性雕刻下在不列颠哥伦比亚省弗雷泽河谷...似乎只有日期由5000年以前。

The development of native art may be divided into three distinct periods:对本地艺术的发展可分为三个不同的时期:

prehistoric art史前艺术

contact or "historic" art接触或“历史性”的艺术

contemporay native art本土的当代艺术

Ethnographers have shown that a correct interpretation of the function and meaning of Native artworks depends upon an understanding and appreciation of the ways of life, aesthetic values and principles of the peoples themselves.人类学家已经表明,一个函数的正确解释和乡土艺术作品的意义时的理解和人生,审美价值和原则的人民自己的方式表示赞赏而定。Prehistoric Native Art史前本土艺术

Relative to the other periods, there is little known about the prehistoric period of native art in North America.相对于其他时期,很少有了解的北美本土艺术的史前时期。The end of the prehistoric period varies from region to region across the continent.史前时期的结束因地区而异整个非洲大陆。For example in Canada, the first contact with the French explorers in the Maritimes and along the St. Lawrence River took place in the 16th century, but Europeans didn't meet up with the First Nations people living on the west coast until late in the 18th century.对于在加拿大的例子,在大西洋省份与法国探险家沿圣劳伦斯河第一次接触发生在16世纪的地方,但不符合欧洲人与原住民生活在西海岸直到晚在人民行动18世纪。

Climatic and geographic conditions don't allow for the survival of artworks made from perishable materials like wood, fibre or hide, so most prehistoric art has been lost.气候和地理条件不允许从材料如木头易腐艺术品生存,纤维或隐藏,所以大多数史前艺术已丢失。 A major exception has been rock art...paintings in red ochre or carvings incised upon natural rock surfaces.一个主要的例外是岩石艺术...画红色赭石或切开后,自然岩石表面雕刻。Yet there have been some important discoveries.然而,有一些重要的发现。A tiny antler figurine, probably 4000 years, old gives evidence of the beginnings of what would become historic northwest coast art and a 5000 year old petroglyph site in northwestern Ontario speaks of the imagery that is used by contemporary artists.小小的鹿茸雕像,大概4000年,旧的起源提供了证据,什么将成为西北海岸的艺术和历史5000年安大略省西北部的古老岩石雕刻的网站是由当代艺术家们用形象


The discovery and dating of prehistoric artworks depends on painstaking excavation and careful interpretation. Totem poles were once thought to be the product of European contact, but its since been verifired that they have had a continuous on-site development dating back at least 2500 years.约会的发现和艺术品史前取决于挖掘和认真细致的解释。图腾柱一度被认为是联系产品欧洲,但其被verifired他们曾连续在现场开发,至少可以追溯到2500年。

Like contemporary art, prehistoric art has varied not only in genre, style, function, imagery and meaning from region to region, but has undergone changes from period to period.像当代艺术,史前艺术各不相同,不仅在体裁,风格,功能,形象和区域意义的地区,而且经历了从时间变

化的时期。Across North America these changes accelerated around 1000BC when pottery, agriculture and settled village life in the Eastern Woodlands made its impact.北美各地约1000BC时,这些陶器,农业和定居在东兀兰乡村生活作出了加速变化的影响。

There are several exceptional occurrences of prehistoric art in Canada.在加拿大有许多史前艺术中的几个特殊事件。

The Marpole culture which existed from approximately 500BC to 500 AD along the Fraser River delta and the surrounding Gulf Islands produced a plentiful variety of stone and bone carvings in the shape of ceremonial bowls, effigies and utensils that are distinct forerunners of the style and iconography of historic west coast native art.从文化的马波尔约500BC至500沿菲沙河三角洲及周边海湾群岛广告对其存在制作的礼仪形状的石头雕刻丰富的品种和骨碗,肖像和器


In southern Ontario the precontact Iroquoian culture between 900 - 1600 AD produced highly technical and visually appealing pottery that was decorated with representational and geometric designs.在安大略省南部的precontact易洛魁文化之间900 - 公元1600年生产的高度技